Your Reality is a REFLECTION of How You Speak (BE CAREFUL)

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Spiritual Dive
Your Reality is a REFLECTION of How You Speak (BE CAREFUL) -----------------------------------------...
Video Transcript:
have you ever stopped to think about the hidden power that your words can have what if I told you that by speaking in a certain way you can completely transform your reality and get anything you want since ancient times there has been a mysterious knowledge that has been passed down through the generations a knowledge that teaches us that nothing is really at rest that everything moves that everything vibrates this is one of the fundamental principles of ancient teaching such as those found in the rig Veda one of Humanity's oldest and most Sacred Scriptures imagine for
a moment every word you say every thought you have carries a specific vibration these vibrations not only influence your mental and emotional state but also have the power to shape the reality around you it's intriguing to think that by adjusting the way we communicate we can attract what we most want into our lives so today we'll explore how these vibrations work and how you can use the power of words to change your reality you'll discover ancient secrets and understand how certain mantras and inner dialogue can be the key to unlocking unlimited potential within you everything
around us vibrates every atom every molecule every living being and every inanimate object is in constant movement emitting frequencies that make up the universe this fundamental principle known to ancient cultures and now confirmed by modern science teaches us that the essence of all existence is vibration vibrations are energy patterns that move in waves each with its own frequency from the subatomic particles that make up matter to the light and sound waves that surround us everything is in a state of constant flow the frequency of a vibration determines its nature and its effect on the environment
for example visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum a range of frequencies that includes everything from radio waves to gamma rays but what does this mean for us it means that every thought we have and every word we speak also carries a vibrational frequency when we are in a state of Joy gratitude or love we emit high frequencies that can attract positive experiences into our lives on the other hand thoughts and words filled with fear anger or sadness have lower frequencies which can attract negative experiences this knowledge about vibrations is not
new ancient cultures such as the vdic civilization of India understood the importance of vibrations and documented this knowledge in sacred texts like the rig Veda this text composed thousands of years ago contains hymns and chants considered gateways to Cosmic wisdom the ancient sages known as saptarishis were among the first to realize that sound and vibration are the creative forces of the universe among the most revered figures in vidic Tradition is Shiva often described as the Supreme master of knowledge and meditation it is believed that Shiva taught the secrets of vibrations to the saptarishis revealing that
the entire universe is composed of sound and energy mantras sacred sounds repeated during meditation are one of the central practices of this tradition each Mantra has a specific vibration that can harmonize the body and mind bringing peace health and prosperity today modern science is beginning to confirm what the ancients already knew studies in quantum physics reveal that atoms which form everything in the universe are composed of subatomic particles that vibrate at specific frequencies Energy Medicine and sound therapy are fields that use these discoveries to promote healing and well-being therapies such as acupuncture Reiki and the
use of Tibetan singing bowls are based on the idea that adjusting the vibrational frequency quencies of the body can restore health and balance but if everything vibrates and words also have power how can we use this wisdom to transform our reality understanding vibrations naturally leads us to explore how we can direct these invisible forces through the conscious use of words each word we speak carries a specific vibration an energetic signature that interacts with the vibrational field around us positive and uplifting words like love gratitude and joy have high frequencies that can Elevate our emotional and
mental state attracting positive experiences on the other hand negative words like hate fear and anger have lower frequencies that can trap us in cycles of negativity and conflict when we speak we not only express our thoughts and feelings but also influence our envir environment studies show that water for example responds to the vibrations of words and thoughts water molecules form beautiful and harmonious crystals when exposed to positive words and gentle Melodies but they distort and fragment when exposed to negative words and harsh sounds considering that our bodies are mostly composed of water this suggests that
our words have a direct impact on our health and well-being the ancient sages understood this Power of Words and developed practices to channel these vibrations consciously and deliberately among these practices the use of mantras stands out a mantra is a sacred syllable word or phrase that is repeated during meditation to focus the mind and align internal vibrations the Mantra aom is perhaps the best known and most revered of all this Mantra is considered the primordial sound of the universe representing the totality of existence and the essence of Consciousness when chanted correctly Al resonates through the
three main chakras of the body the sacral solar and throat each syllable a u and M activates and harmonizes these energy centers promoting a state of balance and inner peace chakras are energy centers in the body that regulate different aspects of our physical emotional and spiritual health when vibrating on a the sacral chakra swadisthana is activated with the syllable a promoting creativity and vitality the syllable U activates the solar plexus chakra manipura increasing confidence and personal power finally the syllable m resonates in the throat chakra vishuda facilitating communication and true expression besides this Mantra many
other mantras can be used to raise our vibrations and manifest our desires the ganish mantra for example invokes the energy of ganish the remover of obstacles repeating this Mantra can help overcome challenges and open up New Paths the Lakshmi Mantra on the other hand invokes the goddess of wealth and prosperity Lakshmi using it can attract abundance and financial success and the Mantra of Love is a Tibetan Mantra that translates as the jewel in the Lotus it promotes compassion love and wisdom helping to cultivate an open and Generous Heart Beyond traditional mantras we can create our
own powerful affirmations to raise our vibrations for example saying I am worthy of love and abundance over and over again can transform our perception of ourselves and our reality when we integrate these mantras and affirmations into our daily routine we begin to reprogram our minds and align our vibrations with what we wish to attract but how do these practices impact our internal dialogue and our world view well what we say to ourselves every day not only reflects our emotional and mental Al state but also shapes our reality in subtle and profound ways this constant selft
talk is one of the main factors that determine our vibrational State and consequently the experiences we attract into our lives as I mentioned before every thought we have every phrase We repeat in our mind carries a specific vibration so when our selft talk is positive and encouraging it raises our vibrational frequency creating an upward spiral of well-being and success but when we engage in self-criticism doubts and fears our vibrations drop attracting situations and people that reflect these negative States studies in Psychology show that the way we think and talk to ourselves can profoundly influence our
mental health resilience and even professional success maintaining positive selft talk is not just about being being optimistic it's about aligning our internal vibrations with the frequencies we wish to attract into our lives but how can we make this change in our internal dialogue in practice let's think about it imagine that for years a person had been trapped in a cycle of self-sabotage whenever he tried to start a new project or achieve a goal any change in his life an inner voice told him that he wasn't good enough that he would inevitably fail this limiting belief
keeps him stagnant for a while but there comes a time when he decides to make a conscious change he starts to replace his negative thoughts with positive affirmations every day when he looked in the mirror he said I can do this I deserve success I have all the skills I need to achieve my goals at first these words may seem empty but over time they begin to take root in the subconscious mind when this happens gradually there is a change in behavior and life circumstances projects that once seemed impossible begin to materialize success which once
seemed a distant dream becomes a reality all this transformation is extremely possible with the consistent practice of positive self-talk because it is through this internal dialogue that we raise our vibrations and attract opportunities that we previously could not see like any other practice and transformation we've discussed here on the channel this is a continuous Journey but there are several effective practices that can help us cultivate a more positive and elevated mind you can start the day with affirmations that reflect the feelings and states you wish to cultivate phrases like I am worthy of love and
success I am in harmony with the universe and I attract abundance and prosperity can set the tone for your day and align your vibrations with your goals you can take a few minutes every day to write down three things you are grateful for gratitude is one of the highest vibrations we can Emit and focusing on the good things in life can help shift attention away from negative thoughts positive visualization is also a great practice in this process you can dedicate time to visualizing your goals goals as already achieved imagine yourself living the life you want
feeling the emotions associated with success and fulfillment this practice not only raises your vibrations but also programs your mind to recognize and seize opportunities that bring you closer to your dreams you can also practice thought substitution when you notice a negative thought consciously replace it with a positive one if you catch self thinking I will never achieve this you can replace it with I am on the right path and each step brings me closer to my goal practices like meditation and mindfulness can also help calm the mind and increase awareness of thought patterns with this
greater awareness it becomes easier to identify and modify harmful internal dialogues to fully understand how internal dialogue and vibration shape Our Lives we we need to explore the underlying structure of personal reality our experiences are created by a complex combination of thoughts feelings and actions all influenced by fundamental paradigms of existence these paradigms having doing and being determine how we interact with the world and ultimately how we manifest our reality the paradigms of having doing and being are three levels of conscious ious that influence our perception and interaction with reality each of these paradigms offers
a different approach to life and its challenges and understanding these levels can transform our way of living the most basic level and often the most prevalent in modern society is the having Paradigm in the having Paradigm the focus is on material possessions and external achievements the underlying belief is that happiness and fulfillment come from having things money status objects many people spend their lives relentlessly pursuing what they think will bring them happiness only to discover that these achievements are often ephemeral and unsatisfying this Paradigm can lead to a constant feeling of lack because no matter
how much you have there will always be something more to want a level above having the doing Paradigm emphasizes action and productivity here a person's identity is tied to what they do their activities their jobs their accomplishments the belief is that through hard work and completing tasks we can achieve our goals and thus find satisfaction although this Paradigm can be more rewarding than having as it implies effort and purpose it is still subject to frustration and burnout the constant quest to do more and better can lead to stress and the feeling that you're never doing
enough the highest and most transformative level of the three is the being Paradigm in the being Paradigm the focus is on identity and the essence of who we are the fundamental belief here is that our reality is an extension of our inner State instead of seeking possessions or external achievements the emphasis is on developing inner qualities like love compassion wisdom and peace the understanding is that by becoming the best version of ourselves we naturally attract circumstances and opportunities that resonate with our elevated vibration this Paradigm promotes a life of authenticity and alignment with our true
self focusing on the being Paradigm is essential for manifesting the desired reality when we concentrate on who we are becoming rather than merely what we want to have or do we change the foundation of our reality this does not mean that possessions and actions are not important but rather that they are a natural consequence of who we are that's a huge difference by aligning with our true self and cultivating positive inner qualities we begin to vibrate at higher frequencies these frequencies attract experiences people and opportunities that are in harmony with our inner State instead of
struggling against the external world to get what we want we allow reality to Flow To Us in a more natural and less forced way for example a person who wants to succeed professionally can focus on developing qualities such as confidence resilience and creativity when they become confident and resilient they will naturally take actions that reflect these qualities attracting professional opportunities that resonate with their new identity instead of just trying to accumulate titles and possessions they transform themselves internally which is reflected externally in their success when we understand and apply the being Paradigm we create a
solid foundation for manifesting our deepest desires this understanding prepares us to explore the process of internal change change where we can effectively reprogram our beliefs and align our identity with the reality we wish to create exploring the structure of personal reality brings us to a crucial Point how can we effectively change our internal reality to manifest the life we desire the process of internal change involves understanding and Transforming Our levels of belief dealing with the influences of the ego and using effective methods to plant and confirm new beliefs this process is fundamental for raising our
vibrations and aligning our being with the desired reality to understand how our beliefs shape our reality it is important to recognize that they operate on three main levels thought belief and conviction thought is the most superficial and transient level our thoughts are like clouds in the sky constantly changing and floating they arise and disappear quickly often without leaving a lasting impact however when repeated frequently these thoughts begin to gain strength and move to a deeper level a belief is a thought that has been accepted as true and is held consistently in our mind beliefs have
more power than thoughts because they start to influence our actions and behaviors for example if someone believes beles they are not good enough this belief will affect their decisions and limit their opportunities beliefs are like seeds planted in our subconscious shaping the way we perceive the world and ourselves conviction is the deepest and most powerful level it's a belief that has become an unquestionable truth something we accept without question convictions are like the roots of a tree deeply rooted in our being they Define our sense of identity and determine how we react to life situations
the ego is the part of our mind that identifies with our thoughts beliefs and convictions it plays a crucial role in forming and maintaining our beliefs often acting as a guardian that resists change the ego seeks security and familiarity preferring to maintain the status quo rather than risk the unknown the ego creates an illusion of separation making us believe that we are distinct and isolated beings it keeps us trapped in limiting thought patterns because these patterns are comfortable and predictable but this fear of change is because it threatens your perception of identity that's why when
we try to change our beliefs the ego can react with resistance sabotaging our efforts and keeping us stuck in Old Habits when we become aware of the ego's role we can begin to neutral neutralize its influence recognizing that the ego is just a part of our mind not our true Essence allows us to separate from its limiting conditioning with this Clarity we can reprogram our beliefs and Elevate our vibrations an effective method for planting and confirming new beliefs is the affirmation and Confirmation cycle this cycle involves the conscious repetition of positive affirmations and the active
search for evidence that supports these affirmations this process helps transform thoughts into beliefs and eventually into convictions affirmations are positive statements that describe the reality we wish to create they should be formulated in the present tense and in positive terms for example instead of saying I don't want to be poor a more effective affirmation would be I am abundant and prosperous affirmation should be repeated regularly with feeling and intention so they can begin to influence our subconscious mind confirmations are the evidence we actively seek in our reality to support our affirmations this can be anything
from small signs of progress to major achievements the important thing is to recognize and celebrate these confirmations reinforcing the belief that our new reality is manifesting the internal dialogue we cult culate is the most intimate reflection of who we are and what we can achieve and when we take conscious control of this dialogue we not only transform our internal world but also the world around us this is not just a theory or an abstract concept it is a daily practice that when adopted with commitment can open doors to unlimited potential I sincerely believe that we
all have the ability to change our reality after all life is not a fixed destination but a path that we build with every thought every word and every experience each of us possesses a unique energy that can be elevated through the Power of Words and intentional practices so always remember you are the creator of your own reality thank you for embarking on this journey with me if this video resonated with you I invite you to like And subscribe to our Channel share this video with others so they can benefit from this message and don't forget
to leave a comment below sharing your thoughts Reflections and experiences thanks again for watching and for joining me take care and see you soon
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