5 Things You Should NOT Expose To OTHERS (Change Immediately) | Stoicism

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Stoic Journal
In a world where our every triumph and tribulation is just a click away from public view, the ancien...
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in today's world of constant connectivity where every success and setback is broadcasted to the masses the art of silence has lost its voice yet it's this very silence that the Stoics held as a shield against the chaos of everyday life the question we often forget to ask ourselves is what power might we reclaim if we chose to share less? today we will explore this forgotten strength drawing from the profound depths of stoic wisdom to uncover why keeping certain things private not only protects us but empowers our journey towards a fulfilled life join me as we
step back from the noise and rediscover the potent force of quietude in guarding the most pivotal aspects of our existence this is not just about learning when to speak but mastering when to embrace the silence that speaks volumes before we dive into these ancient secrets I invite you to subscribe and share this video with others who are on their own quest for personal growth and deeper philosophical understanding today's discussion might challenge skeptics and provoke deep reflection as we tackle concepts that are as controversial as they are transformative stay with us until the end to fully
grasp these stoic insights which could radically alter your approach to personal and public life trust me the revelations we're about to explore are worth pondering over and they just might change the way you see the world your future plans are delicate like seeds planted in the ground waiting for the right conditions to grow and just like seeds these plants need Protection time and care before they're strong enough to withstand the elements the Stoics understood this principle well often advocating for a quiet steady commitment to one's goals rather than loudly declaring intentions the ancient stoic philosopher
Marcus Aurelius reminded himself daily to practice restraint in all things including his ambitions because when we're quiet about our plans we're giving them the chance to grow roots deep roots that keep them steady even when things get tough it's easy to get swept up in the excitement of a new goal or vision the moment we feel that spark that burst of inspiration there's a natural urge to share it we want others to feel our excitement to join in and cheer us on but here's the thing by sharing your plans too soon you risk exposing them
to negativity doubt and even envy elements that can quickly snuff out that fragile spark before it ever has a chance to catch fire stoicism teaches us that our happiness and peace are found within not from the approval or validation of others when you reveal your plans prematurely you're handing over a part of that inner peace to the outside world and that's rarely a safe exchange think about it how often have you shared a dream or a goal only to receive reactions that were less than supportive? maybe someone dismissed it as unrealistic or told you to
be practical and consider something else those reactions even if they're not intended to harm plant seeds of doubt in your mind suddenly a goal that felt so alive and possible becomes shaky weighed down by other people's opinions the Stoics taught that our minds are powerful capable of withstanding hardship and pursuing virtue but only when we guard them against unnecessary influences now keeping your plans private doesn't mean you're living in secrecy it means you're practicing patience and wisdom giving yourself the space to work without the burden of external pressures or judgement when an artist creates a
masterpiece they don't display it for the world to see while it's still a rough sketch they work in silence taking time to craft refine and perfect only when the work is ready when it's strong enough to stand on its own do they unveil it your future plans deserve the same level of care there's also a psychological element here every time we talk about our plans we get a little burst of satisfaction almost as if we've already achieved something our brain rewards us with a small sense of accomplishment which ironically can reduce our motivation to keep
working on the goal itself it's like running a Marathon and celebrating at mile 1 instead of saving that energy for the finish line this is why the Stoics advocated for action over words urging us to let our efforts speak for themselves because success doesn't need an announcement when you achieve something real people will see it they'll feel the impact of what you've done and the results will be the loudest statement you could ever make protecting your plans also safeguards you from people who intentionally or not might undermine you not everyone around you wants to see
you succeed in fact your ambition might bring up insecurities for others reminding them of their own unfulfilled dreams or missed opportunities they may subtly discourage you or downplay your vision perhaps out of their own fears or doubts by keeping your plans to yourself you're creating a quiet safe environment where your goals can grow without the interference of others insecurities and let's not overlook the practical side of this life is unpredictable and sometimes we need to pivot or change direction when you keep your plans private you give yourself the freedom to adapt without the pressure of
explaining yourself to others you can adjust your path take a new approach or even abandon a plan if it no longer serves you without anyone questioning or doubting your choices this flexibility is a gift allowing you to move forward in the way that's best for you guard your future plans like treasures let them grow in private away from prying eyes and unsolicited opinions nurture them in silence allowing them to build strength until they're ready to be shared with the world and when you finally reveal them let it be after you've put in the work after
your vision is fully realised and when your actions speak for themselves this way your success becomes a testament to your resilience your discipline and your ability to move forward without needing validation life is full of struggles and no one escapes them in fact the Stoics taught that struggles are not just inevitable but valuable essential experiences that shape who we are but here's where they give us timeless advice not every struggle needs to be shared with the world some struggles are better handled in quiet reflection or in the trusted circle of those who truly understand us
just because we're going through something challenging doesn't mean we need to make it public in a world that seems to thrive on oversharing the wisdom of stoicism tells us to pause and consider the impact of revealing our deepest battles our struggles are personal and the Stoics believed in facing them with resilience and dignity Epictetus a stoic philosopher who was born into slavery endured hardships most of us can't even imagine yet he didn't go around proclaiming his suffering to everyone he met instead he found strength in quietly facing his challenges and understanding that his struggles were
part of his journey he taught that while we can't control the hardships that come our way we can control how we respond to them and that response doesn't require an audience when we openly share our struggles especially with those who don't have our best interests at heart we open ourselves up to judgement pity or even worse manipulation not everyone who listens to our problems genuinely cares about our well being some people might listen simply out of curiosity while others might see our vulnerability as a weakness to exploit it's a hard truth but one the Stoics
would advise us to accept Seneca another great stoic warned about sharing our inner struggles with just anyone he knew that only those who genuinely support us who stand with us unconditionally are the ones worthy of sharing our deepest battles there's also a profound strength in handling struggles privately when we face our hardships without feeling the need to broadcast them we allow ourselves the space to grow internally we become resilient not because we seek external validation but because we learn to trust our own ability to overcome adversity think of it as building an inner fortress every
hardship we endure privately adds another layer of strength another layer of wisdom to that fortress this process shapes us in ways that public acknowledgement simply can't of course I'm not saying we should bottle everything up or pretend we don't need help stoicism isn't about denying our emotions it's about controlling our responses to them we all need support and we all have moments where sharing with the right person can be incredibly healing but the key is in discernment not everyone deserves to know the battles we're fighting by choosing who we open up to we protect ourselves
from the unnecessary noise of judgement superficial sympathy or unwanted advice we shield ourselves from people who might talk about our struggles when we're not around spinning stories that aren't theirs to tell the Stoics believe that our struggles were our own not something to be shaped by others opinions or perceptions when you reveal too much you risk letting other people's judgements influence how you see yourself a single comment a doubtful look or a dismissive response can amplify self doubt suddenly your struggle feels heavier because you're carrying both your burden and the weight of others perceptions stoicism
teaches us that true strength comes from within from a deep sense of self that isn't swayed by the external world by keeping certain struggles private we maintain control over our own narrative and here's another aspect privacy allows for genuine healing when you're not explaining your struggles to everyone around you you give yourself the space to process your emotions understand your pain and find clarity there's no pressure to perform strength for others no need to rush your recovery to appear fine for the outside world you can confront your pain on your own terms allowing yourself to
fully experience it understand it and eventually overcome it this approach advocated by stoicism encourages us to find peace within rather than seeking comfort in others opinions privacy also protects us from people who might use our struggles against us some people intentionally or not weaponize vulnerability they take what we've shared in a moment of openness and turn it into gossip judgement or at times even an advantage it's a harsh reality but one we must consider the Stoics would argue that we protect ourselves by being cautious by choosing who has access to our pain and struggles not
everyone who listens has earned that privilege and by withholding certain truths we keep a part of ourselves safe from misuse lastly holding back on sharing every struggle doesn't mean you're closing yourself off for building walls it means you're selectively choosing who joins you on this journey who has proven to be worthy of your trust Seneca often spoke about the value of true friendship those rare individuals who can see you at your lowest and not judge who lift you up without casting shadows of doubt these people the ones who stand by you without needing explanations or
public declarations are the ones we should confide in our struggles are part of our story but they don't define us their chapters in a larger narrative but not the entire book by keeping them private we maintain control over our story allowing ourselves the freedom to grow without external interference so remember you don't owe your struggles to anyone protect them nurture them in silence and seek strength from within when the time comes when you've gained wisdom and clarity you can choose to share the lessons you've Learned not the pain you endured money it's a subject that
makes people uncomfortable and intrigued at the same time and while talking about finances seems almost encouraged in our social media driven world the Stoics would advise a different path one of discretion and privacy to the Stoics the value of a person was never measured by wealth possessions or financial status but rather by their character resilience and wisdom money they believed was merely a tool a means to live not the essence of life itself and for that reason our financial situation is something that deserves careful consideration before we decide to share it with others first there's
the danger of envy when we openly share our financial wins whether it's a job promotion a significant investment or a new purchase we may unintentionally invite jealousy from those around us even close friends or family can feel resentment often subconsciously when they compare their own situation to yours the Stoics were acutely aware of the destructive power of envy and advocated for humility in all aspects of life particularly regarding wealth they understood that openly displaying wealth could disrupt friendships breed hostility and create unnecessary barriers between people by keeping financial matters private we avoid fostering this unhealthy
comparison that often arises allowing relationships to be built on genuine respect and mutual support rather than silent competition on the flip side sharing financial struggles can also have negative consequences imagine you're going through a rough patch financially maybe you're in debt struggling with expenses or just trying to make ends meet when you share this with the wrong people it can lead to judgement pity or even manipulation Seneca often warned about the tendency of people to judge others based on circumstances they barely understand financial hardship is a deeply personal struggle and sharing it openly can make
us vulnerable to those who don't have our best interests at heart some people may pretend to empathize but use this information to manipulate or control you or even gossip about your situation behind your back moreover sharing financial difficulties can shift the way others perceive you stoic philosophy teaches us that external circumstances including our financial situation do not define our inner worth or character however in a society that often equates money with success or failure openly discussing financial struggles can lead others to see you through a distorted lens they may begin to label you as struggling
or unsuccessful limiting their understanding of who you truly are by keeping financial matters private you retain control over how you are perceived allowing others to know you for your values not your bank balance there's also an important psychological benefit to keeping finances private money can easily become a source of stress anxiety or even pride emotions that can cloud our judgement when we frequently discuss our finances with others it reinforces our attachment to money making it a more significant factor in how we measure our self worth the Stoics believe that true peace and happiness come from
within not from external factors like wealth by practicing discretion with our finances we can minimize the emotional attachment to money focusing instead on inner growth contentment and self mastery another consideration is the influence that sharing your finances has on decision making when we discuss our finances with others we open ourselves up to unsolicited advice opinions and often pressure to make certain choices people might encourage you to spend in ways that don't align with your values or urge you to invest in things that aren't right for you the Stoics believed in personal sovereignty the idea that
each individual has the wisdom to make decisions best suited to their own life by keeping your financial details private you maintain this sovereignty making choices based on what truly benefits you rather than the opinions or expectations of others let's not overlook the practical side of privacy either when people know too much about your finances they may feel entitled to ask for favours or loans assuming you have the means to help them and while helping others is a noble act it should be done out of genuine willingness not obligation or pressure Seneca advised caution in giving
and receiving he knew that financial entanglements could complicate even the closest of relationships by keeping your financial situation to yourself you avoid the discomfort of having to say no to requests that don't align with your priorities or capacity at the core of stoic thought is the belief that wealth is neither good nor bad it's neutral what matters is how we use it and how we let it influence our lives when we focus less on flaunting our financial success or lamenting our financial struggles we find a sense of calm we're able to appreciate what we have
without the need for validation from others and we're less swayed by the highs and lows that often accompany financial matters as Epictetus said wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants this idea reminds us that money's true value lies not in its ability to impress others but in how it allows us to live a life aligned with our values in a world where social media constantly pressures us to share every aspect of our lives choosing to keep finances private is an act of self respect it's a way of protecting our mental
peace our relationships and our sense of self worth the Stoics would remind us that just because we can share doesn't mean we should financial privacy allows us to manage our resources wisely without external influence or judgement and to cultivate a mindset where wealth serves us rather than defines us so let's take a step back when it comes to finances practice the stoic virtue of restraint let your financial choices successes and challenges remain yours share only with those you trust deeply those who offer constructive support without judgment in doing so you'll find that financial privacy brings
not only peace of mind but also the freedom to live authentically without the weight of others opinions because in the end your worth is not measured by your bank account but by the strength of your character and the wisdom with which you navigate the journey of life kindness it's one of the most beautiful things we can offer the world when we do something good for someone else it can be transformative both for them and for us but here's the thing true kindness doesn't need an audience in fact the Stoics would argue that the purest acts
of kindness are those done quietly without seeking praise or recognition Seneca one of the great stoic philosophers taught that virtue is its own reward he believed that we should do good not to be seen but because it aligns with our character and brings out the best in us so why do we feel the urge to announce our good deeds? and what might we gain by keeping them private? when you perform an act of kindness like helping a friend in need donating to charity or simply lending a listening ear there's an immediate temptation to share it
maybe we want others to know we're thoughtful generous or compassionate and while there's nothing wrong with feeling good about our actions seeking external validation can dilute the meaning behind them the Stoics teach us to look inward for our sense of worth if we need applause to feel good about helping someone then are we truly being kind or are we simply looking for a way to boost our own ego? stoicism encourages us to focus on our intentions not the outcome when we help others quietly we're motivated by a genuine desire to make a positive impact not
by the anticipation of how others will react Marcus Aurelius the stoic emperor often reminded himself to act virtuously regardless of who was watching he believed that virtue when genuine doesn't seek rewards or recognition true kindness according to stoicism is selfless it's about lifting others up simply because we can not because we want credit for doing so there's also a certain piece that comes from keeping our kindness private when you do something good without telling anyone it becomes a personal victory it's a reminder of your character a quiet affirmation of who you are this type of
inner fulfillment is much more lasting than the fleeting rush we get from others praise the Stoics believed in cultivating inner strength and self approval when you're kind without the need for recognition you're building a sense of self that's grounded in who you are not how others perceive you now of course there are times when sharing our good deeds can inspire others and that's valuable too but the Stoics would advise caution when we share with the intent to inspire we must be honest about our motivations are we sharing to truly encourage others to act or are
we hoping to receive some recognition ourselves? it's a subtle difference but one worth examining if our goal is to spark positive action then it's best done humbly without putting ourselves at the centre Seneca said the wise man is content with doing right and needs no other reward in other words let the act itself be the inspiration not the storyteller another reason to keep acts of kindness private is that it protects the dignity of those we help we publicize our good deeds especially if they involve helping someone in a vulnerable position it can make them feel
exposed or even embarrassed stoicism teaches us to respect others to treat them with the same dignity we would want for ourselves by keeping our kindness quiet we show a deep respect for the privacy of others imagine if every time someone helped us they felt the need to announce it it would create a sense of obligation or discomfort true kindness is about easing others burdens not adding to them let's also consider how performing acts of kindness quietly builds resilience when we do good without the expectation of praise we're practicing self discipline a core stoic value it's
a way of training ourselves to find fulfillment in the act itself rather than in external rewards this strengthens our character making us less reliant on others for validation we become more grounded more centered because our sense of self isn't tied to others opinions instead it's anchored in our actions and our intentions there's a powerful analogy in stoic philosophy that likens virtue to a flame a flame burns regardless of whether anyone sees it it provides light and warmth simply because that's its nature in the same way our kindness should shine naturally not because we're looking for
someone to notice but because it's part of who we are when we do good without an audience we become that steady flame unmoved by others opinions unwavering in our commitment to virtue and here's something else to consider by not sharing every act of kindness we leave room for humility to grow it's easy to feel proud of our good deeds but humility reminds us that kindness is a natural part of being human not something that elevates us above others the Stoics believe that humility is essential to a balanced life Seneca once said it is not the
man who has too little but the man who craves more that is poor in the same way if we crave acknowledgement for our kindness we're missing out on the true richness of giving freely by keeping our kindness private we nurture a humble heart one that gives without expecting anything in return finally there's something incredibly freeing about letting our kindness be unobserved it releases us from the cycle of seeking validation and lets us experience the joy of giving in its purest form Epictetus would remind us that we are only responsible for our actions not how others
perceive them so when we give without anyone knowing we experience the rare joy of truly selfless action we're not performing we're simply expressing our values it's a freedom that comes from knowing that our actions are driven by our own inner compass not by the gaze of others in a world that often rewards performance over sincerity choosing to keep our kindness quiet is a revolutionary act it's a commitment to live by our own values to be kind because it's the right thing to do not because it's seen the Stoics would tell us that this quiet kindness
this self contained virtue is one of the highest forms of strength it allows us to give freely without losing ourselves in the process in a world that encourages us to broadcast every intention and ambition the idea of keeping your next move private might seem old fashioned but according to stoic philosophy there's great wisdom in moving quietly in letting your actions not your words do the talking the Stoics believe that our energy is precious and that sharing our plans too soon can drain us or even derail our path so why is it so powerful to keep
your next move to yourself? when you reveal your plans before you act you expose them to external opinions judgments and even doubts think about it how often have you shared an idea only to be met with unsolicited advice skepticism or negativity suddenly what felt like a clear path becomes foggy weighed down by others fears and biases Marcus Aurelius the stoic emperor taught that our minds should be like a fortress shielded from unnecessary influences by keeping your next move private you protect that fortress you keep your vision pure free from the noise that could cloud your
judgement or shake your confidence there's also something deeply empowering about moving in silence when you keep your intentions to yourself you're not performing for anyone you're not worried about impressing others or meeting anyone's expectations but your own it's just you and your goals working together in alignment Epictetus another stoic philosopher would say that we shouldn't let our happiness depend on things outside our control including other people's approval or understanding by keeping your next move private you make it something sacred something that belongs only to you you're free to pursue it without the distraction of how
others might react let's not forget the strategic advantage of moving quietly life in many ways is like a game of chess every move counts and revealing your strategy too early gives others a chance to counteract it not everyone around you wants to see you succeed even if they seem supportive on the surface some people feel threatened by the idea of others progressing as it reminds them of their own stagnation or unfulfilled goals by keeping your plans private you remove the opportunity for others to sabotage discourage or distract you in the words of the Stoics you're
protecting your inner peace choosing to focus on what you can control your own efforts and decisions keeping your next move private also allows you the freedom to adapt life is unpredictable and plans often need to be adjusted or even completely rethought if you've already told everyone about your next big move there's an unspoken pressure to follow through even if it no longer feels right the Stoics believed in flexibility in responding wisely to the present moment rather than stubbornly clinging to plans that might not serve us anymore when you keep your next move to yourself you
give yourself permission to pivot without the burden of explaining yourself to others you can change course freely knowing that your decisions are based on what's best for you not on anyone else's expectations then there's the psychological impact every time we talk about our plans we get a small burst of satisfaction almost as if we've already achieved something it's like celebrating at the starting line before the race has even begun this is why the Stoics emphasize the importance of action over words when you share your plans prematurely you risk losing the motivation to actually follow through
because part of you feels like you've already done the work by keeping your intentions private you save that energy allowing it to build up and fuel your efforts instead of dissipating through idle talk when you do finally reveal your next move let it be through your actions not your words imagine the power of unveiling something you've been working on quietly something that's fully realised without anyone having expected it there's strength in that kind of silent dedication and it speaks volumes about your commitment and discipline success as the Stoics would say doesn't need an announcement it
becomes evident through the impact you make through the results of your efforts when you reveal your next move after you've taken action people are more likely to recognise and respect the accomplishment because it's tangible not just a promise the Stoics understood that we often crave validation from others but they taught that true contentment comes from within when you keep your plans private you're practicing self reliance you're saying to yourself I trust my own judgment I don't need anyone else's approval to pursue what I believe in this self trust is a core aspect of stoic resilience
by choosing not to broadcast your intentions you're training yourself to find strength in your own convictions rather than in the opinions or encouragement of others this builds a foundation of inner confidence that can withstand any setback or challenge and let's talk about the peace that comes with moving in silence when no one knows your next move you're free from the constant questioning and scrutiny that often accompanies big decisions there's no pressure to explain yourself no need to justify your path to anyone this piece allows you to stay focused on what matters putting in the work
refining your skills and staying committed to your goals in a world that's constantly pulling us in different directions this kind of focus is invaluable it's a quiet power a calm assurance that lets you progress without interference finally consider the lesson of humility in keeping your plans private stoicism values humility recognizing that while we may plan we're not entirely in control of the outcome by keeping your next move to yourself you're acknowledging that success is not guaranteed and you're preparing to face whatever comes without the weight of others expectations it's a reminder that our journey is
about growth resilience and wisdom not just reaching a specific destination when we move quietly we're honoring this journey allowing ourselves to learn adapt and evolve in private before stepping into the spotlight so as you move forward remember this in a world that's constantly demanding noise there is immense power in silence protect your plans your peace and your purpose let your actions speak louder than any words and let the life you build be your testament thank you for being a part of Stoic Journal your journey towards inner strength and resilience is one worth honoring if you
found value here don't miss the suggested videos on the screen they're filled with insights to help you grow even further thank you for watching and as always stay grounded and keep pushing forward
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