and the ironic thing is those who don't watch this video those who don't happen to stumble across this content would tell you that it's not possible will tell you that this stuff doesn't work those are gonna be the same people that are coming to you asking you how you did it these basics that see simple steps are what's going to determine who can build the following very quickly and who's just gonna complain about it and say it's not possible alright hey guys I want to start this video off a little bit differently because it's been
brought to my attention recently that you guys want more of the meat and potatoes from the marketing side of things and not just motivational inspirational and perspective based videos which I couldn't agree with more because at the end of the day I am a marketing specialist that niches in music and have over 10 years experience in both industries both fields whatever you want to call it now before I can bring that value to you I got to start off with my intro so in 3 2 1 what's going on guys I don't I we sell
music calm here to help you go further faster in your music career by sharing proven marketing tips and strategies and techniques to help you transform that passion of making music into a legitimate business that's going to provide you with freedom and fulfillment two of the most important things to any successful life now one of the questions that you guys have been asking me time and time again let me adjust my glasses here is how to gain a fan base how to grow a following and that's something that I want to wrap up into one power
packed episode here one power packed video I'm going to do you one better how to gain a thousand followers a thousand fans get this in 90 days so without further ado let me jump into teaching alright guys so as you could see I set up the easel in my studio testing something out say if you guys like it let me know in the comments below what I want to do is I'm gonna teach you guys how to make a thousand new fans a thousand new followers I'm gonna write this down new thousand new fans and
thousand followers in 90 days now this video is not going to be overly complicated because doing this isn't overly complicated now what does this break down to so a thousand new fans in 90 days actually breaks down to this breaks down to 84 people a week or 12 people a day now that's on average right so we're not gonna worry about the momentum just being 12 just being 84 immediately but if you break down this thousand mark into a more easily palatable number such as 12 we're just worrying about that per day but on averages
this doesn't have to be 12 a day this could be for one day the next day 16 you understand what I'm saying what we need to do is we really need a rather focus on the 84 number per week gross as a builds momentum so when you start off a might be one it might be two might be five but after a while it's going to gain more than 12 a day therefore averaging that 12 a day to reach at 84 number now I'm ruining this frickin piece of paper so let me get a new
one so as we said 84 people in week is that on one platform or more this is the question that you need to ask yourself because if you're worried about getting those followers those fans over to one platform might be a different strategy for instance if we want to get a thousand new fans a thousand new followers over on Instagram get a new piece of paper for this we're gonna work on the law of averages I don't know if it's really a law but what we're gonna do let's say for Instagram in 90 so we're
going for a thousand new people in 90 days what would we want to do on Instagram so a breakdown of a strategy that I could use that you could use over on Instagram is by contacting people using hashtag research so if we want to break this down into bear numbers here all we're gonna do is we're gonna find 12 hashtags a day we're gonna leave ten comments / likes on each one of those twelve so overall it's a hundred twenty interactions a day in breaking this down from the marketing perspective looking at the analytics the
metrics we're gonna have on average at least a ten percent engagement rate so if you have a hundred twenty what does that break down to ten percent a hundred twenty you're gonna reach that twelve mark now do you have to do this every day does it take some time of course it takes some time what I want you to do is leave comments on Instagram in a conversational tone not just three fire emojis and expect people that come rushing to see what's up now the 10% which would be the twelve isn't all the people that
are going to come to you there's gonna be more but the twelve on averages is 10% which I'll put here are people that are gonna stick around that are people are earned that are going to re-engage with you now if you're lazy this isn't gonna happen if you're lazy and you just want to do fire emojis if you're lazy and you don't want to put in the time and effort to contact 120 people okay what do you do if you don't have the time oh forgot the I you need the money to do ads to
do promo but if you don't have money to do ads and promo you spend the time which 120 a day I find takes about an hour tastes about an hour and a half you can do it while you're going to the bathroom while you're waiting for your food to heat up in the microwave if you're on a lunch break before bed after the shower waiting for the water to warm up in the shower like it just said like taking your dogs out for a walk you can do these especially when you get the habit of
it get into the habit of it it's going to become second nature so 12 hashtags 10 comments 10 likes this is going to make you engaged with people this isn't the follow unfollow thing by the way this is actually engaging with 12 hashtags that relate to what you're doing now this can work for the bodybuilding sector of fitness this could work for makeup this court for music we're talking about music if you look up hashtag producer hashtag musician hashtag songwriter hashtag in studies you're gonna find that and we've already talked about that in a different
video which if you haven't yet check out my Instagram playlist I guess here over on YouTube but what we're trying to do guys is we're trying to get four and then six and then 16 and then 25 and then 50 new people a day that are gonna interact and engage with your content to reach that 12 and then ultimately I didn't write it on here reached at 84 per week that's gonna add up to a thousand people in 90 days now I'll put it this way now I'm going a little fast because I don't want
you guys to get bored now the same goes for LinkedIn the same goes for YouTube the same goes for Facebook as I mentioned earlier do you want this on one platform or do you want it on three platforms right now this is marketing this is marketing so if it's a little bit boring bear with me now one platform we talked about Instagram three platforms could be IG could be YouTube could be Facebook so if you're working on I gene you're just trying to get a thousand people in 90 days like I said that's twelve eighty
four thousand but if we're talking about three different platforms we're talking about a much lower number this one could be for a day this one could be six a day this one could be what would that be to basic math quick math all of these equal thousand that's where you really have to understand that a thousand true fans a thousand true followers don't have to be on one platform if you have all of these people engaged no different than you guys my channel family right I have 90 something thousand subscribers over here have another 30,000
something subscribers over our followers over on Instagram all you matter all of you matter I'm not worried about getting a hundred thousand on Instagram 100 thousand on Facebook a hundred thousand on YouTube I'm worried about all of it collectively they accumulate and every single one of your platforms is going to be for a different thing YouTube can drive a certain customer Instagram can drive a certain fan right Kevin Kelly his thesis was a thousand true fans and you can look it up I'm gonna have a link for his thesis in the description box below you
probably have already heard about it thousand true fans so thousand true fans really breaks down too if you have a thousand people that are willing to give you $100 over the course of a year you have a six-figure income obviously that's oversimplifying things and I'm not trying to oversimplify any of this I'm trying to break down real life teaching real life strategy that you guys could start and put into play right away now this is the thing this is the reason that a lot of you guys aren't actually gonna get to this number let me
let me get a clean page for this you're not gonna get to this number therefore you're not gonna get to this number and I'm not really sure if that's what that means but you're not gonna get to this number unless you reach 90 now what am i what am I saying a lot of you guys are gonna put in the effort for six days good everyone's happy then after 20 days it's gonna be math right and after 60 days you're gonna I'm not gonna do that you're gonna quit now this is the issue in most
of you guys journey period I could teach marketing till I'm blue in the face I could probably put a color grade on to make my face look blue right now but I'm not going to cuz this is what you guys need to understand what is this easy what is this consistency what is that dedication most of you guys do not have the dedication to do anything consistently for 60 days let alone 20 so if you could do this for 90 days I'm convinced and I do it myself and I've done it myself for a while
I know I'm probably yelling she could make a thousand new fans a thousand followers in 90 days now how would you do this over on Facebook well you can do consistent posts every single day and I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna do this for YouTube and Facebook so YouTube can't spell apparently and Facebook by now you should know what FB stands for so what would you do on a weekly basis to reach 84 people first the foremost look at these 84 people as people as human beings if you do not engage with these 84
people you're not going to be able to really build a fan base because they're gonna understand that you're just trying to game the system and gain numbers now what are like five different things that people will engage with you for I would say this so number one you're interesting that's how they're gonna engage with you and this actually goes for IG as well this goes for anything anything five things why people would engage with you because you're interesting got great music you have a cause that they care about you've got a great personality number five
you guys see that yeah either you're interesting you got great music you have a cause that they believe in your personality draws them in or you can educate or inspire them that's five reasons that people are gonna be able to engage with you that's five reasons that they're gonna be able to interact and follow you if you don't have any of these five things if these are lacking this is what you need to work on first need to be interesting of some sort need to have great music good music at the very least you need
to have a cause good cause that they believe in God have a personality that they can resonate with maybe you educator inspire if you do none of these things it's going to be really really hard to build a following now I know that this is a completely different style of video probably a little less professional but let me tell you this is how I built my following this is how my students build their following this is how you can build a following but if you can't do this good luck with you on two minutes say
so in your journey for a thousand people you need to interact how do you interact you ask them about them you ask them about what they're working on you interact interact you don't just say listen to my music you don't just say follow me you should follow me none of that right a thousand people in 90 days is a feat to something to be really really proud of but you guys need to worry about it one step at a time so every single day ask yourself this what kind of value did I put out every
single day ask what kind of content you put out every single day how much effort did you put out if you have value if you have content and if you put an effort with a little bit of humility a thousand people in 90 days is not the hardest thing to do in the world now when you put the content out you want it to be interactive right when you put out a post when you put out a comment when you put out a video you want to be consistent you want to have that hard work
that I talked about in other videos that's not what this video is about but you want to do it in a conversational way to get people to engage here's a great example if I put up a picture of me standing with my girlfriend and my two dogs our two dogs and I say family that's gonna get a certain amount of engagement that's gonna get a certain amount of likes and comments and an interaction and even some follows because somebody might have a emotional trigger to the the view of a family the view of a happy
couple the view of a dog lovers everybody has their own reasons right but if you say something in the comments or the content of it D the caption rather of I've had these dogs in my life for you know collective of 10 years my girl has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me I'd love to hear what the best thing that it's ever happened to you and your family or what your ideal family looks like what are your family goals and I'm just brainstorming off the top of my head I'm not
writing any copy but you get what I'm saying there's a big difference between hashtag family life and something that's interactive something that's conversational to get you guys to comment to get you guys to really engage and the greatest thing that you could ever do for an algorithm is interact so over on Instagram on Facebook on YouTube happens pretty universally when it comes to these different social platforms these different content platforms even on some blogs is that first 24 hours that first hour over on Instagram what are you doing to drive the conversation when you can
have a conversational caption that's going to drive engagement that's going to show your your posts to more people it's gonna boost you up in Discovery when it comes to the hashtag strategy that we talked about in other posts or in other videos it's gonna be able to drive right now I'm averaging 60 to 70 new people on Instagram completely organically and that's with me doing everything else that I'm doing a little bit half-assed and I know that even I can get way way up there now 50 or 60 people is what five six times the
twelve so you can do basic numbers I want you to be able to go from zero to a thousand in ninety days but you got to put in the work you need to follow some of these strategies you need to be creative do it your own do it your own way to make sure that your voice reigns through or shines through because at the end of the day nobody can be you and you're your uniqueness your own personality what makes you special what you might think is your weakness can make you know you stand out
from the crowd I want you guys to be able to understand that these techniques these questions that I pose to you you need to be able to answer them you need to be able to understand if you're willing to do the work if you're willing to put it in if you're willing to get through those days where it seems really discouraging where you might not have any followers you might have a couple unfollowers but that consistency is what builds that muscle right that consistency is what builds that momentum that progress as I talked about another
video so this is the basics of how to go from zero to a thousand fans at zero to a thousand different followers in 90 days if you already have followers if you already have a fan base you might be able to do it much more rapidly but this hopefully will get you on your way now I need your help guys in the comments below let me know what you thought of this video did you like the style the format wasn't an effective education tool for you did you find value I want to hear about it
in the comments below now often my left side is the next video that I really think that you should click on and if you haven't joined the channel family yet I would appreciate that by clicking that little subscribe button over here and then smashing that Bell icon so you can be part of the Bell squad now I'd love to connect with you over on Instagram which I'll put up on the screen right now and if you want to find that or any of my contact information I'll have that as always in the description box below
see you next time