Dumb Regular Guys Challenging Real Fighters

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Fighting Spirit
Part 1- https://youtu.be/bmnHi976EeQ Dumb Regular Guys Challenging Real Fighters There's always th...
Video Transcript:
this work what come on oh there's always that one person that claims he can beat anyone in a fight usually targeting those who seem smaller or less intimidating these so-called tough guys feed off intimidation and aggression often having never faced a real opponent most people choose to steer clear avoiding conflict and leaving the bullies feeling Victorious but every once in a while they cross paths with someone who actually knows how to fight and that's when things get interesting let's get straight into it this Street Bully traveled a whole hour just to challenge the coach of
this gym think I came down here for no reason you think I came you came here for a reason you came here to kick my ass you can't wa to kick a coach's ass dud let's go you think I didn't come down here you think I drove all this way because I didn't look you up or do or do research on you I'm not I hope you did do right cuz I don't want to kick him out his ass and I don't want nobody kick him ass well he said that he did his research on
the coach let's see if this research paid [Music] off you all right sure you want to continue you stepped in the wrong in the wrong gym you can't come to the gym and ask to far somebody let's go work Street attitude is going to get you hurt in the boxing gym come on let's work let's come on let's work your street attitude is going to get H in the boxing all right can't just come up to a boxing gym I want challenge a coach me see to work with someone let's work let's work baby and
that is game over and hopefully lesson learned a guy in the audience decided to hurl insults at UFC fighter morab but he quickly learned the difference between a true Warrior and a keyboard [Music] Warrior it was at this moment that he knew he up this YouTuber wanted to test his abilities against UFC champion sha Omi for someone that never wrestled before how long would it take you to maybe tap out 10 seconds can't I proba grabb your neck pretty quick like in this I think I do 30 seconds no no no shot 30 no I
got that dog in me yeah but we can't I mean we don't got oxygen in you it don't matter what you got in you a few moments later a taichi master who claims he can beat Mike Tyson walked into a boxing gym and challenged anyone who was up for a fight now let's see if this taichi master can conjure up magic to defeat the [Music] boxer Bradley Martin a bodybuilder turn podcaster is well known for challenging UF Fighters by asking if they could beat him in a street fight who wins in a street fight me
or you so who wins in a street fight me or you who wins in a street fight me or you you can you beat me in a street fight huh you think you beat me in a street fight you in a street fight yeah you're you're a podcaster brother I love I love it he argues that his sheer muscle mass and significant body weight would give him the upper hand well let's see what happens when he does in fact scrap with real Fighters [Music] it's too tight [Music] okay a guy who doesn't train fighting but
claims that he sees red when confronted challenged a UFC fighter take a look baby we all know Joe Rogan isn't one to back down from a confrontation he's also a seasoned fighter having trained in martial arts for most of his life during a heated argument at a comedy store Joe Rogan warned the other guy that if he touched him again he'd choke him let's see what happened and you don't listen to anybody's opinion you just want to be right like you dude oh exactly touch me again I'm going to choke you out on camera what's
on now got your gun got your gun going to get a belt from this then there's the infamous Fear Factor incident where a so-called tough guy got in Rogan's face after Joe called out his wife for being violent and hit other contestants no hey hey hey hey hey hey he got in Joe's face and then he got too close to Joe and then all a sudden they start going at it and I was like all right I got to break this up cuz Joe's going to kill him hey hey hey hey the boxer in Gray
sweatpants was repeatedly challenged by the street fighter in shorts after constantly getting asked to fight the boxer finally agreed and invited him to the gym for a sparring session when asked how intense he wanted to go the street fighter boldly chose to go all out he soon realized he got exactly what he asked [Music] for hey dude your mom's your family hey who got presto who the you just lost why don't you hit me hit me keep going keep going hit me that's what I thought this entitled streamer thought he was tough until Rampage Jackson
showed up and put him in his place what I thought it was perfect Harris you made yourself look a total youy shut the up oh remember the notorious prankster mzy from our last video he's the one known for his outrageous pranks like snatching a dog from an elderly woman and barging into random homes without invitation well he tried to act tough with someone who wasn't backing down and he almost burst out crying can't be no video content bro will crash you out don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do
that yo don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that I'm not the one don't do that I know you we shot a video before but don't do that don't play me like that all around me are familiar faces the issue with young wealthy social media influencers is that they feel safe picking on others knowing they can always hide behind their security not so fast little bro not so fast little bro what are you going to do what are you going to do do what's up what's up what are you going to
do what are you going to do little bro what are you going to do uhoh he's mad uh-oh look at you little BR I have no doubt that one day when he picks the wrong person to mess with his Security will regret ever taking this job this reporter challenged the one and only Alistair over let's see how things turned out what's go hey a tough bodybuilder walked into a black belt's gym all fired up you can probably guess how the story ended who's the master you are yeah say stay loud who's the man who's the
man as we wrap up it's clear that a wakeup call is needed for these so-called tough guys it's satisf to watch them quit in despair before the fight is over hopefully these humbling experiences ground them back to reality if you would like to see more you can support me by liking the video and subscribing to the channel as always thanks for sticking till the end and see you in the next one
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