Who You Talking To? | Pastor Robert Madu | Elevation Church

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Elevation Church
What conversation are you having with yourself? Pastor Robert Madu equips us with strategy to priori...
Video Transcript:
I know we were singing it but I want to know do you really believe it do you believe that God can make a away here's what I love about God is he doesn't have to give you a preview or a blues clue that he's about to make a way he can just do it for those of you who are saying it doesn't look like he's about to make a way it doesn't have to look like it when God wants to make a way he will split a Red Sea he will bring the wall down whatever
it is he's able to do it and I got a feeling he's going to do something incredible today do you believe that come on across every location would you give somebody a high five next to you and tell them I'm glad I'm next to you today come on make sure they got some Faith high five somebody say I'm glad I'm next to you today amen amen hey remain standing I want to do something I want to do something uh as was mentioned I am not a guest here at elevation I'm a part of the family
adopted myself in bring you greetings from the great country of Texas where my wife and I Pastor an amazing Church social Dallas and uh I don't take it lightly and I don't take it for granted uh the opportunity to be here today and I know what some of y'all are thinking like that's Steven look different no I'm not I'm not Pastor Steph I know some of y'all are disappointed and I I tried I did extra bench press today just to come in and uh Pastor Stephen and the team are out elevation nights God is doing
incredible things incredible things literally around the world and here's what I'm hoping first of all I hope you're praying for the team as they're out ministering that God would use them mightily that they're going to come back refreshed but not only that I pray you never take for granted the gift that God has given you if you needed any evidence elevation ice to let you know Pastor Steven and the team they go anywhere come on somebody anywhere so I pray you never take for granted the gift God has given you in Pastor Stephen in Pastor
Holly and I always want to give honor to them they have been a blessing to my life to our church I know they've been a blessing to you and the capital c church so come on can we let them know just in case they're watching we love you come on y'all can do better than that we're thankful for you thank you for your leadership thank you for your sacrifice thank you for your yes so we going to have fun today are y'all ready for the word remain standing I'm going to jump straight into it I
hope you feel like hearing it like I feel like preaching it yes Lord come on if you got a Bible would you wave it in the air like it just do care how many you brought a a paper Bible I say paper Bibles okay just for real save people come on I'm kidding I'm kidding even if your Bible is glowing you good I want you to go with me to a familiar passage of scripture uh can we thank God for this worship team y'all are amazing so good thank you so much for leading us into
God's presence we're going to jump into a familiar passage of scripture if this if this text was an 18 episode Netflix series uh we're jumping straight into episode 17 we skipping all the other ones and you're going to see why in a moment but 1st Samuel chapter number 17 and I want to look at verses 41 through 47 when you're ready to read say yeah yeah if you need some time to find it say hold up I heard them hold up so I'm going wait for you wait for somebody on Ean waiting to find it
1st Samuel chapter number 17 we're going to start at verse number 41 thank you so much and it says meanwhile the Philistine meanwhile it it was meanwhile yeah yeah yeah cuz for 40 days this giant has been verbally assaulting and attacking the children of Israel he hadn't thrown a punch yet but the threat of what he was about to do had them paralyzed in fear sometimes the enemy doesn't even do anything but the threat of what could happen can leave many of us stuck in fear it says meanwhile the Philistine with his Shield Bearer in
front of him kept coming closer to David you looked David over and saw that he was little more than a boy glowing with health and handsome and he despised him that blessed my soul he's a hater but he still got to admit yo you healthy and you handsome I don't like you I got to admit you look good he said to David am I a dog that you come at me with sticks the Philistine cursed David by his Gods come here he said and I'll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals David
said to the Philistine you come against me with sword and Spear and Javelin but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty the god of the armies of Israel whom you have defied this day somebody say this day this day this day the Lord will deliver you into my hands and I'll strike you down and cut off your head this very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine Army to the birds and the wild animals and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel all those gathered
here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves for the battle is the Lords and he will give all of you into our hands can you say amen amen say Amen if that don't make you shout I don't know what else will look at what David is saying before he starts fighting I'm going to preach today not long probably about three and a half hours using this as a title who you talking to who you not who are you talking to who you talking to you got to help me
preach this look at the person next to you one last time say neighbor neighbor I got a question I got a question who you talking to come on find another neighbor find another neighbor in case that neighbor was stuck up come on say other neighbor you my second option but I got to ask who you talking to if you believe God's going to speak today would you give us some praise up here father have your way speak today amen you can sit down you can sit down [Music] you talking too elevation fam before I really
jump into this text today I want to do something that I have never done in all my years of coming to Elevation don't get nervous I talked to Pastor Steve we good we good but uh there's someone who is here today who I I want to come out just for a moment uh and share a few words with you and um the reason I want them to come out is because this person is in my opinion one of the most influential uh and greatest communicators uh of our lifetime and uh I'm putting them on the
spot uh you're going to know exactly who they are as soon as they come out okay don't don't pass out uh but can we just welcome them before they even come out I just want them to share just for a little bit can we welcome the location come on y'all would you make them feel welcome come on [Applause] y'all can you see you yo E I'm blinding some of Y can you see [Applause] [Laughter] him make sure you get a good look at yourself and some of y'all like you play too much I saw some
of you excited like who is it you had your phone ready but but please don't let the comedy mitigate the weight of what I said in my introduction on my fake introduction I said I want to bring out someone who is the greatest and most influential Communicator then I brought out a mirror and asked you can you see you because I want to ask you who talks to you more than you who influences you more than you who tells you where to go and where not to go what to wear and what not to wear
what to post and what not suppos more than you you are an influential Communicator you are a powerful Communicator as a matter of fact you are not just the greatest Communicator that you have ever heard you are the greatest Communicator that you are always hearing there's always a voice on the inside talking to you about you who you talking to I'm fully aware that as I'm preaching today although I'm preaching the infallible Incorruptible Everlasting Eternal Word of God and I do everything in my power to preach it with Clarity and precision however I'm aware that
the most important thing is not necessarily what I'm saying to you it's what you are saying to you about what I'm saying to you that's the important voice today what are you saying about what I'm saying I could be saying God's going to use you and then that voice says your trauma and your baggage not you I I could be saying things like oh your suffering is not for nothing God is able to use that suffering to shape you into the image of Christ but then you can say to you no I shouldn't be going
through this anyway and God this is your fault this suffering means nothing I I could be saying to you that God is going to open up a door this year and then you'll say to you well he should have done it in January we in October now I I want to know what are you saying to you who you talking to because that voice is critical it is the internal narrative that is navigating your life right now it is the story that you are perpetually telling yourself who are you talking to some of you would
slap a person if they talk to you the way you talk to you I I want to know what what is the conversation that you are having in your head right now who are you talking too because that voice is the one that matters is it that negative voice that wants to shoot down everything God wants to do to you by the way where does that come from the devil it's a demon maybe but have you ever noticed at least for me the devil never sounds like the devil in my head I have never in
my life Heard a Voice saying oh you horrible it don't sound like that have you ever noticed the enemy always sounds like you in your head and that is the voice that you are Waring against that you are Waging War against every day who who are you talking to for some of us it's the voice of somebody else that planted a seed in our mind and we have been watering that seed over the years rehearsing it over and over and over again and it's become a stronghold in our mind who are you talking to reminds
me of a fighter I'll never forget watching this fighter who won this fight powerful fighter and he won the championship and they were interviewing him after he won and after he won and he was excited about winning the fight and all of a sudden he looks in the camera and he says in the camera he goes see Dad see I'm not a loser I am somebody and the interviewer was looking at him like who are you talking too but he had a moment where he blacked out and you delve into his story you find out
that he was verbally and physically abused by his father in every F fight that he had he would put the image of his father on his opponent and that's how he would win the fight and he was fighting and won a victory but the bigger fight was the internal conversation that was happening in his head ladies and gentlemen I am realizing that most of the fights have little to do with the external confrontation right but everything to do with the internal conversations that you are having with yourself I just want to talk to you today
and ask you who are you talking to I want you to Elbow somebody next to you say I think this is for you I think this is for you no elbow and tell them they they need it it's for you brings me to my text today my text today in 1st Samuel chapter number 17 I shouldn't even read the text let's be honest cuz come on y'all it's David and Goliath I think when I was reading it some of y'all like are you for real this is what I got out of bed for first Samuel
chapter 17 everybody knows the story of David and Goliath come on I've been raised in church and I've heard some people jack up some Bible stories I mean I've heard them jack up a lot of Bible stories I remember one dude he was new to the faith he came to me tears in his eyes he's like hey Pastor it's mess up how they did Joseph they threw him in that pit I was like yeah he's like but he came back I said he sure did he's like yeah he came back cuz he got married to
Mary and then they gave birth to Jesus I didn't even correct him I was like God God can turn it around God can turn it around I mean people can jack up jack up some Bible stories but don't nobody jack up David and Goliath come on you you you know that story I don't care if you ain't been to church in a minute everybody knows the story of David and Goliath and ladies and gentlemen perhaps that's the problem because it is our familiarity with this text that robs us of the Revelation that is in this
text and all this week I was saying Holy Spirit help me see it in a different way help me see it and the more I looked at it I realized it's not about the fight it has little to do with the fight in the valley against Goliath y'all that is the shortest part of the text the fight is not that long I mean we can really put this fight in four phrases he hit him with a rrap he fell down dead he cut off his head hooray that's the fight right there that is the entire
fight why in the world then are there 58 verses in 1st Samuel 17 what in the world takes up all that space of 58 verses is all that all that talking all these conversations are happening before the confrontation there are so many conversations don't forget when we come up against Goliath the first time we see him he's not fighting right he's talking for 40 days he's just showed up just talking it's not like he short up for 40 days cutting off heads I can understand if you be scared then no this dude is just running
his mouth and talking and it's something about them entertaining this conversation that caused them to be paralyzed in fear it is the conversation not necessarily the confrontation some of us are losing the fight not when we get in the valley but before the valley because the enemy is has already convinced you that you don't have what it takes for the fight who are you talking to oh this is why I love David because when David was ostracized and alienated out with those sheep he wasn't out there by himself he was out there talking to God
he was out there saying the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in Green Pastures that's why he had confidence because of who he was talking to out there wo I want to know who you're talking to what is the conversation you are having with yourself and so here's what I want to do today and I'm going to get you to brunch I I just want us for a moment to look at five critical conversations that David had before he ever got to the fight these five critical conversations if
David messes up in any of them he never gets to fight his battle in the valley if he loses the fight with these five conversations that preceded the confrontation are y'all good can we talk about them yeah the first the first conversation I want to look at is what I call the Uber Eats conversation yeah the Uber East conversation happens between David and his father Jesse and Jesse comes to him in 1st Samuel 17 says hey Dave I need you to go to the battlefield and bring bring your brother some cheeses and bring them some
bread just make an Uber e delivery this is what I need you to do which doesn't seem like a big thing but it is a major thing it seems like a small thing but it's a big thing I've learned in life that the small things are actually the big things and sometimes you can't tell which small thing is actually a big thing that's why you got to be careful how you do the small thing it was just a small thing to go deliver the cheese and the bread and it doesn't seem like his dad asked
a big deal of him until you read 1 Samuel 16 and remember what happened don't forget David has already been anointed to be the next king in 1st Samuel chapter 16 you remember what happened the prophet Samuel he comes into town and he's looking for the next king and here comes Jesse with all of his sons all seven of them lined up he did not even deem David worthy to be brought before the prophet and here he is looking at all these Sons saying nope that ain't it nope that ain't it nope that ain't it
and then has to ask a crazy question to her father do you got any other kids and he's like oh yeah my bad I forgot yeah I do have another one but he's out in the field he's out in the field and I love what Samuel does he says go get him and the most gangster move he says we will not sit down until he comes in the room he makes all them brothers stand in their rejection how long how long do they have to wait for David to get in the room like okay h
hurry up and then Here Comes David hey hey guys oh hey Samuel I I didn't know the prophet was coming is there so what's what's what's going on and Samuel goes you're it right and anoints him in front of his brothers this is a destiny moment can you imagine being David after being castigated and ostracized now you've been anointed as the next king in front of your brothers but in the next chapter your father calls you I wonder if David thought oh I bet he going to apologize for not inviting me to the coronation no
he's just telling you go take lunch to your brothers and David doesn't do what some of us would have done going who you talking to I'm the next king you want me to drop shakery no I don't know I sorry maybe maybe you didn't see it y'all didn't invite me I'm the next kid I but he he doesn't he doesn't do that he doesn't do that he he he pulls a Chick-fil-A and says my pleasure my pleasure my pleasure if my father wants me to do something my pleasure if my father has an assignment for
me my pleasure it doesn't have to be glorious whatever my father asked to me my pleasure so he passes the a test in this conversation because David is showing us a heart of humility a heart of humility David did not think it beneath him to go deliver food to his brothers you know why some of us never knock down our Goliath because we can never knock down the giant of [Music] Pride you too special you too wonderful to go deliver lunch to somebody else and that's why you'll never step into the effulgence of your destiny
because Pride will shut doors that God is trying to open but when you have a heart of humility the heavens open up over somebody that is humble enough to say whatever my father wants I'll go do it I know I'm the next king but if my father has requested something of me my pleasure where have we seen this before oh Jesus who thought it not robbery to come from Heaven down to earth and he came to the humans he created and they rejected him and yet with humility he came to serve can I tell you
pride is What's blocking the door for you you don't get to pass the test because you haven't had a heart of humility can I fix somebody's marriage just real quick just three seconds you ready here's the problem Pride that's your problem too much pride to say I'm sorry too much pride to say I was wrong too much pride to go to count the the the pride pride is what blocks but David has a heart of humility and he gets to the battle and watch the timing The Sovereign timing of God just at the moment that
David delivers the lunch I'm talking about right after he takes the picture to send to Jesse to say ORD is delivered at that exact moment is when Goliath comes out and starts saying what he's been saying for 40 days what they've heard for 40 days David hears in one moment say oh hold up what what is this right here oh no no no not on my watch is there not a CA isn't it funny they heard it for 40 days but in one moment David heard something different what they heard had been paralyzed in fear
but it had David getting ready to move out in faith what they heard they saw is opposition what David heard he said now this an opportunity for God to do something he heard something different in one moment why did he hear it because of who he was talking to he was talking to a God that he knew could use him to take down that child who are you talking to isn't it crazy how people can hear the same thing but have totally different reactions I call it the frequency of Faith oh when you have a
frequency of faith in God you will hear things different than people who are just walking by sight and not walking by faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God so when some people are walking by sight don't get confused when they don't understand why you're moving the way you're moving because you hear something different we can hear the same thing but have completely different responses because his ear was tuned into the frequency of faith it reminds me reminds me of this group of people who were interviewing for a job it's
back in the day they were interviewing for a job and uh the job had them standing in line waiting for the interview there like 300 people in line waiting for this interview to go in but what they didn't know the people waiting in line was that the interview was actually for somebody that knew Morse code so here they are standing in the line but while they were standing in line over an intercom Morse code was going on and the message of the mor Morse code was if you can interpret this message get out of line
and come straight to the front door and all of a sudden one dude who could interpret Mor Co gets out of the line he was in the back and walked all the way up to the front and walked in and everybody was looking at him like what is he doing the reason that he walked in when everybody else Stood Still is because he could hear something that they couldn't hear see people will never understand the way you move because they don't hear it the way you hear it see you heard they're not hiring so I
don't have a job I heard God must have something else for me and another job you heard I don't want to go on a date with you so I must be worthless I heard God thank you for not letting me waste my time on a date you must have somebody else for me I didn't even have to go to Cheesecake Factory to figure it out thank you that they rejected what are you hearing there's a frequency of faith and so David heard something different and watch what his action does he goes he talks to the
soldiers here's another conversation he goes uh what will be given to the man that defeats him first words out of his mouth the conversation to the solders hey what will be given to the man who defeats him you missed it David here's Goliath and then goes what will be given to the man that defeats him d David already sees himself [Applause] winning he already sees himself winning the victory y'all sitting up here talking about his shield and his armor I'm trying to figure out what does the man get who knocks him out cuz I am
that man I'm about to knock him out he said they said yo you you going to get the King's Daughter in marriage and you don't have to pay taxes say less say less where's no taxes where's my slingshot another other words he doesn't just have a heart of humility he's got a vision of Victory he can already see himself winning while everybody else is focused on how big Goliath is David's like that that's not my focus I'm trying to figure out what do you get if you knock him down because I'm about to knock him
down when you read 1 Samuel and you see all the imagery that is given about Goliath's armor and his shield what the writer is doing through beautiful poetry he's actually showing you what the soldiers are focused on which is why they're paralyzed in fear because whatever you focus on is what's going to grow in your life they're focused on the shield oh look at is that bronze yeah how much do you think it weighs I don't know but it's got to be heavy that's what they are focused on which is why they're paralyzed in fear
David was talking to somebody else he had a vision of Victory do you have a vision of Victory do you see yourself winning do you even see the marriage being healed W do you see that child coming back home do you see it I know that the enemy is trying to Cloud your vision but I want to encourage you today see it have a vision of Victory cuz if you can't see it it's going to be hard for you to receive it can you see yourself winning or have you lost so much hope that you
don't see it anymore can I just testify about the season I'm in right now we're in a crazy season our church is 3 years old God's doing doing incredible things it's exploding and we decided in the middle of all that to homeschool our kids in this season and not only that I'm going back to school and working on a master's degree that I didn't finish all that's going on while leading the church and y'all it's it's hard it is hard out here in these streets oh by the way did I mention our church is mobile
and we've been in 10 different venues in the last three years trying to find a space we don't have a building and it's hard in these streets but you know what's keeping me I got a vision I can see oh I see myself in 2026 walking across the stage my Master's Degree completed with that hood off I see myself I see us having our own building where we can give God glory and PR I see it I see it that's what's keeping me right now is I got a vision of Victory what do you see
what do you see yo I see myself at 80 years old still coming to church I'm still going to pull up an elevation I probably won't be preaching the 88 but I'm just going to be in the audience just standing up going preach like who that crazy dude oh he used to come back in the day and speak do you have a vision a victory he saw it he talked to the soldiers he said what do you get for knocking him out cuz I'm about to knock him out he had a vision of Victory right
after he talks to the soldiers somebody else shows up oh and this is a critical conversation his older brother eliab comes up to him I imagine him running up to him what are you doing here read it when you get to the crib he's burning with anger translation he's big man and he says what are you doing here and with whom have you left those little sheep you know somebody's trying to get at you when they try to put a little number to your stuff don't nobody care about you your little job are you think
I care about your little car you let them borrow money can I get that little $100 you care about that oh it wasn't little one you asked for anyway with whom have you left those few sheep I know the conceit and the arrogance that is in your heart you come down here to see the battle if it was me I'm like what battle y'all ain't fighting y'all eliab is mad and hear me I understand eliab's anger the Bible gives you a blues clue to was anger cuz remember in 1st Samuel chapter 16 whenever the prophet
comes when he comes to anoint the next king guess who Samuel's first pick was it was eliab y'all eliab looked the part of the next king he was Samuel's first pick eliab is the reason this scripture is in your Bible man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart eliab is frustrated with the rejection eliab is jealous and envious of David and he comes with that energy to him what are you doing here I love what David says back to him he's like what did I do now what I do now that
means this has happened before what what did I do now can I just talk and then he makes a powerful move that you have to learn to make watch it watch it very spiritual the Bible says he turns his back on Eliah he watch it one talk he turns his back on elab do do you know what that turn signifies I know my real enemy eliab you are not my real enemy I don't just have a heart of humility I don't just have a vision of Victory I know who my real enemy is eliab you
are not my enemy you are my brother my real enemy is behind you and I cannot waste energy and all my fight trying to fight you when you ain't the Real Enemy Goliath is the enemy so I got to turn my back on you and stay focused on my assignment I don't know who this is for but you have been wasting energy trying to fight your brother or your sister in Christ and they are not your enemy we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities you better learn to know who the real enemy
is and it's not your brother woo can I just speak in this crazy season where people lose their mind in political seasons and let you know your brother and your sister is not your enemy we got a bigger battle to fight we got to kill the enemy that's trying to destroy this nation and our kids and our family you better know where the real enemy is eliab is not your enemy oh oh you in the comment section talking to [Music] Eliah wasting energy your kids Mommy can we go play no they crazy let me respond
to this now I'm not the one hold on kids wasting energy fighting eliab when he is not your enemy right right and Goliath would love for you to pull out your slingshot on eliab and start fighting right there all while he towers and laughs but David had enough wisdom to know I can't fight you you're my brother you're my brother I came to bring you cheese and you mad at me but guess what I'm still not I'm still not going to fall into this trap to fight you you are not my enemy I'm going to
turn my back CU I know where my new my real enemy is that's right some of you have been fighting your brother and your sister in Christ cuz you think they're the enemy and I came to tell you they're not you're doing like my oldest girl Eevee I went to her room the other day and on her wall and on the door she had no siblings on didn't want her younger brother or sister in the room I mean beautifully CED on her front door no siblings on I said that's interesting cuz I don't remember the
last time you paid a light bill the mortgage it's the father's house but you trying to pick and choose which sibling can come in or [Applause] out not my enemy he turns his back on eliab and goes right into the next conversation Miss Saul Saul has had the answer walk into his office David's like let nobody fear I'm G to fight him you would think he would get some encouragement he gets discouraged by Saul Saul says you you can't fight him you're just a youth he's been killing people since his youth have you ever had
the voice of somebody else who was too scared to step into something project Their Fear on to [Music] you and they want to tell you what you can't do and give you a history of the enemy he's like you cannot fight Goliath he's killed so many people some of you allowed the word words of other people to get in your head you can't defeat that alcoholism it's destroyed everybody in your family you can't beat that addiction you can't be free everybody in your family is an addict you can't be a great father you never saw
one have you ever had somebody tell you the history God of a giant to make you feel like there's no way I can fight that's but shout out to David he's like you talking about the history of Goliath but you don't know about the history I have with God when I was out in green pastur and it was just him talking to me he said I was out there Saul just so you know I killed a bear and I killed a lion I didn't posted but it happened come on oh if I had time I
wish we had some people that would just win some private battles first and you ain't got to tell everybody about your private battle before you get to the big battle but anyway that's another message he said yeah I defeated a lion I defeated a bear I feel like the same God that yeah yeah yeah help me defeat The Lion and the Bear yeah help me knock him down too yeah s goes all right the Lord be with you that's in the Bible and uh he says oh before you go come here takes his armor puts
it on David put yourself in David's shoes y'all this boy has been out with sheep he's now found finds himself in the presence of a king who puts his armor on him y this is like being in the locker room and LeBron going put this jersey armor just real can you imagine and here he is a Shepherd boy wearing the king's armor I wonder if there was a mirror and he looked said wow I've never put on Armor before and certainly not armored this nice I think think while it was on there had to be
a temptation to go maybe I maybe I could fight in this I mean I know I killed The Lion and the bear but this is a different this is a different battle maybe a different battle requires different weapons so maybe I should go out in this armor but then something clicks and he says no wait a minute this looks nice and Saul this might work for you but it's not me not me come on I was praying for you this morning and I was thinking about somebody who has on somebody else's armor some of you
have been wearing it for years and you're trying to convince yourself that it's you but you know in erally this ain't you this is not you've been trying to be your sister you've been trying to be your brother you've been trying to be the person that was in the position before you got in the position God sent me from Dallas Texas to tell you you got to do what David did work your weapon work your weapon watch this people think the B oldest and bravest move David did was to throw that rock I think the
boldest move was to take off Saul's armor and say I cannot defeat my giant and somebody else's armor I've got to work my weapon I've got to use what God has given me hear me you'll never grab your weapon until you take off somebody else's armor can you prove it in the text I sure can 1st Samuel 17 verse 39 look at what it says it says so he took them off what did he take off Saul's armor he took them off then he took his staff in his hand chose five smooth stones from the
stream put them in the pouch of his Shepherd's bag and with his sling in his hand approached the philistin he took them off then he took you cannot take what's yours to fight with until you first take off what is not you work your weapon can I make a confession ooo I'm a horrible Pastor Steven I'm a horrible Joyce Meyer right oh I'm not a good Matt Chandler right but guess what I'm the best Robert mue you have ever seen in your life and I've learned no matter the stage it's a big stage but I
got to work my weapon I've got to be me and you've got to be you there's a weapon God has given you to defeat your giant can y'all play real softly so I can land the plane he had a heart of humility sure I'll go take the lunch he had a vision of Victory I know I'm Gonna Knock this giant out what do you get for knocking him out he did what he knew his real enemy my brother's not my enemy goath is then he said I got to work my weapon no more comparison God
gave me a sling in a rock I'm going work that so he goes to the battle this is the final conversation he walks out can you see him handsome blowing with health but small compared to this giant and he walks out and he's ready and Goliath laughs at him he is this a joke am I a dog y'all com at me with sticks is this for real mocks him you know it's the enemy whenever you are being mocked the enemy loves to mock hear me he's the father of all lies if he's talking he's lying
lying is his native language but he does have a second language it's called mocking he loves man really you oh you going to lift up your hands and worship after what you did last night oh really you you think God can use you with all your issues he loves to my am I a dog you come at me with sticks he said hey you come at me with sword and spear but I come at you in the name of the Lord takes the sling you know the story takes his sling hits Goliath in the forehead
knocks him down now because you've heard the story I've heard the story too I'm curious if you know that there are scientists that actually look at scripture through the lens of Science and there are some of them that actually refute the veracity of this story and how in the world could a rock kill a giant and they did the scientific research and they did a whole report on it and I got the report this is the report that they said how was highly unlikely and improbable that this could happen look at what it says scientist
said that David with a rock the size of a baseball and with a slingshot the fastest that he could have released it would have been with a trajectory of about 90 mes per hour and if you take a projectile going 90 M hour and you use Newton's second law of motion and take into effect the coefficient of restitution that a projectile at that size at 90 mph would generate about 3,000 lbs of force as was released that is if it was traveling the distance of a pitcher to the home plate which is 60 ft and
6 in but since Goliath is at least twice that far one also has to take into effect the drag of the distance of the ball that's working against the velocity of the force therefore since he's further away what was generated at 3,000 lb has now reduced itself arguably to at least 1,000 lb that is if David is throwing it straight the problem is Goliath is taller than David which means the angle of the project from which he launched it had to be at least 45° which means now the ball is also working against gravity which
also has reduced the force that The Rock has been release so what was 3,000 lb of force has now been arguably reduced to about 500 lb of force but you must remember there's an armor Bearer who stands in front of Goliath who would have lifted up his shield to take the projectile off of course which would have reduced the force to at least 50 PBS and taken it off course of the direction headed towards Goliath but if David could throw it and if it did work against the drag and if it could counter the weight
and if it did go against the coefficient of restitution if it was knocked off course and still aimed at Goliath's head don't forget Goliath is wearing a helmet and a projectile that started with 3,000 lbs of force and ended at 50 hitting a bronze helmet would not have been enough to kill Goliath so how can a young boy with one rock working against gravity working against Newton Laws of Motion working against the coefficient of restitution working against a drag being deflected by an armor bear hit a bronze helmet how could he kill a giant and
I got an answer for every scientist out there he didn't just throw a rock he threw a name he threw the name that is above every single name I don't know how the science works but I know how the name works I know that there's a name that is above every single name and I came to tell somebody today you better throw that name I know the giant is big throw the name I know it looks greater than you throw the name throw the name that can heal the sick throw the name that can raise
the dead throw the name that has healing and hope and life the name somebody give God the best praise that you got in this place no I mean praise him like you know there is power in that [Music] name woo for remain stand in all locations eam right there in your living room remain standing David didn't just throw a rock he threw a name listen to it we've heard it so much we forget it you come at me with sword and Spear and Javelin right right it would make sense to say I come at you
with slingshot he doesn't say that he said you come at me with sword and spear Jaelin but I come at you in the name of the Lord Almighty the god of the armies of [Applause] Israel how many know if that name worked for David it'll work for you too he didn't throw a rock he threw a name the name made all the difference and I don't know what giant you're facing today but I do know God's calling somebody today hear me to let go of your pride you need a heart of humility says whatever my
father asked of me I'll do it he's calling somebody in here to get your hope again and get a vision of Victory see yourself winning stop forecasting your failure get a vision of Victory hear me know your real enemy your brother's not your enemy that other denomination is not your enemy that person that votes different than you is not your enemy your brother's not your enemy you got to know the real enemy you got to work your weapon there's something God has given you to do what he's called you to do but watch this that
weapon's not enough you better throw the name amen throw the name of Jesus yes Hallelujah I'll tell you this and I'm done God is not obligated to defend your name he's not obligated to defend your reputation I know you want him to but when his name is on the line when his name is on the line W fire will come down from heaven on Mount Carmel when his name is on the line Red Seas will split open when his name is on the line Miracles will happen Giants will fall when it's his name the name
of Jesus no matter what you're facing today I believe that the same name that worked for David it's the same name that'll work for you today I'm going to ask every head be bowed eyes be closed across every location [Music] father we're talking to you we're talking to you thank you that you're a God that we can talk to God I'm praying for my brother I'm praying for my sister who's in a real fight but Lord I'm praying for the power of the conversations to change the talk that they're saying internally let that shift today
let us Echo and repeat what you have said about us Lord father thank you that the name that worked for David is a name that'll work for us amen there's no other name by which we can be saved in the name of Jesus let that name be appropriated in the hearts and the lives of every single person who would call on it today in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen God bless you love you so much elevation hey thank you for watching the Elevation Church YouTube I want you to subscribe that way you can
know when we go live and post new content make sure leave me a comment let me know what spoke to you today where you're watching from and what we can pray for you about and if you'd like to support the ministry financially you can click the give button now and help us continue reaching people around the world for Jesus Christ thanks again I'll see you next time
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