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Video Transcript:
Step by step to lose fat quickly. If you do everything I'm going to teach you, this step-by-step guide is infallible. You won't need to watch any more videos on this topic.
I'm talking about that average of 1. 5kg of fat that you'll get rid of per week. So, imagine 6kg of fat within a month.
You will become a different person. We will reduce fat from your entire body. However, the fat that will go first is from your belly.
And to make your life even easier, I have separated these steps into 4 pillars. The 1st pillar will not only boost your fat loss, it will also make it easier. It will influence the balance of 2 hormones that regulate our appetite and satiety.
Ghrelin and leptin. When these hormones are out of balance, you end up feeling hungrier. Eat more, and get fat.
This is a point that this pillar will regulate. You will have less appetite, and this will make it easier for you to eat less. The other issue: it will make your prefrontal cortex which is the region of your brain responsible for analyzing the consequences of your actions more powerful.
When you feel like eating something that is outside your plan, you will have this region strong enough to curb that impulse and keep you on the plan you defined. And it will also make you more willing so that you can do your daily activities better, and burn more calories throughout the day. Do you know what you need to do to get all these benefits?
Sleep well. Average 7 to 8 hours per night and have good quality sleep. And I didn't even tell you about the release of GH, which is an important hormone in this whole process of losing fat.
This hormone has its peak release from 11 pm to 3 am. And it is only released in deep sleep. I recommend that you sleep around 10 hours at night to reach this depth of sleep and benefit from this guy.
If you sleep after midnight, I have some bad news for you. You are going exactly against everything I'm telling you here. Adjust this now.
To improve your sleep quality, it is interesting to do what we call sleep hygiene. Two hours before going to bed you have your last meal. So that your stomach is calm when you go to sleep and doesn't disturb you.
This even prevents reflux problems. About an hour before bed, you turn off all screens, the blue lights: tablets, cell phones, computers, television, and I'm also talking about the white lights in your house. Your brain understands that it's daytime, and it doesn't go into slow-down mode so that you can sleep.
Put on a yellow light and preferably low. A hot bath here also works very well to activate your parasympathetic system and make you relax, and your sleep will be even better. Our 2nd pillar for losing fat quickly: physical exercise.
First question: weight training. It is important that you do it. Not only to lose fat but to build a beautiful, defined physique, and also to have longevity from this fat loss.
Many people lose fat and then gain it all back. The more times a week you can do strength training, the better. And if you want to lose fat as quickly as possible, the best way is to train 6 times a week.
An ABC workout works very well, making it repeatable throughout the week. In workout A you will train your chest, shoulders and triceps, in workout B your back, hamstrings and biceps, and in workout C, only your legs. Which exercises to do and how to do this entire workout, we have a video on the channel where I'll show you exactly that.
Now, when we talk about cardiorespiratory exercise, aerobic exercise itself, this guy is very important for fat loss, not only because you will increase your daily calorie burn, but also because it will teach your body to lose fat at rest. So, imagine you here watching me and your body metabolizing fat. This seems like magic, doesn't it?
Looks like! But that's what's going to happen, because when you do cardio you enhance some organelles in our body called mitochondria. And they are responsible for taking fat and transforming it into energy for our body.
The more cardio, the more mitochondria, the more fat you burn. Now, which machine do you use? You will make the exact device you like the most, there is no difference at all.
Now, how much cardio do you need to do per day? I'll tell you right now: is it as fast as possible? Then do cardio every day.
You'll finish your weight training, do cardio and then, yes, you'll go home. The longer you can do it, the better. Having a ceiling of one hour.
20 to 30 minutes of cardio every day will be great. Now, within cardio, we can still think of 2 different formats. The cardio that we call continuous moderate, which is basically you get on a cardio machine and stay there for 20, 30, 40 minutes, 1 hour.
And then there's that other type of cardio, HIIT, which is high-intensity interval training. This is a great one, and depending on your routine, it can be even better. A 20-minute HIIT can be equivalent to a 1-hour continuous workout.
But the thing about HIIT is: let's say you're on a treadmill. And then, you put on maximum speed to run like a desperate person as if there was a jaguar running after you. When you can't take it anymore, almost falling off the treadmill, you slow down, and when your heart rate returns, you go again, and the idea is to keep alternating at high intensity and low intensity.
Of course, you will choose which of these 2 you will do. The important thing is that you do it. Let's now move on to our 3rd pillar.
If you fail in this pillar, everything falls apart. It is basically that central pillar of the thing: food. Our body works more or less like this: when you consume more than you are expending, imagine that you expend 2 thousand calories in your day.
And consumes 2300 calories. Those 300 calories are left over. And they will become energy stores: fat.
Now, if you are spending 2 thousand calories and consumed 1700 calories, you owe 300 calories. And our body doesn't end the day owing anything. It's going to take those 300 calories from somewhere, and if you've been doing weight training and cardio the way I told you, it's going to take the fat away, and that's what we want.
We're going to look at macronutrients. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats. First macronutrient I want you to pay attention to: protein.
It is super important for you to build muscle. And protein, to turn into fat, is very, very difficult. If you don't consume the ideal amount of protein, you will degrade muscle.
And your fat will stay there. You will have a belly and no muscle. If you consume 1.
6g to 2g of protein per kilo of weight, imagine that you weigh 80kg, you need 160g of protein per day. You will already be within a considered margin. .
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. so you can have a healthy weight loss process. To give you an idea, 100g of chicken will have on average 20 to 25g of protein.
And then you start to get an idea of ​​how complex it is to ingest this amount of protein. I'm going to put together a table so you can get an idea of ​​the main foods in our daily lives. In a little while I'll give you a tip about an app that will really help you in this regard.
Now, let's move on to fats. When I talk about fat, I'm not talking about the pastel from the fair or the French fries. I'm talking about good fats, fats that you'll find in olive oil, avocado, nuts and so on.
These fats are important for your body to function optimally. Some hormones are produced from fat. Testosterone is on this list.
However, be careful, because the fat you consume in excess easily becomes fat in your body. And here, I'm talking about 1g per kilo of weight. So, let's do it again.
If you're 80kg, 80g of fat per day. Be careful, it is very easy to exceed the amount of fat. Now, let's get to the carbohydrates.
They are often neglected. People say, "Oh, no, I want to lose weight. " And they eliminate carbohydrates from their diets.
It's not the best way. If you consume good carbohydrates, you will have energy to train well, to do your things, and all of this will burn more calories. 2g per kilo of weight.
Carbohydrates are easy to consume, huh. Be careful. And still speaking about this whole part of nutrition, I will recommend that you consume leaves, greens, vegetables, because all of this in addition to helping you feel full will also provide your body with a good amount of fiber, which makes your intestines work well, and this whole weight loss process is optimized in terms of nutrition.
Remember the tip I told you I was going to give you about an app to make your life easier with these controls? Growth has an app, inside it you will enter the things you are eating, and it will do all the calculations, showing you how much protein, carbohydrates and fat you have consumed during the day. And note, it is a free app.
Before we go to the 4th pillar, I'll give you a bonus tip. Do as many active things as possible in your day. Everything burns calories.
The simple act of climbing stairs burns more calories than taking an elevator. You walk a few meters, more than riding in a car. I'm not going to tell you to stop taking the elevator to the 20th floor and take the stairs instead.
This is crazy to some people. Try starting to do a few extra things in your day. The simple fact that you drink more water, and this is an important point, the recommended amount is at least 35mL of water per kilo of weight, and can go up to 50mL.
If you drink more water, do you agree that you will need to go to the bathroom more? You will need to leave where you are to go to the bathroom. It will make you burn more calories.
So, have a more active mindset. Wow, do you take the subway? There's the escalator and the normal stairs.
Why don't you use the normal stairs sometimes? And do you start to create this habit to the point where you always use it? Many times, people who have a high body fat percentage, this happened to them because of their mindset.
Our entire mind has evolved to save energy. Save effort. If you let yourself be carried away by this and even more so, if you let yourself be carried away by the quick pleasures of highly palatable foods, you will gain weight.
Have a stronger mindset, to the point where you know what is good for you and what your mind wants just because it is good for it. Our 4th pillar for losing fat quickly is to enhance this fat loss. There are some supplements.
There are those supplements called thermogenics. National thermogenics, which are safe, because thermogenics that are not regulated by Anvisa can cause many heart problems. So, let's talk about the supplements we have on our market.
Their main active ingredient is caffeine. It has the characteristic of turning on our central nervous system. It even has a direct relationship with fat loss, but it is very small.
We associate it with being more willing, doing more things physically. And with all this, you will lose more fat. Another supplement that will help you a lot is pre-workouts.
Taken before training, you will train more intensely and you will even train harder. Therefore, you will burn more calories. There is a 3rd one that makes a lot of sense too, which is creatine.
But the idea is to lose fat, man. Creatine will make you stronger. With more strength you train harder, and burn more calories.
With creatine, the fact that you are stronger means you build more muscle and with all this, you burn more calories and therefore, it will help you lose weight. All of these supplements that I mentioned can be found on the Growth website and there are discount coupons there too. And you'll accumulate points to be exchanged for other products later.
I'm talking about Growth because it has a position in the market as the brand with the best cost-benefit and very high quality. So go ahead, you will be super well-equipped with supplements. And I prepared this video here, which is about 16 foods with almost zero calories.
So if you start to feel very hungry during this process, you can consume these guys here without causing problems with your fat loss. Click there, bro.
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