3 Must-Read Books

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Iman Gadzhi
If I was asked how to become a millionaire from 0, I would say: start with the 3 books from this vid...
Video Transcript:
ladies and gentlemen in today's video i'm going to reveal three books that have changed my life now reading as a whole has been such a massive contributing factor to why i've managed to get to the point where i'm at you know a multi-multi-millionaire at the age of 21 multiple successful businesses and i'm not going to toot my own horn any further but point is reading was massive for me you know i started reading a book a week from the age of 14 and carried that on so from 2014 2015 2016 and then midway around 2017
i kind of started slacking but yeah for three and a half years religiously i read a book a week so in today's video i'm going to share three books that have changed my life now this these are three books of dozens and dozens and dozens but i want to give you guys some ones that i know potentially you may not have heard or um just you know further than your standard think and grow rich how to win friends and influence people and then if you guys like this i'd be happy to make a five further
books that changed my life for you know five you know or you know just say five books that changed my life you know and i'll kind of be a bolt onto this one and i'll go for some of the ones that you probably don't know because there are books um that i definitely wanted to put in here but that also maybe for some people are a little too esoteric you know things like the caballon with no further ado let's get started with the first book so one thing to bear in mind is some of these
books i literally bought the physical copy just to have it for this video today because i read most of my stuff with a kindle first book is atomic habits james clear now i read this book end of 2019 and i had a few people recommend it to me and i was like guys i've read 15 to 20 [ __ ] habit books like i don't need another habit book had a form positive habit book in my life i was wrong you know out of all of the books pertaining to habit and discipline in my opinion
this is the one that is uh really just the most punchy and at the end it's not about who thinks of a concept first it's for me who can explain the best and um that award in my opinion goes to james clear so really what this book will do for you is it will give you a good road map on how to first of all identify the habits that are going to bring the highest returns in your life and then once you've done that an actual game plan on how to integrate them because here's the
thing i'll be honest a lot of books out there on habit and discipline and this and that they throw out these these throughout these studies right and it's just um it doesn't really do much uh for engaging you or really giving you some tangible advice on like okay how do you make this thing stick and i think the one thing that james clear did uh is that better than anyone else that i've seen is he's he shows you how to make something stick not just oh here's this weird framework and and here's why this study
is more conclusive that it takes 21 days rather than 66 days for a habit to stick or like i think this book just kind of gets straight to the chase and it really helps you understand why you do what you do and i said it really just helps you make habits stick rather than it just being this um rather than you reading a you know almost dissertation on habits um without much on okay here's the or the brass tacks of how you implement this stuff so yeah that is book number one book number two is
way of the superior man by david data and do not let the title off-put you and um even some of the females in my audience you know i have given this book to every yeah every single one of my ex-girlfriends uh and this is actually a fresh copy right here i have probably given this book away maybe 25 different times and here's the thing the stuff in this book may not entirely apply to you know a lot of males out there um you know it may have you know may have some affinity to your personality
uh but for me this thing is like like if you want to understand me and more importantly if you know your girlfriend or mine and you want to understand me and sometimes it can be very hard to understand someone who's entrepreneurial and also you know not that you know everyone falls into the star sign and you know i didn't believe in star science for the longest time but um i have the i'm the epitome of a capricorn don't be rude are you kidding me right um so if you want to understand me this book is
amazing right now i read this book for the first time when i was 14 and it you know what it did for me was is it kind of it kind of gave me permission to to live the way that like it kind of gave me permission to be me right because because the law stuff in here in terms of uh your purpose and kind of your path as a man in this world um and by the way is that a man can have the definition of manhood is so um there's so many different ways that
you can go about it right but i guess the definition of masculine energy we should say right and also the dance between the masculine and the feminine um you know in some relationships uh you know in terms of masculine and feminine polarity you know the female is more masculine right in her essence and and the male is more feminine in his essence and there's nothing wrong with that right but me as someone who is obviously a man uh and then also someone who's very in terms of in terms of the spectrum very you know on
the uh side of very masculine in his in his essence right because i said you know feminine and masculine energy is not the same it's it's nowhere near the same and they're both beautiful and they both dance with each other and usually that's where the best relationships come from is you know a very you know you know it doesn't really matter the gender of the person really is that there's a masculine and a feminine and the two kind of dance together so um yeah i read this book when i was 14 i was like oh
wow wow so like i'm not weird right and even at the age of 14 like i was embodying a lot of stuff in here um so yeah this book is incredible it's one of those books you need to read again and again and again and um especially for you know the biggest issue that young men have right now in my opinion is mastering their sexual energy most guys don't know how to master their sexual energy you know most guys don't know how to transmute their sexual energy you know and i think if you look and
a lot of authors have written about this why people usually get more career success in their late 30s you know even early 30s or especially in their 40s and 50s is because they have less sexual energy or that sexual energy isn't really you know channeled in the form of um i don't know how i say this but um i guess in a physical way um usually their energy and their focus you know as i said really goes away from um uh fornicating i once went 28 years without having sex i don't i don't know you
get my drift and really that's when especially men have a chance to really focus on their careers um because as i said most men out there just don't know what to do with their sexual energy and that's you know that's very plain to see when porn is such a massive industry when you know guys unfortunately they think it's normal and i guess it's been normalized to to you know to self-pleasure themselves uh every day multiple times a day guys you're literally throwing away the most valuable thing that you have which is your life energy now
for girls it's slightly different but that's a longer discussion you know those two lessons alone makes this such a valuable book but there's so much more as i said in terms of just like really i think if you give sort of a hardened entrepreneur this book it will bring life to him again right because i said a lot of people out there they're they're they become like callous right they become like so um they've really just become so stale and emotionally dead and i think this as i said really gives men or at least men
who are similar to me as that as in their very masculine in their energy and their essence you know this really gives men a bit of a playbook on how to really dance with their masculine energy and how to deal with it right um and i'm sure there's a great book like the way of the superior woman you know or something like that i'm sure there's a great book for women and how to you know how to dance with that um and you know how to dance with the relationship and career and this and that
so i think in general if you're a man um you might read this book and you might go oh actually you know this isn't this doesn't really resonate with me that's fine but i think you should still read it none the less so um this book is so so important uh it's a little piece of advice to any entrepreneur who's read this book if you're in a relationship give this to your partner um you know you might think like oh they'll read it and they'll be like oh what so you know his primary purpose in
life is his mission right like and you know the most important thing to him in his life will always be his purpose and you know kind of more until family comes in your life and i guess things change for you as a man but in general as i said if you're very masculine your purpose will always come first and i don't forgive you guys you're probably so scared to give this to your partner because you know then they like you're like oh my god they'll like you know they'll hate me or this or that but
this is really you know people are empathetic right um and especially if you're in a relationship your partner should be empathetic so i think really just giving them an insight or a window as to um kind of kind of like a sneak peek into your mind imagine if there's a book that was perfectly aligned with what your girl's mind was thinking right and living through i mean i sure as hell know that i would be reading that book uh probably a few times a year so yeah that is that way of superior man david data
now the last book is meditation's marcus aurelius and although there's books um like wave superior man where i've literally bought and given away maybe 20 times this book i have had since 2015. um and i think it's you know this one is special to me now i've bought copies of this book before and given away to friends but this specific one is like this always stays by my bedside you know and i just read it again and again and again and again like there's just so many highlighted pages on this uh in this little book
and obviously that comes in this beautiful um yeah this beautiful uh hardcover so for me marcus aurelius really is um one of the greatest minds in history and the fact that you're able to have a peer into one of the greatest minds in history and and for me the thing i find more interesting is the fact you have this um this unintrusive glimpse into his mind because the thing is you know marcus aurelius like this was never this is not a book this was never meant to be published this was his notes to himself right
so when you've got one of the greatest minds in history such a powerful man uh but also such a a beautiful stoic mind and you've got access to his mind but as i said in a way where he's not like in this book he's not um he's not trying to perception manage or filter because he knows that other people are gonna read it and that's why i love it because it's just such a it's such an intimate look into someone who's just in my opinion said just just so interesting so enlightening and i'm just looking
through some of my highlights here and let me see if i can find some shorter passages to read to you some of these patches are very very long so let me try to find something a little shorter if he is going wrong teach him kindly and show him what he has failed to see if you can't do that blame yourself or perhaps not even yourself it's funny because in this book there's so many contradictions but like it's and things are so open-ended but it gives you so much to mull over so you know even in
that passage just like show others what they can't see and if they still can't see it then maybe you know maybe you then maybe in that case blame yourself and the fact that you weren't able to show them what was right or maybe don't and that little sentence of the end of perhaps not even yourself it's like it's such a curveball and it's um you know it's basically saying you know and maybe don't even blame yourself because you know some people will just never learn and some people are just on their own journey so it's
as i said it's this whole thing is not written really for someone there hasn't been much filter to it which i just love as i said it's just such an interesting um just such an interesting glimpse into someone's mind here's an interesting one for you guys in writing and reading you must learn before you can teach yet more so in life there you go there's one for the online education industry here's another one someone despises me that is his concern but i will see to that i am not found guilty of any word or action
deserving contempt will he hate me that's his concern but i will be kind and well intentioned to all and ready to show this person what he is failing to see not in any criticism or display of tolerance but with genuine good will i said like this is this sort of stuff is just like i know a lot of this stuff isn't crazy you know there aren't fancy words or this or that but it's just i don't know it just this book to me is especially in this format like i just carry around everywhere and it's
just i keep coming back to again and again and again here's another one let no one have the chance to accuse you with any truth of not being sincere or a good man make sure that anyone taking this view of you is a liar this is wholly up to you who is there to prevent you from being good and sincere you must just decide to live no longer if you won't have these qualities and reason to abandons the man who won't yeah i don't know it's six years on from reading this yes six no seven
years on from reading this book for the first time it's just it's still as insightful as the first day so um yeah this is the third and final book um that really changed my life meditation's marcus aurelius so ladies and gentlemen now what i'm gonna do is i'm actually going to give you three bonus extra books and as i said i could i mean at this point i've probably read three honestly i've probably read three or four hundred books in my entire life so there's so many i could uh refer to but here's just some
i found downstairs in my little home library which is pretty much 10 of what it used to be between moving a year ago and giving away most of my books and pretty much every time someone's at my house you know i give them a book to head off with so let me give you three bonus ones so the first is the everything store now the everything store is a biography um about jeff bezos and this is really just a story of how amazon was created and you know how long-term thinking jeff bezos was in and
it's so funny because amazon was literally called a scam until 2008 2009 2010 even because they went you know how could a business run uh and make all this revenue and no profit and that's because they just kept growing and growing their market share and you know it's so interesting just even hearing accounts in this book of times where jeff would specifically lose money on a certain product just to get more market share so um yeah i guess you call amazon monopoly and i wouldn't necessarily disagree with you and monopolies aren't good and also i'm
not the biggest fan of jeff bezos whatsoever um i'm not a big fan of most of those uh elites [Laughter] outside of the business world and when you look at really their contributions but in the realm of business i may not think that they're necessarily good people but in the realm of business these are some of the smartest minds ever right and jeff bezos really is one of them and i will say there are some people out there that are painted as smart minds uh and they're not really but there are there are pure geniuses
in my mind people like steve jobs um jeff bezos peter thiel uh et cetera et cetera and then there's ones who kind of get a little bit too much glory in my opinion so moving on the next book actually talking about geniuses in business sam walton made in america this right here is the story of and by the way guys i apologize for any background noise it is currently pouring torrential rain outside uh very stereotypical of london but um this is the story of walmart and really just the creation of walmart and as i said
sam walton um you know jeff bezos actually took so many principles from sam walton you know namely about just putting the customer first in customer obsession and there's some hilarious stories in this book of you know sam literally being in brazil and uh he got arrested because he was measuring the distance between the aisles and he was figuring out you know basically what's the most optimum idle distance uh and the brazilian police you know someone called the police on him uh and you know the brazilian police you know had him detained and then his family
had to come get him and be like yo by the way this is like a literally one of the richest men on earth um so yeah there's a 101 different lessons you can take from this when it comes to your own business so uh yeah honorary mention for this book right here and last one is 48 laws of power now this is the concise version i've also owned i've also owned the the bigger one uh but obviously because i've read it you know i just kind of keep the concise one around this book is very
powerful because it teaches you machiavellian thinking and you know not you know most people in your life won't have machiavellian thinking right most people in your life won't be out to get you or won't be thinking six steps in advance but there will be people in your life who do have that train of thought and there will be people in your life who plot plan out the next move and the next one and this one and this and and you need to understand that right so the thing when you read this book i want you
to be really careful right because after you read this book you will think that your mom is out to get you like you will genuinely think that your brother is like going to smother you with a pillow in the middle of the night and then steal your crypto hard wallet and then steal your identity and use that to start a um a black market business like you'll literally think everyone's out to get you right um and that's not necessarily the case um and that's also not really the outlook i'd like to have on life so
so you know when it comes to this book please take everything with a pinch of salt right this is also going back thousands of years and using references um and and also referencing as i said times that were very very different so um that's my little warning but the big plus side to this is look in your life you will you know you will come up against people who are psychopaths you will come up against people who are manipulative you will come against people who are brilliant chess players who have the next six steps mapped
out um and this book will kind of help you in um spotting those people and also almost having that in your arsenal right so if the time ever comes you know how to think from a machiavellian lens so um yeah this is my last honorary mention uh 48 laws of power so ladies and gentlemen that pretty much wraps it up three books that have changed my life now i want you to go ahead and leave a comment down below with the book that's changed your life the most and you'll automatically be drawn in to win
a pair of gadgey blue light blockers so all you have to do is comment like this video and come back to the next video and it will be a pinned comment in the section speaking of pin comments if you look at the pin comment down below you will actually be able to find last videos gadget g1 giveaway winner so on that note i hope you guys enjoyed this video i'll catch you guys in the next one look if you enjoyed that video i went ahead and picked out another special video that i know you are
going to find immensely valuable you can find it right there i know you're going to love it and i'll see you in the next one
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