CS Lewis once said good and evil both increase at compound interest that is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance this profound truth reminds us that even seemingly small actions especially at the start of our day can either glorify God or grieve his Spirit let's examine these habits and by God's grace strive to replace them with practices that honor him one starting the day without prayer the Bible says in Proverbs 3:6 in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight when we rush
into our day without acknowledging God we demonstrate self-reliance instead of trusting him this not only angers God but also leaves us spiritually vulnerable think about it how often do we check our phones emails or news updates before spending even a moment in prayer starting the day without connecting with God is like entering a battlefield without armor instead begin your morning by dedicating your day to the Lord thank him for his blessings and ask for wisdom and strength to follow his will two complaining or speaking negatively Philippians 2:14 reminds us do everything without grumbling or arguing
yet how many of us wake up complaining about the weather our workload or the challenges of the day negative words reveal a heart of ingratitude and can grieve the Holy Spirit as Christians we're called to be a light in the world and our words have the power to bless or curse instead of complaining cultivate an attitude of gratitude start your day by thanking God for Life Health and the opportunities he provides three ignoring scripture in Matthew 4:4 Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of
God yet many Christians start their Ms feeding their bodies but neglect their souls skipping time in God's word is like skipping breakfast it leaves us spiritually malnourished God's word is our guide and without it we're more likely to stumble into sin make it a habit to read even a small portion of scripture each morning reflect on its meaning and ask God to help you apply it throughout your day focusing on self over God Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33 seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as
well yet how often do we prioritize our own plans Ambitions or Comfort over God's will many people start their mornings consumed by thoughts of what they need to accomplish rather than aligning their hearts with God's purposes this habit not only dishonors God but also creates a self-centered mindset instead surrender your day to God pray for his guidance and seek ways to serve others as a reflection of Christ's love these habits may seem small but they can have a profound impact on your relationship with God by replacing these behaviors with god-honoring practices you'll not only draw
closer to him but also set a powerful example for others remember each morning is a gift from God a fresh opportunity to walk in his ways and glorify his name if this message resonated with you take a moment to reflect on your own morning routine are there habits you need to surrender to God commit today to start your mornings with intentionality and Faith thank you for watching if you found this message helpful don't forget to like this video share it with others and subscribe to our channel for more Christian spiritual content God bless you