SPEAK THESE WORDS Before You Buy Your Next Lottery Ticket - Helene Hadsell | Law Of Attraction

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imagine this you're standing in line at the convenience store clutching your lottery ticket your heart's racing palms are sweaty but unlike everyone else there you've got a secret weapon a set of magic words that could turn that little piece of paper into a golden ticket to Financial Freedom sounds too good to be true right well stick around because I'm about to blow your mind with a lottery winning technique so powerful it's almost unfair and the best part it all starts with your wores hey there future millionaires today we're diving into the mind blowing world of
Helen hatel the woman who cracks the code on how to win contests and sweep Stakes using the power of her mind that's right we're talking about a real life lottery winner who didn't just get lucky she created her own luck now I know what you're thinking come on words can't make me win the lottery but what if I told you that Helen hatel won a dream home a trip around the world and countless other prizes using the exact technique I'm about to share with you this isn't some rehashed Law of Attraction stuff you've heard a
million times before no this is a practical step-by-step method that anyone can use and it all starts with the words you speak before you even buy that lottery ticket now I know what you thinking here we go another Law of Attraction spile but hold on to your lottery tickets because this is far from your average positive thinking mumbo jumbo Helen hatel the Undisputed contest Queen didn't just stumble into her winds she cracked a code that turned her into a winning machine and it all starts with something you use every single day words but here's the
kicker Helen discovered that our words are aren't just sounds we make or scribbles on paper they're like tiny powerhouses of energy packed with our deepest intentions beliefs and emotions it's like each word you speak is a miniature version of you running around in the universe and attracting stuff back to you now let's get real for a second how many times have you caught yourself saying things like I never win anything or the alts are stacked against me come on be honest we've all been there but according to Helen those seemingly harmless words might as well
be a falce field blocking your winning ticket from finding its way to you it's like you're standing in a cosmic lost and found and your words are the description you're giving of what you're looking for if you keep describing yourself as a loser guess what the universe is going to hand you that's right more losing tickets but don't worry because Helen's got your back she figured out how to fit the script literally by changing the words you use you're essentially rewriting your Cosmic wanted ad instead of Desperately Seeking any win please you'll be putting out
successful winner seeks more victories to add to collection and the best part this isn't some complex meditation for hours kind of deal it's as simple as changing the way you talk about yourself and your chances it's like upgr uping your manifestation software with just a few simple tweaks to your daily vocabulary but hold up before you roll your eyes thinking not another I am rich Mantra let me tell you this is affirmations on steroids Helen didn't just Mumble some feel-good phrases in the mirror every morning oh no she turned affirmations into an art form a
science and dare I say a superpower her technique wasn't about wishful thinking it was about rewiring your brain for Success so what's the deal with these supercharge affirmations well imagine your subconscious mind as the world's most powerful supercomputer it's running in the background 24 hours and 7 days a week controlling everything from your heartbeat to your habits alen's genius was in figuring out how to reprogram this supercomputer using carefully crafted phrases here's where it gets why wild Helen's affirmations aren't just about saying nice things they were about creating a rock solid unshakeable belief that you've
already won it's like convincing your brain that you're living in a parallel universe where you're already doing Victory lapse with that oversized check ready for some Helen inspired affirmations that could turn you into a loty magnet lockal up I am a winner the universe conspires to bring me Lottery victories massive cash windfalls flow to me effortlessly through the lottery I am in perfect harmony with the energy of jackpots and grand prizes my lottery wins bring joy and abundance to my life and the lives of others winning life changing amounts of money is my new normal
now here is the kicker helim didn't just recite these like a grocery list she turned each affirmation into a mini mnal movie when she said I am a winner she felt the weight of that oversized check in her hands when she affirmed massive cash windfalls flow to me she heard the Ching of the cash register and felt the rustle of Chris bills but Helen's technique goes even deeper she believed in tearing affirmations to your personal winning style are you a numbers person try my intuition guides me to the winning number combination more of a visual
thinker I clearly see myself celebrating my multi-million dollar win the key is to make these affirmations feel as real and personal to you as your own name it's not about copying someone else's magic words it's about finding the phrases that light you up from the inside now I know what you're thinking great I've got these fancy phrases but how do I make them actually work hold on to your hat because in the next section we're diving into the secret ingredient that turns these words into winning tickets emotion now Helen hatel wasn't just a word wizard
she was an emotion Alchemist she knew that saying the words was only half the battle the real magic happens when you infuse those words with raw unbridled feeling it's like the difference between a sparkler and a fireworks show sure they're both bright but one of them is going to leave a lasting impression here's the deal your subconscious mind doesn't just listen to your words it feels your Vibe it's like a lie detector test but instead of catching fibs it's measuring your belief and hen she figured out how to Ace that test every single time so
how do you do it it's time to channel your inner Oscar winning actor when you say I am a lottery winner don't just Mumble it while you're brushing your teeth stop what you're doing look in the mirror and say it like you just found out you hit the jackpot feel that Rush of excitement that burst of joy that wave of relief washing over you imagine the moment you check your ticket and realize You've Won what's the first thing you do scream jump up and down call your mom whatever it is do it now right now
yes I'm serious get up and do your happy dance feel ridiculous good that means you're doing it right Helen believed that the universe doesn't just respond to your words it responds to your energy and nothing cranks up your energy like genuine full bodied emotion it's like sending your affirmations first class priority mailed to the universe instead of stuffing them in a bottle and hoping they wash up on the shore of success but here's where Helen's technique gets really interesting she didn't just focus on the obvious emotions like excitement and joy she tapped into gratitude deep
heartfelt appreciation for a win that hadn't happened yet it's like thanking someone for a gift before they've even bought it sounds crazy maybe but it worked for Helen and it could work for you too try this close your eyes and really feel thank thank ful for your lottery win I mean really feel it think about how this money will change your life how it will help your family how it will allow you to make a difference in the world feel that warmth in your chest that lump in your throat maybe even let a tear of
Joy roll down your cheek this emotional charge is what sets Helen's technique apart from simple positive thinking it's not just about tricking your mind it's about convincing every cell in your body that you're already a winner it's about aligning your entire being with the frequency of success now that we've got your words supercharged and your emotions running high it's time to talk about the glue that holds this whole manifestation Masterpiece together I'm talking about consistency and belief the dynamic Jew that turned Helen hatel from an occasional winner into the Undisputed contest Queen let's get one
thing straight Helen didn't just do this willy-nilly whenever she felt like buying a lottery ticket oh no she made this her daily bread and butter we're talking every single day rain or shine mood swings and all why because Helen understood that reprogramming your subconscious isn't a oneandone deal it's like going to the gym for your mind you've got to put in the Reps to see the results now I can hear some of you groaning every day ain't nobody got time for that but here's the thing Helen didn't spend hours chanting affirmations she integrated it into
her daily life like a boss brushing your teeth boo affirmation time stuck in traffic affirmation Central waiting for your coffee to brew you guessed it affirmation party but Helen took it even further she believed in living as if you've already w and I'm not talking about maxing out your credit cards on a shopping spree I'm talking about the little things that make winning Real in your mind here's a Helen inspired challenge for you go buy a bottle of champagne not the cheap stuff untalking the good stuff you buy to celebrate a big win now put
it in your fridge every time you open that fridge you'll see that bottle and it'll remind you that you're a winner waiting to pop the cork it's like leaving a breadcrumb trail for the universe to find you but here's where Helen's technique gets really wild she didn't just believe in her wins she expected them it wasn't a question of if but when she planned what she'd do with her winnings down to the smallest detail want to take it to the next level stop researching Charities you'll donate to when you win look up exotic vacation spots
you'll visit heck start designing your dream home home now I know what some of you Skeptics are thinking isn't this setting myself out for disappointment Helen would say absolutely not because even if that specific lottery ticket doesn't hit you're training your mind to expect abundance you're rewiring your brain to spot opportunities to take inspired action to be in alignment with wealth and success and let's be real the Journey of believing in yourself of living with purpose and excitement of waking up every day feeling like a winner isn't that a prize in itself Helen didn't just
win contests she won at life and that my friends is the real jackpot we've reached the Moment of Truth we've dissected Helen Hat's winning formula and now it's time to put it into action consider this your step-by-step guide to becoming a manifestation maastro a cosmic cash magnet are well you get the idea let's Dive In Step One choose your power wors remember those Helen inspired affirmations we talked about it's time to make them your own don't just copy paste feel them out which ones make you feel like you're already holding that winning ticket those are
your power words write them down type them up heck get them tattooed okay maybe not that last one step to create your Winner's Den find a quiet space where you can focus without distractions this is your manifestation headquarters it could be a corner of your bedroom a spot in your garden or even your car during your morning commute the key is consistency same time same place every day step three the ticket trick here's a Helen special get yourself a lottery ticket but here's the twist don't check the numbers right away hold on to that ticket
while you do your affirmations feel the texture visualize those numbers matching the winning combination this creates a physical connection to your intention it's like giving the universe your Cosmic phone number step four speak it feel it be it now it's showtime speak your affirmations out loud but remember this isn't a monotone vle this is your Oscar worthy performance feel every word see yourself checking those numbers realizing You've Won calling your loved ones with the news make it so real that your heart races and your palms get sweaty step five the Gratitude boost here's where Helen's
technique goes next level after your affirmations spend a moment in deep gratitude thank the universe for your win as if it's already happened feel the relief of all your financial worries melting away the joy of being able to help your loved ones the excitement of living life on your own terms step six carry the feeling this is crucial as you go about your day carry that feeling of being a winner with you when you buy your actual lottery ticket do it with the confidence of someone who knows they've already won smile at the cashier like
you've got a seet secret which let's be honest you kind of do step seven inspired action elain didn't just sit around waiting for winds to fall in her lap she took inspired action start researching smart ways to invest your future winnings look into Charities you'd like to support heck start learning a new language for all those exotic trips you'll be taking act as if your win is inevitable step eight the no attachment game is a tricky but important step while you're feeling all these awesome feelings of winning practice nonattachment to the outcome sounds contradictory right
but Helen knew that desperately needing a win creates resistance trust that the Universe has your back whether it's this ticket or the next step nine celebrate every win did you find a Dollar on the street celebrate it did you get a free coffee to a happy dance Helen believed in acknowledging every bit of abundance that comes your way it's like telling the universe hey I see what you're doing and I want more step 10 rinse and repeat this isn't a one undone deal make this your daily practice consistency was key for helim and it's key
for you too treat it like brushing your teeth a non-negotiable part of your day remember Helen Hansel didn't just use this for lotteries she won cars dream vacations even a house the principle Remains the Same align your words emotions and beliefs with your desired outcome and watch the magic happen so there you have it folks you're now armed with Helen Hat's secret formula for Success the question is are you ready to step into your power and become the next big winner your jackpot Journey Starts Now
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