10 Digital Product Ideas YOU Can Sell Online & Make MONEY (HOW TO START)

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Baddie In Business
Here are 10 TRENDING Digital Products YOU Can Start Selling Online HOW TO START! 👩🏻‍💻 Digital ...
Video Transcript:
hey future millionaires my name is Isabella I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and you're probably here because you're interested in selling digital products online but you don't know what to sell or maybe you just want to get some ideas I got you not only will I be providing you 10 different digital product ideas for you guys today but I will also be providing you with resources of how you can create these digital products with $0 and how you can start selling them right away so make sure you watch all the
way till the end of this video because I packed this entire video with tons of knowledge that people will charge thousands of dollars for all I ask in return for the free education is just smash that like button for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can continue to create free courses and educational videos just like this one the goal with this video is that you can really brainstorm ideas as you are watching this so by the end of the video you're going to have in your mind exactly what digital products
you want to start selling online now in order for this video to also be productive to your learning I want you to have these things on your mind first you need to think of digital products like this a digital product is a non-physical product even though you're not physically holding it it's still a product that people could use and purchase just like how with a physical product you want to sell something to fill a void in someone's life or solve a problem digital products can do the same especially as our world is becoming more and
more digital as we know it keep in mind that your digital product has to have value it has to solve a problem in some way to the buyer and this doesn't have to be strictly educational you can provide value with entertainment although I do believe educational digital products do tend to be more valuable which means you're going to make more money from them the best kinds of digital products are the ones that focus on a specific problem that you can solve it doesn't have to be life-changing but the value needs to be there so definitely
have these things on your mind as you're watching these ideas today digital product number one is principal wall art these motivational posters have made over $7,000 without the seller even lifting a finger to ship any products or carry any inventory because these are digital downloads there's no printing or shipping involved you can create a digital download that would be a great fit for a poster on canvas create mockups of how they would look on a poster list them and start bringing in the sales digital product idea number two is planners this digital V girl Planner
on Etsy is making an estimate of $2,000 a month you can come up with something similar and with planners and the different types of styles that are available the possibilities are literally endless another popular digital product in this idea is selling a homeschool planner like these based on recent studies more and more parents are wanting to homeschool their kids so with a little bit of research and the help of AI you are able to develop something that parents can use this is another digital product you can develop using just canva so you can see just
by recognizing Trends you can capitalize on something very simple and very Niche down and make a lot of money so digital product idea number three is content calendars a new study shows that 3 and 14 are wanting to be content creators for their career so many people are realizing how much money is actually in content creation and it definitely seems like we're in a world now where everybody's trying to get in on it but people don't know how to start or how to stay organized by you creating these content calendars this can help new aspiring
entrepreneurs that are trying to get into content creation or even experienced disorganized content creators stay organized digital product idea number four is ebooks and guides whatever your expertise or knowledge is you can create an ebook on this topic and the possibilities are endless and don't worry you don't have to be some author or Pro writer to actually create these types of products you can even get help ready in your ebook with the help of chat GPT which is free to use always think of AI as your co-worker AI is not going to replace anyone but
you should be using the power of AI to make you work faster get stuff done faster then you can take the work that the AI makes and put your own personal touches on it this is literally just a hack of how to get things done quicker so you can start developing your digital products faster digital product idea number five is cookbooks and recipes if you are someone that you have traditional recipes that you want to share or you are someone that likes to come up with new types of recipes why not make a digital product
about it and sell it maybe you have a grandmother that also knows a bunch of traditional recipes you could literally take her cookbook and remake it into a modern one and sell it to others I think that would be a super awesome thing you could do with your mom or grandma as well I've seen tons of people on social media creating content about this topic and then when people ask about it they just refer them and funnel them to the link in their bio that has the digital product that they can shop there and buy
it we'll talk about this a little bit later digital product idea number six is Fitness Guides of course this is for you if you are someone that you are currently on your fitness journey you don't have to be some crazy Fitness influencer to do this there's people on all levels of Fitness selling products just like these you can just share your routine and what's working for you and keeping you motivated on a daily basis idea number seven is travel guides and itineraries what I love about the travel Niche is you don't even have to be
a world traveler anymore to actually be in this Niche although obviously if you've traveled to certain places and you want to share your itinerary you can actually sell it to other people even places that you haven't been you can literally research and go on Expedia and read up on certain destinations and develop an itinerary for people and sell it like I know that I've been on multiple different trips and I have all my history of where I stayed where I ate my itineraries that I could sell if I really wanted to so definitely do this
if you are someone that travels a lot and wants to start creating content about traveling to get those sales idea number eight is Mom guides kid principles activities coloring pages Etc games there's so many different things that you can do in this momni so if you are a mom and you like to do DIY fun things with your kids you could be selling digital products of these activities you can see here there's tons of people that are already doing this right now and they're making a lot of money number nine is weekly meal planners if
you were someone that you were on your health journey and you like to plan out your meals why not just plan them out and also sell a product on it this is just another example that no matter what you're doing in your life right now if you're already creating things for yourself in organizational systems you could be selling that to other people as well and there are tons of people doing this and making thousands of dollars number 10 is canva templates you are able to make templates just like this and sell them directly through canva
or other sites and what's awesome about it is you can make them directly through canva matter of fact pretty much everything that I just talked about can be made in canva which is pretty cool considering that canva is free and I feel like if you learn canva it's so worth it to learn just for so many things that you're going to do online it's honestly if you're not good with canva you should definitely get good at it why not and I think it will open a whole window of things that you can sell online and
become a really useful tool for you for your business or for whatever you're doing to make money online canva templates just like these are another popular product you can sell to make passive income one thing that I always love to do to get even more ideas for digital products is really just spending time on Etsy productively scrolling through the platform and here you can really see what's selling and gain inspiration for your own unique ideas now I personally don't recommend selling on Etsy because they take so many fees i' rather see you guys creating your
own websites and listing these products on and then driving traffic to that website organically through social media I want you guys to pick a digital product that you genuinely believe in and like I'm not going to create a digital product on something that I just am not really into or maybe like I start going to the gym but then I fall out of it and then I just don't feel inspired anymore I want you to really seek and see what you feel like your purposes or what your interests really are so you can go all
in and build an entire social media presence around selling these digital products Instagram Tik Tok Pinterest are free traffic sources you just have to focus and learn how to use them to your advantage and of course I got you guys on that topic as well I will link the free marketing course video down in the description box below as well picking one Niche and making multiple digital products in that Niche is the way to go then you'll start generating so many ideas of how you can Market these products with the right strategies that I teach
on my YouTube channel but I just really want you guys to pick something that you like and you might pick something that wasn't even in this video and hopefully this is helping you generate ideas just by being here and having an open mind to this knowledge so just to rundown what we talked about so far canva is your go-to to create a digital product canva has tons of free templates that you can use and customize to make your digital products so of course I did some research for you guys on the best platforms to host
your digital products and my favorite online store type for hosting digital products is definitely hostinger obviously super important to have a website to list these digital products on so you can start promoting it and getting sales if you look down below in the description box I did put a link there for host dinner and once you click that link it will bring you to this page this is actually an AI website builder I'm super excited to actually show you how this works because it's very easy and beginner friendly to get started now I definitely compared
some prices for you guys and for digital products this is the best one even in this regard not not only is this platform the most affordable but it also provides the most features selling digital products you can see here there's a couple different plans and I do recommend going with the 48-month plan because that's how you're going to get $3.99 a month and I do recommend the business plan because e-commerce features are included in that the Premium plan does not include those so I just wanted to let you guys know that so let's just say
that you're going to go with this plan just click that then go down here and where it says have a coupon code just type in this code for even more money off on top of the already discounted pricing and this will give you a 10% discount so once you're done with that it's going to bring you to this page where you can then start building your website this is very simple to use and I'll show you how to use this AI website builder too so click here start now and we're going to select hosers Builder
with AI to make our website you also do get a free domain with this so let's just click create a free domain name or if you already have one you you can just connect it here so let's go ahead and create ours right now I'm just going to call the store badan Biz and select.com it shows it's available so let's go ahead and click continue now you're going to be presented with this form that says tell us about your website here you're going to fill in all the details about what you're using this for and
for what you're selling so my brand name I'm just using my name body and business and for the website type let's select online store for the description I'm just going to write a website where I am selling ebook books and guides on the topic of Entrepreneurship with the goal to uplift Inspire and educate others to go after their dreams so you will put in your mission here with what you're selling and the more descriptive you are with the AI the better now we're going to wait for the AI system to generate our website and you
can actually see what it's working on as it's working which is pretty cool so this way you're not having to start a website from scratch or pay anyone to do it for you it can definitely be a process figuring that all out on your own as a beginner so I love how this is all done for you just by using the hosting or AI website builder so in less than a few minutes AI has built our website and now you can see that AI did the bulk of the work for us now let's go ahead
and make it more custom to your vision and to what you want and this is actually the fun part you can change the style of the website by going down here it has different fonts that you can choose from different font pairings and it does change in real time so you can see what you like you can also change the colors of the website itself if you want to as well so down here you will also see the option for pages so let's just say you wanted to add an About Me section you can do
that here just click it and there's some templates that you can start from there's also an option called elements and you can add these onto your website easy just by selecting one of these you can add tons of buttons here as well so you can see just by this quick rundown of the editing the editing is super simple if you're wanting to change anything there's no coding needed and we just created this beautiful website in less than 10 minutes when you're adding your product into hostinger it even gives you an AI writer tool to help
you generate a good description for your products also don't forget when you're setting this up just to go to the store settings and connect your PayPal or stripe account to start receiving payments once you start getting the sales when you're ready to launch this website just click on go live and your website is now ready to go now obviously this was a quick rundown on how to list your products and get them ready to start getting sales but I do have a full free chorus video on my YouTube channel all about this in depth so
definitely make sure you go watch it if you haven't already this free course is going to give you even more of a breakdown of everything that I talked about in this video I just wanted to make a video All About ideas for you guys today to uplift and inspire you guys and just to help you brainstorm some ideas so you can start your digital products Journey you guys already know my YouTube channel is your number one source for 100% free education and courses all I ask in return for the free education is just hit that
like button for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can continue to create free courses and educational videos just like this if you are someone that you are wanting some extra guidance and help on your entrepreneurship Journey definitely make sure you join in the betes and Business Club which I have also linked in the description box below and by entering into the club you have me and my team on your side as you are proceeding with your entrepreneurship Journey we focus heavy on helping you develop marketing strategies and bringing in the
sales because that in my opinion is definitely the hardest part that people get stuck on we also have three calls a week where I meet with you guys and give you help where it's needed make sure you do join the VIP version if you're wanting to have more of a personalized experience and get more personalized feedback and tips thank you guys so much for watching and I'll will see you guys in my next video bye everyone
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