Things to NEVER Tell A Woman (TIER LIST)

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In this tier list, I go over all the common mistakes guys make when communicating with women. Ideall...
Video Transcript:
it's time to talk about the things that you should never tell a woman I know you guys missed me I know it's been a while since my last upload I was doing statistics and math exams you know the subjects that all the virgins take and I decided to come back with a video about things that you should never tell women all of us guys have made these mistakes in the past and look dude unlike these other YouTubers I actually read comments and reply to them so I know what people say right no offense some of
you guys are just so predictable I made a bingo card as you can see here in an anticipation of the things that like 50% of the commenters are going to say it's just so obvious like I know you guys like the back of my hand right so I'm probably going to refer to this bingo card at some point in the video cuz you know it's just so much [ __ ] that people say that's like pared over and over again even though you know some of them are actually valid most of them are just stupid
you know especially the personal ones like who hurt me of course I've been hurt before what 21-year-old men hasn't been hurt before and then calling me an involuntary celibate because I said don't pedestalize women like bro come on like come up with a more unique insult so anyways I have some quotes here things that guys commonly say and obviously this list is going to be pretty nuanced because the rules that apply to girls you just met aren't the same rules that are going to apply to your girlfriend one last thing before we get into the
video I decided to make an Instagram specifically for the YouTube channel so if you want to speak to me if you want to DM me about your personal stuff completely free I'm not like these grifters we going to charge you or anything you can just follow me and DM me on Instagram and I'll probably get back to you when I have time okay the first thing we have here is is I love you and this really depends on how you say it and the stage of the relationship you're in bro if you just met the
girl and you guys matched on Tinder and you've been talking for two weeks and you hit her with the I love you while staring her dead in the eyes with the most intense eye contact ever I'm sorry bro that's just going to turn her off like women who you're in the process of courting don't want you to love them you should only really be hitting her with the I love you while looking her in the eye so romantically and stuff is if she's your wife honestly if she has a proven track record of the Loyalty
the honesty and the respect sure bro she deserves the I love you say it but then there's also the type of guy who would say it in like a casual way like when I was younger we used to just say I love you to each other in like a very casual and playful way like oh I love you love you too like it it didn't mean anything right but if you want to say it in this like meaningful like almost spiritual way okay bro you can't just be saying that to any girl that you meet
and who shows you some interest right first of all not only is it going to turn them off I guarantee you it's going to turn them off okay and again let's go back to the bingo card what's something that people are going to say just be yourself why can't I do this if I'm not myself only the toxic and lowquality women get turned off by I love you no dude all of them get turned off by I love you at least if she's your wife you have a ring on it so like there's some level
of protection there if it's a girl that you just corded and you're already spilling all your love and emotions onto her it is not the way to go bro I'm telling you right now she's going to be turned off I'm telling you guys The Meta with women in 2024 and Beyond is to keep it casual until the relationship happens people like Casey Xander John zurka talk about this even some of the other red pill guys are catching on you don't want to be too serious and too intense with a girl always keep it casual playful
you're not committed you're not attached you don't want her until the relationship happens how does the relationship happen we're going to get into that cuz you know this one is a big one a lot of guys ask that I completely disagree with next up we have I miss you right again depends on how you say this casually yo I missed you where have you been completely fine I miss you in this like romantic way yeah dude maybe only if she's your girlfriend or only if is your wife I'm going to put this at only if
she's your girlfriend it's not as serious as saying I love you but I know by me saying this I'm going to come off as like this pretentious alpha male like oh dude you don't want to show emotions dude it's not about that it's just about being pragmatic and realistic when you do this [ __ ] and you start saying stuff like I love you and I miss you too quickly watch her pull away watch her lose interest and watch her gravitate to the guy who doesn't say those things and honestly doesn't even give a [
__ ] about her and again let's go back to the bingo card what's something people are going to say if I can't be authentic I don't want her dude what is you not saying I miss you or I love you have to do with being authentic is it that hard for you to control your impulse to say a couple words like is it that hard to not say I love you is it that hard to not wear your heart on your sleeve like I genuinely don't understand how showing some restraint is seen as not being
authentic it's just being smart and knowing what to say and how to act right when you go to a job interview are you going to say no I I don't want to be professional I just want to be authentic or are you going to try to come off as professional as possible so you can eventually get the job and then when you do do get the job there's more leeway to act more like how you normally would next up I need you okay this one's the worst never say this I don't care if she's your
wife you don't need anyone what do you need her for is she paying your bills no is she paying your taxes no and if she is paying your bills then you don't need her you need a [ __ ] job saying this is the worst and most desperate form of communication ever because you're putting her on this Grand pedestal and elevating her so high above you and the problem with doing that is she will now look down on you and then she's going to end the relationship and look for better because deep down women are
hardwired to look for guys who don't need them and guys who are better than them don't hate the player hate the [ __ ] game next up we have verbally flexing you know flexing your possessions flexing your accomplishments who you are as a guy I think coming off as cocky isn't a bad thing if you do it correctly right if you're overly flexing and like always talking about yourself it could come off as pretentious but if you have this like narcissistic and self-centered aura about you to some degree and she sees evidence that that is
who you are I'm not going to lie it actually does turn her on so I'm going to say that this is very safe to do just don't overdo it okay next we have anything that gives off worry or stress right so women are anxious creatures they're very very sensitive to the energy that you're giving off if you're [ __ ] stressing pacing around worried and giving off this like worried nervous energy then she will perceive that you are too affected by your external environment which is the opposite of masculinity right cuz masculinity is being stable
and grounded in yourself and not letting external factors control you I know we're men and I know we have feelings and we do worry and stress just learn how to control it a little bit bro it's not that hard okay it's not all of a sudden inauthentic for you to just keep those feelings in and then you know go vent to your friends or your family or people who actually give a [ __ ] but I'm going to put this at congrats you just killed all attraction next we have I don't know you decide yeah
this what this is the biggest mistake I've made in the past like I say this a lot cuz I don't give a [ __ ] where we go to eat I'm serious dude I'm the worst planner I'm the worst person to ask what to do like I hate organizing and planning but I've made it a habit to actually start doing that more because when you leave it in the woman's terms she feels like she's in the leadership position and they hate being in the leadership position and they hate it when you're a [ __ ]
follower and they're walking you around like you're a dog on a leash it may not seem deep to some of you some of you may be like dude this isn't even that deep man like like if you don't want to decide it's cool man just let her decide no dude trust me if she's a feminine woman she's not going to like it when you leave the decisionmaking to her so I'm going to put this at you just killed all attraction you could still get away with doing this a couple times so I'm not going to
put it at the very top but like you want to avoid doing this next up we have do you maybe want to go on a date sometime this is the [ __ ] most blue pill way to ask a girl out possible why do guys still do this in 2024 this is such a rookie mistake like such a rookie mistake it's so easy to avoid it's not do you want to go on a DAT it's hey I'm going to X location at y time come along that's how you do it saying it in this way
is so cringe she knows you have no backbone and no balls like you have no testosterone in your system just say hey I'm going here come with me if she says no she can [ __ ] off and you're going anyway that's how it's supposed to feel okay casual State don't ask next up where my hug at brother brother I mean do I even have to get into this like where my hug at simpy desperate lame you're deprived of intimate like that that's all it gives off let me know in the comments if you've ever
experienced someone doing this in real life I've had a few cases where I've witnessed someone say this the whole room [ __ ] goes silent and stares at him in absolute awe of the cringe they just witnessed next up will you be my girlfriend now this is going to be the most controversial one of the video I already know let's see if this is anywhere in the Bingo C all right so you know some people are going to say things like well I asked my girlfriend out and she loved it therefore asking her out doesn't
turn her off dude I'm sorry but no one cares about your midg girlfriend even if what you're saying is true exceptions don't make the rule and you can't really gauge whether it turned her off or not just because she's dating you some women will say yes to you asking them to be your girlfriend but they still always want to be the ones who do it you have to let her ask you the inevitable question if she likes you what are we you have to let her do it you can't ask her to be your girlfriend
it is not in your masculine or biological imperative to be seeking commitment from her think about it the feminine is the one who needs to seek commitment because the commitment of the man from an evolutionary perspective is what guarantees her safety and her security long term you as a man your imperative is sexual variety I'm not saying you have to sleep around and be a [ __ ] I'm just saying you should be hesitant at the idea of Comm commitment until she's the one who's like please be my girlfriend then you're like fine fine that's
how the dynamic has to be but if you really insist on being the one to ask her to be your girlfriend don't ask it in this simpy beta way like hey will you be my girlfriend just be like yo we're dating right now like you have to say it in like this casual you have to imply it you can't really ask it so I'm going put this at congrats you just killed all attraction the guys who know how to do this correctly respect you you can get away with it next up we have talking about
past rejections and breakups you never ever want to do this guys I don't know why so many guys feel the need to tell their girlfriend like yeah you know my ex was was horrible she cheated on me she was toxic and manipulative you know what you're actually telling her cuz women never judge other women they only judge men so what you're actually subconsciously telling her is I get no girls or girls don't like me or they don't like me enough to stay in a relationship with me because women understand other women so they will just
assume that if she left you it was you not her so you never want to talk about girls who rejected you or girls who broke up with you you have to give off this illusion of like I get all the girls and I'm perfect with all of them and I never struggle with any of them because the second she gets doubts that you struggle with girls she's just going to assume that you're not pre-selected and you get nothing and you're making it harder on yourself and she's going to lose interest next up we have let
me see your phone deemed by a lot of women as a very insecure question because a lot of the times they're texting other guys on their phone sometimes they're not you know there's good women out there but saying let me see your phone this is actually good if you do it in a playful way like if you pretend to be jealous in this like fun and humorous way like yo let me see your phone who are you talking to in that kind of jealous way it could work but if you're seriously doubting whether she's cheating
and you're actually emotional and want to see her phone that is not good bro that means you just picked the wrong girl cuz if you're willing to get in a relationship with a girl you should have full conviction that she wouldn't do something like that and I know women are unpredictable and they might start off loyal and then you know fall off and [ __ ] like I would say the only time you should do this is if she's your wife you know if she's your wife you have a reason to make sure she's not
cheating if she's your girlfriend and you have doubts and she's not treating you well or whatever the case may be I think the best option is to just leave her saying anything that puts her on a pedestal look this is a hot take a lot of you guys are not going to agree with me on this but from my experience the only way for a woman to truly fall in love with you is after you knock her off the pedestal you cannot keep her on it and still expect her to love you she will still
like you as a friendzone guy who's never going to smash but if you really want her soul you have to knock her off the pedestal you have to pick her up and place her on the ground at the same level that you're standing in so that you guys are actually equals or she's below you because women don't fall in love with guys who they perceive to be below them and anytime you boost her ego anytime you pedestalize her you give her an inch she's going to take a mile and she's going to make it that
much harder for you that much harder to actually respect you so try to avoid things that put her on a grand pedestal now of course if she's your girlfriend or if she's your wife you should be complimenting her you should be you know giving her attention caring Etc like all the loving healthy relationship stuff that the blue pillars talk about if she's your wife or your girlfriend those are things that you're going to have to do but in the courting process you have to avoid anything that puts her on a pedestal so let me aim
for the middle ground here and just say only if she's your wife next up we have self-deprecating humor terrible terrible [ __ ] so many guys do this so many guys perform the worst possible formula that you could do which is putting her on a pedestal so complimenting her and saying good stuff about her but then belittling yourself and deprecating yourself through self-deprecating humor so you'll put her on a pedestal and then you'll talk down about yourself now the gap between you guys is so high she just doesn't even respect you anymore she sees you
a subhuman never ever talk badly about yourself even if it's as a joke yeah I'm ugly no girl wants me never say that [ __ ] to a girl I know you're seeking pity points and you want her to like you but you should never ever do this guys it's horrible next we have you're the only girl I'm talking to so this is usually something a guy will say in response to a [ __ ] test or in response to a girl saying so I bet you talk like this to all the other girls and
then this s is going to be no no no no no I promise you're the only girl I talk to uh listen dude it's fine if she actually is the only girl you're talking to but you never want to give off the perception that she is the reason for that is because it kills mystery it kills the idea of pre-selection and women just can't resist pre-selection I don't care how much they talk about I hate a player you you're [ __ ] the player but even if she is the only girl you're talking to you
never want to directly confirm it to her via your words you never want to be like yeah I have no other girls on my phone you're the only one always keep her wondering always keep her guessing and this is a very easy thing to do if you're attractive cuz naturally other girls are going to stare at you she's going to notice that other girls want you which is good to your favor but you never want to act like you get no other girls and she's the only one you might think that that's what she wants
to hear because that's what guys want to hear but women aren't guys next we have I'm insecure about so like opening up about your insecurities uh the problem with this is she doesn't care like she'll act like she cares but she really doesn't and you're just opening up about vulnerabilities that she may or may not use against you cuz you don't know who she is in the courting process so I would put this at only if she's your wife honestly but you can get away with saying this anytime if you make it playful right like
you could make jokes with this like I'm insecure about the fact that I can get girls hotter than you next asking her if she likes you so and you know I've liked you for so long but but but do you like me never ever say this bro ever you're seeking her validation you're coming off as a guy who just doesn't have game and doesn't have anything going for him and I guarantee you 99% of the time if you actually have to ask this question the answer is no next up verbally expressing your boundaries so this
is a problem I have with a lot of these like traditional kinds of guys the guys who are like about masculinity and boundaries and like if you have to verbalize your boundaries and the things that you don't want in a relationship she's not the right woman for you because the right woman for you will naturally follow these boundaries without you having to force her or tell her to to like if she's trying to go on trips to Vegas or go on girls nights out and you're not okay with that I'm sorry but you're never going
to really convince her to change with words if she really loves you she might change some of her boundaries to make you happy but ultimately a woman comes preassembled you have to find the woman who came pre-assembled with the right values for you cuz if you're dating a Camala Harris liberal chick you're never going to convince her to stop dressing promiscuously you're never going to convince her to stop going out maybe there's a few exceptions here and there but most of the time women don't change and it's a waste of time trying to get her
to change cuz even if she does she might revert to her old ways and I remember a while ago there was a situation with Jonah Hill and his girlfriend where he was like telling her yeah here's a list of my boundaries and she just [ __ ] took a screenshot and exposed him for being controlling or something that's what happens when you try to change a girl who isn't already the way that you want her to be so this is honestly a noggo in my opinion next up you will bear my children very very based
thing to say look a woman in the eyes and just go you will bear my children of course only if she's your wife you don't want to catch a case next up you make me so happy yeah I guess this is cute and all it's kind of cringe but if she's your wife whatever next up I see a future with you you know if she's been your girlfriend for a while and you notice that she has all the characteristics like loyalty loving respectful kind Etc and you're confident that she wants to be your wife and
have your kids there's no problem with saying this go ahead next edgy jokes this is safe but remember there's an art to making edgy jokes if you want to be edgy and controversial and an outlaw in front of women you have to be attractive okay cuz two guys could make the exact same joke and the ugly guy is going to get [ __ ] on and cancelled and called a misogynist and a sexist other guy's going to be perceived as funny and women are going to laugh at his jokes and be more attracted to him
because he's such a bad boy and doesn't follow social norms and conventions it's also about other nuances like your body language the way you say things and how you come off so if you guys want a full break down on edgy jokes I can't do that in a tier list but if you guys want to see videos from me that are not tier list cuz let's be real bro how many more tier lists do I have left before I run out of ideas 10 15 20 I don't know I could milk this for a while
but like I want to start going more in depth on topics and I can't really do that using tier list so let me know what you guys think next we have no no I'm not a player I'm a good guy again this is just such cope you are a player you're just playing the game differently you're trying to manipulate her into thinking you're this good guy and you're not like the rest players are always going to get more girls than you you're just coping cuz you can't be a player and these two kind of go
hand in hand cuz like you're kind of explaining yourself to a woman you should never try to justify or explain yourself to a woman uh she's going to get turned off by that because she feels like she's equal enough to you to where you owe her an explanation if this was a man I would say it's rational and it's logical to expect that but with women they actually don't want you to give a [ __ ] about what they think so they basically want you to be who you are unapologetically and you know if you're
a player just [ __ ] lean into it don't try to justify yourself for any of that cringe [ __ ] so I'm going to put this one here and I'm going to put this one here next up after a breakup you go man may I ask what went wrong between us again very very desperate and needy and like I hate to use this term cuz a lot of people on the internet [ __ ] on it but honestly bro let's call a spade a spade for lack of a better term very beta thing to
do may I ask what went wrong a preselected guy who has options and doesn't care because he has abundance is never going to ask a question like this okay it went wrong she doesn't want me cool it hurts I will process the pain and I will move on accordingly next anything that sounds like a confession yeah never ever say this oh I've liked you for so long when you have to confess she's going to run away whoo where are all these feelings coming from I thought we were just friends that's what's happening in her mind
so never confess guys I know we've all made these mistakes but [ __ ] grow and learn from them don't be like don't be like these guys okay don't be like these comments here next why are you taking so long to reply a guy who's busy and has a life and has options I know I keep saying options but really it's just a guy who has a life doesn't care if she takes long to reply she replies whenever she wants to if she doesn't on to that's absolutely fine okay congrats you just killed all attraction
all right this is just something I included cuz I saw a lot of nerds in my University do this like whenever a girl would make a joke or whenever there would be like a social moment high five dude honestly this one's safe I'm just trolling but it's so cringe man next up um you've been distant lately is everything okay she's distant because she's pulling away and she's losing interest you don't have to ask her to be able to know that and by you asking that it confirms her suspicion that you are desperate and that you
have gone emotionally weak for her and by by saying that you're actually pushing her away further so if she becomes distant let her be distant if you truly love something you let it free and it shall come back to you if it was meant to be and lastly we have you're different to every other girl I've met yeah again this is just pedestalize her to the highest degree ever I dude listen I know you think she's different she's probably not different even if she was you don't want to tell her that cuz you're artificially elevating
her ego and her sense of self that she hasn't really earned now if she's your wife you wouldn't even have to say this because it would be implied but but yeah telling a girl she's different cuz she did some pick me [ __ ] I'm going to say you just killed all attraction
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