Start By Saying 'THANK YOU GOD' | A Blessed Morning Prayer of Gratitude and Thanks

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
Video Transcript:
Luke 17: 11-19 now on his way to Jerusalem Jesus traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee as he was going into a village 10 men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice Jesus Master have pity on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priest and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he saw he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice he threw himself at jesus' feet and thanked him and he was a Samaritan
Jesus asked were not all 10 cleansed where are the other nine has no one returned to give praise to God except this Foreigner then he said to him rise and go your faith has made you well people of God we ought to have a spirit of thankfulness Let It Be Your disposition in life to stop for a moment and simply say thank you Lord when Jesus healed the 10 lepers in Luke chap 17 only one came back to say thank you think about that only one if I could get a chance to speak to those
nine lepers I'd ask them how could you take the goodness of the Lord for granted like that what else was so important that you couldn't take time to go back to Jesus and say thank you but listen to me unfortunately many of us today do the same exact thing we don't take the time to Simply thank the Lord for the things that we now deem to be the norm when the bills are paid when there's money in the bank when there's plenty to laugh and be happy about do you remember remember then to say Thank
you Lord I know where you brought me from I remember when it wasn't like this or how about when you're struggling when life is tough when you're living paycheck to paycheck do you remember to say thank you do you remember to say Thank You Lord because I may be hardpressed on every side but I am not crushed I may be perplexed but I am not in despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed dear friends the Bible says in Psalm 9: 1 and two I will praise you oh Lord with my whole heart
I will tell of all your marvelous works I will be glad and rejoice in you I will sing praise to your name oh most high listen find something to be thankful about don't take the goodness of the Lord for granted because there is always way there's always something to be grateful about I understand you might not be able to afford the most decadent meals but thank God that you have never missed a meal sure the car might have broken down it's an inconvenience but thank God you're still able-bodied and you have legs that can walk
the words of Jesus to that one leper who came back to say thank you his words were rise and go your faith has made you well I pray that this may be the reality of our lives today as we pray and thank the Lord for his goodness his love and his Mercy as we go to god let's take the situation with us that seems to be unfavorable at the moment let's sit in that rough place for a moment the place where it's actually hard to say thank you the place where it's actually difficult to find
something to be thankful for but I dare you to think about God think about his goodness think about his love and his mercy and I dare you to ride in that place where it seems to make no sense simply tell him thank you sometimes it's the gratitude that paves the way for you to be blessed I used to hear the older people say that it's something about a child child's gratitude that makes you want to do even more for them so just remember it might be the thank you that actually leads you into the blessing
dear Lord Jesus we give you praise and honor we are Beyond thankful for your goodness and your mercy Lord we pray and declare Psalm 100 a Psalm of Thanksgiving shout for Joy To The Lord all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God it is he who made us and we are his we are his people the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise His name for the Lord is good and his
love endures forever his faithfulness continues through all generations I'd like to take the time to thank you for everything Lord because through it all through the good through the bad through the happy through the sad you are still a good god teach us to be thankful on All Occasions God open our eyes so that we can really see your goodness towards us shift our perspective so that we can be thankful in all situations father your word says in 1st Chronicles 16: 34-36 give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever cry
out save us God our savior gather us and Deliver Us from the Nations that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise praise be to the Lord the god of Israel from Everlasting to Everlasting then all the people said amen and praise the Lord I will praise the name of the Lord for he alone is worthy to be praised and adored I'm so thankful For Your Love King Jesus even though you know everything about me you know all of my shortfalls and all of my mistakes but still you died in
my place opening up the way to eternal life for me I give you thanks Lord Jesus even if all my friends were to leave me and betray me may I have a heart that will forever rejoice and sing of your goodness just as the Apostle Paul taught we give thanks to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ praying always for you I have learned that I can rejoice in all situations I can give thanks in all of my circumstances because you Lord are are still a good God you're good when everything is well
in my life and you're still good during the bad times God I thank you for being a good god during my happy times and you're still a good god during my sad times so Lord as we cry out to you our prayer is that you would answer us in our hour of need your word says in psalm 23:3 he restores my soul he leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake true restoration comes from you true peace comes only from you Lord and so we pray that you would restore us father restore
our Spirits if we have wandered away from you your word tells me to rejoice in the lord always and so I Rejoice I rejoice in all of your goodness and your faithfulness help us to focus on things that are pure and right things that will profit our souls help us to have a sweet and peaceful disposition Lord I pray that you would give me a kind of spirit that will reflect the work that you are doing Within Me Be A light un my path King Jesus eradicate the darkness and destroy the traps that have been
set by my enemy Lord you are my source of strength to overcome the devil my source of strength to walk in Victory my source of strength to defeat sin and I pray right now Lord that I may have the type of Faith to step out and walk on water so that when I face obstacles that seem impossible I want to remain steadfast and remember that with you my lord all things are possible you are an Ever faithful God you are so good to me with all the grace and all the mercy that that you offer
Lord you are my strong tower and my refuge at this present time Lord I ask for your peace and your protection over my life and over my family's lives God your word is true and it is Everlasting I stand in faith on Psalm 91: 10 and 11 those verses say no evil will befall me or my family no plague will come near my home or my body in jesus' name and even though I may not see with my eyes I believe that your hand is over my life give me a heart that can Rejoice father
give me a heart that gives thanks in my best and my worst circumstances I know that my circumstances may change but you are good all the time and you oh Lord you do not change for that I want to say thank you God give me a mindset that is thankful first a heart that is inclined to appreciate your goodness and mercy before I ask for my own personal requests King Jesus I bless your holy name I thank you for who you are the alpha and the Omega the first and the last be glorified both now
and forever more amen I will praise you oh Lord with my whole heart I will tell of all your marvelous works I will be glad and rejoice in you I will sing praise to your name oh most high shout for Joy To The Lord all the Earth Worship the Lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the Lord is God it is he who made us and we are his we are his people the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and
praise His name for the Lord is good and his love endures forever his faithfulness continues through all generations give thanks to the Lord for he is good his love endures forever cry out save us God our savior gather us and Deliver Us from the Nations that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise praise be to the Lord the god of Israel from ever lasting to Everlasting then all the people said amen and praise the Lord [Music]
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