5 More Automations You Can Sell Today for $1,500 (Or $10,000)

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Nick Saraev
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Video Transcript:
hey my name is Nick I scaled my automation agency to 72k a month with 1 VA and the entire way that I was able to do this was selling the right systems as an automation agency there are a ton of systems that you theoretically can sell but not a lot that I think you realistically should sell if you want to make multiples in your time so the purpose of this video is to show you five more automations that you guys could sell today for between $1,500 to $10,000 I built all these systems using a mixture
of N and make.com and we going to be including all the templates Below in the description so feel free to repurpose them use them for whatever the hell you want if that sounds good to you let's get into it all right so I'm going to be showing you these systems in a second I've built them out in n8n and then I've also build a bunch out in make.com you guys are going to get to see both but just before I show you guys the actual systems I just want to talk a little bit about what
makes a highy automation a high automation to begin with and the reason why we need to cover this if you think about it is because our industry moves really quickly AI is a very intrinsically fast-moving sort of technology so is a lot of these automation platforms that we're using and while learning specific systems is great you know if you think about it the systems that I and you are going to be selling today are not necessarily going to be the same ones we're going to be selling a year from now because business needs are going
to change they're going to be new software platforms that solve these problems um and so what's important is not necessarily learning the exact systems uh but the underlying principles that enable you to choose good systems to sell in the future so briefly uh there are three components to a great High Roi automation the first is it needs to be something that produces a clear clear deliverable clear deliverable in this case is a document it's an email it's a CRM it's a line item I said email twice there sui uh Etc essentially this is something that
like the customer can actually touch and feel or can get us close to it while interacting with a computer the reason why and I'm going to cover this in a lot more detail in a second is just because you know automations are systems right and that might mean something to you and I what the hell does that mean to like an average small to midsized business owner right they're hiring us because they're not very technical most of the time the second is that your system needs to solve hot button paino and this is something that
generally just impacts revenue or profit and the third is you just need a way to template the vast majority of your system and this is typically done through no code platforms like nadn make.com zappier um or you know copying and pasting scripts whatever the hell you want to do so let's chat about this first one uh producing a clear deliverable essentially in order for your system to be good and in order for you to be able to scale it and sell and make any sort of meaningful amount of money with it it needs to produce
something tangible for the client tangible in this case means you know a document means an email it means a CRM system some sort of asset uh some sort of line item Okay the reason why is because systems are by Nature immaterial they are processes and software infrastructure like to a lay person is very difficult to visualize your goal is to turn this from some weird scary intimidating Black Box sort of idea into something your client can actually imagine touching or feeling something they could see for themselves these are going to produce immediate results this is
also going to mean that they are much easier to quantify than it's going to allow you to claim straight forward wins which are going to snowball you into being able to do things like at higher ticket retainers and so on and so forth um the reason why I'm harping on this guys is because there are tons of systems out there that you guys will see scrolling through YouTube while doing your binge system stuff and they're great and all but very few of them are systems that if you were able to put it in front of
a client and ask them hey do you want this for this much money very few of those systems would get a resounding yes and the reason why is because they're sort of built for it's almost like they're built for like a YouTube audience they're built for like the developer audience they're not NE necessarily built for a small to midsize business customers that you know are looking to to have some practical need fulfilled so these points that I'm making here like if you if you really want to make money in this industry these are things that
you just sort of you sort of have to get um here's some quick examples the first might be like a PDF generator okay so if you build a PDF generator system for the customer it needs to produce something physically that the customer can touch so white paper quote estimate maybe the customer fills out a form every single time a form is filled out they get something they receive an email says congratulations you just you know generated some new PDF right another one may be a comprehensive CRM that your client can navigate through a beautiful Aesthetics
uh you know colors and and buttons and stuff like that this isn't just something that the customer is going to use okay it's something that every single person on their team is going to use every day week and month thereafter you get to claim the win every time they're staring at that thing which to be honest is going to be the vast majority of their workday the last might be like a cold email system that generates an email every time it's responded to right every time that you get a a positive response or something or
maybe every time a response comes in you filter it through AI you say is this a good response is the customer going to like this okay sweet if so voila I'm going to send them a nicely packaged email maybe I'll like spend a few extra minutes designing it so the customer feels like they're getting a high quality product they can see feel and touch so even if your system doesn't need deliverables in order to work I recommend that you modify your system to include them um and then you know ideally you just find systems that
produce deliverables as a a consequence of their operation so that's very important the second thing I want to talk about is it needs to solve some sort of hot button pain point that a business is experiencing um if it's not you're typically not going to be able to charge anywhere near as much money and uh yeah you'll just typically have like a worse go of it during the sales process you're going to kind of be fighting an uphill battle so don't fight an uphill battle fight a downhill battle they're way easier I'm just look at
Obi-Wan so simply put businesses pay more for solutions to pressing problems what is a pressing problem uh anything that impacts your ability to generate Revenue save money or free founder time these are the three big ones you know if a business is struggling with generating revenue and they have like a specific need that you could solve to help them with that they will pay you a lot of money to have that solved same thing with bleeding money or same thing with the founder running all over the place feeling extraordinarily stressed and and and like their
life's uh like their life is chaos all the time obviously the more urgent this need the easier the sale so the systems that make the most uh sense to sell are ones that deal with urgent needs so some examples this might be let's say you run uh like a B2B agency or something and you have a team of fulfillment staff and they are currently just waiting around kicking rocks because they're I don't know there's no design work for them to do um that means every single month this business is bleeding a few thousand per person
paying them to just sit and wait around this is a very urgent need not only are they losing money there they're also losing money in opportunity costs since they're not making any new sales to begin with so you know if you could solve this and at least fill the pipeline you can think of it as uh the the business let's say this I don't know two fulfillment staff and you're paying them $3,000 each if you can at least fill the pipeline so that they break even on that you're saving a business $6,000 how much money
is a business willing to pay you to save them $6,000 probably between like three I don't know $2 to $3,000 realistically uh another example might be you're running some B2B SAS product maybe your support team is overwhelmed and getting so many inquiries and there's so few people and because that response times are lagging and and now there's major turn what your need is there is customer support you need systems that enable customer support or you need the ability to hire uh you know customer support staff if you could solve this and if you could reduce
their turn by like 5% or whatever then mathematically you will have increased the lifetime revenue of that um mrr by I think 5% right like mathematically so they're making a million dollars a month or something you've just given them $50,000 I think unless I don't know I'm being dumb but you're making a lot of money for them so they're willing to pay you a fraction of that to solve it another might be that you I don't know you're running some some other business maybe you are a copywriter and you're invoicing your clients and your invoice
processing blows and that means well you send a lot of invoices and you get a lot of work maybe like 20% of them um just don't pay you right or they don't pay you on time if that is the case your need is a better invoice process and if you solve that then you can basically take the portion of the amount of money that is in accounts receivable or outstanding basically and then you could like charge a fraction of it to solve that problem so yeah I'm just trying to harp on you guys that you
know the real problems that you solve that make money in this industry like when you solve them you can charge a fraction or percentage of that price um this is called value based pricing it's something that I and many high earning automation companies do because every time that you know a problem is not solved it costs a business some theoretical sum when you build a system that solves that theoretical sum you're basically putting a bunch of money back in their pocket which is freaking amazing okay need number three or rather Point number three is that
you need to be able to build this using templates whatever your system is you should be able to copy and paste 80% % of it then maybe make some minor tweaks the reason why is because this minimizes your work while also letting you generate a tangible return on client investment ASAP and then you're also um basically minimizing buyer remorse which is a really big one like when a customer pays you something especially for a consulting or a technical service that they can't really conceptualize the value of when your customer pays you something and then they
don't get something in return for like a month that entire month they sort of have this little buyers remorse thing where they're like well I'm out a bunch of money for the service but I haven't actually got that like the value that I've been paying for it just yet um and the longer that goes on typically the harder it is to to upsell clients to get them on long-term retainers uh basically your goal as an agency any any sort of agency or freelancer really any service business just to minimize buyer Remorse by generating a tangible
return on their investment and you do that using templates if you get a new client you can build a system for them in three days or something that solves a need starts actually delivering an Roi that situation um you those sorts of situations I should say are the ones that get you long-term client retainers and that you know get the clients um to be absolutely Overjoyed working with you so the cool part about systems is by nature they are templat right we're dealing with immaterial software products code stuff like that you can literally just copy
and paste it and then voila you're done 90% of the time that means that all you ever need to do really is just build a system once and then you just get to like reap the Returns on that uh for however long you're selling that product um the theoretical ideal system just while I'm on that is a system that is entirely deliverable through a or completely automatically I want you to think about this uh if you know you are delivering some sort of website building service hypothetically and then you know you sign the deal when
you sign the deal you trigger a form to be sent to the client that asks all the questions and then when they fill it out they instantly get their website like the the the scalability of this sort of business is theoretically infinite all you need to do is just get as many people in the front door as humanly possible the back end takes care of itself I mean obviously you're probably going to have some revisions or something but I think you guys are seeing the point that I'm making um so it's difficult to attain in
practice I've personally never done this I've gotten reasonably close but usually just with lower ticket stuff um but uh yeah you know that's just something to something to shoot for here's some examples again uh the first might be a CRM template you can duplicate in the client environment on your platform of choice that might be I don't know notion a sauna clickup whatever um the second might be a series of blueprints the import of the client make.com or NAD environment that you only ever have to make minor tweaks to afterwards maybe you are trolling through
upwork looking for uh systems so what you do is you don't just type systems or automations you actually typee like email systems or email automations and then you have like four or five uh templates or blueprints for these systems that like kind of closely match what the customer is looking to they're not n they're not all the way there but they're like 90% of the way there well you could just say hey you know like I'm I'm going to build you out the system and then instead of you having to build it from scratch now
you you at least get 90% of the way there with the template you basically get to leverage and and and Arbitrage your time uh you know instead of you doing uh all of the work from 0% to 100% % you do the work from 90% to 100% but you get to charge as if you were going from 0% to 100% the last example here might be a creative brief your client fills out which triggers a flow that generates a Business website sort of like my API example okay I think we're done with that dry stuff
let's actually show you what these systems are because I know that's what everybody here's waiting for I want you to know that you can build these systems exactly as they are written down or you can produce variations of them they fulfill the requirements above or they're built in such a way that you can modify them to do so like you can swap clickup to notion if you're using notion instead of click up or whatever um I also have talked about and blueprints for all these systems scattered through my YouTube channel uh except for one I
believe um and I'm going to be recording a video of me building that um momentarily and you can also find These Blueprints and these templates uh on my gum Road and there are also many that have been built more than once on different platforms so you know if you're working on zapier or something and the system is nadn that's okay you can absolutely just like build the system on zapier um you know look at the blueprint stare at it um and grock it and then just look for like equivalent modules at the end of the
day all no code platforms these days are basically the same anyway all right so the very first system I'm going to show you guys is a deep personalization system that is built in n8n as I mentioned you can apply this to any no code platform that you want I'll show you how to do that in a second but um from a bird's eye view what the system is is it's a it's a series of prompts that allows you to customize the hell out of outbound Outreach completely automatically we are going to scrape the data from
a web service that allows us to pull email addresses from publicly available profiles we're then going to Loop over it get LinkedIn profile data from that feed that into Ai and then add it to a spreadsheet which we can then tie into some cold email platform like instantly now the reason why this is so valuable is because it's not your run-of- the- maill personalization it's not just like you're doing the the first line of an email like most people do what we're doing is we're personalizing every aspect of the email that is going out and
we're doing it at scale and on mass um so much so that the person that will receive this email is going to think holy crap this guy really did his research this is going to make it seem almost as if this is not a cold Outreach anymore but but like it's warm Outreach because you know everything about the person you know their whole career history you're asking insightful questions you'd only know if you'd actually like read them and so on and so forth so what you're basically doing with this system is you're producing an AI
engine that reaches out to a near infinite number of people per day and you're only upper bound on how many people you want to reach out to um is going to be the email inboxes the number that you have using your cold email platform and then the um amount of money that you're spending on Ops here are the things that it solves first of all it solves money it solves reply rate solves leads these are usually the biggest bottlenecks in any business and they're the hardest ones to fulfill as well so right off the bat
this is extraordinarily valuable the second is it produces a clear deliverable these are customized leads in a spreadsheet some sort of cold email platform it's a CRM it's all three and then as a byproduct delivers replies you actually get replies in your inbox right and you get more replies than you do with basically any other sort of cold email enrichment system uh because you're doing deep personalization but you're doing it well and I'm going to show you how with some some Nifty prompts that I've set up here you can also create templates to make your
work easy um you know you can just copy this into the client na environment if you wanted to or you could just run all this on your own account you can build this in all major no code platforms and you can sell this from anywhere from $1,500 to 5,000 USD fixed price that's with no add-ons you can also charge an hourly rate to implement this although I wouldn't recommend that um as well as some sort of monthly maintenance fee and many people in my communities which are now over uh almost 1,400 people as of the
time of this this video I have sold systems like this for for substantially more than 5,000 USD a pop not to mention if you take into account things like Revenue share equity share that sort of stuff um you know this number a lot of the time can can double or even triple so let me actually run he guys through what the system looks like um as I mentioned built this out in n8n uh I know that most of my viewers are probably more familiar with make at this point just because the bulk of my videos
have been on that on no code or automation platform so just to give everybody some context um this is a web hook which is basically synonymous across all platforms you are getting an event from some service the event that we are getting in this case is going to be appify appify um for those of you that are unfamiliar is a Marketplace that allows you to scrape things essentially and all you really need to do most of the time is just enter in like the URL of the thing you want to scrape and you're good to
go so turns out there's this one um scraper called the Apollo scraper which allows you to scrape a um basically a big lead aggregator service called Apollo and then from that you can extract up to 50,000 leads per search for a price of just a120 per thousand leads most of these are going to have email addresses and here's an example of the data that you would get pretty sweet right so all you need to do is you just go into Apollo and you you make a search you say I'm looking for CEOs in California or
something and then it will actually go and it'll try and pull you every CEO in California as well as their email addresses their LinkedIn URLs uh it's kind of magical if you think about it that way from there what we're doing is we're doing another call to apiz a API which I'll show you guys uh when when we actually run this thing from start to finish and that just retrieves the actual items that we just scraped then We're looping over each of these items and in nadn when you Loop over and this is just sort
of like saying uh you know for the first entry I'm going to do all this stuff then I'm going to Loop over and do the same thing for the second entry then I'm going to Loop over and do the same thing for the third entry the reason why we have that is just because some API limitations some of the apis that we're using some of the services that we're using I should say they have like right limits and so we just want to space it out after that we have an if um and we're basically
saying hey if we got the email address then we can proceeded what we do next is we use another service called lead. lead magic is a pretty nifty service that essentially allows you to feed in a LinkedIn URL uh via API once you feed in a LinkedIn URL what you get as a result is you get the entire LinkedIn profile in all the fields or all the fields that matter I should say um so I just fed in my own which was linkedin.com Nicholas that handsome bass right over there um who that uh and then
as a result got headlines um I got like an about section I obviously got a ton of information about you know like uh uh where I work and so on and so forth and the idea is what we do with that is we feed that into Ai and we basically have ai personalize um a bunch of Outreach for us and before we add to a Google sheet and in terms of what the data actually looks like at the end of it I have a bunch of data that I scraped here just 10 records um for
just a bunch of people in I don't know I guess Aerospace or mechanical engineering if we scroll over to the right this this is basically what we get as a result we get subject lines we get ice breakers we get elevator pitches we get call to actions and then finally we even get a little PS field and I'll show you what all that looks like in our actual qu Emil platform so this is pretty sweet um this is sweet uh not necessarily just because it's you know built in NN or I don't know we're doing
the personalization but kind of like we're we're chaining together three or four of these different services that independently don't really do anything but when you combine them all you can essentially completely automate something that's a pretty laborious part of most people's work now the end result from this so what we get is we get a lead inside of well we don't get a lead inside of but I made this General enough that you could just import the leads into whatever your platform is um but I'll show you you can get a lead inside of a
cold email platform like instantly that allows you to then scale up the number of emails that you send and the way that it works as we fill variables like Icebreaker elevator pitch call to action same ones you saw a second ago and then PS as well as subject line um and then in that way basically all of our emails seem extraordinarily unique but they still follow a structure right of the main issues with AI being used in cold Outreach I found is just that it typically doesn't follow structure and kind of fall apart okay great
and the last thing I want to do just before we wrap up here is I want to show you what this flow actually looks like um in n8n we have to just limit the number of items that are coming out the other side unfortunately otherwise it uh just gets a little bit weird and can be a little bit much so let me just do that really quickly uh and basically what I'm going to do is the way that this flow works is it it looks to see if there's an email address but because not every
record is going to have an email address I'm just con going to connect this little false output to the um uh next module as well normally this would stop if there were no um email addresses this time it's going to proceed just so we could see what all the logic looks like but if you were to run this for yourself just make sure to take that out okay now let's head back over to appify Let's click Start and let's scrape this puppy uh as I mentioned this is going to be scraping this Apollo resource but
I mean apify is amazing uh it sort of understands in their applications allow you to scrape anything that you freaking want I've used it to scrape Instagram before Tik Tok Twitter uh Reddit right use it to make like an automatic newsletter generator which I'll show you guys in a moment um it is a very very powerful platform and if you configure it right you can do basically whatever the hell you want with it which is quite nice okay great so it just found our uh flow it's now requesting the LinkedIn profile doing the five column
personalization let me just show you guys what this actually looks like in practice I'm it's just going to add that to our Google sheet let me just make sure that this is oh sorry if we go back here we see that we've added uh person and uh what else we did was we went and we customized the hell out of the Outreach pretty neat damn that is pretty neat and then looks like we've just done that for the second lead as well and then uh yeah you know this basically just goes on and I believe
I I set a wait of I don't know how long is my waight that's like 5 seconds or so so you can set the weight at whatever you want I just did 5 Seconds cuz I didn't want this API to get overwhelmed um sometimes the Google Sheets API for me anyway um kind of uh times out or rather not times out but but gets rate limited so the benefit there is you know once you have the spreadsheet um all you need to do is you just you know go over here you download it um as
a CS Fe and then you head over to instantly which in my case is the service that I'm going to be uploading the emails to um and then you click uh leads you click add leads then you can just drag and drop this in it's the same thing for smart lead and for anything else the end result is you're going to essentially get an email that includes all of these columns right so if I could just show you guys an example on one of them you know this email let me just add to step this
is basically something like the email that you are going to be sending um so this is pretty hyper customized right uh you know one of the things about this company that they keep on mentioning all the time is their focus on Innovation and this and that and that you basically get to slap that in there you got a little PS here which also makes it seem um kind of human written uh the subject line is customized you know if you were to send this to some uh and have multiple levels of personalization the likelihood of
an open and of ultimately them doing something with it is a lot higher so I'm just going to turn this off because um it's just going through and and continuing to chug and consume Ops in the background then I'm going to download this then we're going to head back over to the next system okay the second system I want to talk about is a search intent lead scraper um this is something that I did a video on just a few weeks ago and it's similarly involved in cold email you're going to see a lot of
things um that I build that I sell and make good money with to revolve around some sort of Outreach just because this is typically the most scalable way to employer apply Automation Services in such a way that you can make money with them but essentially what this is is this is a way to scrape leads but not just scrape leads generally using the same approach we did earlier but to scrape them with specific intent so the reason why it's called search intent is because what we're doing is we're actually scraping job listings instead of people
we get these job listings for companies that have listed hey I want to hire a sales associate or a business development representative or an accounting executive and the reason why we're we're scraping that is because we know that if a company has put up a job post for account executive or sales representative or something like the need that they have is they need more leads and they need more more sales and they're willing to literally spend money to solve that problem so the second that you search for leads with intent like that you can typically
multiply not only the average ticket price of the service that you're selling but also just make the entire interaction a lot easier so yeah this solves money reply rate unqualified leads no leads in the queue uh disorganized sales process unutilized sales team and ultimately chaos it also produces a clear deliverable in the form of um you know an email address which is pretty sweet and then a series of fields in a Google sheet or some sort of cold email platform um as I mentioned you can create blueprints on all major no code platforms this one's
going to be make.com but yeah you know you could template out the Google Sheets template whatever you want and in terms of the price it's very similar to the previous system in so far that we're selling between 1,500 to 5,000 USD although I should note that you know if you are selling this as a super high ticket service if you're selling this to like B2B um tech companies or uh like um one of my community members did this with I think it was a manufacturing company or something it sold for over $600,000 um not this
system for $600,000 they use this system to sell one of their clients um a total ticket size of $600,000 you can you can sell this for substantially more especially for those big industrial applications so let me run you through what the system actually looks like um this is built out in make.com instead of NN and it again uses appify to get scraping results then get data set items so very similar what we saw before in NN we then search through a Google sheet we then add a row if the job is new and then we
also filter the job before searching for a decision maker using a platform called any mail finder um after this we then retrieve the the enrichment results from any mail finder research the decision maker using perplexity which is quite neat generate an ice breaker which is similar to what I was showing you guys before just a little more shallow this time then automatically add it to our database and then instantly um so that sounds pretty well and good but what exactly does any of this stuff mean um well let me show you guys what uh yeah
let me show you guys what like an actual um uh result of this would look like first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go to my Google sheet here okay and what we have as a result is as you guys could see we have an ID we then have a tracking ID a reference ID we have the link to the specific job post and this is from quite a while ago so I don't know if this is actually still be valid okay yeah looks like they're still hiring this company tremendous is hiring
an SDR sales development representative which is pretty sweet um you know the title the company name name company LinkedIn company logo we're getting a ton of fields here um the thing that matters to us is this description what we do is we take this description here and we feed it into Ai and say hey is this something that we could sell a system to realistically you give it a list of systems you say hey we sell X Y and Z is this a job that we could realistically apply to if the answer to that is
yes what we do and as you can see this a pretty big database I got to scroll all the freaking way down to the right we get their email address and then from there we also write um you know an entire uh pitch basically um that says hey you know I dig your mission um it's really cool to see the transition from blueto to NFC within blue bite which is the name of their their business and stuff which is pretty cool right now let me let me show you what this actually looks like when you
add this um what we do after that is we retrieve the result and I'm just going to run this once to show you and I believe we need oh my bad I'm actually out of credits which is why this isn't uh working wonder if I just ran this whole thing how many of these I'd realistically get uh let me just turn this on and see what happens screw it this is now going to open up a ton just run like a million simultaneously and I was just looking for one that actually made sense um you
can see that we actually got a CEO of a company um and then after getting the co of the company we research this person using perplexity which is pretty sweet the end result of this is we got some content about this person hey you know this person's the CEO and co-founder of this here's some key points about him then we got a ton of information about this particular person which is amazing as I'm sure you can imagine you can combine this with the Icebreaker thing we did earlier then we generate an ice breaker here um
then we add it to our database uh which was right over here right or actually you know we might have a I might have a different database actually for this specific one but anyway we add it to um our database afterwards which is pretty sweet then uh we also send it over to instantly which is cool instantly being our cold email platform so yeah lot of uh move and steps here but just for the sake of time I'm not going to go through every module like I did with the previous flow just because I think
most people are familiar with how make.com works at least on my channel um suffice to say this blueprint will be down below in the description and the really cool part about systems like this is uh one of the reasons why I've sort of Niche down and I provide a lot of growth systems like C email is because the second you start selling one well one sort of naturally leads into the other so hypothetically you know what what if you sell this to somebody for 4,000 bucks or something and then after you sell them a deep
personalization system on top that that takes the data that we generated here takes some additional data that we're generating from maybe like lead magic that API that requests LinkedIn profiles then we stick it together well now we're upselling them now we're selling them two Services as opposed to just one the third system I'm going to show you guys is a YouTube parasite plus content Improvement system as you guys can see this is a pretty long system I detailed it in one of my earlier YouTube videos but in a nutshell what this does is this scrapes
YouTube videos it gets the transcripts of those YouTube videos then it uses AI to find gaps in that content to to make it better the AI then writes content for you using the tips that we've provided as well as the source document then it lets you repurpose that content for social media YouTube scripts and more we basically do a bunch of uh content types like Facebook and and Twitter and so on and so forth and automatically can even post them so this is a pretty sweet system to sell um because you know a lot of
uh well I want to say that this it depends on the sort of business that you s this to but SAS companies tend to like this sort of stuff because uh they typically have like well to find competitors whose YouTube channels they could scrape um and you know like they could take video ideas and then repurpose them uh you know Brands tend to like the stuff like like influencers and stuff because they tend to have like five or 10 people in their Niche that are doing similar things to them you can think about me and
and you know my my competition on YouTube for instance we could parasite them immediately the second that they're done recording a video and posting it I could immediately flip that around and then start creating some sort of new better content that solves the needs of the market even cooler than they did um but anyway the point that I'm making is uh this produces a clear deliverable social media post content scripts it solves some hot button needs it's templat and you can actually sell this anywhere from 1,500 to 5,000 USD fixed price um I know a
lot of people have sold for for less than this amongst my groups um but I think that you know if you go anywhere less than like $1,500 system like this you're definitely underpricing yourself uh and you can Al obviously make tweaks to the system now in terms of how the system works um it starts by triggering an appify actor to run and it's going and and pulling a specific appify actor that I think we've um not looked at precisely ourselves YouTube vide subtitles or caption scraper basically what we're doing is we have a sheet full
of YouTube videos to scrape okay and you can populate this very easily using another appify actor if you want like there are a variety of systems out there that dump YouTube videos that you scrape into this but I'm just assuming you already have one because I didn't want this to be like 17 scenarios long um but basically once once you you get a YouTube video The you every YouTube video has some video ID over here and what you do is you take that video ID you search the row so you get it and then you
feed it into this app IFI run and actor module this is where you paste the URL or the ID I got yeah I guess the URL in this case not the ID of the video that you want to scrape this then runs a caption scraper so then we watch the actor runs we will get the data set items we're going to do a bunch of processing um to basically get the transcript into a reasonable format for us um so what I'm doing here is I'm calling GPT 40 with um a prompt that basically says something
along the lines of hey we're in content based on YouTube transcripts what I want you to do is I want you to summarize it write an outline with it write some suggestions about it and then output it in this Json format here uh and then from there we're actually taking the suggestions and using them to upgrade the outline that we generated from a previous step and this is kind of neat um most people will try and apply it to the actual content itself but if you do this to an outline rather than the actual content
itself like if you feed in an um an outline and say hey this is an outline of content I want you to make this outline better then when you take that outline and then feed it back into AI to have it rewrite the whole thing uh you know you end up a lot more flexible and there's a lot less like plagiarism stuff involved you're not just like changing the wording here or there you're actually like doing it with an outline so yeah there a bunch of rules there you guys feel free to check it out
in the um in the template and then from here we generate social media posts the social media posts we start with are um just the Classic ones so I think there's Facebook brain okay so Twitter post Instagram Facebook yeah and then LinkedIn um so we generate these four social media posts using AI after that we then generate a YouTube script using AI as well so this is a script for a complimentary video that uses as input that outline we then smooth out the script and then we generate an Instagram post a Twitter post Facebook post
LinkedIn post YouTube script even then we update our rows which is pretty cool so yeah this is you know obviously pretty involved if I go over here to uh sorry let's go back over here if I go over here to the right hand side you see we have the Instagram post we have the Twitter post oh we even have the YouTube script so at the end of it you know you get a bunch of um content and data now um you know is this stuff that I think would perform really well on on Facebook or
Instagram as as is right now no I don't think this would perform really really well um and the reason why is because I typically always recommend that my clients have like a two- pass system where they basically have a human in the loop which make now has a feature for by the way where after it's done creating something you add it to your queue and then you say something along the lines of hey you know this is ready for QA human comes in you know it changes the wording a little bit here or there to
try and make it a little bit closer what it is that your um brand tone of voice is and the reason why I do that is because in practice like while you know it can be quite impressive um I think to generate this much content all at once uh usually it does not understand brand tone of voice or Style Guidelines anywhere near as well as a human being would U but anyway yeah and here we have like a big long YouTube script so you can see 10 whole pages feel free to check all that stuff
out um that is system number three system number four is an automated newsletter production system which is quite similar in nature I want to say instead of us using appify to find uh you know YouTube uh scripts or sorry uh YouTube videos and then converting those into you know captions and extracting the captions and doing fun stuff with that what we're doing instead is we're actually scraping Reddit so the system takes data from Reddit specific subreddits that you specify uses AI to process them and filter them then if it's within the realm of what we'd
consider to be a highquality newsletter item um it processes them summarizes them and then adds them to a nicely formatted newsletter in MailChimp from here you basically have a completely automated newsletter production system you can run as often as you want you can run this puppy once a day you can run this puppy hell once an hour run this puppy once a year U whatever sort of you know clip you want to run a system like this on um you are free to so I'm just going to jump over here and show you guys what
this looks like we'll go to Reddit post database in terms of the um structure of the database as you guys can see I just use Google Sheets for everything it's the simplest database out there what you do is you feed in a few few subreddits so we fed in uh some uh communities called Singularity artificial intelligence open AI um I think there was one more artificial intelligence like with one L or something doesn't look like we got any post from them though um and then appify will go and it'll it'll scrape a bunch of these
give us a bunch of posts right which looks pretty cool what we do is we take these posts and then we use them to generate something here so we have a second database this database then creates basically um a whole pitch so um I pretended my newsletter like my newsletter was called The Loop welcome to Loop Cutting Edge AA news explain in simple English in this week's issue spicy thing one spicy thing two spicy thing three and then we actually go through and we we use the filtering logic that I've set up before to show
you in a second to write this whole thing which is pretty neat um this is probably one of the higher value flows I would say um I'd sell this from anywhere between 1,500 to $10,000 fixed price I should note that I haven't actually sold this specific system for $10,000 fixed price I just put system together myself live on camera a few weeks ago so I have yet to but um I'm confident that a system like this could probably get even more for the right business just because the end result is like very curatable content and
you could use this sort of thing for anything you don't just need to use it for a newsletter you could use this to like make YouTube short scripts or something um very modifiable um and you know it's sort of like the the Nugget for a variety of systems in terms of what it looks like if you just lay it out um we do watch actor runs we get the data set items same thing as before we then filter posts using AI this is kind of kind of like the Crux of this if you screw this
part up the rest of it doesn't really work uh so what we start with is Q Jeopardy music we're designing a newsletter that contains news and exciting in uh developments in AI your task is to filter out irrelevant Reddit posts so they don't make it to our newsletter here are a bunch of rules and then return relevance in Json using this format true or false what we do is we then add this to the first datab base assuming that it is relevant and then we have a second half to this flow what the second half
this flow does is however often we want to schedule our newsletter which in my case was Monday at 6 we then go through grab all of the posts and it's not just all the posts but it's all the posts that have our filter of post status equal new and this is kind of like an interesting hack that allows you to only pull from um posts that are posts that we have not actually created a newsetter for so as you can see all these are published on the right hand side these ones are all new so
any ones that are new we um we then add to that Quee and then we proceed through ically generating headlines and Snippets generating introductions and titles then we even go as far as adding them to MailChimp and then sending the newsletter to all of the subscribers of that in mail champ so pretty neat stuff um as I mentioned I haven't actually sold that specific system for anywhere near $10,000 but I'm confident that you could sell systems like this very easily for that amount of money just given um how similar it is to these other systems
that have proven success behind them so the first person in my community is to sell this particular system send me over a DM and maybe I'll make a video about it okay great last one is a copy and paste automatic hiring system which I think is pretty badass um I've been using this and selling this for well over two years now or just coming up on two years now and essentially what this is is it's a hiring system that eliminates the need for any sort of back and forth with candidates what we're doing is we're
turning hiring from like this very uh I don't know like one-on-one timec consuming thing into an automated process that uses a form that they fill out to request the job that then lets you automatically accept or decline then if you accept proceeds forward with a trial request then if they do a good job on the trial then you can you know extend them an an an interview or an onboarding opportunity so this solves a bunch of hot button pain points hiring takes forever our margins suck we don't have enough staff everything's always disorganized hiring is
cost efficient chaos um as you can see it's also very pretty which produces a clear deliverable we got nice colors we got names we got portfolios links it's in a CRM um you know you can template It Out by simply cop and pasting a service like this which is super straightforward and easy um in in clickup by the way which is the service that I used to put this together then you can also sell it from anywhere between 2K all the way up to 10K um that's no add-ons uh if you wanted to like do
some add-ons to this I don't know use AI to like run the first pass of the CV filters you totally could um you could also charge them an hourly rate to implement it or make tweaks and then a maintenance or management fee on the hiring system um this sort of stuff crushes with recruitment businesses because recruitment businesses despite having like their whole business be essentially this process um just for whatever reason cannot systematize it I don't know so yeah in terms of what the specific system looks like this is the CRM template that I've put
together here as you see I've added some documentation called how this pipeline works so I even go through and this is for my own business I actually use this in my business but just to give you the tldr um we have a General application form that somebody fills out when they fill it out they're add another new applicant to show you guys what this form looks like if I go to type form over here this is basically it a nutshell what role are you applying for who am I because this is to work with my
business I have definitely do not have that many subscribers oh I must have added an extra zero that's funny I guess I'm at 40,000 now thank you very much um contact details please enter your name and email address below portfolio we ask for portfolio location of the person start date as soon as they'd be able to begin weekly availability and this is kind of a Nifty thing that uh like I do and and have done with all of my agencies because my business partner at the time brought it up and I thought it was brilliant
but I basically see nobody else do it it's where you ask the applicant for the hourly rate that they want when you ask an applicant for the hourly rate that they want they basically I mean you think of this as a little bit evil but they basically start competing against themselves and they uh usually you know what we do is we'll we'll say in the job post like on indeed or something um average hourly rate $25 they see this and they'll bid 23 you're thinking okay well 23 versus 25 that's not that much but it's
like that actually is it's 8% you you immediately added 8% to your uh cost of goods sorry you've reduced 8% to the employment part of your your cost of goods or services which is crazy um and then you know if there's somebody that is extraordinarily talented they pitch a lot of money and when they pitch a lot of money you know that shows you that shows yourself that they're very confident that they believe they're very good at what they do which is also a positive so anyway the way this hiring system works is you will
fill out this form after you're done filling out this form they're added under the new applicant field for the role that they applied to so Peter Smith Steve and Nix for instance I mean obviously these are fake names but um yeah they're added under here with all of that data then what happens afterwards is you have the ability to confirm and then request a trial if you move them over to request a trial what happens is they're automatically sent a um templated email with a task that they should finish now if they're a video editor
for instance which is what I was hiring for here let me show you guys what that form looks like track your time using clockify or another time tracking app your task is to create a short form 15 to 30 second clip here's a brief quite in-depth brief here's a Google Drive link to upload the thing to and then the way that our company does it is we pay people for trials we're not so that's why we ask them to track their time send me an invoice when I send them an invoice I pay them within
48 business hours by card wise um or or whatever so yeah great system um this is pieced together with not only uh the the CRM here which I will provide available to you guys um as a clickup link you guys feel free to Just Produce the exact same one by the way um in a Google sheet or notion or whatever you want so you can see the columns here aren't necessarily rocket science but uh it's cool not necessarily just because it's you know a clickup thing um it's just cool because it's like a basically Universal
approach to hiring that I think extends Beyond just systems all right that's that for uh five more systems that you could sell today to make between $1,500 to $110,000 I hope you guys appreciated this if you guys have any questions about any of the systems that I put together just let me know drop them down below um I've done videos on the majority of them up until this point I think I'm probably going to have to re-record the video on the hiring system because I uh created it I think when I was at like 500
subs or a th000 subs or something and probably didn't have a lot of reach so not a lot of people understand the functional utility of something like this I'm going to be building out the nadn tutorial for that deep personalization system as well I'm going to be doing that live just to show you guys my thoughts as I put it together so aside from that everything else you can find on my YouTube channel uh and I'll make sure to include all the resources and everything else you need below really appreciate it if you have any
suggestions for future videos or content I Source most of my ideas from my audience at this point thank you very much to everybody that has done so so far and I'll catch you on the next video
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