[Applause] okay um I hope you all enjoyed your dinner and um I i' made the joke before that we're already behind is it turns out as long as much detail as there was in the 90 minutes of the previous lecture I have 50% more material for this lecture so we'll see this is the one I don't know exactly how we're going to get through but it's communism 2.0 as I've called it in the evolution of Communism so we're using that kind of computer Motif 1.0 was the theoretical Apostle driven uh Marx model and now we're
going to move into Soviet Union primarily uh industrial communism or state communism we'll also talk a little bit about China under ma um so if you find yourself humming the Tetris theme in your head throughout that's okay I was doing it while I wrote it and if you didn't know that song is actually not Soviet although it sounds like it could be it is a Russian folk tune about haggling Peddlers and it's actually got a really cool dance that goes with it I would tell you what it's called but I can't pronounce Russian things I
have it and you can see it when it's in writing in front of you it's it's Kora biki or something like that I can't say Russian things we're just going to not do it right so this lecture and the next tomorrow morning are going to talk about the split into eastern and western Marxism those are going to be kind of you know catch all terms I'm going to start each of these lectures these last three lectures with about a million names that we like I did with the religions in the previous one there's about a
million things we could call this I'm going to really settle on it on either Eastern Marxism or on Industrial communism or on state communism for reasons that I think are going to be pretty apparent uh in the morning we're going to talk about critical theory basically which is the kind of main part of western Marxism in the development of woke but what's going on the reason there's this split which starts literally in roughly 1917 which is when the Bolsheviks took over Russia is because you had two regions of the world that were now grappling with
the fact that Marx was wrong and they had to solve a Marx was wrong problem but nobody is allowed to say marks was wrong now that's not totally true the Soviets did not say that Marx was wrong but the uh Western marxists did admit that he made some mistakes um the way the Communists usually tally this is they use an analogy to your fingers and it depends on how they want to break it down they'll say that the previous guy maybe it was you know Marx in this case was you have everybody has 10 fingers
well he was right on nine fingers and wrong on one or right on seven fingers and wrong on three and that way they can sweep the mistakes under the rug and keep the evolution of the program going uh but what we're looking at is that in two different environments in these two lectures that there were different evolutionary pressures to use that language there are two different sets of conditions that caused communism to develop differently and the point we're going to make through the whole thing is that it all kind of has come back together like
I said at the beginning last time in this sort of witches brew of everything they've tried which is part of why according to the question from the last end of the last session where I said that I was optimistic that if we beat it now we might beat it for a long time I feel like they've taken all their their eggs and stuck them in this basket of what we're going through now um but they responded to the pressures and the environments that they were in differently just like any evolutionary situation and so they took
different tracks and we're going to talk about the Russian and Eastern block well not really going to talk about the eastern block too much uh but the the broadly Soviet and then the CCP Chinese uh People's Republic of China section today which is generally referred to as Eastern Marxism I would give this other list of Alternatives industrial communism feudal communism 20th century communism Vanguard communism state communism or Soviet communism um Communists who don't want to talk too bluntly about what they're referring to have referred to it in the past as actually existing socialism which they
then criticize um another term that's very frequently used is Marxism leninism with a hyphen between them so it's now the Marxist religion or ideology and a leninist delivery mechanism is the way that you would want to look at that um for me the best terms are going to be industrial communism in state communism industrial because of the heavy focus on heavy industrial production uh including the industrial production of people and state because it deliberately seeks to use to to take and use state power to achieve its goal of imposing communism and achieving the Communist heaven
so the way that industrial or state Communism works the reason I said that it could be called Vanguard communism is because it operates on a belief that some enlightened Vanguard which is the Socialist Gnostic elect the people who they know how we're really socialist but the stupid PLS don't know that so we need this Vanguard to Usher us through Usher the everyday people and the backwards people as they frequently were called through socialism through increasingly intense applications of the inversion of practice as I mentioned before which is how this the society socializes you so in
other words if can increase the amount of state power to force people to be socialist they can make people generation after generation become more socialist so what you need is a leadership group that understands that this is how it works and how important it is to basically be I wouldn't say the Good Shepherd but maybe the bad Shepherd that pulls people through into communism um so in the terms of this Gnostic religion where I mentioned the Demi urge is the evil demon that constructs the world uh in a sense you know I said that Mark
sees the bis class as a demi urge a controlling force that that imprisons everybody in the world well the the the industrial communist view would be we can only defeat the demiurge by becoming the Demi urge ourself with the intention to relinquish our ultimate power um so the Vanguard State sets itself up as a dictatorship uh and in essence in the religious terms they are becoming the Divine ideas that on Earth the embodiment of God so that we can beat the false god the evil demon god of bis values uh and replace all of that
so they're now going to in other words short short version they're now going to make communism happen by force they're going to beat the Demi urge by becoming the Demi urge instead and that way we'll get to Eden and what actually turns out communist Eden by the way so what that turns out is that all of these people turn out to be extraordinarily competitive they are all competing like the Soviet Union by the time China comes around on the scene they're all competing to be the first country that can bring in real communism and everything
goes more and more and more sideways as they compete with one another to destroy their populations to make it work faster so that they can have the bragging rights of being the one who brought Marx's Vision to life our three primary characters in this lecture are lennin Stalin and Mau who are not exactly good guys they're on your little flyer the ones that have less facial hair um um if we had an extra person on there who's not Kam a Harris it would have to be Claus Schwab and he looks like a reptile or Turtle
so um you can see the progression is from more beard to less beard and hair as communism has evolved so Lenin's idea I'm going to give Lenin a lot of credit in some sense here because he's not a he is brutal like let's let's put this all in qualified terms he's extraordinarily brutal but he's way less brutal than the other two right and so I would say that the characteristic that Lenin gives is really that bad Shepherd model he's going to use authoritarian discipline and authoritarian guidance to lead the people or the masses into their
socialist conversion and when you get to Stalin that's a different picture Stalin's just like no we're using totalitarian Force it's he openly was a totalitarian and like at the time people didn't realize that was a bad word yet we're going to hear later that musolini also openly called himself a totalitarian uh Mao is actually a lot more subtle than Stalin was um it's really communism through brainwashing and the main technique is actually this you know guilt-ridden self-criticism where you're constantly beating yourself up for not being socialist enough and you're being basically pinned into situations where
your social uh and political activity depends on you prostrating yourself to whether it's a kadra or the dear leader or Mau or whatever and so you're he's trying to affect personal conversion which is a little bit different and so I wouldn't call that a totalitarian environment and again this is a linguistic splitting of hairs the word that I would use for that is totalism which is that you're in this all pervasive environment that is to touches every total part of reality and your life but you don't have as much of and this is again a
qualified statement because ma was definitely a brutal totalitarian who had no regard for human life you don't have as much of that Stalin like well you know what things aren't going the way that we want so let's fix the farmers by kill 9 million of them like ma didn't do that he would say we're going to kill 1% of the population which turns out not to be 9 million people or whatever and so Stalin was quite uh more brutal or more directly brutal I would say Mao was just Flatout disregard for human life which is
a it's a different it's not really different in end but it's different in in in Vibe or attitude um I would say the general Vibe of the industrial communism that arose After the bulvik revolution is is that everything that doesn't represent the enlightened state of Socialism or communism is in the way and has to be destroyed or transformed by force overcome as a matter of fact um that would be that everything that's not fostering socialism and not bringing glory to socialism and not speaking to socialism for the people is an enemy of the people so
that can include people it can include people with political views it can include criminals it can include religion and it and their adherence it can be wealth and the people who have it but it can even be reality itself and nature um just to give you a taste of this I'm going to read to you a paragraph from Frank de's the great F or mau's Great Famine is the title of the book about um how Mau in the 19 uh 60s I guess or late 50s when he launched the Great Leap Forward was thinking about
uh his role with regard to Nature and this is all paralleled in Soviet un I just want to give you a taste so deater by the way if you haven't read him he's written this history this three-part history called The People's Trilogy uh that documents Ma's time and Power in China the the 20 six or seven years that Ma was in power uh and it's it's truly eye-opening history and it's extremely well written you'll hear how good of a writer he is ma he said viewed nature as an enemy to be overcome so you can
tell this is going to go badly right and this isn't the Soviet Union wasn't different in this regard Mal viewed is an enemy to be overcome an adversary to be brought to heal an entity fundamentally separate from humans which should be reshaped and harnessed through Mass mobilization War had to be waged against nature by people pitted against the environment in ceaseless struggle for survival a voluntarist philosophy held that human will in the Boundless Energy of the Revolutionary masses could radically transform material conditions and overcome whatever difficulties were thrown in the path to a communist future
future so there's we're going to do this for the glory of dialectical materialism and we'll conquer all of nature is the attitude there he says the physical world itself could be reshaped Hills erased mountains leveled Rivers raised bucket by bucket if necessary launching the Great Leap Forward ma declared that quote there is a new war we should open fire on nature end quote so this is really explicitly clear to anybody with any sense that this isn't going to work but the Soviets did the same thing there were cases where the Soviets decided they were going
to try to move Lakes which just led to the water all going away there is no Lake now and people need water um they tried to dig these you know Grand canals that ended up draining entire water tables and then didn't even end up being wide enough to support the ships that they needed to run in the canals I mean it's all really idiotic but they wanted to do these huge geoengineering scale projects plus heavy industry and so on to show that socialism had the goods that social socialism could do what capitalism couldn't even do
by organizing the masses bucket by bucket that they could literally transform the world and this is partly in line with Marx and partly not because Marx had a belief that you were supposed to um make you're supposed that we're supposed to humanize nature which means that we're supposed to Envision how all of nature is supposed to look and make make it suitable to our purposes so that is part is in line with with marks but there are other parts that aren't exactly uh in line with Marx but I might just point out real quick since
we're doing this as kind of a whole conference theme that there's a very uh able to see what can be unburdened by what has been vibed to we're going to wage war on nature to prove how good socialism is right it's the same same thing over and over and over again but here's Mark talked a lot about nature being man's inorganic body and I normally I would skip this I mean it just shows that you know Ma was kind of wrong and Lenin and Stalin were kind of wrong but it's actually important because in the
last lecture we're going to talk about this concept of degrowth and ESG and all of these things that we're dealing with sustainability that we're dealing with now so it's good to hear what Mark actually thought about nature he has this rant in the economic philosophic manuscripts this is a kind of a lot he says the life of the species both in man and in animals consists physically in the fact that man like the animal lives on organic nature mind-blowing stuff here right and the more Universal Man or the animal is the more Universal is the
sphere of or inorganic nature on which he lives just as plants animals Stones air light Etc constitute theoretically a part of human consciousness so we think about rocks and plants and stuff so they're part of our Consciousness partly as objects of Natural Science partly his objects of art his spiritual organic n inorganic nature spiritual nourishment which he must first prepare to make palatable and digestible that's where you have to make nature look like it's supposed to look to give the glory of man so also in the realm of practice they constitute a part of human
life and human activity nature rocks plants animals and so on physically man lives only on these products of nature whether they appear in the form of food heating clothes a dwelling Etc the universality of man notice that's a religious claim right there uh in practice precisely in the universality oh sorry appears in practice precisely in the universality which makes all nature his inorganic body so hold on what's he talking about he says when you have feudal Lords the whole feudal estate is actually an extension of his body and all of his surfs are actually cells
in his body he doesn't literally say cells but it's the same model and when you have a kingdom the king the his his he has his organic body and then the whole kingdom is actually operating according to his will so the whole kingdom is his inorganic body well when man realizes who he really is all of nature is his like the relationship of the Kingdom to the king or the plantation to the Aristocrat and so the universality of man appears in practice precisely in the universality which makes all nature his inorganic body both in as
much as nature is one his direct means of life and the material object and the instrument of his life activity so you can see where this whole sustainability thing really is stuck in marks all of nature is his inorganic body so we're going to have to make it suitable for us and that's the exact opposite of wage of War on nature except in this weird brutal industrial communist world we can break and fix and remold everything the way we want to very directly through industrial practices uh he says nature is man's inorganic body nature that
is in so far as it is not itself a human body man lives on nature means that nature is his body which he must uh with which he must remain in continuous interchange if he is not to die that man's physical and spiritual life is linked to Nature means simply that nature is linked to itself for man is a part of Nature and estranging man uh and estranging from man one nature and to himself sustainability and inclusion are the answers to that his own active functions his life activity his estrange labor estranges the species from
man so when we don't understand that we are part of Nature and nature is part of us and it's our responsibility to build it to the glory of socialism and our own purposes then we are estranging ourselves from our true nature which is obviously Master of the Universe we are as Gods is the message of Mark Marxism remember that whole make yourself your own true son to revolve around yourself instead of religion being the false son yeah so the industrial Communists had this idea that they're going to wage war on nature to prove just like
they're Waging War on everything else to prove how powerful socialism is and how once you implement socialism with an industrial economy you can transform anything man nature Society the world everything to be suitable so it's kind of in line with Marx but it also kind of Misses what Marx was about it's in that brutal let's Force everything way that we're going to see is so typical of industrial communism um he marks goes on in EPM to say it is just in his work upon the objective World therefore that man really provides him proves himself to
be a species being so by working on the world and trying to transform it we prove ourselves to be communal and that's what the Soviets were trying to tap into that's what Mal that's why they have to wage war on nature that's how they think you're going to do it is we're going to prove that we're actually socialists species being by doing our work to transform nature and they were going to do it you know hard this production is his active species life therefore this production uh nature appears as his work and his reality the
object of Labor is therefore the objectification of man's species life this stuff is really hard to read Until you realize that what he's actually saying is this is how we understand ourselves to be human human means socialist for he duplicates himself not only as in Consciousness intellectually but also actively in reality and therefore he sees himself in a world that he has created so again you're the you're the Creator man is his own Creator man is the creator of the world and that's why we have to wage war on nature to prove it to ourselves
and that socialism is the correct belief system because that's what articulated this so in tearing away man from the object of his production which is the transformation of nature therefore a stranged labor tears him uh tears from him his species life he's uses such stupid words his real objectivity as a member of the species and transforms his advantage over animals into the disadvantage that his inorganic body nature is taken away from him so I talk a lot about the iron law of War of woke projection we can see in Ma and in like I said
in parallel in the Soviet Union this war on nature is obviously not going to work and it very much didn't work it has that very you know 20th century we can change everything kind of scientism driving it and we know it's not going to work we kind of know it's idiotic but it's grandiose and it's everything else but the whole point is that is actually manifesting exactly that his inorganic body nature is going to be taken away from him gantic wastelands were created across the Soviet Union and across China absolutely fallow land unproductive land destroyed
mines like destroyed nature destroyed Rivers polluted everything it's just a complete disaster but the industrial Communists took this as a charge to prove to man that he's really human which is to say that he's really a socialist and in fact Master of the world that he is already as Gods the way that the project of industrial state communism worked is that communism became the state religion and I I really mean that a lot of people say oh it's atheistic it's very important to realize that they preached atheism but that was not what was going on
that was to get the other religions out of the way because the state religion with the full force of like Inquisition was the party it was socialism and so that evolved as I want to make the case must happen in communism cuz communism doesn't work it evolved from like I said with Lenin authoritarian discipline the bad Shepherd into totalitarianism under Stalin and then kind of in parallel and then afterwards in Mao into this totalism personal relationship with your transformation somewhat softer totalitarianism uh that kind of characterizes how how he operated in comparison to the Iron
Fist of Stalin so the party that did this was called the Bolsheviks this is a little bit complicated because they went by three different names in a very short period of History around 1917 when they did the revolution so they called themselves the Bolsheviks I'm not going to get into the whole history of that term or the menix and all that but that was another name for the Social Democrat Party so let's not let the the Democratic socialists of America fool us they're Communists the Social Democratic party was Lenin's party that's what it was called
and then when they took power they renamed it the Communist party and they set up the Communist International or common turn in Moscow and they actually believed that this Vanguard model in other words a conspiracy actually is necessary which is that throwback to bof so it's not going to be that we're going to go among the workers and evangelize to them about the powers of socialism and they're going to organize themselves nope now we've got to organize a dedicated basically Special Forces operation to force them through it and we're going to conspire for how we're
going to do that so you're seeing this kind of well this past idea that Mark rejected well let's try that again in a new form so there's that spiral logic happening again um and so a Vanguard party had to be organized to stoke and run the Revolution and then eventually the new government as a dictatorship and so in 1902 way before the Russian Revolution in 1917 lenon wrote a a pamphlet or a book really what is to be done it's not a very fun read it's a lot of him arguing with other Russians that he
doesn't like and it's not clear a lot of times what he's talking about but there are some clear points and he makes the point about the need for Vanguard vanguardism which basically boils down to the PRS are too stupid and too distracted and too bought into capitalism and what little lot they have or even feudalism and what little lot they have to want to become revolutionary so they have to be led through it he's this is Lenin In 1902 he says class political Consciousness can be brought to the workers only from without they will never
this is against Marx they will never develop it themselves their suffering will not give them nosis in of itself it can only be brought to the workers from without that is only from outside the economic struggle from outside the sphere of relations between workers and employers the sphere from which alone it is possible to obtain this knowledge is the sphere of relationships of all classes and strata to the state and to the government to the sphere of the interrelations between all classes so only these kind of nerds are going to be able to run the
government right these are these are nerds these are uals who philosophers who this is like the old quip about the faculty of Harvard running the country right only the really smart people only the experts are going to be able to do it and the Vanguard is really the Socialist experts says for that reason the reply to the question as to what must be done to bring political knowledge to the workers cannot merely cannot be merely the answer with which the majority in the majority of cases the Practical workers especially those inclined toward economism mostly content
namely to go among the workers so Marx's evangelism to the workers to awaken them to the crappy lot that they have and to make them socialist that's not going to work what is to be done he says to bring political knowledge to the workers the social Democrats must go among all classes of the population they must dispatch units of their army in all directions so you can't even just go among the workers we've got to hit everybody in society all the time so you've got to have is we're going to hear agit prop agitation and
propaganda that is going to be directed at every class in society so you're going to agitate the workers you're going to agitate the business owners you're going to agitate the government people you're going to agitate the racial minorities you're going to agitate everything so that you have kind of total chaos and in that chaos the Vanguard is going to come in and sweep in and take power and so total chaos that sort of feels like what we're living through was Lenin's model now this Shepherd class the Vanguard he actually calls for this and what is
to be done over and over and over again but I really looked for a couple of good passages to read and he's actually being really sarcastic a lot of the time so it's very hard to find good character characteristic passages but I did find one um where he said the national tasks of uh of Russian social democracy are such uh are such as have never confronted any other Socialist Party in the world we shall have occasion further on to deal with the political and organizational duties which task uh uh which the task of emancipating the
whole people from the Yoke of autocracy imposes upon us at this point we wish to state only that the role of the Vanguard fighter can be fulfilled only by a party that is Guided by the most advanced Theory so once again the professors are basically going to run the show we we we made the joke last time scratch a hippie find a fascist maybe it's scratch a professor find a fascist sorry to the professors in the room but you might have noticed that smart people when challenged sometimes get upset but only the most advanced theoreticians
are going to be able to to to lead this now of course who are going to be your most advanced theoreticians they going to be people like Marx who wrote Theory all day and wouldn't get a job so they had no practical experience so what are they going to do try to move a lake hey we can do it why not what's to stop us right but the problem that he was trying to solve essentially is that they did straight up recognize especially in these peasant driven feudal areas like in Russia that proletarians don't actually
organize themselves and they don't really even want to be organized that much and they don't actually even want a revolution they mostly want reforms they want better working conditions and better living conditions in a little bit fairer Shake but they want to be able to work hard and find dignity and work and as long as they're not getting cheated they're kind of happy so those things have to be overcome in those stupid proletarians who aren't going to do it so the most advanced theoreticians are going to lead them into as my Australian friend called it
the blender um so Lenin's Vanguard idea actually you think wow that's pretty close of him to think it up no he didn't think it up it came from Engles he stole it from Engles and then just decided his whole program would be so this comes from some remarks Engles made in 1874 about the Social Democratic movement which I guess Lenin also borrowed from so this is a little bit long but here's like the actual explanation this is the hard part so I apologize for these long quotes but the thing is is these people won't just
write something they have to like spread it across Pages what's really frustrating I'm not talking about Herbert maruza in this lecture but Herbert maruza every paragraph go read him starts with so this idea tells us and which means you have to go read the whole previous paragraph to know what he's talking about but that paragraph starts the same way and then the other you got to go back four pages to figure out what he's talking about and you can't quote anything succinctly to say what they're actually saying so here's angles he's bragging on the Germans
as he would have done the German Workers have two important advantages over those of the rest of Europe Hitler what thought that too first they belong to the most theoretical people of Europe and they have retained that sense of theory which the so-called educated classes of Germany have almost completely lost and I this is actually the reason you're getting a lot of this is I wanted this sentence without German philosophy which preceded it particularly that of Hegel German Scientific Socialism the only Scientific Socialism that has ever existed would never have come into being so there's
Engles straight up saying if we didn't take it from he it never would have come into being and that's why Germans are better than everybody without a sense of the theory among the workers this Scientific Socialism would have never entered their flesh and blood as much as is the case what an immeasurable Advantage this may this is may be seen on the one hand from the indifference toward all Theory which is one of the main reasons why the English workingclass movement crawls along so slowly in spite of The Splendid organization of the individual unions due
to this advantageous situation I skipped SK a lot there of him wobbling waffling here do this advantageous situation on the one hand into the insular peculiarities of the English and the forcible suppression of the French movement on the other the German Workers have for the moment been placed in the Vanguard of the proletarian struggle the main theorists are the Vanguard the Nerds this is it's not quite Revenge of the Nerds but it's like it the the industrial March of the Nerds or something how long events will allow them to occupy this post of Honor cannot
be foretold but let us hope that as long as they occupy it they will fill it fittingly and then he tells us what the Vanguard is supposed to do and by the way I didn't actually read Engles to find this Lenin just quoted him for Pages straight this is how they are it's really frustrating to read these people so uh angles outlines exactly for us what the Vanguard is supposed to do he says the this is angles the the demands uh sorry this demands redoubled efforts in every field of struggle and agitation so not even
agitation and propaganda agit prop Lennon didn't even come up with that he just stole it it's all recycled I really want you to get the hint that all communism is recycled ideas everything we're dealing with now in one form or another maybe not exactly the same and with different means came from Lenin like it's all there and Mark and Engles is who he just ripped it all off from it's all ripped off it's all just ripped off so here's what you have to do it will be the duty of the leaders to gain an Ever
clearer ins sight into all theoretical questions so the most important thing that the political leaders are supposed to do is study Marxism to free themselves more and more from the influence of traditional phrases inherited from the old world Outlook and to constantly keep so what is that that is to see what can be unburdened what has by what has been and to constantly keep in mind that socialism since it has become a science demands that it be pursued as a science that is that it can be studied the task will be to uh to spread
with increased Zeal among the masses of the workers the ever more clarified understanding thus acquired to knit together ever more firmly the organization of both party and the trade unions so that's what the Vanguard is supposed to do is study the Marxist religion and become more and more puritanical about it that's what they're supposed to do that's what Engle said that's what Lenin said was the most important thing to know about it and what is to be done so here's how lenon commented on it thankfully these are very short two I just pulled two sentences
we must go among all classes of the population as theoreticians as propagandists as agitators and as organizers Community organizers Barack Obama the principal thing this is a second quote the principal thing of course is propaganda and agitation among all strata of the people so basically Drive everybody crazy with propaganda that agitates them and throws them off kilter and divides them and gets them fighting with each other everywhere at all levels of society all the time does it sound like CNN sarc living so the purpose is to to sew agitation and disruption at all levels everywhere
in order to affect the ideological subversion or demoralization of the entire population you want the entire population confused about what is and is not true and you target every single separate class or sector with things that will actually agitate them that lenon is so just Cavalier about saying we're going to use agitation and propaganda over and over and over again is again it's a sign of his times they didn't like those are bad words now agit prop is not a good word uh but it tells you that they felt fully entitled to go irritate people
until they could create conditions that were so tumultuous that they could take over power and bring stability because that's what they were going to do is going to make everything crazy and then we're going to provide at least the workers and The Peasants are going to get stability land and bread for everybody and jobs for the people in the city so this method like I just mentioned and kind of joked about has been employed ever since let me tell you about the vimma this is a term that I borrowed and I don't know where so
I can't give proper credit I saw it on social media but it's an acronym you can write it down v m a vimma vertically integrated messaging apparatus that's not my term but I use it all the time and people think it is uh that's what we're dealing with that's when the politicians the the the national news the local news the state level news the influencers they're all saying exactly the same thing exactly at the same time like when all of a sudden everybody everywhere all in a day decided JD Vance is weird and no matter
where you turn no matter what channel no matter what station no matter what you look at newspaper print social media television you see the same message repeated again and again and again and look at that this accusation of weird right what is it that's agitation because it's irritating to hear it and propaganda they're trying to paint a picture of their political enemy and so the reason that we're all insane and the reason that they're advancing so successfully is overwhelmingly as my uh friend James O'Keefe reminded me the other day he said the media is everything
because they control the vimma and we don't don't they control the vertically integrated messaging apparatus in other words they have the death star of propaganda and they're aiming it at our population all the time I have a hypothesis that I don't know is true but my guess is if that got shut down if the fake news media so to speak and the manipulation on social media if they were no longer openly propagandizing us and deliberately propagandizing us that the majority of the population would normalize and stop feeling like they're going crazy and come back to
reality with about 3 months we are being driven crazy so the big point is they are we are not going crazy we are being driven crazy as a society not individuals in in any particular and they're doing it because that was Lenin's method of dis of of breaking apart a population so that you could overthrow it with a color Revolution what is a color Revolution color Revolution thank you so just to clarify color Revolution is when you have foreign influence come in and make it look like it was an internal job like that the a
band of radicals or or dissident arose within a country and said you know Scotland's not going to take it anymore we're Scottish and we're mad but it's really say CIA agents doing it uh so it's when foreign actors create the conditions for apparently Organic Revolution in a foreign country um so it turns out that uh Lenin adapted the Communist theory in terms of what is to be done which he says he returned to Marx but that's question debatable and he he took all of the Communist Theory and crammed it into a very what I called
with Hegel a theosophical statist model you have very statist model the state is going to be the center of the whole thing so state communism would be a fitting name instead of industrial communism you know six of one half dozen of the other but the thing is that Lennon was playing a word game what a surprise with the word state so when Communists use the word State they don't even necessarily mean the same thing that we do that's typical so he separated the concept of State into two there's the bgeo state and there's the proletarian
State and they're not the same thing because one doesn't have the enlightened View and one does and so leninism or Marxism leninism leninism is Marxism built off of this word game that there's an intrinsic separation between the Bourgeois State and the proletarian State and we're going to destroy the Bourgeois State using the the proletarian State that's actually leninism Marxism in a single summary so let me break down the word trick before we talk about how he actually used it because he this a is typical of Communists all the time so I'll give it to you
in the kind of abstract form but he also didn't just do it with the word State he very famously did it with the infamous word of our time democracy our democracy Lennon's democracy so what you do is you start with a word this is the word trick he's employing here the word is state but we could use democracy equally well and it's a word that most people generally and vaguely understand and that's really important because you're not going to ask anybody what it means you're not going to stop and say wait a minute theosophy what
is that right that you couldn't do it too easily with that word not enough people know it if I said the word democracy are you going to stop and say wait what do you mean by democracy like no you you know right that's a word you said since you were a little kid everybody knows that word nobody's going to show that they're stupid and doesn't know what that word means so you start with a word that generally people understand but they don't really have a clear understanding of if you put them on a man on
the street video and said okay okay so what's the difference between democracy and Republic they couldn't do it right they don't really know but they know but they don't know and then you split it into two pieces here bis and proletariat in other words in general one is good and one is bad one is somehow you know enlightened and one is is backwards right or evil so it's bis State and proletarian state or bis democracy and proletarian democracy is two different types so at first when they speak about it they make the split clear he
comes straight out and says well we talk about the state well it's not a clear idea let's talk about it there's a bis state but there's also proletarian State and they're not the same thing so at first they tell you they're splitting the term but that doesn't last this is their communist word trick This Is How They mystify people this is actually the Wizardry in action it's it's magic spells because then what you do next is you delegitimize the original meaning of the word by making it associated with bad things or evil things or stupidity
or backwards it's a low-level understanding of what a state is really it's an earlier understanding we've Gnostic moved forward to a higher understanding come with us and then you extol the new version in this case proletarian State as what it is that would lead us to the ideal so the bis State just reproduces itself and we all get stuck in bad bis values and all look at all these problems we live in but on the other hand the proletarian State doesn't do that so it's going to lead us out of the wilderness same thing with
ideal State uh I'm sorry yeah IDE the same thing with bis democracy and proletarian democracy and then you take it even further and you say that the the good version is leading to the ideal because this is all German idealism at the end of the day so you say that proletarian democracy will grow into ideal democracy and the proletarian state will become the ideal state which is a communist stateless classless society in which the state has withered away and then after you've m mucked up everything and Confused people and kind of got them like wait
there's two and I don't really know what they are then you stop if you're them you stop using the adjectives it's just state from now on they mean proletarian state but they don't tell you that so you glaze over that part all confused not knowing what you just read in the next part they're talking about the proletarian State you think they're talking about what you think the state is and they're advancing the game so this is when the Democrats are on TV all the time saying we're going to defend our democracy Donald Trump bad for
democracy Elon Musk bad for democracy Joe Rogan bad for democracy everything's bad for democracy what's democracy well they mean proletarian democracy they mean sustainable and inclusive democracy they mean a modified version and they're not putting the adjective but the people who know no the people who are bought in even if they don't know right the the rank and file woke they're not real Savvy to what's going on with woke they don't know in the sense that they've been clued in like oh this is a secret Cipher in the code and I understand it they Intuit
it they feel it they know in an intuitive sense what's being talked about and that's how they actually trick people you drop the modifiers and you've said the bis state is bad so we're just not going to talk about that anymore we're only going to talk about the proletarian State we don't use low-level outdated definitions and then you Mock and attack anybody who thinks that the old definition is still true wait a minute no no no democracy means everybody gets one vote no that's an old version we haven't taken into account racial Justice yeah you're
a racist that's the general idea of the of the program so the proletarian State just becomes the state and then then now they're justified in using the state apparatus and what most people think that does because they've done a little linguistic Switcheroo and all the subsequent uses of the mystified word are mystified so the people reading them don't understand what they mean unless they're in on the code or can Intuit it and they like I said they really attack anybody who doesn't get it so that they look like the better and smarter people so I
know that was a little bit complicated but here's what it is you've got a linguistic train running along the normal definition track and they come along and they pull the little switch and put it on a new track while people aren't paying attention and that's how they do it and all of a sudden they're talking about something else while you think they're talking about the thing that we've all been talking about all along and this is communist bread and butter and this is why it's so easy to associate it with what the Bible calls the
capital D deceiver among other reasons okay so he's actually playing the whole program is built off of a word game about what the state means so that he can justify taking Absolute Total power or authoritarian power for him in the state so again following angles because he's not that original of a thinker here in anti during and the holy family uh Lenin argues that the state is a manifestation and guaran only of the existing class conflict the state is what keeps us in the present stage of development that's why the Socialists don't have a state
because they don't want to do that so what they have is something else he calls it a semi-state which is sort of funny so in state and Revolution which he wrote in 1917 between the two revolutions in 1917 he said this expresses with perfect clarity see how it starts with this so if you really wanted to explain what you're talking about we have to go back to the previous paragraph and find out what the hell this is they all do this every paragraph this expresses with perfect clarity the basic idea of Marxism with regard to
the historical role and meaning of the state the state is a product and manifestation of the irreconcilability of class antagonisms the state arises where when and in so far as class antagonism objectively cannot be reconciled and conversely the existence of the state proves that class antagonisms are irreconcilable so now you've got the society is stuck and it can't progress to its next Quantum Leap of evolution and the state comes into being to manage the problem and keep it in the status quo so the state is a product of its Society that's designed to keep the
same exact class antagonisms running so the class the capital estate is designed to keep the capitalist World Order in place which is one of those funny things because it's true but not that way right it's a truth married to a lie or the feudal State the kingdom is aranged so that the feudal you know the aristocracy and the the the nobility the noble families keep their power well it's true but not the way that they mean it not in the weird conspiratorial way but what's different is that the Socialist state has no such Ambitions their
goal is to get rid of the state entirely so there's something fundamentally different and uh not trying to maintain hegemony allegedly but rather uh enlightened enough to know that the true State at the end has to wither away and sacrifice itself to the liberation of man that's why Revolution is necessary though because the state prevents the classes so here's the role of the state actually for lenon and he's really clear about this the antagonisms between the classes would break out into war and revolution naturally except the state steps in and doesn't let it so it
keeps the current antagonism or or conflict of society going which means in Marx's theory that all of history is a history of class conflict history isn't going anywhere anymore there's no progression so we're back to te's view of we're moving versus no we're not and the state exists to keep us from going to the next stage except if it's socialist because if it's socialist they know better because they're enlightened and that's why we need the Vanguard of the theoreticians and the Harvard nerds who are going to lead us into the next level and that's actually
what he says he calls the the this the semi-state in in the Socialist situation for that reason he says in the first place this is also in state and Revolution by the way in the first place at the very outset of his argument Engel says that in seizing state power the proletariat thereby abolishes the state as state so he hangs a lot on that little phrase abolishes the state as state so the thing that you destroyed was a state when the proletarians take over after the revolution but it's not a state anymore it lost its
state-like character because its goal isn't to keep the class antagonisms going anymore he says it is not done to ponder over the meaning of this generally it is either ignored altogether or it is considered to be something in the nature of hegelian weakness on Engles part as a matter of fact Engles speaks here of the proletariat Revolution abolishing the bis State while the words about the state withering away refer to the remnants of the proletarian state after the Socialist Revolution according to Engles the bis state does not wither away but is abolished by Revolution by
the proletariat in the course of the Revolution what Withers away after this revolution is the proletarian state or semi State it's not a full State because it's not actually doing the thing the Communists say states do so notice that there's not only just the word trick he's actually just used the word trick to redefine State completely as a thing that maintains the current order of society and prevents anything from getting better that's why you have to have a revolution and you have to install enlightened an enlightened Vanguard to lead it to make sure that it
takes uh to a position where there won't be those same class antagonisms any longer and so that's why the Vanguard is according to lenon meant to produce the world's first ideal democracy that's in the very by its very nature in the process of withering away from the moment it comes into existence now you'll notice there's a little Paradox here as I already told you from Lenin to Stalin to Ma you actually kind of see a concentration of totalitarianism particularly from from Lenin to stal if you go from the years when 1917 when lennin took power
till 1953 when Stalin died it was just an accelerating ramp of power being applied by the Soviet state if you look at Mao when he took power in 1949 all the way until the Great Leap Ford collapses in 1962 it's just an accelerating ramp of power because it doesn't work so what you have to do is continue to put more and more and more and more Force to try to make it work while you externalize the blame and blame all of the people who aren't doing it right and punish them uh to try to keep
forcing it to work but that's allegedly the state withering away of its own accord or something and in fact Stalin resolves this Paradox but we'll come back to that when we get to Stalin so the Vanguard is meant to produce the world's first ideal democracy and what he says is in capitalist Society providing it develops under the most favorable conditions we have a more or less complete democracy in the Democratic Republic but this democracy is always hemmed in by the narrow limits set by capital exploitation and consequently always remains in effect a democracy for the
minority that means the rich minority by the way only for the propertied classes only for the rich freedom in capitalist Society always remains about the same as it was in the ancient Greek Republic's freedom for the slave owners doesn't that sound like the way woke people talk well that's Lenin and so you have that Gnostic construction right in a in in in a capitalist Society you almost have it you almost have real democracy you almost do in the Democratic Republic but it's only for rich people it's bis democracy so we have to come up with
a proletarian democracy in comparison and what does he say about that but from this capitalist democracy that is inevitably narrow and stealthily pushes aside the poor and is therefore hypocritical and false through and through forward development does not proceed simply directly and smoothly toward greater and greater democracy as the liberal professors and pity bis opportunists would have us believe they're always slinging mud at the people they don't like no forward development remember we're moving versus the people who are not moving no forward development that is development toward communism forward movement that is development toward communism
proceeds through the dictatorship of the proletariat which is the Vanguard of the Revolution and cannot do otherwise for the resistance of the capitalist exploiters cannot be broken by any uh anyone else or in any other way and he goes on to say and the dictatorship of the proletariat that is the organization of the Vanguard of the oppressed as the ruling class for the purpose of suppressing the oppressors its whole purpose is not actually to know the best theory it is to suppress the people they don't like so here you have lenon basically saying give us
power and we'll punish the people you don't like that's the model he says because of that the dictatorship of the proletariat cannot result merely in an expansion of democracy simultaneously with an immense expansion of democracy which for the first time becomes democracy for the poor democracy for the people and not democracy for the money bags doesn't that sound like stuff you hear today by the way in our democracy speech the dictatorship of the proletar imposes a series of restrictions on the freedom of the oppressors you stupid antivaxers the the exploiters and the capitalists we must
suppress them in order to free Humanity from wage slavery their resistance must be crushed by force it is clear that there is no freedom and no democracy where there is suppression and where there is violence notice the oxymoron there there's no Freedom there's no democracy where there's suppression so we have to suppress that's literally what he said so doesn't that feel though like our lives right now we got two-tier law I was going to say two-tier cure again we've got censorship ship coming out the yin-yang um for the last several years Co particularly was bad
let's not talk about election fraud that's still not okay um we're not allowed to even ask questions about certain things we've course had the same with the identity politics we've had legal attacks on conservatives they might have tried to shoot Trump they're trying to deny that that ever happened now this is what the self-appointed dictatorship of the proletariat is meant to do and this is what the ruling class that we're dealing with is doing to us it is all about and force suppression of its powerful enemies who are aligned with maintaining the status quo now
as for that part about you remember I said does that sound familiar with the Dem we'll have the first time we have democracy for the poor and not the money bags and I said doesn't that sound familiar well here's Pete Pete Budaj secretary Pete the world has never actually seen a large scale fully functioning fully inclusive multi-ethnic multi-racial Democratic Republic they represented everybody we've never actually had that all the way but we could and I believe that we uh that we will have that for Humanity if and only if we deliver it here in America
now there's a lot we could unpack there but besides the fact that that's literally exactly the same thing that Lenin said about um I about berso and proletarian democracy an ideal democracy coming down but I didn't read this quote I had it in the original notes uh the first draft and I took it out cuz I had too much stuff but Marx at one point famously said that the current Society is pregnant with the new society and I don't remember exactly how he did it and so the Socialist or the Vanguard are supposed to be
the Midwife of the new Society right so did I mean maybe maybe he didn't mean it this way but mayor Pete literally said if and only if we deliver it here in America right and that's like I don't know let's not be too tinfoil hat but the fact is that that Pete Budaj whose father translated uh Antonio gry which is the father of cultural Marxism in English sounds an awful lot like Lenin at least there not always but at least there I mean it's naked when they talk about democracy we're hearing Lenin channeled across a
century so even though his first thing in 1902 was what is to be done he actually tells us what is to be done here in the middle of 1917 before the main Bolshevik Revolution in the fall the so-called October Revolution which took place in November that's a separate story about calendars that we're not going to get into he says the what makes this all work why is the state so important to lenon why does he care so much the state is a special coercive Force that's what he says it is a special coercive Force angles
gives this Splendid and extremely profound definition here with the utmost Lucidity and from it follows that the special cors of force for the suppression of the proletariat by the bisi of millions of working people by handfuls of the rich must be replaced by a special coercive Force for the suppression of the bisi by the proletariat and that is the dictatorship of the proletariat this is precisely what is meant by the abolition of the state as State this is precisely the act of taking possession of the means of production in the name of society and it
is self-evident that such a replacement of one burgeois special force by another proletarian special force cannot possibly take place in the form of withering away in other words there's going to be a revolution so in other words we need to have a rebirth ritual for society A revolution is a rebirth ritual a lowercase Omega Point that's going to lead us on the inexorable path to the Omega point of society which is communism and to do that it's necessary to seize power establish its new thing a dictatorship of the proletariat to replace the state as state
and to rule for the manifestation of socialism so its main role is again the suppression of the bir Bazi by the proletary its main role is suppression and we feel that today so this is kind of funny because it's like in the Gnostic language again they see the Bersa State as the demiurge that's ordered their lives and imprisoned them in a life they didn't want and they want to get out of that and they say well here's the way that we transform it here's the way we get out of it we become the demiurge but
it's not a real Demi urge because we have different designs it's a semi demiurge which will wither away of its own accord because that's what evil demons do is wither away of their own accord because they have the right views so this is where lenon has now laid the seeds for totalitarian communism which uh he never quite I mean Lenin didn't live really long after this by the way this was 197 he died in 1925 plus or minus one I'd have to look look again Stalin did most of this totalitarian stuff but he's laid the
tracks here very clearly this is how it's supposed to work and now Stalin wasn't a real popular character in Lenin's Court they re frequently wouldn't call him by his name it wasn't comrade Stalin it was the Georgian not Georgia like south of Tennessee Georgia like over there H the Georgian or the National Socialist actually because he believed that we should build what was called communism in one country rather than uh International communism so they often called him the National Socialist which is a kind of funny term these days so here's how London kind of describes
all this though he says it is incomprehensible only to those who have not thought about democracy also being a state and consequently so he's dealing with the fact that what he said doesn't make any sense we're going to become the thing we're going to destroy right to destroy it It is incomprehensible only to those who have not thought about democracy also being a state and consequently also disappearing when the state disappears Revolution alone can abolish the bis State the state in general that is the most complete democracy can only wither away so we're going to
abolish the berso Demi urge and replace it with the proletarian semi Demi urge I mean I really like that semi Demi urge thing but there's got to be a revolution first and so here's how lenon describes the a pair of points about how the state and the Democracy have to operate he says here we have a formulation of one of the most remarkable and important ideas of Marxism on the subject of the state namely the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat as marks and angles began to call it after the Paris commune and also
a highly interesting definition of the state which is also one of the Forgotten words of Marxism that is the state as the proletariat organized as the ruling class so now you've dropped the old use of state and you have the new state which is the semi demiurge State this definition of the state has never been explained in the prevailing propaganda and agitation literature just casually says that's how we communicate is propaganda and agitation of the official Social Democratic parties more than that has been deliberately ignored for is absolutely irreconcilable with reformism and is a slap
in the face for the common opportunists prejudices and Philistine Illusions about the peaceful development of democracy so that I really wanted to read that mostly for that last part because they're always talking about preserve our democracy pre preserve our democracy and peaceful in our time and he says that it's Philistine Illusions about a peaceful development of democracy so that's scary and drawing from marks and Engles lennin goes on to say the proletariat will use this is from The Communist Manifesto the proletariat will use its political Supremacy to rest by degree all capital from the bisi
so robbery and plunder to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state that is of the proletariat organized as the ruling class and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible and that's why we call it industrial communism right there um so like I said their goal is to literally take over as the Demi urge and use it to make the glory of socialism by building socialism as rapidly and vigorously as possible to prove that it actually works and this is the last line end quote the state is a special
organization of force it is an organization of violence for the suppression of some class what class must the proletariat suppress naturally only the exploiting class that is the bisi the working people need the state only to suppress the resistance of the exploiters and only the proletariat can direct this suppression can carry it out for the proletariat is the only class that is consistently revolutionary the only class that has the enlightenment right the only class that can unite all of the working and exploited people in the struggle against the bisi in completely removing it so that
was a lot of Lenin the good news is I don't have a lot more Lenin or really any more Lenin and that was the first time I've ever tght about Lenin so I got excited and gave you a lot um because this is new to me and all the rest of it's not so th those was fun so what did this get them right so this is industrial communism there's not a whole lot of like deep conceptual development in the religion it's we're going to build a state church and rule by force by becoming the
thing we hate in order to destroy it so it's like a state Church it operates literally with an inquisition model they're going to go find people who don't believe fervently enough and punish them and try to re-educate them and force them to believe uh the point is therefore to force the evolution of man we're not going to allow the evolution of man or awaken him or lead him to it we're now going to force the evolution of man drag him through it until he inhabits a new society and we're going to do that by forcing
socialism on it basically till he learns to like it um we're going to feed you socialism until that's how you think it's supposed to be and like I said that's becoming the Demi urge to destroy the Demi urge or becoming a semi Demi urge to get around that silly definition but this is your bad Shepherd or forceful Shepherd model this is your Shepherd not guiding the Sheep but rather dragging them around on leashes or whatever to make them become the thing they want and that Force like I said increases because it has to because it
doesn't work which means it increasingly creates disasters as it goes bigger and bigger disasters um I call this industrial communism because they're using industrial methods to transform everything but that means that they're going to manufacture through industrial processes the new man in their very industrial society they're going to transform you into socialist man or the new Soviet man they sometimes called it by forcing you because the state has become the sole manufacturer of everything including you like I said communism's after your soul and they were going to directly like Inquisition style force you to convert
and into really believe and like I said using Marx's model of practice and inversion of practice this is the inversion of practice to the maximum Force approach if we can build the socialist society we will transform the people until they're socialists we're going to feed it to them until they believe it and become Marxist leninists the method of authoritarian discipline that Lenin used is got another funny name it's called Democratic centralism just let those words stir around in your brain for a minute that's the proletarian democracy so what it is is that you have a
democracy of the people but only the people that agree with you are the people only the people who are communists count as people everybody else has something wrong with them and has to be re-educated um which requires maintaining socialist discipline in order to have the fruits of partic participation in society or especially political Society or getting into the party um and this is all to be done for your own good and the greater good the bisi on the other hand is not to be encouraged it is to be suppressed vigorously by this Force to made
be made examples of to teach people why you don't want to have the wrong values that's also for their own good and for the greater good we're going to suffer and you're going to be happy about it that's a Harry Potter joke and so if you want to participate in this Society you have to at least profess and show signs of outward belief this became insanely competitive obedience becomes competitive in a totalitarian state and so in China people would do the most extraordinary things including killing and eating their own children to prove their loyalty to
the state because it was that important to them to show that they were on board with the program when they got fully bought into into it and they didn't want any of their dark secrets that maybe they thought this wasn't so good or that they hoarded a little bit of rice to come out which might get them shipped off to a goog or beaten or robbed or whatever else and so a society-wide Inquisition that's very State directed in USSR but in China it's actually a lot of snitch culture it's a lot of people telling on
people everybody's trying to kind of Gussy up the the ladder of how good of a socialist they are the different models and you end up with this massive Inquisition or Witch Hunt Society where everything everybody's turning everybody in and the state's punishing whoever they can making examples setting quotas just to make a point um but because it's communist ideology instead of Catholicism it's actually way more brutal than the Inquisition was which wasn't exactly a good time for the people that were put to it anything like having wrong political opinions or having slightly more than somebody
else was enough to ruin your life if you had a house that was slightly bigger they would like a few square feet bigger they would kick you out of your house just because it wasn't fair and you're homeless now tough doesn't matter having two pans that you could cook with instead of one meant you were rich and that you might have to be have your belongings confiscated and redistributed having anything or the wrong political opinions or the wrong like being Christian was enough to get you massively persecuted in particular very famously under Stalin you have
the heavy persecution of the so-called kulacs k is a Russian word that roughly means rugged individual here in Texas you guys understand and like so there were actually people who are pretty capable at running a farm or running a village or running a running an area and well you can't have rugged individuals in the midst of a socialist Revolution so they rounded those people up killed them or carded them off to gulg and siberian prison camps in USSR pretty vigorously and that process is called decool acusation you think that well decolo isation is far away
that's some Ukrainian stuff in the 30s under brutal Stalin but remember that all the all the small businesses basically got shut down they were non-essential during covid and you see some rugged individuals in America no longer able to provide for their families deolo isation is absolutely still happening mostly through stupid regulatory control in this new model so this is all totally new now you get wacky religious beliefs out of this like 2 plus 2 equals 5 that's very famously from 1984 by George oral but it's actually much more uh well not as famously but very
much more prominently from from the very early Soviet Union there were posters when we put this together as videos I'm sure we'll put the poster in the video here talking about 2 plus 2 equals 5 with all the Russian on there and what it actually it's a little bit of a trick it's not totally orwellian like that the state says 2 plus 2 equals 5 so you have to believe it although that's actually kind of tucked in there it was two years of hard work plus two years of hard work plus the enthusiasm of the
Socialist masses would produce five years of hard work in four years and um because they were going to show the religious and magical power of socialism how and capitalist country you would need five years of work to do this but we're going to do it in four because of the enthusiasm of the masses um but it's definitely also got the whole if we tell you black is white and white is black and 2 plus 2 equals 5 you're going to believe it or else the ccka is going to knock on your door and part of
your family is going to disappear tonight what did they do with it huge industrialization projects we kind of already talked about that that's their war on nature big disaster um Industrial communism really you got to realize it's being brought to a peasant society which Marx said that's not what's supposed to happen it's supposed to go to to capitalist societies right and so these are non-industrial whereas capitalist societies have already industrialized so this is actually a program for industrialization it's just a different program than capitalism for industrialization and that kind of perspective shift on it is
going to be really important it's how do you end up having a a productive industrial State well you can build it up organically and let people get rich by taking risks and building things and owning their own property and capitalism or you can just force it through this totalitarian model and they had to prove that theirs worked better than anybody else and so this led to this Mo motive of using this industrial power to smash capitalism completely at home and abroad and to compete abroad against capitalism to show that they had better production quotas which
meant that they started why did especially China during the Great Leap Forward but also Soviet Union one of the strategies that was used eventually to beat the Soviet Union especially with the military not with industrial production was to get them to overproduce and bankrupt themselves because they had to constantly show that they had more and better stuff than the capitalists as kind of a marketing program so you could get them to just continue to revise their production targets up and up and up and up to higher and higher levels but because nobody's allowed to fall
short or else you don't have your 2 plus 2 equals 5 socialist Zeal everybody would just lie and then they wouldn't actually meet their targets and stuff would just fall apart and they'd make a lot of inferior product inferior quality products China was particularly bad for that when they started to push up the the production quotas um the quality of the products were so bad that even countries destitute countries like Albania wouldn't accept them like completely just making garbage just to check off boxes they were adding water to grain to make it heavier which just
made all the grain rot so then there's a famine um lots of stories like that but they had to prove that they were better at industrializing than the capitalists because now capitalism and social are going to be seen as two models to achieve industrial dominance and that's in a sense really what the striving of the 20th century America versus USSR kind of conflict was a lot of the Cold War had military aspects and the nuclear aspect of course but it was really this kind of gigantic weird economic production War to show which country was better
at making stuff but they were trying to industrialize everything including you know turning feudal peasants into industrial laborers or uh you know industrial scale farmers and big Collective farms and they were using methods of collectivization versus voluntarism you didn't get to sign up to do this you were forced to do it in collectives and I told you guys already what happened when they did the collectives people destroyed their own stuff the collectives are one of the collectivization is one of the biggest failures of communist policy anywhere it's ever been tried ever but the idea was
that if you had been reborn like Mark said if you had your Transcendent transformation of that that you know qualitative change inside yourself if you were the new man you would want to collectivize naturally that's just what people do when they're their true socialist species being so you can see that the frustration of the people at the top the super Theologian the theoreticians must have been really high because if people really bought into it like they did it would work but clearly it's not so what's the problem well the problem isn't us it's obviously the
idiot workers who aren't doing it right so then you twist the screw a little harder on them and then they get less interested and they're more inam what am I looking for they're more famished they're less able to work they're weaker they're sicker they're having more problems there more injuries there's more accidents everything's falling apart they're worried about just getting enough to eat and protecting their kids and they work even worse and so what must it be well they must have right-wing values under the surface and so you start running campaigns and purges to destroy
them so what do you do you start prot killing your productive Workforce just like with the koks and you're in this whole downward spiral the whole time Industrial marxis it turns out doesn't really work uh very well and what this what did this get them was the question I kind of started this with is millions and millions and millions of deaths not all murders but tragic side effects of a broken system starvation disease exposure I mean people like literally trading their pants and all of the clothing just to have a tiny amount to eat in
some places and then freezing to death because they didn't have any clothes that's stories like that all over in China if you read dick cotter's Trilogy about how wonderful the tragedy of Liberation and M's Great Famine War um but there were also deliberate deaths dekulakization the H Ukrainian hore is a key example Stalin decided to make an example of the farmers who could make it so he just starved the ukrainians nobody knows how many died 3 million 9 million that's the range uh just starved them I mean there are stories where people went to Ukraine
during the time and they they have taken everything they would take every seed they would take everything you could possibly eat the leather off of shoes and just confiscate it and take it all away so that the people literally had nothing and they let them starve for a winter and 3 to n million of them died in the greatest Bread Basket that the world has um because of forced bag bad Agricultural Product uh practices and downright theft so another example of what you get with this idiotic falty to religion is lysenkoism which also led to
the starvation and the famines and the killing of people lysenkoism turns out is a bad method of Agriculture tram lenko was the Soviet agriculturalist and it was his job to figure out how to come up with agricultural methods that matched communist Theory and didn't use bis Western science to the glory of socialism yet again and so you had all of these techniques it was all holistic you had techniques like um planting and farming according to Marxist theory there's some reports that they actually read communist Theory to the seeds and the plants to make them understand
how to work collectively better but techniques like close cropping where you would po pack as many plants into a small area as possible so that they would share resources because of the need to share that would be put onto them by the condition they were in or deep plowing the deeper the roots go the better the plant will be so they would plow literally sometimes 2 or 3 meters so I know we're Americans 10t deep and put the seeds uh to try to make it work the trop from lyso said that if you gave him
long enough to coach the oranges in in communist Theory and how valuable it is he could get the oranges to grow in Siberia turns out that's not true um so lysenko and lysenkoism actually is based off of the same bogus model of evolution that we read about at the very beginning of the workshop the lamaran pick up traits as you go group Evolution together transform to a quality thing under the right conditions he had the same bogus transformative view of religion that the United Nations is going to coordinate for the world allegedly so this is
global lysenkoism is what I read from the United Nations at the beginning here uh in the first lecture but the idea is that all of it is going to have to be spiritual advancement of the whole through individual advancement of the parts and so you put the individuals whether they're plants or people in view of what the whole goal of the whole society is and you get them hopped up on the vision of the society and then you transform the the parts to transform the whole and uh drive an evolutionary project in that direction so
that we eventually become a higher spiritual being so like corn could become Ry and Rye could become wheat and if it was put under the right conditions the oranges would grow in Siberia this is the the agricultural version or that you could basically beat and starve workers into working harder which turns out doesn't work very well all this actually selects for speaking evolutionarily is obedience obedience cowardice in in China they said that if you didn't steal you died if you couldn't steal you died so who are you who are you selecting for you're selecting for
cowards who won't speak up obedient people people who will turn in their neighbors treacherous duplicitous people thieves you're basically selecting in your Society not just maybe genetically but for um values that are exactly the opposite of every value you actually want to build a productive healthy Society where people want to live because they had to show that the industrial production of the new man could be the industrial production of the new world that everybody would want to go along with and of course they had a huge propaganda campaign they would bring foreign people over and
show them how well everything was working on guided tours of the best places and feed them great parties and all this and send them back oh no Soviet Union's going great everything's wonderful there China is the model for the future and propagandized to the rest of the world to get support now because this didn't work they had this thing called the gulag now because we are modestly and I'm very strict about that now I used to say rather well no no no we are modestly educated on the Nazis and therefore concentration camps we think that
the ggs are concentration camps they kind of are they did concentrate people there and make them do work but they are not concentration camps they are re-education camps the point of the goog was to feed you socialist Theory and to teach you the value of work by making you work on the hardest projects of Soviet Union you didn't know the value of the work for society so we're going to send you off and force you to do it for 10 years in brutal conditions in Siberia or out in the gold mines of Western Russia or
you know moving a lake or digging a canal that doesn't work the point of the gulag is a re-education camp and it became a necessity of the Vanguard project because the vanguards had all the high Theory but the party had the theory but all the idiot masses didn't understand why they had to do this and they could see some of them were old enough to remember it was better before this and they had to re-educate all the coocks out of the rugged individualism you don't take care of yourself and your own and your family you
take care of the society you take care of everybody but you also had to punish dissidents and you also had to have this constant fear in the population that you'd get sent off to goog but this was kind of like this concentration of the en verion of practice is like the whole society is being socialist so we're going to force people to be socialist that way but this is special courses like this is extra you know tutoring after school but you live there for 10 years and do brutal work to learn the value of work
to transform you while you read communist Theory or have it read to you over propaganda speakers all the time because they wanted to create the value of working for the people or for the masses of course if you want to read about this in grotesque and grueling detail I recommend Alexander sulan Gulag archipelago which is a billion pages long and really rough reading um but very eye-opening and insightful uh frankly as bad as stuff happened in MA China is and as bad as stuff has happened in some other places with the possible exception honestly of
what happened in Cambodia when they went communist the Soviet experiments in well actually no the the the cambodians were just brutal and just killing people a quarter of their population brutal nasty awful Ways to Die the Soviets were re-educating people and their experiments in re-education are without parallel in evil in human history they were easily the worst things that human beings have ever done to other people particularly in the Eastern block which is why why that was worse than than Russia I don't know but um I don't know if you've ever heard of Romania's pesty
prison I encourage you with some hesitation to look up the pesty Pres an experiment I will not tell you about it if you read about it you will not stop thinking about it for the rest of your life it was an experiment of about 3 to 400 Christians and Jews and the goal was to break them of their faith by any means necessary let's just put it this way you were not allowed to die in pesty you were not allowed to die it was so bad people would try to bite the veins out of their
wrists so they'd pull all their teeth out to keep them alive and they did everything they possibly could to disabuse them of their faith and what they found is maybe this is a tremendous Testament to human spirit for most of them they couldn't do it most people kept their faith and they died of you know disease or injury or infection or whatever eventually so state communism is brutal and it is the de facto official religion State religion of an industrial or state communist state other religions therefore had to be crushed complet completely so you have
tremendous religious persecution they called it State atheism but there was also state communism State atheism atheism is just a beginning and Marx laid that out ath everybody gets this confused they think well communism was a atheistic no communism is theosophical but you have to get real religion out of the way and replace it with this new communist religion at least if you're going to do it by the brutal direct method of Soviet Union atheism is just a starting place it's like Blank Slate so you can build the communist religion on top of what's left and
so Marx in the economic philosophic manuscripts explained it he said you know the positive transcend Transcendence of private property is the appropriation of human life is therefore the positive Transcendence of all estrangement that is say the return of man from religion family State Etc to his human which is social existence religious estrangement occurs as such only in the realm of consciousness of man's inner life but e omic estra estrangement is that of real life its Transcendence uh therefore Embraces both aspects it is evident that the initial stage of the movement amongst the various peoples depends
on whether the true recognized life of the people manifests itself more in Consciousness or in the external world is more ideal or real communism begins from the outset with atheism but atheism is at first far from being communism indeed the atheism is still mostly an abstraction the philanthropy of atheism is therefore at first only philosophical abstract philanthropy and that of Communism is at once real directly bent on action so they weren't atheists they had a completely different religion they had to be transformed into Communists but you just had to get the other religions out of
the way this isn't the same thing communism is a replacement religion for whatever other religions were there Russian Orthodoxy for the Soviet Union over overwhelmingly but not only um so atheism was just considered a precondition for forcing people to adopt communism it's not a voluntary condition of course uh he's had a lot to say everybody's heard his famous opium of the masses thing about religion being the Opium of the masses well a lot of people haven't heard more of that we listened to a little bit earlier with the revolving around of the true Sun well
that comes from his critique of hegel's philosophy of right which he wrote in 1843 at the end of the year and published in January or February of 1844 and he said for Germany the criticism of religion has been essentially completed and the criticism of religion is the prerequisite of all criticism so you can't even do criticism until you get religion out of the way why because religious suffering is at one and the same time the expression of real suffering and a protest against Real suffering so you don't actually feel your actual suffering you ignore your
suffering through your faith God can get me through this or whatever religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature the heart of a heartless world the soul of soulless conditions it is the Opium of the people that's the full paragraph in which that appears then he goes on to say the abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people that's what religion is the illusory happiness you fake yourself out about how bad life is with your religion the abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness
so if the Soviets could blast you out of your religion now you're going to have to build build a better life you can't just rely on God to make make sense of why things are bad to call on them to give up their Illusions about their condition is to call them to give up a condition that requires illusion so if you get rid of them pretending religion makes it okay to suffer that their life isn't perfect then they're going to say to hell with this we're going to fix it that's what he's actually arguing is
why you've got to get rid of religion criticism he says has plucked the imaginary flowers on the Chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower the criticism of religion disillusions man so that he will think act and fashion reality uh like a man who has discarded his Illusions and regained his senses so that he will move around himself as his own true son religion is only the elus son which revolves around man as long
as he doesn't revolve around himself and that's what they were trying to force into people in industrial communis M first step to build the new communist Faith was obliterate their existing religion which like I said in Russia was primarily Orthodox Christianity Russian Orthodox and Judaism now a lot of people are like the Jews Marx was a Jew they're Jews it's all the Jews have you ever heard what Marx had to say about the Jews let me this is I don't really have time for this let's just talk about Marx and the Jews what did Mark
say about the Jews so in 1843 5 years before he wrote The Communist Manifesto he wrote an essay called the Jewish question and here's what he said let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion but let us look for the secret of the religion in the real Jew what is the secular basis of Judaism practical needs self-interest what is the worldly religion of the Jew huxing what is his worldly God money very well then emancipation from huster and money consequently from practical real Judaism would be the self-emancipation of our time
an organization of society which would abolish the preconditions for huxing and therefore the possibility of huxing would make the Jew impossible his religious Consciousness would be dissipated like a thin Haze in the real Vital Air of society in the final analysis the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism does that sound like a friend to the Jews this is no isolated fact Mark said the Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner not only because he has acquired Financial power but also because through him and apart from him money has become
a world power and the Practical Jewish Spirit has become the Practical Spirit of the Christian nations that means chasing money trying to get rich the Jews have emancipated themselves in so far as the Christians have become Jews so the Jews have now ruined the Christians and made them chase money as their real God Christianity sprang from Judaism he said it has merged again in Judaism from the outset the Christian was the theorizing Jew the Jew is therefore the Practical Christian and the Practical Christian has become a Jew again all meaning chasing money what in itself
was the basis of the Jewish religion practical need egoism the monotheism of the Jew therefore is in reality the polytheism of the many needs the polytheism which makes even the lav an object of Divine Law practical need egoism is the principle of civil society and as such appears in pure form as soon as civil society has given birth to the political State the god of practical need and self-interest is money money is the jealous God of Israel in the face of which no other God may exist now this is really Karl Marx this is not
Adolf Hitler okay money degrades all the gods of man and turns them into commodities money is the universal self-established value of all things it has therefore robbed the whole world both the world of men and nature there's inclusion and sustainability by the way of its specific value money is the estranged essence of man's work and man's existence and this alien Essence dominates him and he worships it the god of the Jews has become secularized has become the god of this world the bill of exchange is the real God of the Jew his God is only
an illus bill of exchange the view of nature attained under the domination of private property and money is a real contempt for and practical debasement of nature in the Jewish religion nature exists it is true but it only exists in their imagination so let's just dispense with pretending that Carl Marx or Marxism is friends to Jews because it really really really isn't so smashing religion in Soviet Union didn't work very well most Russians it turns out retained their belief in God even if quietly and privately Mainline churches um basically lost their way they got co-opted
into what was called the registered church that was actually run by the KGB to preach Soviet propaganda and agitation minority and independent churches were viciously persecuted and people were sent to Gulag or executed for practicing um there's a film called beneath sheep's clothing that I'm in that came out today literally today like a couple hours ago that actually explores the history of the church and Soviet Union and its comparisons to what's going on here and also in education so you can see that for more information now brutality under Lenin is nothing to brutality under Stalin
I'm not really going to say a lot about Stalin but I have to make a couple points he was all about total power right a total surveillance State and total control over the people now imagine though this was the 1930s 1920s at the beginning 1940s imagine how crappy their total surveillance state was compared to now camera on every corner I mean the whole thing and I don't know he needs to hear this but there's five pounds of copper in every one of those [Laughter] cameras just saying Stalin shifted the idea of transitioning to Socialism or
communism into a totalitarian project um the hore of course is maybe the best example where he decided to make example of the kulok so he killed 3 to9 million of them and the New York Times ran cover for him and wrote uh the the the headline was Russians hungry not starving that was by Walter Durant and he got the Pulitzer for it in case you wondered if you know the New York Times has like lost its way no no no it's been bad a long time his goal was to literally transform Soviet society as fast
as possible through Rapid and vigorous industrialization and ruled with an iron fist to do it um and that literally just increased until he died in 195 3 um in his 1933 so this is Stalin Lenin's Dead about a Deca almost a decade at this point uh in his 1933 plenum report to the Central Committee regarding the First Five-Year Plan here's what Stalin had to say uh about how he had moved away from Lenin's position he said a strong and powerful dictatorship of the proletariat is what we need now in order to scatter The Winds of
the last remnants of the dying classes and frustrate their thieving designs some comrades have interpreted the thesis about the abolition of classes the creation of a classless society and the withering away of the state as a justification of laziness and complacency a justification of counterrevolutionary theory and the extinction of class struggle and the weakening of the state power needless to say such people cannot have anything in common with our party they are either degenerates or double dealers and must be driven out of the party so there's your purges now here's the money line from Stalin
this is super important the abolition of classes is not achieved by the extinction of the class struggle but by its intensification the state will wither away not as a result of weakening the state power but as a result of strengthening it to the utmost which is necessary for finally crushing the remnants of the dying classes and for organizing defense against the capitalist encirclement that is far from having been done away with as of yet and will not soon be done away with the strength of the state has to increase to its maximum and then the
state will wither away it's like you have to become maximum semi- Demi urg to actually become semi Demi urge or something so as a result of fulfilling the 5-year plan we have succeeded in finally ejecting the last remnants of the Hostile classes from their positions in production we have routed the kulacs and have prepared the ground for the elimin for their elimination that's talking this is the year after the holor that's what he's referring to such are the results of the 5-year plans in the sphere of struggle against the last detachment of the bis but
that is not enough the task is to eject these have B from our own Enterprises and institutions and make them harmless for good and all so not a nice guy right but really want to focus in on that idea of destroying your enemies utterly is the path to success which is a downward spiral of Destruction and purges and that the state will wither away as a result of attaining the maximum power that is a religious belief if I've ever a cult religious belief if I've ever heard one I'm the guy in charge give me more
and more power and I'll bring you to heaven that's literally what he's offering I will unburden you from what has been by giving me all the power only absolute totalitarianism could possibly transform man in society in other words well why do you have to have absolute power first of all it's a logical conclusion of Lenin's program since communism doesn't work but more importantly the reason that you have to have absolute power is you have to be able to completely transform the minds of people so you have to have power over every aspect of the life
so that even their thinking changes so that even that which is hidden within their skull is brought under the Dominion of your power so that's only possible when you have absolute power or absolute demiurge power actually the reason that this is is because there's no path to Communism you cannot get there from here you cannot get there from there you cannot get there from anywhere you cannot get them on a train you cannot get there on a plane it does you cannot get there Sam I Am is not possible to get there because what this
actually is what communism actually is is the palian myth from Greek mythology Rewritten in fact you can see that in rouso having Rewritten it you can see that in um in George Bernard Shaw rewriting it as my fair lady uh the Socialist dream is pigmon so in pigmon pigmon goes off and he goes to the temple probably a temple of Aphrodite that's his girl and um there's the prostitutes at the temple so he decides that he hates women he becomes a man going his own way in an instant because there's prostitutes at the temple so
he goes home and he decides he's going to be a sculptor with all of his free time now that he's not chasing chicks and he sculpts the perfect woman the perfect statue of the perfect woman and then he falls in love with the statue that he's so meticulously carved to Perfection and he takes uh himself over back to the Temple of Aphrodite and he makes a sacrifice and makes a wish in his heart that the that the statue was his wife and he comes back to find the statues alive this is the thing so with
communism you're going to carve away the evil Parts the Bersa parts of society with increasing totalitarian Force if necessary you're going to cut away and cut away until you've got the perfect simulation of a communist society and then Aphrodite will propitiate you and give you your wife as a statue except the act of magic never occurs because Magic's not real and therefore communism never actually emerges the state never actually Withers away and the palian myth that the whole thing is based off of actually tells you why because that's a fine and dandy myth but Aphrodite
doesn't actually bring socialist societies to life so it turns out that all this failed so catastrophically that Stalin turned out to be probably the biggest villain in history it really blew up his reputation but and it changed communism forever all the Communist States even had to change their program because Stalin was so bad but that didn't happen till 1956 was which was three years after he died in 1953 but the whole point is to force this same Evolution we've been talking about at the absolute deepest level possible now an important feature of the Soviet Union
I didn't mention yet is anti-imperialism Lenin said that the absolute maximum uh presentation of capitalism is imperialism you're going to make an Empire to conquer the world that's probably because he was deeply informed by British agents who were running an Empire program I'm just suggesting Tim foil hat time and so he had this idea he wanted to advance try's idea of a World Revolution or sorry Lennon's idea was a World Revolution try's idea was permanent revolution which is that each country one after another has to have a revolution it's not a permanent revolution here it's
once we get the Revolution going here we have to get a Revolution going there and there and there and there until the entire world's permanently being swallowed up in Revolution until we finally get there um and the it also actually fits with Stalin's idea of Communism in one country which got him the name National Socialist uh because the the idea was that the Empire from without had to be resisted and defeated so there's enemies outside and enemies inside everywhere but the idea is that the Empire has to be the big thing that's the big Boogeyman
that they're actually going to defeat and this is actually why is that relevant like this sounds like a weird tangent that we're not going to talk about because that led to Lenin's program of aget prop going out not just to all the classes but to all the other backwards countries namely Vietnam Central America South America the Middle East all of these Liberation movements were all Soviet constructions and plants all around the world to start destabilizing the planet to make way for more Revolution and the eventual destruction of the West the Middle East is particularly interesting
because the popular front for the liberation of Palestine was a direct Soviet creation which gave birth to the Palestinian Liberation Organization which we are now still dealing with to this day in not such friendly ways that was all Soviet agitation to create massive unrest in the Middle East to cause problems for Western Nations and to plant communism in their own contexts all over around the world so how they fought imperialism was they went around and agitated Colonial Nations and uh nations with religious or ethnic conflicts and tried to convince them that socialism was the actual
way that would would undo that but you get to do it your own way we'll help you have Revolutions in your country and take power which is what you know the bands of dissidents actually wanted and what this did was created this kind of weird um Southern Marxism we're talking about eastern and western but a southern Marxism which gave birth to liberation theology in South America through the corrupted corners of the Catholic church that they had infiltrated um which creates not just this East West battle or the fancy word for a battle in Marxism is
an East West dialectic of Marxism but now you have a north south one the north so North America Europe have impoverished the South we've done climate change and damaged the South and we've stolen their minerals and resources so we owe them reparations in the form of whether migration or whatever else uh or you know monetary restitution and they created a massive amount of global conflict by going around and planting communist anti-imperial Liberation movements throughout the world now an important part of their expansionism in the Soviet Union though this is more of a Lenin thing was
the Eastern block and the Eastern block I don't want to talk about as the Eastern block I mentioned Romania and that's as far as we're going with that because a we really don't have time but B I want to talk about what it caused in Europe which was a reaction that's the Eastern block is qualitatively there's lots of interesting history we're not shading over any of it but qualitatively the industrial communist model is still happening it's still roughly the same in the idea World um but what happened was lots of Europeans did not like communism
coming to their country countries and they tried to figure out how to fight communism and they banded together they formed as the Italians call it fasis or fasio bundles of sticks it's like you know if I had like a little twig and I tried to put an axe head on it and I swung it it just flop and break the stick but if I got a bunch of sticks and put some you know twine or whatever and tied them together and put the ax head in that man I could chop down all my enemies fascism
is a bundle of sticks is the people banding together primarily to fight against communism as a matter of fact and the encroachment of the Soviet Union into Europe through the Eastern block and then further Spain Italy and so on East Germany led to the rise of fascist movements you should read mine comp sometime guess what he was mostly mad about yes the Jews very mad at the Jews also the Liberals basically everybody as a matter of fact but who he really hates are the marxists and actually the reason he hates the Jews he says it
right in the middle of the first few chapters is because he one day realized that all the marxists that he hated so much were all Jews aha it must be the Jews and that's when he turned on the Jews he was like Germans aren't Jews read mine conf he actually says it he fought with a Marxist every day he hated them so much then one day I realized they're all Jews that's like chapter three um it's very clear so fascism arises as a reaction to Communism so it's actually like an extension of Communism but in
Reverse it's like the anti-communist communism if that's actually kind of how I want to say it um because nobody has like a really clear understanding it's this huge debate as to what constitutes fasc fascism um in fact one of melini's pillars when he laid out what is fascism and the the book called the doctrine of fascism he explicitly one of the pillars is anti-marxism this is straight up you if to be a fascist you have to hate Communists so they're the real anti-communists just like the Communists are the real anti-fascists and now you have a
pointless dialectic of people fighting with one another that doesn't get us anywhere so it's roughly a communist model it's still a totalitarian model that is being used to fight against communism it just uses different values as its core values rather than Liberation and social justice and blah blah blah equ radical equality it's loyalty austerity never having a good time in life I mean that's like literally melinis like the fascists will never enjoy himself it's really an austere brutal miserable existence but it's also an extremely spiritual movement um but here's a big point now this is
a little fan terminology Marx claimed that communism would be the negation of the negation of capitalism so you negate capitalism you give its opposite which is socialism and when socialism negates itself and Withers away you get communism so it's the negation of the negation that's not right fascism is the negation of the negation of capitalism you start with a capitalism you hit it with a communism as its negation and you end up with fascism so in other words communism turns capitalist places fascist because nobody knows how to deal with the Relentless attack of the fasc
or of the Communists when they come and they never give up and they lie and they cheat and they steal and everything else and nobody knows what to do so fascism not communism is the actual second turn we don't get pigmans statue coming to life we get fascism you don't get pigmon doesn't come home and find his his statue come to life as his bride he comes home and finds musolini because fascism not communism is the second turn of the Marxist dialectic applied to a capitalist Society so remember when Mark said that it would either
cause a revolution or the common ruin of both classes he wasn't wrong there you don't get communism by applying communism you either repel it or you end up getting one of Communism or fascism you end up in these two ditches you get to pick your hell of course the Communists think that communism is heaven and the fascists think that fascism is heaven but they're both both part of the same theosophical model um kind of a very important difference is that communism has that weirdly self-sacrificial Christlike figure for the state fascism is not like that the
state is God and he's always God and he's going to be God forever um is God the Father not God the son and it's a very different kind of mode you have this very patriarchal powerful not self-sacrificing Lamb of God kind of vibe to the fascist thing so this is all extremely visible if we actually read musolini instead of me waffling about it from the doctrine of fascism which he wrote in 1933 the fascist state is a higher and more powerful expression of personality is a force but a spiritual one there you go fascism is
a religion it sums up all the manifestations of the moral and intellectual life of man fascism in short is not only a lawgiver and a founder of Institutions but an educator and a promoter of spiritual life it aims at refashioning not only the forms of life but their content man his character and his faith to achieve this purpose it enforces discipline and uses Authority entering into the soul and ruling with Undisputed sway that's Fascism and anti-individualistic the fascist conception of Life stresses the importance of the state and accepts the individual only in so far as
his interests coincide with those of the state which stands for the conscience and the universal will of man as a historic entity it's the same program they're transforming man into a different model of the exact same thing fascism stands for Liberty and for the only Liberty worth having the liberty of the state and the individual within that state the fascist conception of the state is all embracing outside of it no human or spiritual values can exist much less have value thus understood fascism is totalitarian and the fash that's there it is word for word that's
his he didn't know that's a bad word so he said it and the fascist State a synthesis and unit inclusive of all values interprets develops and potentiates the whole life of a people a nation as expressed in the state is a living ethical entity in so far uh only in so far as it is active inactivity is death therefore the state is not is not only Authority with a capital A which governs and confers legal form and spiritual value on individual Wills but it is also power which makes its will felt and respected Beyond its
own Frontiers thus affording practical proof of the Universal Character of the decisions necessary to ensure its development sounds like the whole projects of huge industrial building in order to prove that their program works better than other programs because it's the exact same thing this is industrial communism turned inside out thus the state equates itself to the will of man whose development cannot be checked by obstacles in which by achieving self-expression demonstrates its Infinity so fascism is IND idolatry of the state um a lot of people know it for being corporatism the fusion of Corporation and
state they let the big corporations kind of run everything and make money but it's all to the glory of the state you have to have the right values or you don't get to have a corporation so you get a corporate oligarchy which sounds an awful lot like today that calls it you could call it today in modern language a public private partnership and um that's the main characteristic that communism is using today as we'll talk about in the last lecture so fascism has to be thought of as the the outcome of communist provocation it's an
extreme outcome if they push you over the edge you end up in a fascist ditch as Hitler said it in fact so you get to quote Hitler here he literally adapted his methods from the marxists he said thus I find this is after he talks about how much he hated fighting with him thus I finally discovered who were the evil spirits leading our people astray you can guess who it was but he'd already identified the Jews with the marxists the sojourn in Vienna for one year had proved long enough to convince me that no worker
is so rooted in his preconceived notions that he will not surrender them in face of better and clearer arguments and explanations gradually I became an expert in the doctrine of the marxists and used this knowledge as an instrument to drive home my own firm convictions I was successful in nearly every case the great masses can be rescued but a lot of time and share uh but a lot of time and a large share of human patients must be devoted to such work so that's what we get with fascism is that it is the inversion of
communism but basically the same thing and I'm going to skip over some fun parts so we can talk about ma even though we are almost out of time kind of an important character right and it's really hard because there's two ma ma should have his own lecture tomorrow morning but so should a lot of things so ma maong CCP communism should be called The People's communism it's not as industrial but at the beginning in 1949 when he takes power it's very industrial um that I'm going to call that Ma 1.0 then he gets thrown out
of power after the Great Leap Forward in 1962 and he comes back into power in 1966 with the cultural revolution where he stays until he dies in ' 76 and that's what I'm going to call him out 2.0 so his main goal was to actually be the pride of the world and Usher in actual communism first and so he was going to blow the Soviet Union out of the water with his very large very backwards peasant society that he was going to do and so he introduced not this idea of this Grand totalitarian Force but
this new thing of continuous re ution which is what we have in the west continuous Revolution as soon as any aspect of the Revolution finishes that was one phase of the Revolution you establish socialism in 1949 the next phase of the revolution is building socialism the next phase of the revolution is cleaning up business the next phase of the revolution is whatever it is so there's a continuous rolling Revolution there's always every year every other year there's a new Revolution and it doesn't stop phase after phase after phase they do have five-year plans but it's
not like we're going to build this we're going to build that like the Soviet Union we're re we're going to have another Revolution another Revolution and it's going to be the military every time we're the Army taking over every aspect of society transforming for socialism not literally military C campaigns but he mobilized workers Farmers peasants everything like there were Army regiments to go out and you know whatever it was irrigate Fields destroy crops or something fail he wanted to build socialism so he put out a program called walk on two legs China would walk on
on two legs that means he was going to not just develop the heavy industry like in Soviet Union to prove their power in steel and heavy industry in military they were also going to develop Light Industry and agriculture at the same time so they were going to do everything all at once which guess how this ends in the greatest mass death in history is how this ends and to do this he developed what is called the mass line dialectic so when that we all have the the new current thing that we all say all the
NPCs say the same thing JD Vance is weird kamla Harris was always our candidate I'm with her whatever the new thing is that's called the mass line the idea is that it's a dialectic between the government and the people what are the people wanting to say and the government figures out a way to take that and make them say it in a direction that they the government wants them to go and then everybody's supposed to say everywhere all at once by putting out a mass Pro propaganda campaign everywhere so now he gets to sell himself
as we unlike the Soviet Union we're a communism that listens we're listening to the people but they take what the people tell them and direct it into maong thought and other programs that the Communist party wants and needs this is actually this method though of the mass line is actually kind of a precursor to what George Soros calls reflexivity um although there's much more to that story after he took power he invented the March through the institutions right after he takes power in 1950 he does a March through education and completely purges all the teach
teachers to have new education in 1951 he does his three anti programed to purge the government anti-corruption anti-waste antib bureaucratization in business the 1952 the five anti three wasn't enough you need five anti the wuon uh anti-bribery anti- theft of State Property anti-tax evasion anti-cheating government contracts anti- stealing economic Secrets then he had a large halt Han chauvinism campaign where he basically built critical race Theory which is actually built off of Lenin and Stalin's idea of diversity which we'll talk about uh later tomorrow and the goal was to he then had a campaign of remolding
all the intellectuals so one institution after another education business government I guess I did those backwards government business on down the line all the way through all the intellectual classes everybody was going to be remolded and these were all given vaguely so they're really just gigantic justification for Terror campaigns called purges you didn't know who was going to get rounded up but there was a quota they had to get enough people rounded up so they were looking for people and anybody who was slightly off was getting sent off to the countryside to do hard labor
or sent to a prison to get re-educated or would one out of a thousand frequently would be the number would just get shot he said if it's fewer than three out of a thousand the people won't Revolt he also said if you don't steal more than a third of their food they won't Revolt it was a complete disaster this culminated I'm kind of glaz in over M 1.0 it's culminated in the Great Leap Forward now of course we have to think of our great reset resets go backwards not forwards so it's a great leap backwards
build back better that was a question earlier right that's where I knew that joke went the Great Leap Forward he was going to show the world that he could maximize grain production maximize heavy industry and steel production and get the numbers off the charts and meanwhile maximize exports so while he's creating the biggest fam in the world's ever seen he's also increasing exports year after year after year you can just work out on your fingers how that worked out it turns out that what they said was that it was nine it was correct on nine
fingers and wrong on one but that one killed 100 million people his method was different though it was brainwashing the goal actually was to make you want to fit in with the new Society of China and to make it miserable if you didn't Ma's main program was to to create what I have started to refer to as optin tyranny it wasn't very opt in then it wasn't soft like people were getting there purges people were getting rounded up and beaten and so on but if you went along with the program you got a class designation
of red and things wouldn't relatively better for you especially if you were in a city if you did not go along with a program you got a class designation of black and things went really badly for you so he made a pressure campaign to make people want to reform themselves to criticize themselves on how they failed to live up to the Communist religion and this is a changing of hearts and changing of values program it's brainwashing like I said instead of just using force and coercion there was less of that in violence it was through
criticism self-criticism and struggle session and this is the key evolutionary advance in communist uh practice that happened and thought that happened under Mao he had his what I call politics of compliance which is an evolution of of Lenin's united front program where everybody would say the same thing at once and it was called Unity criticism Unity he said this Democratic method this is ma of resolving contradictions among the people was epitomized in 1942 in the formula Unity criticism Unity to elaborate that means starting from the desire for Unity resolving contradictions through criticism or struggle and
arriving at a new Unity on new basis you may remember that when Biden took power in 2021 the first campaign they pushed was Unity you may remember that but of course it would be on their terms because we're going to have a Long Winter of disease and death if you were one of those nasty antivaxers in our experience ma said this is the correct method of resolving contradictions among the people this new method I'm summarizing a paragraph here this new method which is less brutal is one of starting from the desire for Unity distinguishing between
right and wrong through criticism or struggle and arriving at a new Unity on a new basis now I told you guys earlier Alice Bailey's program was called the science of right human relations and so that's the theosophy right so you're going to determine between right and wrong and what you're going to do is subject people to criticism until they start feeling guilty and confessing all the time it was actually been described as a cult of confession and there are huge pressure campaigns that I say and we'll talk about this in the last lecture that are
a precursor to what I call opt-in tyranny we're opting into our own tyranny just by making our lives miserable if we don't participate in what they say we have to do what we call brainwashing Mal call ideological remolding thought reform is how psychologist Robert Jay lifton translated it and it was done mostly through struggle sessions I won't read this whole uh paragraph but it's actually really stunning this is a little bit from ma although large numbers of intellectuals have made progress they should not be complacent they must continue to remold themselves grad ually shed their
bis World Outlook and acquire the proletarian communist World Outlook so that they can fit fully in with the needs of the new society and Unite with the workers and peasants so this is way more Hive likee than the USSR they're not going to force you to go along you have to fit in you don't belong if you don't get along belonging is the program today this change in World Outlook is fundamental and up to now most of our intellectuals cannot be said to have accomplished it so it's a rebirth and it's a qualitative change in
how you are we hope that they will continue to make progress and that in the course of work and study they will gradually acquire the Communist World Outlook grasp Marxism leninism and become integrated with the workers and peasants we hope that they will not stop halfway or what is worse slide back for there will be no future for them in going backwards imagine if you didn't get your shot you might lose your job and he goes on and on and actually talks about how they won't have opportunities for work and all of these other things
if they don't get along so this is what I mean by totalism it's pervading every aspect of society but it's a pressure to join in the revolution these are exercises of of commitment ma put out a lot of exercises of commitment I think my favorite are the anti-pest campaigns he would give the entire Society a stupid project that they had to go do so there's too many pests in the cities let's say there's too many rats right the rats are infesting all of our grain we have to get rid of the rats so if you
want to be able to get your food at the canteen you have to present 10 rat tails once a week to get your ration coupons so you have to get the rat tails right well people freaked out and a lot of people didn't know how to get rat tails so the entire black market and rat tails comes up and what is going to happen what's the easiest way to get a lot of rat tails ladies and gentlemen breed rats breed rats guess what happened next not hard he had another one where people supposed were supposed
to catch flies easiest way to get enough flies to meet your quota was breed flies and they ended up with more and more and more the problems they the another pest was the swallows so he made everybody go chase birds I mean literally Chase birds with sticks until they dropped out of the air Dead with exhaustion or shoot them or whatever else they had to do to kill the birds because the birds were pilfering the grain turns out the birds were eating the bugs that were pilfering the Grain and they had a famine the next
year because the swallows were all dead and then they had a a plague of of insects none of this worked in other words and it culminates in this huge disaster called the Great Leap Forward where it's the greatest Calamity in human history and all of what's going on that I just talked about with Stalin and then with ma forces the biggest change in communism probably since the Bolshevik Revolution in the decade from 1952 to 1962 and what happened well first of all Stalin died in 1953 created a vacuum of power in Soviet Union it eventually
got filled by kusf now kusf Nikita KF is not a particularly strong guy not like Stalin at least for sure and so 1956 in order to consolidate his power he steps out and he reads the crimes of Stalin publicly he airs how brutal and awful and you know human rights abuses like nobody could believe that Stalin did and completely tars and Feathers his predecessor this causes a shock throughout the entire communist world the entire communist world has to has to liberalize not bealin they called it D stalinization they had to Dallin all of Western Marxism
as we'll talk about tomorrow lurches away from totalitarianism all of a sudden uh the fascists are kind of like whoo that's bad you know everything changes of the crimes of Stalin but then in 1962 the CCP kicked Mao out of power believe that if you can that he's the sitting dictator of the CCP and they kicked him out of power because the Great Leap Forward was so catastrophic it's so unbelievably catastrophic he resigned in shame under tremendous pressure only to come back four years later and take it back um and like I said they did
a Great Leap Forward that ruined everything we're doing a great leap backwards what do you think is going to happen so one of the more interesting things that Mao did with the dest stalinization process was the hund Flowers Campaign he said let 100 flowers bloom let a 100 schools of thought contend let's all have free speech in China tell us what's wrong with socialism tell us what's wrong with the government this is in 1957 and he thought literally he thought there it was documented that he thought that um he had Brainwashed the population so thoroughly
they were so transformed already to socialism that he had done such a good job making the Socialist man that they would all defend socialism and say everything's great well in four months people complained just four months people complained so much that the government was over overflowing with with complaints and everywhere throughout I mean I think they almost lost the party I think communism almost collapsed in China and for four or five months a few more months of this people were destroying the communes they were were kicking the they're chasing the Communist down the street in
humiliation taking back their Farms as private Farms like figuring out how to fix all the damage that had been done with just four months of free speech that's how powerful free speech is against tyranny four months of free speech so ma of course being a Savvy snake operator um says aha it was a big trick and he actually went back and rewrote the speech where he declared it and he said that it was actually the first step of an anti- rtist campaign where he would lure the snakes out of their holes and then cut their
heads off and so then the anti- rtist campaign in 1957 followed everybody who dared disagree with Mau or the party got rounded up and killed in huge numbers or sent off to gulg in huge numbers and so the Great Leap Forward had literally no opposition even though a lot of people are like this is a really bad idea and that's how you end up killing maybe 200 million but at least 100 million people in four years uh in in the Great Leap Forward maybe it's only 50 million who knows turns out they didn't keep accurate
records they were lying about everything all the time so that's basically the death of industrial communism and Ma's comeback gives birth to kind of a new model of Communism and Ma 2.0 with the cultural revolution and so this is based on identity politics it's based on agitating the youth to Rebel for you the idealistic youth you're going to separate the population into two categories red category and black like I mentioned before and you're going to tell the red category that they have basically access to society and the black that they don't and that you get
to attack the black category uh people physical violence the police will stand down and let you it looks kind of like what's happening in Reverse or whatever in Britain right now and um very very scary views but actually it turns out that the identity politics didn't use these um two category two yeah categories of people broken into to 10 classes which were on the black side they were um the bad guys were landlords Rich Farmers counterrevolutionaries bad elements or bad influences and right-wingers and then on the uh good side were laborers and peasants so your
hammer and sickle are present and then you had C you had revolutionary soldiers revolutionary leaders or kadras and revolutionary Martyrs so you could either be a revolutionary or you could be a laborer or a peasant if you wanted to have something approximating a Civic life in China during the cultural revolution but it didn't really have red and black they're really four CU peasants and workers you can't become those those are tokens those are the things the people that it's it's all being done in their name the revolutionaries are really the red class and then on
the other side you have landlords and Rich Farmers that are being scapegoated they're the monsters of society but then you have counterrevolutionaries bad influences like Alex Jones and I'm not joking conspiracy theorists and um is our word for that same thing today and um right wiers those are the demons so Mark had or sorry ma had an essay called sweep away the monsters and demons and i' I think that the way that the dynamic of his identity politics actually worked is that you do everything in the names of The Tokens The revolutionaries actually drive the
action and you scapegoat the so-called monsters and you demonize and punish the demons and the goal is to try to get as many people in the black classes or as many people in the token classes to become revolutionaries as possible the goal is to create a revolutionary Army and it was primarily built out of young people who are idealistic and huge maidong Cult of Personality Fanatics who enjoyed a campaign called smash the four olds which is also called unburdened by what has been there's a poster I was sent the other day by Shivan Fleet my
friend that in Chinese says smash the old world build the new world so if you want that to be you know be unburdened by what has been so we can be able to see what can be or if you want that to be build back better I don't care which one it is that's the ethos of this smash the the four olds which were old values old Customs old habits and old ways of thinking and doing things so the enemy in MA 2.0 new CH the Chinese Cultural Revolution was anything old and anything that represented
old ways of doing things we're going to have a completely new blank slate so it's got a very French Revolution vibe to it and it's very cultural like the French Revolution and it was very dangerous and bloody so they would raid houses they would steal pictures if you had a letter your mother sent you that was old they had to be all burned uh temples had to be desecrated all the old things had to be destroyed and people were hauled out in humiliation sessions called struggle sessions including eventually ma Dong's replacement luia Chi uh who
had been one of his right-hand men back in uh the earlier times of of his Reign luia is the new sitting president that replaced him therefore Ma's new political rival the Red Guard rounds him up in 1967 Lu shiai says do I am I not a person do I not have a voice and they said no you are not you're an enemy of the people they sent him off to die in the countryside in hard labor Mao took his power back and then mauo turned around and um within a year by the middle of 68
deployed the people's Liberation Army on the Red Guard that had got him back into Power because he said they were too radical so all of these young people that they're breaking and turning woke are very likely not going to be kept around they're destabilizers and once the power grab is done they don't need destabilizers they need people for the phase of building socialism and I think that that's all um visible first of all in Mao but second of all in the fact that um we're running the maist model here by the 60s every Marxist in
the cultural Marxist or critical Marxist movement was claiming that they were a maist the black uh black liberationists or the Black Panthers openly said that they were operating under ma Dong's ideas and revolutionary tactics Paulo frd whose critical pedagogy was imported to Transformer education system which is how it operates now said he built his model off of Mau zong's method of education so Ma's toolkit became the necessary piece to figure out how to actually start transforming the United States and the rest of the West after the revolutions the attempted Revolutions of 1968 failed they went
maist after that didn't work out and so a big mutation if we talk about the evolution of Marxism occurred so I summarize I only went 10 minutes over not too bad in the industrial communism or state communism era I did summarize kind of quickly on some of that stuff we see communism evolve from this kind of marxist organic Evangelistic go tell the workers go among the workers wake them up kind of uh religion to a strictly enforced state religion that became increasingly inquisitorial and totalitarian in its nature communism became established as a state church that
had to crush all other religious belief to get it out of the way and force conversion or transformation and belief in communism in other words they had to become the semi demiurge so they could destroy the demiurge then at the end of this period of developing industrial communism this new model of State forced communist power uh everything thing kind of fell apart and there's this sort of charismatic rebirth cultural Marxism that's being born in China at least not so much in the USSR largely through changing the role from State enforced punishment and discipline and totalitarianism
to self-criticism and remolding of your own values ideological remolding of the individual switching from a forced upon you tyranny that you cannot opt out of to one that you want to opt into because your life sucks if you don't do do what the Tyrant wants you to do and they can make your life suck more and more and more until you go along with it which should sound an awful lot like vaccine passports like or raising your fist and you know putting the black Square on your social media and saying black lives matter on your
social media this are all maist tactics we just went through a maist cultural revolution for the last four years in this country and we're actually doing better than China did so there's a lot of Hope um that transformative theosophical religion never went away though it's always there underneath the surface so industrial or state communism was an experiment in forcing communist transformation which is the core of its religion and it failed utterly at a tremendous cost of human life and poverty and misery and destruction including the destruction of nature on scales that have never really been
seen before they talk about sustainability now these people have the cheek to talk about sustainability after that in parallel to these evolutionary developments though and totalizing communism in the East where they had the power over the feudal system that they conquered to do whatever they wanted we had a subversive powerless conniving communism developing in the west and that's what we're going to start with tomorrow morning thank you [Applause]