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[Music] Your computer will make you money, and in this video, I'm going to show you exactly how. But first, a trip back in time. For millions of years, humans have been fascinated with machines—machines to help them lift heavy objects, build things, create things, and even change the way they work. And few things have changed the world as much as what we're seeing today. In ancient times, language made the biggest difference in our lives, and looking at language as a type of data, we can see how that transformed the way we live and breathe in
the world. Fast forward to the printing press, changing the way we communicate and consume information. No longer do we have to memorize things and hope we're accurate, but now we can mass-produce books and increase knowledge at an alarming rate. In the early 1900s, we had the invention of the car, changing the way we move about the world. And finally, the personal computer. Computers have revolutionized the way we live, work, communicate, and interact with one another. Every second of every day, virtually everything you touch has gone through a computer at some point in time. Many of
us work on computers, are entertained by computers, and some of us are even taken care of by computers. Just a few years ago, when AI became popular, we saw another transformation. And you might look at these transformations as, "Yeah, that was the Industrial Age." However, back in the Industrial Age, no one said, "This is the Industrial Age; I better make money while I can." And maybe you're sitting there trying to make money, but you know something is changing—AI is transforming your world right under your nose, and it's advancing at a rate more rapid than any
other change in history. So, the question is, will you use this technology to make money, or will you be one of the millions whose life is changed but who doesn't get the benefit of reaping the rewards? In today's training, we are going to talk about the future of AI, AGI, and AI computer use, what this means for you, how it's going to transform our world faster than anything you've ever seen, and how you can set up your computer to make you money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Yes, friends, this is a reality.
So smash that like button, sit back, relax, and let me show you how to turn your computer into a profit-getting machine. All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the show today. What we're going to do is we're going to talk about multi-task AI computing, using AI on a computer, and how to set up your computer for AI. Now, I realize that some of this stuff is far off in the future, but what we're going to do today is prepare you for that so you understand exactly how to turn your computer into a money-getting machine. We're
going to be looking at lots of different tools in this training, and at the end of the training, I'll show you where you can go to get the list of tools and all kinds of downloads and cool stuff from this video. Now, first of all, we want to look at this because I believe in the future, and it's already showing that this is kind of where we're headed. This is something I'm already doing on a smaller level—like a linear level—where it's going to go a lot deeper. And when we look at this, I believe that
in the future, those who prepare now can have a computer that's going to make them money, much like in the past. Now we have employees that make us money; if you were able to train an employee to do certain things and work on your behalf, then you can use that to turn a profit. We see this happen all the time—Amazon makes money with employees and people doing things and all kinds of stuff like that. Now, where usually you would have to pay money for these people, what's going to happen with AI is your computer is
going to do this for you if you know how to do this. I mean, I've seen this in my business since about 2022 when I started first getting in on AI, which I got to admit, I was kind of sleeping on—it—I didn't realize it was going to be as big as it was. I rushed out to the backyard office back then, did a video, and ever since, I've been hooked. I've actually gone through and replaced multiple programming jobs where I was paying $60,000 to $100,000 a year for a programmer. Now, I can do that super
fast, and what we're going to see is this stuff is going to accelerate really quickly. What you learn today, what I show you today, can poise you to make money in the future. So if you're excited about this, smash that like button and let me know because some of this stuff will be a little technical. If it goes over your head, don't worry about it; we're going to try to keep it light and easy so that you can understand how to prepare and how to set up your computer to make you money 24/7 when this
stuff is ready—and even right now. Because if you're not making money now, if you don't understand this stuff now, your chances in the future are going to go down drastically. This is a time where we are on the ledge of this stuff exploding; we are on the precipice of this stuff getting a lot bigger. That's why I started AI Profit Scoop over at AIPROFITscoop.com to show you exactly what's going on. Now first... Of all, let's take a look at this stuff with the AI news because there's a lot of information in the news that's talking
about computer use, AI, and what's going on. We can see here this headline from PC Gamer says that Google, OpenAI, and Anthropic are all making AI systems that will run your PC for you. Now, if you guys did not see yesterday's video with myself, Alina, and a cameo from our robot over here, you probably saw that this is, in fact, the case. This is something that's happening. If you didn't see that video, check it out in the description after this one; it's very, very informative and shows you where we're at right now and how to
understand this stuff. Now, you might need to watch it multiple times to get it, but you know what? The more prepared you are, the more money you're going to make in the future. Fortunately for me, I love this stuff, so I dive into it all the time; I find it really fascinating. Now, we have seen Nvidia's stock go through the roof because of AI. We see that Google, OpenAI, Anthropic, and also Microsoft—Microsoft was the first maker of PCs. Also, I have a Google phone around here somewhere that was an AI-enabled phone. We are seeing AI
starting to run devices, which is different, right? When we go over to ChatGPT and we are using ChatGPT like this and we have a one-on-one response, it's not as smart as a lot of people make it out to be; it's more or less just one interaction. I give it an input; it gives me an output; that's the end of the story. Now, it is pretty cool—I mean, this is some advanced stuff, right? We are in the future; welcome to the future! But it is a one-off. I can only give it one task; it'll do that
task, that's it. So if I say, you know, "Go and make a blog post," I have to go and upload that blog post and keyword-load it and things like that. In the future, what we are going to see—and we are right on the cusp of this—is that if you're here and you're like, "Hey, I want to make money online with AI," this is the place to be. I've been doing this for 25 years. The stuff that is changing is, it's easier now than it ever was before. A lot of people say, "Well, Marcus, you had
the advantage back in the year 1999 when you were just starting out; we don't have that advantage." Well, let's talk about that advantage because back when I started, you had to wait six months to rank on Google if you ranked. Now, you had to create all the stuff from scratch; you had to do coding. I had to know HTML; I had to know how to upload, edit, and do all kinds of crazy things, and we couldn't do video. I couldn't get traffic instantly like today. Nowadays, I can get traffic instantly, and today what we have
here is the ability to create things instantly. So what we have here is, right now, we have AI like ChatGPT; GPT is an input-output system. I give it a question, a directive, a prompt; it gives me an output. Now, what's going to happen in the future is you are going to have multi—what's known as AI agents—and then we're also going to get into AGI, which is Artificial General Intelligence, meaning computers that are as smart as us. Now, I do believe I read that OpenAI or one of the AIs passed the Turing Test, meaning it is
now indistinguishable from a human, which is interesting because it's like, "Okay, we have to fill out these CAPTCHA codes; is that something these robots can now do?" I don't know; maybe it can prove it's not a robot—that's kind of what the Turing Test is all about. But what's going to happen when we go to multi-tasking is that instead of saying, "Write me an article about X," I can then say, "Here are my logins to HRS; find the keywords that we are doing okay on and make them better by editing the blog post every day to
make sure it goes up." Imagine what would happen if a robot was in there tweaking your blog post every day and getting feedback from analytics without you doing anything! I mean, this is the kind of thing where you would go and hire an employee to do this, and it would more or less be a full-time job. But with AI, it's something it can do in seconds! Much like when we see here if I was to go out there to one of the people that work for me and I was to say, "Okay, I need you
to find data about X, Y, and Z," or let's say I want to make a program. If I was to go to my programmer and say, "Hey, I need a PHP calculator; please make a PHP calculator for an extra auto loan payment," it's going to go through and do this. Now, what you're seeing right now is the fact that it is creating it on the fly, right now. This is the kind of thing where if I gave this to my programmer, it's going to take him a day or two to do, which means I have
to pay a day or two of wages or I have to go to Upwork and pay by the job—probably a couple hundred dollars or something like that—where now I'm getting this right here, right now. Okay? Now, this is cool! Right, this is something that I currently make money with. I have tools that make money, and I have students that use tools that make money. This is something that we are doing literally right now. But how is this going to be different? Because this is cool; a lot of people can use it. My recommendation is, right
now, if you want to learn this stuff, go to airofitscoop.com. After this training, take the challenge, set something up. We have people in there that are novices at computers; they're setting things up. We've got people who are like, "I never thought I could make a calculator." They're good to go right there. Okay, so looking at this stuff is very important. Now, when we get to AGI, here's where it's going to be different, and this is why you need to understand this stuff now. Because with AGI, I could actually go through, and I found some programs
that are very similar to exactly what's going on. What we see here is, with the AI and the PC, what we can do is give it a directive and say, "I want you to make this PHP code or WordPress plugin. I want you to upload it to my WordPress site. I want you to check it for bugs, and I want you to do this." What's happening is it will actually be on the computer with you, where you would click a button. As we saw in our video with Alina, we had the idea of the foot
pedal. That would be nice to have a foot pedal that's like, "AI off, AI on," where I can go through and say, "Hey, test this plugin out. Fix this. Make this blue. Make this green. Package it. Brand it. I'm ready to go, ready to sell." And I got to tell you, a lot of people don't know this because I don't talk about it a lot, but I've actually made seven figures with WordPress plugins. Okay? I had a programmer – actually, I have a couple of them – they make plugins, and we sell those to businesses.
That is something that I do all the time. We have made a lot of money with those. Now, with those, they cost me probably – I mean, if you add it up, my programmers have been with me over 12 years – probably hundreds of thousands of dollars. So we're starting to look at this and say, "Okay, great, that's something that anyone can do." When you look at AHFS and different things like that, you see that people are, in fact, getting plugins; they're interested in plugins, they're interested in tools, they're interested in generators, converters, and all
kinds of things like that. So understanding how this is going to work and what we're going to do to make money is absolutely key. So looking at this, if I was to go to the keyword thing here and say "WordPress plugins" like this, you can see there we go. Okay, very cool. There's 11,000 people a month searching for WordPress plugins, 317,000 search for WordPress, and on and on we go: 700 for WordPress SEO plugins. Now, before, where we'd have to go through and look at that, we would have to go and make this with a
programmer, make it make sense. Now we're getting a lot of questions about the PC part, so I'm going to go into that real quick to show you what that would look like. Again, I want you to understand that the difference is, when it's on a PC, now it's taking over. Now it can do things like you – it's almost the same as having someone sit there and you tell them what to do, and they do it. The cool part about AI, which I think a lot of people haven't really scratched the surface on, is the
fact that it will figure it out for you. It will do the debugging, it will do the critical thinking, it will understand what you need, why, and how to make it work. Okay, GPT says, "Can we run it locally on our site?" That's something that will happen in the future. Right now, it's not there; however, you could probably tie in an API with a WordPress plugin and make it work. And who better to make that than AI itself? Now, we could also see some other news items here. Anthropic came out with the robot one. Over
here, Lenovo has shifted to becoming an AI-integrated computer company, which Lenovo computers are fantastic. I'm sure their AI ones will be even better. We can also see Claude is now controlling our computer; Anthropic, who owns Claude, is updating them for computer use and AI agents as well. So we're seeing a lot of different things moving in the AI space where it's like, "Okay, now this is going to take over." We also see that Microsoft has AI agents, which is fantastic. Microsoft was the first one that came out with having Copilot work alongside you. If you
guys don't use Copilot, you're missing out. It is free with Windows; I believe you can get the Pro version for like 30 bucks or whatever. But starting to look at this and say, "Hey, wait a minute, this is browsing the web with me, and it'll understand what's on the page." So if I say, "I want to use this page; tell me about this page." Now, with me, what I do to make money is I use multiple AI tools to get different outputs. So I might go through and take this here and put it into Notepad
LM, or I might take some other pages and put them into them, and go through this and make it work. Okay, so we're seeing... This, we're seeing the tools; we're seeing everything that works. Okay, we also see that Claude AI gets bored during coding demonstrations. That's interesting. I don't know what's going on with that, and we see all kinds of things, like ordering a pizza, which we saw happen with the Honda robot Asimo a couple of years ago. I remember I was in Disney, and they had a robot, and my kids were freaked out. But
I was like, "Hey, I want to check this out. I want to see what's going on. This is pretty cool." And so now we see, yeah, this is something that is now on the cusp. It's right here, and those who understand what they're going to learn in this video are going to be on the forefront. Okay, we also see different things that people are using these for, and I don't need to explain that the tech industry, the AI stuff, is literally getting so much funding from different sources; it's crazy. Okay, so really cool, and you
could see, you know, people are using it to shop and all kinds of things like that. Now, what is the difference between an AI-enabled PC like Claude or our robot over here versus traditional AI? What’s the difference here? How does it work? Okay, first of all, a local system control and real-time interaction. So what's happening is now it has access to your files versus just looking at something on the Internet or a database of what it had. Now, if you're interested in this, I have the instructions over at AIProfitsScoop.com. It'll show you exactly how to
set up a system like we did with the robot. We can also see that having a claw AIPC using Docker gives it virtual access to your computer files and everything like that. We also see that standard AI is going to give text responses; it makes videos. How many of you guys liked the intro that we made for this training, right? The intro video? I found that with AI, sometimes when you use video-based AI, like InVideo and stuff like that, it misses the mark on what it's supposed to understand. Whereas if you had it on your
PC, you could have files telling it what you want it to understand and have a repository of videos and say, "Hey, choose from these videos; this is what I want," and it'll save you a bunch of time. So going through, we can also see local data processing and file manipulation, which also, one of the benefits is on your PC. It's going to use the resources on your computer rather than like ChatGPT, which is using resources that are shared among hundreds of millions of people. Now, I'm going to have something isolated all on my own. Also,
another thing I can do is have it work with my files, my data, my content. Very important. This is something that we haven't seen before where, you know, I could go to ChatGPT and upload a file or two, and that's about all it'll get. It'll start to forget after a while. Whereas on a computer, that's all it is. That's one of the things we saw with NotebookLM, where it was like, now I can isolate an AI trained on what I want it trained on, not the generic one. Right? Like if you go to ChatGPT, this
is trained on the entire Internet, whereas I want something very, very specific. And like GPT says, prompt engineering: this is going to change. We're going to see how it's going to change. Also, we could see versatile workflow management, where it's going to have multiple things, direct system-level integration, and applications. So where Microsoft got in—they were the early ones. I think that a lot of people underestimate Microsoft because in the early days when AI was just coming out, Microsoft was on the cutting edge. They had Skype; they had it in the Internet browser; they had it
in Excel, Word. They had all these things that nobody had. The guy who runs Microsoft—I forget their CEO's name—is on the cutting edge; he knows what's going on, and that company is going to transform like crazy over the upcoming years. So when we look at this, what can we use this for? Content automation! Imagine having it do your keyword research, having it go out there and create stuff based on marketing, having it look at files and change things. If I were to go through and have it update stuff—like right now, one of our workers is
going through our blog and updating blog posts to get higher search engine rankings. What if AI did that automatically? What if AI was able to Skype my customers? What if it was able to take calls? These are all things that are happening right now, and we are going to see them grow in the future. We also see office assistance, customer interaction, project management, and more. And again, if you want to learn about making money with AI, AI Profits Scoop is a site that I have set up for you. It is completely free! Yes, from time
to time, I will try to sell you things. See, that's how I make a living. But the tools are free; you can go in there, and you could check it out for free for the next however many years we have it online. But you can see all the stuff there, and we are going to keep you on the cutting edge of what's happening, how it works, and things that we're using in real time. Now, some other things that I have been testing recently... Uh, which are really cool, is StackBlitz (stackblitz.com). This is one where it’s
getting a little bit more advanced with AI, and it’s actually writing scripts right there now, right? So if I go through, I believe you hit "New," and you could say, "Let’s build a WordPress plugin that allows me to sell banner ad space, track the clicks, track the impressions and clicks, and have people buy with PayPal." Boom! It'll go through, and it’ll do this. What’s going to happen is it's going to switch over. Now, I think we need to—we might need to switch over to StackBlitz again. I'm just now using this, but you can see that
some of these it will actually go through and do multiple files, whereas with ChatGPT, it'll give you like three at most, and then you have to compile them. This is actually compiling it and making it work in a super simple way, right? We can see here exactly how this works, super simple. I don’t know how to turn this guy—there we go. And it’ll test it for you as well, but look at all these files it made, right? It's going through; it's building the whole thing. If you don’t understand this, these are files that people have
made billions of dollars with: WordPress plugins, scripts, add-ons. Our order form script that I have—I paid 800 bucks for a simple script that anyone could make that ties into Infusionsoft, right? It was like, wow, that just instantly you could do that with AI understanding it. It understands API; it understands all this stuff. And now, with computer use, with being able to put it on our site, it’s crazy. You mean AI can, as well, make calls? Yes, it can make API calls. It can make calls to your customers, and it could take data from your phone
and translate it and tell you, "Hey, you need to call these guys back," or whatever it is. Now, when we look at this, what we’re going to see is when we move over to computer-dedicated AI—I’m talking I don't go to a website and use AI, it is on my computer. This is getting very close; we are on the edge of it. If you want to make money, pay close attention. These are some of the tasks that you can see that regular AI would do versus Claude AI or AI-enabled PCs. Okay? GPD Gold Rush says, “I
messed around two nights ago and made a web app in like five minutes for my outdoor section of my website.” Exactly! It’s very simple. A lot of people are overcomplicating this with busy work. What’s going to happen here? Okay, this is the flaw when it comes to making money online. A lot of people think that the key to making money online is busy work. Okay, it’s not! If busy work were the key, then I should be able to hire 5,000 employees and make more than I pay them if busy work was the key—if that’s how
we got paid on. But the fact is that’s not the key. Busy work is busy work; directing is the key. Directing: what am I going to have people do that puts money in our pocket? This is what we need to understand; this is why AI prompting is such a hot topic right now, because if you know how to prompt AI correctly, you can get busy work that will make money. But here’s the deal: a lot of people say, “Hey, this AI stuff's pretty cool! I’m going to have it generate 100,000 articles for my website.” Some
of them did that, and some of them got a lot of traffic, and most of those people who did that got banned by Google. They were like, “Hey, we don’t want your website; we don’t want spam; it's junk.” What is that? That’s busy work, because it's free. Everyone thinks, “Oh, well, I’ll just get a bunch of it.” All right, now we see that that didn’t work very well. However, what if you knew what to tell AI, what to direct it, how to get output that is going to make you money? Very, very important! Okay, let’s
take a look at what this would look like. Let’s say we have text generation and editing. Okay? So if I wanted to make money with that, I could open up a Fiverr account; I could say, “We will edit and generate text for you.” Okay? I could do that, and I can make money with it. I can have AI do it; I could pocket the difference. It’s very simple: go to Fiverr, look this stuff up. You could say, “Okay, well, I’ll charge $50 for, you know, a document review and editing, plagiarism check, whatever.” I have AI
do that. Maybe it takes me an hour. Thus, I make probably—I don’t know—by the time all your fees and everything, you’re probably making 40 bucks an hour. Okay, is that typical employer guaranteed? No! Is that what I would do with AI? No! Because that’s still me having to do stuff. I want AI to be on my computer and make me money 24/7, just like my websites do. Right? I’ll never forget it: the first year that I made a million dollars was 2006. Do the math! Long before I ever started making videos, long before I ever
even started teaching affiliate marketing. This was a long time ago; it had nothing to do with making money online. Now, when I did that, I was—I think I was 26 years old, 27 years old, 26. I turned—yeah, something like that, right? And I remember it like it... was yesterday because it was summertime and we were hanging out by the pool. Our kids were little back then; we were having fun, and I remember logging in and I was like, "I made about 5,000 bucks today, and I didn't do anything." Then the next day, same thing. The
next day, the same thing. I never—I mean, I remember thinking 5,000 a month would be amazing, let alone 5,000 a day, let alone not doing anything. The site just literally printed money. Well, not literally; figuratively. Printing money is not legal, but we generated money. So imagine if we take what that took, because that took me building it. It took me setting it up. I had to manage ads, I had to manage affiliate offers—all of this. What if back then I had AI run the whole thing? Think about that for a minute. How many of you
guys are like, "Wait a minute"? I know that sometimes this stuff is a little tough to believe. You say, "Barcus, you know, 5,000 a day; you know, 5,000 a month was my best month. How'd you make 5,000 a day?" Okay, well, we need to realize that the world is big; the internet is big, and there's lots of things happening every day. I mean, you think about how much Amazon makes—insane amount of money. You think about how much these other things make—insane amount of money. And you start to understand, okay, so much like we set up
websites in the past, what's going to happen is we're going to set up our computer to run everything. Okay, so text generation and editing, file access. Regular AI has limited or just one upload file, whereas an AI enabled PC can do a bunch of files. All right, cool. So like before, where I would have to go through and edit things and it took all day, I could say, "Hey, AI, do this. Fix it this way." I go to lunch, come back—it's done. Or I probably don't even go to lunch; it's pretty quick, right? Application interaction,
where regular AI has no application interaction except for stuff like, um, Windows. Windows does have the—um, what do they call it? Co-pilot, where it's in-application. But again, it's very limited; it's very basic; it's buggy. Whereas with an AI enabled PC, it doesn't matter what app you have; it's like you on a computer. This is what I want you guys to get: it is like you on a computer. Okay, next up, content publishing—or actually, sorry, I missed one—multi-step task automation. Where regular AI is limited to one thing, "Hey, fix this calculator," whereas I could go through
with a PC enabled with AI and have it create documents, then have it make PDFs of the documents, then have it brand them, and then have it upload them—and the rest is history. I mean, imagine being able to go through this like years ago when you would have submitters, right? You'd be like, "Hey, I have this submitter that's going to submit to a bunch of free ad tools," and we used these all the time, where it would go through and submit on your behalf. It took forever; like it would literally take like 27 hours, but
it would go through and submit them, and we got some traffic. Okay, 27 hours—yeah, there we go. But now imagine, okay, where this stuff doesn't really exist anymore. Imagine if you could do this a different way where it's like, "Hey, take my video, chop it up, put it on TikTok, notice what does good, and do more of what does good so I can get more views," or doing videos and things like that. Gamechanging stuff here. We're going to see content publishing before it does drafts. Now it can create, format, and publish to WordPress; like you
could legit have a computer trained the way you want it trained on documents you want it trained on, and it will go through in your WordPress and manage your entire stuff. Okay, very, very cool. Email messaging and automation—this is great for, like, running a mailing list and things like that. Cloud integration, document conversion, user-like actions in a virtual environment where you can test things. I mean, I see that the beta testing industry is probably going to be gone soon because AI will do this. Okay, very, very, very simple. Okay, web navigation and scraping—this is a
little controversial; as AI gets bigger, less and less sites are going to allow you to view them without any opting in or something like that. We're also going to see system settings adjustments where it could, like, monitor your system. I mean, imagine if Norton or whatever your favorite virus software is—imagine if it's just out there actively doing things rather than just passive. And that's what this is about. This is going to be active rather than passive. Think actual employee versus just tasks, and starting to understand all the different things that this is going to change
is going to be huge. Now, here's some things that we can go through to learn what's going on and how to do it. What I would say is start using Bolt AI, mess around with it, see how it works, ask it different things, see what you can do. If we do open in a new Bolt AI, we could go through here and we can say something like, "I want to create—" I think I had in here; I could just put this here—this should work—"in this." There we go, let's see, "Start a different—continue, continue," so it'll
start writing the script right like this. And then the cool thing about this is... When it's on our computer, we could actually log into the web. We can take a look at how it works—um, super simple, okay? And I think that's actually, yeah, that actually has a preview, so you could probably use that some way or another. Okay, so starting to look at this, we're like, "Okay, this is pretty cool." Bolt AI is a very good one to use where we can do programming and code generation, even if you don't understand code, like me. I
don't understand enough to get by—probably enough that you guys would understand. If I did a code in here, I could see, like, there's the monthly payment; yeah, I understand that. Interest payment? Okay, that's a variable. I know enough to say, "Hey, the stuff in pink, don't change it," right? And I know enough to be like, "Okay, if I put something up here, I could change a title," and I put a logo, right? I know basic things. And if you know the basic stuff, I think it's going to be key. GPT says, "I agree. What Marcus
has been teaching us has literally changed my life and created a marketing monster within me. AI has changed the game; better keep up." Absolutely. Um, Ty says, "Can you do this with a total virtual machine?" Yes, you can. Um, what I would recommend doing if you guys are on a budget or whatever—I'm pretty sure it runs on Linux. I think you can. Let me just double-check on that: Linux, Claude AI. I think it does. Elena, do you remember if Claude can run on Linux? Okay, so I think it does—pretty sure. So, what I would do
is get yourself an SSD drive. You can get them for like 50 bucks; you don't need a big one, it could be small. Get an SSD drive, put it in your computer, or run it as a USB boot from that drive in Linux. Just go get a free copy of Linux, and then download Docker and do all that. You could do all of it for free; it doesn't cost anything. Um, you might need Claude API keys and tokens. Um, but we found with ours, I think the reason we were timing out is because we were
using the free one, not the one I paid for. So, I think the paid one will allow you to have more. Um, so pretty cool. I mean, you look at this, and it's like, this is going to change everything. A lot of people don't understand it, but those who do—you can make money. Matt says, "Yes, if it runs on Docker, it can use." And I would venture to say that Linux is going to be, um, more stable and faster. Because, I mean, you can get Linux, and you can run it on a jump drive if
you want to. Yeah, you can use Rufus, all kinds of things like that. Um, but very simple. And then you just boot from that, and it'll be a completely separate machine. You could even, you know, undock your hard drive or something like that, and if you want it completely isolated. Now, for me, I'm kind of nutty, and I don't want AI on these computers. So, like, hey, you can go over there on your own computer. Um, but again, you know, you could get computers so cheap now it’s not even funny. Just go get a laptop;
it would probably even work on a Chromebook, right? And then you would just boot it on a virtual drive versus the regular drive. A notebook—LM, this is one—like, so Bolt AI, use it, try to make a program, right? Just try it out, humor yourself. I have people that are in airofit scoop.com, and they were like, "I never knew programming; I never knew how to upload a file." I made a tool, and the tools they’re making are beautiful. They're making big calculators with complicated things; they're making generators. They're making all kinds of things where before they
thought they were newbies not knowing how to do computer stuff. And we start to look at that and look at it, okay? And understand this is how it works. If you understand this now, you are going to be way ahead of where everyone else is going to be. Zapier with AI actions—this is more of like a CRM, where you're using an API, which basically everything on the web usually has some kind of API or backdoor code that talks to AI, right? You could use—like, a lot of the tools you use are probably calling from OpenAI's
API, Air Ops, syncing with different tools and stuff like that. Auto code—you could use that. Make.com—this is a big one that I've been seeing a lot. This is one we're going to be diving into. Um, Alina, maybe make a note about that. Make.com is like a big data collector, which is great because, I mean, you guys see there are companies out there—like, there are startup companies where they will go out there and they will find startups that make money, and they will post content on them. A lot of people don't know, but you know the
site OfferVault, which we use to find affiliate offers? A lot of people come to me and they're like, "Marcus, how do I sign up for OfferVault? How do I get approved at OfferVault?" And I'm like, "You don't." OfferVault is basically just an affiliate network, that's all—or, sorry, an affiliate search engine, right? So if I go here and I type in, "Credit," or something like that, right? This is what it looks like. Like it's an aggregator, so what did this do? Basically, someone got the APIs for Max Bounty and Lead Stack, and whatever they funneled it
into a program, and now I can search all the affiliate offers. That made them lots and lots and lots of money. There are sites that go out there and find company data, right? There's tons of them. You go out there, and there's—um—what was that big one we used to use? BuiltWith. BuiltWith is a huge one; it's like $500 a month for access to this. And guess what? It's free data that's out there. Anyway, as I always say here, data structured differently, content structured differently, can make you rich if you're understanding how to make it work.
We have a lot of people—there are a couple that are in the comment section now—that built custom GPTs. This is something I told you guys about. I think it was earlier this year or maybe mid-last year when we talked about custom GPTs, and we were like, “Hey, you could create your own GPT. You don't need coding; you don't need any of this stuff.” Where before, the barrier of entry was hundreds of thousands of dollars, now it's literally 30 bucks. So, I mean, if you want to make money, this is stuff that you need to learn.
We also have customer support and stuff like that. The ones I would look at are Bolt, Nope, BookMake, and then GPTs and stuff like that. Okay? Starting to look at this, we're going to see a lot of things change when it comes to having computer use, much like we have here. If you understand how these work—how does Notebook LM work? A lot of people missed what I was saying in the video. We talked about it; we did the podcast. A lot of people talked about the podcast tool here, where you would go through and you
would put some code in or some info in. Let's say we wanted to put a source like this, and I'll say, “Okay, we want copied text. Put this in here,” like that. It's going to run on this, and then we can go through and actually customize and generate a podcast. Now, a lot of people were like, “Oh, cool, podcast! Let's just throw them up on YouTube.” It's like, “Okay, that could work,” but that's not exactly the best thing to do. A lot of people want to generate as much content as they can quickly and put
it all over the web. Basically, what you are is you are an AI-enabled spammer. That's what you're doing—you're spamming the internet with unwanted content based on things you think are important, based on keywords you think will get traffic. Google's like, “We don't want that; we want good stuff.” So, what you're going to get paid to do is think: Is there money in some of this other stuff? There is, but it doesn't last long, right? Like a lot of people that did bulk emails back in the day and bulk SEO, they're not around anymore. I know
because a lot of them—I knew them. So, you would say, “Okay, well, what are we going to get paid to do?” We're going to get paid to think. We're going to get paid to do something in a different way. Again, direct: How are we going to direct this to do what we want it to do to get the money? What are the tasks that are going to get us the money, and why? The first thing we need to do is we need to pick a direction. What are we going to do? Okay, what we're going
to do is we're going to say, “Direction. Okay, who am I going to talk to? What am I going to make content for? What is this whole thing about?” Okay, and we're going to go through. I saw snarky comments on Notebook LM podcasts, yes. And you know what people miss? I've actually used it for Notebook LM. Podcasts are not, in my opinion, supposed to be podcasts. I don't want to go fire up my phone, go for a jog, and listen to robots talk to each other. It's not what I want to do. If I want
to do that, I'll watch Terminator, right? What I could do is I could have it help me sell a product. If you didn't see my videos on Notebook LM, watch them. We're using it specifically to sell a product. So what if you picked a direction and you said, “Okay, instead of doing what the other gurus say— which is go for weight loss or make money, health or fitness, love or whatever—what if I pick something specific?” What if I went out there and I was like, “I am going to review steak knives”? Okay, steak knives. And
you go out there and you review different steak knives. I actually have a student who's doing this; he got a bunch of traffic. It's very easy; it's not hard to do. If you're finding it hard to get traffic, it's because you're not thinking about your market—where they sit. You're not thinking about where they're at; you're not thinking about what they want. You're just looking at keyword data, just like everyone else does, and you're not thinking differently. But what if I went through and I said, “Okay, in the olden days,” and I'm going to do this
demo for you so you understand it? Because when we have AGI and computer use, it's going to be off the chain. Because when I do that, then I can go and film myself. Cutting a tomato or whatever, or using a pan—excuse me—or using a pan or something like that, and AI will make content about it. Think about this, right? This is going to be so hands-off. So what I would do is I'd say, "Okay, I'm going to do steak knives." Now, in the old days, I would have to go to like a writer or hire
writers, and I would have to pay someone a fortune to do all the research. Then I'd have to do a keyword report. Then I'd have to give them the task to write about; then I'd get it back, and I'd have to edit it, and it'd be a pain. Watch this; watch how I do this in seconds. I am literally going to save at least $500 in just a few seconds, and I'll show you how and why. If you're excited, type 500 in the box, smash the like button, because this is going to be a good
demo. We're going to go to ChatGPT like this, and I'm going to say, "Please list 100 different popular brands and models of steak knives. Steak knives, please." Okay. Uh, I will no longer be employed by the company I've been working for, busting my butt in the heat, and I'm going to do this online. And cool, so GPT—he's been following; I think he's been following us for what, like two years or something? He says his online income is going to surpass his regular job. So congrats on that! I know you're here in the U.S. and Texas,
and you know, it's not like you're replacing an income of $100 a week; you're replacing a serious income, which is great. So starting to understand that is key. Now we have all these different ones here, and I could say, "Now remove the word 'steak knife.'" What this is doing, okay, if you have not paid attention, is it's doing keyword research that other people might miss, which is key. Okay, so we'll do this and wait. Okay, there we go. So we'll do "now remove the word steak knives." Now watch this. This is where, before, it would
have taken, I don't know, to get a 100-list of the steak knives—it would have taken days for people to do. Now I can go through and get this here like this, and I could throw this into our tool here, Keywords Explorer. I initially came across your videos about a year ago—awesome! He didn't put enough time, so how long have you been actually trying to do this? And by the way, results are not typical, player or guaranteed. I don't know this guy; I've seen him a lot of times before. I think he is in Blog Profit
Network. I think it sounds familiar. Um, but yeah, how long have you been trying? And now you're about to go full-time. That's pretty impressive. So now we're seeing different keywords. So we got 484,000 searches. So you came back. Since July—so July, August, September, October; October's almost done—so like four or five months, not bad, right? So now we're like, "Hey, check this out." Now I got keywords that are going for these. Now, "global" doesn't count, but the other ones do, and now we're seeing something very cool. Then I can go through and say, "Now categorize these
by type and use, etc." And it'll go through and categorize it. So this is something that I can get in minutes: traditional classic steak knives—right there you go, bada bing, bada boom. And I'll bet you over on Pinterest, there's probably people taking pictures of steak knives and selling steak knives like crazy. These are selling, whether you like it or not, right? A lot of people are like, "Oh, you can't make money online." Well, someone is! Amazon's probably selling a ton of steak knives today, right? Do you want commission or don't you? What I'm going to
do is I'm going to try to find something that will pay me more, because you're like, "Oh, Amazon pays like a penny per sale or something like that." I think it's like 1%. But what if instead, I went to OfferVault, and I was like, "Hey, what if I find these hardco steak knives that I get $33 a sale for, or it probably costs the person less than $100; I get $33—that's at least 33% commission, it's probably even more than that." Now I can see, "Hey, this is something that I can sink my teeth into—no pun
intended." But you're starting to see that, like, "Hey, wait a minute, I need a directive." I need a directive, because if I have a directive, then I know how to direct AI in a way that's going to work for me. Okay, very very cool. Yeah, GPT, you should come in. Uh, BPN. Um, yeah, cool, awesome. Uh, elevation! Hey, Marcus, been trying to reach you on a website. Uh, yeah, if you're doing that, we don't do email; like we have a live chat on there you can get us on. But yeah, looking at this, you're starting
to see, "Hey, this is working. It works!" Okay, then I could go through and say, "Okay, now make a full blog post about, uh, let's say, number one," okay? And it'll go through and make a blog post about the top traditional chefs' knives, and now we have content that people would want. Oh, GPT, you're good! Yeah, don't worry about it. So now we're like, "Okay, now we got all these"; it's got all the different stuff here, and usually it does pretty good at... Plagiarizing now? When we get to computer access, I mean, it's going to
go through and it'll check these for me. Theoretically, I mean, a lot of people don't know this about me either: I actually have an AI content network where we make AI content. You're good, um, and you know the team goes through; they make the content, they do all the stuff in a very specific way. With AI, I could probably automate that where, you know, I put in my specific stuff and there we go. So this is only 4% plagiarism; there I could fix that up, and it works. Which is actually having only 4% on an
article that talks about these types of knives? That's pretty good! So, pretty cool. I have many questions and don't have anyone to talk to about online marketing. Reach out to our team, GPT. Just go to affiliate marketing dude.com, and you can get—I think Tina is there now. If you click on the live chat down here, um, Tina—you can just talk to Tina and tell her I said, you know, go over there and tell her who you are, and I'll chat with you about marketing. Alright, cool stuff! But yeah, looking at this, we're like, okay, now
I have this in a very specific way; it's making content that'll work. Here's my post about the knives, and now I have content that'll actually work. Now, in the future, when we have more multi-directional AI, you're going to see that—hey, wait a minute! Now it'll go through and make Pinterest pins, now it'll do this, now it'll do that, which is really, really cool. Okay, yeah—elevation, it works all the time. I mean, if you use it, it like literally works right there. So looking at this, 4% on—so 4% on the entire thing; that's pretty impressive there.
So starting to look at this and say, okay, if I have the directive, it's very, very specific. Okay, and doing this in a specific way is what is going to change the game for you. Realizing, okay, I can make a code, I can build on that code, and I can make that work. Um, yeah, music—that's still there; it should be on the site, should be there. Um, so looking at that, we're like, yeah, it's right there. So, this—just go to affiliate marketing dude and click that; that's it. Okay, so yeah, looking at this and understanding,
like, hey, wait a minute, this can do keyword research. It can go through and stack things on top of each other, whereas before I would have to go to my site to post this content. I'd have to title it, format it, whatever. I could actually give it a blog post. I could say, "Hey, you know what, AI, I want my blog post to be formatted like this." Every post it does will be formatted like that. It's like Jesse. Jesse works here, and what I love about Jesse is you tell her one thing one time, and
she does it exactly that way. Until you tell her to do it different—excellent worker, great person. She's on our Friday calls over at WP City, um, and she does them perfectly. Imagine having AI do that where you say, "This is the template; this is what I want it like, go and do it." Uh, Ty says, "What is the simplest way to make money with this? Is it a niche site or is there a simpler way? 'Cause I'm not making anything yet and not even sure what tasks to do myself to make money." So what you
want to do, and this is our step-by-step guide to being able to do it again, we will have the notes and printables at AI profit scoop.com. But when we do this, what we're going to do is pick a direction, okay? So pick a direction, a type of content or something that you can provide, something you can make that is of value. Okay, what does "value" mean? Well, value—a lot of gurus don't tell you this because they just like to say "provide value," and they never tell you what that means. Value is in the eye of
the beholder. Value is different based on what they want. So someone looking for steak knives might want different value than someone looking for a computer software. Okay, well, our job is to say, "How do I help them?" Because the internet is huge; you have like 5 billion searches on Google or 5 million searches on Google every 60 seconds. Okay, what are they looking at? Well, they might be looking for reviews, they might be looking for tips or information, they might be looking for content, they might be looking for PDFs or forms or all kinds of
things. And we start to look at that, and what we want to do is make whatever is going to help them the best way that's going to get as many as possible. Okay, so let's say I wanted to go for like WordPress users. Well, maybe I can make a free plugin in WordPress that I could give them, and that plugin then will have my ad to whatever it is I'm selling or whatever I am an affiliate marketer for—something like that. Very specific things, and the key is to pick a direction now. Because if you don't
have a direction now, and this is what we do in our high-ticket niche program over at high-ticket-nit.com, is we pick the direction based on stuff we know works. We go out there, we find domains, we go out there... We find affiliate offers; we go out there, we look at the traffic, we look at where the stuff is, and we put it all together for you. Then you go and make it work. Right now, we're actually doing this with several students of mine, where we're creating the tools for them. So, a lot of you guys have
seen the ProfitScoop.com, where on ProfitScoop.com I have like 20 or so, probably more than 20—23 it looks like—and there are some behind them too, so there's probably quite a few. I have 20 different tools for marketers now; all of these tools are based on things people search for. So if you do a PayPal button generator, we need to think about why someone would want that. If you need help with it, you've got AI, so you could be like, "Okay, let's go to ChatGPT and say, 'What does someone searching for PayPal button generate want?'" Okay, they
want a tool or a guide to help create their PayPal buttons, so they want to sell something. Okay, that's worth money. And what people don't understand about the internet is there's this thing called flipping your market. Okay, how many of you guys have seen clickbait ads? You're looking at Facebook, and it's like, "Oh hey, you know you won't believe what happened when this guy ate an apple," or whatever, right? And then you click it because you're like, "Dude, what happened with the apple? What's going on, bro?" And you click it, and then it's like, "Oh,
here's this thing about seven things you didn't know about heart issues," or whatever, right? And you see those, and you're like, "Well, it's just annoying," to a lot of people. It's annoying; it's an ad, it's a popup. To me, I've been doing this too long; got some gray hairs here, if you can see clearly. We try to get the lighting so that they don't show, but what happens is I see this as something that is making money, because if someone runs an ad and they run it over and over again, they're making money, which tells
me if I learn what they're doing, duplicate it, I can then make money as well. But what they're doing is they're taking an average browsing Facebook person and they're flipping them into something that is health related. Okay, it's like this: how much is someone worth that is just sitting there on the Google homepage? Okay, this is a question. Type your answer: how much is someone worth that is sitting there on the Google page and has not searched for anything yet? Okay, and if you answered $0, you are correct; they're worth nothing. Okay, but how does
Google make hundreds of billions of dollars? Like Amazon—that makes sense; they sell stuff. I know it's probably something on my doorstep now from Amazon because I think Amazon visits my house more than I do, right? And we look at that, and they are worth nothing. Now, Amazon— that makes sense; a lot of people can put that together. But you're not going to compete with Amazon. There's not much you could do there. Starting to understand? Okay, Google. What if this guy now searches for "roof repair Orlando"? Orlando—that says Orlando, all right? Which a lot of people
actually are searching for now, unfortunately, because of the storm that hit. But if we were to go here and type in "roof repair Orlando," okay, we're going to put it in Ahrefs to see what the searches are. So there's quite a few searches! What if we also put it into SpyFu, right, like this, to see what people are paying? Okay, what are they paying for this traffic? So 400 visitors means 400 people. Okay, so let's map this inventory—type map the inventory if you want to see this. So we got 400 people a month searching for
"Orlando roof repair." Now, there are others that are searching for other stuff, so I'm going to say roughly 1,200 searches a month. Okay, if we look at what they're paying—$11.70 for a click. So think about this, guy on Google worth nothing, he instantly—right? He's the same guy; he didn't change his tie, he didn't suddenly get rich, he didn't suddenly have some epiphany, he's the same guy on Google. He could search cat pictures; he's into cats, or he could search funny jokes if he wants jokes, or he could search, “fix my roof in Orlando” or “roof
repair Orlando,” all right? Which 1,200 people do. This is how Google is gigantic. Okay, so 1,200 people a month search for it. So let's do this: we'll go "roof repair Orlando." Okay, you see sponsored results here, sponsored ads here, you got your business stuff here which is actually free—hint, remember this for later—and then you have some ads down here as well, okay? So what this means is that on average, advertisers are paying like $11 when someone searches for "roof repair Orlando" and clicks on their ad—$11 for one click. So, guy was worth nothing; now he's
worth $1 for a click. Okay, and GPT says "roof repair Lake Nona," "roof repair," yeah, pick your city—amazing stuff! And now you realize, okay, $11.70 times 1,200 searches a month, let's say. Okay, how many actually click the ads? In this one, I'm probably going to say 40%, so roughly 400. So, 400 times $11 a click, that is $4,400 a month in traffic from one keyword from one city from one couple of people searching. How many of you guys are like, "Oh, I get it"? So me trying to do health, make money, weight loss—that's why you're.
Struggling because I could go out there and I can use AI to be the best guide on roof repair in Orlando. What if I was like, you know what, forget it, forget what the gurus say? I'm going to use AI for the next five days, right? Try this out: go to airofit scoop.com. Try this out. This is day three of the challenge. I'm going to go there and I'm going to make a checklist. Okay, let’s go through and make a checklist, okay? And again, when this is on PC, it’s going to be game over. Let’s
do what is a checklist, or let’s create a checklist for people looking for roof repair in Orlando without getting ripped off. Now, I'm also thinking ahead. Again, thinking is what’s going to make you money. A lot of people think, “Oh, the AI is going to make me money. The computer's going to make me money,” and it will. It does. I make money every day from AI. Every single day since December of 2022, I have made money with AI in some way, shape, or form. So, instead of looking at, "Hey, computer, hey AI, make me money,"
or "Make me content," what if instead I said, "I'm going to think, and I'm going to do a checklist. I'm going to make a calculator: put your quote in, see if it’s a ripoff. Put the things that you need. Okay, they say 10 feet of this, 10 feet of that. You can put it in and make it work." Danny says, "So, how do you get paid for the clicks? I know you have your link, but is it something you have to notify?" No, actually with those, what you're going to use is pay-per-click platforms, so you
could use something like AdSense. Now, with AdSense and other programs like that, always follow the terms and conditions. Don’t do spam, don’t do junk. Using these lead magnets is a game changer. I mean, it used to take me forever; now I could do this all day, every day. And we do. We set up lots of sites for people. Now I can use AdSense or Ezoic or something specific, or let’s say I go over to OfferVault and I type in "roof." Alright, roof repair and replacement, pay-per-call. So, what does that mean? That means this guy will
pay me $150. You get a custom phone number, so it’ll be like 1-800-whatever, and that is for you. So, like 1-800-whatever equals Marcus. It’s like an affiliate link, but it’s your number. When they call and stay on the line for like 2 seconds or 120 seconds or whatever, you get $150. They're looking for roof repair anyway, right? Now think about this: you need to be thinking differently. Because what if I went out there and again, I’m going to write this big and bold: use your computer, AI; use your AI to make good stuff. Stuff that
you’d send to your family and be like, "Hey, this will help you out." If your family’s like, "Dude, no, bro, stop sending your stuff," then you know you’re doing it wrong. But if you make good stuff, like a roof calculator or a roof tool, then you can go out there and start a press release of free tools to help you not get ripped off when you need roof repair in Orlando. That would be helpful. I know every time there’s a storm, we get cards everywhere. Like I had a guy – we had a tree that,
literally, if you’ve lived in Orlando, you know that after a storm, the big claw comes and gets the tree for free, like it just waits and gets it. And this guy was like, "I’ll take the tree for $300." I’m like, "Yeah, but the claw's going to come and get the tree for free, right?" Be good! What if instead of putting a card, you had a little guide, "Here’s how to not get ripped off." Very, very simple stuff. Or you do a press release. Boom! This is all about good stuff that you are using, and you
could get their name and email. You could generate leads, you could sell leads; you can do all kinds of things. The key is being able to make good things. And with AI, like the way it is now, we can make good stuff. Over here, we got our checklist running in one of these. Where is it? Over here. So now we have: verify credentials, read reviews, get multiple estimates, inspect—okay cool. What tools can I put on my website, like calculators, company lookups, etc., that would help these people? Please list 20! Imagine if I had a site
with tools for people to look up how much this is going to cost, how much that’s going to cost, if a mortgage is a ripoff or whatever it is. Here’s a storm damage assessment tool: when to talk to your insurance; when to do this. And you start to look at that, and bada boom bada bang! Dan says, “Press release?” Yes! We have people. I think Matt's still here. Matt has made money with press releases since we first started talking about press releases for Black Friday, I think it was two years ago or a year ago.
He submitted them, and what press releases do is they get you traffic. Right? You go through— I think he got traffic his last one he put up on the 28th. He got traffic on the 28th, like instantly. I’ve had press releases where, you know, you do pay to submit them. You can use free sites, but I don’t find them as good. But I remember one of them I did… I spent like $300 to distribute the press release and got me 650,000 views. It's insane, right? It works like crazy! Um, if you want to know about
press releases, we teach those on our site as well. You can go to airofitscoop.com; we have all kinds of info. Airofitscoop.com is going to be the place to go. Um, I'm setting up a tools site; we're setting up all kinds of free resources to help you navigate the AI age and understand how to make money because I know there's a lot of junk out there, and I want to provide stuff like that. That guy, GPT dude, has been following my stuff—he's about to, you know, not work anymore because his stuff's making money. He hasn't even
bought anything, right? He's gone through and done... Now again, I haven't checked it up; I don't know who he is. He could be AI for all I know, but I don't think so. He seems like a nice guy. Not that AI is not nice! I'm sorry, AI, be nice! AI! All right, that's my AI camera that follows me around. But at any rate, I'm starting to understand how that works. You'd love a press release challenge. That'd be a fun one! Maybe we'll have a press release challenge for Black Friday. But like, even that, you know,
realizing that the game has changed, and if you're struggling now, you're probably going to struggle in the future if you don't learn this stuff now. You need to learn this stuff now if you're interested in making money in any way, shape, or form with AI. Looking at this, okay, what kind of tools can we make? Okay, cool! So, roof financing options finder, solar roof ROI, roof maintenance cost, insurance coverage checklist tool— that's cool! Wind resistance calculator, weather impact, slope age. This is pretty cool! Warranties, roof inspection checklist generator. Okay, so you could do like, "please
make an after-Hurricane roof inspection checklist generator," right? And it'll go through, it'll do it. You could say, "Hey, do this in GPT or whatever"—or in PHP or whatever code you want—which is cool. I don't see the links to copy and paste; yeah, I don't know about those. Are we using AI profit scoop and not blog profit network? So blog profit network is my paid course. This is a free video, so we're going to have resources free on AI profit scoop. If you want to work with me, I actually did the math the other day because
we started doing... So, this is blogprofitnetwork.com. We have, in blogprofitnetwork.com, replays of all the calls, and we have a call every Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. and a call every Friday at 11:00 a.m. for WordPress stuff. I calculated it; after you've joined, it's like $37 a month. It's literally less than $4 per call; it's a two-hour call, and you get to ask whatever you want. So, you know, we're not asking too much there. All you got to do is get in there and get help. But that's if you want help from me. You can use the
free videos that are here; you can use the stuff at AI profit scoop. You can go, and obviously, you see people are using that to get results. But starting to look at that is key. Any ideas for tools I can make for a tourist site for Siesta Key? Ask Chat GPT! Practice! Think about what people would want. Do they want restaurants? Do they want Airbnbs? Do they want to know about hotels? Do they want to know about, you know, insurance if you're going to go on a jet ski or whatever it is? Not recommended! I
did jet skiing over by Siesta Key, and I hit a wave and we went flying. That was the last time I jet skied! That was kind of scary. Could you just do a general site with calculators, or niche it down? You can; it's going to take longer and it's going to be harder to build. But some of these sites—I mean, there was one I saw for a flooring calculators site that was nailing it with free traffic. Really cool stuff! And starting to understand that if we know how to use these AI tools when AGI comes
out, when computer use is more refined, we're going to be unstoppable. And there's going to be a small window to learn this, right? Is there... how could this be used for domain flipping? When AI comes out, you can have the AI log into your Spamzilla account, find domains, and report to you the ones that it likes. It could even bid and buy on them, right? Like automated bidding and things like that. So, starting to see like this is something that is beyond what we've seen before. This is a time in history where if you understand
what's going on—how many of you guys get it? Type "get it" in the box! Smash the like button if you get it. Keep in mind, I've only spent a few hours total on posts and design, hoping for the official launch in two weeks. Still got to publish posts and reviews and affiliate links—trending Amazon products absolutely awesome. Um, Dan says, "I've made tools in the past, but for that site I've been stumped." And I would look at like, what's the traffic you want? Like your guide here. A lot of people miss the point that Ahrefs—or any
keyword tool for that matter—will also give you a breakdown of what people want because if someone types in Siesta Key, you're going to see like Siesta Key hotels. Okay, now I... know they want hotels in Siesta Key Riverwalk. Oh, now they want to walk on the river or whatever it is, and it'll go through and show you exactly what they want. I can say, "Okay, so uh, Siesta Key hotels, um, Siesta Key weather, right?" How to calculate the best weather? That could be a great time. When do you want to go? Okay, here's the odds:
it won't rain, which in Florida is like, I don't think there are odds it won't rain; it pretty much rains all the time. Um, Siesta Key cams, uh, Siesta Key flooding—all kinds of different things like that. You could see, "Okay, well, what about prices of real estate?" Right? Like, right now, I don't know if you noticed, but Florida real estate is going nuts. Like, it is just people are dropping prices like crazy! I'm getting ready to buy some stuff because, hey, I like cheap houses. But going through and looking at that, it's like, "Okay, now
I can make a tool for people to calculate different things and stuff like that." And then you’re going to tie it to the affiliate stuff. So the key here is in the thinking. Like, I said, "Okay, so if you can think, what would these people doing in Siesta Key really want?" Well, maybe a hotel saver. Okay, they want to save money on hotels. Okay, what could I get them into that would make money? Maybe a travel rewards credit card. Or are these people looking up house prices—house price generator? What am I going to get if
I sell it? What's it worth now? What's it worth then? Um, what can I do with that? Maybe I can get them into mortgage or refinance, or Realtors pay a lot of money on the ol' Google. Starting to look at this in a different way is key. Uh, GPT says, "Can you put up the link to your post on trigger words and long-tail?" Just Google "Marcus Campbell trigger words," you'll find it. Um, long-tail, I don’t do a lot of long-tail. I think those are overrated, and I think people think they’re something other than they are.
Because what happens here is like there’s a level of expertise you need when it comes to knowing what will rank. Like, I know Siesta Key restaurants; most people will not rank for it. But Marcus, it’s low competition! Yes, but the people at the top are Yelp, TripAdvisor, and all these other places. So we have to look at that. Uh, people are looking at any insurance to buy in Florida now—moneymaker. Yeah, absolutely! Uh, you can literally use a keyword question in the blog title. You can—question ones are the ones hit the most by the AI rules
because it's such easy content to create. Um, but if done differently, that's why, like, if you have a tool or a giveaway or a software, you stand alone. Nobody can touch you because now you have content that, if the content is harder to make, this is what we have to look at. Okay, okay, I learned this in paid traffic. When paid traffic, paid clicks, there we go, was cheap, it gravitated towards break-even. Why? Because people figured out they started paying on it when the keyword was easy. So if you’re like mortgage and you want to
get a mortgage offer that’s going to be break-even or less. Why? Because everyone knows the word mortgage wants mortgage; that's simple. Everyone knows the people who want diets want diets. Okay, okay, if the barrier of entry for the keyword is harder to understand, the cost goes down drastically, the competition goes down drastically, everything goes down, and your profit goes up. Same thing with content. All right, a lot of people are out there. They’re like, "I’m just going to use GPT 5 million." I went over to the Warrior Plus forum and I got this software that
makes a million blog posts in five seconds, and it’s five bucks. I mean, a million blog posts for five bucks sounds like a good deal; if everyone can create a million blog posts for five bucks, do you think those are going to be good? No, no, no, no! The barrier goes up because now you need to be creative and think differently. My one tool I create with Chat GPT for free, without that fancy software that the guy said would do everything while cleaning my kitchen, is junk. My tool is going to do better because the
barrier of entry is literally people want a million posts in five minutes, and that's what they want to do. So if I spend all day, I'm like, "You know what? Close the door, shut the phone off except for family. Family gets to call, but other than that," unless you have family like mine, then you might want to just put the phone in the other room, and they could tell you if it’s an emergency. But you go there and you do the work for the day, and you're like, "You know what? I'm gonna make a badass
tool for my market, something I’d want, something I would use." Barrier of entry: you're going to have a better piece of content than this. Or what if I spend three hours—hours. That’s an "s" or that’s an "R"—three hours using AI? Okay, now today, using AI, I can do more work than I used to do in two weeks in three hours. But see, nobody wants to do this. They say, "Oh, I just wanted to spit out automatic posts. I wanted to do automatic blogging. I don't want to do anything." Okay, we’re going to get there, and
again, it’s going to... Gravitate to break even, and you're going to want to come here and learn from me again. Starting to look at that and say, "Okay, here's what we're going to do: we're going to make good content based on something I want." Okay? And I'm going to spend three hours; I'm going to do a good job. You're going to do better than this guy. Why? Because it's junk. A lot of it's junk. I see people all the time; they come to me and they're like, "They're on Blog Profit Network and they're like, 'Marcus,
I spent...'" There was one guy who spent $330,000 on a website, and I was like, "Hey, you want me to be nice or you want me to be honest?" And he's like, "Be honest." And I'm like, "I would have felt bad if I sold you that site for five bucks, and you spent 30 grand on it." I felt terrible for the guy. See, he just... you know, there was this guy hawking this thing, and he told him it would make him rich. Unfortunately, it was, you know, as Tommy Boy says, a guaranteed piece of junk.
And it was like, "Okay, well, what if instead he was like, 'I'm going to spend that 30 grand on good stuff based on data?'" If you start to look at this based on data, you're going to do what the AI cannot do. The AI is just sitting there waiting for someone to direct it. If you direct it and you say, "Hey, you know what I want? I want this guide for Siesta Key," or "I want this roofing guide," or whatever it is, boom! Here we go. Like Matt says, "It's astonishing how much people will spend
without doing the research." It is; it's very sad. No matter what I tell people, it's like, "Hey, results aren't typical; implied or guaranteed," they're still like, "Hey, where's my box of money?" I'm like, "There's no box of money. You got to go and do the work and make it happen." ClickBank is pretty easy; impact, more traffic helps absolutely. And these things are not hard. You just need to think differently. If you think like everyone else, you'll get what everyone else got, which we all know: the average person trying to make money makes nothing. I say
it all the time. But if you think differently and you say, "What if I can make something super helpful? Not something I think is helpful, something I know is helpful?" Sometimes I have to submit to myself and say, "You know, I sit down, I make a video, and I'm like, 'That was a great video,' and it waffles; it doesn't do good at all." I got to listen to you guys because you guys are the ones watching, not me. Like, what I watch is completely different. I like to watch nerdy, you know, documentaries and things like
that. But when we look at this, we have to watch what most people are consuming, and we have to meet them where they're at, right? Far too many people are expecting, just because I have content, I should make money. Where does this come from? This comes from the age-old thing of working where you're like, "Hey, if I go to work, I get $100 today; if I go to work tomorrow, I get $100." And what happens is they equate busy work with actual entrepreneur stuff. Busy work has nothing to do with it. I never forget how
I learned this back in the day. Before I even got into internet marketing, I was dabbling in it. Friends of mine were in this company called Big Planet, and it was like the first internet telephone. You had like that black and white picture, and they were like, "This is going to be the future of the world." You know, they weren't far off, but the company was not good. And so, this was this network marketing company, and I remember all my friends were in this network marketing company. I didn't join it because I didn't have money,
and I'm glad, right? It probably wouldn't have done much for me. And so they were out there, and they were doing this, and they would go out there and get business cards, and they'd organize papers, and they'd write little things, all of the busy work. And they weren't making any money. They came to me, and they were like, "What would you do?" I said, "Let's run an ad in the newspaper." They're like, "Oh, I don't know about that." I got these bus. I said, "Just run an ad. Here's what I want you to say." And
it worked! They were like, "Oh, wait a minute, that makes money; all this stuff we're doing doesn't make money." You need to focus on the stuff that makes money, not the stuff you think makes money. There's a big difference. I talk to people all the time with what they think makes money and what actually makes money. It's two completely different things, right? Because it's like, okay, a lot of people think traffic is hard to get. Traffic's not hard to get. Get your credit card out; those companies will give you as much traffic as you want.
It's how they exist. So traffic's not hard; I can go buy it right now. What is hard? Conversion. Getting people to do things. And actually, that's not even that hard. If I have the right person and the right offer, it will convert no matter how terrible my website is. I have people all the time; one of the biggest comments we always get is, "Marcus, your websites look like they were made in 1999." That's probably because that's when I... Stopped learning web design, right? But you know what? They work. They sell better than pretty websites. I've
tested it. I've tested it on hundreds of millions of visitors, and simple sells. People come to me all the time. They're like, “Marcus, I want to make my website do this because this guy has it.” Why do you want to do that? Because he has it. It looks cool. I'm not here to look cool. Clearly, I got my shirt for like n bucks. I'm not here to look cool; I'm here to make money. You have to decide whether you're here to do busy work, look cool, or make money. A lot of people don't know this
about me, but I don't really consume social media. Like, I don't have a TikTok that I look at. I don't have an Instagram. My Facebook I use once in a blue moon for business. I don't consume this stuff. I use it to make a living, because that's what I see it as. I remember when I first got into this business, my friends were all playing Doom 2. That was the big game back then. You had to have like 64 kilobytes of RAM to make it work. They were all playing it. I played it for about
10 minutes. I was like, "This is boring. I want to make a living." And that's what I focused on. Starting to look at this and understand how it works is key. Danny says, “I'm huge into crypto and been thinking, is there a tool I can make that will make money or traffic for the devs or creators that will benefit them?” Yeah, I mean calculators. What I would do is I'd create a historical calculator where it would be like, “Okay, you come in here and you're like okay, Bitcoin versus stock market versus Ethereum versus S&P 500,”
right? And then your coin—they put their coin in, and it'll say, “Here's what Bitcoin did. Here's what the stock market did. Here's what Ethereum did. Here's what this did,” and your coin sucked because it was one of those pump-and-dump ones we see everywhere. Right? But it would go through and it would do that. That was a joke! Cal, sit down. Not all crypto coins are like that, just the ones promoted by a lot of influencers. The jokes are free; calm down. But at any rate, starting to look at that. Self-match says, “Doom? I love Doom
and gave it up to become successful.” Yeah, I mean, I never could. I still can’t pass the first Mario Brothers. You know, it’s those turtles with hammers. Like, bro, I can’t! How do you compete with a turtle with hammers? I mean, come on! But at any rate, you start to look at that and make it work. Instead of scrolling social media, watch Marcus and other YouTube channels for free knowledge. Exactly! There’s enough knowledge on here for free. Anyway, like, it’s there; you just have to do it. And that's the model that I look at. Here
on the channel, you can learn everything. Over at AI Profit Scoop, you can learn everything. If you want to work with me—like, if you want me to look at your stuff and give you input and stuff that I can’t do here—yeah, you join one of the courses. They're pretty inexpensive, but having that oversight is key—very, very important. I used to build EA expert advisors and stuff. That’s over my pay grade; I don’t know what that stuff means. But yeah, looking at that is key because now I can create all of these tools. We had a
guy who wasn't even a computer guy, and he’s building all kinds of games. He got the spacebar counter site that we sold a couple of years ago, and he’s building it up. He’s getting traffic, making games—really cool. Matt says, “I watched Marcus’ stuff for like 1.5 years before I bought anything. Learned so much.” Exactly! And Matt's making money now, and he's going to be teaching a course in Blog Profit Network, which is cool. Now, if you want to and can afford the training, I recommend—well, thanks for that. Yeah, and that's the deal. What you get
with the training is personal guidance, personal touch, my time. Which, you know, like here, I couldn't go and build tools or really dive into the niche for the crypto gal like I'd like to because there are certain things you have to watch out for on a public webinar. Whereas, you know, on our Tuesday call, I dive into everything. We're looking at things. We're diving in. Sometimes, I even log in and help people fix their sites and stuff. Same with the Friday calls; you know, lots of good stuff there. Lance, I mean, Marcus doesn’t work. This
is huge for what you’re doing. Mar—Marcus doesn’t—I don’t know what that means. Let’s see. Any other questions? I’ve been watching you for about 6 months. I bought someone else's stuff and I’m not feeling good about it. That’s a common thing. The biggest regret a lot of my customers have is that they didn’t join me sooner, because I say it like it is. Some people come to me and they’re like, “Here’s what I want to do. What are you going to sell me?” And I’m like, “Well, what you want to do doesn’t work, so I’m not
going to sell you anything.” I don’t want to give you something based on your assumption that it's going to work. I want to give you something based on facts. And it’s key—Mario 3? Mario was 3, be three was... Really cool because, like, when he turned into the raccoon and flu, I thought that was cool. But again, I can get to like level two maybe on a good day. But yeah, it's better to do things like this: make leads with the right tools. BPN and HTN is like my weekly therapy. Yeah, the HTN calls are my
favorite, um, because there are so few people on them, and they all have a site that was chosen by me, so those are the best. Those are the Thursday calls if you're a High Ticket Niche member. Um, I was gun shy at first. I didn't want to put up money for a program just in case it doesn't work. I'm also hard-headed and push myself to learn on my own. Well, what you want to do is think smart about what's going to save you time and money. Like, I know a lot of people try to buy
domains on their own. One of the benefits I have is that I buy domains literally every day—probably 5 to 10 a day on a small day. And because of that, I can buy in niches that most people wouldn't know. Like, for you, you might say, "Hey, you know what? I want a domain for a crypto site," or "I want a domain for a site about roofing." You're going to go out there; you might take two years to find a good domain. But because I'm buying them all the time, I always have one. So it's going
to save you time; it's going to get you stuff you might not have access to before, and you get help with it because I don't buy a domain without an idea of what I'm going to do with it. So when I look at it, I consider the keywords; I make it work very specifically. Um, elevation, what was your question? I didn't get it. I'm a retired Army officer and now work as a contractor for the Navy. I've done computers since '98; I know programming. Awesome! Yeah, use AI to make it work. You got to know
when you need the shortcut; that's why I bought a HTN. Yeah, and Matt's shortcut—I mean, that site’s ranking like crazy! He's getting sales; it's working really good. And the cool thing about it is, like, the amount he paid for the site, he could probably—results not typical, implied, or guaranteed—sell the domain for more than he paid for the entire site from us, and that came with content and everything. Uh, what's the best niche to start? The one that you're going into. Um, there is no best niche to start; that's like saying, "What's the best thing to
eat to be healthy?" Well, I don't know what your condition is; I don't know how old you are. I don't know if you drink soda every day. I don't know if you're allergic to something; I have no idea. So saying, "What's the best?"—like, if I came out and said, "Here's the best niche," everyone's going to do it, and it'll no longer be the best niche. Um, so that's an elusive question; that's like, "What's the best affiliate program?" If you're asking that, you need to understand marketing. If you're asking, "What is the best niche?" you need
to go back and understand marketing. Um, and I have videos on that. I think we did a live stream like three weeks ago that was about, um, niches and understanding them, so go back to that because there is no best niche. Um, there are a lot of good niches, but there's no best one. Um, let's see what else we got. Easy coffee and monster. Monster, I stay away from. I can't have that; no, I got to do coffee. But monster? No. AI is a helper for us, but sometimes we don't use it properly to make
business or money. Yes, you need to use it properly; that's what AI Profit Scoop's about. If you're not at AI Profit Scoop and you haven't put your name and email in, you should go there and check out the tools we have, which are really, really cool. Um, like Matt—Matt came to me; he's in the podcasting niche. I would never say that podcasting is the best niche, but it is a niche people can make six or seven figures in. Yeah, maybe even eight figures. Again, is anyone watching this going to make eight figures? Probably not. Um,
over my career, I have, but most people make nothing. But podcasting is a good one. I want to sell legal leads to law firms via CPA/CPL offers, but we need to get a site up and ranking. My question would be, why? Why do you choose legal leads? Are you a lawyer? Do you understand that, or was it just an idea? Um, because a lot of times people come to me with just an idea, and they don't know why, and it's not always the best direction to take. Okay, that's one of the things; you know, I
understand that a lot of people are like me, and you get fixated on something. You might say, "Oh, well, I heard that this is good, so I'm going to do this," but you don't really look at the data or whether it's right for you. That's why Blog Profit Network and High Ticket Niche—that's why those programs are good, because we do look at your data. We say, "Okay, what are you doing? Why are you doing this? What do you think of this? How about this? Here's a domain that works," and we line it all up specifically
based on data. And that's, you know, the High Ticket Niche program—that's where we do that. Which is really important: graphic cards will be very expensive because of high demand. True, I have a master's in law, but I could easily go for another niche. If you have a master's in law, that could work. Um, what I would say is elevation: go get a high-ticket niche, comb through our domains; we probably have some legal ones, and we'll go back and forth with you until we get one you want. Lance, I’m writing tech articles about four months ago,
trying to get some traffic in my tech stuff, but I need knowledge and marketing. Yeah, join Blog Profit Network. We'll go through, we'll look at your stuff; we do it all the time. We'll look at what you did wrong and why you're not getting traffic. It's actually very easy for me because I've done this so long. I could say, "This is why you're not getting traffic. Here's what you would need to do if you want to get traffic." A test domain that is dialed towards attorneys can see potential clients to see what you can do
for them. I mean, we had one, which just to show you this is how the thinking is different: he's thinking, "I want to generate leads for lawyers." Okay, this is what we call linear thinking. You're going to go slip and fall, business immigration, all these other things. Okay, you're going too far. All these are going to be high competition, high money; it could be difficult. You're not going to stand a chance if you're new. You ain't going to do anything; you're going to put a site up. You'll get a bunch of things, you'll get no
traffic; you'll be stuck. What I did for one of my clients who wanted to do this is I found him a domain that was after car accident; there was some derivative, like, it had dashes or something. It was a really good domain, and it had a bunch of rankings for "after car accident." I was like, "Okay, let's use that. Provide good content using AI." So, let's make a checklist: here's what to do. Get your insurance out, check your car, take pictures all around, call this number, call the cops if it's over a thousand dollars in
damage, something like that—something they can look at on their phone that they're like, "I got in a car wreck; I don't know what to do." Help them out. Make them be like, "Damn, I'm glad that website was there." Okay, his site, the domain, before he even started, already ranked for stuff. So, we built it up. Now he gets traffic for, like, "Here's what to do after a car accident." What do you do on the site? You say, "Well, if you feel like it wasn't your fault or you want to talk to an attorney, fill out
this form so I can get a hundred— I mean, so you can get an attorney, right?" And it just so happens we get money for those leads. And looking at it differently, right? If you do attorney, you're going to see this: motor vehicle accident attorney. Um, lawyer; lawyer is probably better. Lawyer, okay? So there you go: $1,200 a call. I mean, I don't know; I don't need that many calls each year to make a living. Sixty grand a year; I need 50 calls or something like that—500, what? A thousand calls? Yeah, that'd make 500 grand
or something. Yeah, that’s a lot. So starting to look at that, you're like, "Okay, now I see where this works. People always need help." In the housing market, real estate law can be good. Well, again, you would want to look at the domains and what’s available. Is the font cursor niche a good niche? It's good for traffic; it's difficult to convert. Now, disclaimer: in the font cursor niche, I did have a website in fonts that sold like $600 in fonts to one client, which I was like, "Who's buying fonts? I thought they were free." But
at any rate, I sold a lot of them, and I did have a cursor site where I made seven figures on a cursor website. Those offers are no longer around; that's how I made money. So, if I tried to do it today, it’d be a lot more difficult, but the traffic's there. So if you can find a creative way to make money in those, yes, I would do that. Is there a specific affiliate network that accepts beginners? Um, well, here’s the key: if you want to get accepted, tell them the offer you want. If you
tell them the offer you want and what you’re doing, then they'll accept you. What they want to know is that you’re not some spammer; you're not going to go do some Craigslist junk. You’re going to keep it real, and you’re going to keep it good, and you’re going to get traffic that the advertisers want. Very, very important. You have the best experience in market; which niche can make five figures and good conversion? There are literally a thousand niches that can make five figures. There are people that are reviewing drill bits that make that much. You,
again, having understanding, like, "This is the best niche," you're thinking the wrong way. If you're coming to me and you're saying, "Marcus, what's the best niche?" No, that’s not— you're thinking wrong, and it’s not your fault. You were taught to think this way. The gurus were like, "Hey, here’s the best niche, here’s the best this, here’s the best that." Okay, the best niche is based on what’s there at the time. When I go through high-ticket niches, I'm like, “What domains do we have? What’s ranking? What’s working?” Boom! Then I go through, and I look at
how I’m going to... Build it up. If I went the other way, what you're doing is you're taking a square box, and you're trying to put it in this circle, and it ain't working. You're wondering why you don't make money. It's because you need to go find a square hole for the square box and go find a ball to put in that one. That's why people get this wrong and they do it so many times. Um, I want to make at least a few hundred. That's good for a start. Yeah, it's not hard to do.
Um, again, most people it is hard for because they think differently. I've had success on ClickBank and CJ. Awesome, congrats on that. Um, thank you for the insights and emphasis on some sense of urgency with the window of time. Yeah, with looking at this, there is a window of time where if you guys get this now, you have to change your thinking. It has to change because when AI comes out, if you think things are moving fast now, get ready! When AI is on computers, the fan is going to be hit, and it's going to
go so fast. Those who get the stuff now are going to be poised to make more money than ever before. Like, you think there's an income inequality gap now? Imagine when you don't need employees and you just have computers. Like a computer—I don't know about that one in there—it’s a nice computer. I think it cost me $1,200, maybe $1,800 bucks, but that's cheaper than an employee, right? Like, there you go. There it is, $1,800 bucks. Get that times a thousand. Alright, so spend $1.8 million on computers. What if each computer makes me, I don't know,
$10 a day? Times a thousand—$10,000 a day! You'd be hard-pressed to do that with employees. Okay, now is that an actual number? No. Can I set something up with AI to make $10 a day? I think I can. Do I need a thousand computers to do it? No, you can do it with what you have right now! If you are struggling to make money with AI right now, when this stuff comes out, you're going to struggle even more. It's a fact. You need to learn this now, whether it's from me, whether it's for free, or
whether it's the paid courses. Learn this stuff the way I showed you: directing, understanding where you're going to plug it, where it's used, and where you're going to get money. Um, I look forward to seeing a lot of you folks getting ramped up, making me jealous! Well, just look at it and build it; start something. Because if you have a platform, like if let's say a year from now you go to the store and you're like, "I'm going to get the robot computer, let's put him here and tell him to run my whole show," if
you don't have a show to run, it ain't going to work. I remember years ago, that was a funny joke. My dad always gave things to my brother because my brother was like the squeaky wheel. One year, he would get silver coins from his clients and he would always give them to my brother, and my brother had this stack of silver coins—I think he still has them. And one day my dad comes to me and he's like, "Hey, Bark, how come you don't collect silver?" And I'm like, "Well, Dad, I would if I had any
silver to collect, but you know you don't get me any silver to collect." So it was an ongoing joke in our family about silver to collect. But if you don't have a show to run, if you don't have a business, if you don't have a website, if you don't have something going on—and I don't mean a website you bought from some guru or a website you set up according to—I mean something that actually works, something that's based on traffic, based on data, maybe has links, maybe has backlinks, maybe has rankings. If you don't have this,
you ain't going to have any silver to collect because you ain't going to get any silver. You need to have this baseline, and you need to start it sooner rather than later. This is going to shake up the employment world unlike we've ever seen. Like a lot of people, you know, the politicians are talking about stuff and I'm like, if you're not talking about AI, you're talking about the wrong thing. Unfortunately, neither is talking about AI, but you know, at least there are some that have people who know about AI, you know? But everything else
is a moot point. AI is going to be the big thing. We're already seeing it; it's already becoming powerful. If you understand how to use it, it’s a key. Um, GPT says Google Site Kit plugin for WordPress helps sync your analytics. True? Um, has always wanted an existing site. Are you talking about the affiliate network? Yeah, I mean you should have an existing site. If you don't, you should. So that's key. And if you want to do that, like AI Profit Scoop, I think day one is setting up your site because you're going to need
that anyway. Whether you work with me, whether you get a high ticket niche, whether you do anything, you need to have a site. Like a lot of people, they have social media and all this. If you don't have a website, like that's where you're going to send people. Uh, GPT says, "Not indexed, you’ll never rank." So indexing is kind of, a lot of people talk about that and they're like, "Oh, you need to submit..." "Or this or that. Google indexes sites automatically, and if you buy a domain that already has rankings, you're going to win.
I do this all the time. We have a site we set up for a client of mine back in the beginning of 2023, when AI was first getting big. It's still ranking today for super competitive keywords. She's done nothing with it. That's why most people make nothing, but it still ranks. She's done nothing and is still up there, still ranking, still getting traffic, still worth money. Um, Matt says, as someone who bought his own sites at the beginning and wasted a ton of time, Marcus is right. Absolutely! I mean, you start to look at this;
it has to be based on facts, data, and fast traffic. I remember years ago, there was a book by Bill Gates when I first started my business, and it's called 'Business at the Speed of Thought.' I was too busy to read the book, so I couldn't tell you what it's about, but I like the title because if I could do business as fast as I think, I can make money. The problem is that people don't think the right stuff, and then they're not implementing fast enough, like, 'Okay, in five years I'll do this, in a
year I'll do this.' No, no, no! I need to act now. That's why I like WordPress. I don't want to go and use some ClickFunnels or some fancy thing or whatever and have to log in and change it. No, I want to change it right here, right now. Last night we were testing a new thing on the blog; it made an error. Boom! I fixed it in an instant. I don't even think anyone noticed the error, and there it was. If I couldn't do that, it wouldn't work. But what if I can do this business
at the speed of thought? When Bill Gates first made that book back in 2000, we were on dial-up. A couple of people had cable internet. You had to get a programmer; it took months to build stuff. I mean, that's why you had Windows 95, and then all of a sudden you had Windows ME, which happened to be the biggest piece of crap ever released in the history of software. And then after ME, you had XP, which was a good one; that was based on the other kernel. But that's why they took a while. Now they're
coming out. I mean, you can't turn on your computer without getting an update. Why? Because it's so fast. And now, with AI, you—without a computer, to degree—me? I never went to college. I went to college twice, and it was because I was a preacher, and they had me preaching at the college. But I didn't enroll in any college; I never went to school. I barely graduated high school. I run businesses that make good money, and a lot of it is based on AI. Where you're sitting right now, there are no excuses. You have AI. So
the choice is: Are you going to use it the right way, or are you going to listen to other people and use it for meaningless stuff? The internet doesn't need more content; sorry, we don't need more pictures of your eggs. I've seen enough eggs on TikTok, right? Well, I haven't, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of eggs. Valeria would know if there are eggs on TikTok; I think there are a lot of people cooking things, but the internet doesn't need more content. Sean says Marcus, competition was way less back then. Yeah, but it took
us six months to get ranked. I built the website; I didn't know anything for six months—nothing. Also, it was harder to make money; we didn't have the affiliate programs you have now. CPA affiliate marketing didn't come out until like 2003. Even then, people didn't know about it, right? So a lot of people who say it was easier for me back then, you're wrong. You're absolutely wrong! I didn't have AI; you have AI. For $30 back then, I had to pay $35 a year for a domain name, and I had to register it for two years.
Now you get them for n bucks. Back then, I had to go out there, and we were fighting for the little bit of traffic that was out there with the little bit of offers that made money. It was not easier back then. If you think it was easier back then, you are wrong. And to prove it, I make more now. I make, compared to what I made in like the year 2000, about—I don't know—like a hundred times what I made back then or something like that. Quite a bit more. I haven't done the math, but
looking at that, it is not easy. It was not easier back then; it’s easier now. Now you can get instant traffic. Back then, I couldn't do a press release for free or a hundred bucks and get traffic right away. Back then, I couldn't do a live on Facebook. Thinking about it, a lot of people have the wrong thinking now in marketing. A lot of people talk about mindset, and they're wrong. I know people who have a terrible mindset, and they make money that would make your eyes go wide; they make a lot of money. And
they talk about mindset. People say, 'Oh, you know, you need the right mindset.' They're telling you that because they have a mindset course for sale. That's why they say that. They're like, 'Oh, you need the right mindset. For only $1,000, you can join my Mindset Mastery Boot Camp Extravaganza thing!' Right? You don't. The mindset you need is a..." Different mindset: a mindset that says, “You know what? It wasn't easier back then. There is no best niche; there is no one way. Drop shipping, affiliate marketing, SEO—they're all sides of the same coin.” Right? You look at
it like, “What is drop shipping?” Okay, it's boxes. I was just talking to Alina about this earlier. We were talking about categorical reference. I'm not even going to try to spell that—categorical reference. What does that do? It puts things in boxes. If you think that it was easier back then, everything I say is going to be filtered and put into that box, and you won't do anything. Right? Or you say, “Well, you know, drop shipping—the guru said that drop shipping is the best.” Best for what? What if I'm giving away leads to lawyers? Am I
going to drop ship a lead to a lawyer? It doesn't make much sense, does it? But they say drop shipping is a trade—well, what is drop shipping? It's a conversion method. It is selling, same as Amazon, same as affiliate, same as having your own product. That is all conversion. Well, Marcus says, “The guru said I'm going to make money on Facebook.” Okay, well, how? You can do it. Facebook is a traffic source. Categorical reference—once you understand how to put this in each box, it’s going to be a game changer. Marcus, did you ever use Dreamweaver
back in the day? I did. I used to build limousine websites, and we used Dreamweaver. Flash? Actually, I didn't use it; a friend of mine did. So, what I would do is sell a limousine website based on the marketing, and I’d get like three grand, and I’d give my friend a couple hundred bucks to make the flash. It took him like, you know, half a day, and I put it on the site and pocketed 2,500 bucks. It's pretty cool. But starting to look at that and starting to understand, hey, it's all about categories—the things you
think and the mindset. It's not about thinking positive; like, I could be negative. I know lots of people who are negative, right? It's about doing stuff. What are you going to do that is based on data that makes money? Marcus, I hear that AI is the best way to make money. It is, but what are you going to use it for? Last I checked, I've tried asking Chat GPT to give me money. It doesn't work. Okay, now we got pretty close over here with our robot, and I'll show you in just a minute because we
forgot to use it the other day. But we got pretty close with this money button on the robot—but you know, that's fake money. It'd be kind of silly to have real money here. Oh, wait, that wasn't even on the right screen. There we go. I got to do that again, which means we have more crap to pick up after. There you go. So, looking at that and understanding, I need to do the right thing. Chat GPT? AI is not going to make me money. I need to know what I'm going to do and do it
the right way. So hopefully you guys enjoyed this training; hopefully, you got a lot of good value and understanding where AI is headed, what to use, and how to use it to make money in the proper way. If you want to follow up with what we’re doing, learn about the tools, and see exactly what we’re doing here—we're pretty transparent about how we make money—check out airofitscoop.com, and let's make money online together. Thanks for being here!
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