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[Music] This one little banner ad makes me as much as $166,000 a month online, and it was actually super easy to make. In fact, I made this banner ad in less than 30 minutes, and yet it drives traffic to my website’s affiliate offers and things that make me money day in and day out. You might be thinking, "Banner ad, is this something that's going to cost money? Do I need to pay for traffic?" The answer is no. We're going to show you some methods where, if you want to, you can pay for traffic, but
I'm also going to show you some free methods where you can use this exact same strategy on the flip side to generate tons of traffic from social media, blogs, websites, videos, Pinterest accounts, Instagram—you name it! This works like crazy. But what if you're new and you don't understand all the tech stuff, or you don't have a website? Well, don't worry, because this works with virtually anything. I've used this method to direct link to an affiliate offer; I've also used it to drive traffic to one-page blogs or three-page blogs that can be set up in an
afternoon. Some of the text ads and banner ads that I've created over the years have been seen over 5 billion times. You might think that that number is astronomically huge and you might never attain it, which is probably true. However, what I want you to pay attention to is that if 5 billion people saw my ads, and I had metrics from each and every one of those ads to see which ones did best, well then it's safe to say I probably know how to make banner ads pretty well that generate tons of clicks and put
money in my pocket. And that's exactly what we're going to do today, right here, right now, live. I'm going to fire up the computer, and we're going to show you exactly how I make these little banner ads that get attention, clicks, and ultimately make money. Because let's face it, the average ad online, whether it's text or banner, gets less than a 1% click-through rate, which means if 100 people see the ad, 99 are just annoyed and never click it. But what if we could get 10%, 20%, 50%, or more of the people that see our
banner to actually click? Do you think you'd make more money? Well, that's exactly what happened to me years before I ever started making videos here on YouTube to teach marketing. I was running a traffic agency where we drove traffic to different affiliate offers. I would drive traffic in the mortgage niche, the weight loss niche, downloads, little tools, and pretty much anything. In order to make money, I needed to get traffic over to those offers. And like everyone else, I copied and pasted the banners from the affiliate networks and did what everyone else was doing, but
I found it extremely hard to get people to click on the things that made me money. Thus, I didn't make any money. So I dedicated years of my life to learning what makes people click. I tested many different banners, I tested many different layouts, colors, fonts, buttons, and the whole nine yards. What I found is that most people are insanely predictable. They respond to the same things; they click the same things. So if I could figure out what those things were, then I knew I could make money. Don't you think that if you knew what
made people click, what got their attention, and what drove them to the things that got you paid, your odds of making money would go up drastically? Yeah, I thought so too, and that's why in this training, after you smash the like button, we're going to hop over to the computer. I'm going to make these banners live, show you why I do what I do, the tools I use, the psychology behind them, and how you can start driving tons and tons of traffic to your affiliate links, high-paying ads, and pretty much anything that puts money in
your pocket. So if you're excited, let me know with a comment below, and at the end of this video, you'll be able to create simple banners that make money. Come on, let's get started! All right, today we are going to go through banner ads and how they make money and how to create them. Now, this is one of the ways to make money online that is often overlooked because people don't really talk about banner ads. They think they were back from like 2000 or 1994 when AT&T made one of the first banners online. But the
fact of the matter is banner advertising is extremely profitable. I have used banner advertising many times, including the ad that we're going to talk about today, that made over $16,000 a month with a one-page website. So it was no website; I have done this with no website, but that example, for full transparency, was with a one- or two-page website—very simple. Okay, now again, we need to take this with a grain of salt because this is a business. The average person is not going to make a banner and get $16,000 tomorrow. You have to go through,
you have to do the work—there's risk, there’s reward, and the average person trying to "make money online" makes nothing. However, with that said, what we're going to do is talk about how this works. We're going to look behind the scenes and talk about what banner advertising can do for your business. This is something that we're going to look at two sides of the coin, okay? So we have banner advertising. For two different things, a lot of people say, "Well, you know, I don't have money to run ads." Don't worry about it. There are two things
here: there is what we call inbound banner ads and outbound banner ads. Okay, this is something that a lot of people miss, and they try to do the one-click, one-size-fits-all model of making money, where they just throw a bunch of stuff on their site and hope it makes money. All right, inbound banner advertising is where we are going to go through, and hopefully the Whiteboard wants to work here. We're going to go through, and we are going to look at what inbound banner ads are. Come on, Whiteboard! All right, what inbound banners are: inbound banners
are where you are going to pay for ads on a different site, and you're going to get traffic to your affiliate links, whatever it is. The other one here we are going to look at is outbound, which is where your site is getting traffic, which could be from SEO, could be from Facebook, could be from YouTube, it could be from blogs; whatever it is, you're getting traffic to your website, and you're going to use these banners to get people two things that are going to make you money. Uh, good luck, says, "Can you teach us
about pay-per-click?" This is pay-per-click. If you do the inbound method, you would be paying for a banner either by the month or by the click. Now, when you do this, what you're going to realize - and I'm glad you brought that up, uh Jonas - because what we're looking at here is the fact that when you buy banners at a monthly rate, like right now, I buy thousands of dollars worth of banners. Um, I think over $5,000 a month worth of banners I buy on any given month. Sometimes it's more, but it rarely goes less
than that. Um, what you're going to realize is that you are paying for the banner usually on what's called a run-of-site, which means you pay $500, it's on the site. There you go, bada bing, bada bang. Um, what that means is that if you can get more clicks from your ad, you can make more money. A lot of people don't think about this; we have to really, really, really focus on this. Um, Allan says, "I like when they pay me to click." Yes, when you're doing pay-per-click, this is something you can do as well because
what it's doing is it's allowing you a lot of different ways to market, and we're going to get into how this works. Now, some of the things that banner ads allow that other marketing avenues don't is you're not subject to quality scores and different things like that. You don't need much of a website because you're paying for an ad, and most companies, as long as you pay for the ad, they really don't care what you advertise, as long as it fits within, you know, obviously you're not going to run risky ads on Bible websites, right?
They probably won't do that. But for the most part, you can pretty much run whatever you want as long as it's done correctly, which for most marketers, for most people trying to make money, this clears the playing field because if you can get a banner on the right side, then you can make money. Now, the problem is there's this thing called banner blindness, which means a lot of people try to run banners and they get unseen. Okay? That means there are places where people are looking at them, and they don't see them because they're accustomed
to ads, they're accustomed to how that works, and they don't get clicks. This is where you see, you know, you go to the affiliate network, maybe you go to like OfferVault or something like that, you find an affiliate offer; they will give you banners, and those banners will not convert very well. Why? Because they're run-of-the-mill banners like this here for Audible. Um, Amazon has a lot of money, so they can run this ad, and they don't care how many people click because they know, in the long run, they're just buying customers. For me and you,
we can't afford to do that. We have to look at every click as its own specific thing and really focus on getting them to do something. Next, here's another one from WooCommerce, Liquid Web. Um, something about seven-figure sales. Get the book; a little bit better of a banner. And then an AOIC one that I think isn't that good at all. So what we're going to do today is we're going to talk about how to create these. In addition to that, I also have a free tool for you, so you guys will be able to use
a free tool that we just created last night that you can use to make banners that will get results. Also, we are going to take a look at some image websites. I have some images here that we're going to look at in terms of what makes these things get clicked. Now, this is something that you can use on your own website; this is something you can use on other websites to get traffic to you. It's actually very easy and, yes, as I mentioned earlier, you can go to places like Taboola and other places to get
banners or even direct to websites, get a banner, link them to an affiliate offer. Sometimes, you don't even need to have a website. Now, disclaimer: I would always have a website for the reason I'm going to talk to you about in a little bit. Now, there are a couple of different types of banner ads. There are... Static banner ads, which are like these—where they don't move, they don't do anything—okay? There's also animated. I've been messing around with Icon Scout. Let me see if I can spell that right: Icon Scout. I'm getting a lot of animated
things to put on banners. This is a great place to go. I think they're fairly inexpensive, so, you know, it's pretty easy—like n bucks a month, so it's not too bad. There are places you can get free images, just whatever you like, you can use. I like this one. They have a lot, and I can go through and look at money and maybe find an animated graphic here. You could go to animations and see the different animations they have here, and these do increase click-through rates. If you have animations, these work fantastically on your blog,
on your website, and they get attention. Imagine, instead of just having—let's see—Ken, can you tell me what you've got there? That's a weird one; shouldn’t be having an issue with the video. Yeah, it looks like everything's good, I think. So, all right? But yeah, looking at this, we're going to take a look and say okay, well how does this work? How do we make this happen? Okay, very cool. So looking at this, we're going to go through and we are going to say what's going to work better: a little ad that says, you know, "Click
here for the best bank," or is it going to work better if you have like this little thing that says, "Savings tips," or whatever it is? Okay, very, very simple, very easy. AGI says, "I still don't understand how to get paid for putting links on my websites. I have 230 websites and can't figure out that part for months." Well, the first problem is, if you have 230 websites and you're not making money with them, I think it's time to learn how to make a new website, because if you haven't made it work with 230, it's
going to be a struggle. I mean, that's just what's going to happen. But looking at this, these things can help. What you're going to want to do is take a look at the types of banners and how it's going to get people in based on why they're there in the first place. The most important part of banner advertising, and advertising on websites, is understanding what is going on. AGI Kitchen says they’re automated. I mean, if you’ve got 230 automated sites, chances are that method is not working. I am not a big fan of automated sites.
I get customers who come to me all the time, and they buy websites, and they just don’t do anything. People charge for these sites, and they're not that great. So, what we're going to do is we're going to look at this—animated banner ads. That’s where we can go through and use stuff like the Icon Scout stuff. We're going to talk about the tools that’ll make this work as well. And next, we have rich media banner ads, which are interactive and have coding behind them and different things like that. So, what we're going to do is
we're going to take a look and say, how does this work? Okay, now to give you a rundown of the different types of sizes of banners, we are going to have a 720 by 90 leaderboard. When you go in to create banners, what you're going to do is you're going to make that in your program. My favorite program to use is something like SnagIt, where we’re going to go through and take a look here, and we can create a banner. So we'll do File, New, and we'll choose our size. So if we’re doing 728 by
90, this will give you the size of banner that you can start editing, right? So we go through, we make our banner work here. Now, the question is, how do we actually go through and create something that is going to get the clicks? How do we make something that is going to get the attention? Here are some other banner sizes. Now what I find are the best converting: the medium rectangle here, and sometimes a leaderboard if it’s on the right type of site. Placement is everything—okay, very, very, very important. Free cash: if you don't like
the videos, there's plenty of other stuff to watch. I mean, there are like 1,200 here. So if you're struggling to find what you're looking for, it's like 1,200 videos here. I mean, there you go. But if you don’t like me, that’s cool; that’s to each his own. So, starting to look at this, we’re going to go through and look at the banners, and we're going to understand where the sizing is. Now, what we need to do is we need to look at direct response versus branding—okay? Direct response versus branding. What is the difference here? When
we looked at the stuff up here, what we're looking at more or less is branding. They are using something like Audible to get people to be interested in the Audible program. Okay? I think I can paste it here. There we go. So, what we're looking at is there's really no elements that are going to get them in; so what they're doing is they're trying to go for the sale. Okay? So they're going for the sale right off the bat, which is like "Save 66%, three months, get this deal." That’s what they’re trying to do here.
Okay, we need people interested. So, what they have is they have branding, they have a deal, and then they have a button. This button is known as a CTA or call to action. Okay, Amazon can afford to brand; we cannot. Amazon doesn't care; they have a budget that says, "Hey, you know what? We're going to spend $10 million a year, or whatever it is—probably more than that—promoting Audible because we know that Audible will help, and at the end of the day, people are going to sign up and we'll make money with it." For us, we're
going to need a different setup; we're going to need what is called direct response. Okay, if you want to learn about direct response advertising, Dan Kennedy is a good guy to learn from. Also, old advertisers back in the day talked about direct response, which is getting a response directly. Now, there are two things when it comes to direct response online. There is direct response, which is in the form of a sale. Right, so if I was doing this video and I said, "Okay, we need you to buy this thing. If you want to learn more,
go buy Blog Profit Network or something like that," okay? That would be direct response for a sale. Now, what happens here is you're getting someone to respond directly. There's also direct response that is in the form of a click—getting people to click, getting people interested, getting leads. That is something where, instead of having "Okay, let's try to go for a sale in a banner," we're not Amazon; they don't know who we are. You're not going to sell something via a banner, so we're going to go through and we're going to look at the direct response
strategies of making things that actually work by taking a look at the site. Okay, there's also another thing called retargeting, which we'll get into in a little bit, and then how do you get this to convert? How do you get something to convert? I want everyone to do a test here: imagine for a minute that you woke up and you said, "Wow, you know, Marcus is giving me a banner on his website." Okay, this hypothetical: say you got a free banner on my website. If you had a free banner on my website and I put
it right here, I say, "Hey, I'm going to move this 'Work with Marcus' stuff down, and I'm going to put your banner right there." Knowing what you know about people who go to my website, what would be the best banner possible? Okay, think about this because if you can crack this code, it's game over; you win. Because then you can go out there and buy banners, and we're going to talk about different places you can buy banners like BuySellAds and stuff like that. But what we need to do is, much like that example, we need
to understand and look at the page, and look at what's on there: why are people there, what are they doing? Second, we have to look at your page, right? Look at your web pages and see what's going on there. Now a lot of people have trouble because they have overloaded ads; they don't have a call to action—not saying "Click here," "Buy now," "Download," different things like that. And by the way, with banner advertising and ads on your website, using the word "download" is magical—very, very important. Now, also, inappropriate choice of colors and typography: a lot
of people have weird fonts. They try to get cute; they try to make things look a certain way, when in fact that stuff does not convert. So what we want to do is something different. How do we make it fit? What is on the site? If I was going to run a banner ad on this site, what would I do? What would it look like? Well, it would need a white background or some kind of gray to fit. If I was going to run this, like imagine maybe tomorrow you go to Amazon.com and they give
you a banner; they say, "Hey, instead of this, reward small businesses—you can put whatever you want there." Okay, imagine you had that—what would you do to capitalize on billions and billions of people? How would you get as many people to you as possible? Forgetting to run tests, excessive animations, and effects—this is where people overdo it. Okay? Sometimes in advertising, less is more. Most of the time in advertising, less is more. Ignoring the target audience: not looking at why people are there. A lot of people focus on their own needs; they say, "I'm going to run
this ad because it makes money," rather than "How can I best serve this market?" Because let's face it, if you were to go out there to someone like BuySellAds and you were to buy an ad, right? There's basically an inventory here of ads that you can run. In some cases, your ad will be up before the day is over. If you were to look at this and say, "Okay, well, maybe I have this digital lifestyle or this one here with artists or whatever it is," what are the things that I would do? What would I
put in front of these people to make money? You can go through and you can see exactly what they have and what they charge: here's $20 for an ad—not very expensive—because people don't know the value of their traffic. This is something that's absolutely huge, so going through and looking at… "This and saying, 'Okay, um, here's where they are,' and then you could look at the site, see where they're at, see what would fit. But again, ask yourself, 'If I had a banner on that site, what would it look like?' They have 25,000 members; it's related
to crypto and different things like that. You can get an ad very, very inexpensively. This is something anyone can do. Um, again, there is risk; it's an ad, and you could lose money and different things like that. But you have to understand this is two sides of the coin: we're looking at ads on our sites, and we're looking at ads on other sites. When you have a WordPress site, much like we showed with the GoDaddy example, I think we had... let's see, the GoDaddy appraisal tool. We had this one where we edited the little button
here, and we put this box here of 'Sell my domain.' Now, again, understanding what people would want and seeing how we can get them to click on things is absolutely key. Okay, so what we're going to do here, again, we want high-quality images and graphics. You want it to look good; it needs to stand out, and it needs to get the clicks. Some other elements that you can try are bold, attention-grabbing headlines. If you struggle with headlines, use ChatGPT; it will help you. Use a strong curiosity and 'DED' phrase like 'Unlock the secret,' 'Don’t miss
this,' 'Download this,' 'Get your free report,' anything you can do that's custom. Like maybe you're on a website that's talking about... the one where it was Webmaster forums or whatever; you can give them a free site report or something like that. Having a clear CTA button—something like 'Claim now,' 'Get yours now'—is something that gets immediate action. Urgency and scarcity obviously make these true, but you could say, 'For this month only, we're doing X, Y, and Z.' Visual appeal and strong value proposition are key. Now, when looking at these, what we're going to do is start
to understand how we can make things that people will want to click. I made this tool for you to show you how it works so that you can see what will actually work. We want to think about our advertisers and think about our websites, whether it's our own website or one that we are using. We can go through and say, 'Okay, Bit InfoArt.' So, this is an info website about cryptocurrency. It is $2.50 CPM or $4 CPM. What does this mean? This means that for every 1,000 times your ad is seen, it's going to cost
you $4 or $2.50. Okay, why is this important? Pay close attention; this is important because if I'm paying $1,000 for four or if I'm paying $4 for 1,000 clicks and I get one visitor, okay, that means that one visitor cost me $4. If I get 10 visitors, that means those visitors cost me 40 cents. If I get 100 visitors, that means they cost me 4 cents. Do you guys see how that works? The banner ad price does not change; I just need to learn how to get more traffic, and the money will go down. A
lot of people don't understand this, which is why it's super important to know and get. So, what I would want to do is look at something like Bit Info Charts. I could go through; I could look at what the traffic is like. This is one about a bunch of crypto things. Here's another one about crypto—Bit Info Bitcoin rich list, hash rate, largest Bitcoin wallets—different things like that. Okay, so what I would want to do is first go through, let's say it's my site or a different site. Okay, it doesn't matter; we want to think about
this on both. So, what I could do is say, 'Why are people here? What do they want? How can I get curiosity?' Curiosity is key; this is what makes people click. This is what makes this stuff work in a real-world way. So, if I go through and I say, 'Okay, Bit Info Charts; I can get traffic pretty cheap,' I ought to be able to get at least one click every thousand impressions. Let's start there. Now, I can go through and say, 'Okay, they're looking up Bitcoin stuff and crypto stuff; they're interested in that.' So, what
if instead of doing a banner where most people would be like, 'Um, free crypto reports,' or something like that, okay—and they're going to fancy it up like this—instead of doing something like this, what if instead I said, 'Compare the crypto'? Okay, again, the goal is to get as many clicks as we possibly can. So, if I did something like 'Compare the crypto,' and maybe I had a website that talked about different crypto or something like that, or maybe I'm on a weight loss site and I say, 'How much weight do you want to lose?' Right?
Like this, okay, asking a question, getting curiosity is going to far outweigh fancy graphics, fancy images, and anything like that. Why? Because if I understand the market, this is key. There's the same thing when you're doing stuff on your own websites and blogs. That's why when you take a look at the websites that I have, the posts that I make, we are trying to make something that is very specific to whatever it is they want. Notice here, 'ChatGPT Keyword Niche Finder.' We have the video, then we have buttons. These buttons convert like crazy; they're like
miniature banner ads. The reason they convert isn't because they're cute little colorful buttons; it's because of..." What the buttons say in proximity to why people are there in the first place is the same thing you do on your own site and the same thing you do on other sites. So if I were to go through and say, "Well, what about how much weight do you want to lose?" What we're going to do is we are going to add interactive elements. This is a tool that we'll make available for you towards the end. We just made
it so I have to fancy it up a bit, but what this does is it allows you to create interactive elements to get people to click on your stuff more. Let’s say we wanted to do a dropdown box. We could go here, and I could choose a color. All right, let’s say I wanted a blue outline, with a border thickness of two or three, and it gives you a little idea of what it looks like there. Then we could say, "What kind of cell padding do we want?" Maybe five—that’s how the words fit in there;
that’s what that is. Text size? Let’s say we do 16. Then we can say something simple, so we could go through and do, “Let’s do 25 pounds.” Okay, and watch what happens here. This is going to change the way you think about marketing. It’s crazy easy. When we go through, we have it like this, and I think the way it works is we drag and drop it there. I believe, yeah, there it goes. So now what happens is we have this box here, and you can change the font and everything. We are going to put
this on our website or on our banner. Okay, so I could do, “How much weight do you want to lose? 25 lb.” What’s going to happen is they’re going to be interested in losing weight. Then I can take them to a page. So the amount of people that click something like this versus a regular banner is going to be astronomical, right? How do I know? I’ve tested it; it works like crazy. “How much weight do you want to lose?” We could do like this, fancy it up, use red—red obviously stands out—Arial Black. Again, we want
very simple, very easy to read, and this kind of banner is going to outpull pretty much anything else out there because people are going to be curious; they’re going to want to click, which is very, very simple. Okay, is everyone following so far? Let me know if you are. Very cool! All right, some other interactive elements you can use would be like a radio button. So we could do a radio button here: "Choose your size." Let's do text size; actually, we don’t really need the text size on that one because we’re just going to use
the buttons. So I can do like this here and generate it over here, like this, and what will happen is it’ll put it over here so you can copy and paste it. Okay, and then I can copy these, right, like this, put them in the banner, and say, “How much weight do you want to lose?” Now, using these elements is another one that is absolutely key to making this work because what's going to happen is now I can do, “How much weight do you want to lose?”—put this one here, this one here, and this one
over here—and you can just space them out in an even way, add some text, say, “100 lb” or something like that—“50 lb,” “10 lb,” anything like that, 100—and you would obviously make them work in a very, very simple way, and then putting this on your site is going to get that much better of a result. Okay, next we can do anything really, like, “How much money do you want to make?” “How long ago did you buy crypto?” “How much do you want to invest in crypto?” Maybe you could do something, taking a look at other
websites here where we can look at, let’s say, binge-watchers' podcasts. So this is something about binge-watching movies—so different things like this. Okay, so this one here: $1800 for a mid-roll ad. So that’s in your podcast; we don’t want that. Let’s do one—maybe we’re going to do business and Webmaster Forum, or you could do, let’s see, codes, buy/sell ads. Let's try inventory type, or maybe we could do something like finance here, and we could do a bar chart. So here’s a stock and commodity one—ready to be rich. Okay, so there’s an inventory on that one, or
maybe we could go through and look at games, technology, something like that, right? So if you were to do something like Feedly, which I use, Feedly, they work good, or web analytics. So here’s one that does web analytics: $400 gets you 99% of the traffic. Here’s one that gets a bunch of traffic for $280, and that is a 160 by 90. So if you had 160 x 90 pixels to convert as many people on that as possible—160 by 90—what would you do? Okay, maybe you could do something like go through here and have some stats,
right? So I could do a bar chart or something like that—a bar chart—or I could even have a button, right? Maybe I’ll go through and have a button that says, “Get more traffic.” Like this little guy here would probably work really well. You can put those on there and say, “Hey, get more traffic to your website; click here,” or I could go through and say, “Okay, these are people that are ads”. Are people that are on a website that is about stats on websites? So, they're looking up how much traffic they're getting, different things like
that. Very, very simple. So, I could go through and I can have something like, over here, let's get one of these buttons. I got these little buttons from, um, uh, what's it called? Icon? Or iStock photo? So, what we're going to do is we're going to open this with SnagIt, right? Like this. And I'm going to think about what I would want. So, here I can have something like this. I'm going to get this, and it'll make sense in a minute. Uh, let's do like this here, a little bit more. All right, so something like
this here. Very simple, and you can clean it up a little bit. I'm just giving you the example of how this works, okay? So if we have something like this here, we're just going to tweak this a little bit, and I'll make the image. I'm going to erase this here, make it the same color, and then what I'll do is I'll say something like "Go!" All right, right like that. Make it big and bold, get rid of the white there, put it there like that. Okay, you could do whatever color you want. Then, what we're
going to do is we'll put this on here and we'll say, "Okay, this is the space I have," so let's make this small. Of course, where'd we go? And what we're going to do is we're going to try to get them in on a free website traffic report. Okay, now you'll have to tweak this a little bit because this is actually pretty small, but we can go through and say, "You know, here's a search box that'll give you a free report." Okay, so let's see if we can fit that on there. I'd like to be
able to, it's just way too small. Here, there we go! Now we got it. So, we'll do something like this where it's like, "Hey, get your free traffic report," and then the search button or something like that. Very simple, very easy. Is this making sense to everyone? Right? We're just basically saying what could I do on these websites to get as much traffic as possible? How can I get as much of the traffic that they have to my stuff? And we can have like a little search box here. You can see what it's going to
look like here, right there. And we could say, um, "Get something like a free traffic report," and then just kind of clean it up here like this. Free traffic report. Obviously, you're going to make it look nice. I'm just showing you the example here. And then you can have like little arrows and stuff like that. Um, I'm not a big fan of using the, um, shadows here, so I'm going to get rid of those. And then I'll probably even be very picky as to what the backs of these look like, like that, like there. And
then I’ll just build it up and I'm like, "Okay, here's how it works. Get your free traffic report." So, having this on a website about stats is going to work really, really, really well. Okay, um, someone says, "What about selling crafts on Etsy?" So, this is a traffic method you could use it for whatever you want. Um, you would want to think about what kind of crafts they would have. So, for example, let's say, um, you had a website about romance, or love or something like that. Okay, let's say we go here and we do
like this and we'll do, um, "Romance." Hopefully, we don't get weird stuff. I love. Okay, so something like this—family poem. Okay, so this here. All right, so now you're looking at this, which is a family poem website. All right, we could see, um, how much traffic they get; it's $7 each, um, thousand. So, I'm guessing they're getting quite a bit of traffic there. Let me just make sure this is clean off of the, uh, thing here. Um, but understanding this is a great way they get tons of traffic. I mean, look at this—they are getting,
uh, love poems for her, short love poems, love poems for him. So, looking at this, how many of you guys are like, "Oh, okay, this totally makes sense. I'm getting it." And now we can see what the page looks like. Okay, they got some ads up there. Let's see. There we go! They got some ads up there, here, here. Okay, Bluehost, and this doesn't really fit some kind of mind thing. So, if I had this spot up here, which looks like a 1600 or 728, I think that's the 728. Okay, so if I had that
spot there and I wanted to sell stuff on Etsy, watch—this is going to make complete sense. So, we'll do file new. We're going to do New Image 720. Or actually, let's do the 300 one because I think that'll show you guys in a better way. So, it's 300 by 250. Okay, so we'll do file new 300, 250. What I would do is I would take my craft that is on Etsy. Let's say we have a necklace or something like that, okay? Or a ring. You're going to go over there and you are going to do—where'd
we go? I had it somewhere. This one! We're going to go over there, and we're going to do maybe necklace. Okay, what you would do is you'd find a little necklace, and this works like crazy. A lot of people, um, they underestimate this because they just don't know what they don't know. And now you know! All right, so what we're going to do is go through and look at one of these. We'll pick, you know, some kind of necklace or whatever it is. Obviously, you're going to make it, um, what yours looks like. I don't
have a picture of yours, so we're going to use one of these. But we're going to go through, and we are going to look at something like, let's say, this one here. Okay, you would get something like this and you could say something like, um, "custom necklace." Or actually, you know what? Let’s do better. Here’s what I would do if I was doing an Etsy and I wanted to run on the Family Love Poem site, Family Love Poem, which, you know, is for him, her, whatever. What I'm going to do is make something custom for
love poems because what's going to get the most traffic from them is going to be something related to love poems. Right? Like if you're a direct target to what that site has, then you're good to go. So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to make something custom like this: "Get a custom love poem." Okay, so what we're going to do is go through, and I'm going to take my banner and say "Custom Love Poem." Then I'll say "Free." Okay? So, "Free Custom Love Poem." Go like this, and what we're doing is we're going
to get a bunch of people that are interested in love poems and romance, and we're going to build a mailing list or get them to our site; either way, we can do that. So, we’ll do "Custom Poem" in red, "Free" there, and then what I'll have is this little box here, and I'll say "Enter name here." All right, so we'll go like this: we’ll have "Enter name here" and we'll have our little search box right like this. Oh, come on now; this thing does not want to work with me today! How many of you guys
are understanding the power of this? And then we can even make it easier by taking this, putting it here so it's smaller—it's just a little simple way of getting that traffic over to you. There we go! So, you'd clean that up a little, obviously, make it fit like that. Um, but you'd clean it up, make it work—very simple, right? Then you would have maybe a sample name in there or something like that, and you can say, um, "Go," or something like that. I would change the text here because you don't really want them to search;
you would want them to go or generate or something like that. Okay? And then we could make that white so it stands out, and then you could put your arrows or even, even like little hearts or whatever. Okay, do you guys see how this is going to convert far better than the other stuff? Right? So, if we do like hearts now, we can go through, and let's do static. Okay? And then we go through and be like this. Now, once they’re on our site, we just make some free love poem generator with ChatGPT or something,
or you can even think about the power of this when we’re thinking like marketers. Because a lot of people, they try to just do what they think’s going to work, and it's not going to work—that's why your marketing doesn't work. But if I think differently and I'm like, "What could I do with this traffic?" Okay, so let’s say I take them from this banner. Okay, we take them from this banner here, and we’re like, "Okay, I'm going to tie this into a custom GPT." So they’re going to go to my site, and it's going to
say "Generate Love Poem" here. Okay? Then you’re going to have, like, "Put your name" or "Put the person's name," put, you know, "How long you've been together," whatever it is. Okay? And then we go through, we’re like, "Okay, we have that there," "Generate landing page" or "Generate love poem." Then we could have, um, something like "Put your name and email," like where to send it, and what that would do is generate you leads in this market. Then what I would do is take them to Etsy for a custom necklace or something like that—it's going to
work in a very, very real way. Okay? Very, very simple. Okay, what we're doing is we're looking at it and making it work. Uh, Katan, that couldn't be further from the truth. I've been doing this for a long time, even before I started doing videos, but thanks for trying. So when we look at this—and actually, I did have a love poem site back in the day—this is something that I, uh, used all the time. Right? So, I mean, I could pull it up for you, but I don't think I have Dropbox on this computer; otherwise,
I'd be able to... Yeah, there's no Dropbox on it. But if you watch my other videos, you'll see the video where I had love poems. Different things you could promote with this would be, like, ClickBank offers, um, different things like that. And you start to look at that, and you’re like, "Oh, now I get it. Now I can tackle this traffic that other people don't know how to use," and we know that other people don't know how to use it because it's super cheap. All right, making sense to everyone? Let me know by smashing the
like button if this makes sense, and you'll start to see exactly how it works. Um, now when we... Look at this! We're going to use the tools to think differently. What this is going to do is that this tool will be available over at downloadnotes.com. We'll have it for you; it'll be very simple. Okay, so when looking at this, we know this stuff works because I have done this when I had my Love Palm website. We were getting, like, I think 5,000 visitors a day or something like that, and I had to convert it because
this is about really, really focusing—okay, really, really focusing—and understanding what's going on. Software says, "On your last video, you said stop using banner ads." Yes, you want to stop using run-of-the-mill, junky banner ads, and you want to start using interactive things that people are actually going to click on. If you're just going over there and using banner ads that the affiliate network gives you, it's going to be very difficult; you're not going to get anywhere. However, using these right, we could go through and say, “Okay, well, what would be interactive for these people?” Maybe I
could do a button like, “Generate love poem here.” Okay, and then you can go through and make that. Let's do border color. I don't know if… yeah, text color— we’ll do like white or something to make it easy right there. Then you can kind of mess around with it from there, but it's very easy to do, and understanding how this works and what actually gets attention is key, right? And I think you can actually—I'm pretty sure you can change the font on the fly. Maybe not; maybe we have to drag it there again. Let's try
another one. Yeah, okay, so it'll regenerate it there. How many of you guys are seeing this and you're like, “Oh, this free tool is going to help us”? Because I can literally make a box right here that is a banner, so if I was to go here and start over and say I wanted to make that small banner, I could say, “Okay, maybe we'll have a text box here.” Let’s put that over there. Oh, you have to collapse them; it's a brand-new tool I’m getting used to! And then you could have, you know, “Enter the
person's name here.” Enter “Person's name.” Okay, very simple, very easy. And then all you would have to do is drag and drop it over here: “Enter person's name.” Then you could say, "How long have you been together?" And what they'll do is they'll see that as interactive, and they'll be like, "Oh, I'll click it!" Now, it's very important that when using this strategy, you deliver on the promise with whatever you're getting them to, okay? GPT says, "Have you created interactive material with Google Forms?" I have used Google Forms; I like my own stuff because we
track it, so a lot of these tools in Blog Profit Network—we actually have that track this stuff, right? So if you were to look at Affiliate Marketing Dude, let’s see here, got to prove I’m not a robot to the robot. And then what's going to happen is you're going to see different tools here—like, um, the Button Voodoo, which is the one that makes those little buttons that are on the sites, and it'll track it, and it'll get people there in a very simple way. Okay, using these where you're going to get interaction is going to
be key because what we need to do is we need to start taking our traffic, thinking about them differently, and getting them to something else. How could we go out there and say, "Well, maybe I got a website about something else"? Maybe I'm out there for CSS tricks, or icons, or news, right? News—you think about a site like this, and unfortunately, some of those ads that are out there, like "Who are you going to vote for? This candidate or that candidate?"—and they're very clickbaity, but they work. Alright, so what we want to do is we
want to use clickbaity principles but deliver on the promise. So what if instead maybe I have something like, "Who’s better for taxes?" Alright, think about this; you want to think about marketing in a different way because so many people just say, "Oh, let’s run a banner; let’s hope people click—that’s the end of the story." What we want to do is we want to think, “Okay, what if I was going to do, ‘Who is better for the economy?’ or ‘How much do you think taxes will increase?’” Then we take them to something that is based on,
“Oh, hey, if this person gets elected, here’s what you should do with your IRA; if this person, here’s what you should do with your IRA.” Giving them different ideas and different things like that is key—something that is going to get their attention. Silver says, "Advertise them the more they pay for traffic." I just use their info. Okay, I'm not sure what you're talking about—something about Buy Sell Ads or whatever, and I have used Bell Ads. I've bought millions and millions of impressions with Bell Ads; this is something I've done all the time. Be careful because
you could spend a lot of money really quickly. What I would do is this: I would get a website with traffic—not an automated junk website with AI stuff. Get something that’s good. That's not to say you can't use AI; it's to say make something good, make something that helps. Maybe you're out there like the client of mine that has a website in the college admissions market, right? The dude gets a bunch of traffic; it works really well. That, to convert, we need to think differently. Because you could go out there and say, "Oh, well, you
know, refinance your student loans." Okay, that's fine; it's a little weak. But what if we said something like, "How much do you owe in student loans?" Here's a deal. Right? If I go up to a thousand people—and I know this because I used to be a street preacher and I went up to people who didn't want to hear what I had to say—I had to learn interesting ways of getting attention so that they would listen. When I learned that, I learned that if you start with a question, people will answer it. If I come up
to you on the street and I say, "Do you know what time it is?" you're going to answer me, right? And if I'm a watch salesman, I could go to all the people without watches and say, "Hey, you know, if you don't know what time it is, here's a watch," or whatever. But asking that question is going to change the perspective and it's going to get more people interested. However, if I go up to you and I say, "Hey, you want to buy a watch?" nobody cares about that. Okay? But if we go out there
and we say, "Maybe I have this website about college admissions," I can say, "How much student debt do you owe?" Alright, we make a little banner like this and we put it on the website. So, practice on your own websites because that traffic—if you get that traffic free—it's free! There are a lot of people who follow me and watch my videos that get a lot of traffic, but they don't know how to convert it. They don't know how to get people to click, which is super, super important. Okay, cool. Um, let's see what else we
have here. So, you do, "How much student debt do you owe?" and then you could just change this here and do something like, you know, "25,000 bucks" or whatever. So, let's do like this—where did our text go? There we go. So we would do "$25,000," and then what they'll do is they will click it to get to theirs. And then you can have a little thing at the bottom that says, "Hey, um, get this." There you go—"How much student debt do you owe? $25,000." You could also have like a little follow-up there that says on
the next page, "See how much you can save" or something like that: very, very simple. Okay, I want to see you in action street preaching. We do have old videos, I don't know where they're at though; it was years ago. Is the drop-down tool—we make HTML or put it on a website? So what we're doing here is we are making a static banner ad out of that. So, we're not actually putting it on the site; it doesn't actually work. We're going to have that element actually work on the page of our website. This is the
one we're going to run on where we want to get the traffic from. And looking at this we just start thinking about what do people want? And this is actually a really good practice for people who want to make money online. Go here instead of watching some guru course or whatever, go here and think about what you would give to these people if you had that. So, here's student handouts. So, I'm guessing this is something to do with teachers. Let's take a look here, and what we'll do is we'll look at it and say, "What
is it we can do?" Okay, so we'll go like this and see what their traffic's about. Uh, let's see. Yeah, so here we have this here, and it's about Venn diagrams, handwriting, um, different stuff like that. Okay? So, what you could do is figure out if this is for teachers or students. If it's for students, I'd try to get them into other stuff. If it's for teachers, I would try to get them into, you know, teaching and different things like that. Okay, very cool, so looking at that we're like, "Okay, how can I now do
this?" Maybe, if it's for teachers you could do something like, "Download 100 must-have forms for the classroom" or whatever it is. Okay? Very simple, very easy. We don't want to overthink it; we just want to give them what they want. Um, I would say that definitely go through and start looking at the different things that are here and think about what could I do with this. Here's something about shirts. Okay, so this is about t-shirts. You want to do print on demand; this could work. Now, again, thinking about this: are we actually going to do
that? How's it going to work? This is way too expensive for what I'm thinking—or that's fixed. Okay, so that's fixed; that's for the whole month, so that's cheap. But I would look at this t-shirt site and say, "What could we do?" Now, it looks like these are by artist, okay? So I'm thinking the shirt list—they have all kinds of different t-shirts like that. And you could go through and be like, "Okay, now I could do maybe concert tickets or whatever it is," starting to see how it works. Uh, Riddle says, "I'm going to try this
on some of my own websites and see how it goes; it will increase the traffic. It'll increase the traffic big time." Now, some people are asking, "Who pays me per click?" There's something you can do here where it's called... Flip the market! Flipping the market works on your own sites, and it also works on other sites. Let's say I go through, and I have a generic website about finance or worksheets or whatever it is. Okay, I go here, and I say, "What is out there for, let's see, PCS forums, Java? Let's see what else we
have: virtualization, check web steps on different tools." Maybe we'll go for something like finance. Okay, if I can find one, the fastest, most stock screener investing channel, "Ready to Be Rich." Let's see what this guy has. Okay, so "Ready to Be Rich" here, which is some—I don't know what his site's about, but looking at that, it’s a blog on investments and personal finance. So, if I could go through and make something people would click on… Okay, so what is it that people in finance would want? Maybe "Which stock do you think will grow?" or something
like that. We can go through and say, "Which of these stocks do you think would grow?" So we'll go here, and our goal is to get as many clicks as possible to our offer: "Which of these grew the most?" You could do something like "Text your stock knowledge." Okay, and people love this kind of stuff. I mean, it’s crazy how much people like this, probably because they have to prove themselves right or something like that. "Test your stock knowledge." Okay, and we're going to go through and we're like, "Okay, test your stock knowledge. Which of
these grew the most in 2024?" All right, we'll do Nvidia. How many of you guys are already like, "Hey, I'd take this test! This sounds interesting." Nvidia, Google, Apple, or let’s do Tesla. Everyone likes Tesla—well, almost everyone, right? And now what's going to happen is you're going to get the clicks. Now the "flip the market" comes into play with what you do with them next. Okay, now what I do is I go to ChatGPT—I make an article about these stocks and which grew the most. Then I have content about top platforms. Maybe I have an
article about investing services, courses, things like that. Because what’s going to happen is you're going to see if you go to SpyFu, you’ll see the prices of clicks. Okay, so let’s say we do something like—okay, we have charts there. Let’s do stock charts. This is going to be a very, very inexpensive click: 56 cents. It’s probably even less than that, but if I do stock platforms like this, now it's going to start to go up. Same thing if I do "ways to save money on a mortgage" or "Hey, what is your current interest rate?" Something
like that. What we're doing is we're getting the bulk amount of people, then we put them to an article. This is where the expensive ads and money come in. I did this with a mortgage refinance website back in 2008 before I sold it. We were literally getting 300 visitors to that site—300 a day. Because of the number of things they clicked on using this method, we got 1,500 actual clicks at the end of the day. And because those clicks generated so much money, I was paying 30 cents a visitor, and I was making somewhere in
the neighborhood of an effective rate of like $3. So I was 10Xing my money all day, every day—just by focusing this in a real-world way. When people talk about affiliate marketing and banners and ads and things like that, they don't understand what actually works. They don’t understand that there are elements that you can use to make this stuff even better, looking at things like this—where, yeah, could I use a radio button or a video image or something like that? Could I go through and use these buttons? Could I use a little search box or a
drop-down or a radio box like this? Right? "How big is your mortgage?" Boom! 10%, 6%? Whatever. Starting to look at this differently and saying, "Oh, maybe I can use different design elements." A lot of people are focused on the wrong thing. They’re like, "Oh, I want some spinny image that pops up and looks nice." Okay, but is that going to get clicks? I mean, I’d rather have a stupid image. People tell me all the time that my banners look terrible and they look like they’re from 1902. It's because it works! The same stuff that worked
in advertising years ago works today. Why? People are the same; human nature is the same; understanding is the same. You can outbeat the prettiest website and banner ad by having the right words. Words on paper, as Gary Halbert used to say, is the most powerful force in the universe. Why? Because words can make people feel things, change things, understand things, click things, buy things, and on and on we go. We start to understand exactly how this works because we’re like, "Now how can I incorporate these into my banners?" Could I ask a question? "What state
do you live in? Florida? This, that, or the other?" Starting to understand it. Maybe I can go through and use other elements like these little boxes, or there was another element I got which was for—it was for like texts—you can make it look like a text. Right? How many people read this? It’s crazy! They sit there and read text all day. It’s made up—you go, you make it, "Oh, hey, you know where were you last night?" "Oh, I was over here." Blah, blah, blah. "Hey, is your girlfriend not interested in you?" "Anymore? Click here to
get a free love poem to make her interested—something like that. Understanding that the key is in F, it's in the flow. A lot of people take their marketing like a square and try to fit it in a round hole, and it ain't going to work; the square ain't going to go in there. I learned that back when I was like two, and we had that little toy that you know you try to fit the shape in. But unfortunately, a lot of people in marketing didn't learn it; maybe they didn't have that toy back then. But
at any rate, starting to understand—what if I just went natural with what people are doing anyway? Let's look at a website; let's see what's out there. If I was going to go on Amazon, what would be the most natural banner? Well, I'll tell you what's going to work—it's probably going to be a combination of a couple of things. Okay, so why? And look at this: why does Amazon have this stuff on their homepage? Because it works; they test it, it works. Why does Amazon's page look like it was built in 1999? Because it works; they
test it. They have billions of people every day. Why is the only thing to do on Google search? I mean, wouldn't it, from what most people think, be better to have something like Yahoo? I mean, there are more chances to make money; there are all kinds of things going on there. Wouldn't that be better? No! They are not the biggest search engine—Google is. Why? Because there's one thing to do; it's based on why you're there and what you want. So, if I was to take the Amazon homepage and say, 'Hey, old Jeff gave me a
free ad, and it's right here,' what am I going to put here? What could I put there? Well, let's think about money and what might do best: small businesses, top discounts, buy it again, today's deals. So, I'm seeing, by looking at this page, that Amazon people are interested in deals. Okay, good. So, what would I put if I had this box? Everyone, try it out; put your answer in the chat box or in the comments below. What would you put here if you were gifted this spot? If you can answer it, you can market it;
if you can't answer it, you need to learn this stuff. If I was to go here, maybe I would have something like, "Let's see, I saved" or "Let's do how much do you spend on Amazon every month...?" Okay, how much do you spend on Amazon every month? I'll have this here; let's make this look good. There we go: how much do you spend on Amazon every month? Let's get our old dropbox here; I like that. Put this in here, and people will click that. I mean, it's going to have a bigger click-through rate than anything
else on the page. How much do you spend on Amazon every month? Let's do, um, I don't know, figure out what the average is—$350, right? Like that, okay? They will click the drop-down; very simple. And then I could go through; I can make it smaller if I want so it fits right—tidy them up. Aesthetic is key here; if it looks terrible, they're not going to click it. So we want it to look good; we'll have it like that. Then I could say something like, "Click here to get cash back," or something like that—just cash back.
Obviously, make sure your ads fit with whatever you're marketing: how much do you spend on Amazon every month? Click here to get that free. Now, you might say, "Well, Marcus, how am I going to do that?" Well, you can promote an Amazon rewards credit card and make a fortune. You can go over to OfferVault, and you can find this coupon browser extension that pays $3 a download, right? So think about it this way—and this is the stuff I've been doing for a long time. Think about it this way: if I could get an ad on
something like where they're shopping or finance or whatever it is, and I can get traffic for three cents a click, and I can drive them to that toolbar that pays me $3.28, if I can get 5% of these people to convert, I can make profit because that would be approximately 16 cents. I would pay three, turn it into 16 cents. How many of you guys would pay three cents to get 16 cents? I would do it all day, every day, right? I'd sit there at the casino and do it all day, every day—not there, but
you get the idea, right? Starting to understand that it's about thinking about this stuff differently: what is it you can put that would work? There's a lot of people who advertise here who have all kinds of stuff; my ad outruns the other ads every time. Okay, so looking at it and saying, can I put coupons? Can I put this? Can I put that? Can I put the other? It is going to be absolute key; it's going to change the way you think about marketing because now you're getting it. Now, looking at the placement is also
key; where your banner is going to change the way it gets traffic. Is it above the fold? What does that mean? Well, above the fold is basically everything that is before they have to scroll, right? So if I go to Buy Sell Ads over here somewhere, okay, let's go here, right like this—what is below the fold? Well, all of this stuff is above..." The fold, then. If I have to scroll, this is all below the fold. It means it doesn't get seen as much as the stuff above the fold, so you want to add ads
that are above the fold within the content. These absolutely get the highest engagement rates. When you're thinking about content, let's say you have a post that's like this Google core update, right? It's got a bunch of content here. What is it that's going to get their response? Well, maybe I could go through and say, "Get a free SEO audit. Enter your website here." Okay, and it doesn't have to work; we just need to get it to the page that has the one that does work. Going through, having an in-content ad is key because what's going
to happen is you're going to have your content that people are reading—that's why they're on the page—and you're going to put your stuff right smack in the middle of it. Obviously, you're going to make it bigger, but you get the idea. That is going to get the traction; that is going to get the clicks. Does that make sense to everyone? Understanding this, if we get out of the run-of-the-mill, let's just run 2-cent ads and hope that we have enough traffic to make money. We want to get away from that and get into stuff that works.
Sidebar ads—these are like over here. You're going to see sidebar ads I have on my website. This one actually is a very good converter. I know that people who come here want to work with me. Ready to work with Marcus? Click here. Boom! Other sidebar ads, if I had to start all over. And then of course, I have links and searching the notes. This is stuff that gets engagement; it gets people looking, it gets people clicking, and the more they click, the more money you're going to make. Using the right elements will help you also.
You can have header and footer ads. The one that I run on OfferVault here is known as a header ad. I will tell you—the click-through rate on this is not as big as the ones that I run on the bottom. Why? Because people are scrolling down here and see it works well. Clicks are crazy on stuff like that if done correctly. Download buttons, checkboxes, different things like that are going to get people to stop and think. People are looking at the web; they’re looking at everything so quickly. We need to get them to stop, and
that is the key. Now, when creating our banner, we have a five-step process. Number one is conceptualize. Go look at the website you want to run it on, whether it's your website or a different website, and think about what is the goal, what is the audience, what is the message, and how do I get in on what they're doing? A lot of people say, "Oh, I want to buy ads from influencers. I'm going to buy a shout-out." I get this every day. People email me every day and they're like, "Marcus, I'll give you 50%. Just
tell everyone about this product." I'm like, "Bro, no, I'm not going to do that." Why? One, I value my audience. You guys have seen I will not promote things I don’t believe in and don’t use myself. I just don't do it. Why? Because I value the audience. The more I value you, the more you'll appreciate it; the more stuff you're going to buy, the more stuff you're going to do—hands down. A lot of people come to me and say, "Hey, just mention my product so I could get rich," and I'm like, "You know, they didn't
even think about the audience." They didn't even think about it; all they're thinking is, "Marcus has traffic. I want traffic. Here's what I can make money on." You know what you're doing? You're wasting traffic and losing money. That's what you're doing. What if instead you said, "Well, what kind of traffic does Marcus have? Well, they like internet stuff." Blah, blah, blah. "You know what? I have this thing I've been doing where I make money with this ChatGPT thing, and it's very in line with what Marcus does. What if we put that on his site?" Okay,
now you got my attention because it's about what they're doing. And here's the deal: influencers don’t know how to make money. The vast majority of influencers make nothing, which means you can buy ads from influencers. But instead of saying, "I'm just going to send some ClickBank link," no, no, no. How do I get something that's going to work for them? Look at their audience. Okay, here's this gal who talks about MLM scams. I was just watching a video she did. She did a great job. What would I do? Well, instead of trying to get them
into some product, what if I said, "I have a free 100-page guide on how to not get scammed online?" Boom! That's going to fit the audience. It took me 30 seconds to think of. If you can't think of it, if you can't be creative, ask ChatGPT, "Based on this website, what do you think these people would be most interested in?" This is what we do, which is known as download packs on our high-ticket niches. It works like crazy, and what we're doing is saying, "Okay, how do I think about the audience? Think about them first."
Everyone's too busy thinking about how they want to make money, and they're not thinking about the audience. If you think about the audience, you will win. All you got to do is listen, right? To be a good salesperson, people... "Come to me all the time," they say. "Margus, you know I don't want to do sales." I had two gals, um, one still with us that works, uh, for me, and I taught them sales. They were like, "I don't want to sell. I don't know how to sell." I said, "All it is, is listening. All you
have to do is listen to what people want and give them something that'll help them." "Well, what if they don't want one of our products?" "Well, that's fine. All you have to do is help people. If you help enough other people get what they want, you can have anything in life you want." That's a quote by old Jim Rohn, who is a very good speaker and Jim Rohn said, "You can have everything in life." Wait, strike that. "You can have anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." Sales
is about helping; affiliate marketing is about sales. So what do we do? We help. We help them click; we help them get all kinds of different things. Um, Silver says, "What are the verticals?" I work with verticals. You could work with anything. You could work in weight loss, money-making, any niche you want. The key is understanding what the audiences want and a good practice is to go through and look at the audiences and what they want. Um, part of what we're doing this month is a complete overhaul of Blog Profit Network. Um, we actually created—I
have a video we just put in the forum that is about landing page elements and banners. It's a great two-hour training that goes through everything. Um, but we're actually redoing this to where there are going to be a whole bunch of new stuff in Blog Profit Network. And if you want to learn this stuff like crazy and actually show up every week—sometimes I design banners for people, sometimes I help people—and starting to understand that is what works. Um, someone says, "How would I target Offervault?" Think about their audience. What does their audience want? How can
you make it make sense? All right, looking at how much is it going to cost me for a banner—how do I make it make sense? Extra tips—ads are most suitable for posts with high search volume, so focus on something very, very broad that's going to get people in. You want to encompass everything you can and get curiosity. Curiosity is the key, whether you're doing thumbnails, banner ads, whatever it is; curiosity is the key. Um, let's see what else we have: your tools. So the tools that I use, I use Snagit (S-N-A-G-I-T). Uh, this is the
program here that allows you to do images. I like it because it has a screen capture feature where you can capture anything you want, which is helpful. Um, you can use Canva, Photoshop, whatever you want. Again, we're going to have the notes over at downloadnotes.com. Um, affiliate networks you could go to: ClickBank, Amazon, ShareASale, CJ, or whatever it is. Um, think differently. Like, if you're on a site—let's say you were going to thisiswhyimbroke.com, right? Thisiswhyimbroke.com gets a bunch of traffic. They talk about crazy products. The best banner is going to be, "You won't believe these
10 crazy products." Why? Because that fits what they're looking at. Then you can get them into affiliate offers or whatever it is. Very, very, very important in understanding how that works is key. Um, tracking and analysis. With tracking, usually if you're buying a banner, you'll have tracking. However, if you're using the tools that we have in Blog Profit Network, um, the Voodoo plugins here, you can see we have a ton of different plugins available. Um, those have tracking in them, so you'll be able to see exactly how it works. Um, Bruce says, "Get this product
for $115 below any other price." See, what you're doing is you're assuming everyone wants that product. You don't want to assume that because what's going to happen is if you're running a banner ad, you are paying for all the people. So in marketing, you have this thing that is called a funnel. All right, the funnel is up here is generic, people down here is specific, and the specific ones are typically where you make the most money. But when you're doing banner ads, you don't want to weed people out. Okay, if you weed people out—let's say
you have a mortgage website and you're like, "Well, Marcus, you know, if your mortgage is $300,000 or more, click here." You just weeded out everyone who doesn't owe $300,000; thus, you can't make money on them. That's not what I want to do, especially if I’m paying for the clicks. Okay, now if you're doing Google or MSN pay-per-click, where you pay each time they click, yes, you can have a negative. This is called a negative qualifier where you're like, "Men over 50, click here." You're not going to get men that are under 50 because I'm not
going to click it not till I'm 50; otherwise, I'll feel like I'm 50, right? Um, so looking at the negative qualifiers is key and understanding, "Hey, this is how it works." It's very simple. All I have to do is focus on what they want and my goal is to get most clicks—interested clicks. Okay? How can I get the most people interested wherever they're at? Um, that is the key. If you crack that code, it's game over, and you can go and make money with a one-page website or a two-page website and a banner ad. Um,
Acan says, "How..." Would you go about implementing this strategy, selling home services like flooring and roofing? Well, what I would do is look for sites, um, or even use Google to target them, and you can run ads. Then, I would think about something like, “Can you get a free roof? When was your house built?” Okay, what that'll do is make people think, “Oh, wait a minute, a free roof? When was your house built? 1988? Okay!” And boom, they're going to click that. Then, on the next page, you talk to them about roofing and why they
need a roof or something like that. But again, you're going to have to target sites that fit that. I think that what Akran is doing, I like the initiative, but trying to look at, “Hey, how would I do this for this offer?” That's the thinking that makes this not work. Does that make sense? Did everyone get that? Smash the like button if you get it. What we want to do is say, “What offer do I make work with this site?” Okay? Does that make sense? It’d be like going to a bunch of people in a
country that hates hamburgers and saying, “How do I sell hamburgers to these people?” Why? Why would I do that? I'm going to sell them what they want to eat, and it doesn't matter to me. I'm a businessman; I'm going to sell what people want, and that’s the key. So many people are trying to sell what they think will work, and they don’t know why. They don’t know why. And this is the why. This is why our high-ticket niche product works so well, because we give you the niche, we give you the offers, we pair it
together, and make you make it work. You can get that at high ties.com. But understanding, like instead, we are flipping it; this is what has helped me in marketing: instead of going out there and saying, “Here’s a good affiliate offer, how do I make it work?” I mean, all affiliate offers are good if they pay me and are halfway decent. It’s good; obviously, you’ve got to make sure it’s ethical and everything like that. But most affiliate offers are good. When people come to me and they say, “Marcus, what are the most profitable affiliate offers?” that
question is leading you in the wrong direction because now you're focused on an offer, and now you’ve got to figure out how to get traffic. That's not what I want to do. I want to say, “What website has some cheap banner ads with traffic I know I can convert? What keywords out there are super easy to get that I know I can convert? What kind of content out there is easy to get traffic to that I know can convert?” Because if I have traffic, I run the show. Everyone wants traffic; that’s why affiliate networks exist
because they want traffic. And if I run the traffic, it is game over. I win. And I can run the traffic with banner ads; I can run the traffic with all this stuff. Focus on this, because if you get traffic, then you have something to convert. If you’re stuck with an offer, everyone’s got an offer. I mean, who doesn’t have something to sell? Everyone’s got something to sell these days, but if you are good at getting traffic via banners, these simple ways generate leads from them or point them to products, then you will win. And
that is absolutely key. What was your ad? One simple trip to get rid of belly fat. It was everywhere a few years ago; that was a good ad. Studying ads like that is good. I think we can do better because what that ad had is it had cheap enough traffic and a broad enough offer. Some people, like if you were going to do that as an affiliate, it’s going to gravitate to break even because a lot of people don’t know how to do it. What networks do I run banner ads on? I’ll put a list
over at downloadmynotes.com, but I think we had a couple here. So, I use Buy Sell Ads, I've used Google, I've used MSN, we've used Taboola, a lot of different ones. Propeller Ads is pretty popular. And starting to understand that, hey, how can I make this work? Because if you crack this code, whether it’s banner ads or whatever, I could go to influencers that don’t know how to make money, and I can help them make money and take a cut. I mean, it works like crazy. I wrote this automation myself, not using your videos or junk
AI. Well, it depends on if you’re getting traffic, right? Like, if you made 273 AI sites—I mean, AI's only been out like three years, so that means you were focusing on one site every three days. I mean, go through, look at the traffic. Here’s what you want to do: AGI, say, “Where’s the traffic? Where’s my traffic coming from? What can I put in front of them?” This is the biggest opportunity ever in front of you because you have so many people that don't know how to monetize traffic. That is the biggest gap in the marketplace
ever. That's why we teach it at blogprofitnetwork.com; that’s what we go through, that’s why we show it on all the stuff that I do, because if you understand that, it’s key. And I’m glad you’re getting results; that is awesome. We have another student who got his GPT up to, I think, 30,000 visits a month or something. Like that crazy, which is really, really cool; and if you understand how to look at a site, how to make a banner that'll actually work, that is key. Uh, here's something—what's this? Save for later. So interesting! There are all
kinds of interesting things, and if you start to understand, okay, here's some browser—um, some other browser success. So here's one for like "Girl Boss" success. Look, average ad CTR: 0.5%. So if we get more than that, which I know we can, it can work well. And that looks like an email one. Um, web designer, right? That could be good for how to make money with your, uh, website. Some about pregnancy stuff, like that. And you're starting to see, like, okay, if I look at this differently instead of saying, "How do I promote my affiliate offer?"
and say, "How would I make money if I owned their site?" Boom! There you go. And that is the key. So, if you want notes from this video, check out downloadmynotes.com. Uh, if you want to work with me, check out blogprofitnetwork.com. We have a lot of new stuff in there, including domains. We're doing the domain offer again, where you could go through and look at a bunch of domains that we have available, um, which is great! Awesome stuff! You could get all the details there. Cool? Good! Make banners that work. Focus on the traffic rather
than the offer. Focus on people. Give them what they want, and you can do well. So thanks for watching! Smash that like button, and I'll see you in Friday's video.
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