We Drove 1000 Miles To Eat This Burger...

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Ever been to Keokuk Iowa? Stepped foot in their famous Arby's? Want to try the Meat Mountain for you...
Video Transcript:
hello i've just woken up and early why because wilbur says we're going to drive to iowa will wha what are we doing we're driving to keokuk iowa why but 4 hours 46 minutes why are we doing this you've not explained to us why we're doing it i've never been to iowa it isn't real as far as i know i have no intention to ever go to iowa i mean i'm gonna go to davenport no i'm not going to iowa ever so i decided i'm gonna go right now so then i can say to myself that's
it until the day i die i will never enter iowa i've never been to arby's i'm so excited for all these guys we're going to ours wait the main goal is when you zoom into keokuk iowa the first thing that pops up is a big word that says arby's because there's nothing else there they've got the meat they've got also a mean rambu discovered yesterday we got insider information that if you order someone that worked at arby's if you order something called a meat mountain you get a sandwich with every single type of meat on
it three types of cheeses and that includes chicken tenders and he himself said in the time he worked there only three people ever ordered it and every time they did all the weight stuff and all the chefs went and then are going to split a meat mountain together and that is not what you think it means what do we name this road trip the race to meat mountain editing this is considered sweet skins title card race to meet mountain go [Music] meat mountain there is a stain on the back seat it stinks of cigarette smoke
the check engine lights on yeah welcome we have no windshield wipers no windshield wipers i'm going to use my body to clean the windscreen of its rain oh it's fine now but there's no windshield if it rains we're [ __ ] up the thing is so we went to hertz premium car rentals and they said we have no cars and i was like well that's kind of the one thing you're supposed to have and then we call that what was it visco cheap cars oh god oh jesus that's not that's not their solution surely that
is not the solution they made mountain wheat skins play the title sequence again [Music] meat mountain this bridge is made of copper minecraft whoa wait it's copper bridge oxidizing yo it oxidized i actually like that it's like oxidized it's like i have a stamina bro i struggle i think the hotel thinks i'm having a prostitute come around later why why because i right so just don't finish this i'm gonna explain oh my god gone fishing there's only two things i like in my life my wife and fishing and one of them don't complain canonically your
wife is a fish actually wilbur so really oh my god can we get delicious isn't that isn't that meat so delia sandwich and meats i don't know the prelude i need to save myself for the meat mountain i'm a feeble boy there's only so much meat i can handle i'm hoping the meat mountain's gonna take my virginity now we've been on the road for a good while at this point and although we were saving ourselves for food hungry had already began to set in now we're all adults this should have been something we could have
handled but test test test tests calm down i got this wait there's got to be a sonic i've never been to sonic before and i want a chilly dog i know so [Music] on a quest to find wilbur in a subway why don't we just go oh you know what i'm waiting for sonic that's what i'm thinking should we just wait for sonic we just let this guy get his subway i'll go to sonic 2. now that wilbur was fed you think we'd get on with our mission right but you're wrong i spotted something in
the distance that i'd never seen before yeah have you not been to walmart no we're going to walmart now we're here for me buy me some five two two one one buy me some anyway sure thank you it's for him you're not old enough to buy your own yeah anything in the world okay literally anything where is she [Music] on a remote island in the middle of bermuda i love how baby yoda was such a hit they just was like let's just let's just put on everything hold on i touched it soft spot what the
[ __ ] did you just do it like spoken to demon boys [Music] [Music] oh my god look at that it's like psychedelic we're gonna trip out at sonic ah what are you doing why are you out there crazy i'm gonna take a picture of you now we're ordering what do you want corn dog is it where are you going he's gonna go wild out for a bit what's that mean yeah just the corn dog a small fry and a small dr pepper could i get chili cheese fries in a large order maybe and [Music]
what's wrong and a large oreo shake so tell them thanks for me thanks [Applause] for today that's you know what get it on the manifold business we've loved this i'm gonna do it on the manifold business account during the medical business card manifold legal is covering this medford legal is out of money there's not many left why are you eating them like that okay i can't get it out i can't get it up i need your help you gotta give it that that good good gonna give it the sloppy top i'm known for my schloppery
this is my first ever corn dog ever i've never had one it's really hot i'll just give it all the way just like one go all the way get to the stick [Music] i couldn't go any further i was burning my mouth right now it's really hot like i have to process the moment like i have food in my mouth everywhere i've got worse i've had worse in my mouth 2017 up the year or like he had 2017 things in his mouth the stick touched my tonsils as i took the last bite if you gag
on the corn dog you know she's not a baddie i'm sorry to my audience no that's it's misogynistic question i'd say all girls are baddies [Laughter] if she gag on the corn dog she's not about it she's not a baddie is that right rambu that's what i'm saying now we may have eaten but for some reason the crazy hadn't worn off yet guess you can't take me anywhere you should add like the the she's so crazy with the [ __ ] chips on her like the bag of [ __ ] chips on red but just
just make it me i think it'd be funny i'm a crazy individual i have deranged thoughts some of which would land me in the slammer you're not wrong just make that lean wacky smash make it wacky slush blues make it that what make it make it that purp drank weekend [Laughter] make it look [Laughter] i've been unable to get my codeine fixed the whole time i've been here you've got to film rambu welding out he's gonna he's gonna wild like i do he's gonna wild he's gonna want to go wild out king go quirky go
insane he went right behind the [ __ ] side we didn't see you whiled out now we didn't see you before you got a wild out now he's welding oh yeah he's oh man he's buggin i don't want your nug nugs no nuggets no nuggies roll the windows up kids that's what that codeine will do here it's my my my working slush sonic was great let's go to kinetic cook anyone watching this video from keokuk iowa take a picture of you at the one of the places that we are at later in this video and
hashtag mission to meet mountain road to meet mountain hashtag road race to meet members hashtag hashtag ratio hashtag race to meet mountain race to meet mountain put that on twitter for the title screen right now to play the title screen [Music] meet mountain shelby how's driving been going hands on the wheel please can we have a rob can we have a rambu solo moment hi guys how you doing how you been there's been a lot since last spot hey don't interrupt my solo mate listen this is all i have hi guys uh welcome to the
race for meat mountain uh play the title sequence [Music] meat mountain we're driving through uh missouri unincorporated territory right now we're about to hit frankfurt which is described by wikipedia as frankfurt is an unincorporated place in unincorporated territory missouri guys let me tell you something about this place this [ __ ] all going on i'm entertaining myself with the images of my mind [ __ ] picture is the symbol monkey you know the monkeys that clap their cymbals my man's just break on a road what or maybe someone who's drank a little too much lean
i've got you now don't worry viewers you're safe with me so far this has been a pretty straightforward journey we made a couple of stops but other than that it was pretty much smooth sailing and having a few laughs but then the first disaster struck ah guys i need to tell you something i really need the bathroom but i'm i'm gonna be honest i'm genuinely a little bit frightened of going to the toilet around here i think they're gonna smell that i'm an atheist out of town just go over and be like that jesus guy
oh i'm so scared you need to let it out jack can you come in with me with the camera i don't want to be doctors disrespecting fool you while you're pooping don't come in the box we reassess and i'm not gonna go in and film even the ground i will get shot i've got a [ __ ] white button-up shirt that doesn't matter this guy's bugging the car let's keep the camera down let's just fill my balls let's just fill my balls [Music] i didn't know what to do so i bought funyuns i tried to
say have you all got a toilet like have your throw y'all in there and i ended up going have you have you all got a bathroom [Applause] [Music] when you leave tell everyone iowa exists i see you recording he'll say no say right here's some footage to splice in to your camp video tell them i was real and then but behind him is just black void you have to like sign an nda i believe that honestly or they shoot you or they or they shoot you and then you died in a car accident wait look
jack wait we're on the way it's just white it's there it is exit half a mile we're about to be there this is the wait we're here welcome you i will welcome you [ __ ] baby oh he's going wow he just went for it oh it smells like maneuver we're here it smells of poop but we made it i'm in iowa to arby's will yeah on the phone now look at that [Music] oh god my camera died [Music] meat then a playground very day off there yes a fever dream we did it we did
it to the meat mountain right this might be a crazy one but i've heard of it like a room is there [Music] it's real it's real it's really not i'll give it a go [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] hey jack how hungry are you man chicken turkey initial impressions weren't great but what can you expect a burger that talk can never look beautiful and it's not about the outside appearance it's the beauty within i was in it for the flavors the meat's melting on my tongue i just wanted to feel my mouth full of meat and
i wanted to taste maybe kill that part take a bite king oh my god they do have the meat something oh that's a good [Music] is it just a lot of flavors that she does a lot of flavors not all of them i can analyze at once oh my god it's impressive you are good at that [Music] bamboo this is wrong you came here this was your plan this was never my plan you told me about the meat marinade i told you about the meatballs good luck you got this [Music] he just went in for
a bite on his own choice by the way like that is just his own choice though i was hungry you're gonna blame a man for being hungry food's food i have to have one originally me and ron who were the ones who taught the talent [Music] my [Music] the chicken is hot yeah that's what got me bitten [Music] why do we drive two and a half hours to iowa for this wait didn't we drive past an hour we passed we [Music] again [Music] meat mountain
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