the 10th region that completes the global government of the Beast imagine waking up one day to a world where everything is controlled by a single government one that has the power to decide where you live how you buy and sell and even what you believe sounds like a dystopian movie right but what if I told you this isn't just fiction the Bible warns us about a final world Empire a Global government led by the Beast the Antichrist himself and in order for this government to be complete there must be 10 regions due to the signs
that show that this is about to happen many say the 10th region that completes the global government of the Beast is about to be formed is this true these 10 regions aren't just random countries they are powerful blocks each controlling vast portions of the world World under the authority of the Antichrist but what happens when all 10 are in place the countdown to the final reign of the Beast Begins the idea of a 10 region Global government isn't something new it was first seen in a vision by the Prophet Daniel over 2,500 years ago he
saw a terrifying Beast with 10 horns each horn representing a kingdom that would rise in the last days Daniel 7 talks about 10 horns on a frightening Beast while Revelation 17:12 says the 10 horns you saw are 10 Kings who have not yet received a kingdom but who for one hour will receive Authority as kings along with the beast but here's the thing what secret meetings are happening behind closed doors that could be shaping the global government right now now and if those doors ever open will we be prepared for what steps out this is
just the beginning these 10 Kings stand for 10 Nations or leaders who will rise to power in the last days they will join forces under the Antichrist creating a world system that turns against God but here's the big question are we already seeing signs that this prophecy is happening now or worse have we already crossed the point of no return let's look at Daniel's Vision in chapter 7 Daniel sees four beasts each representing a kingdom but the last Beast is different it's stronger scarier and has 10 horns now this is where it gets even more
exciting Daniel saw a small horn rise up among the 10 speaking proud words and taking control we've seen the prophecy but what about the evidence this little horn is the Antichrist who will use these 10 Nations to rule the world but here's the twist these 10 nations may look strong but they're actually weak in Nebuchadnezzar's statue from Daniel 2 we see a mix of iron and Clay strong yet brittle throughout history Empires and alliances have come and gone from Babylon to Rome but none have ever ruled the whole world then in the last 100 years
something big started happening the world became more connected not by distance but through technology trade and Global problems that forced Nations to work together but is all this Unity leading to something much bigger something biblical the question is could the world's greatest crisis be leading to the antichrist's Reign if that's true then what's coming next is far worse than we can imagine after two world wars we saw the United Nations form a group trying to keep World Peace then came the European Union and other alliances bringing countries closer together but is all this Unity leading
to something even bigger something biblical the European Union often comes up when people talk about the 10 Nations why because it looks like some of the things Daniel saw in his vision the EU started as a group of countries working together for trade but it quickly became a political and Military Alliance but this is just one piece of the puzzle in the next few minutes we'll look at how economic and military alliances worldwide are moving us toward the 10 region system nations are aligning power is shifting and something big is coming but when the moment
arrives will the world even realize it or will they accept it blindly you might think Global Unity is a good thing but as we continue you'll see how it comes at a terrifying cost here's something interesting some Bible teachers say the EU is strong in some ways but weak in others just like the feet of iron and clay in Nebuchadnezzar statue it looks powerful but inside it has cracks could this be the beginning of the 10 Nation group the Bible talks about you see the EU isn't the only big Alliance all over the world we
see Nations coming together in Asia there's Assan in Africa there's the African Union the Middle East has the Arab League these groups are growing shaping economies and even building mil military Partnerships could the 10 nations in the Bible come from these places it's possible we're about to break down the biggest misconception about the 10 Nations and once you hear this everything will make sense the Bible doesn't say exactly which nations will be in this group only that they will work together under the Antichrist as these alliances grow they may be preparing the way for this
prophecy to come true now think about this Global problems are making countries unite faster but this Unity comes with a cost losing their independence Revelation 17113 says they have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the Beast we've seen how this Empire is forming but in just a moment we'll look at what happens when the Antichrist takes control now let's talk about money trade agreements are bringing countries closer but when Nations depend on each other for food energy and supplies it's only a matter of time before trade also affects politics and Military
plans and when money itself is controlled by a single system could this be the real reason for the push toward a cashless Society because when control over currency is complete control over people follows next look at the European Union it's not just about trade it has its own currency and rules that impact millions of people other groups like The World Trade Organization and trade deals like NAFTA have changed entire economies but there's a problem when one country struggles the others feel it too could this be what binds the 10 Nations together new types of money
like Bitcoin and Central Bank digital currencies cbdcs are changing how people use money imagine a world where countries share one digital currency transactions would be easy but everything would also be controlled could this technology help form the 10 Nation group and prepare the way for a global leader now picture this 10 Nations bringing their armies together to form a superm military power a force so strong it could control the world Revelation 17:12 says these 10 Kings will receive Authority for one hour that means their power will be huge but shortlived but how much of it
is visible what if the real power isn't what we see but what remains hidden the alliances forming right now are one thing but what's really shocking is what's still missing until now here's the scary part the Bible says these 10 Nations won't rule on their own they will give their power to the Antichrist he will promise peace and solutions to the world's problems but there will be a cost Revelation 13:7 warns he was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them and he was given authority over every tribe people language
and Nation the 10 Nations will follow him creating a system that looks strong but is doomed to fail but before it collapses how much damage will it do how many will suffer before it all comes crumbling down the signs are all around us but what's missing what event will finally bring these 10 Nations together or is the event all already in motion moving too fast for us to stop history shows that Nations unite in times of Crisis Wars pandemics and financial crashes push countries to work together imagine a disaster so huge that it affects the
whole world a crisis that forces leaders to take fast action could it be a financial collapse a Cyber attack that shuts down economies or a natural disaster Master like nothing we've ever seen so which nations will be part of this the Bible doesn't name them but it gives us some Clues many believe the 10 Nations will come from what was once the Roman Empire which covered Europe parts of the Middle East and North Africa but what about world powers like China Russia or the United States will they be part of this group or will they
resist it remember Nebuchadnezzar's statue the feet of iron and Clay this image helps us understand the 10 Nations iron means strength possibly military or economic power clay means weakness showing divisions and struggles this matches what we see today Nations join forces but their alliances are often shaky full of mistrust and competing interests is this why the Bible says the kingdom will be partly strong and partly weak the Coalition may look powerful on the outside but its foundation is weak brexit showed us how fragile Unity can be when different countries want different things now think about
10 Nations trying to work together on a global scale can you imagine the confusion and arguments behind closed doors but here's the thing this chaos might be exactly what the Antichrist will use for his own plan he will present himself as the one who can bring peace to the disorder Nations will trust him at least for a little while but the Bible tells us this Coalition no matter how strong it looks is doomed to fail Revelation 17:14 says they will wage war against the lamb but the lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord
of lords and King of Kings even though these 10 nations may become powerful their Rebellion against God will lead to their downfall this is both a warning and a comfort for believers it reminds us that God's kingdom is unshakable and will last forever but for the world it's a wakeup call to see the signs before it's too late so what does this mean for us today are we just watching or do we have a role to play in this prophecy if you look around the world is becoming more connected but also more fragile Global Unity
is no longer just a nice idea it's being pushed as something we all need but here's the problem Unity can be a double-edged sword it looks like a good thing at first leaders gather for big meetings shake hands hands give speeches and promise to solve The World's problems everything looks so polished like a well-planned show but underneath there's tension and here's the catch every time there's a crisis the solution usually requires giving up a little more freedom and a little more Independence borders start to fade laws change and more power goes to Global organizations could
these crises be leading us to the 10 Nation Coalition the Bible talks about is this push for Unity more than just a response to world problems because if it's a trap it will only be revealed when the door has already slammed shut if so who's really pulling the strings and what happens when those strings are finally pulled tight here's what's both fascinating and a little scary the alliances we see today look strong but they're actually weak yes these advancements are impressive they solve problems and make life easier but at the same time they centralize power
imagine a world where every transaction every movement and every decision is watched and controlled is it crazy to think that technology could play a role in bringing the 10 Nations together or even help the Antichrist take control the people pieces are falling into place faster than we realize but is it a puzzle or a cage and once it's complete will there be any way out I know this might feel overwhelming it's easy to look at the world and feel like everything is spinning out of control but let me remind you God is not surprised by
any of this the question is are we just watching or do we have a role to play in this prophecy the Bible isn't just a book of old stories it's a road map showing us what's happening now and what's coming next even though the world feels chaotic God's plan is still unfolding exactly as he said it would here's why this matters the 10 Nations aren't just a future event they are a reminder that God's word is true and that his plan is in motion so when we see global leaders pushing for Unity it's not a
reason to Panic it's a reason to prepare the Bible doesn't tell us these things to scare us it tells us so that we can recognize the signs and stand firm in our faith but what if standing firm comes at a greater cost than we ever expected but the time is short the pieces are falling into place faster than we realize no matter how powerful these nations seem they will fall before the King of Kings Daniel 7:14 reminds us his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion that will not pass away and his kingdom is one that will
never be destroyed that is the hope we hold on to as we watch these prophecies unfold the 10 nations may seem Unstoppable their alliances are built on Power and ambition but the Bible tells us their time will be short we read while you were watching a rock was cut out but not by human hands it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them then the iron the clay the bronze the silver and the gold were all broken to pieces and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer the
wind swept them away without leaving a trace but the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth the kingdoms of this world will pass away but God's kingdom will stand forever but in the meantime how much will the world have to endure this Stone isn't just any Rock it's a sign of God's kingdom Eternal Unstoppable and unlike anything this world has ever seen think about it the statue stands for the kingdoms of this world built on human Pride power and wealth but no matter how strong they look they all
stand on a weak Foundation iron mixed with Clay when the stone strikes the whole statue falls apart this shows us that no power on Earth can stand against God's kingdom the Bible tells us this clearly Psalm 103:1 19 says the Lord has established his throne in heaven and his kingdom rules over all King Nebuchadnezzar also said his kingdom is an eternal Kingdom Daniel 4:3 everything that has Authority was set in place by God Romans 131 so in one way God's kingdom includes everything that exists some Bible teachers call the future Kingdom when it is fully
revealed the kingdom of Glory the kingdom of God has different parts God rules over the whole universe so in that way his kingdom is everywhere First Timothy 6:15 but God's kingdom is also about turning from sin and being born again unlike the short-lived kingdoms of this world God's kingdom is built on justice peace and righteousness it will never end let's be honest our world feels messy and unstable but Daniel's Vision shows us that this chaos won't last forever the rise and fall of kingdoms are all part of God's plan he isn't surprised by anything he
is in control and he is getting ready to do something greater than we can imagine so even if nations rise and new alliances are made we can be sure that God's kingdom will win in the end and when it comes it won't just replace the old kingdoms it will change the whole world in Daniel's dream God pulled back the curtain that hides the future from us maybe it came in a dream because if Daniel had been awake he might have argued or tried to reason it away but in a dream you tend to accept strange
things as normal don't you you might even talk to people in the dream and ask them questions just like Daniel did he asked an angel in the dream what it all meant and the angel explained it to him when Daniel woke up he saw the vision just as vividly as before so in the first part of the dream Daniel sees animals and in the second part he sees humans but we'll need to look closer at that later the two parts of the dream are very different for example the animals in the first part of the
dream come out of the sea they are rising up but in the second part of the dream the humans are surrounded by clouds and the focus is on the sky not the sea something seems to be coming down from above the four animals in the dream are scary and fierce they attack others and seem to cause trouble each one seems to cause harm and then fade away until the fourth one shows up which is the worst of all so the first part of the dream feels scary and threatening the second part is more comforting and
encouraging even though the dream is like a nightmare Daniel ends up feeling a little better he's pale and shaken but he knows the dream has a good or holy ending that's the dream seven things in total first four animals then three human figures now now what does the dream mean Daniel didn't understand the dream at first so he had to ask someone for the meaning we have an advantage over Daniel because we have the Bible which includes the Book of Revelation Revelation is also called the apocalypse which means to uncover or to reveal in chapters
13 and 14 of revelation we find a lot of information about Daniel's dream especially about the fourth animal the Bible gives us Clues to help us understand these things the more I read the Bible the more I realize that it explains itself you don't always need other books to figure it out the Old Testament helps explain the New Testament and the New Testament helps explain the old Revelation is like a deeper explanation of the Book of Daniel and the two are connected closely let's look at the animals in Daniel's dream the an tells Daniel that
the animals stand for Empires and rulers It's Not Unusual for Empires to use strange animals to represent themselves think of the Unicorn it doesn't exist but it's still used to represent the British Empire along with the lion on the gates of Ishtar in Babylon there is a picture of a strange animal with the head of a snake the body of a lion and the claws of an eagle these four strange animals in Daniel's dream made from parts of different animals represent Empires and rulers on Earth the sea in the dream is like a stormy ocean
with winds blowing from every direction north south east and west the Bible says these are the Four Winds stirring up the sea like a great hurricane this shows how messy and stormy human history has been people are always changing and the world's map changes almost as fast as the weather if you buy a map book it'll be outdated in 5 years because borders will have changed it's like the weather charts you see on TV each night things are always moving and shifting out of this messy stormy history come four animals but what do the winds
represent the Bible doesn't say that I'll give you my best giess in the Bible the word wind is the same as the words spirit and breath so these four winds or Spirits could be about evil spirits influencing human history these Spirits stir up trouble and bring out all kinds of cruel and wild things out of this chaos stirred by evil spirits come four beasts or animals but who are they what Empires do they stand for I want to be honest with you there's a traditional way people have explained this and it's been around for a
long time most people think it's the right answer but I don't think it is I'll explain why first let me tell you about the traditional view because you might have learned this explanation before the traditional view says chapter 2 and chapter 7 are about the same Empires remember that giant statue from Nebuchadnezzar's dream The Head and Shoulders chest and arms belly and legs all stood for four Empires Babylon Persia Greece and Rome that's definitely true for chapter 2 so people ask couldn't these four animals in chapter 7 also stand for Babylon since Babylon often used
Lions as a symbol Persia Greece and Rome it sounds possible but I don't think it works let me give you four reasons why this doesn't fit and then I'll share a better explanation first the history of those four Empires doesn't match the details of these animals there are some big differences for example Rome never had 10 rulers at once the Roman Empire never had 10 horns Greece didn't start with four leaders it started with one leader Alexander the Great but this Beast has four heads from the beginning there are other big differences too the biggest
one is that these Empires didn't rise during a time of worldwide chaos the second big reason is this Persia and Greece are named in chapter 8 Persia is described like a ram and Greece is described like a goat now if God is calling them something else here it would seem confusing the third reason is even stronger Daniel is told in the dream dream that all four of these beasts will show up in the future but when Daniel had this dream Babylon was already on its way out so it can't be talking about Babylon here the
final argument for me is in verse 12 it says that the first three beasts even though they lose their power to rule the world will still exist after the fourth Beast is completely wiped out that is what the Bible clears says so the lion the bear and the panther represent kingdoms that will still be around even when the fourth kingdom is gone now if that's true you can't make Babylon Persia Greece and Rome fit these four beasts now let's figure out who these beasts are I'll start with the fourth Beast because it's the easiest to
identify this little horn is described as an evil man who will will control everything he will have a loud mouth and eyes that draw people in he will use radio and television to gain power over the world now I think it's pretty clear we' found the strange creature I call the Griffin this is the hybrid beast from Daniel's dream it's not the Roman Empire because that's long gone Instead This is the final Empire in world history the peak of Satan's power Satan will set up a human dictator to rule everything honestly I hope neither we
nor our kids are alive when it happens but signs show that we might be so we need to pray for God to prepare us now what about the other three beasts these are three world powers that will rise before the final Empire they'll lose their strength but still exist as Nations when the last one appears years and they'll survive even after it's gone do we have any clues about who they are there's one biblical principle to follow the Nations and Empires mentioned in the Bible all had some connection to God's holy land that's why for
example China isn't mentioned it hasn't had any dealings with the Holy Land that's also why America isn't directly mentioned so we have to focus on Nations that have had Direct involvement with Jerusalem Israel or the Holy Land Babylon Persia Greece and Rome fit this pattern which is why they're in Daniel chapter 2 but are there modern Nations or Empires that match these symbols what I'm going to share now is my personal opinion you could call it speculation but I feel it's worth saying what Empire could be symbolized by a lion that had dealings with Jerusalem
I think it's the British Empire from 1917 when General Allenby walked into Jerusalem to 1948 when Britain left we were responsible for God's holy city whether we wanted to or not we got pulled into the Middle East Yes we made conflicting Promises to the Arabs and Jews which is why neither group trusts us now but still we were involved and I believe that made do part of God's plan in history so where do the Eagle's Wings fit in the lion is the king of the beasts and the eagle is the king of the birds in
this Vision the Eagle's Wings might represent America time and again America's strength and power have come to our rescue the English-speaking Western world has been tied together but here's the interesting part of the vision the wings and the lion get separated and start acting on their own the lion is left without the wings the British Lion which once ruled a vast Empire has been cut down to the size of a single nation we're no longer a world power and we need to accept it we're just an ordinary Nation now treated like everyone else that's why
some call us the toothless lion we're no longer a power to be feared could this be what the vision is showing us us do you think we've figured out the first Beast if so let's move on to the second one and ask what Empire could be symbolized by a bear what nation is getting more involved in the Middle East and starting to affect God's people there to me the answer is as clear as day it's Russia the bear is a clumsy animal not very smart but it's Fierce and attacks with sheer weight and strength one
of the most interesting things in the Hebrew text is that the bear is described as raised up on one side stretching one paw in One Direction but seeming afraid to stretch out the other to me this fits perfectly with the Russian Bear reaching its claws into Europe while not daring to make a move against China could this be correct here's how we could know if what I've said about the lion and the bear is true then the next thing to happen would be the Rock eyes of a new Empire symbolized by a panther with four
rulers right now I don't see any Empire that matches the panther with four rulers but if in the next few years a world power led by four leaders emerges holding the world hostage then we'd have strong evidence that these interpretations are correct so I say keep an eye on the Arab world the Hebrew text suggests this Beast will have the power to hold the rest of the world hostage now there's something else about this third Beast that I don't yet see anywhere in the world do you remember the Four Winds mentioned at the start it
says the Winds North South East and West stirred up the sea if the lion represents the British Empire which came from the west and the bear represents Russia which came from the north then the next Powers must come from the south or east of the Holy Land so I'm looking for something to rise from the south or east taking over and holding the rest of the world at Bay this is just my opinion but I think it makes more sense than trying to fit Babylon Persia Greece and Rome into a pattern that doesn't seem to
work here's what I can say with certainty these are the last four world powers that will directly affect the Middle East when these things happen we'll know exactly where we are in history God's word has everything we need to understand the times we're living in so I'm watching and waiting if things happen just as the Bible describes then we'll know we are nearing the climax of History the moment God has been preparing for we might even be living in the middle of it right now the sands of time could be running out now let's look
at something more positive and wonderful let's focus on what Daniel saw in his dream the scene shifts from Earth to Heaven just like in the Book of Revelation one moment you're looking at the troubles on earth and the next you're seeing Heaven's perspective Heaven and Earth are connected God is there watching over the Earth controlling it and judging it he decides what happens tomorrow he allows things to happen happen and he will bring it all to an end there are three things to notice here first the Ancient of Days this is the only time in
the Bible where God is pictured as a humanlike figure he is described as an old man sitting on a throne with wheels but the oldness isn't meant to make God seem weak or scile instead it shows that he has always been there while the beasts rise and fall while human Empires come and go God remains constant what a beautiful name the Ancient of Days In A Hymn we sing Immortal invisible God only wise he is the oldest ruler of Earth meaning he has always ruled these beasts these human powers are just playing their games down
here all the while God Is Watching controlling and allowing everything he knows exactly what he will do the picture of God here is amazing imagine a pile of books and God is opening them and reading from them what are these books they are records of everything people have done on Earth whether or not you keep a journal God keeps a journal of your life did you know that in heaven there's a record written for every day of your life think about what you write in your Journal do you include your mistakes and sins it's actually
a good habit if you do when you write that you're just copying what's already written in God's Journal about you God reads these books to decide what to do with people from God's Throne thousands of angels are ready to follow his commands they wait for him to say go down to earth and do this multitudes of people are gathered around the throne waiting from the throne rivers of fire flow out showing God's judgment fire does two things it burns away what is useless like trash and refines what is valuable like gold this fire from God's
Throne shows his judgment what's happening here I'll tell you God is deciding what to do with human history he's reading the books and deciding what will happen next God looks at the fourth beast and reads his books when he gives the order his angels will carry it out the next next person Daniel sees is younger like a son of man notice that phrase son of man it's not in every translation but it is in the original Hebrew this son of man is standing on the clouds the clouds carry him to the throne where the Ancient
of Days gives him a crown then the son of man is carried by the clouds back to Earth it's an incredible scene who is this son of man it's Jesus did you know this was jesus' favorite title for himself have you ever wondered why Jesus called himself the son of man so often he could have called himself the Son of God but instead he said things like the son of man came to seek and save the lost and the son of man will be delivered into the hands of men why did he use that title
the answer is in the Book of Daniel here's proof in the Gospel of Luke alone Jesus calls himself the son of man 27 times when Jesus was on trial before annus and Caiaphas they asked him are you the Christ are you the son of the Living God do you know what Jesus said I am which is the name of God and then he added you will see the son of man coming on the Clouds Of Heaven he was quoting this very verse from Daniel there's no question about it the son of man is Jesus here
we are looking at Jesus the son of man and God the Ancient of Days on God has given all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus now let's take the next step God the father gives the kingdoms of the world to Jesus and Jesus comes with clouds of Glory have you ever seen clouds that look Majestic maybe you've flown in a plane above the clouds and seen how beautiful they are when the Sun Shines on the fluffy billowing clouds they look like heaven do you know God's favorite color it's white In this passage his clothes
are white and his hair is white as snow white is the color of Heaven the color of God's Majesty the son of man comes with these glorious shining clouds here's the amazing part the son of man isn't going to keep this Kingdom to himself he's going to share it with his people the Saints of the most high Daniel sees three groups an old man which is a picture of God a young man which is a picture of Jesus and a large group of people which represents the Saints of the most high here's the truth the
Saints of the most high those who believe in Jesus will one day rule the world with him isn't that incredible imagine yourself as part of the government of God's kingdom when the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of Christ he will share his reign with his people and they will rule with him forever you've probably heard choirs sing he shall reign forever and ever but here's the amazing part we will reign with him forever and ever the Bible says so remember leaders like Hitler claimed their Empires would last for a thousand years but they
fell in less than 20 in Daniel 7 we see the Saints will have a kingdom that lasts forever a th years that's nothing compared to Eternity let that truth sink into your heart the Ancient of Days says to the son of man the kingdom is yours then the son of man says to the Saints the kingdom is yours in Christ all things are ours there's no doubt about this part of Daniel 7 it's a promise we can hold on to this is the one I want you to look at I'm sure I'm right about the
fourth beast and this one I'm absolutely certain about that we shall reign with him so we have interpreted the dream now you might ask how does this help me live my life maybe you're thinking this all sounds like it's up in the clouds and I'm confused I need comfort and real help for my everyday life let me tell you something I've been giving you the best help I can and the best help you need and I'll tell you why with two reasons both starting with the letter H first I want you to have the Christian
virtue of hope we often forget about hope the Bible says faith hope and love are the three things that will last forever we talk a lot about faith we talk even more about love but we hardly ever talk about Hope yet it's one of the most important virtues in the Christian Life what I've been trying to do is strengthen your hope I've heard so many people say I don't know what things are coming to but I've never heard a Christian say that isn't that interesting a Christian knows we don't say I don't know what's going
to happen instead we say I know what's coming and that makes us able to help others when someone says I don't know what things are coming to you can lovingly say I do would you like to hear tell them this one day all the dictatorships and kingdoms of the world will be gone human civilization will fade away and in its place the kingdom of God will come Jesus will return to Reign and if we believe in him we can reign with him that's hope in the Bible hope isn't something you're unsure about like when someone
says I hope it happens no in the Bible hope means you know it will happen as we study these last chapters of Daniel let your hope grow in a world that doesn't know where it's going we can bold say we know the second thing is this I hope this study has made you think about Holiness why because if you're going to reign with Jesus you need to get ready imagine you're a prince or princess who knows that one day you will have the responsibility of governing the role Christ gives you in his kingdom will be
based on how faithful you are now if you've been faithful in small things things he can trust you with big things your position in his kingdom depends on how you live your life this week and how you respond to his grace the Bible says everyone that has this hope in him purifies himself that means we should live like royalty right now we need to act with the Dignity of God's Royal children that's practical isn't it Jesus is making us into a kingdom of priests for God so we should live worthy lives and get ready for
the responsibilities he'll give us thinking about the future and Jesus's return in glory should Inspire us to live holy lives is this just speculation number it's about how you handle your daily life your chores your work and how you behave tomorrow morning isn't that exciting God's word shows us the big picture of history and where everything is headed and now it's asking you are you getting ready if you're not then no matter how much you say you believe people will have a hard time trusting you they'll think if this is true why doesn't your life
show it