How To Start Dropshipping Using Your Phone & Make Money in 7 Days - Step by Step

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Journey With The Hintons
Grab your first 30 Days of AutoDS for FREE with this link: Create your Shopi...
Video Transcript:
I know you've probably seen all of the many different ways to make money that's out there and you hear of all of these big success stories I'm talking about people making thousands a month but it seems like when you try it it does not work for you comment down below and let me know if that is a problem that you have had but I just tested a simple method by creating an online Shopify store for Drop Shipping and it actually works I was able to get sales in less than 7 days and I want to
show you how I did that and how you can too right from your phone and I want to make this interesting today tell me how many of you can use an extra $2500 in your pocket right now if that's you I'm going to be doing a summer Drop Shipping challenge over the next 8 weeks the person that can get their Shopify online store up and running and make the most sales I'm going to give $2500 to and I don't want to leave anyone out so I will also be giving away $500 to someone just for
trying this whether you make a sale or not this is just going to be an incentive for you to finally start that business and not give up on yourself but I'll give more information on how to enter this challenge later but right now let's start drop [Music] shiing what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel if you are new here hello Bono Aloha kich Shalom Alum Jambo child Namaste so I want to first start by showing you my results because I want you to see that this can be done so I
started a brand new Shopify store from scratch I actually went live on my store on April 30th and by May 7th I had received five orders now five orders may not seem like a lot to some but I was able to do this in less than a week with something I started from scratch I didn't use my following and I'm telling you it took very minimal effort and the best part about this is you can do everything from your phone on the goat I was literally on the Beach in Jamaica working from my phone and
there are many other people that's doing this as well they are able to work from their phone making thousands of dollars a month from anywhere in the world being able to travel and just enjoy life but I was actually supposed to do this challenge for 30 days but as you all know life be lifing sometimes so I only did it for seven but I still had decent results but if I had this imagine what could have happened if I would have stuck to it for the full time or beyond that so how I was able
to pull this off in a few days and how you're going to be able to do that too is going to first start with finding the right product to sell now what I use is autod DS which is an all-in-one Drop Shipping tool and in autod DS you are able to search through their handpick products which are products that a team of experts actually pick out and these products are proven to sell and what me starting out as a beginner from scratch having some expert pick products to choose choose from made this challenge even easier
and in the handpick products they pretty much give you this analysis here and it shows you how much you can make on a product it also shows how many people are engaging with the product it shows how saturated this is it also will break it down and let you see how many competitors you have what these competitors are selling it for I was even able to see how they are promoting these products to get sales and these are all important things that you want to take a look at when you are choosing what you want
to sell so honestly using this it did not take me long to come across a product that I was interested in which was this makeup brush cleaner and this is actually something that I saw on Tik Tok that was trending as well so I knew it would be a good product to sell so as you are starting out on your job shipping Journey make sure you take the time to find what products you believe will do well and you want to try to find something that you actually feel like you can relate to because those
tend to do better when sell them so I'm going to put a link down in the description that will give you a 30-day free trial of autod DS and you'll be able to use these tools to help you to find the best product now I want to add another layer to this I actually have a secret product that I personally researched and this is a hot one especially for the summer right now and I actually stumbled upon this on Tik Tac so it's true Tik Tac made me buy it and this is it right here
it's a mini projector and this thing is going viral right now and this is my philosophy if you find something you would buy then it's probably something you should sell now when I went into autods and search for it I didn't find this particular brand in their system however they do have another one here and if you look this up on Tik toac it is selling well also and you'll be able to get this one for a lower price and when it comes to Tik toac some people will purchase things more if it's in a
more affordable range so this is an option for you but I do want to show you how you can add products to autod DS that you want to sell if you can't find it in the marketplace so what you want to do is just go over to Ali Express and you are going to search for the product in this case it's that mini projector and I found the exact one that was on Tik toac so once you find it the only thing you have to do is copy the URL to this and you're going to
head back over to autod DS and you're going to go over here to the side and select add product and you'll choose single product and then and you will just paste that link that you got from AliExpress into this box right here and it'll pull it over and you can either hit import and that will send it directly to whatever store you connect to autods or you can do a quick edit to it and this is where you will be able to go through the steps you normally would when you are importing products which is
creating a title and description of the product and that is important when you are trying to sell it and I use the AI tool in autod DS because they help you come up with the best title and description that will help it to sell and this is where you'll also be able to set the price and when you are setting your price there is really no one siiz fits all one of the most common practices is to just make sure you're getting a profit of 30% to 50% some people charge one to two times the
cost of good basically how much it's going to cost you to buy that product so if it's $20 they'll charge 40 some people charge even more than that and if you found this product in the handpick products on autod DS they'll also show you what you can sell it for what competitors are selling it for you can also Google the product just to see what it's being sold for and that's how you add products that are not already in autods but let me show you really quickly in case you missed the last video how you'll
add this to your store if it's in autods and you'll just basically do that by hitting the import button and that will send it to your draft and this is where you'll be able to edit all of the things that we just talked about and once you hit submit that's when it'll send it directly over to your store which in this case is going to be Shopify now I do have more detailed videos on this I'm going to put a link down in the description in case you need a little bit more of a stepbystep
approach with it but while we are on the topic of stores before you import any product you need a store to actually be able to sell this on that you can import to and like I said I use Shopify because they have a good deal going on right now now where you can get a 3-day free trial and then after that you can get the first month for only $1 so you get to try this entire thing for 30 days for a buck and you know when starting out and trying this I wanted to keep
that price as low as possible and after using Shopify I do feel like that is a good platform for a beginner to use especially for my people that I know are not techsavvy but it is really simple to set this up and you can use the link down in my description to get those 3 days for free and that first month for only a dollar and when you are registering and getting ready to set up your store they'll ask you some questions you can actually select to skip all but the one thing they will want
to know is where your store is based out of although we know it's online still have to choose a country and they have many different countries that are on here that you can actually do this from this is literally something that can be done from just about anywhere in the world but once you complete the sign up process they will prompt you to download the Shopify app remember we doing this from our phone so you will need that app and this will allow you to be able to build your store and manage it on the
go but once you log into this app they will literally list everything out for you as far as what your next steps will be and one of the first steps you will see up here is to choose a domain and you can actually use that Shopify extension that they give you however is not going to look very professional and make your website seem like it's trustworthy I definitely suggest that you get a domain name and you can get it through Shopify it cost a little bit more that way there are way more affordable routes that
we can take you can actually go to and you can search for whatever you're going to name your store as you see right here you can get this domain for the first year for only 1 cent so I wouldn't get it through Shopify I would actually take this route because it'll save you more money now after you have the domain you can go down and set up your payments they're going to ask you some questions about if this is a business or if you're doing this as an individual you do not have to have
an LLC to do this that's a common question that I get but they will have to verify your identity so they'll ask you some question but the next thing we're going to want to do is create the store and again they make this pretty easy they have templates on here that you can select and choose from that will already have kind of a preset design all you'll have to do is add your products to it and change a few titles here and there and that's pretty easy as well once you select whichever template you want
you'll just customize it and then to edit whatever is in it you'll go to the three dots at the top and it will say theme settings and this is where you can come in and add a logo if you have one you can add different sections to it if you want more there you can also change the colors if you don't like the one that comes with the template and you just click into colors and you can play around and drag it to fit whatever colors you want and this is where you'll change the titles
to sections again this is something that people that are not even techsavvy can do now I don't want to go too in depth with that part again because I've talked in detail about this several times so you'll be able to find more info about that in the links to those other videos that I put down in the description now I do want to go over the options that you have as far as when you get that very first set and you can either do this manually which means once you get the sale you will then
have to go to whichever supplier you are using you'll purchase that product you'll then have them to ship it to the customer and you'll send them the tracking number but I personally chose to have my orders automatically fulfilled which means when I received an order from those five people I didn't have to order it or send the tracking numbers or anything I honestly never even saw the product of the person's name who purchased it and that's because I use use autods for automated fulfillment as well so when I got my orders they pretty much took
over the logistics and communication ordering it from the supplier and having it shipped to the customer the only thing I had to do was just add money to my balance to cover the cost of the product but you do not have to add any money until you get a sale and once you get that sale you'll just add enough money to cover the cost of them purchasing it from the supply and then again they'll order it in a tracking number and they'll handle pretty much the back end of everything so that you can focus on
more important things that we're about to get into but I do quickly want to mention something else just to prepare you for your first order now once you receive your orders they will show up over here in this order tab but something I did not know at that time was that it will just sit here until you add enough money to your balance for them to actually order from the supplier and once you do add that money then you will manually have to change the status to fulfill but if you do add funds before you
get that sale you don't have to worry about this part it will automatically be done for you now before I move on to the most important thing you'll need to do let me tell you about the Summer Challenge now in order to enter the $500 giveaway the only thing you need to do is like this video and comment down below # summer make sure you use # summer and then just let me know why you want to start Drop Shipping that's it for that part now if you want to enter the $2500 giveaway this is
what you're going to have to do once you set up your autods and Shopify store I need you to go into Shopify to your analytics and take a screenshot of that page it's going to look like this I want to be able to see that amount which should be at zero and then the date which is going to be at the bottom of that screen and then from there you'll just email it to the hinten challenge and the challenge is going to end on August 16th which happens to be my birthday what you'll then
have to do is take a screenshot of that same analytics page and it's going to show the date as well as the amount of money that you made and of course whoever makes the most during those 8 weeks that's who's going to get the $2500 giveaway and that's all that's to it I just want to pour into those that's trying to pour into themselves so I cannot wait to see your results but let's get back into something that's extremely important that you need to do in order to get those results and what you are going
to have to do is promote this product it is going to be extremely important that you get this product before the people that want to buy it and you do not have to have a large following to do this again I did it from scratch now there are many people ways that people choose to promote their products but I'm going to show you the free route that's basically going to be promoting the product organically without paying for any AD that's something I did and that's something that's being done by many people but keep in mind
the organic route is something that can take time for people but I'm just trying to keep it realistic here and I know that you may not want to put a lot of money into something without knowing if you'll even get a return on it so this is how you can do it free there are several ways you can actually use autod DS and you can go into those handpick products if that's where you found the product from and what you will do is just scroll down to the Tik Tock ads and that will be the
ads that your competitors are pretty much using and that may be doing well and you can just download that ad using snap tick and that's going to remove that Tik toac water Mark which will be important when creating your videos another thing you can do right on this platform is go over to Tik toac spy and this is where you will find many different videos of trending products on Tik Tok and you may be able to find the particular product that you are selling by just putting a hashtag in and searching for it but other
than that you can just always go directly to Tik Tok and search for the product and then again Use SNAP TI to download those videos so you are able to use other people's videos to promote this product without you actually having to buy the product I actually ordered the product so that I can record it from my phone myself again you can use your phone I just put it on a stand and I showed myself using the product and I was able to edit it in the Tik Tock app which was very simple I just
uploaded the clips and you can either have them to sync it to music without you even having to do much editing or you can trim the videos yourself and put it in order I'm telling you it's simple and you can also use something like maybe cap cut to edit the video the same way you'll just upload all of the clip into it and then just trim it and put it in the order that you want and that way you'll be able to use that same video to upload on all platforms but once you have your
videos you are going to want to create a new Tik toac account or if you have one you can use the one you already have I just created a new one because I was doing it from scratch and trying to prove that it can be done and I didn't want to have any association with the following that I already had and also if you are trying to do it as like a business then you want to separate that from your personal so you can make a new Tik Tac account there too however if you already
have a Tik Tac account you can use that but one thing I recommend you definitely do is use Tik toac Instagram and Facebook and another challenge I did creating shortform content I uploaded the content to all three of those platforms and the ones I thought would do better actually didn't do as good as Facebook which I thought Facebook wouldn't give me that much results but it was the most now I didn't use Facebook for the Drop Shipping challenge but I definitely recommend that you do and then you just want to try to make sure you
are res sharing viral video now just to show you what my video results look like I didn't get a ton of views but my second video actually took off and did pretty well and you know when I got that first sale I just thought I made a million bucks y'all I was excited now if you can purchase the product to record it yourself I definitely do recommend doing that because these days a lot of people like authenticity and they want to be able to connect with you they want to be able to feel like they
can trust you and you doing it yourself provides that for them but there's really no right or wrong way to do this it does work both ways but that's the way that I was able to be successful and when you are recording your videos again you don't need any fancy equipment you can do it right from your phone but you do want to make sure that it is vertical that is this way y'all don't do it this way and I honestly use the same video over and over I just added different words to it I
tried different sounds of course you want to try trending sounds and trending songs because they will help it to get out there as well but that's probably the biggest area that you really want to spend the most time on now if you want to get the maximum exposure I definitely recommend uploading three times a day I upload it once a day but the more you upload the more chances you have of being seen the more sales you can possibly make and then some videos may end up doing better than others so that's why you want
to put as many out there as you can but something I do want to let you know is that sometimes people give up too soon so as you are going into this just keep in mind that nothing happens overnight and that's what anything even on YouTube here it took me about 5 months before I reach my 1,000 subscribers it takes some people longer than that but had I thrown in a towel at the 30-day Mark or even at 2 three or 4 months then I wouldn't be where I am today so sometimes it just takes
you being consistent and not giving up but I am looking forward to seeing all of your results please like this video for me because that helps me out I thank you so much much for watching and until next time other than that we are out peace [Music]
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