Why Conspiracy Theories Are Dangerous | Truth Hurts

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It’s been well established that belief in conspiracy theories is related to a disbelief in actual sc...
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the whole toxic frustration of conspiracy theorists is that they can never be proved wrong all evidence against their ideas just becomes part of the conspiracy this is largely why even though they seem obsessed with science they always get actual science so wrong [Applause] this is going to kill billions conspiracy theories versus science a global pandemic is sweeping through the world claiming hundreds of thousands of lives at the same time new technologies are emerging promising to transform the way we live inevitably people start connecting one with the other blaming this new tech for the disease that
is terrifying their societies we are of course talking about the russian flu of 1898 which killed over a million people and was frequently blamed on electric light bulbs funnily enough it turned out that electric light bulbs don't cause the flow it's been well established that belief in conspiracy theories is related to a disbelief in actual science in fact it was a philosopher of science carl popper who first coined the term conspiracy theory and so through history new technology has inspired waves of fear and paranoia when the steam train was invented in the 19th century doom
mongers claimed that if it went over 30 miles per hour everyone on it would melt if it went over 50 every female passenger would have her uterus sucked out [Music] we saw a similar thing with the coronavirus pandemic as the world went into lockdown stories shot around the internet that the whole thing was a deliberate biological attack using 5g broadband these tales got a push from celebrities like woody harrelson amir khan and mia 5g engineers were being verbally assaulted on the street and several masts in the uk were burned down but all this was actually
building on conspiracy theories about 5g that had already been circulating well before the pandemic if you don't know a 5g network here trust me you're asking to find out sooner or later it's a very very very very fast internet connection and it has a very high level of radiation all kinds of studies are already shown people is going to be catching cancer already catching cancer this is bad like this is going to cause turmoil to your people long before covet when 5g first appeared conspiracy theorists claim that shadowy evil forces of the government bill gates
the illuminati or whoever were using this new tech to make a sale to control the population make money or whatever the microsoft freemasons seem to want the vast majority of people are asleep the plan of action is to increase our number across the country if anybody thinks that this is going to kill 6 million think again this is going to kill billions in a way conspiracy theories are a sort of bad mimicry of what scientists actually do questioning existing narratives and trying to discover the truth a good example is the anti-vaccine movement the anti-vaxx movement
started in 1998 when a doctor named andrew wakefield claimed that the mmr vaccine gave kids autism a dozen and within a few years that paper was discredited and wakefield was banned from practicing medicine that didn't stop him from becoming an anti-vac superstar flying around the world on speaking tours and dating 90s supermodel l macpherson with any regrets dr wakefield no regrets thank you there is now an entire mini industry of pseudoscience hacks celebrities and us presidents who now call vaccines into question often while making money selling alternative therapies this is dangerous vaccines only work effectively
if enough people within a population actually use them and the who lists vaccine hesitancy is among the 10 biggest health threats to mankind think about it it if you're you're healthy what's the common sense and taking a vaccine it doesn't make any sense because it is not the devil because the anti-vaxx movement can't disprove the science behind vaccines they have only one place to go conspiracy theory anything that goes against what they're pitching their conspiracy theirs regarding masks i know for a fact they don't work and i've seen enough evidence to say they don't calling
scientist liars is a cornerstone of most conspiracies but the problem is that we need to trust in scientists because when you tear up the very basis of truth you can start to believe in anything if we don't believe in science very bad powerful people with lots of money get to claim whatever they want bad people like the fossil fuel lobby because they can't disprove what 99 of scientists in the world think that man-made climate change is real and incredibly dangerous oil companies will fund official sounding think tanks to sow just enough doubt that politicians can
avoid making meaningful change companies like exxon and right-wing billionaire political donors like the mercer family and the koch brothers pump millions of dollars into places with illusory sounding names at the heartland institute cato institute and the heritage foundation in order to undermine climate science without evidence it's just a con job what's what's going on with this man-induced global and that's all this fuss and carry-on trying to scare us it's really about money an essential part of the climate change in our movement is the idea that scientists universities national research institutes ngos charities the un the
who and nasa are all part of a giant nefarious plot to stop people driving suvs so that they can get more research funding or something the climate naturally changes and it has since the beginning of earth it's something that the global elites rothschild zionists use as a way to keep us in fear and basically make us feel as human beings that we are destroying the earth and we are dirty nasty beings without conspiratorial thinking questioning science there really is no climate change in our movement so as easy as it is to laugh at conspiracy theories
the dangers they represent aren't just limited to inspiring random bits of terrorism when it comes to science they actually threaten the continued existence of advanced human civilization on earth so that's great thanks conspiracies you
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