in this video I'm going to show you how you can create a piece of short form video content but you're not going to have to show up on video and you're not going to have to come up with an idea and you're not going to have to come up with a caption and you're not even going to have to post it now I know that sounds insane but with a tool called make. com you can automate this entire process so that's what I'm going to show you in this video so maybe you're a business owner who doesn't really want to be a content creator and I can totally understand that but I I mean it's pretty obvious that in today's age you need to show up on social media somehow this automation is going to alleviate you of the stress of trying to get ready to show up on camera every day or I don't know maybe you're a content creator or an educator or a teacher who just wants to have short bite-sized clips of content that are helpful and useful that you don't actually have to sit down and brush your hair every day to film this automation is literally going to get AI make. com and a program called heyen to literally from the start of the process do everything for you it's going to find an idea it's going to write out your summary of your idea then it's going to create a script for your AI Avatar to literally speak and say on camera and then it's going to come up with an Instagram caption and automatically post it to your social media it's literally going to take you one click after you set this up to create this whole entire workflow that is going to create and post a short form video piece of content for you automatically it's remarkable honestly ly so let's get into it so if you're not familiar with haen it's a software that allows you to take a video of yourself sitting here talking to the camera and it's going to take that information and turn you into an AI Avatar now this Avatar can be used in a long form video a short form video and you can even teach it to sound exactly like you I know kind of crazy right or creepy but anyway you can basically take a text script and feed it to this AI Avatar and then it will actually produce a video of the AI Avatar which looks and sounds exactly like you saying this script so that's what we're trying to accomplish in this automation so I'm going to walk you through the process of creating an avatar in hey Jen so you can see here I already had one made but I wasn't a big fan of it I think that the way the shining on my face looked it it rendered a little odd so I'm going to make a new one so create Avatar what we're going to have to do is upload footage now the footage that we have to upload is for optimal most realistic results we recommend uploading a 2minute video recording with high resolution camera or a smartphone and if you're just testing the product for free to submit a 30 second recording so I'm going to go off camera I'm going to talk and gesture very clearly into the camera for 2 minutes straight now it's really important that when you make this video you include your hands but don't be too drastic with your movements so just light gesturing clear speech speak in different tones so speak excited speak monotone speak quickly and slowly just so that the Avatar is going to be able to pick up different nuances of you okay so here is my video I'll play it for a sec so my name is Aaron and I'm making this video so that I can have a hen Avatar I am using general gesture so that I know that my avatar is going to look good it's important that when I gesture I'm only staying within the camera frame because that's what they told me to do anyway so it's hard to up with something to talk about for 2 minutes but other than that this was pretty straightforward so let's keep going next we're going to make sure that our face is visible at all time I'm looking directly at the camera there are pauses between sentences the environment is well lit and quiet um keep ambient sounds in my recording I would prefer not because I have a bunch of kids in this house okay um so my footage looks good and we are going to process it the next thing we're going to have to do is verify our identity and they actually have a really interesting way to get your consent to use this technology because I mean this day and age this type of Technology could easily be misused so I like that they have this additional feature here and basically what they're going to make us do is record ourself on video agreeing to the terms and conditions so I'm going to do that so record via the webcam turn Cam and mic on so here we go Aaron rafy 99 hereby allow hey Jen to use my footage of me to build a he Jen avatar for use in the ha Jen platform okay so after a couple minutes it rendered my video and my AR avatar look is done okay so let's go see what it looks like I hope it's not creepy let's see okay so it's actually not done we're only 20% done um okay so let's just check back in a bit in the meantime we're going to go to our make.
com automation where I'm going to show you guys how to start setting up so that this process happens for you with one simple click okay so we're going to be in our make. com homepage so I'm going to save this so we're going to go to create a new scenario and if you're not familiar with m. com basically this is a program that allows a bunch of different websites to work on your behalf automatically so if you set this up correctly it's going to be able to perform actions for you over a bunch of different websites all over the Internet to accomplish one goal so that's pretty amazing um and if you're not familiar with make.
com or you've never used it before I have a link in my description below and it's going to get you in for free so try it out so the first thing that we're going to do is hit our new module the very first module in this is going to be what we call an RSS feed so the RSS feed is where you're going to get your idea now the RSS feed is really cool so basically it's a website that is going to scan the whole internet for keywords or specific websites um that are related to your topic so this is where we're going to come up with our idea because remember in the intro I told you you're not even going to have to think about an idea to make content about which is true which is cool so um down here is my RSS feed so RSS doapp is the website that you need I've also put it down here in the description every tool that that we use is going to be down there for you so here's how you use it so new feed this is going to bring us to this homepage and as you can see here on this homepage you could choose an Instagram a LinkedIn so maybe you have a Creator who's always posting like absolutely fire tips and you want to just use their Instagram for this you could do that or you could go to maybe say your business's website where you guys already have a lot of really curated information that you want to pull the content from or maybe you just want to scan the news cycle or the whole whole internet for keywords and I personally just go for like the whole internet because if we're going to be using this all the time we want a wide variety of content that we can use so I'm going to just do AI news or AI tools and I you just type that in here so AI tools if I could type good um and now it's going to use those as the keywords and it's going to populate all of the internet posts that are going on about this top topic so Nvidia blah blah blah blah blah academic students fear becoming relying on AI tools that's all really relevant into my Niche so for this video This Could Be My Niche but maybe you do Fitness I don't know what you do for your content but you could change this to say uh motherhood or anything any topic ever is going to be available in here but for this video I'm going to do my Niche which is the AI tools okay so I actually already have that one ready down here and all we have to do you see this here your feed is ready and there's this a there's this link so this link is going to be constantly updating with the new posts that come along in this category so we're just going to copy it we're going to go back to our make. com scenario and we're going to move me over here and we're going to say watch RSS feed items we're just going to copy and paste the URL that we just got over here from the RSS feed and put it into our make. com now we're going to do one item at a time and we're going to hit okay the next thing it's going to ask us here is RSS feed items from a specific date now I'm going to click this because I do want to back tapate backd it a little bit because if we start it from today you know it might just not have enough content to work with so I'm just going to go back a little bit select the date back in November no big deal okay done so that module is ready so now we're going to test it so we're going to hit run once and while this is running I'm going to remind you guys that make.
com does not save your work as you go and I wish they would but they don't yet so if you don't save your videos or sorry your scenarios as you go by hitting this button right here you could lose your work so don't let that happen um from experience so as you can see here this URL pulled something so what is the article about well it says AI models and tools updates chat GPT tasks adobe's bulk edit so that sounds relevant to my category and my Niche so I am happy with that so that's excellent the next thing that we're going to have to do in this make. com scenario is create a chat gbt module now in this chat gbt module we're going to get it to some summarize that article so we don't want to post the exact same article that would be silly and stupid so we're going to add our chat BT module here you're going to have to attach your chachu BT and if you have never attached your chachu BT to make. com you are going to have to use your API key now this is pretty simple if you know what you're doing which is why I made a tutorial which I've also have linked down in the description for you on how you can attach your API key to your make.
com okay so we're going to go here and select create a completion then we are going to move me over so in create a completion we're going to select model 40 it's smart enough we could use a different model but see these tokens down here they're not exactly free and we do discuss that in the video down here they're super duper affordable so what we're going to do here is add a message the role is going to be a user and the text content this is where you're going to be literally prompting chat gbt now I've already written a prompt that I think works well in this area and I'm going to also include that down here in my description so you guys don't have to uh think of a prompt writing prompts is probably the hardest part about this whole automation so I'm going to just do that part for you guys so here it is so you are a I was doing it for real estate so you are a real estate expert I'm going to change this to my specific Niche so today my Niche is ai ai expert right so I'm going to say you are an AI expert instead of real estate so we're going to go over back to our make. com and we're simply going to copy and paste our prompt in here now you can see that this populated orange now why did this populate Orange Orange it's very important this is going to be pulling the information over from the RSS feed so if we didn't include this little Auto like little attachment or this little orange bubble it wouldn't pull the information from the article so this prompt would be useless ultimately so you are a enter your Niche AI expert um and social media strategist your task summarize this article from and then we're going to attach the article you URL so now that our first chess GPT bubble is all ready we are going to give it a new name so click rename the reason you're going to want to name this is going to become obvious later on but it basically reduces your confusion so article summary is what this one is supposed to do so before we move on we're always going to check to make sure that everything is running properly and we're going to save so we're going to run it once so it should pull an article from the RSS and summarize it so let's go see what the output was and the output should be relevant to the article so here is our results so unlock the potential of AI identify High impa problem successfully blah blah blah blah blah so yeah it did exactly what I wanted it to do it summarized the article for me so that's great now the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to create another chat BT bubble so this chat BT bubble is going to have a different job this chbt bubble is actually going to write the script that is going to be in our short form video content so this one is going to take the summary and it's going to turn it into a script that we can use now again The Prompt that I'm going to use is going to be down here in the description so you don't have to come up with it and we're simply going to redo the steps that we just did but with a different prompt so we're going to choose for zero add a message user text content we're going to copy and paste our new prompt so this prompt job is to create a script that our AI Avatar is going to actually recite in the video so we want to make sure that we're pulling from the article submarine and you can see here that's why I named it because we're going to have a lot of chat GPT Bubbles and we want to know what each one is doing for us so article summary is here and the result is unlock the power of the AI blah blah blah so over here in our uh prompt we're going to make sure that we talk we attach the previous chat jpt module into this one so that it can perform the action that we need and we're going to hit okay and we're going to rename it so that we don't forget this one is going to write the script um okay so then we're going to again save and we're going to run it so let's see if it works when the bottom here turns green that means that you've successfully completed the action so we're going to check our output um stop wasting hours on tasks that could Smart Tools could handle in seconds okay I like that that sounds great so that's going to be our script we also have to create another open AI bubble or module so we're going to create a completion and this open AI or or chat GPT module's job is going to be creating a title for our video because once we create a bunch of these videos it's going to be difficult to remember which ones which so we're just going to quickly get it to create a title um for our video and it's going to do that based on the script so it's going to be relevant to the topic which is really neat so add a message the role is user text content so um create can't type and unique title for this video here is the topic so this prompt can be super basic because it's just a title and you're the only person who's going to see it so based on this result so create a unique title for this video here is the topic okay great and again we're going to rename it so title that's going to be our title one so again save it and run it and we should have just a simple title so lead the AI Revolution unlock envidia game changing tool blah blah blah so great now we have a title for our videos next one we are going to get it to create a caption for our Instagram post so once again we're going to need another open AI bubble and in this one we're simply going to prompt it just like we did for the other ones but it's this one's job is to create the caption for our Instagram post so I have included our caption prompt here you're an AI marketing copywriter specializ and concise informative Instagram captions and again all of the prompts that I'm using are down here in the descript description for you so you don't have to come up with these we do not want to use the title chat GPT bubble because it's not going to have enough information to write a good caption we're actually going to want to go down to the script writer or you could even use the article summary I'm going to use the script so that it's even more relevant to what our AI Avatar is actually going to be saying so I'm going to choose the result from our script writer bubble or chat module and we're going to rename it like we always do and this one's going to be the Instagram caption so let's go see if the caption is actually usable um stop wasting hours blah blah blah blah blah blah and as you can see here it even put relevant hashtags so this is perfect so while we were making our automation ha Jen was processing our Avatar so she is ready so let's check it out hey Aaron raffy 99 your instant Avatar is ready okay so she's super ready to get to work um so this is what hey Jen produced now remember we're going to watch this this is not a video of me this is completely generated by AI based on the video I had sent it I'm not I've never said this this is not me so let's see if it's good the last one that I did I I'll tell I told you I wasn't a big fan of it so this one already looks a lot better um so let's go see welcome to the new era of video Creation with hey Jen simply type your script to get started um okay so that's not me but it looks exactly like me and it sounds exactly like me so we're going to create our unique short form video using hey genen AI Avatar before we can integrate hey genen with make. com we're going to have to find our haen API key so as you can see here you can go to app.
gen. com settings and in here you should see a tab that says API now if you're not familiar with an API key basically it's just a code that allows these two websites so make. com and haen to work together so all you have to Simply do is copy your API key and go over here into your make.
com and add your haen connection now I've already added mine but if we were going to add a new one you would simply just copy and paste the API key here as you can see here I gave this new Avatar the new Aaron YouTube name so that she should be easy to find in our make. com so we have selected Avatar and we're going to try to find my new Avatar there it is so we're simply going to click this this is going to tell the make. com that that's the Avatar that we want to use in our video um we're going to make the Avatar scale B1 that's fine the Avatar Style so do you want her to be in a circle or normal or super close up um the next thing offsets you don't need to use matting you can choose no Circle background you can leave blank so the voice type we're going to make sure that we're doing the voice from text so we're going to be feeding it a text script and it's going to translate that text into voice which is really neat so then the next thing that we're going to do is background type you can leave it blank and the title of the video was what what we pulled from our chat GPT over here we got it to make a unique title so here's the result for that um so that's going to populate from our Chachi PT bubble to the video so that we don't lose it or lose track of what we're making we're going to scroll back up now that the voice is automatically detected um so text voice ID so this should populate my actual voice so here it is um we can choose either one of these I think this is the latest one um the input text so the input text is going to be what you want your avatar to actually say so input text we're going to go here so Instagram caption no that's not what we need Title no that's not what we need script writer so this is why we got it to write a specific script so here we're going to click result and voice pitch you can leave normal um The Voice spec or I it should say speed I think um the I find the haen avatars speak very slowly and it's extremely boring to listen to so I always put them at 1.
25 now if you test yours out and you find 1. 5 makes you sound too fast or whatever just change it um so 1. 25 for the speed of your voice so test mode no captions again you can put yes or no and this would be the dimensions of our video so if you want a short form video you could specify that um or if you want a long form video like a YouTube video you could specify that size here so we do want a short form video so we can adjust that size all right so now we're going to run it and see if it actually makes a video so we're going to run it once and there we go it's writing our summary now it's writing our script it wrote Our title our caption and it's saying that it's creating a video so let's go back over to hey Jen and see if it is so we're going to go here to project and there it is you guys it is creating a video for us automatically so with one click we we had the we had AI come up with a concept re write a script write all of our captions and titles and then literally turn it into a video of us saying all of that like that's unbelievable so it's going to take a little while to render which is why we have to go over here into our make.
com scenario and we have to give a little break because before we can post that video obviously it needs to be done rendering so while it's processing over there in hey Jen we're going to write a little we're going to add a little module this module is going to be called a sleep module so you have to go under Tools and this sleep module is basically going to put a time delay so um it probably is going to take about 5 or 10 minut minutes for that video to actually render and so what we're going to do here is Select 300 seconds so 300 seconds I think is 5 minutes that's usually long enough but if you want to be really sure you could add another sleeper after this maybe you have slow internet at home I don't know so after our sleeper tool which has basically delayed the whole scenario by 5 minutes just so that our video can process over here in H gen we are going to put another hey gen module now this hey gen module is going to get the video so we can go here and say get a video and our Hy Jen is already connected we already did that and here you can select the video ID now the very first one should be your latest video so you can go back here and click on your output and you can see right here it says bundle one video I and this video ID 68 whatever should be the same as in your get video module it should be the first one on the list and if it's not it will be there um so there it is so 68 there we go okay so you can press okay and the next thing that you're going to do is attach your Instagram now my Instagram is already attached to my make. com account and if yours isn't it's just a matter of basically giving it an authorization so we're going to click create create a real post there's my Instagram so the video URL is going to be here you're going to see video URL simply click that it's going to pull the information from the last H genen module that you just created so then scroll down and you can see here there's an option for a caption so as you can remember earlier on in this video we got a chaty PT prompt to create an Instagram caption so we're just simply going to click the result big news for innovators should include our caption here cover frame you could even upload a cover photo if you wanted location ID okay so before we actually go live on my real Instagram I'm feeling a little nervous but I want to get on the same page so let's review exactly what we did here so the very first thing that we did was we chose RSS as our starting module for our automation now the RSS as you can remember is pulling relevant content from the internet to base our video on so then we're going to take that information from the RSS feed and we're going to get a summary using Chacha BT and then after that we're going to get a script based on that summary and then we're going to get a title for our video and an Instagram caption written all by Chachi BT automatically then the next thing that's going to happen is we're going to send the script information over here to hey genen and the hey genen module is going to create an AI Avatar video based on our script that looks and sounds just like us which is hard to believe but that's what it does so then after that we need a second for the video to render so we're going to put this whole scenario to sleep for 5 minutes while it processes over in haen and then this module is going to go get the video and finally it's going to post on our Instagram so here's my Instagram and we're going to run it and see if a new reel actually post posts here and if it's watchable so let's go find out okay so it's all done processing and this is what it looks like on my Instagram I decided to show you guys a screenshot of mobile because that's how most people use Instagram as on their phone so it gives us the best understanding of how it's going to appear to our audience here I refreshed a little bit and I scrolled down and it posted automatically under my reals Tab and here we go let's face it time is money and inefficiency that's the silent killer of growth want to so you can see here that it did populate the caption that I had asked the AI to write for us so it posted the Reel along with the caption nice face um Okay so let's keep listening crush your to-do list free up hours and actually focus on scaling your business in 2025 AI is your secret weapon notion AI is your multitasking Powerhouse AI usually has a really difficult time with hands and I think that these gestures do look really authentic to the gestures that I do normally I do have a critique I would I would like to see this be a little bit more crisp and you can actually do that in hey Jen by um choosing a different PL so you can upload in higher quality and I think that that would be good um another thing that I would also suggest is to break up just the long video of just you talking you could add some really fun interactive captions to these that would just keep the viewer a little bit more engaged so let's keep listening for brainstorming managing tasks and creating content zapier say goodbye to busy work by automating repetitive tasks no coding required grammarly business now the information in the video is totally relevant to my to my content and to my Niche I think that it did an excellent job finding the content on the internet and then providing a script that makes sense for my audience and my goals ensures your team communicates with Polish and precision every single time otter.