He Gets Abandoned From His Kingdom, So He Becomes A Overpowered Villain

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The hero was the one who saved all of humanity by defeating the Demon Lord. Everyone was grateful, b...
Video Transcript:
the hero Leo demenhart was the one who saved all of humanity by defeating the Demon Lord everyone was grateful but there was one person who was very afraid of Leo's power the king the king became so scared of Leo's might that he chose to betray him he banished Leo from the kingdom this betrayal made Leo angry and he decided that he would get revenge by joining forces with the very demons he had once fought Leo then began his journey to a castle where he hoped to join the Demon's side when he got there he noticed
that the castle was falling apart and in really bad shape he didn't let that stop him though and went right into the throne room inside the throne room he met the demon queen named Echidna laugh she wasn't alone she had her four powerful followers with her known as the four Great generals Leo walked up to them took off his hood and told them who he was the former hero who once saved Humanity he explained to them that he was there to apply for a job in the Queen's demon Army but Echidna was not happy to
see him in her anger she threw Fire magic at Leo burning only his cape Leo tried his is best to convince her that he could make her Army even stronger but she kept attacking and refusing him feeling desperate Leo asked the four Great generals for help and they agreed to meet with him during their meeting it was revealed that a year ago echidna's demon Army tried to invade the human world the human King gathered a bunch of Heroes to fight back but only Leo was strong enough to defeat the demons as Leo talked with the
generals he started to remember how he had met and defeated each one of them the first general Edward was a dragon and he and Leo had a sword duel Leo won that fight the next general merns was half demon and half human he was beaten by Leo's powerful magic Leo also remembered meeting the third General Lily a beast who had forgotten who she was when they first met Leo took care of her but when she got her memory back she tried to kill him she lost the fight and because of her tribe's belief in marrying
the one who defeats you she fell in love with Leo the last General was steina a powerful succubus who uses magic she lost to Leo when he made a barrier that stopped all her magic Leo figured out that steina was not very good at fighting up close and that's how he defeated her steina wants to talk about something different so she asks Leo why he wants to join their demon Army Leo starts to tell his story and hears what he says after he had a really tough battle with Echidna and managed to defeat her he
went back to the capital city where he was from but when he got there he noticed that people were looking at him in a strange way they looked scared and worried he soon figured out that word had spread all around that he was incredibly strong and that made people scared they were afraid that he might turn evil and use his strength to destroy everyone that's why the kid who wanted to keep his people happy called Leo to thank him for protecting something very important called the Philosopher's Stone but then the king told Leo that he
had to leave and couldn't live in their lands anymore so Leo had to go into hiding and started traveling all over the world he felt lost until one day he heard that Echidna was looking for new soldiers for her Army Leo thought that maybe he could join them so he got ready to show at China what he could do he felt that if the world wanted to get rid of him he would be the one to get rid of them first steina listened to Leo's story and believed him she decided that he could join the
demon Army but only on a trial basis he would have one month to prove himself and steina would keep a close eye on him but there was one big rule Queen achidna couldn't find out that Leo had been hired after the meeting Leo went back to the throne room thinking about how much work there was to do when he was a hero he had almost destroyed the entire demon Army so they would have to rebuild almost everything then he remembered something interesting about Echidna she had once told her soldiers not to kill anyone because she
wanted to rule peacefully Leo was curious about this and planned to ask her why she acted that way after he passed her test the next morning Leo got up very early ready to work he went to Stein his room but the door was locked he used magic to open it and tried to wake her up but she told him to go away because she was really tired Leo didn't give up though he used another spell to change his voice to sound like etchedness hoping that might get her out of bed steina wakes up in a
panic when she hears Leo speaking with echidna's voice she immediately starts giving a report about all the problems and things that need to be fixed in the Army but soon she realizes that she's actually talking to Leo not at chidna this makes her really angry and she starts attacking Leo with her magical powers after the confusion steina gets dressed and meets Leo in his office they talk about how the demon Army is in bad shape when Leo attacked the castle before most of the important demons had to go back to their world to heal stina
has been left alone to take care of everything that's left and it's a big job Leo wants to help he offers to work on a special list of tasks that Steiner needs to complete he even says he can fix something called the mono reactors which usually only the person who made them can do but Leo can do it because he can match steina's magical energy before he gets to work he changes into a dark night disguise and calls himself Lord Onyx so no one will recognize him as is leaving the office he sees a girl
named Diana who looks at Leo and then runs away Leo doesn't let that stop him and 30 minutes later he's back in steina's office telling her that he's fixed the reactors but Leo is tired so he tells steina that he needs to rest before lying down he makes a magical sphere called The Mirage eye so he can watch Steiner work while he takes a break steina thinks he's had enough rest after a while but Leo says he needs more an hour goes by and steina gets really angry she tries to pull Leo off the sofa
but he uses magic that makes everything heavy to stay put this makes steina even angrier and she's about to use some powerful magic against him but just then she's interrupted when Diana knocks on the door Diane at hands a special Talisman to Leo telling him that it worked perfectly steina learns that Leo had purchased a purple gem called an amethyst from a goblin creature Leo then filled the gem with magical energy that matches stylus and he taught Diana how to use the charm to help with the energy reactors Diana in turn found three be more
people to help her share the work Leo asks Diana to continue looking after the reactors along with her new helpers and he promises to create enough talismans for all of them steina is surprised and impressed by what Leo has done Leo explains that Diana was concerned about Steiner's health because she's been working so hard since the Army lost their battle he assures Dinah that she can ask for help if she needs it which touches her deeply later Leo advises steina to let others help her more and gives her a paper that rearranges her tasks he
points out some tasks marked and read that she can let others do and He suggests she teach her followers to handle them steina admits that she was wronged about Leo and thanks him saying she's looking forward to working together that night Steiner calls Leo to her again and tells him about a mission involving Lily who's going to the long sea the dragons on an island there are allies of the demon Army and Supply the castle with Goods Steiner shows Leo Lily's disastrous plan for the mission and asks him to go the next day Leo arrives
at Largo where he finds Lily in her followers having a wild race and causing destruction everywhere after the race everyone takes a break Leo sits on the beach and starts thinking of a way to use the Army's creatures skills to carry the supplies in the best possible way Lily comes over and offers Leo a carrot but he turns her down she then goes to offer the carrots to her workers one of the masks who Leo is but just as Lily is about to Spill the Beans Leo stops her and says that he's just an assistant
after taking a little break Leo attempts to hand out some tasks to the workers but they ignore him they explain that only Lily can give them orders hearing this Leo decides to take a pause at a nearby store a few minutes later Lily comes in to check on him Leo tells her that his head is hurting which makes Lily quite worried she rushes off to find medicine for him seeing how concerned she is Leo concocts an elaborate plan to teach her a lesson when Lily comes back with the medicine she finds Leo pretending to be
on the brink of death claiming that a poisonous snake bit him he tells her that the only cure is some special herbs found in the Western Peaks Lily immediately races off to find them as soon as she leaves Leo magically heals himself and reveals that he summoned the snake he sends a magical eye called a mirage eye to watch Lily's progress he explains that he's set up challenges on the way to the Western Peaks and Lily can only pass them by asking her followers for help meanwhile Lily transforms into a Divine wolf named fenrir to
collect the herbs faster she reaches the first obstacle an unbreakable Rock she tries to break it with sheer strength but it doesn't work Leo watches and waits hoping she'll ask for help however Lily is stubborn and keeps hammering at the rock until she finally breaks it this frustrates Leo as she didn't learn the lesson he was trying to teach next Lily encounters a tunnel filled with gooey creatures called slimes they block her path but she uses her wolf howl to destroy the main one causing the others to be destroyed as well finally she reaches a
cliff that she can't get past here Leo shows up disguised as a man named godheart he advises her to ask a friend for help this time Lily listens and goes to find assistance after a while Lily shows up in the river below the cliff explaining to Leo that she asked for help in a nearby town they told her she could swim across the river's bottom and then climb up Lily easily crosses to the other side of the river and continues to pass the other tests that Leo had laid out for her until she finally reaches
the Western Peaks to collect the medicinal herbs the following day Leo wakes up and discovers that Lily has left the medicinal herb for him she then comes into the store to check on Leo and presents him with a drawing of a new Mission plant she wants to know if Leo thinks this plan could lead to them working Better Together Leo asks her if she came up with this plan herself and she tells him that godheart advised her on it at this moment Leo realizes that he just needed to suggest a better way of working later
Leo meets with steina and provides her with a report on the successful mission in Largo this report leads Dinah to recognize that Lily is gradually growing and maturing then steinus shows Leo a message from the demon queen achidna in which she demands that the Dark Knight Onyx come to see her immediately Leo quickly goes to echidna's living room where the demon queen warmly greets him and thanks him for everything he has done for the Army she even invites him to a private Feast just the two of them as they talk and drink together Echidna asks
Leo to remove his helmet however Leo declines saying it's a matter of politeness Echidna attempts to take it off anyway but before she can Leo uses magic to slightly alter his appearance upon seeing his face Echidna tells him she likes what she sees Leo then tries to get Echidna drunk to end the conversation but after serving her several drinks he realizes that it won't work after a few hours of chatting Echidna thanks him again for everything he's done and tells him that anyone is welcome in her Army curious Leo asks her about the hero and
this question makes achidna angry she begins to speak negatively about Leo unaware that he is actually the man in front of her she even complains that if it weren't for the hero she he would already have possession of the Philosopher's Stone we learn about the Philosopher's Stone a legendary treasure that was used in building the capital city this magical stone is said to have the power to transform Baron dead lands into lush green fields and even cure diseases curious about why Echidna the demon queen once the Philosopher's Stone Leo asks her about it she leads
him to a balcony to enjoy a beautiful view and then explains her motivation echina reveals that the Demon World Is A lifeless Wasteland without sunlight or vegetation and it's in complete chaos due to the harsh conditions Etch in his dream is to use the Philosopher's Stone to rejuvenate her world and make it a wonderful place to live Leo also questions about why she prohibits unnecessary killing echidna's response is simple yet profound she can't help but feel empathy for humans she also admits that she doesn't Harbor resentment against the hero Leo recognizing that he was just
fulfilling his duty the conversation then turns to Leo's reasons for joining the demon Army moved by by etchedness sincerity he's about to reveal his true identity to her but they're suddenly interrupted by steina and Lily they present two notes to achidna the notes reveal that merns has left the Army to travel and Edward has taken away the Apple because he couldn't properly train his soldiers after reading the notes Leo offers to find myrns while Echidna promises to deal with Edward Leo leaves the castle and follows merns's magical Trail to a forest there he is unexpectedly
attacked by murns who attempts to kill him however Leo quickly Reveals His true identity calming burns down the two then sit to talk but Leo takes a precaution by magically chaining merns's ankle to prevent him from leaving as the Army needs him during their conversation merns informs Leo that he will need to interview new recruits in three days by himself a task that he's not comfortable with because he's not good at speaking Burns was planning to travel to other towns to learn how to become a better Communicator since he's unsure about this ability and has
an upcoming task to interview new applicants he turns to Leo for help he asks Leo to teach him how to communicate effectively in just three days Leo seems hesitant at first which prompts merns to try to leave however he's stopped by the magical chain Leo had placed on his ankle seeing this Leo reassures merns and tells him that he will be his new teacher later Leo talks with Echidna the demon queen who fills him in on what happened with myrns she also tells Leo that Edward another character is fine even though he had tried to
take an apple using various weapons that ended up destroyed in a new effort to improve merns's communication skills Leo and merns disguise themselves as waiters in the Castle's dining room this practical experience allows merns to learn how to better relate to others Leo advises him to empathize with others and listen actively as they serve food murns puts Leo's tips into practice and makes a thoughtful recommendation to some new mercenaries about what type of meat to eat one of the mercenaries rudely ignores murns and tries to mistreat him but murns quickly subdues him breaking his arm
and defeats the others with ease after the altercation as they walk through the castle Leo commends murns for his communication with the mercenaries they proceed to Leo's room for a simulated interview Burns asks Leo why he joined their group suspecting that Leo's earlier statement about wanting to destroy Humanity was a lie as Leo has enough power to do so on his own Leo tries to dodge the question making light of the situation Burns then asks Leo if he ever wanted to see the demons dead at this point we learn a significant detail about merns's background
his parents sold him because he was half demon Burns ended up serving several Masters eventually he was bought by the Assassin's Guild where he discovered that he had a natural talent for killing during a time when he helped the demon Army invade a city merns was surprised to learn that Echidna the demon queen wasn't there to kill everyone instead she began to do good things for the city's inhabitants witnessing her kindness murns decided to join atchidna's army and he found that he got along well with several people there merns tell Leo that he initially helped
Echidna with the hope of destroying the humans but his plans were forwarded by Leo now curious about Leo's story murns asks to hear it Leo Begins by describing a Time thousands of years ago when the human world was in the Machine Age suddenly a large hole appeared in Tokyo and many demons came through wreaking havoc and spreading conflict throughout the planet recognizing that humans were powerless against the demons Humanity United to create 12 biological weapons with demonic power these were known as the demon heart series and their sole purpose was to defend Humanity As Time
passed these Heroes began to age and die with some falling on the battlefield Leo however was designed to be durable and long-lived and he ended up being the only one of the twelve to survive after the fall of the industrial World Leo took on the role of teaching magic to humans he continued to defend them in times of war never abandoning them however Leo confesses to merns that he felt relieved when the humans banished him as it allowed him to stop being a hero and start being himself now Leo lives a second life assisting the
demon Army he assures murns that he will help them achieve their goal of obtaining the Philosopher's Stone a powerful object with the potential to revitalize their world and will work towards their happiness Vern's expresses confusion about why Leo shared his extensive backstory with him Leo explains that he told him all of that because merns wanted to hear it and encourages merns to continue being genuine and considerate he believes these qualities will help murns conduct a good interview a few days later Leo meets with Edward's daughter Julieta she expresses concern about her father particularly how seriously
he's taking the defeat of his followers by Amir Arch Chimera Julieta explains that Edward expects his soldiers to be as strong as he is and he's disappointed and thinks they're not putting in enough effort since they were defeated so easily upon hearing this Leo assures Julietta that he'll handle Edward's Behavior meanwhile merns talks to steina and Lily and informs them that Leo is a living weapon Style reacts by stating that if Leo does anything suspicious they'll report him to Echidna the demon queen but for now they decide to trust him while keeping an eye on
his actions the scene shifts to Leo pondering a plan to make Edward a better teacher he comes across Lily's new report detailing the discovery of a giant monster known as mechanical Golem and this gives him a great idea later on Echidna calls Leo to inform him that Edward has decided to resign as a general and start over as a foot soldier Leo reassures her that he'll take care of the problem before ending the call Echidna tells Leo that once everything is resolved she has something important to discuss with him finally Lily presents the mechanical Golem
to Leo and Julieta Leo explains that this giant monster is a weapon from the Industrial Age and he plans to use it to solve the entire problem involving edible and his soldiers a few hours after the earlier events Edward gathers his soldiers and tells them he's stepping down as general he announces that giulietta will take over his position how however their meeting is suddenly interrupted by the appearance of the mechanical Golem at the camp Edward quickly asserts that he's still in charge and orders his soldiers to attack the Golem despite their efforts none of the
soldiers managed to harm the giant machine and they all run away in fear Edward bravely tries to attack the Golem himself but the Golem fights back with a sword and nearly wounds him seriously just in time Leo shows up and begins to explain what the Golem's weapon is made of he also offers Edward advice on how to defeat the giant machine with Leo's guidance Edward starts to fight the Golem effectively giulietta then provides a crucial tip pointing out that the machine's weak point is in its right torso Edward takes her advice strikes at that spot
and successfully defeats the Golem however the defeated Golem starts making a strange noise waking up other nearby Golems at this critical moment Echidna appears with the remaining generals and they work together to stop the other awakened Golems after the conflict Leo lectures Edward pointing out that it's inconceivable he didn't know the Golem's weaknesses he accuses Edward of not trying hard enough leaving Edward to realize that he has been treating his soldiers in the same way this realization prompts Edward to apologize to his troops for his harsh treatment his soldiers forgive him and promise to try
harder in the future urging him not to give up on them days after this conflict we find Leo reading a book in his room steina enters and informs Leo of a special meeting that is to take place echina plans to promote Leo to a leadership rank alongside the other generals Leo responds to steina's announcement about the special meeting by saying that he'll take the opportunity to explain his real reasons for joining the demon Army as steina is about to leave she notices that Leo is reading a book titled ibrad the one that joins hands Leo
simply tells her that he wanted to read something without going into detail once Dinah leaves the room Leo reflects on how the ibred in the book differs from the real life one this thought leads to a flashback from thousands of years ago where Leo is about to kill an imp named ibrad in this flashback hybrid explains to Leo that not all demons wanted to attack Humanity the situation began when the Demon King accidentally opened a portal connecting the human world with the Demon World many demons were curious and wanted to see what the human world
was like thinking it might be better than their own world hybrid grows excited as he talks to Leo sensing that if he keeps Leo interested in his story he might not be killed he describes the human world as fascinating and speaks of the harmony that once existed there unfortunately according to ibrad the Demon King baliel disrupted this harmony with his violent ways Leo recognizes the name balil from Human records hybrid suggests that perhaps someone from the demon royalty appeared in the human world in the past which could explain why the name balil is found in
various books as the conversation continues ibran and Leo go for a walk and ibrid shares more of his story he tried to return to his world but the portal was sealed leaving him trapped in the human world he explains that the Demon's intentions were to expand because of a lack of resources in their world but creatures like ogres and ghouls started a war creating chaos in the human realm Leo and ibrid chat about the problems and dysfunctions of the Demon World and after hearing everything Leo makes a decision instead of killing the Imp he takes
ibrad to the containment Squad recognizing that the information he has received could be valuable ibrid curiously asks for Leo's name which brings a smile to Leo's face as no demon had ever asked him this before he introduces himself to ibrad and shares the reasons behind his creation as a defender of humanity ibrad in turn tells Leo that his existence seems rather sad trapped in a never-ending cycle of saving Humanity He suggests that Leo should find a new reason to live and begins to show genuine concern for Leo's well-being Leo brushes off ibrad's worry explaining that
he is the weakest among the demon heart series and might die in combat anyway so ibrad shouldn't fret over him as the containment Squad arrives ibred expresses his hope to Leo that humans and demons can eventually find a way to live in harmony before Leo leaves ibrad encourages him telling him that if life becomes too hard he should follow his own path and live life his way he adds that if Humanity no longer needs Leo that could be his opportunity to find a new purpose ibrad asks Leo to remember his name promising that he won't
forget Leos either with that the flashback ends back in the present Leo heads to echidna's living room ibrad's words still fresh in his mind he's determined to reveal his true identity to the queen but the meeting is suddenly interrupted by a member of the army who announces that the portal of the great spirit is closing echina with the assistance of steina and Leo attempts to stop the portal from closing after their efforts they gather in a room where Echidna informs them that the portal will remain open for no more than seven days we learn that
the portal in question is the vital link between the human world and the Demon World if it were to close it could take hundreds or even thousands of years to open another one this puts everyone in a tight spot leaving them with only two choices the first option is to return to the Demon World and disband the Army the second is to go to the kingdom and attempt to steal the Philosopher's Stone a powerful object however since the kingdom is protected by the hero Echidna the queen chooses the first option not wanting to cause unnecessary
Bloodshed at this moment Lily starts to reveal the truth about the hero but is quickly silenced by steina who says that now is not the time for such Revelations Echidna feeling defeated and emotional stands up and turns her back to her followers thanking them for their help she does this to hide her tears as she is heartbroken that she can't fulfill her dream of saving her world despite her sadness she tries to stay strong believing that a queen must never show weakness however Leo changes the course of the conversation by taking off his helmet and
explaining that there are actually two philosophers Stones not just one Echidna is still facing away from him so she doesn't see this Revelation at first Leo goes on to say that the Philosopher's Stone isn't a simple wish granting device they will need to find a manual that explains how it works so they can use its energy for etchedness purpose after explaining all this Leo asks achina to turn around when she does she's shocked to see that Leo is really the hero she despises so much this leads to her becoming very upset and causing a commotion
once everyone calms down a bit they sit and talk Leo tries to explain that hiding his identity was the only way he could assist her but this only makes achina angrier Lily steina Edward and merns all step into persuade Echidna to listen which eventually leads her to calm down and accept the situation Leo then reveals that the second Philosopher's Stone is located on a mountain guarded by a powerful being the group sets out towards the mountain but along the way Lily struggles with the cold as her race is not adapted to low temperatures steina helps
Lily with her cold problem by using a spell to keep her warm with this problem solved the group including all the generals can continue on their Journey as they walk Leo and Echidna talk about the possibility of creating peace and Harmony between the human and Demon races Echidna expresses her determination to do whatever it takes to achieve this piece and Leo Smiles in response but Echidna notices a trace of sadness in his face before she can ponder it further Leo starts teasing her leading to a playful exchange where Echidna throws snow at him she eventually
dismisses the sadness she saw as just Her Imagination the generals observed this interaction and are pleased to see that Leo and it shouldn't get along so well they even think that Leo might become the fifth General then Leo shares the truth about his origin with Echidna she's surprised to learn how old he is in the endless cycle of having to save Humanity that he's caught it when they reach the Mountain's top murns wonders where the guardian they were told about is Leo then shocks Everyone by revealing that the guardian never existed and that the second
Philosopher's Stone is actually his heart he goes on to tell them that if they try to runaway he will eliminate all the people in the world he explains that they must kill him if they want to save both humanity and the demons then Leo attacks them with his sword but Echidna is quick to use a spell to protect everyone this intense moment triggers memories of echidna's childhood she remembers a servant telling her about a hero in the human world who protects people describing how powerful he is echidner recalls how this hero was able to defeat
not only the Demon King baliel but also a mighty sorcerer named nostero the servant warned that should not to challenge the hero once she becomes queen as she could die by his hand echina dismisses this warning claiming that she could defeat him easily since he's only human she adds however that she might never have to face the hero as she doesn't want to be the queen of the Demon World back in the present Echidna attempts to talk to Leo but he cuts her off attacking her and initiating a sword duel the General's watch in shock
is the two fight Leo manages to knock at chidna down informing her that he was created solely to save the world he then launches a powerful attack at her but she Dodges it Leo tells echina that he will save the world even if he has to destroy it to do so explaining that otherwise he will lose his sense of identity echidner realizes that Leo's words are somewhat contradictory but then his behavior takes a dark turn as he starts to act like a villain laughing maniacally he uses a wind spell to knock a chidna down and
tries to kill her with his sword but Edward steps in to stop him he moves Leo away from the queen and attempts to face him one-on-one telling Leo that they don't need to fight steina also tries to reason with Leo but he grows angry feeling that they don't understand the situation he pushes Edward away and attempts to kill him but steina intervenes using a spell to trap Leo in a dark compressing prison Leo quickly destroys the dark prison spell that had trapped him without any apparent effort he then kicks Edward sending him flying away and
challenges steina saying that if he wants the Philosopher's Stone he'll have to fight seriously steina tries to understand and why Leo can't continue to help them as he has been attempting to reason with him but Leo insists that if they don't kill him everyone will die and he attacks Dinah with multiple magic arrows Edward intervenes using his body as a shield to protect steina Leo then tries to kill Edward but that shouldn't have stops him frustrated Leo explains that he's fed up with everything because of his ability to not die he's stuck in a repetitive
cycle of saving the world doing the same thing over and over again he creates multiple arrows in the sky and threatens to destroy all worlds launching the arrows of Echidna and her generals however echina protects everyone with a Magic Shield Lily then pleads with Leo to stop offering to listen to his problems as he had once listened to her Leo dismisses her saying that their weakness is the biggest problem and then attacks Lily leaving her unconscious echina becomes angry and no longer sees Leo as the hero he once was she attacks him intending to eliminate
him steina also attacks using a high-ranking spell to call down lightning on Leo's stomach but he's completely unharmed surprising both at chidna and steina Edward then stands up and shows his great respect and admiration for Leo even though Leo has turned against them Edward still considers him a friend and decides to use his Dragon Blood to fight seriously Edward starts fighting against Leo with everything he's got but Leo is no easy opponent he stops Edward's attack with his hand and freezes him entirely then using fire magic he damages Edward's dragon scales and kicks him in
the stomach taking him out of the fight at chidna and steina see this and decide they must fight together to defeat Leo steina creates an earth prison to trap Leo and Echidna uses her Fire magic to set it aflame but Leo isn't trapped for long he breaks free from the spells without a scratch echina then remembers that Leo has a special ability called hyper-reactive ability which lets him copy and enhance any power including defensive ones this makes him nearly unbeatable as Leo slowly approaches at chinna he suddenly gets a cut on his neck Marin shows
up upset that he couldn't seriously injure Leo he joins Echidna to fight against Leo during the battle murns questions Leo's true motives Leo says he wants to fight against the world hoping someone can defeat him but merns doesn't believe him and uses an Air skill to fight Leo in the sky Leo copies the ability and they battle among the clouds runs creates clones to confuse Leo and tries to tell Leo that he knows he doesn't really hate the world or want to eliminate humans but before he can reveal Leo's true intentions he starts to freeze
and falls from the sky completely defeated Leo starts laughing but then Lily transformed into the wolf fenrir launches a surprise attack she tearfully tells Leo that she will try to stop him since he doesn't seem to be enjoying what he's doing despite her best efforts Leo knocks her out with powerful lightning seeing their dire situation and the power of Leo Echidna decides to use a final powerful spell she asks Dinah to distract Leo to give her enough time to prepare this last-ditch effort steina agrees jumping into action azechina prepares her spell she recalls a memory
from her past her father The Demon King had taught her a special technique designed to defeat the hero this technique was created by Estero and Echidna even though it's a long shot she decides to use it against Leo meanwhile steina tries to reason with Leo while she fights him she points out his kindness explaining that he had multiple chances to kill them all but he didn't but despite her words Leo gets close to steina and lands a punch in her stomach causing her to fall in defeat as Leo moves to finish her off Echidna completes
her spell she unleashes her last ditch effort a powerful spell called anti-hero as the spell hurtles towards Leo he's flooded with memories he remembers a time when he walked through the streets of renales and saw a woman giving bread to happy children the woman wished for Everlasting peace in the world but Leo realizes that he doesn't share the same wish he feels an intense wave of sadness knowing that his very existence relies on the threats that Humanity faces in his despair he hatches a plan if he causes the chaos himself he could continue to be
the hero he's always been with this plan in mind Leo visits an abandoned laboratory and uses his magic to repair the broken equipment after his work in the lab he manages to recreate the demon heart series which he still had in development Leo then declares his new mission to everyone he will bring chaos to the world and eliminate Humanity this way he can keep his identity as a hero and continue his rescue missions indefinitely after his dark Revelation Leo goes back to the city and discovers that a new portal has appeared in the mountains he
announces that he will protect everyone taking charge of the situation however something inside him recognizes the DraStic actions he's been taking he suddenly understands that he was on the brink of destroying Humanity for his own selfish desires this realization shakes him deeply and he decides to head back to the laboratory he recently built once there he begins to destroy all the heroes of the diamond heart series feeling guilty about what he he almost did but after a moment of remorse he regained some calmness he then makes a Monumental decision he will stop being a hero
and will give his Philosopher's Stone to someone more deserving his new Quest begins with him fighting and defeating the demon Army that's been threatening Humanity during these battles he encounters Echidna for the first time he's impressed by her strong moral stance as she orders her Army not to shed unnecessary blood or engage in looting destruction or arson Furious about achidna Leo kidnapped some of her soldiers to interrogate them he finds that they all speak highly of their Queen which leads Leo to siachina as a potential successor he then decides to test her in her generals
facing them in battle to gauge their determination and ability after defeating all the generals and besting atchina herself Leo comes to believe that she's worthy of his Philosopher's Stone returning to the present moment the spell Etch in the cast anti-leo is bearing down on Leo he offers her his thanks and accepts the full force of the attack the Spells impact strips Leo of the abilities he's gained over three thousand years a significant blow however the spell also starts to affect Echidna as she strains to maintain it she begins to bleed etchedness starts reflecting on Leo's
Life coming to the understanding that his Fate has been completely unjust despite being a hero all he ever wanted was someone to save him the irony and sadness of his situation begin to weigh on her on the other hand Leo expresses his contentment with having chosen the demon Army as his companions he fondly remembers the enjoyment he had spending time with achidna and her generals he begins to feel a sense of relief knowing that his friends will likely succeed in bringing peace between the human and demonic worlds even if it means his death suddenly Echidna
gives the command for her generals to strike Leo with their final attacks they each unleash their most potent abilities causing Leo to bleed for the first time in many years Steiner casts a mighty spell to try to eliminate Leo but he calmly tells them that he's entrusting the rest to them he then fall falls to the ground prompting Echidna to cry out in a mix of anger and sorrow after the battle Leah wakes up lying on the ground and on the brink of death surprisingly he thinks to himself that losing actually feels good Echidna and
the generals gather around him with a wistful smile Leo mentions that he always wanted to play the role of a villain he then informs Echidna that the Philosopher's Stone now belongs to her however Lily overcome with emotion pleads with them not to Kill Leo tears streaming down her face Ed Walden myrns try to comfort her as echina approaches Leo to extract the Philosopher's Stone she hesitates and instead slaps him she angrily tells him that she's too busy to do favors and unexpectedly names Leo the Ambassador between the human and demonic worlds this announcement brings a
smile to Edward's face Leo pleads with Edward to see reason but Edward responds that he still has much to learn from Leo he believes that Leo is the only one capable of uniting both the human and demonic worlds Edward agrees with echidna's decision to keep Leo alive showing faith in his mentor meanwhile Lilly scolds Leo Tears In Her Eyes telling him that he should ask for help if he needs it Leo however is more concerned about the limited time they have before his wound heals entirely preventing the extraction of the Philosopher's Stone Burns then approaches
Leo and Leo feels a glimmer of hope that merns will be able to suppress his emotions and extract the Philosopher's Stone instead merns begins to kick Leo telling him that he knows Leo has always wanted to live he berates Leo urging him to fulfill his own desire to live rather than die frustrated that murns won't end his life Leo turns to steina for assistance steina however only points his Spirit Leo asking why he wants to die Leo explains that his desire to die is to save Humanity despite his strong sense of self he still feels
driven by his original programming to protect Humanity steina argues that Leo's own ego should be sufficient to override this ingrained command and encourages him to try to do so Leo closes his eyes and delves into his subconscious where he hears a Relentless voice urging him to protect Humanity it frustrates him but after a few 10 seconds The Voice stops when Leo opens his eyes he realizes that he has successfully deactivated the order imposed on him by humans etchina then speaks telling Leo that if he truly wants to die she will grant his wish but she
also states that since he no longer follows anyone's orders he should work for her at that moment memories of ibrad's words flood Leo's mind causing him to break down in tears as his wound begins to close marking a profound shift in his understanding of himself and his purpose Echidna extends her hand to Leo and tells him to give up his life as a hero Leo takes her hand and gets back on his feet signifying his willingness to leave his heroic past behind echina reassures him that his three thousand years of suffering are finally over a
statement that fills all the generals with joy after formally joining achidna's army Leo Returns to the castle he goes into a room where he finds the generals resting after the battle at is there as well and she questions Leo asking if he has any regrets since he missed his chance to die and free himself from his burdens potentially for centuries to come Leo assures her that he doesn't regret his choice he explains that he wants to assist her in building a better world for both human and Demon races and therefore has no reason to feel
any regret holding out his hand in a gesture of commitment he promises to help in any way he can atchino reciprocates by extending her hand as well however their moment is interrupted by Julieta who reports a new conflict involving the wyverns Echidna quickly takes charge waking the generals and assigning Edward to handle the situation more subordinates enter the room seeking the assistance of the other generals and it becomes clear that there's still much work to be done within the Army Echidna tells Leo that they must focus on the present tasks at hand Leo confidently replies
that he will take care of everything watch this next video see you on the next one
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