Thank God And Speak Blessings Upon Yourself (Christian Motivation And Morning Prayer)

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Daily Jesus Devotional
Watch what will happen when you thank God and speak blessings upon yourself. Watch this blessed morn...
Video Transcript:
have you ever paused to truly listen to the words you speak about yourself what if I told you that those very words are helping to shape your destiny my friends today we will explore a transformative Journey as we uncover the profound impact of speaking blessings over ourselves I am also going to pray a powerful prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus so watch until the end and open your hearts to receive the blessings of this prayer I want you to understand that your words are not mere sounds disappearing into the air they are
seeds planted in the fertile soil of Your Mind and Spirit every syllable you utter carries the power to uplift or tear down to inspire or discourage to create or destroy in Proverbs 18: 211 we find this powerful truth death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit what you choose to speak over yourself and others can either cultivate a garden of blessings or a Wilderness of Despair today let's choose to Speak Life planting words that will grow into a harvest of divine favor and purpose in
our lives I will guide you through three biblical principles and key aspects of speaking blessings number one the power of self-proclamation my friends our words are not just expressions of our thoughts they are architects of our reality when we speak we're not merely describing our world we're actively shaping it this truth is deeply rooted in scripture as we we see in Genesis 1:3 then God said let there be light and there was light God himself demonstrated the creative Power of Words at the very beginning of time as beings created in His image we too possess
this ability to speak things into existence now I'm not suggesting we can create physical matter with our words but we can certainly create atmospheres mindsets and opportunities through what we declare when we consistently speak positivity and Faith over our lives we're aligning ourselves with God's promises we're opening doors for His blessings to flow freely into our situations on the other hand when we speak negatively about ourselves we may unintentionally close those same doors think about it how often have you talked yourself out of trying something new how many times have you reinforced your own limitations
with phrases like I can't or I'm not good enough these seemingly harmless statements can become self-fulfilling prophecies if we're not careful in Proverbs 23:7 we read for as he thinks in his heart so is he our thoughts and words are intimately connected what we habitually say about ourselves eventually becomes what we believe about ourselves and what we believe about ourselves ultimately determines how we live our lives this is why it's crucial to be intentional about the words we speak over ourselves we must learn to replace negative self-talk with Declarations of Faith and Hope instead of
saying I'm stupid try saying I have the mind of Christ rather than declaring I'll never succeed declare I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me these aren't just positive affirmations they're biblical truths that have the power to transform your life in Isaiah 55 veres 10 to 11 God tells us for as the rain comes down and the snow from heaven and do not return there but water the Earth and make it bring forth and Bud that it may give seed to the sour and bread to the eater so shall my word be that
goes forth from my mouth it shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it just as God's words never return void the words we speak in faith have the power to accomplish great things when we align our speech with God's promises we're partnering with him in bringing those promises to fruition it's not about denying reality or pretending that everything is perfect it's about choosing to focus on God's truth rather than our temporary circumstances it's about speaking life even when death
seems to surround us consider the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5: 25-34 for 12 years she suffered from a condition that made her an outcast in society but she didn't let her circumstances dictate her future instead she spoke words of Faith to herself declaring this powerful statement in Mark 5:28 if only I may touch his clothes I shall be made well her words of Faith led to action and her action led to her healing this is the power of speaking blessings over ourselves it's not just about the words themselves
but about the Faith and Action they Inspire when we declare God's promises over our lives we're position ing ourselves to receive those promises we're aligning our hearts with his will and opening ourselves up to his transformative power in Ephesians 4: 29 Paul advises us let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth but what is good for necessary edification that it may impart grace to the hearers while this verse is often applied to how we speak to others it's equally important important in how we speak to ourselves the words we use should build us up
not tear us down they should impart Grace to our own Hearts encouraging us to become all that God has created us to be my dear friends I challenge you today to become more aware of the words you speak over yourself are they words of life or words of death do they align with God's promises or with your your fears and insecurities remember you have the power to change The Narrative of your life through your words choose to speak blessings and watch as those blessings begin to manifest in your life in Psalms 19:14 David prays let
the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight oh Lord my strength and my Redeemer let this be our prayer too as we learn to speak blessings over ourselves May our words reflect the truth of who God says we are not who the world says we are or who our insecurities tell us we are as we align our speech with God's word we'll find ourselves walking in Greater confidence and Faith we'll begin to see ourselves as God sees us beloved cap able and full of potential so my friends
let's make a commitment today to be mindful of our words let's choose to Speak Life to declare God's promises and to Proclaim his goodness over our lives as we do we'll begin to see transformation in our thoughts our actions and ultimately our circumstances remember the power of life and death is in your tongue choose life choose blessings choose to speak the words that will shape a future filled with God's favor and purpose number two aligning our words with God's truth my friends now that we understand the power of our words let's explore how we can
align our speech with God's truth it's one thing to speak positively but it's another to speak in agreement with What God Says About Us in second Corinthians 10:5 we are instructed to cast down arguments and every High thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the The Obedience of Christ this verse reminds us that our thoughts and by extension our words should be in submission to God's truth when we speak blessings over ourselves we're not just engaging in positive thinking we're declaring God's promises and his perspective over our
lives so how do we ensure that our words align with God's truth the first step is to immerse ourselves in scripture in Psalms 1: 2:3 we read about the blessed man but his Delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law he meditates day and night he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season whose Leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper when we meditate on God's word we're filling our minds with his truth this truth then naturally
flows out in our speech aligning our words with God's perspective consider the life of Paul who faced numerous challenges and persecutions despite his circumstances he consistently spoke words of faith and encouragement in Philippians 4:13 he decares I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me this wasn't just positive thinking it was a declaration rooted in his understanding of God's power and faithfulness we too can adopt this mindset speaking words of Faith even in the face of adversity another key aspect of aligning our words with God's truth is understanding our identity in Christ in Ephesians
Ians 1:3 Paul tells us blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places in Christ when we grasp this truth our words will naturally reflect the reality of who we are in Christ instead of speaking from a place of lack or insecurity we'll speak from a place of abundance and confidence will declare I am blessed I am loved I am forgiven because these are the truths God has spoken over us my dear friends it's crucial to understand that speaking blessings over ourselves
isn't about denying reality or ignoring our challenges it's about choosing to focus on God's truth rather than our temporary circumstances in Romans 4:1 17 we're told that God calls those things which do not exist as though they did when we speak blessings over ourselves we're following God's example we're calling forth the reality of God's promises even when we can't yet see their manifestation this requires Faith but it's a faith that pleases God and moves mountains my friends what promises has God given you what blessings has he spoken over your life I encourage you to begin
declaring these truths over yourself daily speak them out loud let them sink deep into your heart and mind in Isaiah 43:1 God said fear not for I have redeemed you I have called you by your name you are mine declare this truth over yourself say I am not afraid for God has redeemed me he knows my name and I belong to him as you consistently speak God's truth over your life you'll find your faith growing stronger your perspective will begin to shift and you'll start seeing yourself through God's eyes this doesn't mean that ch Alles
won't come but when they do you'll be equipped with the truth of God's word to combat any negative thoughts or words that try to take root my dear friends I challenge you to pay close attention to your words this week when you catch yourself speaking negatively about yourself pause and ask does this align with what God says about me if not replace that negative statement with a the truth from scripture speak blessings over yourself that reflect your identity in Christ and God's promises for your life as you do this consistently you'll find that your faith
grows stronger your outlook becomes more positive and your actions begin to align With the blessings you're declaring remember aligning our words with God's truth is a process it takes time and practice to change ingrained speech patterns but as we persist with the help of the holy spirit will see transformation in our lives let's commit to speaking words that reflect God's truth his love and his promises over our lives as we do we'll be positioning ourselves to receive all the blessings he has in store for us and number three practical steps to speaking blessings over yourself
my dear friends let's now explore practical steps to implement this in our daily lives speaking blessings over yourself is a spiritual discipline that requires intentionality and practice let's begin with a powerful verse from Zephaniah 3:1 17 the Lord your God God in your midst the mighty one will save he will rejoice over you with gladness he will quiet you with his love he will rejoice over you with singing imagine that God himself rejoices over you with singing this is the kind of blessing we should be speaking over ourselves daily the first practical step is to
start your day with Declarations of of God's truth before you even get out of bed Speak Life over your day say something like this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it declare Psalm 118: 24 over your life each morning next create a list of personalized declarations based on scripture these should address areas where you struggle with negative selft talk for example if you often feel inadequate your declaration might be I am competent and capable through Christ who strengthens me this is based on 2 Corinthians 3:5 not that
we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves but our sufficiency is from God write these declarations down and keep them somewhere visible read them aloud daily preferably multiple times a day remember repetition is key in Renewing Your Mind and changing your speech patterns another practical step is to use visual reminders Place sticky notes with encouraging scriptures on your mirror computer car dashboard or anywhere you're most likely to see the regularly these serve as prompts to speak blessings throughout your day you might write Jeremiah 29:1 on a note for I know
the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope every time you see this make this declaration God's thought thoughts toward me are good he has given me a future and a hope it's also crucial to surround yourself with people who speak life in Proverbs 13:2 we're told He Who Walks With wise men will be wise but the companion of fools will be destroyed seek Out friends and mentors who will encourage you and speak God's truth over over your life another
powerful practice is to keep a blessing Journal each day write down at least three blessings you're declaring over your life this helps you maintain a positive focus and creates a record of the words of life you're speaking you can look back on these declarations during challenging times for encouragement remember speaking blessings isn't just about what you say out loud it also includes your inner dialogue pay attention to your thoughts and consciously replace negative selft talk with God's truth when you catch yourself thinking I can't do this immediately counter it with I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me this is the essence of 2 Corinthians 10:5 which we discussed earlier it's also important to speak blessings over your future declare God's promises over your goals and dreams speak as though these blessings have already come to pass just as God does in Mark 11: 24 Jesus tells us therefore I say to you whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you will have them speak with this kind of faith-filled expectation also don't forget for get to bless others as you develop the habit of speaking blessings
over yourself extend this practice to those around you speak words of encouragement and Life to others in doing so you'll find that the blessings you speak over others often return to you multiplied my friends implementing these practical steps may feel awkward at first you might feel self-conscious or doubtful but I encourage you to persist the more you practice speaking blessings the more natural it will become and as you consistently align your words with God's truth you'll begin to see powerful changes in your life your faith will grow stronger your outlook will become more positive and
you'll walk with greater confidence in who God has created you to be remember this is not about positive thinking or self-help techniques this is about agreeing with what God says about you and declaring his promises over your life it's about using the power of your words to partner with God in bringing his will to pass in your life so my dear friends let's commit to speaking blessings over ourselves daily let's fill our mouths with words of life Faith and Hope as we do we'll be positioning ourselves to receive all the wonderful blessings God has in
store for us now to all those within the sound of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to to our gracious and loving God heavenly father almighty God the author of life and Giver of every good gift I stand in awe of your majesty your power and your unfailing love you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end the one who was and is and is to come your
wisdom surpasses all understanding and your grace knows no bounds I lift my voice in praise to you for you alone are worthy of all honor and Glory thank you Lord for your daily Provisions your blessings and your constant presence in my life I am grateful for your word that guides me and your spirit that empowers me thank you for the ability to declare your truth and align my words with your will forgive me Father for my sins and for the times I have used my words carelessly or spoken against your truth I forgive those who
have trespassed against me just as you have forgiven me I declare that I am a child of God I am fearfully and wonderfully made created in God's image for a Divine Purpose in the mighty name of Jesus I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Christ who loves me I speak life into every area of my existence my mind my body my relationships and my future in the name of Jesus I declare that my tongue is a wellp of Life speaking blessings and not curses I declare that I have the mind of Christ
filled with thoughts of peace and not of evil I declare that I am blessed coming in and going out and everything I put my hand to prospers almighty God I speak abundance over my life spiritually emotionally physically and financially I declare that I am equipped with every spiritual blessing in the Heavenly places I declare that I am anointed to speak Words of Life hope and encouragement to others father I declare complete healing over every part of my body Mind and Spirit I speak life to every cell every organ and every system in my body I
declare that no sickness disease or Spirit of infirmity shall have any power over me for I am covered by the blood of Jesus and healed by his stripes I speak restoration to any area of Brokenness in my life emotional physical or spiritual Lord I rebuke every Spirit of negativity doubt and fear in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I bind the power of destructive words and I declare that Every curse spoken over my life is broken Lord cancel every assignment of the enemy against my speech and my thoughts Empower me to use
my Words As Weapons of righteousness tearing down strongholds and building up Faith let my declarations align with your will and timing in the mighty might name of Jesus I rebuke every attack of the enemy be it fear anxiety depression or doubt I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper Lord surround me with your protection and build a hedge of fire around me I pray for these same blessings upon my loved ones may they too experience the power of speaking your truth over their lives Lord as I say this prayer together with everyone listening
I'm grateful for every heart that is opening before you right now we come in agreement as we pray for each other declaring your blessings over our lives we Proclaim that our words are aligned with your truth speaking life and not death we declare that we are blessed favored and loved by you we speak healing over our bodies our minds and our relationships in the name of Jesus we rebuke every attack of the enemy on our speech and thoughts Holy Spirit Empower us to use our words as instruments of your love and grace we declare that
our tongues are Fountains of Life bringing encouragement and hope to others we claim victory over negative self-talk and destructive speech patterns in our lives we declare that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us Lord we thank you that our steps are ordered by you and no evil shall befall us we are grateful that we are blessed in our coming and going and your favor surrounds us like a shield wherever we go almighty God we declare that your goodness and mercy will follow us all the Days of Our Lives we declare that everything
is working for us and not against us protect us Lord as we step out in faith speaking blessings even in the face of adversity for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen if you were blessed by this prayer type the word amen in the comments section below I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name of Jesus you can help us to reach more persons and spread
the gospel you can do this by sharing the video with a friend or family member and by clicking the like button also remember to subscribe to our channel daily Jesus devotional for more videos that will bless your heart and uplift your spirit we appreciate all your support you're blessed to be a blessing please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comment section so that we can present them before God for your blessings and Victory and so that other believers on the YouTube platform and all over the world can join us and start praying
for you right now stand in faith with us while we pray to God be all the glory May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all [Music]
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