welcome to the session where we'll be doing a self soothing practice to start settle into a physician of eve's with a straight back and wakeful posture you can imagine there is an invisible string attached to the top of your head holding you nice and tall allow your shoulders to fully rely you rest your arms where they're most comfortable close your eyes so move your breath and feel your body by that and then bring your attention to the state of your heart listening inward in a gentle compassionate way holding a space for what's here now tuned
into the flow of your breath allow your mind to rest on the breath as it goes in and out of your body follow each breath attentively silently recognizing each in-breath and each other who now will relax our attention from the breath and open to a sense of self love and compassion and silently repeat the following word may I be happy may I be safe may my heart feel peace and again in your own mind repeat these phrases receiving each of them with a kind and open heart may I be happy may I be safe may
my heart feel peace and one more time slowly savor each one may I be happy may I be safe may my heart feel peace you know gently returning to your bra rest in this loving comforting space you've created for yourself but your breath continuing to welcome and soothe you allow your inhales and exhales to soothe any anxiety worry weariness sadness what pain very simply very lovingly let the breath arrive on the inhale you gently flow away on the exhale now gently relax your attention while growing up many of us never had the proper tools or
guidance to deal with difficult emotions we never learned to understand our sadness or anger we weren't taught how to calm our anxiety or soothe our frustration instead we learned to distract and avoid the tune out unpleasant feelings with numbing sometimes destructive behavior but no matter what happens we developed when younger in our adult lives mindfulness can help us cultivate the skills of self soothing their meditation we learn how to calm our emotions and settle our nervous system we develop self acceptance and compassion we learn to tenderly be with whatever arises rather than run from it
these tools allow us to care for our own hurt so rather than seeking discomfort and distraction or destruction remember to reach for the tools of self soothing be loving and gentle with yourself and you'll be able to hold your own heart give yourself space to feel and time to breathe and become your own source of soothing comfort as Brian andreas said there are days I drop words of comfort on myself like falling leaves and remember that it is enough to be taken care of by myself and as we come to the end of the session
in these last few breaths fill up your heart once again with loving kindness now let your awareness return to the room hearing sound whenever you're ready open your eyes [Music] you