The Devil's Final Plan For This World - DO NOT IGNORE THIS

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[Music] Revelation 20: 7 to10 and when the thousand years are expired Satan shall be loosed out of his prison and shall go out to deceive the Nations which are in the four quarters of the earth Gog and Magog to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea and they went up on the breadth of the earth and compassed the camp of the Saints about and the Beloved City and fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them and the devil that deceived them was cast into
the lake of fire and brimstone where the Beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever the millennial Reign is the 1,000-year period of peace and righteousness following the second coming of Jesus Christ who will reign over the Earth during this time during the reign of Christ Jesus on Earth Satan will be bound and sealed in the bottomless pit for a thousand years and he will have no influence over the Earth to deceive mankind that old serpent which is the devil that old serpent which has plagued mankind will
have absolutely no influence on the world for 1,000 years can you imagine what the world will be like can you can you imagine 1,000 years of complete and utter peace Dr J Dwight Pentecost in his book things to come States quote the Millennium will be the period of the full manifestation of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ there will be the manifestation of Glory associated with the humanity of Christ there will be the glory of the Glorious Dominion in which Christ by virtue of his obedience unto death is given Universal Dominion to replace that
Dominion which Adam lost there will be the glory of a glorious government in which Christ there will be the glory of a glorious inheritance in which the land and the seed promised to Abraham are realized through Christ end quote once the 1,000 years have elapsed Satan will be released and once he is released he resumes his intense opposition to God and God's people we see that Satan organizes an army that consists of the people of the Earth in another Rebellion against God Satan raises his last Army the question arises if Jesus has reigned so wonderfully
for a thousand years then why will some people on the Earth uprise against him they will do it and God will allow it as a final demonstration of man's rebellion and depravity after a thousand years of living in a thriving perfectly righteous perfectly prosperous Christ ruled world people will still uprise against God imagine that although people will live in a perfect world people will still uprise against God wait a minute wait a minute when has this happened before the garden Adam and Eve lived in a wonderful utopian world with God but yet they rebelled against
him and the people who will live during this 1,000-year period and the people who are born during this 1,000 years will not know anything other than the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ outwardly they will conform but inwardly inwardly their hearts will be full of rebellion Jeremiah 7 :9 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it now what surprises me is that these people who will be deceived and recruited into the army of Satan are not a few in number but they are a great multitude that cannot be numbered
the Bible States the following regarding the vast size and scale of Satan's Army the number of whom is as the sand of the sea end quote this boggles my mind every time I read this passage of scripture because I cannot understand how Satan can recruit so many people after 1,000 years of perfect peace it does not make sense to me it baffles my mind but then again this shows how powerful Satan's deception is and will be during this period there are some atheists and agnostics who State the following line quote I would believe in God
and even follow him if I had proof he existed or if I saw him end quote no you wouldn't that is a lie no you wouldn't and this period will prove it although people will physically see the Lord Jesus Christ they will still rebel against him I struggle to understand a person who Rebels against the Lord after seeing him in his glory and all his Beauty and all of his kindness we can see another example of how hard Mankind's heart can be against God the Bible states that during the Great Tribulation people will know the
reason why all of these disastrous events are happening but rather than repenting and seeking forgiveness from the Lord men shall seek death Revelation 6:16 and said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sth on the throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb this proves the fact God doesn't send anyone to hell or anyone to Heaven individuals are given the choice and they choose heaven or choose hell the rich man whilst in the depths of Hell attempted to get Father Abraham to send someone from the
dead to preach to his brothers however Father Abraham said if they do not listen to Moses and the prophets they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead Even in our world today today there is evidence and proof of God Christianity is not a faith built on Blind Faith there is real tangible evidence that shows the reality of God unfortunately people decide not to seek for the evidence that can be found in addition to this the God of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of
the Gospel of the glory of Christ Christianity is an extremely rational faith I encourage you to read a book written by Norman Geisler and Frank Turk called I don't have enough Faith to be an atheist and in this book you will discover the reliability of the New Testament accounts concerning Jesus back to the end of the millennial reign of Christ Jesus of course there will be a lot of people that will be born during the millennial reign of Christ Jesus and they will have no idea what it's like to live in a world with the
Devil to live in a world like the world we live in today they will not know the world we know full of crime greed deceit and backbiting however there will be a great multitude who have lived through the millennial reign of Christ Jesus who will be in this Army of Satan Revelation 20:9 and they went up on the bread of the Earth encompassed the camp of the Saints about and the Beloved City and fire came down from from God out of heaven and devoured them this great vast Army that Satan has gathered is destroyed with
fire that comes from Heaven this great and vast Army doesn't even so much as put up a fight against the Lord this is something we need to understand clearly Satan is not the opposite of God people tend to view Satan as the opposite of God or the opposite equal to God he is not the opposite equal to God yes in some aspects he is the opposite God is light and Satan is Darkness God is good Satan is evil however when it comes to power Satan is not even in the league of God the Lord God
Almighty is in a classification of his own Satan you must remember is a created being whilst the Lord God Almighty is the father of creation God is all powerful and Satan is powerful but but he is not all powerful and this is evident in how easily and how quickly Satan's vast and great Army is completely and utterly devoured without even amounting any resistance and we see in the very next verse that the devil is cast into the Lake of Fire Revelation 20:10 and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and
brimstone where the Beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever at the beginning of the 10,000 years the Antichrist and the false prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire these two are both cast alive into a lake of fire burning with Brimstone it is interesting to note that these two are rightly the first to people to be cast into the Lake of Fire but they are the only two individuals who are not judged J before going there everyone else cast into the lake of fire goes through
the great white Throne judgment first however these two are placed into the Lake of Fire alive and they are later on joined by Satan notice how the Bible clearly tells us in Revelation 20:10 that in this Lake of Fire the Antichrist and the false prophet are there I think this is to show us the fact this place is is an eternal place it is a place where people do not cease to exist but rather are there forever and ever eternity is forever we are Eternal beings [Music]
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