Tips For Increasing Testosterone From natural way, and it really works. So stay with me until the end of this video and because it's an honest video, that doesn't try to sell you anything click on the like subscribe to the channel, because it will solve your problem in a natural way and without pushing No liar supplements on you. Including Let's demystify some here.
First we will start by talking here: What is the testosterone? He is the main hormone sex, anabolic steroid, which has its predominance in the male body but which also has in feminine. THE testosterone has its role of both libido, as well as improving reproduction, but she also develops characteristics as aggressiveness, self-confidence exacerbated form, which is why you see individuals with low testosterone, with less vigor, with less courage to live.
But we also have some physical characteristics, which is the increase of hair, the thickening of the voice, that you can observe at a boy's puberty for a man himself. also helps in bone mineral density. So people who have low testosterone have more likely to have osteoporosis.
Women who have low testosterone have higher incidence of breast cancer. So is one of the reasons that the contraceptive may increase the chance of breast cancer. So that means I remember that women also manufacture testosterone?
Yes. Seven, eight times less than men? True but it's also a sex hormone important to them.
How does the production of testosterone in our body basically? We have in our pituitary the LH: The luteinizing hormone. He is one flare gun.
He warns: Ow, produces testosterone down there in the Leydig cells. They start working, working, to work. He realizes how much of testosterone have.
And he says: Oops, let's produce or not produce. Per this is why anabolic steroid use decreases our testosterone. Why?
Because this luteinizing hormone gets monitoring, he says: Oops, it's passing damn testosterone here huh. We will send a signal down to give a decreased in production. He does not know from outside, so we see the inhibition of our axis.
But let's start here: How does it increase our testosterone? We know that the lack of zinc and vitamin D lowers the testosterone And then ZMA that has zinc says it increases testosterone but Here's the question: Do you have zinc deficiency? If you have need It will increase your testosterone, if not, no.
The big thing is that individuals who are healthy and have a healthy diet and are not at the low weight level that do not eat, at a level of malnutrition, he will hardly have a lack of zinc. So it turns out that ZMA doesn't increase testosterone because most of the people even without supplementing with zinc It has no disability. Vitamin D but we has a higher incidence of it.
I I follow many exams of my students. Leandro, how can you be your student? Only access leandrotwin.
com. br. Let responsibility for their training and your results with me but let's go back on here.
Vitamin D I notice a lot that has lack. So of course, not everyone. Take one exam to find out.
If so, the vitamin D supplemental is welcome. The individual who Overweight is bad. Why?
THE adipocyte works like a gland endocrine What? Stay calm. If you have curiosity to know, type it looks like this: "Leandro Twin Adipocyte".
You will find a video of me explaining about it, but coming back here, an individual who has a fat percentage very high, the adipocyte, the fat, will work with a gland endocrine, that is, it will secrete hormones. And what if hormone that secret? The estriol.
Estradiol lowers the testosterone So the individual who is very fat, he has even lower "testo". So slow down your fat percentage to increase the testosterone, but when we fall to a fat percentage digit, we tend to decrease our testosterone, so I mean: a lot is bad, and little is bad, because when the fat percentage is low at testosterone production tends to become minimize. In women the same thing, however as you may have already observed maybe sometime in your life that a very thin woman has difficulty to menstruate, take longer to mature, etc.
Sleep: If our sleep is bad ours Testosterone production is bad. In general we sleep a little all over our body works in a less productive way than it should be. So try to sleep 7 hours, 8 am, 9 am a day.
Each one has this amount of staff. This is a track. Leandro I can not sleep more hours, I can have two sleeps in the day?
Can. Leandro I do not I can have two sleeps on the day, for one can I use a melatonin, a 5-htp, and a gaba? That you already the video here.
So I can use these things to improve the depth of my sleep. I can not increase the number of hours, but I can sleep better. Fact?
Fact. Yes you can and that's welcome to your testosterone and your health as a general form. Leandro I must cut sugar because low sugar testosterone?
No, not people. Sugar is not lowers your testosterone. What happens is that sugar can of course in excess increase your weight more easily, and then it's associated with low testosterone, but it is not the consumption of sugar, but the high fat percentage that we already discussed in another item.
Sex: This one is cool as hell. The more you do sex, the more testosterone you produce. Because it's Leandro but I saw an article talking about that if I don't have orgasms, that increases my testosterone.
No. This is very ugly doubly. First, why are you being misunderstood and biased, and second because is taking the incentive out of something reasonably very good for life in the my personal judgment each one has the yours but the truth is that when we have a orgasm, be in sex, in masturbation, not matter we have a decrease of testosterone And then we had a aversive use of a condition of life favorable to joy, reduction of sex.
Where there at that moment specific we had a reduction in testosterone, but in a late feat the body produces more testosterone. So is recommended that you have orgasms constantly increasing the testosterone, and even stays here between parentheses: 21 ejaculations recommended to prevent breast cancer from prostate. 21 ejaculations in the month.
Reduce stress and cortisol. When you reduce cortisol and stress excessive, you improve your condition testosterone And for that you can use vitamin C, ball show, the phosphatidylserine is fantastic too, the wonderful pink rhodiola for the increase of your testosterone, and lastly ashwagandha which has been shown to improve libido and testosterone as long as this be reduced as long as the testosterone is suppressed because of high cortisol. If your cortisol is already normal, if you are not stressed, these substances do not even have to improve their Natural testosterone.
Training increases testosterone So the more exercise do you make more testosterone you will get? No. If you do fitness exercises excessive you greatly increase the release of cortisol, and that's bad, as we already talked.
So train right because without training is bad you don't maximize your production, but if you pass the bill is bad too. Does alcohol consumption lower testosterone? No.
Caffeine consumption lowers testosterone? No, but it does increase SHBG, which is a protein that binds together with total testosterone, and leaves it less free. Leandro I did not understand any damn thing.
Wait there. I will not fail. This molecule will bind in testosterone when she turns on she Testosterone crashes.
So how much testosterone do you have in body does not matter as much as the free testosterone, available bio. It's the Excess alcohol and caffeine increases the SHBG. Few people know this.
They think that alcohol decreases the testosterone No, it does not diminish, but it leaves less bioactive units, then decrease the consumption of alcohol and stimulants such as for example pre-training and thermogenic. You use on time and without exaggeration, beauty, but if you had a SHHBG exam and he's high let's go reduce. Leandro has no other things that decrease SHBG?
Yes there are some medicines, such as tamoxifen. I go take a tamoxifen to increase my testosterone OK. Only it will increase the SHBG too.
So you increase the amount of total testo but the free sometimes gets the same, that is, it was no use Nothing, you just deluded. Spironolactone which is a widely used diuretic, mainly by women, also decreases the SHBG. And the famous metformin, which both you ask me: Leandro should I take metformin to improve my results?
Questionable, since she increases SHBG and decreases testosterone free too. And of course the contraceptive pills also lower the our testosterone. Tribulus terrestris, Leandro, it works?
For those with testosterone low increases, period, that's it. For those who have normal testosterone won't make a difference but it will increase libido, and this is where some People confuse. Feel a rise of libido and condition it to an increase testosterone, but not necessarily.
Turkesterone, Long Jack, Stretcher, Mucuna: Turjesterone in mice proved to be very efficient, already in humans, not so much. The other idem, so we don't have a evidence that they increase, however worth the test. I have a low test, I will put a specific nutrient of that and I will monitor, this is the most important.
Leandro had a raise, and was significant, but the literature is not very favorable to these nutrients in human beings. Aspartic acid Leandrão, does it increase testosterone? We have some contradictions.
A study showed increasing, another study put it had no difference, and one third study stated that there were reduction. So aspartic acid, He is extremely contradictory. Boron and magnesium, some studies show an increase in testosterone and in others without influence, but there was no decrease in No studies.
So if your testo is low, boron and magnesium may be placed in an attempt to increase its testosterone At least it won't do nothing will do good for your health ok goes by. And now I will leave with you one TRT video. Then we have therapy replacement hormone and the cruise of testosterone, and I'll teach this to you.
Okay, cool? A hug and stay with this video. Hey guys, how are you?
you? Floquinhos here is castrated, and he asked me a question, what is the TRT difference. testosterone) and cruise.
Leandro not the same thing? No, it's not little flakes. And I will teach to you and everyone at home what is the difference.