The Most Powerful Strategy To ReProgram Your Mind | Dr Joe Dispenza

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how would it feel to feel worthy of love how would it feel to be grateful for Life how would it feel to be worthy of abundance I'm going to teach my body emotionally what this feels like before the manifestation of the event that you're not waiting for your life to change to feel worthy you're actually changing your life by becoming worthy you're generating abundance you're generating love when you truly begin to elevate your emotional state your body is so objective that it actually believes that it's living in a whole new environment before the environment changes
in other words the body's believing it's in that new future you're no longer in lack or separation so you're no longer looking for the event to take away that feeling of lack or separation so then you're not looking for it you feel like it's already happened get ready because that's when your life begins to change I think the most beautiful and powerful thing in the world is a repetitive thought but sometimes the most dangerous thing in the world is a repetitive thought absolutely and we think about the most beautiful things we create is because we're
obsessed with this new idea and this new thought that we want to build something but at the same time we know countless people who they have a thought every day that says I'm unlovable I'm unworthy I don't deserve love in my life if someone's having a negative repetitive thought specifically around selfworth what they believe they deserve in love where do they start with that thought well we think primarily 90% of the time we think the same thoughts as we thought the day before the challenge with that is the thought that you keep thinking over and
over again becomes belief and nerve cells that fire together wire together so the more nerve cells fire the more they develop long-term relationships and the more hardwired they become the more hardwired they become the more automatic they are the more automatic they are the more unconscious they become so the process of change really requires becoming conscious of your unconscious thoughts which means just because you have that thought doesn't necessarily mean it's the truth if you have that thought and you accept it you believe it you surrender to it without analyzing it that thought will lead
to the same Choice which will lead to the same behavior which will create the same experience which then will produce the same emotion the same emotions then drive our very same thoughts in time our biology olog our neurocircuitry our neurochemistry our hormones and even our gene expression stays the same because we're the same so in the process of change when you come up against that unconscious belief and you make it conscious most people get uncomfortable uh when they confront that thought and they're stopping an automatic process and the body which has been conditioned to be
the mind because it's doing something over and over again that's a habit is craving the experience because it wants the emotion associated with it right so the the thought of being unworthy produces the feeling of being unworthy that feeling then when the person feels unworthy tends to cause the person to think more unworthy thoughts it only takes a thought and a feeling an image of yourself and an emotion a stimulus and response and you can condition the body to memorize that behavior and that emotional state better than the conscious mind so the moment we inhibit
that thought or the moment we become conscious of and we no longer accept it there's a bi ological craving that takes place in the body because the body has been conditioned to be the mind so the body starts influencing the mind to think more corresponding thoughts equal to that feeling so here comes the assault that you're not only unworthy you're you're everything else that goes along with that feeling and this is where people have to make up their mind if they truly want to change because if you decide to confront that thought and make a
different Choice get ready because you're going to feel uncomfortable it's going to feel unfamiliar and there's going going to be some uncertainty cuz you're stepping out of familiar territory now you're stepping out of the known and you're stepping into the unknown now this is really when you leave the bleachers and you get on the playing field because the brain immediately looks around in its environment to see if anything's changing because you're changing and you see that nothing in your world is changing because you actually haven't fully changed yet so the moment we look for evidence
in our life and we don't see it sooner or later most people accept that thought which leads to the same Choice which creates the same behavior which creates the same experience that produces the same feeling then they say oh this feels right to me no that feels familiar cuz you've just returned back to the known self I think that when people truly want to make up their mind to change and they become so conscious of those unconscious thoughts they would never go unconscious to them again that's the moment the body is being reconditioned to a
new mind if you inhibit that choice that leads to that habit or that behavior a habit is when you've done something so many times the body knows how to do it better than the brain now you're stopping the body from being on its automation on autopilot and if the body's craving the feeling of unworthiness and you're stopping the body from feeling that way and you're aware in your life how you speak you're aware in your life how you're feeling and you're checking in you're saying do I really want to feel this way this is that
River of change where you're going from the old self to the new self so it makes sense then if those principles in biology work in that way they could actually work in our favor so if you said okay I'm going to sit down for a few minutes I'm going to come so conscious of my unconscious self my unconscious personality that Victory today would not be going unconscious to those thoughts behaviors and emotions okay let me get so familiar with them that I don't go unconscious okay I got that down what thoughts do I want to
fire and wir in my brain and if a belief is a thought that you keep thinking over and over again with intention and with attention you'll switch on that prefrontal cortex and assign meaning to the ACT and start installing new circuits in your brain if you keep doing it over and over again it becomes more hardwired it becomes more automatic and now you're installing a new belief that you are worthy of love you are worthy of abundance you are worthy to heal whatever that is that's the thought you do want to believe in and when
it matters the most is when it's the hardest because if you don't have the circuitry in place you'll default back to the old programs right so then if you said how am I going to be in my zoom calls today how am I going to be in traffic today how am I going to be with my ex my co-workers and you started thinking about and rehearsing how you were going to act in certain situations the brain actually doesn't know the difference between the real life experience and what you're Imagining the research on mental rehearsal shows
that the brain will look like in time that it's already had the experience and it's vacant of the experience now keep firing and wiring those circuits and you're going to begin to behave that way so now you're installing circuitry now to use in your life to get your behaviors to match your intentions if you said how would it feel to feel worthy of love how would it feel to be grateful for Life how would it feel to be worthy of abundance and you said I'm going to teach my body emotionally what this feels like before
the manifestation of the event you're not waiting for your life to change to feel worthy you're actually changing your life by becoming worthy you're generating abundance you're generating love you're creating an elevated emotion now our data is so compelling because when you truly begin to elevate your emotional state and you could really lock in you know to those elevated emotions your body is so objective that it actually believes that it's living in a whole new environment before the environment changes in other words the body is believing it's in that new future and if the environment
signals the Gene and it does and the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion you're actually signaling genes ahead of the environment then your body will begin to become conditioned to a new mind now think about this if you did that every day the word meditation literally means become familiar with you become familiar with your old self you become familiar with your new self and you say I'm not getting up until I feel this feeling and then you say I want to be able to bring this feeling up whenever I want
I'm going to keep remembering this feeling over and over again it only takes a thought and a feeling an image of the future and emotion a sness and response you can condition your body to believe it's living in a whole new life and when you feel the emotions of your future something amazing happens you're no longer in lack or separation so you're no longer looking for the event to take away that feeling of lack or separation your body's actually believing it's in the event so then you're not looking for it you feel like it's already
happened get ready because that's when your life begins to change and so we've discovered that if you're actually practicing this and you imers immersed yourself in that experience fully for 7 Days the amount of metabolic and biological changes that will take place in your body will be so significant that your body will actually believe it's living in that future and yet most of the people that come to our workshops are literally in a ballroom there's nothing really exciting happening in the environment but their bodies believing they're living in a whole new life and so one
thought leads to a choice which leads to behavior which creates an experience that produces an emotion so then new information new knowledge begins to cause you to think differently if you can remember that knowledge and begin to make a different choice because you want to experience the truth of that information you'll have to behave differently and when the experience occurs and you feel the feeling of your abundance or wealth I guarantee you you're going to continue wanting to make the process of change something consistent in your life my definition of addiction is something that you
can't stop right and most people who struggle from addictions are trying to regulate and alter their internal State now you and I have been hypnotized and conditioned into believing that change happens outside of us people are looking for something outside of them to change their internal State it's kind of a Newtonian principle you wait for your wealth to come to feel abundant you wait for your healing to occur to feel wholeness you wait for your success to show up so you feel empowered you wait for your new relationship to show up to feel love you're
you're waiting for the event outside of you to happen to change how you feel inside of you that's cause and effect and we're conditioned based on consumerism and marketing and programming that that's the way it works to to to get something to relieve yourself and uh and the problem with that is that people begin to confuse true happiness with pleasure and they're not the same thing so people who have addictions like that typically have had some very difficult past experiences that have branded them emotionally and they just don't know how to change they just don't
know and they're just looking for some relief inside of them so that they can make that feeling go away so we can become distracted by our external environment for a period of time you know but then when you you realize that the sports car or the new wardrobe or the vacation or the whatever people do to try to make the feeling go and the novelty of that that that thing outside of us wears off because we're trying to re-identify with our environment and that goes away the next thing that people do is they look for
some immediate change and so they take a drug they drink something they they gamble they watch pornography and the event outside of them changes their internal chemistry and the moment they notice that the pain or The Emptiness goes away the moment they feel differently they look to see what caused it and this is when the attachment begins here's the problem though the rush of chemical change that takes place the pleasure centers in the brain there's a huge release of the pleasure chemicals and the the release the intensity of those release of those chemicals begins to
desensitize the receptor sites in the brain so as the brain chemicals uh uh are re released and the receptor sites become desensitized the next time you gamble the next time you take the drug the next time you shop you need a little bit more the next time so then what happens is the pleasure centers start to get re recalibrated to a higher and higher level so you're always going to need more to make that feeling go away sounds like an addiction to me and so people get lost because then without the dependency on that external
substance the body which has become the mind is is craving its relief and so an addiction really is when the body is the mind so you may say with your conscious mind I want to give up drinking I want to give up pornography I want to give up gaming I want to give up over shopping I want to give it up consciously but the body has been conditioned from the past subconsciously and so now the body's the mind now no one's told people that true change can happen within them and so then when people start
to realize that there's a gap between the external world and how they present themselves to the world and their their tension on the outer world and their attention on their inner world and how they really feel and if they're spending the majority of their time looking outside of them for Change and they don't want to look at this feeling all they want to do is make that feeling go away they're going to wind up in trouble so true change is when you start looking within and you become conscious of your unconscious thoughts in Neuroscience it's
called metacognition you become aware of your habits and your unconscious behaviors and you look at those emotions that are connected the past experiences and allow yourself to observe them so then think about this if 95% of Who We Are by the time we're 35 years old are those programmed States the moment you're observing how you think how you act and how you feel it means you're no longer the program you're now a Consciousness observing the program and you're beginning to objectify your subjective self you are seeing yourself Through The Eyes of someone else turns out
that the size of the frontal lobe the crowning achievement of the human being 40% of our entire brain that's what separates us from all other species it's the boss it's the CEO it's the conscience it's the creative center it's what speculates possibilities it's what learns from its mistakes it's what has intention attention it regulates and controls behaviors and emotional reactions when your forebrain begins to turn on when that begins to happen you are now beginning to become the executive in your life you're starting to gain more control over your life if you're living primarily as
the body mind then the hind brain is looking for some chemical relief so by the mere fact that you can begin to observe who you're being means you can modify who you are to do a better job in life it's difficult because we're breaking out of a biological mold it's difficult because most people don't know that they have within their reach all the tools to do it I can tell you that there is a strong majority of people who are still taking the placebo who are still making their changes because we know that like in
a Parkinson study you give Parkinson's patients a placebo and more than 50% of them their their intention Tremors go away but if you take those people after they're making 200 times the amount of dopamine by getting a saline injection or an injection of distilled water they're making their own dopamine and Parkinson's is a deficiency in dopamine when they return back to their life and they see their caregiver and they play chess with their friends and they see their wife or sleep in the same bed or whatever it is their personal reality is creating their personality
reminding them of who they are their disease comes back because they're back to the same identity so we know coming out a drug rehab and going right back into their environment exactly and that's how strong the environment is so our students who continue to do the work are still getting sustaining and producing more changes now that's the majority of our students cuz our students are committed but we do have students that don't make it why because this is a is we're doing something that is unknown we're doing something not everybody is going to make that
like not everybody's going to finish the mile not everybody's going to make the journey to the top of the mountain you know it's it's a it's a journey and so we ask people then uh the ones that have had chronic diseases or conditions the majority of them by the way are still doing exceptionally well some of them have had a rem uh um disease return and what we have them do is measure every 3 months or 6 months you measure why because this is not about denial this is about knowing so the people who have
had some conditions return we ask them to measure and then we ask them to go at it again and if their values aren't changing we ask them to intervene with other medical means or whatever they needed to improve so the ones that have had the healings though the majority of them are still doing exceptionally well some of them that stop taking the placebo or get start they lose their job they lose their mother they lose their life and they get stressed and they they go back to the world itself well it's a matter of time
when we're going to start seeing some of those conditions return what happens with human beings is every thought has a frequency every thought produces a chemical so if you keep obsessing about your lack your lack of finances your lack of time your lack of energy lack lack lack and you're taking thought it's producing a frequency and that frequency in the form of chemistry is storing that thought emotionally right in your second Center you feel guilty you feel feel unhappy the moment you feel unhappy then you generate more thoughts equal to that feeling which makes more
chemicals and you keep taking energy from the brain and storing it in the body if you react to people in your life and you feel anger frustration whether it's traffic the news whatever it is you're drawing from this field this electromagnetic field you're tapping that resource and you're making chemistry out of it and the field shrinks so now by doing that and living in survival the body no longer is a magnet so now you have very little energy in the brain in fact 5% of the energy is in the brain and 95% is stored in
the body now the body has been conditioned emotionally so a lot of energy in the body very little in the brain we want to move energy back up to the brain so what does that do when we move the energy from the body to the brain and the Heart well this is a great thing because once it makes it here it's going up right so we do these different meditations and these different techniques to draw that energy right up to the top of the head now when this energy shakes loose and it starts to move
the sympathetic nervous system switches on and instead of releasing energy out like you're being chased by a predator that same energy is going up into the brain and the Brain switches on and it goes into these very high high frequencies called gamma brain wave patterns now the person has an arousal it's it's energy that's being that released into the brain and you can only describe it as ecstasy or Bliss so the energy of guilt that was stored from thinking and feeling in the same way releases and it travels up to the brain and it's going
back and when it reaches the brain what happens you get more energy in the brain and begins to produce that external field so you're you're beginning to create a field around your body well once the energy is moved you're you're you're going to feel you're going to feel pretty blessed in that moment in fact so we can transfer guilt shame insecurities into Bliss oh my God yeah yeah we do it all the time and the the amazing thing is that that Rush of energy that's moving into the brain is changing the brain's physiology and producing
that feel now you have energy to heal now the body is a magnet again and it's as the energy moves up the spinal cord and it starts passing through those spinal nerves and there's a lot of Dynamics going on on the body that energy that was once stored in in that one of those energy centers that's released is energy to heal energy to create a new future you're replenishing your field and now the body becomes more of a magnet instead of an inert piece of metal with no charge right so the person then who's reacting
to whatever person or circumstance in their life the stronger the emotion that they feel towards politics towards the traffic towards their girlfriend whatever the more they're paying attention to it but where you place your your attention is where you place your energy what you're doing is you're tying up your vital life force you're giving your power away to that person or that circumstance that you could be using to create a new life with so when a person's sitting in their meditation and I love doing this we just had an event in Marco Island I'm going
to take people further than where they normally go I know they're going to go oh well I'm done with my meditation no you're not done we're going to take you to that point where that feeling is so in your face and you can't turn on your cell phone you can't get up and walk away because a thousand people are not getting up and walking away and you're part of the community you're sitting in the fire and you have one of two choices you can let that brain run on on programs and hardwired patterns and you
the arousal will drive your brain further out of bounds or you'll practice the formula and as you lower the volume to that emotion you're going to take your attention off that person or problem guess what Here Comes energy back to you you're taking your power back and now you're building your field that way and when that happens Energy starts to move up into the heart once it makes it into the heart it's going to the brain so we start seeing people there their hearts naturally open up and all the things they thought they wanted when
they came to the event they no longer want cuzz they feel like they have it cuz they feel like they they they got the feeling before the experience so that they feel so whole that they no longer want and and they're not looking for their future anymore you only look for it when you feel lack when your body is conditioned emotionally into the future why would you look for it when it feels like it's already happened now this is where it gets weird because now things start coming to you and you're no longer in need
and when it comes to you go oh here take it I don't want it I just that I just wanted to know that I could create and people create a lot of wealth in our events and the first thing A lot of people do is they say I'm buying a cruise for you I'm buying you your car oh Mom I'm getting you that house why do they do that because they're so excited they feel so amazing and they're thinking I could do this again why would a a person in lack wouldn't give a person who's
abundant would give because they know how to create so now the game changes it's no longer about the self you you're you're doing it because that you know that you can create it so so then maintaining that state when you're in love yes and you're in love in love no you're not looking for it not looking for it you would be in lack when you're in love there's nothing to do you're in love you're you're you're the magnet you you are it and so that you are love yes so that the events that come into
your life would not only be just a reflection of a relationship with someone that you wanted to be intimate with you would have meaningful loving relationships that would enhance that feeling and when it didn't you would say ooh you know what I don't know I don't know if this is right for me you would you would trust that cuz you worked really hard to nurture this to protect it to grow it uh to to trust it again to open up right it takes a lot to do this we see men in our work I was
on them this week I I never let up on those guys big Macho guys you want to be you want to know what courage is let's go let's open that heart and when they start cracking open I mean we see people heal from from colon cancer and from angina and all just boom there it is there it's not that's what that's what's been stored all down here once they open this up and it moves the body is transforming in that moment it's the the system is informing itself information is being restored back into the body
so when you get to that point where you you when you're in lack and separation time gets really crazy because you want stuff to happen faster and it feels like it's taking forever that's cuz you're separation when you're in love and you're in Connected you don't want the moment to end I mean I had four three guys over for dinner last night all these academics I cooked a meal and a half for these guys took out great wine why I wanted them to be so caught up in the moment that they forgot we made a
new memory we made an we had a great experience and life then is about experiencing it in love like I'm not going to be guilty of what I'm what I'm eating or judge what I'm eating the five cooked the great meal let's eat because the guilt is worse than whatever it is you think is bad for you so then when you're feeling those elevated emotions and you're locked in love then then you see life through the lens of love and there's compassion like you could look at your greatest adversary the person that threw you under
the bus and you've overcome yourself and you've done the work you'll look at them and you'll see a part of yourself that you used to be that you no longer are are and you have nothing but understanding and compassion like wow I just I feel for that person they they're hurting they're struggling I used to be like that but you're no longer that people who are in love with themselves will find love in others people who are happy with themselves will find something that they can connect with they won't see all the flaws they'll see
some part of them that they want to enjoy if you practice it just feeling a little love every day a little gratitude a little gratitude every day I can prove to you I have the research your immune system is going to be so strong it's going to be immune to any foreign agent with gratitude just 10 minutes 20 minutes of gratitude a day what do you got not not just to think about the things that you're grateful for but to embrace them emotionally why because you want to practice feeling that what's the what's the emotional
signature of gratitude when you're receiving something favorable you just received something favorable something amazing is happening to you or something amazing just happened to you that surprised you what do you say you feel grateful right so the emotional signature of gratitude means something amazing just happened to you you've just something just happened or something is literally happening to you gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership yes so if you finish your meditation in gratitude before the event occurs your body as the unconscious mind is believing it's already happened to you and you're in the state
of receiving so and what do you got to lose except your immune system the worst thing that could happen to you is you'll heal it's the worst thing that could happen to you [Music] yes some people wake up in the morning your brain is a record of the past the first thing they do is they think about their problems those problems are memories that are etched in the brain that are connected to certain people certain objects certain things at a certain time and place the moment they wake up in the morning and they think about
their problems they're thinking in the past every one of those problems since we've experienced it has an emotion associated with it so then all of a sudden they start feeling unhappy the moment they feel unhappy now the body's in the past because thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body so the moment they start feeling those feelings now their bodies in the past so now they they get back and they they started off with a clean slate they didn't feel anything and then they're like I'm back to feeling
unhappy okay I'm back to myself again ah so because they rather feel unhappy then feel not feel anything so naturally the void of that emotion is influencing the body's influencing the mind the brain to think so it produces the chemicals for it to feel uhhuh some people just wake up in the morning and they don't feel anything and then all of a sudden they just look for that feeling they just some people need a thought to do it some people just bring up the feeling right wow so some people have emotions that influence thoughts some
people are more analytical they have thoughts that influence feelings but it's a loop right it's it's that cycle of thinking and feeling every thought produces a chemical so if they have an unhappy thought they feel unhappy if they have a judgmental thought it produces chemicals that makes you feel polarized right so the stronger the emotions that we feel from the problems and conditions in our life the more altered we feel inside of us the more we pay attention to what's causing it outside of us so if you have an event in your life an experience
in life that has a strong emotional charge to it and you don't feel like your normal self you feel this alarm system switch on you're going to narrow your focus on the cause and the brain's going to take a snapshot and that's called a long-term memory right so then what people don't know is that every time they think about that event they're producing the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event was occurring and in that moment in that moment so the highly charged event is is actually producing the emotion and the
body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that the person is fabricating by thought alone the body's believing it's so objective it's believing it's in the same environmental experience so the strong the highly charged emotional events you you some people think of their ex and the thought of that person makes them sick makes them feel out of balance it's all you need is an image and an emotion a thought and a feeling a stimulus and a response and you're conditioning your body emotionally
into the past so now the memories and this just not in the brain now it's in the body okay so now that thought of that person is actually creating a response in the body that's consuming the body's energy for growth and repair consuming the body's energy to create because in survival it's not a time to create in survival it's time to run fight and hide so the problem is is that it becomes a subconscious program it's no longer a conscious process it now is a subconscious process so now the body has been conditioned into resentment
into unhappiness into fear anxiety whatever it is so in a sense the person is making themselves sick by thought alone the thoughts are making them sick literally so the problem is is now the body is conditioned into the past and it's the mind the body becomes the Mind emotionally so now all of this energy stored in the body and now the person now has to leave their unhappiness and step out into the unknown they have to get out of the familiar feelings that has has defined them so they'll say I can't really feel Joy I
can't really feel love and what they're really saying is I've I've been conditioning my body emotionally so much into the past that I can't feel anything else other than what I know the survival chemicals are actually knocking your brain and body out of balance you're out of balance in that moment and if you keep doing that the inbalance is now the new balance and now you're altered emotionally practice getting so present in the moment that you're not anticipating the next moment or trying to predict the future and you're no longer Romancing the emotions of your
past you can find that sweet spot of the generous Present Moment The Familiar past is the known emotionally the predictable future is the habituation of autopilot being unconscious and programs those are both knowns there's only one place where the unknown exists that's the present moment so if you could work with your body to the point that it trusts you enough the to feel so safe that you have conquered it in a certain way that it could actually relax into the present moment and it's not worried about what's going to happen next or what's going on
around around you or that you need to eat you need to pee you need to move you you got beyond all your drives and you're you're ready to create that moment where you're are present if you could begin to work with your heart and start to breathe and start to practice feeling love in the beginning it would feel foolish or gratitude why would I Feel Love if it hasn't happened well that's because you've been hypnotized into waiting for your world to change to feel feel the emotion from the experience your body's so objective that it's
actually believing it's living in that future in the present moment and your body now is beginning to change you are beginning to change your biology to reflect what you're about to experience in your future so the stronger the love you feel the more altered you feel inside of you the more you're going to pay attention to that picture in your mind stimulus response memory emotion thought and feeling but now you're remembering your future instead of remembering your past if you're truly in the present moment and you know exactly what you want and you begin to
teach your body emotions start practicing opening that heart it's amazing what happens on a on a scan on a on a real-time brain scan when the heart moves into this kind of Rhythm when you're feeling frustration when you're feeling impatient when you're feeling resentment you are stepping on the gas pedal and you're stepping on the brake at the same time and the heart is pumping against the closed system and it causes an erratic beat it becomes incoherent and energy literally leaves the heart now you no longer believe in your future you can't put your heart
into your future you can't trust the outcome because there's no energy there it's it's being used and consumed somewhere else so energ is leaving the brain as well but once Energy starts to move into the heart we've seen this so many times and it starts to beat in this Rhythm like banging a drum or dropping a pebble in water Pebble after Pebble the heart begins to create a wave of energy right to the brain and that change in brain wave patterns that change that wave is carrying information and the person starts to get a very
clear idea they see their future very clearly now now that energy is causing them to move into very coherent Alpha Brain wve patterns which is the state of creation this is when you no longer hear the voice in your head that's talking to you that you listen to and believe is the truth I'm not good enough whatever that that's called the default mode it suppresses the default mode Network and the next thing you know you start seeing in pictures and images you start dreaming and that's the imagination that's the creative state so now you start
naturally Imagining the heart is the creative Center we got to put our heart into our future it better be open and activated so now when you start falling in love with your future oxytocin is released in the brain and in the heart oxytocin signals nitric oxide nitric oxide signals another chemical called endothelial derived relaxing factor and just like when your sexual organs get filled with blood because you're aroused the same thing happens here as it would happen somewhere else and literally the arteries in the heart and lungs in Gorge and now your heart feels full
and it's thumping in order and you're in the present moment what is a Formula like a one to two minute formula when someone notices oh I'm feeling something and then there my thoughts are uh supporting that feeling and I'm just staying in this Loop what's the one or two minute formula they could just Implement in the morning at night whenever to help them if I'm truly in the practice every day and I can cultivate a feeling not not not on the spot then that you you you're not prepared your meditation is the preparation of mind
and body for this so I don't get up from my meditation until I'm in love with life and why do we close our eyes and do it cuz the environment is so seductive why do we sit still and not move because you're going to want to get up and pee and eat and have a cup of coffee and feel so so now you're telling your body hey stay I'm going to feed you yeah you're going to take a shower you're going to get coffee you can play with your cell phone you can text you can
talk trash you can do anything you want but right now you're not the mind I'm the mind and you're going to sit and stay till I'm done and when I condition you to the emotions of the future and I get a very clear image of who I'm going to be this day and I'm not going to get up until I feel that way I guarantee you you're going to come up against all those unconscious thoughts they're going to come up right there I I want people to I want them to see it I want them
to become so familiar with it so conscious if they wouldn't go on conscious they wouldn't let that thought I can't ever slip by their awareness unchecked they've done the work in the beginning of the day they suppressed those circuits in the brain and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together you're you're breaking down the old personality and so you say ah your body wants to get up I got to pee I want to have a couple I want to check and you you watch your body want to get up and you
go hey hey hey hey hey hey get over here you you get back into this present moment and you every time you do that it's a victory you're executing a will and most people lose their free will to a program because they do the same thing today as they did yesterday their body's on autopilot and it's dragging them into the same future habitually based on what they did in the past so now you're sitting there and it's just a little uncomfortable and you want to quit and your body and you go no you get over
here and you bring it back now some people say I can't meditate but really they're actually doing it right that's a victory too yeah and then you do that and you start watching how you're training your body back into the present moment then it's your body says well you know Louis it's uh this it's 8 8:30 in the morning this is usually when you watch the news and throw a tiate and get angry and I'm and you're sitting here with your eyes closed and you're off schedule so why don't we just get agitated about anything
so the body starts trying to create images in your mind so you remember your you remember your problems so you could feel that agitation what if you watched your body do that and you said no no no no I'm not going to give my power away to the past or that person or that circumstance in my life you get that body back in the present moment you lower the volume to that emotion that's a victory you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind now that kind of work is tedious in
the beginning but I watch people because when I have them do that it starts stretching their boundaries the known self that little box starts to move into the unknown and they survive and all of a sudden they're more relaxed in the present moment the unknown and they start feeling more satisfied so now they're more ready to create so the preparation for the day is to remind yourself of who you no longer want to be to know thyself to become so familiar with the word meditation means to become familiar with so conscious of your unconscious programs
you're not going to go unconscious why cuz you did you did battle today with that personality that's creating the same personal reality and if your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and you want to create new personal reality then you got to change your personality and that's going to mean then you're going to become so conscious of those unconscious programs that you're no longer the program you're the Consciousness observing the program disentangling from that is not easy that's why most people won't do it that's why they
get on their cell phone and say let me just create a dopamine by just seeing if I got a text from somebody I like know your phone's over there and you're no longer regulating with something outside of you this is this is game time so then if you said what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain H with my attention and my intention I'm going to make that the loudest voice in my head and if you keep firing and wiring that Hardware is going to become a software program and it's going
to be a new voice it's going to you installed it no no magic there the act of closing your eyes and rehearsing who you're going to be go so power is installing more Hardware the brain's going to look like you already did it now it's no longer in the past it's primed for the future keep doing it and it's going to become a software program and you're going to start looking pretty great it's an interesting concept because you have to think about this so why is it that you can give someone a sugar pill a
saline injection or perform some false surgery or treatment and a certain percentage of of those people will accept believe and surrender to the thought without any analysis that they're getting the real substance or real treatment and they begin to program their autonomic nervous system to make their own Pharmacy of chemicals that matches the exact same chemical or treatment that they think they're getting now it says a few things number one it's not the external substance that's doing the healing because it's inert there's some type of innate capacity for the body to heal and there's some
correlation between the mind and the body so that pill represents possibility for the person and so if you think about this when they see the pill they're conditioned into thinking that that pill can do something good for them so in a depression study for example three out of four people that are taking a placebo in a depression study get better now that's 75% which means that when that person sees the pill the pill represents hope or possibility for them they begin to select a new idea a new thought that they could be better a possibility
it's called a clear intention some people will begin to become inspired enthusiastic excited and when you combine that clear intention with an elevated emotion you changing a person's biology from living in the past to living in the future and they begin to make their own Pharmacy of anti-depressants it begins to help them now it's not a oneshot deal because in those studies for example the person who's taking the placebo has to take that pill for 6 weeks or or eight weeks so every day then they're reminding themselves of a new future reality and that that
pill represents a symbol it represents a symbol of Hope a symbol of possibility and instead of them relating to themselves in a limited way that they have to resign to the idea that they can't think greater than how they feel in in a depression study or feelings have become the means of thinking they're actually changing their physiology by thought alone and the redundancy and the repetition of that cycle begins to select different functions in the nervous system and your nervous system is the best pharmacy or drug U producer in the world and begins to select
new genes and and instruct new genes to cause a person's biology to begin to change and if you keep knocking on the genetic door there's a good possibility that you can program a gene or upregulate a gene to do something well and downregulate a gene to turn off and so my interest is in understanding how the placebo Works how does it work once you understand how it works will you be able to teach it because do you need the sugar pill in order to move into a new state of being or can you teach a
person to select an unknown instead of a known and continuously select that unknown and emotionally Embrace that future before the event occurs so much so that the body as the unconscious mind begins to believe it's living in that future reality in the present moment and if the person does that just like taking the placebo for 6 weeks Alters their state of being every single day is it possible that that unknown becomes a known and they begin to change their physiology and biology just by thought alone you better be willing to have a new experience that
is no longer a wishy-washy belief it has to be a very strong impression in your biology what comes with an accompanying experience that then changes your biology to understand you believe something else but that's not the end either because then you have to question from that point what is the next belief that helps you to understand the next thing for example the person in our work who I'll use a simple example has a uh very very difficult marriage and her marriage falls apart her husband was abusive and lived by the stress hormones for extended period
of time of course all our energy is going for some threat in her external environment she has no energy in in her internal environment for growth and repair no energy for long-term building projects the the body is in vigilance it's it's always anxious she's anticipating something bad happening all the time and she's got food allergies to everything she's allergic to her environment she comes to the event she does the work it takes her three months and all of a sudden in one event she has a breakthrough and she's eating anything she wants now she's changed
her belief about her past because she's no longer saying I am this way because of my relationship with my husband see cuz when you say I am this way because I had an abusive father I am this way because I had a difficult marriage I am this way because I got fired from my job what you're saying is I haven't changed since that event emotionally and so now you're viewing your future through the lens of the past when you overcome that emotional state a memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom wisdom now you're ready
to create a new future cuz if you're still attached to the emotion you're still attached to the past and you can create a future so all of a sudden now the person has a transformation she has a shift she knows that she knows that she's liberated from that anxiety she's she feels it and as a result of it in a matter of moments B her biology reorganizes to a new mind and now she's EA I'm watching her eat pizza I'm watching her eat a hamburger she's laughing she's and it's and it's sustained but that's not
the end because if she healed herself then the next question is I understand the physics and biology of what I've done is it possible if I heal myself that I can heal another person if people are really really believing that their astrological sign determines their Destiny then they will look for based on their perception the correlations that are equal to their belief system I don't particularly believe that because I'm born at a certain time under a certain house that has anything to do with me creating the life that I want to have right so many
people will though and because they do they'll only they'll select like oh I saw 1111 on the clock well well you've seen 3 236 on the clock and 4:18 on the clock but you're looking for 1111 well then that's your reality because that's where your attention is right so I don't subscribe to that but I respect that because that person is going to keep that belief until it no longer serves them and they're either going to evolve their belief or they're not and if they don't so be it but if they do they're going to
realize sooner or later it's not working for them I have certain beliefs right now that I honestly am questioning that I still think are limited beliefs but in order for me to change those beliefs I'm going to have to come out of my resting state have to step out into the unknown and really check to see and execute in a very different way I can tell you that there is a strong majority of people who are still taking the placebo who are still making their changes because we know that like in a Parkinson study you
give Parkinson's patients a placebo and more than 50% of them their their intention Tremors go away but if you take those people after they're making 200 times the amount of of dopamine by getting a saline injection or an injection of distilled water they're making their own dopamine in Parkinson's is a deficiency in dopamine when they return back to their life and they see their caregiver and they play chess with their friends and they see their wife or sleep in the same bed or whatever it is their personal reality is creating their personality reminding them of
who they are their disease comes back because they're back to the same identity and that's how strong the environment is so our students who continue to do the work are still getting sustaining and producing more changes now that's the majority of our students cuz our students are committed but we do have students that don't make it why because this is a this we're doing something that is unknown we're doing something not everybody is going to make that like not everybody's going to finish the mile not everybody's going to make the journey to the top of
the mountain you know it's it's a it's a journey and so we ask people then uh the ones that have had chronic diseases or conditions the majority of them by the way are still doing exceptionally well some of them have had the disease return and what we have them do is measure every 3 months or 6 months you measure why because this is not about denial this is about knowing so the people who have had some conditions return we ask them to measure and then we ask them to go at it again and if their
values aren't changing we ask them to intervene with other their medical means or whatever they needed to improve so the ones that have had the healings though the majority of them are still doing exceptionally well some of them that stop taking the placebo or get start they lose their job they lose their mother they lose their life and they get stressed and they they go back to the world self well it's a matter of time when we're going to start seeing some of those conditions return people come to our work for all kinds of reasons
some people like you said have health conditions some people want to create a new job a new career a new relationship some people are craving a mystical experience some people just want to understand life from a different perspective and I think science has become the Contemporary language of mysticism I think it's science that demystifies the mystical Sciences point the finger at possibility but science in a sense creates community so people come for all kinds of reasons and what I've learned in the last year or so is that uh what people really want is wholeness because
when we want something we're in separation or in lack and so when we started experimenting with doing different scientific measurements one of the things we started to notice is that when a person somehow connects to something greater and that has a influence on their nervous system once you learn that skill of self-regulation and being able to experience a greater level of wholeness that if you can create from wholeness instead of separation or lack you can produce greater effects on the nature of reality there's no separation between cause and effect your thoughts create experiences when you're
in Oneness what happens between cause and effect is called time so why not practice shortening time or the interval between cause the thought and the effect the experience and when you start seeing something appear in your life you start getting more kind more caring more loving more conscious more present because you feel more whole I want them to learn the formula on how to heal I want them to learn the formula on how to create reality I want them to learn the formula that there is a door to other dimensions that they can create independent
of any exogenous substance and release latent systems in the brain that causes them to realize they're not a linear being living a linear life they're a dimensional being living a dimensional life and it only takes one of those experiences where you have an alteration in your identity that you can't go back to being the same person again once you can get beyond your attention on your body get beyond your attention on different objects and people and things at certain times and places in your environment no longer anticipating the next moment or living in the past
when a person can get transcendental beyond their identity they start passing through an eye of the needle and that is their connection to that unifying field that invisible field of energy that actually is connecting everything physical and material and you can't use your senses when you're there in fact when you are there there's a whole another set of rules to execute in there's no place to go every thought has a frequency and being able to create from that place is why we're here I give people numerous opportunities to get Beyond themselves numerous opportunities to connect
with themselves I want them to get frustrated I want them to get impatient I want them to get overly analytical because that's the end of their belief and then finally when they finally make up the their mind to let go and just do it and they run into that feeling they run into that experience they're all in they don't want a sports car anymore they don't want they want that whatever that was and if it comes with a transcendental moment when they come back to their senses from that inner experience their spectrum of reality is
broadened they're seeing things they had never seen before CU their brain wasn't wired to see it but it didn't come from the environment it came from their inner environment that transcendental moment now is producing a feeling a frequency that is so unusual it's so much joy so much Bliss so much ecstasy you can't go back to being the same person after that the the the illusion of limitation begins to change and now all you want to do is you crave the unknown and when you start seeing the gap between cause and effect thought and experience
closing down you're moving closer to the Divine and when that happens all the things you thought you want you no longer want because the overcoming process leading to who you become nobody can take that away from you I now know that if I can speak it in a way that nothing is left the conjecture nothing is left to Superstition nothing is left to Dogma they know exactly what they doing and why and the moment you know the what and the why the how starts to get e easier so I will deliver Concepts ideas mix different
brand uh forms of science to create a model of understanding so if they can turn the person next to them between the two of them and build a model of understanding they're making their brain fire in new sequences and new patterns and new combinations they're changing their mind so then if they can get their behaviors to match their intentions and they have a new experience the brain makes a chemical and that chemical is called a feeling or an emotion when you start feeling unlimited when you start feeling worthy when you are having experience that causes
you to be more in love with life so when you're when you're at that point where you're so whole that you don't care what people think about you when you're so happy with yourself that you're free don't care what you look like you're just happy with you man that's freedom for people that's so much Freedom how much could we get done if we had an infinite amount of time and in the realm of time space there's no past there is no future it's all happening now and it only takes one experience of re entering that
place that you cannot see the world the same way again people many times when they gather knowledge and information uh the information causes them to become conscious of what they were once unconscious to and and when you have a greater level of Consciousness you see possibilities and in a sense you're energized by information you're you're enlightened you're filled with light in some way and you see possibilities that you haven't seen before now getting beyond the analytical mind is one of the main purposes of meditation and I can tell you that the analytical mind is always
going to talk us out of possibility because because it is fascinated on trying to predict what's going to happen next and there's a stigma we have in our minds that if you lead with too much passion in your life you're going to lose your life and if you're working on your anger and frustration and I'm working on my fear and anxiety and my judgment and I'm taking care of me and you emerge in that heart of yours and I emerge in that heart we are going to be like-minded we're going to be connected by that
invisible field so then do you need the sugar pill do you need the saline injection do you need to perform some false surgery or procedure because all they're doing is marrying a clear intention with the elevated emotion of optimism of possibility of inspiration they're changing their state of being giving the person the pill every day most of them thought they were getting the actual substance because they felt so much better every day changing your state of being doing it for 8 weeks without a sugar pill just marrying a clear intention and elevated emotion changing your
state of being without any exogenous substance sooner or later you start feeling good you practice feeling good every day for 8 weeks you're going to start feeling good it's just going to be the side effect just makes sense you get a group of people a thousand people in a room by the middle of the event everybody is locked into their heart they know how to execute and I say get in that heart of yours and on that energy lay the thought that the people in the front of the room on that energy that their lives
be enriched that their bodies be healed that their dreams come true the collective then moves as one mind as one heart and the collective begins to entrain the weak the collective begins to care for the other ones that are falling behind not because they want to runder their dream but because they want to help people realize their dream because that's important to them is is you can't not care you canot be present you canot be kind and and you see a man show up in a wheelchair from a stroke completely disabled his daughter wheeled him
around that whole event and he had a profound moment the very last day and he went back she wheeled him into the house he could walk we contribute to the living organism you made a difference you changed somebody's life that's why we do it for that feeling you keep doing it that's going to be a common feeling you're going to get really sensitive to a to some energy to some feeling that's what it's about they get it all they had to do is open their heart for somebody else that's how it opens I want them
to be able to execute with the tools to be able to create the life they want and as you get closer and closer to Source The Singularity the wholeness it's no longer about you it's about us it's about community and and that's when uh we begin to emerge as something greater people always ask me how do I create the person of my dreams that I want in my life and I always say take out a piece of paper write down everything you want in that person and then become it because um so many people have
so many interesting definitions about what they think love is some people have it in terms of need some people have it in terms of sexuality some people have it in terms of control and dominance and success so those are different experien that really don't lead to this concept called love how come I can't create the relationship that I want let me ask you a question would you go out with you so I have a couple theories about relationships that I think are really important and I use the same exact principles with my life first of
all I will never work in a relationship and I don't think anybody should work in a relationship I think if you're working in a relationship something is not clicking something is not right but if you bring your best and the person that you're with brings their best and you celebrate your life together then there's constructive interference there's growth there's energy if you're not there and you need a mirror or reflection then it's good to ask am I missing something am I not seeing myself in some way and then there's a healthy conversation when you invited
but if you're not invited to contribute your opinion then it's better off that you don't so people always say I want a loving relationship but what they really want is happiness really so we do these meditations uh to create love in our lives and it could be love in famili relationships with your siblings it could be with your parents it could be with your friends or it could be with a significant other if thoughts are the electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge in the quantum field and how you think
and how you feel broadcasts an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life the thought sends the signal out and the feeling is the magnetic field that draws the event back to you so if you're not in a place where you're in love with life or in love with yourself or practicing diminish ing your emotional reactions to certain people or conditions in your life and you're living in anger or hostility or judgment or fear and you want a loving relationship there is no magnetic field for you to draw that to you and in
fact if you say to me well it's that person or that circumstance that's caused me to feel this way then I would say that person or that circumstance is controlling the way you feel and the way you think and anything that controls the way we feel and the way we think we are victims to so most people are unconsciously responding to the conditions in their environment experiencing emotions that are derived from the hormones of stress those emotions cause us to feel separate from our dreams they heighten our senses so if we can't see them it
doesn't exist the threat or the danger puts us in emergency mode your response to the environment is actually weakening your organism it's weakening your response is actually weakening the body then you will be as a victim more vulnerable to the conditions in your environment whatever they're large or small and I'm talking about microorganisms as well so if you wanted a true relationship where it was fundamentally based on this concept called love if you could truly begin to practice trading those survival emotions every day for elevated emotions and you practiced opening your heart it's a skill
that has to take place where you move out of survival so people say to me I can't open my heart I I don't I can't feel love and I say well what do you practice feeling because whatever you practice feeling you're feeling most of the time and that feeling could be guilt but you're so used to it you wouldn't even know it's guilt it just feels like you are most people practicing a feeling or they just reacting to how they feel they're reacting to their external environment so if they they have an unhappy thought they
feel unhappy if they have a judgmental thought it produces chemicals that makes you feel polarized the stronger the emotions that we feel from the problems and conditions in our life the more altered we feel inside of us the more we pay attention to what's causing it outside of us if you have an event in your life an experience in your life that has a strong emotional charge to it and you don't feel like your normal self you feel this alarm system switch on you're going to narrow your focus on the cause and the Brain is
going to take a snapshot so then what people don't know is that every time they think about that event they're producing the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event was occurring so the highly charged event is actually producing the emotion and the body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that the person is fabricating by thought alone the body's believing all you need is an image and an emotion a thought and a feeling a stimulus and a response and
you're conditioning your body emotionally into the past the memory is this just not in the brain now it's in the body so the problem is is that it becomes a subconscious program it's no longer a conscious process the body has been conditioned into resentment into unhappiness into fear anxiety whatever it is so back to our concept of bringing love into your life so you say to that person okay open your heart and they're going to say are you kidding me I was hurt I'm not going to do that let me see your cards first and
once I see your cards then I'll open up a little bit in that state of survival the research shows that the long-term effects of those stress hormones are pushing the genetic buttons that are creating disease the body can't live in emergency mode for that period of time so in a sense the person person is making themselves Sick by thought alone the problem is is now the body is conditioned into the past and it's the mind all of this energy stored in the body and now the person has to leave their unhappiness and step out into
the unknown they have to get out of the familiar feelings that has defined them so they'll say I can't really feel Joy I can't really feel love and what they're really saying is I've been conditioning my body emotionally so much into the past that I can't feel anything else other than what I know people say anger fear those are Altered States the survival chemicals are actually knocking your brain and body out of balance you're out of balance in that moment and if you keep doing that the inbalance is now the new balance and now you're
altered emotionally so back to the concept of love so the person can theoretically intellectually philosophically say I want this type of person person she's got to be this way he's got to look this way he's got to be like this and they're basically saying I want something that represents all the things that I no longer want and so they're creating with their brain and mind which is perfect the problem is is that if you can't feel the emotion of your future your manifestation of Love Before It's Made manifest waiting for the outer environment to change
that's cause and effect we're waiting for something to happen if you're feeling the lack and The Emptiness then you're keeping your relationship at arms length because you don't have the magnetic field to draw to you so can you teach your body emotionally what the future will feel like before it's made manifest that means you can't wait for your relationship to feel love you have to reverse that Battleship and understand feeling love and practice getting so present in the moment that you're not anticipating the next moment or trying to predict the future most of our thoughts
and feelings come from our past experiences they come from our memories in fact your brain is organized to reflect everything you know in your life your brain is a record of all the things you've learned and experienced to date it's an artifact and when you have an experience when you're in the midst of an experience all of your five senses plug you into the external environment and as your brain is processing all of this vital sensory data all that information rushes back to the brain and when it reaches the brain it causes jungles of neurons
to organize themselves into networks to string into patterns to reflect their interaction with their external environment the moment those neurons organize into patterns the brain makes a chemical and that chemical is called a feeling or an emotion and so experiences tend tend to create more long-term memories because it patterns or stamps or embosses networks of neurons into very specific patterns and then the emotional quotient helps us to remember the event the end product of experience of course is the emotion and it causes us to feel certain ways you can you can remember where you were
on 9/11 you can tell me who you were with what time of day it was what you were doing because whatever you were seeing in that moment or hearing in that moment changed how you were feeling and the moment you felt altered or you felt differently significantly your brain perked up and you paid attention to whatever caused that and that event in and of itself is called the memory so then most of our thoughts and feelings tend to be within the neural circuitry of the past and the emotions of the past chemically if you combine
a thought and a feeling a thought and a feeling a thought and a feeling and you have a series of good thoughts thoughts that are connected to a series of Good Feelings that cycle of thinking and feeling creates what's called an attitude if you have a series of negative thoughts that are connected to some pretty bad feelings you'll say have a pretty bad attitude today so if how you think and how you feel creates a state of being then attitudes are just shortened states of being you can feel good in the morning you can feel
bad in the afternoon if you take an attitude and attitude and attitude and you begin to string attitudes together when you combine an attitude and attitude and attitude you start to form what's called beliefs now a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over again until you hardwired in your brain and because beliefs are based on past experiences then the very boundaries of our beliefs are how we feel and so when our beliefs get challenged it typically doesn't feel right I think there's a strong intellectual division going on in the world right
now because because some people are holding on to old paradigms and old beliefs and look if we're measuring normal we're going to get normal I mean freak years for years the idea that you couldn't grow new brain cells or couldn't change the brain in some way that was a belief and you know why because the scientist was that was doing the experiment was studying rodents in an unchanging environment how could there ever be any new connections or new circuitry or New U brain cells if there's no new experience so I think in the age of
information in the age of Technology ignorance is a choice and people are beginning to go hey I don't need my doctor to tell me about this I can get on the internet and read it hey I I'm going to read a book on quantum physics and I'm going to ask the mysterious questions I'm going to step outside of convention myself so once you step outside of convention you will be considered fool hearty or insane until you're able to produce some type of change then you're considered a saint a holy man a Mystic genius dare to
be original so I think the camp is divided in a very big way that's the reason why I'm doing all the measurements yeah because I want uh I want people to understand that the person that healed themselves of that condition that traumatic brain injury I want to show you that their brain is better they're not just saying I feel better no they are better I want them to see that now they didn't do that with a drug they didn't do that with a therapy they didn't do that with anything except by thought alone and they
made those biological changes so to answer the question the camp is divided in many ways the old paradigms and then the new understandings in the new paradigms and then there's this little kind of bridge in between and we're only as good as a people that are willing to execute it in other words you got to be skilled at this right you got to be skilled at this so if you're not skilled at it we're not going to see any changes so imagine F 500 people or 450 people coming to an event a workshop and we
are going to help them cross that River and to become conscious of their unconscious thoughts you know the ones that say you can it's too hard this will never happen I can't change I'm too this I'm too old I'm to that get beyond what their habits are what they say unconsciously do complain do they blame do they make excuses they feel sorry for themselves it's a program they talk about others then look at their emotional states oh my God I I've been guilty for the last 30 years I I didn't even know I was guilty
it just felt like me I I've been unworthy I didn't even know it was unworthy it just felt like who I am and all of a sudden they start becoming conscious of that and then they start creating a new change for themselves and one by one you start seeing these breakthroughs you start measuring those breakthroughs you get people on the stage talk about their breakthroughs show their brain scan show their heart rate monitor show the energy change and I guarantee you just like an infection can create a disease in a community I believe that Wellness
can be as infectious as disease and you start seeing traumatic changes happening in a small community of people who are outside of the conditioning of their environment the science has to be done to measure it but the measurements are only as good as our students and if they're not doing the work if they're not developing the the um ability to sustain brain wave States if they're not getting beyond their analytical mind because what separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is the analytical mind and if a person doesn't get beyond their analytical mind they'll
still think within their belief and I've measured enough brains to tell you is that when you think within your belief or you think within those limited emotions you are going to make your brain worse without a doubt it's only when you transcend that analytical mind that you start falling in to those subconscious programs and you begin to step into the autonomic nervous system where you can change your chemistry and your biology so then if our students aren't good at doing that then it's still a philosophical concept Pie in the Sky uh principles but what we
want to do is we want to give people the knowledge the information and blend The Sciences of possibility whether it's quantum physics or neuroplasticity or neuroendocrinology or epigenetics or whatever it is hormonal changes we psychon neuroimmunology we want to give them the information and have them reason it want we want them to be able to turn to someone next to them and explain what they just learned so they wired in there we want to give them the instruction and have them review the instruction and then we want to put them into the experience not everybody
is going to have the experience but all we need is a few and if that person or series of people have that experience that transformation and we measure that transformation that's more information to teach transformation the next time because I can understand what took place so our so our our our work is only as good as our students ability to regulate and change those States but I do know that if you give people the opportunity and they they they they have enough times in their environment to apply it you'll start seeing those Transformations occur and
now we're stepping outside the Paradigm of the human beings are limited they're powerless they need these external things to take care of them uh I think it's I think it's time that we start taking a little bit more responsibility for these things and seeing if we're able to do it in a practical measurable way an attitude UD and attitude and attitude are shortened states of being and you combine them together then then a belief then the cycle of thinking feeling over time creates a subconscious state of being so all beliefs are subconscious states of being
we have beliefs about God about spirituality about health about relationships about love and all of those are based on our past experiences but the majority of those beliefs we don't even know that we believe them because we think they're true because they're not functioning primarily in the conscious mind so then if you take a belief a belief a belief and you stack them together you start to form what's called perceptions and perceptions have everything to do with the relationships we have the things we create the behaviors we demonstrate and even the um uh uh choices
we make in our relationships so then why is that important because then if beliefs are subconscious state states of being and you're stringing beliefs together then most people are viewing their life through the lens of the past unconsciously and they are filling in reality they're seeing reality they're filling it in from their past memory we know this to be true because they did an Amazing Experiment where they took a group of people and they had them wear these lenses and the lenses were divided in half and when they looked to one side they saw one
color and they looked to another side they saw another color and they said to them okay well wear are these glasses every day for two weeks take your kids to school do all the things you do at work you know go shopping work out you know live your life at the end of two weeks they brought those people back into the lab and they said look to the left what color do you see said we don't see a color look to the right what color do you see we don't see a color now it says
a couple things number one the eyes don't see the brain sees but more emphatically important is that those people were filling in their external reality based on their memory in their brain if they were truly seeing they would be seeing those colors right so then in our perceptions then we are overlaying our future we're overlaying the present moment with our memory of the past and so then that then begins to diminish possibility and it begins to to close down way that we can begin to navigate and function in our lives people always ask me how
do I create the person of my dreams that I want in my life and I always say take out a piece of paper write down everything you want in that person and then become it because um so many people have so many interesting definitions about what they think love is some people have it in terms of need some people have it in terms of sexuality some people have it in terms of control and dominance and success so those are different experiences that really don't lead to this concept called love how come I can't create the
relationship that I want let me ask you a question would you go out with you so I have a couple theories about relationships that I think are really important and I use the same exact principles with my life first of all I will never work in a relationship and I don't think anybody should work in a relationship I think if you're working in a relationship something is not clicking something is not right but if you bring your best and the person that you're with brings their best and you celebrate your life together then there's constructive
interference there's growth there's energy if you're not there and you need a mirror or reflection then it's good to ask am I missing something am I not seeing myself in some way and then there's a healthy conversation when you invited but if you're not invited to contribute your opinion then it's better off that you don't so people always say I want a loving relationship but what they really want is happiness really so we do these meditations uh to create love in our lives and it could be love in familiar relationships with your siblings it could
be with your parents it could be with your friends or it could be with a significant other if thought thoughts are the electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge in the quantum field and how you think and how you feel broadcast an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life the thought sends the signal out and the feeling is the magnetic field that draws the event back to you so if you're not in a place where you're in love with life or or in love with yourself or practicing
diminishing your emotional reactions to certain people or conditions in your life and you're living in anger or hostility or judgment or fear and you want a loving relationship there is no magnetic field for you to draw that to you and in fact if you say to me well it's that person or that circumstance that's caused me to feel this way then I would say that person or that circumstance is controlling the way you feel and the way you think and anything that controls the way we feel and the way we think we are victims to
so most people are unconsciously responding to the conditions in their environment experiencing emotions that are derived from the hormones of stress those emotions cause us to feel separate from our dreams they heighten our senses so if we can't see them it doesn't exist the threat or the danger puts us in emergency mode your response to the environment is actually weakening your organism it's weakening your response is actually weakening the body then you will be as a victim more vulnerable to the conditions in your environment whatever they're large or small and I'm talking about microorganisms as
well so if you wanted a true relationship where it was fundamentally based on this concept called love if you could truly begin to practice trading those survival tions every day for elevated emotions and you practiced opening your heart it's a skill that has to take place where you move out of survival so people say to I can't open my heart I I don't I can't feel love and I say well what do you practice feeling because whatever you practice feeling you're feeling most of the time and that feeling could be guilt but you're so used
to it you wouldn't even know it's guilt it just feels like you are most people practicing a feeling or they just react acting to how they feel they're reacting to their external environment so if they have an unhappy thought they feel unhappy if they have a judgmental thought it produces chemicals that makes you feel polarized the stronger the emotions that we feel from the problems and conditions in our life the more altered we feel inside of us the more we pay attention to what's causing it outside of us if you have an event in your
life an experience in your life that has a strong emotional charge to it and you don't feel like your normal self you feel this alarm system switch on you're going to narrow your focus on the cause and the brain's going to take a snapshot so then what people don't know is that every time they think about that event they're producing the same chemistry in their brain and body as if the event was occurring so the highly charged event is actually producing the emotion and the body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between
the real experience that's cre creating the emotion and the emotion that the person is fabricating by thought alone the body's believing all you need is an image and an emotion a thought and a feeling a stimulus and a response and you're conditioning your body emotionally into the past the memory is just not in the brain now it's in the body so the problem is is that it becomes a subconscious program it's no longer a conscious process the body has been conditioned into resentment into unhappiness into fear anxiety whatever it is so back to our concept
of bringing love into your life so you say to that person okay open your heart and they're going to say are you kidding me I was hurt I'm not going to do that let me see your cards first and once I see your cards then I'll open up a little bit in that state of survival the research shows that the long-term effects of those stress hormones are pushing the genetic buttons that are creating disease the body can't live in emergency mode for that period of time so in a sense the person is making themselves Sick
by thought alone the problem is is now the body is conditioned into the past and it's the mind all of this energy stored in the body and now the person has to leave their unhappiness and step out into the unknown they have to get out of the familiar feelings that has defined them so they'll say I can't really feel Joy I can't really feel love and what they're really saying is I've been conditioning my body emotionally so much into the past that I can't feel anything else other than what I know people say anger fear
those are Altered States the survival chemicals are actually knocking your brain and body out of balance you're out of balance in that moment and if you keep doing that the inbalance is now the new balance and now you're altered emotionally so back to the concept of love so the person can theoretically intellectually philosophically say I want this type of person she's got to be this way he's got to look this way he's got to be like this and they're basically saying I want something that represents all the things that I no longer want and so
they're creating with their brain and mind which is perfect the problem is is that if you can't feel the emotion of your future your manifestation of Love Before It's Made manifest waiting for the outer environment to change that's cause and effect we're waiting for something to happen if you're feeling the lack and The Emptiness then you're keeping your relationship at arms length because you don't have the magnetic field to draw to you so can you teach your body emotionally what the future will feel like before it's made manifest that means you can't wait for your
relationship to feel love you have to reverse that Battleship and understand feeling love and practice getting so present in the moment that you're not anticipating the next moment or trying to predict the future
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