YOU WILL MANIFEST WHAT YOU ARE TRULY FOCUSED ON | Shift Your Reality - Joe Dispenza Motivation

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YOU WILL MANIFEST WHAT YOU ARE TRULY FOCUSED ON | Shift Your Reality - Joe Dispenza Motivation Your...
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when the brain is aroused into those High beta brain wave patterns and we're out of balance and we're trying to predict and control everything in our life and we're shifting our attention from one person to another person to another problem to another thing to another uh condition every person every object every thing every place has a neurological Network in your brain so as the person was aroused by the harmones of stress like a lightning storm in the clouds their brain was firing very incoherently different compartments were at a sync with other comp compartments of the
brain and and if your brain is incoherent you're incoherent and if your brain isn't working right you're not working right so if it requires a clear intention and elevated emotion to begin to change reality and you have an incoherent brain what kind of signal are you sending out into the field pretty static in fact better way to say it is you have no Wi-Fi signal you have no there's no there's you're separate the hormones of stress creates separation and when you're sitting in a staff meeting and you're looking at that person and you just want
to punch him in the head or you want to throttle them in some reason or you're angry on traffic and you're turning on those hormones you're stepping on the gas but at the same time you can't fight you can't run you can't hide you're stepping on the break you stepping on the gas and The Brak at the same time your heart starts beating incoherently and energy leaves the brain and heart we've seen this so many times so then if the thought is the electrical charge in the quantum field and the feeling is the magnetic charge
and how you think and how you feel creates your state of being then we got to get energy right into this center right here because if you're going to believe in that future that you're imagining with all of your heart it better be open and activated and we got to teach people how to create heart coherence your thoughts shape your reality every moment you're crafting your future with the power of your mind take a moment to reflect on that the life you're living now is a direct outcome of where you've been directing your attention the
way you think and the beliefs you hold can influence the world around you this isn't just about wishful thinking it's about the power of focus and intention when you're deeply focused on something whether it's a goal a desire or even a fear you tend to direct your actions energy and even subconscious mind toward that outcome imagine your mind as a garden the thoughts you nurture and care for are like seeds that event grow into your reality if you constantly think about success and positivity you're likely to take actions that align with those thoughts leading you
to achieve your goals conversely if your mind is filled with doubt and negativity you might unconsciously sabotage your efforts making it harder to reach your desired outcome this concept ties into the Law of Attraction which suggests that like attracts like if you focus on abundance you'll attract opportunities that lead to abundance abundance if you're fixated on scarcity you might find yourself surrounded by lack this isn't Magic it's about how your focus shapes your perception and influences your behavior however it's important to note that this doesn't mean you can simply think your way into a new
reality without action your thoughts are the starting point but they need to be supported by consistent effort persistence and a willingness to adapt it's about aligning your inner world with your outer actions creating a powerful Synergy that brings your focused intentions to life so take a moment to reflect on what you're truly focused on are your thoughts aligned with the reality you want to create let's dive into the power of focus when you truly concentrate on something it's more than just a thought you're pouring your energy into it you're telling the universe this is what
I want and the universe responds but here's the thing most people aren't truly focused they think they are but their minds are scattered caught up in worries about bills what's for dinner or replaying old arguments their energy is all over the place and that's exactly what they're attracting a scattered unfocused life so how do we change this how do we harness the incredible power of focus to create the life we genuinely desire it all starts with awareness you need to become conscious of where your thoughts are going are you constantly thinking about what you don't
want are you fixated on your problems fears and limitations if so that's exactly what you'll continue to attract instead start directing your thoughts toward what you do want this isn't about daydreaming or wishful thinking it's about purposeful intentional focus when you do this you're literally rewiring your brain you're transforming yourself into the person who already has what you desire this isn't just positive thinking it's it's it's backed by science when you focus on a specific thought or idea you're activating particular neural networks in your brain the more you engage these networks the stronger they become
just like building a muscle as these networks grow stronger they shape your perceptions decisions actions your entire real it think back to when you bought a new car suddenly you started seeing that same model everywhere did everyone else suddenly buy the same car of course not your brain simply started noticing what was already there because that's where your attention was focused the same principle applies to every area of your life if you're constantly focused on what you lack your brain will keep finding evidence of that lack everywhere you look but if you if you shift
your focus to abundance possibilities and growth your brain will start to spot opportunities that were always there you just couldn't see them before and that's why it's so important to be intentional about where you place your focus every thought is like a seed what are you planting in the garden of your mind are you planting seeds of Doubt fear and limitation or seeds of possibility growth and abundance the choice is yours and it is a choice you have the power to direct your focus and the ability to choose your thoughts this is one of the
most fundamental truths of life yet so few people fully grasp or use this power most people live on autopilot reacting to circumstances letting their environment dictate their inner state but when you understand the power of focus you flip the script you start creating your environment from the inside out this doesn't mean ignoring reality or pretending challenges don't exist it means choosing where to put your energy ask yourself is this thought serving me is this Focus leading me where I want to go your life is moving in the direction of your most dominant thoughts if you're
constantly dwelling on your problems you're headed towards more problems but if you consistently focus on Solutions and opportunities that's the path you're on our brains are naturally wired to focus on threats and problems a survival mechanism from our distant past but in today's world this tendency can do more harm than good we need to consciously override this default setting we need to train our minds to focus on what we want not what we fear and yes this takes practice repetition and persistence but the rewards are beyond anything you can imagine when you master the art
of focus you become the architect of your own life you stop being a victim of circumstance and start creating your reality this power has always been within you it's not something you need to acquire or earn it's your Birthright as a human being but like any skill it needs to be developed and practiced so how do we do this how do we train our Focus to attract what we truly want it begins with awareness start paying attention to where your thoughts naturally go what do you think about when you're not consciously directing your thoughts what's
your mental default setting once you become aware of your thought patterns you can start to change them this is where intention comes in set a clear intention for what you want to focus on make it specific Vivid and emotionally compelling then practice holding that Focus start with just a few minutes a day visualize what you want as if it's already happened feel the emotions you would feel if you had already achieved your goal engage all your senses in this visualization as you do this you're liter Lally rewiring your brain you're creating new neural Pathways and
training your mind to focus on what you want rather than what you don't want but visualization is just the start you also need to align your actions with your focus if you're focusing on your health make choices that support your well-being if you're focused on Building Wealth make smart financial decisions if you want strong relationships become the kind of person you'd like to attract aligning your actions with your goals is key because the universe responds not just to your thoughts but to the energy you put out through your actions think of it like this if
you're dreaming of wealth but act irresponsibly with money you're sending mixed signals your thoughts and actions need to be in sync many people stumble because they think positive thoughts but their actions don't match or they act with doubt in their hearts to truly attract what you want your thoughts feelings and actions must align this doesn't mean ignoring reality or pretending problems don't exist acknowledge your current situation but use it as a springboard for where you want to go let your challenges motivate you not define you remember where you are now is the result of past
choices and where you'll be in the future depends on your focus today choose your thoughts and actions wisely and make those choices with intention this isn't a one-time decision but a moment by moment practice every thought word and action is a chance to align with your true desires it's easy to feel overwhelmed at first and you may slip into Old Habits but that's okay don't beat yourself up just gently guide yourself back on track like training a puppy be patient persistent and consistent it's not about being perfect it's about moving in the direction of your
dreams now let's talk about something that often trips people up the gap between where you are and where you want to be that Gap can be intimidating and stir up doubt and frustration but here's the secret that Gap is where the magic happens it's your opportunity to grow to develop the skills mindset and character needed to not only reach your goals but to sustain and expand on them instead of feeling frustrated by the Gap get excited about it see it as an adventure and a journey of self-discovery the universe doesn't just give you what you
want it gives you what you are so focus on becoming the person who naturally attracts what you desire if you want abundance cultivate a mindset of abundance look for evidence of it in your life now and Express gratitude for what you have when you resonate with the frequency of abundance you attract more of it if you want love be more loving if you want success embody the qualities of successful people your outer World reflects your inner world now some of you might be thinking uh I've tried focusing on what I want and it didn't work
if that's you ask yourself were you truly focused or were you just wishing true Focus isn't passive it's active engaged and persistent it shapes your perceptions decisions and actions when you're truly focused you start to notice opportunities that you might have missed before you become more attuned to the information that can help you reach your goals you attract people in situations that align with your focus but here's the key you have to act on those opportunities focus without action is just daydreaming and action without focus is just busy work you need both the results of
your focus might not always come in the way you expect sometimes what you attract might first appear as a challenge or setback but if you stay focused and committed you'll often find that these obstacles are actually Stepping Stones opportunities for growth learning and becoming the person who can achieve and sustain your dreams don't get discouraged if things don't unfold exactly as you imagined stay focused on the essence of what you want not on the form you think it should take one crucial aspect of focus and attraction is your beliefs your beliefs are like the operating
system of your mind they determine what you think is possible what you think you deserve and what you believe is available to you if you're beliefs don't align with what you're trying to attract you're going to face an uphill battle it's like trying to run high- performance software on an outdated operating system it just won't work efficiently to master the art of focus you need to examine and upgrade your beliefs what do you believe about yourself what do you believe about the world what do you believe is possible for you these beliefs often operate below
the surface like the water of fish swims in so pervasive that the fish doesn't even notice it but just like a fish is affected by the quality of its water you are profoundly affected by the quality of your beliefs start questioning your beliefs where do they come from are well are they are they serving you are they aligned with what you want to attract if not it's time to start upgrading and here's the amazing thing you can change your beliefs they're not set in stone they're patterns of thought that have become habitual and like any
habit they can be changed with consistent effort and focus this is where the power of focus really shines when you consistently focus on new empowering beliefs you start to rewire your brain you create new neural Pathways you literally change the structure of your mind and as your beliefs change your reality changes remember you don't attract what you want you attract what you are and what you are is largely determined by what you believe so focus on cult cultivating beliefs that support your dreams believe in your ability to learn grow and overcome challenges believe in the
abundance of the universe believe in your worthiness to receive good things finally let's talk about the influence of others we're social creatures and we're affected by the people around us the media we consume and the general energy of our environment this influence can sometimes pull us away from our Focus distracting or discouraging us or making us doubt ourselves that's why it's so important to be intentional about your environment surround yourself with people who support your vision consume media that uplifts and inspires you create an environment that reinforces your focus rather than distracts from it this
might mean making some tough decisions like distancing yourself from negative influences or changing long-standing habits but remember what you focus on expands so if you want your dreams to expand fiercely protect your focus let's dive into something that's often misunderstood when it comes to focus and attraction the power of emotions your emotions aren't just reactions to what's happening around you they're a vital part of your Creative Energy think of your emotions as the fuel that powers your focus giving it the energy intensity and momentum it needs when you pair clear focus with positive high energy
emotions you become a powerful force for creation this is why cultivating positive emotions is so crucial feel the joy excitement and gratitude of already having what you desire let these emotions Infuse your focus energizing your actions and driving you forward but this doesn't mean you should ignore or suppress negative emotions every emotion has its place and Carries valuable insights the key is to avoid getting stuck in negative States acknowledge them learn from them and then consciously redirect your focus back to what you want to create use that emotional energy to fuel your determination and commitment
to your vision remember where your attention goes energy flows so direct your emotional energy toward what you want to create not what you want to avoid now let's address a common stumbling block the idea of deserving many people sabotage their focus Because deep down they don't believe they deserve what they want but here's the truth you don't have to deserve what you want you don't need to earn it or be perfect to receive good things the universe is abundant with more than enough for everyone your job isn't to judge whether you deserve something it's to
align yourself with it to focus on it and to become a vibrational match for it so let go of the idea of deserving and focus on allowing allow yourself to receive good things to be happy successful and loved this allowance is a powerful form of focus a way of opening yourself up to the universe's abundance without judgment and here's something powerful to remember the more you allow yourself to receive the more you have to give your success joy and abundance don't take away from others in fact they add to the collective abundance of the world
when you shine brightly you light the way for others so focus on Shining your light as brightly as possible focus on becoming the fullest most authentic version of yourself because that's when you become a powerful force of attraction now let's talk about the importance of self-care and maintaining Focus your mind and body are deeply connected and if you neglect your physical health it's going to be much harder to maintain clear consistent Focus this means getting enough sleep eating nutritious food staying hydrated and moving your body regularly these aren't just good health practices they're essential to
your focus and attraction practices when you take care of your body you're sending a powerful message to your subconscious I'm worth taking care of and I'm worthy of good things this reinforces your ability to attract what you want remember attraction isn't just about what you think it's about your entire state of being and your physical state is a big part of that so make self-care a priority see it as an essential part of your focus practice because it is when you feel good physically it's much easier to maintain positive focused thoughts now let's address impatience
when you start focusing on what you want it's natural to want it to manifest quickly but remember true change takes time you're not just trying to get something you're becoming someone new you're rewiring your brain changing your energy and shifting your entire way of being and that doesn't happen overnight so be patient with the process trust in the unfolding know that every moment of focus is creating change even if you can't see the results yet think of it like planting a seed when you plant a seed you don't see immediate results but that doesn't mean
nothing is happening that seed is germinating growing roots and preparing to break through the soil your focus works the same way every thought visualization and aligned action is like watering that seed you might not see immediate results but trust that things are happening beneath the surface when you trust in the process and maintain your focus without attachment to immediate results you actually speed up manifestation because you're not blocking it with doubt fear or impatience let's also talk about the power of contrast contrast is when you experience something you don't want while it might seem negative
at first contrast is actually a powerful tool for clarifying your desires when you experience contrast it helps you get crystal clear on what you do want it refines your vision and sharpens your focus so instead of getting discouraged by contrast use it let it fuel your determination and clarify your desires remember the universe doesn't differentiate between yes and no it simply responds to what you're focusing on so when you experience contrast quickly shift your focus to what you do want and use the energy of that contrast to propel you toward your vision this is the
art of pivoting the ability to quickly shift your focus from what you don't want to what you do want the more you practice this the more skilled you become at it and eventually it becomes second nature now let's revisit the idea of worthiness many people struggle to maintain their focus Because deep down they don't feel worthy of what they want but here's the truth you are inherently worthy you don't need to prove your worth or earn it your worth isn't determined by your achievements possessions or what others think of you your worth is intrinsic it's
a part of who you are so instead of trying to become worthy focus on accepting your inherent worth focus on allowing yourself to receive good things focus on opening yourself up to the abundance that is your Birthright this shift in focus from trying to become worthy to accepting your inherent worth can be transformative it removes a huge block to attraction and allows you to align with what you want without the interference of self-doubt or self-judgment remember the universe doesn't judge your worthiness it simply responds to your energy your vibration and when you accept your inherent
worth your energy shifts you start to vibrate at a higher frequency naturally attracting more positive experiences into your life now let's talk about the importance of your environment in Main maintaining Focus your physical environment has a huge impact on your mental state it can either support your focus or distract from it so take a look around does your environment reflect what you're trying to attract does it inspire you does it energize you if not it's time to make some changes this doesn't mean you need to completely overhaul your life sometimes small changes can make a
big difference maybe it's decluttering your space adding some inspiring artwork or creating a dedicated area for visualization the key is to create an environment that reinforces your focus reminds you of what you're working towards and supports your new way of being remember your outer world is a reflection of your inner world but it also works the other way around your inner world is influenced by your outer world so use this to your advantage create an environment that pulls you toward your vision lastly let's clear up a common misconception about focus and attraction the role of
action some people think that if they focus hard enough what they want will just magically appear without any effort on their part but that's not how it works Focus isn't about passive wishing it's about active creation it's about aligning your thoughts thoughts emotions and actions with what you want to attract so yes visualize and feel the emotions of already having what you want but also take inspired action move in the direction of your dreams be willing to do what it takes to become the person who can achieve and sustain your vision this doesn't mean struggling
or forcing things inspired action feels good exciting and like you're in flow when you truly focus on something the right actions will naturally come to you you'll find yourself drawn to certain tasks places and people trust these instincts and act on them this is the universe guiding you toward your vision your focus is powerful and it's how you tell the universe what you're committed to achieving make sure your actions reflect your goals now let's talk about the importance of celebrating your progress it's easy to get so focused on your big dreams that you overlook the
small victories along the way but these small winds are important they show that your focus is working and that you're on the right path so take time to acknowledge and celebrate even the smallest steps forward whether you stayed focused a bit longer today took an inspired action or shifted from a negative thought to a positive one celebrate that these celebrations not only make you feel good but also reinforce your new patterns of thinking and behavior they strengthen your belief in the power of focus and keep you motivated for the journey ahead remember what you appreciate
appreciate so appreciate your progress and you'll make even more another common challenge is dealing with the opinions of others when you start focusing on your vision and making changes in your life you might face criticism or doubt from others this can be tough and might make you question yourself but here's the thing other people's opinions are just reflections of their own beliefs and limitations they have nothing to do with you or what's possible for you don't let their doubts become yours stay true to your vision and trust your inner guidance most people go through life
on autopilot reacting to what happens rather than consciously creating their reality when you start focusing on creating your life you're doing something extraordinary something many people can understand because they've never experienced it themselves so if you face criticism see it as an opportunity to strengthen your focus and reaffirm your commitment to your vision now let's talk about something that might seem counterintuitive the importance of Letting Go while focus is crucial there's a difference between focus and attachment focus is about Clarity of intention while attachment is about trying to control the outcome ironically attachment can block
you from attracting what you want when you're attached to a specific outcome you're often coming from a place of fear or lack which can actually repel the very thing you're trying to attract practice focusing on what you want and then letting go of how it comes to you trust that the Universe knows the best way to bring your vision into reality be open to possibilities you might not have considered Letting Go creates space for miracles to occur allowing the universe to surprise you with how your vision manifests often what shows up is even better than
what you imagined your job is to focus on the what and the why and let the universe take care of the how and when it's also important to maintain your focus in the face of setbacks or challenges when things don't go as planned it can be tempting to lose focus and give up on your vision but setbacks and challenges are not signs that your focus isn't working there are opportunities to strengthen your focus demonstrate your commitment and grow into the person who can achieve and sustain what you want when you face challenges don't lose focus
Focus instead intensify it use the energy of the challenge to fuel your determination remember diamonds are created under pressure the most successful people are not those who never face challenges but those who maintain their focus despite them using challenges as stepping stones rather than stumbling blocks Embrace challenges as part of the journey see them as signs of growth and keep your focus firmly on your vision self-awareness Ness is another crucial aspect of maintaining Focus over the long term the more aware you are of your thoughts emotions and beliefs the more power you have to direct
your focus start paying attention to your inner dialogue what are you saying to yourself throughout the day are these thoughts aligned with what you want to attract or are they pulling you off course pay attention to your emotional state how do you feel most of the time are you cultivating emotions that support your vision or are you indulging in emotions that block what you want to attract become aware of your beliefs what do you believe about yourself the world and what's possible for you are these beliefs supporting your focus or hindering it self-awareness is like
a superpower it allows you to catch yourself when you're off course and quickly redirect your focus it helps you identify and change limiting beliefs giving you the ability to choose your emotional state rather than being at the the mercy of it remember you can't change what you're not aware of so make self-awareness a daily practice the more aware you become the more power you have to direct your focus and attract what you truly want finally let's talk about the power of gratitude gratitude is like a magnet for miracles it's one of the highest vibrating emotions
you can feel and remember you attract what you are not just what you want so practice feeling grateful for what you are have for the progress you've made for the challenges that have made you stronger and for the opportunities that are on their way to you gratitude shifts your focus from lack to abundance training your brain to notice the good things in your life what you focus on expands gratitude also puts you in energetic alignment with receiving opening you up to the flow of abundance in the universe it makes you a vibrational match for even
more good things to come into your life make gratitude a daily practice ractice start and end your day by focusing on what you're grateful for feel the emotion of gratitude in your body and let it Infuse your entire being a powerful practice is to feel grateful for what you want as if you already have it this combines the power of gratitude with the power of visualization creating a potent Force for attraction as we wrap up remember this the power to attract what you want has always always been within you it's not something you need to
acquire or earn it's your Birthright as a conscious creative being the power of focus the importance of alignment the role of emotion and action these are all tools to help you access and use this innate power more effectively but the real magic happens when you realize that you are the power you are the creator of your reality your focus thoughts emotions and actions are your creative tools and you have the ability to use them consciously and intentionally to shape your life according to your deepest desires so as you move forward remember this you will only
attract what you are truly focused on choose your focus wisely direct it purposefully and maintain it consistently be patient with the process but Relentless in your focus trust in the unfolding of your vision but stay committed to your part and bringing it to life and above all enjoy the journey because the person become as you focus on attracting what you want is the real prize the growth expansion and self-discovery are the True Rewards of Conscious Creation you have within you the power to create a life beyond your wildest dreams a life of Joy purpose and
fulfillment a life that inspires others and contributes to the world in meaningful ways so go forth and focus focus on your dreams your potential and the incredible possibilities that await you focus on becoming the highest most authentic version of yourself because when you do you become a powerful force of attraction a beacon of light in the world and living proof of what's possible when a human being harnesses the incredible power of focused attention your future is in your focus so Focus well Focus often and watch in awe as the universe conspires to bring your dreams
to life
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