Cheating Wife wanted to celebrate her 30th anniversary with a younger man, Cheating Wife Story

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Lost Relation Chronicles
Cheating Wife wanted to celebrate her 30th anniversary with a younger man, Cheating Wife Story, Redd...
Video Transcript:
welcome to Lost relation Chronicles as the airplane touched down in the Maldives I turned to Karen smiling as I squeezed her hand 30 years huh can you believe it she laughed softly her eyes twinkling I can and I'd do it all over again we stepped off the plane eager to begin our anniversary trip the warm Island Breeze welcoming us the resort was stunning with white sandy beaches and Crystal Clear Water stretching as far as the eye could see just as I was soaking in the view a familiar voice called out Karen I turned and saw
Megan and her husband Jerry walking toward us Megan an old acquaintance from work looked just as surprised as I felt wow small world I said shaking Jerry's hand Megan beamed yeah we're here for a vacation needed a break from everything same here Karen added with a smile we exchanged a few pleasantries before parting ways agreeing to catch up later the rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of unpacking settling in and strolling along the beach it felt perfect just me and Karen celebrating three decades of love but that evening as the sun dipped below
the Horizon painting the sky in Hues of orange and purple everything changed we were sitting on the balcony of our Villa a bottle of wine between us when Karen turned to me her expression unreadable I need to tell you something she said I set my glass down what is it she hesitated for a moment then took a deep breath I want to sleep with Jerry I blinked convinced I had misheard her what she met my gaze her face calm I've thought about this for a while Jerry and I we have a connection and since we're
all here I think this is the right time my stomach dropped are you joking she shook her head no Logan I'm serious a bitter laugh escaped me you're telling me on our anniversary trip that you want to sleep with another man with Jerry I don't want to hurt you she said reaching for my hand but I pulled away you don't want to hurt me I scoffed how the hell do you think this feels I still love you she said softly but I need this I stared at her my mind racing my heart pounding this wasn't
just a drunken mistake or a spur of the- moment confession she had planned this finally I exhaled sharply and said no I stared at Karen my mind still reeling from what she had just said my pulse pounded in my ears and for a moment I wondered if this was some sort of sick joke but the way she looked at me calm determined told me she was completely serious you plan this my voice came outo disbelief lacing every word she nodded unfaced by my reaction yes I talked to Megan about it weeks ago shek on board
she thinks you're attractive Logan always has I scoffed running a hand through my hair and you thought this was something I'd be okay with that I just what jump into bed with Megan while you sleep with Jerry Karen side as if I was the one being unreasonable it's not just about that Logan it's about excitement about feeling alive again she leaned forward her voice soft yet insistent Jerry is Young full of energy I miss how that felt and I know you've noticed Megan she's beautiful she's younger this is a chance for both of us to
have fun to experience something new without guilt or secrecy I shook my head my jaw tightening you actually believe this is good for our marriage yes she said without hesitation we've been together for 30 years Logan 30 we've built a life together raised a daughter shared everything but let's be honest things aren't the same as they used to be the spark the excitement the passion it's faded this trip is about celebrating us but also about Reviving us and this this could be what we need I let out a bitter laugh gripping the balcony railing by
Sleeping with other people Karen smiled slightly as if trying to reassure me it's not about betraying each other it's about exploring about embracing something new Jerry is Young And I want to experience that again and Megan she wants you we can do this together Logan it's good for both of us I felt my whole body tense as I stared at Karen my wife of 30 years the woman I had built a life with the mother of our daughter the words she had just spoken echoed in my head each one slicing deeper than the last if
you go through with this I said my voice low but firm our marriage is over Karen remained perfectly calm as if I had simply told her I wasn't in the mood for Desert she folded her arms tilting her head slightly Logan I paid for this trip and I'm going to enjoy it however I please if you want to stay here and sulk that's your choice but I won't let you stop me I clench my fists so that's it 30 years together and this is how you treat our anniversary like some some free past toi she
exhaled shaking her head it's not cheating if I'm telling you up front and let's be clear if you refuse I'll just have a three-way with them instead I'm more than fine with that my stomach churned and a wave of nausea rolled over me the thought of my wife in another man's arms was already unbearable but now she was throwing a threesome into the mix it was like she wanted to rub it in to make it even more grotesque in my mind my jaw tightened as anger surged through me you know what Karen if you've already
made up your mind then I'm not going to waste my time trying to save this marriage I took a deep breath my hands shaking from the sheer Fury boiling inside me go do whatever the hell you want sleep with Jerry have your damn threesome but don't expect me to be here when you're done she didn't Flinch didn't waver just looked at me with that same maddening composure I took one last glance at her shaking my head in disgust you can start looking for a lawyer then I walked out all day I was raging no matter
where I went or what I did my mind kept circling back to Karen's words to the sheer betrayal wrapped in her calm Unapologetic voice every memory of our marriage the laughter the struggles the years we had built together felt like it had been stomped into the ground reduced to nothing more than an inconvenience in her pursuit of excitement by the time I returned to the Villa my blood was boiling I pushed open the door expecting some part of me to still find reason to hold on to some last shred of hope that she'd come to
her senses but there she was standing in front of the mirror brushing her hair applying lipstick getting ready like she was about to head out for a romantic date except it wasn't with me she turned flashing me a smug smile Last Chance dear she said in a sickeningly sweet tone you can either have a young woman in your bed tonight or you can lie here all alone and dream of me getting hot passionate sex with Jerry and Megan she let the words hang between us watching me waiting to see if I'd break I took a
slow step forward a dark smile creeping onto my face my voice was steady but my Fury was razor sharp last chance honey you can either save your marriage or face my wrath and I promise you by the time I'm done there won't be anyone who can save you she scoffed rolling her eyes don't threaten me Logan she said waving a dismissive hand you have no right to hold me back I deserve this I have given you 30 years of my life and I've been faithful to you and for what having sex with you is boring
now there's no excitement for me in it anymore she turned back to the mirror her reflection cold and indifferent most of the time I have to fake it she met my eyes through the mirror her lips curling into something almost cruel so shut up before I humiliate you more I felt something inside me snap if Karen wanted to play dirty then fine I could throw the same filth right back at her she had spent the day tearing me down treating me like an obstacle to her little fantasy but she had forgotten something important I wasn't
a man who would just stand there and take it I I steep closer my voice laced with a cold sharp edge well now that you've decided to go down that path let me tell you something darling I let the word drip with mockery watching her smug expression shift ever so slightly you complain about me being boring in bed well let me be honest with you sweetheart you are as dry as a well in Texas having sex with you feels like I'm a lunatic trying to kill himself with sandpaper rashes her jaw tightened but I didn't
stop not now and let's talk about what you so conveniently ignore you're unkempt Karen it's like a godamn Himalayan bear crawled between your legs and died there and now it's starting to rot I watched as her eyes flared with rage but I pressed on my smirk widening so no my dear love you are not the only one who has to fake it I still tried because I loved you but since you've made it your mission to kill that love and humiliate me I figured I might as well reply in kind she glared at me her
hands balling into fists I turned to the nightstand grabbed my electric trimmer and tossed it onto the bed beside her no matter how much you dress up tonight I know exactly how your night will go here take my trimmer along Jerry will appreciate my help and just like the big bad wolf she huffed and puffed her nostrils flared her hands clenched at her sides and for the first time tonight she looked like I had actually struck a nerve maybe it was the rotting bear comment or maybe it was the fact that I wasn't breaking down
like she expected either way I could see the cracks forming in her composure still she turned back to the mirror determined to finish what she started she grabbed her perfume bottle and sprayed herself generously as if drowning herself in expensive fragrance could mask the stench of betrayal I watched in silence my anger simmering beneath the surface but now with a calm Edge she had played her hand now it was my turn I sat down on the bed stretching my legs out my smirk never leaving my face she might have thought she held all the power
tonight but she had underestimated just how much damage she had already done there was no going back from this she had set fire to our marriage and now stood there waiting for me to try and put it out she walked toward the door her heels clicking against the floor every step full of false confidence but then just as she reached it she hesitated she turned slightly her eyes flickering toward me as if expecting me to break to stop her maybe she thought I'd beg maybe she thought I'd grab her wrist and plead with her not
to do this instead I leaned forward resting my elbows on my knees and chuckled you're forgetting the trimmer her lips pressed into a thin in line her eyes dark with frustration but she said nothing she turned back around stepped out the door and walked away she didn't look back I sat back staring at the empty doorway where Karen had just walked out a small crack formed in my heart deeper than I wanted to admit 30 years of marriage three decades of memories struggles laughter and love all gone in a matter of minutes and for what
for a night of sex with a younger man for some Twisted Desire to relive her youth at the cost of everything we had built together together I let out a slow breath my fingers tightening around my phone as the weight of it all settled over me my marriage was over there was no fixing this but I wasn't just going to sit here and let her walk away without consequences I scrolled through my contacts and found Beth number my daughter the one person who had always been on my side she picked up on the second ring
dad her voice was alert concerned Why are you calling so late I swallowed the lump in my throat and forced myself to speak steadily Beth your mother has decided to have sex with a young man tonight she planned this entire trip for that reason she told me right to my face my voice wavered for just a second before I forced it back under control so I'm leaving I'm getting on the next flight home and I'm abandoning her here wait what her voice sharpened with disbelief dad slow down what the hell is going on I ran
a hand through my hair my jaw clenching I just wanted you to know and I hesitated knowing what I was about to say would worry her I'm sorry for what I'm going to do next dad what does that mean what are you talking about I didn't answer instead I ended the call before she could press me any further my heart pounded in my chest as I stared at the phone for a moment longer then with renewed determination I dialed the front desk hello Mr Logan how can we assist you the receptionist voice was warm and
professional I took a deep breath I need to speak to the local cops back in the US two women being intimate wouldn't raise an eyebrow but here in the Maldives things were different under Sharia law section 411 a two was clear same-sex relations were punishable by up to 8 years in prison and an additional 100 lashes Karen had made her choice now it was my turn to sing her a lullabi when the police arrived two officers in crisp uniforms stepped into the hotel lobby their expressions wary but professional I greeted them with a polite nod
and gestured toward the plush seating area one of them officer Rashid folded his arms sir we were told you requested urgent assistance what seems to be the issue I lean forward it's a delicate matter you see my wife and another woman are engaging in Acts that directly violate section 411 a two of your loss I paused as much as it pains me personally I respect the legal system of this country and I believe it's only right that the law is upheld the Second Officer a younger man with sharp eyes exchanged a look with Rashid sir
these are foreign Nationals such cases can create complications I sighed shaking my head as if disappointed I understand truly I do but if your laws are to mean anything they must apply to everyone equally no exceptions otherwise what does that say about the Integrity of your system I reached into my pocket pulling out my wallet a couple of crisp neatly folded bills made their way onto the table between us of course I appreciate the difficulty of your position consider this an encouragement for your time your discretion and your commitment to upholding Justice rashid's gaze lingered
on the money for a moment before he exhaled slowly we will look into this matter he finally said his voice measured I leaned back offering them both a knowing smile that's all I asked gentlemen I'm just a man who believes in the rule of law I was a Salesman by profession and tonight I had just sold them a promise of greatness two hours later as I folded the last of my clothes into my suitcase my phone rang I glanced at the screen and unsurprisingly it was Karen I let it ring a minute passed and my
phone buzzed again persistent desperate perhaps I smirked shaking my head and continued zipping up my back she had made her choice now she would have to deal with the consequences before leaving I took one last look around the room to make sure I hadn't left anything behind that's when my gaze fell on Karen's passport lying on the nightstand I picked it up turning it over in my hands and then almost absent-mindedly slid it into my back oh dear I muttered to myself figting concern how could I be so forgetful a small chuckle escaped my lips
with my things in order I walked to the reception rolling my suitcase behind me the man at the desk gave me a polite nod as I approached checking out sir he asked yes I said sliding my credit card across the counter I'll settle my part of the bill then with a casual shrug I added my wife still has her belongings in the room so she'll be handling the rest of the charges the receptionist hesitated for a second glancing at the computer screen and your wife will be staying longer I offered him a tight lipped smile
well that depends on her but I won't be waiting waiting around to find out he nodded processed the payment and handed me my receipt thank you for staying with us sir have a safe journey oh I plan to I said grabbing my suitcase and heading for the exit at the airport I moved through security smoothly feeling a strange sense of relief wash over me the past few hours had been chaotic but now as I sat at the gate waiting for my flight to board I felt something I hadn't felt in years accomplishment the flight was
quiet I closed my eyes letting the drone of the engines drown out any lingering thoughts of Karen and the mess she had made when I finally arrived home stepping into the familiar space I barely had time to set my bags down before I heard footsteps I turned toward the living room and saw Beth standing there arms crossed her expression unreadable she was already there waiting for me what the hell did you do she spat her voice sharp enough to cut through steel I raised an eyebrow and set my suitcase down nice to see you too
sweetheart I said figting ignorance don't play dumb Dad she snapped stepping closer mom is in jail the entire system is scrambling to get her out and you're standing here like you don't have a damn clue I let out a slow breath and tilted my head I have no idea what you're talking about be's hands bald into fists mom was caught with Jerry and Megan she said practically shaking the cops stormed their Villa no knocking no warning they just barged in all three of them were arrested and charged under multiple sections she's now facing trial and
if convicted icted she could be imprisoned for up to 8 years I leaned against the kitchen counter crossing my arms and let a small cold smile creep onto my lips 8 years I mused as if testing the weight of the words that's quite the price to pay for a night with a younger man I chuckled shaking my head I guess the Fountain of Youth comes with a cost Beth's eyes burned with Fury this isn't funny dad she shouted we need to get her out of there I sighed and gestured for her to sit no I
said firmly I'm not going to help she blinked stunned what I met her gaze without flinching I'm filing for divorce first thing tomorrow morning I said my voice is steady as a rock Beth's face Twisted with disbelief no dad you can't do that she yelled I narrowed my eyes yes I can I said my tone razor sharp watch me she stared at me breathless like I had just slapped her your mother humiliated me and she thought I would be waiting with open arms ready to lay out a Bed of Roses when she came crawling back
but here's the thing Beth I leaned in slightly lowering my voice even roses have thorns Beth swallowed hard her lips pressing together it's time she knows the pain Beth left the house that night without another word I didn't stop her I didn't call after her I just watched her go my heart heavier than I wanted to admit but I'd made my decision there was no turning back now the next morning I walked into my lawyer's office a middle-aged man with thinning hair and wire rimmed glasses sat across from me flipping through the paperwork I'd brought
as he read his eyes widened he looked up blinking wait a second Karen as in Karen Wallace I leaned back in my chair yeah I said simply he let out a low whistle and shook his head you're that guy the husband of the woman all over the news I frowned slightly playing dumb she's on the news you haven't seen it he asked incredulous this thing has gone International the US Embassy is scrambling to get them out of there they even issued an official travel advisory warning Americans not to engage in well let just say offensive
acts in countries with strict laws he chuckled shaking his head again man that case went hot overnight I let out a slow amused breath no kidding the lawyer Grant listen I'd be more than happy to take your case hell I'll even give you a discount I raised an eyebrow generous well he Shrugged I'm thinking of making this a public spectacle you know really make a statement a high-profile case like this it could be career defining and let's be honest since Karen wanted attention we might as well give her some real Fame his smirk was almost
too eager I thought about it for a moment Karen had spent years chasing youth chasing excitement and now here it was more attention than she could have ever asked for I couldn't have scripted it better myself I nodded fine let's do it the next morning my name was everywhere news anchors dissected my story with Fain sympathy headlines screamed betrayal scandal an international crisis betrayed husband seeks divorce after wife triggers international incident I sipped my coffee watching the coverage with mild Amusement I could already imagine Karen's reaction trapped in some holding cell watching as the world
tore her apart piece by piece my phone buzzed reporters interview requests talk shows offering airtime I smiled but I didn't answer and I refrained from giving any interviews Logan 2 weeks later Karen was brought back home the US Embassy had done its job pulling every string necessary to get her and her little lovers out of that mess she stepped onto a American soil again humiliated but free I knew she would come straight to the house but I was ready when she arrived dragging her suitcase up the front steps I didn't even let her inside I
opened the door just wide enough to let the process server through the man dressed in a crisp suit held out the divorce papers with a professional Detachment Karen Wallace he asked Karen's eyes flickered between him and me Logan please you've been served the man continued handing her the papers she took them with Trembling Hands scanning the ages and then looked up at me her eyes already brimming with tears you're divorcing me she whispered voice cracking I folded my arms what did you think was going to happen her lip quivered I made a mistake but I
still love you I let out a cold laugh love you call that love she broke down completely sobbing right there on my doorstep please Logan we can fix this we can go to therapy we can I stepped back and gri the edge of the door you need therapy I am just fine we're done Karen and with that I slammed the door in her face I knew exactly where she would go next Beth the divorce case made its way to court soon after the judge an older man with silver hair and tired eyes was already well
aware of the international Scandal Karen had caused the moment she sat in front of him she launched into her defense claiming that she thought sleeping with a younger man would spice up our marriage the judge pinched the bridge of his nose inside Mrs Wallace let me be clear this court does not consider infidelity a spice Karen shrank in her seat the proceedings were Swift my lawyer did his job well but at the end of the day state laws were what they were I walked away with my mother's house my inheritance protected from division but everything
else split right down the middle 50% of my assets gone I exhaled sharply as I signed the final papers thinking how much easier this would have been if we had divorced under maldivian law instead a few days later Karen met me outside the courthouse she looked different tired worn down maybe even regretting f for the first time in years she wasn't trying to look younger Logan she said her voice softer than I remembered I'm sorry I studied her for a moment before speaking I sent the cops for you the apology in her eyes disappeared instantly
replaced by sheer rage what I tipped them off I said keeping my voice calm I made sure they knew exactly where to find you her face contorted with Fury and before I could react she lunged at me I barely had time to step back before she swung her nails aiming straight from my face face people outside the courthouse gasped a few bystanders jumped in pulling her away before she could do any real damage I adjusted my jacket my PSE steady and met her wild eyes you just made this easier for me I said and the
next day I filed for a restraining order my last shot at her 3 weeks later I walked into the dog shelter breathing in the familiar mix of fur disinfectant and the faint scent of wet dock the place was noisy excited barking claws scratching against the kennel floors Tails thumping against metal bars a young woman in a staff t-shirt approached me looking to adopt yeah I said glancing around German Shepherds her eyebrows lifted wek got a few of those how many were you thinking I grinned five she blinked five yep she hesitated you do realize that's
a lot of dog right I chuckled I can handle it she led me through the rows of kennels pointing out the ones available some were young still full of Boundless Energy others were older calmer but just as strong I made my choices quickly five magnificent German Shepherds each one with a different personality but all sharp alert and loyal as the paperwork was finalized I patted the head of the biggest one what do you think buddy then only got two I got five who is the better man the dog wagged his tail I smirked yeah I
know boy I am better once we were done I loaded them into my SUV feeling a strange sense of satisfaction this was my life now no more chasing after women no more dealing with betrayal just me and my dogs as for Karen well she found exactly what she was looking for word got around that she had taken her talents to only fans rebranding herself as Scandal Mommy I laughed when I first heard it who the hell was paying to watch a 60-year-old woman get nasty on a phone screen apparently enough people to keep her going
rumor had it she went all in getting weird chemical shots in her face lifting everything that had started sagging even stuffing silicone into her tits she was clinging to her youth with both hands unwilling to accept the reality of time but that wasn't my problem anymore I stepped into my backyard five eager dogs bounding ahead of me Tails wagging eyes bright with anticipation I picked up a ball rolling it between my fingers before throwing it as far as I could go get it boys they bolted across the grass barking excitedly I watched them a smile
tugging at my lips time to go out and play fetch with my dogs dear listeners please share your thoughts in the comments section below and don't forget to like share And subscribe
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