Mosab Hassan Yousef| This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid State Responsible for Genocide | 6/8

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Mosab Hassan speaks in opposition of the motion that This House Believes Israel is an Apartheid Stat...
Video Transcript:
good evening everyone my name is m Hassan YF for those who don't know me but I think most of you know who I am speaker speak I am sentenced by my father to death he made my blood allowed why because I reported on suicide bombing attacks that targeted civilians indiscriminately this is my crime and guess what it is not a secret that you discovered it was my initiative that I revealed myself to public of what I did because I am not ashamed of saving human lives you should be ashamed for taking the side of terrorists
also I am not going to apologize for reporting Hamas and for reporting terrorists and know that we will fight anyone who take the side of terrorists Hamas is a terrorist organization in the UK in the United States in the European Union and it's not up to you to [Applause] decide sit down now listen only Sheik Hassan YF only Sheik Hassan YF has the authority and the power to pull the trigger not you not him not her only Hassan YF if he has the courage to point the gun at his oldest son and pull the trigger
anyone else who tried to do that will be dealt with differently now how many of you sitting here want to teach me a lesson about morality if you knew about October 7 attacks any of you raise your hand if you had information about Hamas attack on October 7 would you report it to the authorities if you do raise your hand sit down less than 5% in this room raised their hands that they would report a massive terrorist attack that targeted civilians indiscriminately that includes Arabs Muslim Jews Christians peaceful farming communities on October 7 ethnically cleansing
20 Jewish communities because of their ethnicity and because of their religion what's happening in Gaza is not the same because you are the one who's taken the side of terrorists knowing exactly your rule and you are enjoying it but at some point you will have to deal with the consequences because everything is recorded against you now there come the Palestinians the most pathetic people on planet [Applause] Earth who want who want is out of order sit down the speaker is out of order legitim the speaker order who want to when the chair when the chair
is making a ruling the speaker must remain seated if the speaker repeats this again I will have to ask them to leave they want to delegitimize someone who's born in that land a point has been raised it is directed to the chair a point of order has been raised I have to hear the point of order I have to hear the of order could I hear the point of order from the member order person sit down order it is not for you to tell remember to sit down a point of order is directed to the
chair sit down order order order could I hear the point of order from the member of Senate ordered me personally and insulted many Palestinians and I asked him to be escorted out of the chamber in the same manner that a fellow student wased out the chamber when she was alleged to have [Applause] [Applause] order order if this is repeated again I will have to ask the speaker to leave the speaker was out of order please continue what what this is this is this thing this is this house has been hijacked Muslims could I hear the
point of order could I hear the point of order order could I hear the point of order have order the point of order is behind you what order could could I hear the point of order from the member could I hear the point of order order could I hear the point of order please tell your point of order order order could I please hear the point of order the speaker made absolutely no reference to anyone in this chamber he passed an opinion on his own people he please be allowed to continue to to debate given
how important his voice is in this conversation order order order I have made my ruling very clear what is your ruling I did not insult anyone in the room order order I have point of order could I hear the point of order given that this is a speaker who once invited by this Union was then uh attempts being made to prevent him from coming here to speak and now we have seen that committed again in the course of this speaker speaking he has a right to freedom of speech he has a right to speak in
this chamber as an invited guest of this Union to order him out as a result of the opinion He has expressed on his own people brings this Union into disrepute [Applause] is heard I have heard your point of order I have made my ruling very clear could the speaker please proceed without making any disparaging references to any population please continue they want to De they want to delegitimize my right to exist because I oppose their violent ideology then they want to Crime to cry day and night of a victim please sit down I have I
have to I have to hear the point of order okay insulting zionists Israelis is is is being I've heard I've heard the point of order you have seen you have seen you've seen a member being asked to leave the chamber before on a different side of the chamber I have made sure that people from both sides of the chamber are allowed to make their speeches and that they allowed to be heard could I please allow the speaker to finish without any further points of order please continue all the interruptions are not going to help the
situation you'll have to face the the reality and the truth the way it is I was born in that land it's my Birthright and I was born sit down and I was born as an Arab I was not born as Palestinian like millions of Arab children and the Palestinians have been pushing the Palestinian violent indoctrination based on false Narrative of aperti colonialism genocide occupation while Palestine never existed as a sovereign country it never existed except as a colonial entity and the joke on the Palestinians that they actually claim to be indigenous of the land fighting
against colonialism while they choose a colonial entity as their national identity how pathetic is that I find it really I find it really uh unbelievable that the Palestinians continue spreading this lie and millions of people around the world are believing them if you ask him what is Palestine sit down if you ask them what is Palestine you don't they don't know how to answer if you ask them what makes a Palestinian Palestinian they don't know how to answer stop interrupt me sit down we hear we heard you we heard you sit down stop interrupting me
and listen now their strategy and this is what we what need to be discussed here on the floor tonight is the use of human shield and the evil practice of sacrificing shield for political and financial gain this is the Mastery of the Palestinians this is what they've been doing they want the children the Arab children to continue carrying the burden of their sick indoctrination for eternity then a bunch of people come here crying as victims or as the saviors of the Gaza children and I tell them who authorized you even to speak on behalf of
the children of Gaza if you want to dismantle the upper tide State he wants to dismantle the upper TI State and none of you paid attention of how dangerous that this means he wants to dismantle the the state of Israel this is what he wants to do and that means the ethnic cleansing of the only Jewish State don't interrupt me and listen what he wants he wants to wipe out a nation the most the most ancient nation in the Middle East the most authentic nation in the M Middle East the only Jewish State on the
planet and he wants he wants from the children of gazda to do the job on his behalf on his on behalf of his political ambition and I tell him why don't you go carry a rifle and fight the aperti state why the children of Gaza supposed to fight on your behalf and on behalf of your righteousness you are not the Savior this is a very severe state of mental illness that you think that you are the savior of Gaz and children because you are not the Savior and and all now they talk about jide Israel
sent leaflets millions of text messages they made phone calls they gave safe PES passages to people to evacuate war zone while Hamas embedded under School schools hospitals they did not leave any sacred zone for the civilians to evacuate to safety then they boob tra the entire area and Israel had to send its foot soldiers to suffer additional casuality on the top of October 7 while they had the capacity to carpet bomb the entire Gaza sh if their intention if their intention you never been to Gaza you don't know what you're talking about so sit down
after the war after the war what was the day where did you go after the war after October 7 or can the speaker assist from addressing other members hold can the speaker please be heard could I could I please ask the member of to resist please conclude the speech Israel did for those who are here to listen by the way it's very very important and I will remind you at some point in the future when we look back at this time of confusion and the push of the Palestinian violent indoctrination they are going to hit
a dead end eventually but here Let Me Be A Witness to history and to you Israel did everything within their ability to minimize the civilian casuality in Gaza while while Hamas while Hamas did everything in their ability to maximize the civilian casualty the speaker will be heard Hamas did everything within their ability to maximize the civilian casuality for political and financial gain for Global sympathy and they succeeded of fooling so many people but this is not going to change the reality on the ground because Hamas does not care for the Arab children Hamas does not
care for the Jewish children Arabs and Jews Arabs and Jews yes your insults think can challenge or defy my truth Arabs and Jews can get along I have faith in that Arabs we are an ethnic group we were way before Islam came to the region we we were way before the Palestinians came to the region and by the way the Palestinian history started in 1964 with a CIA and the Palestinian flag this is their Heritage that's the all they have and we are not Palestinians we are Arabs this is our language this is our culture
and we will continue way after the Palestinian Thugs who who came to hijack our society with their sick indoctrination and victim narrative the victim narrative this is not representing who we are we are resiliant we don't accept to be victims Israel will be our strategic friend and we will get along Kurds Jews Arabs Jews and the rest of the region and I hope that the Palestinians will know their place in history nothing but a false identity this is who they are and this is how they are going to end order order up order order
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