The Perfect Pasta alla Puttanesca with Shrimp | Chef Jean-Pierre

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Chef Jean-Pierre
Hello There Friends, Today I'm going to show you how to make one of my favourite Sauces, a Puttanesc...
Video Transcript:
well hello there friends welcome back to the channel today shrimp amazing i'm going to show you how to do it stay tuned we'll be right back don't forget thumbs up subscribe to the channel and ring the bell stay tuned i'm going to show you how to make this fantastic dish well hello there friends shrimp nesca it's a shrimp or a beautiful tomato sauce very simple to make i'm going to serve with the linguini uh and let's get going very simple recipe my friend i got today i got uh black tiger shrimp i got anchovies if
you don't like anchovies don't worry don't put them in garlic uh capers i got uh caper the very small one if they come in the brine you want to rinse them a little bit otherwise everything salt rinse them a little bit anyway you don't want that acidity or brine kalamata olives a little bit of parsley very simple recipe yeah we're gonna make a tomato sauce really some pore friends uh and putanesca putarneska uh you read the story of puerto nesco okay but it's for the lazy lady of leisure in nepal in italy years ago i
don't know 150 years ago they used to make this dish all the time those ladies when the marine used to come in to attract them the houses smelled so beautiful because you see it smells wonderful when you make it this guarded amazing flavor and it would attract the man anyway that's true story putanesca look it up don't take my word for it look it up you see there's million stories out there but that's the easiest one to explain shrimp i'm using a black tiger shrimp i like it because it's uh it's very firm those are
the blue mexican shrimps sweet they're delicious if you can find them when you clean them you can take the vein out but what i recommend you do is do it all when first you take the tail off and you squeeze the tail see then you get the whole thing you know cut it i see a lot of people they cut the tail don't cut the tail just squeeze it and pull it so you keep it see all that stuff right there that's good stuff all right so we're going to take this we're going to throw
it away and then and we're going to cut them in half and and i want you to see friends very simple you take it right there and you cut it right in half so if you're gonna buy them all you can clean them at the same time okay i got them already cut i think all of them yeah right there see look you take it and cut them in half you're gonna say why do you cut them in half trust me what's going to happen and when you cook them they're going to twist and they're
going to have a much better texture more like a lobster you see they're going to do this kind of thing right there you'll see when you do it it's really good very simple recipe friends a little bit of olive oil we're going to make the tomato sauce first i use a beautiful garlic olive oil not if you've ever used my garlic olive oil it's amazing the tomato i use is a is the lavali tomatoes you can get those online uh you get a big can i recommend it they're wonderful they're like a sanitary they're wonderful
they come in whole they already peeled they squeeze them squeeze them like this with your hand don't worry about it it's the best way to do it you can chop them if you want and uh and it's okay to do too but it's best to squeeze them all right so what do we do let's make sure we got everything ready before we before the oil is too hot okay what i do with the anchovies you can put them like this by the way they see anchovy dining in olive oil yeah you can look if you
know what i can show these don't worry you won't even know they're there so you're going to say what do you put them in there the flavor enhancer it's a great flavor enhancer see what i do you put a little salt in there it makes your life easier and you create a paste yourself or you can buy the anchovy paste you're supposed to put the salt before not after like i just did i tell you you think that i know what i'm doing right but sometimes i forget the most important thing it's funny when the
cameras are shooting you forget things and i'm i'm the first one to forget him all right so we got this ready i gotta wash my hand again thank goodness the sink is not on the other side of the kitchen okay that wouldn't be a nice kitchen all right let's see what we got here friends a little bit of olive oil we're gonna put those anchovies right in there now some people put onion in there in the putanesca but a real puttanesca doesn't have any onion right so pour onion if you want it's up to you
but a real puttanesca doesn't have any on you put the onion if you want it's your putanesca you do it however you want to make it right so let's see what we got here we're going to saute this and then we're going to put the capers and then we're going to put the kalamata olives you're going to need all this you see the insurgent i promise you you won't test it they just enhance the flavor it's amazing what they do you know this is um have you ever had it when you go to a in
oriental restaurant and they use a fish sauce do you know how to make fish sauce anchovies they put the salt on it on the screen and this delicious juice and comes out is a fish it's a fish sauce i don't know if you've heard of it pretty interesting put some capers in there right and then i put the olives those are kalamata olives my mom used to squeeze them i i got them it's a little more of the french in me i cut them so they look a little kalamata they're really important they're greek olives
or figure an italian restaurant they the greek they use the greek olives they're beautiful italian olive but that's traditional a little bit of garlic what does that mean when we put the garlic the chopped garlic right you put sharp garlic that means that in the second you can smell the garlic it releases the fragrance you want to save that right so what do you do the second you smell it which should be about right now my friends about right right now put your tomatoes very simple i i i put a can and a half of
of tomatoes i may not need a can and a half we'll see in a minute we're gonna let it cook we're gonna let it cook all right it's very simple so far you notice right you see i never do anything complicated you notice that i got a bit of chopped parsley in here we're going to put a little bit of it now and then we'll put some more at the end in the meantime we're going to cook the shrimp the shrimp friends now you could say you could cook them in here if you want you
can cook it in here of course you can cook in them here and it'll cook fine oh by the way watch for the salt in this because the pasta i'll tell you about the pasta in a minute i've already salt in the water the kalamata olives have salt the capers have salt they enjoy being salty a lot of salt already so watch for the salt okay it's up to you you don't put salt if it makes you happy but yeah i don't think you need it so it's up to you it's always up to you
you know it's your dish don't let anybody tell you don't do this don't do this don't do this do whatever you want okay it's your dish you know there's so many people have so many opinions out there get your own youtube channel if you don't like the way we do it you know that's what i tell everybody right you don't like it then hey you know move around go to tic-tac-tock everybody say you talk too much what am i going to do dance no you don't want me to dance you don't want me to sing
either trust me you don't want me to sing so i'm going to talk and if you don't like it you go to tic-tac-tock so look it's doing very good this is going to take two minutes the important thing now my friend i was telling you about the shrimp and then i forgot that's because i talk too much i love my life what can i tell you now i'm friends i want the reason why i do the shrimp separately oh i better do them now the reason why i want to do the stream separately my friends
is very simple because hey you take it easy over there mamma mia i'm dropping everything all right i'm not going to use that one anymore don't worry because i i gotta eat all that food you relax mama mia a little salt and pepper on the shrimp the reason why i want to cook them separately friends the reason why i want to cook them separately is because i want some of that carmelization always i'm always looking for caramelization friends always looking for caramelization like i said you can poach them they'll cook in there but they won't
be as pretty as they're going to be here you see what i'm saying you don't see it yet let me put the whole thing in there what am i waiting for put the whole thing in there friends and this is going to be amazing a little salt a little pepper now put an esca here watching a potato is going to be ready this is a quick dish my friends as long as you have everything ready in advance the pasta i do it like i do it like i used to do it in a restaurant you
pre-cooked your pasta a little bit because it takes 11 minutes to do it okay 11 12 minutes depends the brand you're using and uh i mean you could start doing the pasta and do all your things by the time you finish your pasta should be ready but let's say you don't want to do this you want to be sure you cook your pasta 80 of the way and then when you're ready to go bam put them in there bam that reminds me a lovely emerald i don't see him that much anymore lovely chef he was
fun wasn't it he was one of the first ones to introduce fun in the kitchen that's because he watched my pbs show years ago he was a great chef he's a great chef too besides the fact that he's a lovely gentleman he's a great chef a little bit of parsley on the shrimp but friend really simple and then you know what we're gonna do after we get some nice caramelization up to the shrimp we're gonna put them in a sauce we're going to finish cooking them in a sauce you see and now oh yeah this
is going to be delicious i promise you and so easy a child could do this i gotta do some quick recipe you know we should do we should add a little more garlic in the shrimp what do you think i think it's a fabulous idea i think it's a fabulous idea plus i have it so let me clean up my kitchen while this is finishing cooking and we're done we're done friends we're going to be eating this very soon i hope you're hungry you see look there's still a little translucent there and there but if
you could be here right now my friends and smell those shrimp you would agree with me and that's the winner look at this look at this is that beautiful or what my friends that's it they're done they're done so you know what we do and they're not exactly done let me see you know i don't like an overcooked shrimp but i hate even more and then the cookies you know you go to places and you eat it like i end the quarter here you go done done done you stop you stop you stop everybody stop
look at this look at this my friends look at this is that a beauty or what yeah okay so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna take the pasta we're gonna put them in here yep and now we're going to put it on butter we're going to put it on butter oh yeah just a little just a little butter my friends that's it salt we got put a pepper and this right there is going to make us a beautiful plate those are linguinis eh you can put spaghetti you can put the angel here you
can put whatever pasta you want when they come out of the water you want to put a little bit of oil or a little bit of butter and that's all you need to do and the little little butter is delicious see look so here's what we're going to do we're going to put those guys in a plate last time i used too small of a plate everybody were like you're starving us so here we go my friend this time i'm not starving you look at this i am going to feed you guys really good today
oh yeah i'm gonna feed you guys really good my friends look at this you see oh yeah you can be nice you can be sloppy i want to be nice right we're going to organize them a little bit probably right let's take a little sauce a little sauce sauce sauce sauce give me a sauce there you go give me one of those give me one of those give me one of those friends look at this you see now how simple was that to make my friends huh you see everybody wants to have simple recipe i
don't blame him get ready though because during the holidays i'm going to make some fancy one during the holidays we're going to make some beautiful recipe friends the week of thanksgiving every day every day every day every day every day every day we're going to release the new recipe for thanksgiving so get with us stay with us for thanksgiving i promise you guys you're going to love it there you go little pasta right there should have taken my pasta fork and make it look pretty but we'll probably do another shot for our our screenshot a
little parsley right here friends right there and here you have it shrimp garlic shrimp puttanesca friends put it on my parsley right there and you have yourself an amazing amazing dish let me test it make sure it tastes good it's looking good let me tell you look at this look how beautiful that is i got an olive with this oh baby um it's very difficult to speak with the mouse for but it's delicious friends i hope you make this dish it's fabulous don't forget subscribe to the channel please if you haven't subscribed yet don't forget
to give us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell thanks for watching we'll see you next week for another fantastic show [Music] you
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