FIGHTING ANIMALS face each other in the COMBAT ARENA in search of the BELT to be FREE

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when his farm is in danger of being sold a rooster must find his inner strength to beat a boxing champion and get the money to save everyone today we're going to recap the story of the movie wos Little Rooster eggsellent Adventure from 2015 in the kitchen of a beautiful house a monsterous looking woman is preparing to roast a group of eggs and bacon they scream for help but the woman puts them all in the pan and bathes them in oil just then a hero bursts through the kitchen window Toto the avenging egg he flies in
at Hypersonic speed and punches The Old Woman Who falls to the ground unconscious however the eggs are still roasting in the pan and are screaming for help at that moment the superhero uses his freezing breath to cool the pan and then takes everyone safely away later Toto and his new friends team up to save other eggs in danger they go to a park and see an egg called Ki being thrown by a boy fortunately the superhero manages to catch it in the air just in time the group continues to explore the park and suddenly they
meet a juggler who does tricks with an egg called bi he throws her up but as he prepares to catch her the man steps on a bottle and falls to the ground bib is about to crash but Toto's friend Willie flies in with his magic broom and manages to catch her at the last second with the group formed the eggs and bacon decide to create a team of superheroes the league of avenging eggs the whole incredible story is told by Ki who has invented everything to impress the little eggs in a hen house Ki goes
on to say that after this the hero Toto transformed from an egg to a powerful rooster but seconds later he appears to be just a simple chicken when Night Comes the children go to bed and the group of friends say goodbye but first a beautiful hen called D catches the chicken's eye the two go to talk alone by a pond but a Restless frog gets in the way they go to find somewhere more comfortable but then de's father the roll Don Alfonso appears he starts to talk about his career as a boxer but this reminds
Toto of the fight that will take place tonight so he leaves minutes later he meets the grandson of the Farm's owners and the two of them listen to the fight together on the radio at that moment in the ring the fight between the fighting champion vany void and the Challenger a yellow breasted chicken is about to begin the fight begins and the champion starts throwing a lot of punches and Jabs at his opponent who has no reaction the champion ends his sequence of punches with a hook to the chicken's beak Who falls to the ground
unconscious the referee starts counting but the Challenger gets up and tries to resist in the midst of the blows he receives the chicken still manages to punch the champion in the face Who falls back however the blow has little effect on him and Bai void jumps towards his opponent and knocks him down with a double punch thanks to this blow the champion wins the fight by knockout and according to the rules his owner receives the losers Farm as a prize the next morning Toto picks up the Daily Newspaper which shows Bai void's Victory shortly afterwards
Don Alfonso appears and tells the chicken that today is the day he should practice his crowing he takes Toto to to the top of the barn and tells him to sing but his voice is so bad that it makes all the animals on the farm and even on the neighboring Farms uncomfortable to make matters worse a few minutes later granny who owns the farm puts up a for sale sign because she can't pay off the debts after this news the animals get together to come up with a plan to save their home Don Alfonso talks
about his idea of returning to the ring and with the prize money paying off the Farm's debts everyone agrees with the plan but to make it work they need to go to the big city just then they hear the letter carrier arriving at the farm on a motorcycle the group seizes this opportunity takes his motorcycle and heads for the City hours later when they get there they finally find the fighting ring however before the fights can begin they have to find the Godfather egg the person responsible for placing the bets while they wait for him
Toto starts to explore the place and sees a fight between two Challengers one of the fighters is a huge muscular chicken and the other is a fighting Master despite his size and strength the the muscular chicken is very slow and his opponent manages to dodge his blows easily the master then uses his spinning kicks to hit his rival who is finally knocked out after this fight the egg Godfather finally calls the group into his living room there Don Alfonso asks to fight again and makes a bet if he wins he'll get the prize money to
save the farm but if he loses his farm will be given as payment even so The Godfather is not satisfied with the BET and sends the group away but the rooster calls him to talk in private while they talk the group goes back to the club and there they meet a beautiful chicken called sweet PE who is giving a musical performance Toto falls in love with her and calls her to talk but this makes de jealous and she goes after the chicken moments later the champion Bai void shows up and reveals that he is sweet
pea boyfriend and he gets upset with Toto before the atmosphere gets any more tense the egg father appears in the room and says that he has accepted Don Alfonso's proposal but that he won't be fighting but Toto this surprises everyone including the chicken himself but he decides to accept the challenge in which he will have to fight the champion Bai void hours later the group meets in the middle of a forest on the road to decide how the chicken will train at this point Don Alfonso talks about how he used to be a great Fighting
Champion until one day he faced an opponent who beat him easily the problem was that the fighter wasn't a rooster but a duck in Disguise which made everyone make fun of him from that day on he stopped fighting but now his goal is to find the duck that defeated him so that he can train Toto minutes later the group explores the forest and finds a Grove where several ducks live there they look for the fighting duck but there's no sign of him instead the Ducks challenge Toto to a rap battle but he doesn't know how
to rhyme and starts getting booed at this point Don Alfonso asks them to bring in a duck for a real fight seconds later a fighting duck appears among the leaves and begins to perform various blows to demonstrate his skills after showing off the Peery sets out to attack Toto but suddenly the rooster manages to dodge the blow and the duck crash es into a rock the chicken celebrates his victory but soon afterwards the duck gets up and punches him right in the face and is thrown away while Toto is recovering from the blow a tattooed
egg known as the duck appears to talk to the group he says that the duck they are looking for was his father but he ended up being killed by a crocodile fortunately he knows about his father's training and agrees to train Toto his first teaching is that the chicken must believe in itself and train its body and mind to the maximum the next morning the hard training finally begins Toto is forced to lift weights run races with his friends jump rope and train the strength of his punches the initial results of his training are not
the best but as his dedication increases Toto becomes stronger and more agile at the end of the afternoon the duck egg under goes a new type of training acquiring the skills that only ducks can do namely flying and swimming for the first stage Toto needs to fly like various types of birds and to do this he needs to jump from the top of the barn and flap his wings however the chicken tries to do this but ends up falling flat on his face again and again the second training session takes place in the Farm Pond
where Toto has to learn to swim once again the results are disappointing days go by and the rooster still can neither fly nor swim however one morning when Toto was about to start his flying practice again Alfonso pushes him off the top of the barn at that moment everyone expected him to fall to the ground again but to everyone's surprise the rooster finally manages to fly they continue to follow the training and Toto manages to fly in different ways the next day the letter carrier shows up at the farm and warns the owner about the
fight that is about to take place she reads an ad in the paper and discovers the whole truth that her house will be the prize for the fight which only makes her more worried meanwhile Toto and his friends go to a mountainous area there his master gives him another workout this time in agility suddenly several Ducks appear to attack the chicken fortunately he manages to dodge them all with his jumps and pirouettes which proves to everyone that Duck's training is efficient his friends celebrate the chicken's performance without realizing that a vulture is watching from nearby
and is leaving hours later the bird appears in a warehouse where Sweet Pea is waiting for him he warns her that Toto is training differently and this makes her worry that he has a chance of winning she then puts together a plan to attack his farm meanwhile Toto is almost ready for the big fight except for one thing he still hasn't found his strongest move duck and Don Alfonso believe that his strength comes from within and ask him to unleash it through his singing the chicken tries to sing once more but his voice is still
terrible everyone is worried about this but de appears and says that everyone should leave him alone she kisses him goodbye and soon after Toto goes back to training the next morning the chicken wakes up after a nightmare in which he is shamefully defeated by Banky void everyone tries to calm him down including the owner of the farm but he doesn't think he's going to win and runs away later his friends find him in the mountains they try to calm their friend down once again but just then a group of vultures appears on the scene to
make matters worse another flock of birds attacks the farm and starts capturing the chickens the guard dog tries to protect them but it's no use and Toto's mother is taken by one of them meanwhile Willie decides to do something to motivate Toto he jumps on his friend's neck and they both fall off the mountain left with no choice the chicken tries to Flap his wings and after much insistence finally manages to fly the two then return to the farm where their group of friend friends has come back to help the other animals they realize that
Toto's mother has been captured by one of the vultures and the chicken sets off to save her he attacks the bird which drops its mother to the ground but Toto manages to catch her after that the chicken flies towards the vultures and Willie jumps onto one of them the egg pulls out the animal's feathers causing him to collide with another of the gang however they both recover and crash into Toto which causes him and Willie to start falling fortunately bib flies in on a duck and rescues her boyfriend while duck flies in on another duck
and manages to catch Toto soon afterwards the master slaps his Apprentice to make him wake up Toto regains Consciousness and together with the other Ducks decides to lure the vultures into the mountains there they fly at high speed while dodging the many rocks around them this causes some of the vultures to collide with the stones but others in the flock manage to dodge and even pick up the Ducks and throw them against the stones the situation becomes more complicated and the leader of the vultures grabs Toto with his feet and throws him towards a rock
luckily the chicken manages to dodge and continues flying at high speed the vultures continue to chase him and they head towards a cave in front of them a narrow exit appears and Toto has an idea he orders all the Ducks to line up behind him and fly vertically to get through the opening thanks to this the rooster and his duck friends managed to cross the exit unharmed behind them the vultures are flying fast and when they realize that the exit is too narrow they try to stop but it's too late they crash into the passageway
and lose their feathers which causes them to fall over the cliff even so the leader of the flock manages to stop in time and leaves minutes later Toto and the Ducks return to the farm where the chickens appear safe and sound after everything that has happened the chicken is more determined than ever to face Banky void he and his friends get together and fly towards the ring where the big fight is about to begin later in the ring several Challengers fight each other kung fu fighters karate masters and boxers compete in Fierce duels to prove
Who is the best while the fights are taking place Don Alfonso is training in his dressing room but to his surprise Toto shows up to fight the chicken then joins Master Doug and goes to the ring where the champion is waiting for the fight in the ring the referee announces the participants along with their owners the two fighters are wearing their gloves and mouth guards and face each other before the bell sounds the signal is finally given and the fight begins without wasting any time the champion lands a powerful punch on Toto who is thrown
into the wall and falls to the ground in bewilderment the referee starts counting but the chicken recovers and continues the fight benai void then runs up to him but Toto gets scared and starts to run away at this point the judge prepares to blow the whistle because if the rooster continues to run he will be considered a loser by forfeit just like Don Alfonso when he realizes that he could lose everything if he keeps running Toto stops running and tries to defend himself but is hit by another punch from the champion and is thrown into
the wall seeing that his Apprentice is in trouble duck says that he should remember everything he did during training and let his body Act Naturally Toto decides to follow this advice and gets up once again Bai void then rushes towards the rooster and prepares to throw more punches but at that moment Toto Dodges all of them and goes backwards which sends the champion crashing into the wall the rooster recovers and once again throws several punches at his opponent but Toto remembers his flying lessons and uses the techniques he has learned to dodge all the blows
thanks to this the rooster manages to make the champion TI and when the chance arises he punches him right in the beak which leaves him bewildered seconds later the bell rings to end the first round and everyone is impressed by Toto's stamina and technique minutes later the second round begins and Bai void returns with blood in his eyes he lands a powerful punch on the chicken who falls to the ground and the referee resumes the count however Toto has no intention of giving up the Fight Continues and the two opponents attack and defend each other
relentlessly the rounds pass and what looked like a guaranteed fight for the champion becomes one of the longest and most difficult bouts in the history of the ring this sends the crowd into a frenzy and everyone starts cheering for Toto thanks to his persistence the two fighters become more and more exhausted and another round comes to an end while resting Toto hears Doug say that Bai void hasn't used his best moves yet this information worries him but the rooster will continue the fight to the end the Bell announces another round and Bai void rushes towards
the chicken to deliver his most powerful blow he jumps on Toto and throws a double punch that shakes the ground however when the sand subsided the champion realized that his blow hadn't hit him instead the chicken used his flying technique to dodge the attack which sent the fans wild desperate Bai void continues to throw punches at Toto but he Dodges all of them in counterattacks with sharp blows to the abdomen and Beak the champion begins to stagger but in a dirty tactic he throws dirt in the chicken's eyes and punches him in the face he
falls to the ground because of the blow in Banky void step on him to stop him getting up the referee starts the count but Toto gets up again even though he's exhausted the champion begins his sequence of blows but the chicken already knows his moves and gives him a push followed by a punch that removes the rooster's lip protector just then the bell rings once again and the fight reaches its final round when the referee authorizes the fight bangy void lands several blows on Toto but he's too tired to continue the chicken then seizes the
chance and throws his strongest punch unfortunately the ch Champion isn't knocked down and Toto realizes that he still hasn't found his inner strength all his friends tell him to Crow like a real rooster suddenly Toto decides to stop for a moment and reflect on his real motivation for fighting in his mind memories of the farm and his friends begin to emerge and he finally understands the importance of this fight and of protecting his home and those he loves now aware of what he needs to do Toto goes on the attack and punches baiid who tries
to hit back but the chicken Dodges and counterattacks Non-Stop the fans support him at this point but the round is about to end Bai void then tries to throw one last punch but Toto manages to stop the blow with his wings finally the rooster releases all the energy contained in his chest and with a sequence of punches and a powerful uppercut he delivers the final blow accompanied by a crow worthy of a rooster thanks to this Bai void falls to the ground unconscious and the referee starts the count despite still trying one last effort the
champion falls to the ground and Toto is the winner of the fight all the fans as well as their friends from the farm who heard everything on the radio celebrate this incredible Victory Don Alfonso goes up to Toto and congratulates him followed by D Toto finally declares his feelings to her and the two kiss just then Bai void approaches the couple but instead of attacking his opponent he congratulates him on the fight soon afterwards however the owner fires his gun and says he won't lose the farm but to everyone's surprise Grandma appears with her handbag
and hits the man right on the head after which he is taken to Jail the next day The Roosters take the money they won in the bed and discover that from the beginning the big chicken had been betting on Toto's Victory it is also revealed that the vulture's invasion of the farm was a plan by sweet P to ensure Bai void's Victory when he finds out the champion is offended by his girlfriend's attitude and sends her away with everything settled everyone celebrates the victory with a big party at the farm which now has all its
debts paid off thanks to Toto the chicken then gathers with his friends at the top of the barn and of his inner strength exhales his song for all to hear finally becoming a real rooster so what did you think of this movie leave it in the comments below and if you like the video like And subscribe for more movie Recaps see you next time
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