welcome to 2025 and the energy for this year is there's going to be times of real intensity and there's also going to be times when we have that capacity for more spaciousness to really help go internally for a while to integrate the big changes and transformation that this year will bring and we start off in January with quite an intense energy especially at the beginning of of January so I hope that you are watching this video early early in January so you can really align your energy to this fairly intense cosmic energy that's around so
you're able to meet its challenges far more easily and gracefully but also of course to bring in the energy in a way that actually helps you supports you in your growth supports you in your life my name is prun Harris I'm an energy expert and since I was born I've been able to see energy which means I get to watch this amazing energy field this cosmic energy field that is always at play and that changes mostly with the moons every month I put out an energy forecast that helps you align your energy one helps you
understand what's going on so you can make sense of it often time we may be going through phases where we feel hey everything's going really easily brilliant that's because that cosmic energy and your personal energy field can really resonate in easy and magnificent ways but there's also of course the times when we think oh what is going on I'm doing exactly what I always do but things are really sticky right now or really challenging that can also be that cosmic energy so these energy forecasts I always send out an email with the information in so
make sure you're signed up to my newsletter I do this video every month and also in my membership space the Gathering ground I go in live so that I can really answer your questions and talk much more about th those distinct themes that will be showing up this month so here we are January 2025 the vibration that's around right now that will be affecting every part of your cells every part of your energy field and therefore everything to do with your body your emotions and your soul expression this vibration is showing up as a really
soft orange think of that beautiful morning Sunrise glow actually this morning I went out to try and film in that light so you could really see it but the wind was howling and I couldn't find anywhere to do this video but you know what that Sunrise looks like that's the vibration color is just a vibration that's the vibration that's really going to impact you this month I'm not going to take more time here and now to go through the themes I want this video to be um practical so you can actually align your energy to
it but please make sure you go to my website prun harris.com so that you can read the blog or sign up to my newsletter to receive that information all right the first thing we're going to do because this month is going to be I used that word sticky didn't I this month especially the early part of the month feels a very sticky energy it means that that flow that's always going on in your energy field won't be getting the big encouragement to move through old patterns your old patterns your old habits those restrictive ways of
being they're going to be showing up more for you so to help really activate that flow in your Energy System we're going to be working with three specific practices one of them is really designed to help your oric field keep moving your aura needs to communicate everything it carries the information down into the very very core of your energy field but also deep into every cell and it carries that energy through all all you are and out into the cosmos so that's the first practice that we're going to be working with the second is to
actually help your blood flow we don't want places of stickiness or coagulation in your blood of course that leads to all kinds of health challenges joint pains many many many things so we want to help that move through well and the third practice just helps really bring you home to yourself so let's start for a moment bring both hands onto your heart and just take a good breath here relax everything invite that breath to come into all of the places in your body system in your heart system in your head system in your energy system
that need that fresh inspiration that fresh energy that fresh oxygen breathing in breathing out now bringing both hands together in front of your chest as you breathe in this time I just want you to squeeze your palms together so you're really bringing all of that energy into your core and as you breathe out turning your palms outwards and just pushing gently joyfully through your oric field coming back in as you breathe in squeeze again breathing out and just extending your arms does not matter what direction breathing in keep doing that that in your own rhythm
is one of my favorite practice ices for anything and everything that you're experiencing this practice helps because it helps ground you helps invite your energy to flow in ways that it is designed to in its Health in its peace in its Radiance you could go up and down wherever you find that you're called will be the right place for what your energy what your body what your whole being needs bringing your hands back over your heart and taking a breath here before we move on to the great wrapping points these are very powerful acup points
that work with your spleen Meridian which has a lot to do to help manage the flow and the health and the Vitality of your blood but it's they're not just points on the spleen Meridian they work to help create around your energy a very specific cocooning or spiraling energy it's deeply protective connective as well but it holds you strong it holds you safe and it helps allow Your vitality to move and be carried through all that you are so it's a bit difficult to see in this big coat but it's too cold for me out
here if I don't wear a coat you're going to go down that side seam of your body and at the place where let me find it really if you go from let's say you're wearing a bra if you go on that level to the side seam of your body you're going to be in the right place so the bottom of the packs or underneath the breasts right on the side of the body you're going to Bunch all of your fingers and thumbs together and you're just going to place your fingers into that point so for
some of you it will be easier for you to cross your arms over your body and still be in those same points and for others of you it would be much easier to be on the same side if if you're lying down pop some cushions or pillows underneath your arms or your elbows so that you can completely relax breathing here there needs to be no pressure on these points simply a constant or reassuring touch whatever feels good for you to be holding your body in this position and here here again just invite that breath in
for your energy to flow in health it needs space it needs the capacity to move anytime we're stressed anytime we're tense then there's a tightening we feel it of course in our body system but it's the same in our Energy System there's a pressure there's a tightening there's a constriction and when we are constricted when we feel that tightness energetically and physically then actually it means that our healthy patterns can't flow in the way they need to so breathing inviting that fresh energy but also the E and the flow of breath this year there's going
to be a lot of concentration on how we can move within that e and Flow that expansion and then the rebound of that that contraction expansion contraction so being here in this space inviting that breath to expand your lungs your chest your diaphragm your abdomen your lower back and then allowing that to contract back just breathing in and out fully is an excellent excellent energetic practice for this whole year now you can hold these points for as long as you like 20 minutes half an hour an hour the longer you hold them wow the deeper
the practice is able to go the more you really ground and activate those great wrapping points for the sake of this video we're going to move on so if you want to stay longer then now you can just pause it and to finish we're going to help ground that energy really beautifully in our whole body system one hand on the lower abdomen and one hand on the forehead many of you will be deeply familiar with this this will be something you will have done since you were a tiny child to comfort Comfort yourself or just
to come home to yourself so breathing here three or four breaths beautiful thanks so much for joining me I really hope that by doing those practices regularly perhaps daily perhaps um a few times a week you can find a way for your system to really align with this January energy so that even if it feels Intense or sticky or there's some pressure around for you you're still able to feel resilient relaxed and deeply joyful if you're able to then I'd love to see you in the Gathering ground I'm in there early this month of January
because I really want to explore the big themes of the year and also help you align even deeper to this month lots of love bye-bye [Music]