The Shocking Secrets They're Hiding – Your Worldview Will Be Changed!

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the Bible repeatedly warns against engaging in practices like Consulting mediums spiritists and necromancers These Warnings aren't just ancient commands but remain relevant and critical for us today let's explore why God in his infinite wisdom has forbidden such activities and how they can deeply affect our spiritual lives Leviticus 19:31 States regard not them that have familiar spirits neither seek after Wizards to be defiled by them I am the Lord Lord your God this verse makes it clear that involvement in such practices defiles us the term defile means to make unclean or impure to corrupt or to
desecrate when we consult mediums witches or Sorcerers we cannot expect the Holy Spirit to dwell within us because we are inviting Spirits contrary to God's will into our lives these actions are not just acts of curiosity or desperation they are direct Disobedience to God's commands leading us away from his presence in Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 we read there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer or a consulter
with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an Abomination unto the Lord God describes these actions as Abominations because they open doors to Darkness and demonic influence this isn't just a warning for people of ancient times but a command that transcends the ages engaging in these forbidden activities invites evil into our lives blocking our connection with God and disrupting the peace and protection that comes from walking in obedience to him necromancy one of the practices explicitly banned in scripture involves attempting to communicate with the dead it's a
form of divination that God strongly condemns Leviticus 26 warns us that turning to mediums and spiritists is akin to prostituting oneself spiritually it is selling one's Allegiance and trust that rightfully belongs to God Alone necromancy isn't just a harmless Pastime or a way to deal with grief it's a dangerous spiritual practice that separates us from God the Bible's warnings about necromancy and other forbidden practices are not merely about avoiding specific rituals they are about guarding our hearts and Minds from influences that can corrupt our faith when we seek guidance from anything other than God we
place our trust in lies and deceptions necromancy mediums and spiritists promise insights or Comfort but they deliver falsehoods and spiritual bondage the spirits that respond in these practices are not benevolent or benign they are demonic entities that seek to deceive and in snare many Christians today might dismiss These Warnings thinking such practices don't really work or are merely superstitions however the Bible would not warn against something impossible or without real spiritual danger the spiritual world is real with real spirits that can contact humans and influence our lives when people attempt to contact the dead they
are not communicating with their deceased loved ones but with demonic spirits posing as them this deception is profound and dangerous because it can lead people further away from God and deeper into spiritual darkness in recent years there's been a growing fascination with the spirit world television shows about the paranormal ghost hunting and occult practices have become increasingly popular Hollywood is producing more films centered around these themes feeding the Curiosity and obsession with the supernatural this Fascination is not new Humanity has always been intrigued by the unknown and the mystical however as children of God we
must be Discerning we must understand that these Fascinations are not benign entertainment but can lead us down dangerous paths that are forbidden by God there's an innate human desire to connect with the Unseen to understand the mysteries of life and death and to seek control over the future this desire is not inherently wrong it reflects a deeper longing for the Divine however when this longing is not directed towards God it becomes a vulnerability that the enemy exploits God's prohibitions against these practices are not arbitrary they are for our protection engaging with the occult even out
of curiosity is like playing with fire it can quickly spiral into something far more dangerous than we anticipated there are countless testimonies of individuals who have opened spiritual doors in their lives that they now struggle to close God as a loving father gives his children guidance to keep them safe When God says do not it's because he is trying to Shield us from harm he knows the end from the beginning and he understands the spiritual dynamics that we cannot see many people have dabbled in the occult only to find themselves tormented oppressed or even possessed
by evil spirits this is not just about curiosity gone wrong it's about spiritual warfare and the reality that there are forces in this world that seek to destroy us as we walk through our daily lives interacting with people at work in our neighborhoods or even while running errands it's easy to make assumptions about those around us just as no one can automatically tell that you are a Christian when you walk down the street we also have no way of knowing the hidden aspects of others lives people carry secrets and some of these secrets involve practices
and beliefs that are far from what we might expect you may be surprised by the number of individuals who are involved in the occult engaging in activities that are contrary to the will of God and yet we remain unaware of it the reality is that involvement in the cult is often hidden and there are far more people involved in it than we might realize I have even known of pastors leaders of large congregations who were secretly engaged in occult practices yes actual pastors this underscores an important truth we don't always know what people do behind
closed doors or what they are involved in when they think no one is watching what appears on the surface can be very different from the hidden spiritual battles and choices people make in private those engaged in these practices don't typically wear signs advertising their spiritual alignments just like how your faith in Christ isn't visible unless you openly share it those who consult mediums practice witchcraft or engage in other occult activities often keep it concealed they might be our friends co-workers neighbors or even family members their involvement in these forbidden practices can be a deeply kept
secret hidden behind the facades of normaly this hidden nature is a stark reminder that we cannot judge a person's spiritual state by their outward appearance the Bible warns us that there are wolves in sheep's clothing and while this specifically addresses false prophets the principle applies broadly people can outwardly appear upright friendly and even religious while secretly harboring beliefs and practices that are in direct opposition to God's commands the occult doesn't always look like what Hollywood portrays with dark robes and Sinister rituals it can be subtle hidden in the shadows of seemingly ordinary lives you never
truly know the secrets your co-workers keep or the full extent of their beliefs just as they don't fully know yours people hold a wide variety of beliefs some of which might be surprising for example there are groups that believe Lucifer is actually good and that the B misunderstood his role they see Lucifer not as a force of evil but as someone who is trying to help Humanity this is just one of the many diverse beliefs people may hold often unknown to those around them in various occult and esoteric Traditions Lucifer is viewed as a symbol
of Enlightenment knowledge and the Quest for personal freedom diverging significantly from the conventional Christian perspective of Lucifer as a purely evil entity these Traditions often interpret Luci Lucifer's name which means lightbringer or Morning Star as emblematic of the pursuit of wisdom and the illumination of Hidden Truths rather than viewing Lucifer as a literal Fallen Angel who opposes God these groups see him as a metaphorical figure who challenges ignorance and encourages individuals to seek their own understanding of the world Lucifer's role as a rebel against tyranny is another common theme in these esoteric beliefs he is
often portrayed as a figure who defies oppress of authority symbolizing the courage to resist unjust or arbitrary rules in this light Lucifer's Rebellion against God is interpreted not as an act of evil but as a principled stand against what is perceived as Divine despotism as Christians it's important to be aware of this reality the presence of occult practices in our communities is more common than many of us realize the Allure of secret knowledge power or control can lead people down dangerous paths often without those closest to them even knowing this is why it's so crucial
for us to remain Vigilant and Discerning we should pray for Spiritual insight and wisdom not only for our protection but also to effectively witness to those who may be trapped in these deceptions in a world where spiritual Darkness often hides in plain sight we must be lights that shine the truth of Christ by being aware of the secet SEC people keep we can better understand the spiritual battles that are fought daily and be prepared to share the hope and freedom found only in Jesus one of the main reasons people turn to spiritists astrologers and other
forbidden methods is the desire to know the future humans have always been anxious about what tomorrow holds whether it be related to personal decisions Financial Security relationships or the broader state of the world this desire for knowledge is not wrong in itself however it becomes dangerous when when we seek answers outside of God's provision only God knows the future Satan does not have this knowledge and while he might attempt to influence or create our future he is not omniscient Satan and his demons do not possess the all- knowing power that belongs exclusively to God they
can observe and influence but cannot predict or determine the future this limitation is critical for us to understand because it underscores the futility of seeking guidance from anything other than God Consulting with a medium or engaging in necromancy is akin to looking into a broken mirror you might see something but it's distorted and false the guidance you receive will be rooted in lies and the consequences of following those lies can be devastating when people turn to these practices they often do so out of fear or desperation they may feel lost confused or overwhelmed by life's
challenges however turning to the occult is not the answer answer it does not provide the security Clarity or peace that people are seeking instead it leads to further confusion fear and spiritual bondage God wants us to come to him with our fears and uncertainties he invites us to lay our burdens at his feet to trust in his timing and to seek his will for our lives Ephesians 4:27 warns neither give place to the devil all satan needs is an opportunity a small crack to enter enter into our lives when we engage in Consulting mediums spiritists
or necromancers we give him that opportunity even seemingly innocent actions can have profound consequences I have witnessed individuals who have turned to these forbidden methods for various reasons like seeking wealth or love only to find themselves paying a price far greater than they ever imagined the price might be their peace their mental stability their relationships or even their Eternal Soul the Bible is our ultimate source of guidance when you are confused afraid or uncertain about the future turn to the word of God the Bible is not just a collection of ancient writings it is the
Living Word of God active and Powerful capable of speaking directly into our situations it contains the wisdom of God the comfort of his promises and the direction we need for every aspect of life the more we immerse ourselves in scripture the less susceptible we will be to the lies and deceptions of the en if you find yourself tempted to seek answers outside of God's will remember that Jesus is the only way we cannot find peace safety or truth in Forbidden methods these practices will only lead us further into darkness God's love and protection are sufficient
when we dwell in Christ we are under his care and guidance there is no safer place to be than in the will of God no fortune teller or medium can offer the security and peace that comes from a relationship with Christ we live in a world World filled with uncertainty from Global events that shake economies and Nations to personal trials that test our faith it's easy to feel overwhelmed in these moments the temptation to seek quick answers or assurances from sources outside of God can be strong but we must resist God is not only the
creator of the universe but also the sustainer of Our Lives he is intimately involved in every detail and nothing happens outside of his knowled and control when we turn to him we find not only the answers we seek but also the peace that surpasses all understanding Consulting spiritists Sorcerers or astrologers is not only dangerous for your spiritual well-being but also carries Eternal consequences these practices will not lead to heaven but to Hellfire we cannot expect to engage with the Demonic and still enter the kingdom of God God is Holy and nothing unclean can stand in
his presence when we understand the gravity of what's at stake the Allure of these forbidden practices diminishes God takes this seriously it's not something that you can just walk in and walk out of as you please this is not a game to God the spiritual realm operates under principles established by God and violating those principles has consequences those who persist in Consulting spiritists and engaging in the occult are placing themselves in direct opposition to God's commands it's not it's not about making a mistake or having a moment of weakness it's about deliberately choosing a path
that leads away from God's grace and into spiritual Peril God is not trying to restrict us unnecessarily his commands are not burdensome they are protective he understands the reality of spiritual forces better than we do and he knows the harm they can cause his warnings are acts of Love designed to keep us safe from influences that seek to destroy us God desires that none should perish but that all should come to repentance and live in the freedom and joy that he offers through Christ Jeremiah 32:27 assures us behold I am the Lord the God of
All Flesh is there anything too hard for me God is more than capable of protecting us guiding us and providing for our needs we do not need to seek forbidden methods for Comfort answers or security when we trust in God he takes care of everything he invites us to call upon Him promising to show us great and Mighty things which we do not know God's invitation is clear come to him trust in him lean on him he is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble we don't need the false assurances of the
occult we have a living God who loves us who has proven his love through the sacrifice of his son and who promises to be with us always whatever we Face we do not face it alone God is with us and his presence is our greatest assurance and strength Saul's downfall serves as a stark warning for us his decision to consult a medium instead of seeking God's counsel led to his destruction we too must be careful to follow the path of righteousness and not be swayed by curiosity or fear the world offers many false Solutions but
there is only one true way and that is through Christ Jesus calls us to follow him we are called to serve God Faithfully to trust in his guidance and to reject any practice that pulls us away from his truth the path of righteousness is not always easy and it often requires us to make difficult choices but those choices are worth it because they lead to life peace and a closer relationship with God let us remain steadfast in our commitment to God rejecting all forms of forbidden spiritual practices we are his children and he is our
father guiding us protecting us and providing for us may we never stray from his path but always seek his will above all else in a world filled with uncertainty and spiritual confusion let's be people who stand firm in the truth of God's word the things we watch and listen to have a profound influence on our lives whether we realize it or not the content we consume shapes Our Lives thoughts emotions and ultimately our actions this is a concept that runs through the Bible itself Romans 10:1 17 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word
of Christ there is power in words power to bring life healing and transformation this is why hearing the gospel is so vital for salvation it's the very mechanism through which God's grace touches the human soul and brings it into the light of Truth however what happens when what we hear is not the gospel but messages that carry Darkness deception or even spiritual danger what happens when we allow ourselves to be influenced by things that are not from God but from the enemy we live in a generation that largely assumes that what we watch on TV
listen to in music or view online is inconsequential there is this pervasive notion that movies TV shows and music are just forms of entertainment harmless diversions that don't hold any real power over our lives this assumption is dangerous and far from the truth let me be clear I am not exaggerating when I say that the things we watch listen to and meditate on have significant spiritual power and unfortunately much of what is being fed to the masses today is not neutral but actively harmful it's filled with mess messages ideas and even practices that can open
doors to spiritual darkness and oppression I have mentioned in previous messages that some mainstream TV shows have been known to incorporate real spells and occult practices this isn't some conspiracy theory there have been documented cases of writers and producers actively seeking out the assistance of witches and other occult practitioners to craft their stories consider for example the popular television shows the originals and The Vampire Diaries these are Supernatural drama series that revolve around the lives of vampires witches and werewolves they captivated audiences worldwide drawing millions of viewers at the height of its popularity The Vampire
Diaries had a viewership of nearly 5 million people per episode similarly The Originals had a dedicated fan BAS face with its peak viewership reaching into the millions millions of people tuned in to watch these shows often without realizing that they were being exposed to content that went beyond mere fiction recently a video surface that revealed that some of the writer assistants on these shows would look up real spells to use in the scripts a recent video surfaced in which a writer of the series addressed a longstanding rumor about a WI contacting the show's writing team
warning them that they are playing with fire here is a clip of the video I actually want to ask you of this because I say this at conventions a lot this rumor that I heard and I want to know if it's true there's a rumor that production was called by real witches of New Orleans saying you're playing with fire and you got to change up your chance to it's true the rumor stated that witches contacted the production team of The Originals warning them that they were playing with fire for using real spells in the show
in this clip one of the writers addresses the rumor directly so in season 1 when I was the writer's assistant I wrote the chance and I would go online and like look up spells I was like why not and then I'd like change a couple words i' go and i' I'd like figure out a spell then I'd like go and change a couple words to French and a couple words to like Creole a couple words to Vacation Creole you can you do Google translate we do Google Translate to Haitian Creole and then I'd like throw
some Latin in I was like I was just like making some spells and then we got a call from a woman in New Orleans who was like I think that you're playing the fire I think that you're you know you know what are you trying to do you're putting these spells in everybody's living room all across America like we were like cursing everybody that watch the show and then um I started making up a little weirder in the clip the writer explains that she would look up real spells and then alter a few words translating
them into another language she shares that a woman from New Orleans once called the team warning them that they were casting spells and curses into living rooms Across America afterward they all laughed about it imagine this millions of people many of them innocent and unaware watching these shows not realizing that they were inviting real curses into their homes The Power of Words and actions in these shows was not just make believe in some cases it involved actual occult practices real witches have even contacted the writers of these shows confirming that the Spells being portrayed on
screen were authentic think about that for a moment millions of people unknowingly allowing curses to enter their homes simply by by watching a TV show the devil doesn't play fair he is wicked deceptive and eager to exploit every opportunity to lead people away from the truth and into spiritual bondage he does not play fair you need to know with Satan you are dealing with a being of great intelligence a being that has been against mankind for centuries Satan is far far more intelligent than you and I yet Christians today often live with a naive lacad
isical approach to life many Believers dismiss witchcraft curses and spiritual warfare as mere Superstition or the stuff of movies they assume that such things are relics of ancient times irrelevant to Modern Life but I want to ask you something if witchcraft is not real if curses are just a figment of the imagination why does God repeatedly warn us about them in the Bible the word of God is clear witchcraft divination and curses are real and they are tools of the enemy designed to lead people away from God and into spiritual bondage Deuteronomy 18: 10-12 there
shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer or a consulter with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an Abomination unto the Lord and because of these Abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee curses in particular are nothing to laugh at they are not mere words without consequence a curse is an attempt to bring spiritual
harm to someone by invoking in evil forces or manipulating spiritual laws when someone places a curse on another person they are attempting to unleash demonic activity in that person's life this could manifest in various ways through sickness tragedy Calamity or even demonic oppression a curse can raise up a demonic Spirit to attack you bring illness into your body or stir up Discord and Chaos in your family curse curses can also take the form of people being demonically influenced or possessed and sent to attack you this is why curses are so dangerous they can manifest in
ways that are both spiritual and physical they are more real than the average Christian wants to believe but just because you don't believe in them doesn't mean they don't exist the reality is that witchcraft is now mainstream it's embedded in the movies you watch the music you listen to and the TV shows you consume it's become normalized in our culture to the point where many people no longer recognize it for what it is evil that is what it is evil America is no longer a Christian Nation in the traditional sense it has become a post-christian
nation where neopaganism occultism and Witchcraft are increasingly the norm we are living in a time where spiritual darkness is on the rise eyes and it's being packaged as entertainment empowerment and Enlightenment it's no longer uncommon to hear about witches who were raised in Evangelical Christian homes only to reject their faith and turn to the occult these witches often have a deep knowledge of the Bible but they twist and pervert it for their own purposes using it to cast hexes and curses on others I remember watching a sermon on curses and blessings where the preacher recounted
a story from a few weeks prior he had received an email from a woman about her church in Asheville North Carolina in the email she explained that some members of her church had gone out into the woods behind the church while there they heard something strange so they ventured further into the woods to their surprise they found a group of people dressed in long dark robes standing in a circle and chanting curses the group was actively trying to bring a curse down upon the church the preacher continued explaining that after this incident the church next
to where the coven had been performing their rituals began to decline over time the church went down hill and eventually had to close which the woman believed was a direct result of the curses placed on it by the coven what you watch matters what you listen to matters don't take it lightly let me give you an example from a horror film in the 1980s upon its release this one film shocked all of America here's a clip from a documentary about the film and people's reactions to seeing it it didn't scare me I just I don't
know what happened I just fainted it was frightening my experience with this movie has been incredible especially with people figting uh halfway through the movie it starts the movie starts getting quite uh uh violent and uh people get quite unusual reactions and we have a lot of people throwing up and a lot of people shuddering but the thing that really surprises me is people faint I mean I have never in my life known a movie where people would faint I mean it's hard to make people faint there is a real demonic world and a real
spiritual battle taking place around us as a pastor who has served for many years I've witnessed things and heard stories that the average person may never encounter I've ministered to a couple who shared with me that on several occasions they were visited at Night by two women these figures would appear as clearly as day right before their eyes only to vanish moments later in their bedroom I've also encountered people who while being home alone would hear the sound of a crowd in their house an eerie presence despite no one physically being there this spiritual battle
is not something to take lightly yet many Christan Christians live with a lacad isical attitude toward these realities they casually watch and listen to anything without Discerning the spiritual dangers that may be hidden within curses are real and blessings are real but here is the good news no curse has to Define your life and no demonic Force has to hold power over you in Christ there is freedom and that freedom is available to anyone who calls upon his name in the name of Jesus Christ refuse to accept any curse you must know who you are
in Christ you are a child of God reborn through him because of this Satan cannot curse what God has blessed Jesus Christ's work on the cross has set you free and you no longer need to live in fear what God has blessed cannot be cursed if you find yourself under spiritual attack or if you feel that a curse has been placed on you the solution is simple go to Jesus Christ go to the Lord God Almighty the one who is above every principality and power the one who has already won the victory over sin death
and the devil you don't need to spend hours in prayer trying to break the curse look at what Michael the Archangel did when he was faced with Satan himself Jude 1:9 but Michael the Archangel when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses did not dare pronounce against him a railing judgment but said the Lord rebuke you let's take a moment to reflect on who Michael is Michael is one of the most powerful angels in heaven he is often depicted as a warrior leading the armies of Heaven against the forces of
evil Michael's power is immense he is not a being to be trifled with and yet when he faced Satan he didn't rely on his own strength he didn't engage in a long drawn out battle with the devil instead he simply declared the Lord rebuke you Michael understood that his power came from God not from himself he trusted in the power of the Lord to overcome the enemy in the same way when you are faced with spiritual attacks when you feel that a curse has come against you you don't need to rely on your own strength
instead follow Michael's example and pray the simple the Lord rebuke you trust in the power of God to deliver you he is the one who fights your battles and in him you are already Victorious remember no curse can stand against the power of Jesus Christ Galatians 3:13 tells us Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us Jesus Took upon on himself Every curse that could ever be spoken against you when he went to the Cross his blood covers you and in him you are protected today I pray for
each and every one of you if there is any curse that has been spoken over you whether by another person through something you watched or even by your own words I pray in the mighty name of Jesus Christ the lord rebuke it may the covering of the Lord God Almighty rest upon you may his peace fill your heart and his protection surround you and your family no curse can stand against the name of Jesus and no force of Darkness can overcome the Light of Christ as you can see on the screen this is a video
of angels floating above and protecting a home the full video and accompanying Bible reading are linked in the top comment and the description click the link below and allow God's healing words to touch you and your family
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