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right hey there have you ever felt like something's been missing in your life do you feel like something's missing maybe in the health aspect of your life something's missing maybe in the relationship aspect like maybe you're not getting along with your husband you're not getting along with your wife you're not getting along with your children not getting along with your parents your sister your brother the people you work with or do you feel like something's missing in the financial aspect of your life today I want to talk to you about the greatest transformation in your
life and you know what's really interesting the things that call our attention to the need for transformation are generally speaking external things and because the things that called what do I mean what do I mean the things that call our attention to the need for transformation are generally external things what I mean by that is is I will look at myself in the mirror and I'll think oh dude when did you let that happen right and then so and so I'll say I don't like the way I look so I'm going to start working out
and so the external vision of me seeing what I look like and not liking that made me go um we ain't doing that no more we're going to do something different right or or maybe maybe you have a conversation with somebody that you love and it wasn't a pleasant conversation you're like oh that was really not fun I don't want that anymore something's got to change right or or maybe you you looked at your money at the end of the month and you realized you had way more month left at the end of the money
then you had money at the end of the month and you said I'm tired of living like this right and so so you make a decision based on some external Circumstance the problem with that is when you attempt to fix it you attempt to fix it by external means and external means won't fix external circumstance because the circumstance that's on the outside is the symptom of the problem it is not the problem it's almost never the problem like people say well um I'm overweight well that might be a symptom of the problem that's not the
problem uh well I'm broke well that might be the symptom of the problem that monitor went out by the way that might be a symptom of the problem but that's not the problem um um oh man me and my wife argue all the time that's that's a symptom of the problem that's not the problem the problems that show up outside of us the like the the stuff that shows up outside of us it feels like a problem is never the problem the problem is something going on inside of us and so I'm going to show
you today from the scriptures how to have the greatest transformation in your life in what area any area you want it in so one of my favorite verses passage of scripture Romans chapter 11. um starting with verse 33 reading down to verse number chapter 12 verse number two here's what it says oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments his judgments his decrees God has decreed his judgments he doesn't have to think about whether or not something's okay he doesn't have to think about whether
or not something's right or wrong he's already declared his judgments the judgments are what they are right okay um how unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out what does that remind you of does that remind you of Isaiah 55 where it says my ways are not your way to saith the Lord and neither are my thoughts your thoughts were as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts God has a higher better way of doing things than we do okay
because so they're past finding out verse 34. for who have known the mind of the Lord or who have been his counselor or who hath first given to him and it shall be recompensed unto him again for of him for of him and through him and to him are all things to whom Glory to whom be glory forever amen that tells us about the purpose of life does that remind you of Revelation chapter 4 verse 11 tell which tells us the purpose the purpose for everything in existence everything in existence exists for the same reason
and we see the reason the excellent the reason for the existential nature of life is revelation 4 11. for thou worthy O Lord receive glory and honor and Power for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created why because God is pleased that's why he made it so if you're not seeking to please God in your life you're missing the whole point of you being here if I'm not seeking to please God with my life I'm missing the whole point of me being here if I'm looking out if I'm
seeking to please me I I blew it I stumbled on one yard line how's that for a football reference for a person who's only seen one professional football game his whole life okay so so so so so so God's glory is the purpose for everything okay then it says I beseech you Romans chapter 12 verse 1. I beseech you therefore Brethren what is whatever there's a therefore or aware for there has to be a what a before so he's saying because of these things I just told you because his wisdom and his knowledge and his
judgments and his ways are past finding out because that he does everything for his glory and he's worthy of that Glory because of that I beg you by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a Living Sacrifice holy which means Sanctified set apart special holy and acceptable to God not acceptable to you not acceptable to me not acceptable to other people but what do people think it doesn't matter it's supposed to be acceptable to God that's your reasonable service and then it says and be not conformed conform means to be fashioned after the
likeness of something it has the idea of a cookie cutter what is a cookie cutter it's something that we use on the outside and we press it down with pressure from the outside to make it in the shape of the thing that we're pressing down on it with the scripture says be not conformed to the world that word world is not the Earth it's not the ball the the planet that we're on that's not what it's talking about it's not the Earth it's not it's not the dirt it's not even the cosmos it's talking about
the age don't be conformed to the age to the era don't let the era in which you are in shape you in its form don't let you make it like you like it that's what we do today right so the world says it's okay so it's okay it's amazing like it's what blows my mind is that people think because somebody's a celebrity that makes them somehow smarter well my observation has been almost to a fault that's the exact opposite right and so I mean like Oprah Winfrey for instance and I I I think Oprah's done
a lot of good for a lot of people and I think in some ways she's a great example but in some ways she's a horrible person how can I say that because she has enough nerve because she's Oprah and she owns a letter of the alphabet now so now she can challenge god well surely God can't know be careful if you're gonna say something other when you say God can if you're gonna say something other than lie you lie because the only thing God said God can't do is lie well God surely God surely you
can't believe that Jesus is the only surely I can surely I do and surely I will is what it says in the Bible I get it everybody didn't believe the Bible do you you know everybody I should even say everybody doesn't believe the Bible here's what I'm going to say everybody didn't believe the Bible yet [Laughter] [Applause] you know it's like it's like children growing up in their parents home right when food grows in the refrigerator right firm what's the farm that's where they grow the food you mean they don't grow there no it don't
grow in there I put it in there okay right so it's like children when they become teenagers they want to challenge their parents because they're feeling or you know whatever my manhood or their Womanhood they want to challenge their parents it's easy for you to have an opinion I've been blocking for you your whole life you couldn't even hold your own head when you got here quit tripping okay but so now we get to the point in our lives we start feeling like so self-assured and so self-made that we can challenge our creator danger Will
Robinson Danger okay I got a little amped got a little excited I beside I beseech you I beg you there for Brother by the mercies of God what is the mercy of God I want you to think about this people say what kind of God would let the kind of God that don't answer to you whatever the rest of your question is I I can't believe in a god oh no you can only believe in a god of your imagination the one you make up but you made him up how good could he be look
at your life you made him up I can't believe in a God that I could make up I can't believe in a God that would do what I say like oh if that I mean that would be pretty scary are you are you kidding you messing with me right now I can't believe that a God who loves people would let so much War be in the world really first of all let me help you understand something man severed the relationship with God God didn't several the relationship with man let's start there there's not a just
man upon the Earth that doeth good and sineth not let's start there written there's none righteous no not one let's start there can we start with that for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God our righteousness is as filthy rags the good stuff we do is not even good stuff because a lot of times we're doing it for the wrong reason I wish I had some help in hand and and so what happens is we we we go through life and we don't understand the mercies of God here's the mercy of
God okay grace is when I receive a gift that I don't deserve that's Grace what's that talk to me everybody what is it grace mercy is when I don't receive judgment that I do deserve what's Mercy I mean what is that Mercy what I don't receive judgment I do deserve that's Mercy he said because of what I just said I'm begging you by the mercies of God the fact that he hasn't obliterated you already I'm begging you for that reason present your body a Living Sacrifice holy accept the one of God some people don't like
the fact that the Bible says that God doesn't love everybody some people that's really that really rubs people the wrong way especially especially churchianity Folk no God loves everybody that ain't what the Bible said go read Romans chapter 9 and tell me God loves everybody you're allowed to hate somebody but God's not allowed to you God deserves like all of us deserve to be hated by god let's start there God doesn't have a good reason for loving any of us so because he loves some and doesn't love others that makes him worse I think so
in fact I submit to you even though this is not what I'm even going to talk about yet today but if God loved everybody his love would be worthless if there's no capacity for hate love's not love it's just default don't say that too fast if if there is no capacity for hate love is not love it is just default go home ask your wife baby you love me and she says I just love men that is not what you were looking for say to your husband baby you love me I just love women I
think women are amazing bro wrong answer the thing that makes your spouse's love valuable is that it's yours it's not everybody's um I beg you by the mercies of God because God has been merciful to you I beg you that you present by the way he says I beseech you there for Brethren this is talking to believers those who have been redeemed you've already received the mercy of eternal life you've already received it it's not something you received later you've already received it you say what do you mean you've already received it whosoever believeth in
me shall never die and whosoever living believeth in me whosoever liveth and believeth me though you were dead yesterday Live and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believeth thou this you've already received the eternal life death is just a continuation of life for the believer okay he said I beg you therefore Brethren by the mercy of God present your bodies as a Living Sacrifice wholly accepted one of God which is your reasonable service he said because of God's mercy because Christ died for you live for him it's reasonable it's reasonable second Corinthians
chapter 5 verse 14. I beseech I mean it says um the love of Christ constrainteth us it holds us together because we thus judge that if one died for all them they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again what does that mean that means because Christ died for me I am supposed to live for him and then he says so which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the reading of your mind here it comes the way
the transformation happens is by Renewing Your Mind be not conformed you're presenting your body you're sacrificing your body as a Living Sacrifice how by Renewing Your Mind letting your mind getting your idea of the way things should be from the word and not from the world I did a Youtube video um called get the L out of your mind because when you take the letter L out of the word world it becomes the word word and most people who should be fashioning their lives after the word or fashioning their lives after the world you should
go watch that video it's really good okay be not conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God so I'm going to make some assertions here God the god that made you has a plan for your life the world system the age in which we live also has a plan for your life yield to one of those plans you might as well yield to the one that has your best interest in mind see the world system
wants to make you a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy what do you get when you get a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy what do you get here's what you get something that's unreadable and unrecognizable and that's not what most people's lives are they're not what they're supposed to be they're not what they could be they're not what they were but they're not even
what they are there's a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy do you understand God is the ultimate original and when he made you he made you an original from an original he didn't even make you a copy of an original he made you an original of an original part of my brain just melted leaked down in my eye he made you an original of an original God put a different aspect of his creativity inside of each of us and he didn't put the
same aspect of his creativity inside of any of us I've got six brothers none of us are the same we're all the same we all look a little bit like James and Carolyn right we all act a little bit like James and Carolyn we all like some of the stuff they like and doesn't like some of the stuff they like and don't but we're all different Six Brothers we're all different my children they're different they're way different than me both of them are way different to me they're different than the mama why because God didn't
make you a copy of a copy God made you an original of an original why would you why would you want to why would you want to live and die as a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy it's got to be a painful existence you're you wanna you wanna you wanna get in where you can fit in and sign a banana and be one of the bunch and join the gang no just be yourself and let the chips forward hey let them fall where they may so how do
we have this transformation well the first thing we have to do is we have to get an idea about what the purpose of our life is in the first place and I already said the purpose of our life is to please God it's really interesting that people make the mistake of thinking that the Bible is a book about religion don't make the mistake YouTube the Bible is not a book about religion the Bible is a book that contains religion but it's not a book about religion the Bible is a book about a king and a
kingdom and a royal family and the culturalization of a foreign land that foreign land is called Earth and the whole Bible is about expanding Heavenly culture to Earthly realm And if every human being on Earth became obsessed with that objective all of the social ills in the world would go away in one day the Bible's not a book about religious book about government the first five books are called the Torah they're called the Torah right and the Torah is the what it's the law our law is religious or are they governmental they're governmental God is
a King Jesus is a religious he's not a religious figure he's a governmental figure he's the king of kings the king of all Kings he's the king of King Myron he's the king king Ryan he's King King Mark he's King King ladies king Tom he's a king who when you yield to him he will make you the king of your thing and when you yield to him ladies he will make you the queen of your scene God is a king who wants to make you a king or a queen Satan is a fake King who
wants to make you a slave rides you hard until you die understand the objectives so when I understand the purpose of life I understand the objective of Life the objective of my life is to please God and because how is God pleased God is pleased when I represent him how do I represent him well by being like him well how can I be like him well what's the first thing he ever told us about himself in the beginning God created Heavenly Earth so when I'm creating something I am being more like God so I am
pleasing God when I'm creating but God said when he made everything that he made in Genesis chapter one he said and God said here's what says over and over go readjust to everyone God said and it was so and God saw that it was good God said it was so and God saw it was good so when God says something in it so God sees that it's good so God made all this stuff and said it was good they made one thing and he said that ain't good what was it it is not good for
man to be alone so God created us for creation but he didn't just create us for creation he created us for creation but he also created us for connection how did God know it wasn't good for man to be alone well because he's God he knows everything I get that but what's the other reason God knows it's not good for man to be alone because God knew it wasn't good for God to be alone and man has made the image of God so God made man a companion called a wife and together they could populate
the Earth so we would all have companions one specifically speaking when God said it's not good for a man to be alone it was talking about a man having a wife in general when God said it's not good for man to be alone he was talking about humans need humans you don't think you need humans if you were if you were the only person left on her everybody else on Earth was obliterated you're the only person left you'd be the richest person in the world and you'd be miserable why because you'd have to be the
farmer who grows the food you'd have to be the Packer who packs the food you'd have to be the person who delivers the pack the food to the store who delivers the food and a person who owns the store who who stocks the food and then you go be the customer who buys the food and the cashier who checks out the person who's buying the food and that's just food we ain't even talked about gas we ain't talking about building houses we ain't talking about car people need people that's why people it's easy it's one
of the reasons why it's easier to create wealth in a city than it is to create wealth in a country in the country out in the rural areas why there are more people there are more people to serve when there are more people to serve there are more people who can pay you for the value you deliver to them at that level are y'all tracking okay so I'm supposed to not be conformed don't let the world make me like the world with pressure hey so so I'm going to get really specific here okay parents don't
let the cultural hypnotic societal mechanism don't let the miseducational misdirectional system and the other people who had their children in that system don't let them peer pressure you in to thinking that your children are stupid because they can't learn the way the system pseudo teaches like I knew I was smart this after I got that was absolute mean I wasn't smart it's been I didn't like school like they should have gave the school of this I deserved at least a c for my creativity I'm just saying we think y'all give me that for y'all the
one didn't teach me y'all the one getting paid why you tripping Okay so and by the way when my children were small oh no I was not helping this and my children went Christian School I'm not like I'm not helping y'all beat up on my kids about you to help you validate your degree quit tripping my child is not stupid because you're a bad teacher Mr Cohn you're starting to get his homework done it ain't homework quit tripping school work y'all didn't finish teaching them at school I'm paying y'all do your job don't expect me
to do your job when they come home did you tell them that just like that with that much attitude just like that and I told the principal one day if you don't want me to send my son to school with a backpack full edition they didn't get washed last night stop sending all this junk to my house we got stuff we want to do we got a family we want to do stuff together my son comes home works on so-called homework for six hours memorizing a bunch of stuff he'll never use in his life and
you want me to think I'm not a bad parent because I won't go back and relearn it to waste now you don't waste their time and my time you are some kind of out your mind and yes I have an attitude about it I didn't want you to miss it so so understand understand you stop just stop letting the world system pressure you into making your children feel stupid or less than don't do that one of the parents jobs your job as a parent is to make your children feel smart and to make them feel
safe and to make them feel loved and to make them feel honored and to guide them in the direction of their giftedness not your not their teacher's giftedness I'm saving somebody's child's life with this message right now schools put so much pressure schools and parents put so much pressure on their children to validate the teacher's degree and that's what I believe the whole emphasis well I'm a teacher I went to school I'm right well you go be right by yourself and leave my child alone I wanna okay I'll I'll get I'll do a bible study
on that later but right now right now if you want to change the output of anything you gotta change the input the the way you change the output is not by using the same input you've been using and trying harder trying harder is not the formula for Success it's the formula for exhaustion this is listening so I'm going to try harder maybe we should come get your family and take them to safety that does not make sense this isn't working I'm going to try harder no this isn't working I'm going to learn a new skill
this isn't working I'm going to develop a new ability we have to be transformed how by renewing Vermont now here's what's really interesting the word renew is the same word as the word renovation if you've never renovated anything you really can't appreciate the significance of this passage because the word renovate means to tear out the old clean up the mess and put in the new we're renovating this building it was a disaster we had plaster and dust everywhere why you gotta rip out a bunch of old stuff there were four offices right along this is
they gone now right you got to tear out some stuff do you understand there's there are some ideologies some beliefs that your grandmother and your grandfather and your mother and your dad and your aunts and your uncles and your siblings and your teachers and your bosses and your co-workers have installed in you that are not serving you and you haven't even examined those thoughts and what they're doing in your life it's amazing it's amazing don't be made with don't be made like the world like this like the current age with pressure from the outside be
transformed how by the renewing of your mind the inside tear out those old thoughts that don't line up with scripture stare out those old thoughts that don't line up with the direction you desire your life to go in okay so um so when I was growing up my dad smoked my mom smoked too for a little while so children want to be like their parents I want to smoke people always laugh when I say I quit drinking when I was living but I'm serious I quit drinking when I was 11. I gave it up I'm
done been on the wagon ever since okay um and and I quit for I quit for a different reason then just I don't like because I was a lot I was I was drinking beer when I was three or four years old I was allowed to go get out of the refrigerator and drink a lot of soda it was the culture it was it was the era in which I grew up I could tell you about the roots of that maybe one of these days I'll do a video on talk about all the roots of
that and how how the how the far-reaching tentacles of slavery have impacted the lives of black families in the United States of America with regard to alcohol and whole bunch of other stuff it's it's mind-blowing when you see where it comes from but it wasn't abnormal at all for me to drink as alcohol as a three-year-old a four-year-old and I loved going to work with my dad the strongest man I've ever seen in my life like oblivious to pain it was like he didn't feel pain he could cut his finger off with a saw almost
and just boy give me that tea who are you you're gonna put electrical tape dude it's not even white like it's not even like medical tape it's electrical tape bro all right let's go as you go to hospital I ain't got time we got tired of the hospital all right I don't know bro maybe there were some tendons or so I don't know okay anyway my dad toughest guy riddle I love going to work my dad and I love building things so my dad loved to build things I love fixing things about my dad love
to fix things I love hammering nails and cutting boards and sweating pipe and all of that you know man stuff right I remember one day I was with my Dad we were working on this roof with his friend Mr Buck working on this roof I'm 11. and I'm just cutting boards hammering Nails bringing him every tool he asked for like clockwork and I hear him brag into one of his friends yeah man my son's the hardest worker you've ever seen in your life I thought he would talk about me I'm right there with him I'm
there and then he said yeah that Michael sure can't work boy cleaning the house better than anybody I'm like and then I he saw me looking at him he caught me looking at him like I'm confused and here's what he said and that Myron sure can't drink some beer my dad's a great was a great guy I'm not putting him on Front Street I'm just he was great man great man one of the greatest men I've ever known and I said to myself you will never be able to brag on me about that again ain't
touching his sense ain't had a can of beer Mad Dog 2020 Johnny Walker read none of it none of it cold 45 only 45 I got anyway it has more to do with calibers and stuff okay okay so you say Byron what are you saying what foreign I changed what I thought about it I'm done I'm 62. in as as the guy who I bought a piece of medical equipment from said 62 year old moderately athletic I wanted to punch him in his head when he said that how about how's that from moderate okay okay
he's moderately athletic I'm like bro I okay I ain't 33 Okay anyway I'm 62. I'm in Fairly good shape for a 62 year old I used to weigh 225 pounds that was that's that's like 47 pounds more than I weigh right now not a lot but in order for me to change my physical my physicality my physical fitness I wasn't going to do it by using willpower to make myself stop eating all that stuff I love you know what I had to do I had to change use my mind power to stop loving the stuff
I loved I had to figure out how can I hate the stuff that hates me and love the stuff that loves me y'all picking up what I'm putting down so I changed how I thought about it so so um for instance some of y'all are not gonna like me for doing this but like the thought the thought of pork or shrimp or crabs or Lobster or something touching my food just makes me nauseous the thought of like not it happening just thinking about it happening ugh it's just so disgusting on so many levels like there's
like oh oh yeah this has bacon in it you can just take it out I can't take it out and eat it when I was a little kid we're having we were having a cookout a fly landed on a piece of bread that flew away my mom tore off the piece of the bread that the fly landed on through why'd she do that I didn't realize how y'all know what flies do right anybody not know anybody not know okay because I can explain it to you okay you don't know okay I'm explaining to you so
what flies do I was hoping there was somebody because I really wanted to explain this clearly so when a fly lands on something the way it ingested it it throws up on it and then it sucks that regurgitation back inside of itself so it's pre-digested so my mom knew that the fly didn't just land on a piece of bread and leave it left something when it left it contaminated the food so this is why if you have a fly in your oranges you don't take the fly out and drink the juice you just throw the
juice out you gotta fly in the oatmeal you don't take the fly out to eat dope they just throw the oatmeal out right y'all tracking well when I learned that a hog is in the animal kingdom what a fly is in the insect Kingdom I'm done I'm through a hog a fly exists for the purpose of removing filth out of the environment a hog exists for the same reason a shrimp exists for the same reason a lobster same reason crap same reason they're bottom feeder they eat the refuse I could use another word starts with
p ends with P has two o's in the middle I won't say the word of other animals they eat it they eat it you take you take a you take a roach you turn it upside down you take a shrimp you turn it upside down they look exactly the same ones just bigger they're the same thing like roaches or shrimp I mean shrimp or roaches of the sea I'm all I'm not trying to mess it up for y'all some of y'all forget good why but if but if I but if I did mess it up
if I did mess it up for you congratulations now you don't have to eat that mess no more okay so so so why why am I why am I telling you this because when you change what you think about something it changes how you interact with that thing a person who can't quit smoking you know what they need to do they need to go to the Cancer Ward and go visit some people who have to talk through a tracheotomy because they couldn't quit smoking go visit those people and hang out with them and ask them
if they wish they were going to live longer and ask them if they wish they could tell their grandchild they love them without sounding like you sound when you talk to a tracheotomy right all you have to do is like if you change what like if you change so if you change how you think about a thing it requires no willpower whatsoever to stop doing it you renew your mind you tear out the old thoughts oh this is so good you put in some new thoughts this is really terrible on a lot of levels right
um so you renew your mind by taking out old thoughts and putting in new thoughts now so he said I beseech you there for Brethren by the mercy of God that you present your bodies so you're presenting your body your body is a sacrifice there's a reason our body is down here and our heads up here because this is supposed to serve this this is not supposed to serve this are y'all tracking and what happens when you want your life to end in disaster let this run this you capitulate to every appetite this has you
will be dead in short order it won't take very long this these this is here to serve this this is why so human beings like animals lower their head to their food generally speaking human beings not only do we raise our food to our face we use utensils to raise our food to our face why it's a picture of the body sacrificing to the Head that's what it's a picture of it's it's like the lower part of everything should serve the higher part we should serve God our bodies should serve our mind our mind should
serve our spirit and we should serve God that's how we do it that's how we yield we make sure everything's under Authority okay now if I'm going to transform here's here's the problem here's like the very first thing we we didn't when God made man he didn't need to transform because he was already innocent so all man had to do was be fruitful and multiply beef he had to be fruitful do multiply do replenish do subdue and then he could have dominion so here's the problem when man sinned this power was throught it was it
was thwarted the power to be doing had was thwarted we are not as good at being doing and having as Adam was we're not as good at being doing and having as Eve was so here's the problem it's not even a problem here's just the way it is your desire to have by the way how many of you would like to have more strength in your body than you have or is it just me everybody in here except Andre like I want the strength in my body he has in his I'm just saying bro I
literally have to close my eyes when I watch you work out sometimes but I can't even look I'm like surely his arm is going to break off okay and so I don't know I close my eyes like and then I peek all right okay anyway so so how many you want but seriously how many you like to have more healthy how many you'd like your relationship with the people you love to be better right how many of you would like to have more clients who love you more and buy more stuff from you and are
happy they bought it right okay how many of you would like to have um how many of you would like to have live in a nicer house or drive a nicer car right okay guess what I'm going to tell you something your desire to have nicer and better experiences of life is something God gave you it is the gift of God God gave you that desire so that so your this is it's natural your desire to have is natural but here's here's the challenge we don't have we don't get to have by trying to have
trying to have doesn't help us have what anything I want to have a better relationship wanting to have a better relationship won't give you one did you hear what I said I want to have more Health in my body I want to have more strength wanting to have more strength won't give it to you are you tracking wanting to have more money won't give it to you see if you don't like the output change the input what's the input well being is the input for doing doing is the output doing is the input for having
having is the output we all want to have this as an output but it's impossible to have this until we yield to doing whatever is right in order to have it see say some of you may be wondering because my wife asked me this question when I first taught this Myron but what's the if it's okay for us to desire a nicer house in a nicer car and nicer clothes and more money and a better health and all if that if that's okay what's the difference between that and covetousness because the scripture says clearly Thou
shalt not covet covetousness is a desire to have something that you have no right to because you either don't have the willingness or the ability to do the thing that causes you to deserve it a desire to have without a willingness or ability to do is covetousness that's why you Thou shalt not covet the thy neighbor's wife I can't covet my own wife she's already my wife so if I desire my wife that's not covetousness that's just I I took responsibility for being her husband are you tracking right if I want more money me wanting
more money is not a bad thing as long as I'm willing to serve some people and give them something they want more than they want their money that they hand over to me are you tracking and so what happens is we are Covetous when we want to have more and what we're unwilling to do more to have it and that's where a lot of people are stuck but some those of us who are here ain't stuck right there oh I'm willing to I'm willing to do something different I'm going to do something different we're my
people I'll do something different right okay but here's where you get stuck in order to do more you have to become more than you've been being because until you become more than you've been being every time you attempt to do more than you've been doing you are going to bump your head on your inability and you're going to stub your toe on your insufficiency the reason you the reason you have a lack of ability a lack you don't have a lack of capacity you have a lack of ability the reason you have a lack of
ability is because that's what gives you something to work on becoming the person who can do the thing uh we went out to eat last night my granddaughter is four years old I have never yet in all four years of her existence I've never thrown her to accuse and said run to Publix and get me some chocolate almond milk not once why does she know what almond milk is she does does she know what Publix is probably does she knows a whole bunch of other stuff the other day she's so funny she said something funny
and I laughed and she turned around and looked at me she said okay right okay so but I don't do that why she's not yet become the person who can do it it's not that she will never be able to go to Publix and get me some chocolate milk she just not grown into that person yet sometimes the reason you don't have the things you don't have is because if you have them before you become the person who knows how to use them they will harm you God is protecting your inability is protection from God
because you're not yet the person how are y'all tracking and so so I got to become more so being speaks to my identity I don't want my identity to be shaped by the world system I don't want I don't I don't in my life I can't afford to work on being who I think other people want me to be that's almost always a disaster here's what it says let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus who what who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with
God but made himself of no reputation what does that tell us he Jesus knew who he was but he didn't need you to know who he was in order for him to know who he was see when you need other people to acknowledge and recognize you for your thing then maybe you're saying ain't your thing you want to track him those of you who are watching on Zoom you may want to jump over to YouTube because they're going to need that you in a couple minutes they're gonna I may keep going and so you may
have to jump over to YouTube you may want to do that early just giving y'all a little head start so wrap your mind around this I can't afford to be try to be a people pleaser these people anyway you wasting all that energy trying to please somebody you came please Okay so I can't get my identity from the world cultural hypnotic societal mechanism so yeah I gotta be I want my identity to come from the ultimate High identity who's the ultimate identity the I am that I am in fact he's so much the ultimate identity
that you can't even tell me who you are until you first tell me who he is you can't even if you don't believe in God you got to introduce me to God before you introduce me to you if you say I am an atheist you told me who God was before you told me who you were so I want to make sure that I'm yielding my I'm not conformed to this world but I'm renewing my mind and I am being who he says I am I believe about myself what God believes about me and I
can't afford to believe anything else and so whatever you believe about me you can tell me or don't tell me I don't really care anyway I'm gonna just keep on doing it the way he told me to do it okay so now being speaks to my identity doing speaks to my activity you will never see every person is already doing 100 of everything they can do who they are right now did you hear what I said every human being is already doing 100 of everything they can do who they are right now so in order
for you to do more than you've been doing you got to become more than you've been being that are being always proceeds doing okay so identity precedes activity activity precedes property having speaks to our property that's the part we all want but guess what you don't get the property until you do the activity you don't get to do the activity until you own the identity you got to change how you see yourself in order for you to do something different than you've been doing change everything so for me I don't know about y'all so when
it came to my health I'm a foodie I like food what kind of food a whole bunch of Kinds I don't like all kinds like I don't like lima beans I don't like pork and I don't like shrimp y'all get that but I don't like lima beans like oh just I can't wrap my mind around them they don't nothing about them makes sense um but but I like a lot of food and I like it to taste good and so I so because I'm a foodie I like to cook and when I cook some it's
gonna taste good right so I like food so I decided since I like food so much the way for me to get myself back in shape is not by dieting I ain't gonna diet because the first three letters of the word diet or Diet every time I'm on one I feel like I'm gonna die so you know what I do I just do intermittent fasting I make the window in which I don't eat bigger than the window in which I do so I don't eat until noon or 12 o'clock noon or one o'clock in the
afternoon and then I stop eating at eight or nine o'clock at night I'm done that's the only time I eat the water and vitamins only stuff I don't even like my protein shake is at one o'clock in the afternoon on days when I'm not working on days like today out like I'm I'm just I don't do it why because I don't need to people call it breakfast because breakfast means break a fast they ain't been on a fast long enough to break it you ain't right before you went to bed then you get up eating
you're breaking a fast you ain't breaking nothing you just continue you should call it continuation okay all right so anyway so so so so I changed how I thought I still like to eat a lot of the stuff I eat I see it in a smaller window so what I do is I make a protein shake at lunchtime I'll have some snacks during the day and then I'll eat dinner and I'm good okay what am I saying I changed the way I think about it and when I change how I think about it change what
I do about it when I change what I do about it change what I get from it in what everything in life Okay cool so I go faster go back over here so there's when you understand that being is the activity uh being speaks to my identity doing speaks my activity having speaks to my property lastly there's a gap all of us have a gap everybody say a gap there's a gap between it might there's a gap in my identity there's a gap in my activity and there's a gap in my property the Gap is
the difference between who I am and who I could be this would be if you're no nothing you can be this is if you're everything you can be none of none of us are either one of those most of us are somewhere down here we're being a an imp of what we could be so how do I fill this Gap in my capacity to be I fill the Gap in my capacity to be with this thing called intentionality intentionality is one of the most like learning to become hyperintentional is one of the most important skills
I've ever learned in my life it's my hyper intention to things I pre-decided are important that makes all the stuff in my life that works work because there are only two things that I can focus on I can either focus on intention or I can focus on distraction most people spend most of their waking hours focus on distraction to anesthetize themselves from the pain that's in their life because they've never focused on intention is that too tough I ain't being I ain't trying to be mean I love y'all almost smile when I say it and
so so what we have to do is we have to stop like trying to neutralize the pain with Netflix and neutralize the plane without pain with alcohol neutralize the pain with drugs and neutralize the pain with sex and neutralize the pain with and neutralize the pain within neutralize the pain within neutralize and we neutralize we try to neutralize the pain it just keeps coming back why does it keep coming back it keeps coming back because we're not hyperintentional we can't we can't look at something in our lives that's there because we were intentional about it
yesterday we haven't become hyperintentional about the input and so therefore the output is just what we get okay well how do I fill the activity Gap I feel the activity Gap with ingenuity by the way Ingenuity means that I'm going to do I'm going to attempt a different approach when the last approach stop when I find out the last one I'm gonna do a couple iterations and one approach if it don't do anything I'm going to go that ain't the one I need to go find something else right there's some things there's some bolts that
you can take out with an adjustable wrench but some of them need an impact wrench for those of you who are mechanical you'll get that the rest of y'all just nod your head to smile okay how do we increase our property well when we increase these this automatically happens but we do this through intensity and you know what's really interesting so many people are intense when they need when they should relax I won't even say they should relax their life would be better off if they just relaxed people become intense when they would be better
off relaxing and they become relaxed when they'd be better off being intentional being intense and I'm going to tell you something I was hyperintentional hyper intense when I was broke I was happy when I was broke but don't forget this I was not happy that I was broke and I was so not happy that I was broke that I was both intentional and intense about creating wealth and now that we've created some wealth some level of wealth it's not I mean we I ain't Bill Gates rich but you know I don't necessarily have to be
but I'm doing all right you know my grandbabies richer than I was when I was 40. and she's four you say what's your point my point is if that level of intention and deciding what you're going to do with the waking hours of your life so that the sleeping hours of your life can be so much more peaceful if you want to change any outcome in your life change how you think about it tear out all that old thinking put in some new thinking you'll be blown away my brother-in-law was down here a couple weeks
ago and um I taught a lesson and I'm going to end with this I taught a lesson about one of the reasons our business grows is because I understand that in business the objective is not cash accumulation my financial objective is not cash accumulation my final objective my financial objective objective is cash flow and I I said most people think of money as a pool to be viewed instead of as a tool to be used and so they want to get a bunch of it in a pile and an account somewhere so they can look
at it and say oh yeah I got this money I don't want to do that I want I want to be a pool I wanted to be a tool to be used in Israel you've got the Sea of Galilee up north and you got the Dead Sea down south and you got the River Jordan that runs down and there are fish that are living in the Sea of Galilee we know because Peter and them when they were catching them fish back in the day they still fishing there right there's fish in the river Resort ain't
no fish in the Dead Sea why because if they got down there they would die why because this is the Dead Sea okay you say what's your point why is it the Dead Sea the reason the Dead Sea is dead and the Sea of Galilee is living is because the Dead Sea only has an inlet and has no Outlets but the Sea of Galilee has an inlet and an outlet Until you realize that your money in order for it to grow it has to flow in order for it to flow it needs an inlet and
an outlet and it's so amazing to me because a good friend of mine David Mitchell I was talking to him one time I said David how many employees do you have bro and at the time I have had two he's like I don't know 60 or 70. what like bro doesn't that make you nervous he's like nah Charlotte and I we've been praying for years that the Lord would give us a business so we could employ Christian families so they could feed their babies like who thinks like that people who understand that's who thinks like
that and I know literally for every person on our team and we have like 20 something people on our team for every person on our team and our payroll is not little it's I mean it's not ginormous it's six figures a month our payroll only little right for every time I've hired somebody our income has gone up our Revenue business Revenue has gone up why because it's not a pool to be viewed it's a tool to be used and I'm telling you if you will adapt some of these ideologies and change your mind about finances
about Fitness and about your relationships if you will start thinking of it from a god perspective instead of a world perspective it'll change your life for the rest of your life that is going to be the greatest transformation you will ever have renew your mind tear out the old install the new the interesting thing about the new is the new is so old it's eternal it's just new to you it's a new way for you to do hope that blesses you the word of God is real stay blessed by the best my people peace out
Cub Scouts we'll see you in the next video [Applause]
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