Gauranga Das Prabhu ji - Secrets Of The Universe In The Bhagavad Gita | The Ranveer Show 128

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hello guys I sincerely hope you have checked out part one of this special conversation with gor ganga Das pru before you've clicked on this particular episode if you have checked out part one I am very sure that you're still heavy with all the knowledge that he shared in that part of the conversation this one is as heavy if not heavier remember the RV show is all about bringing you thick knowledgeable heavy conversations just like this so make sure you follow us on Spotify we're a Spotify exclusive now every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before
it's available anywhere else in the world I promise you from here on the conversations are just going to keep getting better this was a groundbreaking podcast for me enjoy part two of one of the most impactful conversations that I've had in recent times [Music] so coming to talking about jealousy in general as a concept uh it's something I've been thinking about a lot because I feel the last two years ever since the lockdown began we've had sort of a sudden rise with podcast with just everything and I've seen how uh there have there have been
two big changes in the outside world and one big change in me so so the two big changes in the outside world were one I feel it used to be cool to follow me and now it's considered a little lame to follow me because it's it's too positive and all that and second people have a problem with how happy I am so I'm also realizing that that's how the modern world Works they think I'm forcing positivity down the Thro but that's not what I'm doing at least I believe that I'm trying to turn people towards
their own inner selves see what's broken and try healing those things and maybe people are processing that as positivity and everyone just wants someone to hate also when you've reached a certain degree of mainstream success it's not cool to support you anymore you know it's cool to say oh I hope this guy this guy falls it's everyone loves seeing a hero fail or a hero fall um this used to I think affect me initially for maybe like a few days affect me and um the one big realization was something you said earlier on this podcast
which is um that even the people who are throwing stones at you even the people who are throwing Venom at you they are also pieces of the universe and pieces of God and all you have in your own hand is your free will both in terms of action and thought nor will I throw those stones back at you or that Venom back at you nor will I think venomous thoughts at you so I've just come to that realization I hope that that's the that's the right way to go and people call this a very gandhian
philosophy that you're not supposed to you know that's that's too soft but I've seen that it works for me because uh it's also the source of the happiness yeah whatever you do in the the outside world is actually a reflection of what's Happening inside if I actually start throwing Venom on the outside I'm going to start throwing Venom on the inside as well right but is there anything else you would like to add to this lesson of how to deal with jealousy towards you there is a verse in uh shat bhagwatam third Kanto which says
that tiik karuna so mentions a list of divine qualities which manifest within us these cannot be artificially plucked before time they are given TI tolerance karuna compassion to be the wellwisher genuine wellwisher of allra not to feel I am enemy of anybody as you said you know to overcome that tendency for Revenge a shatra aat shatra that's my theme of my life right now and shant shant means to be in peace whatever may happen so he says s so he calls these as sadanam means a soldier has the power to fight the battle but he
cannot say give Meir chakra the government will de side similarly as we are doing our duties and serving the Supreme in the right Consciousness and refraining from succumbing to these Tendencies towards revenge and Spite and things like that someone is seeing that from within right so the social media you know gives a lot of importance to what's coming from without but you have to also see the views from within so he's seeing everything based on that when he's pleased he starts releasing the scope of your Divinity all of these qualities are like Medals of Victory
given by Supreme so therefore you know all of us need to uh work in a way that we are actually trying to exercise self-control and uh that will do good for ourselves and also good for the world and that's what India has been traditionally famous for that it it consists of a population in traditional times where everybody was considering everyone else as part of a larger family and that's why people get totally bewildered with India with uh you know, 1600 different languages and so many such diverse cultures coexisting simultaneously so that unity in diversity is
something which will be lost if we do not develop these divine qualities the more I get into learning about Hindu DH the more I realize how much of a religion of love it is as is the case with every single religion in the world it always begins as a religion of love that's what's written in all the holy books uh why do we see like our Hindu brothers and sisters sometimes nowadays being aggressive towards other faiths it's a religion which teaches us to Live and Let Live people often reference the past and they say that
no no we were wronged in the past therefore now we are going to wrong I mean are you going to blame someone's ancestors even if they are the nicest people in the world today are you going to say that you know how dare your ancestors have troubled my ancestors or are you going to say that okay this is the world that we live you are as much my brother and sister as my Hindu brothers and sisters are my brother and sister are we going to say that no just because you're not of my faith I'm
going to reject you I'm going to reject your beliefs how do we as social media influences bridge that because it's so dangerous to even talk about these topics honestly that's one goal of life I've grown up with people of all faiths um we've made content about all faiths um I've just never understood how to put that message out there to fellow Hindus because I've seen that there are definitely lots of people who still believe in messaging love and who believe in celebrating every single faith and spreading peace but then there are definitely people who want
to uh you know who have destruction in their hearts as an emotion that's not a Hindu belief that's not what Hanuman G was that's not what Krishna bhagan was you're being a duryodhan while looking down on duryodhan so that's the question to you yeah see um I think uh let's look at things from the perspective of uh good health and uh diseased condition you know so when we look at Health industry or a health scenario we don't see a a Hindu cancer or a Christian cancer or a Muslim cancer cancer is cancer so in bhag
Krishna says he says these are the three cancers lust greed anger so therefore irrespective of whoever one may be one must try to eradicate and overcome these so therefore comparison complaining and competition to compete to complain to compare to criticize these are like the cancers of the mind yes sir and we have to try to overcome these cancers and you know ranir U honestly speaking the world is such a complex place to to run it's very difficult to understand the details of how different uh people manage to operate at different different levels and different professions
different uh you know scenarios so you know as a monk I have my chetra area as an influencer you have your chetra area like that there are you know social leaders who have who are working in a certain space for decades there are are spiritual leaders there are political leaders there are diplomats so each one of them have a whole tapestry of very complex interviewing of various issues which they are grappling with you know I understood this more when I started attending conferences of United Nations where for the first time I saw how much nature
is being affected and you know when I saw that analysis I could see that a whole group of people are dedicated to understand that cause and deal with it so you know I would say that at my level uh I look at responses at three levels first is an emotional response second is a political response and third is a devotional response so emotional response means if someone misbehaves with me I become totally moros and I go into depression and I become hopeless political response means I want to do something about it seek Justice and then
there may be a million ways in which I try to seek that Justice which which can be subjective then the devotional response is how do I see in that particular situation what is the message for me to learn and grow through that situation and therefore that devotional response is something which I have been uh personally trying to practice and sharing with people in our capacity as practicing mons so our field is limited to the scope of helping people you know deal with a devotional response positively just like was had six Sons he lost all the
six Sons then only Krishna came as the eighth son so therefore was had every reason to be hopeless but still he had hope so we are focused in that Paradigm and there are many who are focused on a political Paradigm on another emotional Paradigm and therefore they would have their perspectives on many of these things you know so it's at the same time what whatever I speak would only be based on hearsay and based on interactions which I have had but I have not spent quality time in that particular space to be able to give
a substantial answer because my focus area has been personal practice of spirituality and sharing spirituality with others preparing them for a devotional response but many are preparing just like Mahabharat you know so Krishna when he spoke the bhagat Gita he Was preparing Arjuna for a devotional response and at the same time the entire Mahabharat is also about the political response whereas if you see the bhagwat puran it is all stories which uh invoke and Inspire devotional response so therefore even within scriptures there are different categories and even among spiritualists there are many who have dedicated
their lives for using spirituality to transform society and influence politically and socially yeah but I have not spent substantial time in that space to be able to comment so but I feel you've spent time in the most important space of them all which is the space of Happiness you're my 150th episode probably roughly uh in total both you and gor goal Das G were so happy as people and I personally feel like that is the while while we all have different purposes feel like happiness is the purpose of life for so many of us which
human being doesn't want to feel joy and peace and I feel like if you have joy and peace as the core of yourself it overpowers everything else even if you have joy and peace and you you are a big political leader or you're a big say I don't know if you're heading a rebellion right if joy and peace is your core you will first try to come to a joyous peaceful conclusion right and you won't want to cause physical emotional mental harm on any other soul irr respective of who they are so I my Outlook
on it is that I understand what you're saying and I hear you about it not being your response but I mean I just I just hope people pick up the happiness and peace from from the work you you are doing from the work that we're trying to and the entire kurukshetra battle was orchestrated by Krishna in response to the adharma which he saw yes sir and you know in that sense Krishna was right there and at the same time Krishna was the one who stopped when he saw that you know things were going beyond control
also so the important thing is not violence or nonviolence the important thing is not surgery or no surgery the important thing is not how many liters of blood you lose in a surgery but the important thing is depending on the tumor what does the surgeon decide to do so I would say that you know Harmony and purpose is most important I have a burning question which has been beating in my heart since quite early on in this podcast you mentioned the garud puran sir when you were talking about uh you were explaining ghosts to us
what else is in that book The guran contains descriptions about how from the time of death how many days it takes for the soul to reach the next destination and especially there is a detailed description about the hellish planets there is also description about what uh you know we the family members who are left behind can do in terms of various uh rituals in order to uh create a better facility for those who have departed so the guran basically focuses on un helping us understand that we have a responsibility towards our lives and we also
have a responsibility towards those who we are we were connected with in our family not just in the immediate generation but also several Generations so nowadays there is a whole lot of discussion on systems thinking you know design thinking so basically the if you look at the Vic literatures and the puranas they bring forth a complete systems thinking approach to life and death it's not just one person living and one person dying we are connected to everyone else when we see our connection with the supreme god so that's how this Paradigm brings in um so
you spoke about hellish planets we also had an astrophysicist on the show recently so just got me on thought tangents about the universe and how it's expanding right so again from the philosophies that you've read sir uh what is said about the universe its expansion multiple planes I know these are very deep very complex topics but even if you could just introduce us a little bit to it sure thank you for asking this question in fact uh in 20203 iscon is going to be inaugurating one of the largest temples in the world it's in mayapur
which is around uh 150 km north of Kolkata and it's going to be known as the temple of Vic planetarium okay it's going to be a very unique Temple where uh within the temple Hall on the Dome you will get an answer to the exact question which you have asked all the different planes and the planetary systems will be represented and it will be in motion and it will give everybody an idea when they have D of Radha mad that you know we have been going through these Cycles the 14 planetary systems in the world
so from Brahma Loca down to the paal Loca the 14 planetary systems have been described Soh Mah and then rasat like that so 14 total so Within These 14 planetary system different levels of enjoyment and suffering have been embedded just like even in a city like Mumbai you could be you know staying in Alam Mount Road or Malabar Hill or you could be staying in a place like Davi or you know depending on the kind of place you stay there will be a certain experience so that is basically what the 14 planetary systems within a
particular universe is described as and how to go beyond that is basically the topic of the bhagat Gita so it gives you a complete you know tourist guide view of where you can possibly tour and options Beyond there also so so where are we right now so we are currently in what is known as bhula okay which is right in the middle okay it's between heaven and hell yeah so the lower planets till the patal is the 14th planetary system after patal there is a description in the bhagwatam of around around 30 hellish planets 30
hellish planets so that is a separate division below patal Loca so again when I say above below that is also not like something geographical up and down but fascinating description of the this is there in fifth Kanto of the bhagwat purana especially if you go into the last five to seven chapters it is known as the cosmology of the universe and in order to highlight that the entire Temple of Vic planetarium is being built the temple Hall itself will be able to hold 10,000 people wow you know and it's going to be one of the
most uh fascinating uh temples which will be educating people about what is the universe what is beyond the universe and where are you right now make my trip also the journey of the Soul journey of the Soul those 30 hellish planets you spoke about Sir what is their purpose because I've read so many articles on these kind of Concepts some of the articles I read were that they hold beings from other dimensions darker beings which is what when we say that oh there was a demon in someone's house someone's escaped from one of those Realms
and it's entered buulo our realm but I again it's a very raw amount of data I have in my head right so what is the purpose of those hellish planets the purp purpose of those hellish planets is just like you know certain criminals are held in Arthur Road jail certain people are held in yada jail some people are held in solitary confinement you know there are different degrees to which punishment is given the purpose is Reformation okay the purpose of any imprisonment or punishment even say when a parent punishes a child the intention behind that
is Reformation so that the person feels I must change so therefore that's the ultimate purpose for that and they are different degrees of suffering in those planets so depending on your karmas you sent to like one of those planets after correct like that and I'm sure that if you have good karmas are you sent to 30 Heavenly planets as as I said that uh in the uh bhagat fifth Kanto the residents of the Heavenly planets they are praying to Lord [Music] Vishnu that my dear Lord we see a very incredible dichotomy in the lower planets
in the hellish planets the pain is too much for us to be able to focus on you in the upper planets it is indat every moment there is incredible sense gratification available too much of Boga too much of enjoyment so then also we cannot think of you I think the best ecosystem where we can think of you and contemplate on you is the middle planetary system bua even within that bhat wassh has the best kind of Ambience the culture to be able to think about you you mean India is the best place exact for spiritual
growth so that's what the the prayer is in the fifth can wow even one for us is you know and we see that it is a fact that if you have traveled all over the world the way India is is totally different you know so many holy places holy people within 2 hours you will reach either a holy place or a temple or this or that so therefore that's basically the three things which I always focus on the goal if you want to be a boxer or a weightlifter you have to follow a process you
know of doing workout and everything but with the process there is the attendant environment you need you need the dress you need the diet you need other you know bodybuilders or boxers so if your goal is spiritual advancement you have to follow certain process of spiritual advancement to follow that process you need the favorable environment m that favorable environment is most favorable in India that's why India is the place which is the most favorable for Spiritual advancement naturally just like you say you know America is a great you know ecosystem for business or higher education
because it's it depends on the ambience the environment which you create so India automatically has that a it sounds like a silly question but I hope it's not a silly question um what do our ancient philosophy say about interdimensional beings or alien life you know which come and visit the Earth or we we hear stories yeah um even in in like the Mahabharat or ramayan where there are beings that are Beyond uh the human Realms so what are these beings so like what is spoken about them yeah so the idea is 8.4 million species of
Life have been described in the puranas okay and uh within human beings itself there are almost 400,000 different varieties described in terms of characteristics yeah characteristics mixture of the modes goodness passion ignorance combination so therefore you know all of these scriptures speak about various uh beings in all these different planetary systems and depending on the kind of karma you do you can visit there in previous ages they would be freely there was free interplanetary travel in sat Yuga in tra Yuga in dwapar Yuga as per the Vic chronological understanding but in kuga that is not
happening so openly but still a lot of such uh interactions may be happening but it requires uh someone very highly qualified and given access to be able to experience that and see that so absolutely such things do happen that's one of the I won't say purposes of spiritual advancement but that's one of the outcomes of spiritual advancement there's only one purpose which is connecting with the Divine but is one of the outcomes that you're given access through out of body experiences some some people some people are may not you you can actually maybe you'll you'll
reach complete spiritual advancement without even experiencing these things possibly got it so we have to head into a Q&A round but I still have some burning questions in this kind of Zone um in Christianity we hear a lot about angels even in Islam all the abrahamic religions Judaism we hear a lot about angels what is the equivalent of Angels in Indian culture Farish or all that is it is it is it Indra bhagan are those considered as Angels or is that different well uh we have uh 330 million gods who are basically kind of uh
they are like the people who are taking care of the universal governance just like the municipality has Water Department Electricity Department MCB is there like that Surya Chandra they are all the Divine governors of this universe then at a spiritual level there are the spiritual preceptors the gurus they're also Angels because they are carrying the message of another world in that sense anyone who has an otherw worldly connection is typically referred to as an angel so one who is connected within this 14 planetary systems to other gods those gods are also like angels and those
who are Divine beings Spiritual Beings connected with the Supreme so they are also considered to be Angels so comparison is given in the 11th Kanto between both these types of angels katas are considered to be secretaries of karma they keep record they cannot change it but s SAS they are like directly connected yeah so they can actually change also so therefore both these kinds of angelic descriptions are there beautiful I appreciate you opening up about these Concepts on this show sir this is not something you know we see often on this particular show but it's
something I've been dying to do for a while thank you so much for asking these questions and uh you know it's a pleasure for me sharing all of this knowledge with a lot of your audience many of whom are extremely intelligent very purposeful in life and I encourage and inspire all of them to uh go deeper into the wealth of our own ancient uh Vic and traditional Indian wisdom and ultimately the bulb was made by Edison in America but it's lighting up the whole world so like that we have our tradition which has been a
part of India's dhar India's tradition and it has the capacity to light up the whole world so why not you know get access to that are you um I mean do you ever even give a thought to people who will criticize you for putting this kind of knowledge out just because the world of modern science doesn't back it yet uh see when you're dealing with health if you have a health conference you may have an allopathy doctor speaking about how he plans to cure you will have an aurvedic doctor you know speaking how he plans
to cure you will have a naturopath so all of them are trying to provide some solution so ultimately they have one common aim to solve the problem of pain of the body so I would say that everyone with different professions in this world whether they are scientists engineers doctors spiritualists we are all trying to provide different uh Solutions so those who are of this world try to provide solution to problems of life till death and we as spiritualists are trying to provide Solutions of problems which we may face within this life and Beyond MH so
in that sense you know we are all in the game together trying to make a difference but if anyone throws Venom at you what is your response as a person uh I would say that at least they are showing some attention to me that attention is better than ignoring and saying that irrelevant forget it yes sir okay so so this is our Twitter verse round where we take questions from the audience and uh because this is your first appearance on the show I don't think people really know every all the knowledge that you hold uh
so I would also urge people to be very very active on the Twitter verse round and the next time s on the show send in even more intense questions but either way sir here's some intense questions sure uh Manish Pand asks what does peace mean how do we know if we are with peace in the bhagat Gita Krishna defines peace as two number one understand that the Supreme Lord is the enjoyer number two s mahes to know that he is the controller number three and he's the the Supreme well-wisher to know these things three things
that he's the controller he's the enjoyer he's the well-wisher that is peace as per bhagad I'd like to highlight one lesson that I learned from the autobiography of a yogi which said that when you're choosing between God and money always choose God for money is only a toy in the hands of god wow but that applies to everything else as well that applies to love that applies to whatever happens in your life and what is the way of choosing God just be a good person do honest work meditate pray whatever your relationship with God is
allow that to flourish um Manish B asks what does death mean to him how should I think and accept death death means [Music] change change in terms of identity so the change of identity is basically death so we go through many such experiences of death in our life where our identity goes on changing but when the identity changes permanently to another long-term identity in the next life so that change is referred to as death yeah um cut me short if you feel him revealing too much here sir but I've been reading a lot about death
in my own spiritual studies and while I'm not going to highlight everything I'll highlight this one fact that scared me and stayed with me so uh the spiritual stuff I'm reading describe the process of death like what what happens to the human body and what does the human body really feel so there's sort of a switch off of Senses but just before actual death happens where you die three or 4 seconds before that you do feel some level of pain and that pain is more elevated if you've not spent your life spiritually if you're not
aware of this pain now that pain sometimes can be not intense but it can be overwhelming because you realize you are dying and some way your spirit carries that memory of that pain subconsciously that's why in The Human Experience we are afraid of death uh but is there any mention of okay in the gur puran which you mentioned there is a description that the the pain at the moment of death is equivalent to the pain of the bite of 65,000 scorpions oh okay at the moment of death when the soul is being taken out out
of the body because it is the change in the ultimate identity imagine I have visited hospital beds and I met people who have had heart attacks and when I asked them how it happened and they say one of my colleagues who was 5 years Junior to me was promoted superseded so what so then I said what happened so I couldn't handle it and that Sudden Change in identity in life in episodes we go through every single day affects us so much it gives pain people in relationship when it breaks it changes their identity when someone
in family dies you know if a son daughter dies for the mother and father their identity as a mother and father changes so that change in identity gives pain so imagine extrapolate at the moment of death where everything you have identified with in life is going to be snatched away at that moment how much that pain will be so that is the intense pain at the time of death and is there any way to reduce it or prepare your mind or body for it that's the main business we are into so the idea is death
is an examination the meditation is the preparation so therefore we are all spiritual sincere serious spiritual practitioners have one common agenda how they can practice meditating on two main questions through their life to be able to focus on those same two questions at that moment in the midst of that pain what is that how can I serve God how can I please God and those who are able to continue to meditate at that moment in the midst of that chaos Krishna says in bhagat Gita they attain to me without fail so whatever is your thought
at the moment of death you will attain that after this life so therefore Krishna says that one who thinks of me attains me but it's not so easy because you know when you're preparing for an exam only when the subject is fully internalized you will be ident able to identify any question which happen to manifest in any form otherwise if you just studied one week before and memorized and not gone deep the same question comes in another format you won't be able to deal with it so therefore death is an examination life is a preparation
that's basically the idea of bhagat Gita It prepares us for that moment beautiful heavy but beautiful um okay Naik n asks what is the meaning of God for you God means service without selfish consideration all attractive Krishna so we serve him who's all attractive with a sense of selfless service and maybe do his work in the world we just try to share whatever he expects from us lovely okay Shrea asks what changes can be brought about in the education system as a spiritual leader would you suggest that children know about the true nature of life
from a young age definitely I would suggest through bti vant Research Center uh we are which is an academic part of iscon we are trying to encourage and Inspire study of Religion academically religious studies so I would propose there should be a rethink and revisit to the understanding of secularism which should rather mean that all religious traditions and students and children and parents interested to teach their children any kind of religious tradition as per their choice should have a forum within the education system where they could study it systematically right from a very young age
you know if 1 2 3 4 You know and atoms and molecules are being taught from a young age these are the basic axioms yes sir so the axium of spiritual life should be taught when the child is growing what kind of engineer were you I was metallurgic and Material Science engineer in fact 8993 I did bch from it Bombay Sund pit I did from I kakur mgy okay crazy um do you think about engineering College even now well uh I am part of the whole Consortium called iit-i which basically means Ians for influencing India's
transformation wow and also part of the global I alumnus and uh you know I have my role to play helping people cope with life and you know deal with stress and understand purpose and many of my other colleagues uh have done very well in terms of business and technology so I have focused more on spiritual technology when you were studying for your J your entrance exam uh what was in your head you're very single yeah sing see I I grew up in a place called Bai it's in chhattisghar it has a steel plant and you
know people in Bai are kind of very closely connected to each other socially it's a very uh you know small town everyone knows everyone else so that was the time when uh you know uh cracking J and entering IIT became like the thing there and we are all so socially affected you know so we didn't to think too much okay three batches before me they started he has gone to IIT okay my all my friends with whom I would play cricket they all went to IIT so what choice I had so I also thought let
me go to IIT beautiful um okay sir adash J asks what is the purpose of creation and I think the followup question is why was the universe created in the first place by the Divine the purpose of creation is to help us transform and purify our desires to be able to come in sync with the Lord's desire to give an example a father takes the child to the Park first of all the child is cranky and keep shouting I have to go to the park to play the father takes the child to the park the
Father facilitates the child to play in the park and then the child is refusing to come back so then the father has to inspire the child Baba mommy is waiting please come let's go back but he just refuses so at some point of time when the child while you know sliding down falls and breaks his ankle and starts crying and the father picks him up and says I told you there is a limit to how much you should be here you should come back so ultimately that's the purpose of the creation to help and facilitate
the souls to come back home back to the spiritual World Lippy Sharma asks during times of turmoil or when people purposely try to trouble you or pull you down how to cling on to God's hand how to protect your mind from the disturbances others try to create for you as I described before that especially now in covid times you and me have you know some responsibilities when we are in you know outside in terms of social distancing wearing masks and other things and vaccination and various others but beyond that the major responsibility we have is
to immunize ourselves with high immunity that is very much within our responsibility within our control so I believe that we have to really work within our circle of influence and we should have an eye on the circle of of concern but within the circle of influence is what I eat what I think how much sleep I get how I decide to respond to situations all of that has an effect on us so I would say that you know as part of our spiritual tradition we need to learn those things just like a gymnast learns how
to be flexible yes sir when he falls on the ground immediately can somersault and jump up so like that our spiritual Traditions are teaching us that to fall is inevitable but what the Gita is teaching is how to jump back up when you slip and fall and that's what I am sharing in my book The Art of resilience you know 40 stories to help people bounce back and come back on their feet so you may consider loss of Health to be a loss loss of Health loss of wealth loss of property loss of reputation loss
of relationship these are not considered major losses in bhagwat Gita but the most important powerful loss is the loss of Hope and therefore the Gita the bhagwat and our Bic principles and the temples which have been created they all exist to make sure that you never lose hope that's the main idea um sarak V asks according to you what should be the one goal that all of humanity should be chasing as radhan Swami always says the purpose of life is to seek love and to give love so we are all seeking love and all of
us have four choices to be motivated by fear which is in tamun mode of ignorance higher than that is to be motivated by desire which is in mode of passion higher than that and minimum level of motivation which G recommends is to be motivated by Duty sense of Duty which is in mode of goodness higher than that is to act motivated by love where there may be scarcity impediment discomfort unhappiness in a relationship in a situation in an activity but we still continue serving that may be painful externally but the most satisfying and Blissful internally
the nag asks why is meditation the only way to clear our thoughts are there any other practices we can do for the same there are various types of meditations which are recommended and basically yoga is defined in bhagwad Gita second chapter yogat y the the four elements of yoga Krishna describes is first is action second is knowledge third is meditation fourth is renunciation and fifth is devotion so depending on how each each one of these is prominent then the particular name of that yoga comes so when action is prominent we call it Karm yoga when
you're trying to attain your goal by increasing your knowledge that is known as Gana yoga when meditation is prominent ashang yoga and when devotion is prominent it is known as B Yoga so these are different forms of how you perform an activity but but your main intention and your faith is tagged into one of these and and spiritual advancement Can Happen by pursuing even one of them yes so spiritual advancement so just like variety you know just like YouTube has so many podcasters different people plug in and connect with different different people as per their
you know inspiration so like that in spiritual life also as as I said that variety is the mother of enjoyment and uh the entire process of Love is based on Free Will so therefore depending on the various desires there are various practices of yoga aailable I have this one story again I read in the autobiography of Yogi that stayed with me I think uh so there's a line I'll tell you before the story the line is never hold your spiritual Evolution as a L of your ego right like if you're spiritually evolved it shouldn't become
an egoistic oh look at me I'm so spiritually evoled that's also wrong and it happens to a lot of people even good people but they like no I'm a spiritual a being uh the story is basically um it's it's I think a European story it's about a village where they heard of an island near the village The Village was on the banks of like a river and the middle of the river there was a small island right so the people in the village had heard of three uh Hermits like unu who were there who were
very Advanced but who lived like Hermits who lived very simply so the main village priest um he thought that you know how can they be so Advanced because I'm I'm dedicating my whole life to God so of course I should be more advanced so he takes a boat and goes there and he meets them and he sees that they're living very simply and you know they're easygoing and all that and they're very friendly they welcome him and it's a good energy on that island but he tells them that you know no no I don't think
what you're doing right now is good enough because all they do is they oh we love God we love God that's the meditation and he tells him no no that's not what you're supposed to do I'll tell you what's written in these books and why don't you do these things so they get very fascinated and they're very grateful to him because he teaches them like a detailed meditation so then after he's done teaching them he says okay now you'll keep practicing this and one day even you'll be you know even more spiritually like how I
am also very spiritually Adon you'll be like me so they say okay cool thank you and so he gets back on his boat and he's going back to the village and then he can hear voices so then he turns around and he sees that those three Hermits are walking on water and saying hey wait up wait up we forgot that second last thing you said and think they were walking on water and they came to ask him about uh the second last thing he said in his whole meditation so the point of the story is
he realized that his way isn't the only way of spiritual advancement and even simple emotions love can actually get people way more advanced than you are living a simple life living a clean life and that always stayed with me so every time I feel guilty because of my entrepreneurial career when I can't meditate as much as I wish to and I wish to meditate so much more right um somewhere I got a voice in my head saying it's okay just do your good work be a good person think about God and that's also advancement uh
just sharing that story I an Jen asks what is the greatest quality that humans possess we have the ability to transform and change ourselves ourselves and we can be inspired by various positive thoughts yes sir uh same person asks what is our greatest distraction currently social media is there any competition uh H well yeah no that's true because social media has changed how we look at the world it's become so much more validation based our existence like now when you're in a good location it's much more well let me put this in my phone rather
than let me put this in my eyes uh and then and then you you'll relive it through your phone when it was actually meant to be relived in that moment again Aran Jen good questions brother Aran Jen asks so what get you excited about life the opportunity to serve continuously in the midst of like-minded people and what is your one wish for the world we become more compassionate and considerate towards each other okay I think we ask one final question which kind of encapsulates this entire podcast tanvi bhagwat 99 asks in the end we know
we are going to die and we know we're going to take nothing with us then why is it so difficult to drop the materialistic lifestyle and materialistic goals and simply follow a spiritual life well that's exactly the argument Arjuna gave to Krishna that let me give up everything and go to the forest Krishna said you are a chhatria you are a fighter you are saying I will become beggar when you sit in the forest and start begging and you go you know different places to beg and when someone refuses to give you food or insults
you when you are in the beggar AAR your chhatria within will not go away you're not used to insult when someone insults you you will take that begging pot and hit him because you are ultimately a fighter so don't do anything artificially the idea is not to abandon but it is to acknowledge the presence of Lord and transform your attitude or you know just as we reach the end of this podcast it started raining outside I'm enjoying the sound of the rain I'm enjoying having this conversation there were so many moments in this conversation where
I'm looking at you I'm looking at you know this love and peace in your eyes and I'm just feeling blessed that you're in my office sir it's like it's so such a dear moment for me it's very close to my heart I thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you thank you so much ranir for having me and it has has been a fascinating experience hearing these questions from you because bhagwatam says three types of people are glorious one who asks the right questions then those who actually share and those who are hearing
just like the Ganges purifies people in all the three planetary systems so I think you know these are the absolutely necessary questions for people in this world to contemplate on and apply in their lives and get transformed so thank you very much I'm just blessed to be a medium I'm blessed to be a conversationalist with you now one of my wildest dreams did I think that I'd get to speak about these things on the internet and just like even if I thank you a thousand more times it won't be enough so I'll just end the
podcast and thank you again thank you thank you so much har Krishna this was healing this was Heavy this was a conversation I'd never forget this some people you meet in your life where you know that there's some Divine about them if you've reached this part of this episode you've probably consumed part one as well you guys know exactly what I'm talking about what was this mind where has this mind been why isn't there more of this mind on the internet I feel like G gangas pru has a lot more to share a lot more
is coming up I needed this particular cont conversation there were two experiences that happened after this conversation the first experience was that right after the conversation I told G ganga Das G that I hadn't prepared for this conversation I just went into it for personal mentorship perspectives I just asked him the questions I've been thinking about from a spiritual perspective from a personal perspective and he answered so many things beautifully in many of his answers he actually answered questions which I hadn't even asked him but I needed the answers for and I'm sure you felt
the same way that's the power of wisdom with dedication attached to that wisdom that's how I described this Divine Soul the second experience was when I was sitting next to him for the sake of posing for a photograph and right after the photo was taken he put his hand on my knee and I can't explain it but I genuinely felt like he blessed me just through his touch I know it sounds crazy but that's what I felt intuitively I felt like he gifted me something and I've been told that with spiritual experiences like this even
the conversation was spiritual you're not supposed to analyze it much but I can't help but think about this conversation repeatedly because it was a very important conversation for my life just like all these other spiritual conversations that we've already had on the Run show we've been blessed enough to bring some of the world's most spiritually evolved Souls on this show and this is just the beginning we're going to keep bringing many more souls like this I hope you enjoy this particular podcast please make sure you hit that like button make sure you share it with
all your friends all your relatives you will find Value in these conversations a lot more spiritual conversations just like this have already been created on the runway show and of course we intend on creating so many more of these with Divine Souls just like G ganga Das prui remember to follow TRS on Spotify every episode's available on Spotify 48 hours before it's available anywhere else in the world I'd love to know from you guys on our social media in our comment sections what you thought of this particular episode how it's impacted you who else you'd
like to see on the ranir show and if gor ganga Das pru G is back on the ran show what would you like me to ask him think of this episode as just an introduction of the Legend on the show and he's going to be back for a lot more episodes this recording session was extremely special for me and I hope that the experience of listening to it was special for you as well God bless you keep growing [Music] oh [Music]
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