God Says ➨Now It's Over For You Don't Skip Me |God Message Today For You |God message |God Tells

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God Tells You
God Says ➨Now It's Over For You Don't Skip Me |God Message Today For You |God message |God Tells Go...
Video Transcript:
my precious and beloved child I speak to you now with all the love and tenderness in my infinite heart you are my treasured creation formed by my very hands and breathed into Life by my spirit I know you intimately every hair on your head every thought in your mind every dream in your heart and I love you with an everlasting unconditional love that nothing can ever diminish or overcome it brings me great joy to commune with you and to guide you along the path of righteousness but my heart also aches when I see you stumble
or stray from the narrow road that leads to life I long to protect you from harm and to shelter you under my wings yet I have given you free will the ability to make your own choices and so I must allow you to navigate this Fallen World with all its Temptations and pitfalls but know this I am always with you ready to extend my hand when you call on me today my child I want to speak to you about a grave danger that threatens to ens snare you if you are not Vigilant listen carefully to
my words for they come from a heart of purest love and deepest wisdom be careful my beloved sin is deceptive and cunning it does not approach you in its true form ugly destructive and repulsive no sin disguises itself self as the most beautiful and alluring thing you have ever seen it knows how to catch your eye and Peak your curiosity sin understands your deepest desires and unmet needs it promises to fulfill your every longing and satisfy your every craving at first sin may seem completely harmless perhaps even good it tantalizes you with Whispers of pleasure
freedom and self-fulfillment just this once it says no one will know you deserve this God wants you to be happy times have changed the rationalizations are endless each one custom tailored to resonate with your unique vulnerabilities but make no mistake sin is a predator and you are its prey once it has your attention it begins to work on your heart and mind slowly imperceptibly it starts to wrap itself around you like a python encircling its victim sin tightens its grip little by little you may not even realize what's happening at first sin has infinite patience
it is content to work gradually desensitizing your conscience day by day what began as a fleeting thought becomes a recurring fantasy what was once Unthinkable becomes plausible the lines you swore you'd never cross start to blur compromise follows compromise justification builds upon justification before you know it you find yourself trapped in sin's powerful coils the thing you thought you could control Now controls you the pleasure you sought has turned to shame and regret the freedom you craved has become bondage the Fulfillment you desired leaves you feeling more empty than ever this and my child is
the treacherous nature of sin it promises is life but delivers death it offers wholeness but shatters you into pieces it pledges peace but wages war in your soul I tell you these things not to frighten you but to equip you for forwarned is forearmed when you understand sin's deceptive tactics you are better able to resist its siren song you can recognize the enemy's schemes and stand firm against them but you need not face this battle alone indeed in your own strength you cannot hope to Prevail against such a formidable foe that is why I urge
you pray to me call upon my name seek my face draw near to me and I will draw near to you I am your refuge and Fortress your everpresent help in times of trouble When sin threatens to overtake you run to me when Temptation Whispers In Your Ear cry out out to me when the accuser condemns you listen for my voice of Grace and Truth for I am the god who saves I am mighty to deliver and strong to rescue no pit is too deep no chain too strong no sin too great for my saving
power I can break every Fetter and loosen every Bond I can heal every wound and restore every loss I can make all things new and work all things together for good remember who you are my beloved child you are not defined by your failures or measured by your performance your worth is not found in worldly success or others approval your identity is rooted in my unchanging love for you feel free to share this video with up to three people if you feel the need for God's presence let others too bask in the Divine Light of
our heavenly father you are my masterpiece created in Christ Jesus for good works that I prepared in advance for you to do you are my treasured possession my royal priesthood my holy nation you are more than a conqueror through him who loved you you are the apple of my eye inscribed on the palms of my hands when I look at you I do not see your sins and shortcomings I see you clothed in the perfect righteousness of my son I see you washed clean by his Precious Blood I see you as holy and blameless in
my sight this is the Glorious truth truth that sin tries to obscure the enemy wants you to believe that you are worthless hopeless and Beyond Redemption he seeks to convince you that I'm angry with you disappointed in you ready to discard you but nothing could be further from the truth my love for you is steadfast and unconditional it does not wax or Wayan based on your behavior I love you when you succeed and when you fail I love you when you obey and when you Rebel I love you when you feel close to me and
when you feel far away nothing can separate you from my love that is why I hate sin so much not because it offends my Holiness but because it hurts you my precious child sin always destroys it fractures relationships erodes character and corrupts the good gifts I've given you sin robs you of the Abundant Life I desire for you to have so when I call you to resist temptation and flee from sin it is not because I am a cruel Taskmaster imposing arbitrary rules it is because I am a loving father who wants what is best
for you my commands are not burdensome they are guardrails protecting you from harm and guideposts leading you to flourishing walking in obedience to my ways is not about earning my love or paying me back it is simply living in harmony with how I created you to function when you align your life with my design you EXP experience the peace joy and fulfillment your heart craves but I know the struggle is real you have an enemy who seeks to devour you you live in a fallen world that entices you and you battle the flesh that part
of you that is not yet fully Sanctified the Apostle Paul described this conflict well for I do not do the good I want to do but the evil I do not want to do this I keep on doing take heart my child this struggle is evidence that my spirit is at work in you a dead person feels no conviction about Sin a hardened heart is not troubled by Disobedience the fact that you desire to please me and grieve when you fall short as proof that you belong to me moreover I have not left you defenseless
in this battle against sin I have given you powerful weapons for this spiritual warfare let me remind you of some of them first and foremost you have my word scripture is the sword of the spirit able to cut through deception and lay bare the thoughts and intentions of the heart hide my word in your heart so that you might not sin against me meditate on it day and night let it renew your mind and transform your thinking when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness he responded to each of Satan's lies with the truth of scripture
follow his example combat the enemy's Whispers with my promises counter feelings of unworthiness with Declarations of your identity in Christ resist despair by rehearsing my faithfulness throughout history you also have the weapon of prayer through prayer you invite my power and presence into your circumstances you align your will with mine and receive Grace to stand firm pray without ceasing pour out your heart to me be honest about your struggles and specific in your petitions remember there is no temptation that has seized you except what is common to Mankind and I am faithful I will not
let you be tempted beyond what you can bear but when you are tempted I will also provide a way out so that you can endure it ask me to show you that way of escape and I will another powerful weapon in Your Arsenal is the body of Christ your brothers and sisters in the faith you were never meant to fight this battle alone I have placed you in a spiritual family to encourage you support you and hold you accountable if you want God's grace always upon you then please consider to support our ministry by clicking
thanks button confess your sins to one another and pray for each other so that you may be healed bear one another's burdens spur one another on toward love and Good Deeds surround yourself with those who will speak truth in love and call you to a higher standard do not neglect meeting together as some are in the habit of doing draw strength from corporate worship allow the preaching of my word to convict and inspire you participate in the sacraments as visible reminders of my invisible Grace I have also given you the gift of my Holy Spirit
who lives in you he is your counselor comforter and guide he convicts you of sin and empowers you for righteous living walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh ask to be filled aresh with my spirit each day cultivate his fruit in your life love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control lean on his strength in moments of weakness listen for his still Small Voice directing you in the way you should go find remember that you are in a process of sanctification I am conforming you to the
image of my son but this transformation takes time you will not achieve perfection in this life but you can make progress each victory over sin no matter how small is caused for celebration do not lose heart when you stumble my mercies are new every morning my grace is sufficient for you for my power is is made perfect in weakness when you fall acknowledge your sin receive my forgiveness and get back up again perseverance produces character and character produces hope as you wage this war against sin keep your eyes fixed on Jesus the author and perfector
of your faith he was tempted in every way just as you are yet he did not sin he understands your struggles and intercedes for you at my right hand moreover Jesus has already won the ultimate victory over sin and death through his sacrifice on the cross and his resurrection from the grave you fight from a position of Victory not for victory sin has been defeated even though you still battle its influence one day when Christ returns you will be fully free from sin's presence until that day my beloved child remain vigilant guard your heart for
it is the Wellspring of Life take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ put to death the misdeeds of the body clothe yourself with the Lord Jesus Christ and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh When sin beckons remember its true nature see past its alluring disguise to the destruction that Lies Beneath recall the pain and regret of past transgressions consider the devastating consequences to yourself and others if you yield to Temptation instead set your mind on things above focus on whatever is true Noble right pure lovely admirable
excellent and praiseworthy delight yourself in me and I will give you the desires of your heart taste and see that I am good blessed is the one who takes refuge in me p pursue Holiness for without Holiness no one will see me but understand that Holiness is not about rule keeping or outward Conformity true Holiness flows from a heart captivated by my beauty and overwhelmed by my grace it is about being set apart for my purposes and reflecting my character to the world as you grow in Holiness you will find that sin loses its appeal
the passing pleasures of sin will pale in comparison to the lasting Joy of walking closely with me you will increasingly love what I love and hate what I hate your tastes and desires will be transformed as you Feast on my goodness never forget that I am for you I am on your side in this battle against sin my power is made perfect in your weakness my grace is more than enough to cover all your failures my love for you is fiercer than any Temptation you face type Amen in the comments and don't forget to share
this message with up to three people so that God can help you when you feel overwhelmed by the struggle remember that I understand my son endured the cross scorning its shame for the joy set before him fix your eyes on the Eternal weight of Glory that far outweighs your present troubles one day you will see me face to face and it will all be worth it until then my beloved keep running the race marked out for you throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles persevere under trial because when you have
stood the test you will receive the crown of life that I have promised to those who love me take heart for I have overcome the world greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world you are more than conquerors through him who loved you I will never leave you nor forsake you I will complete the good work I began in you remember always that you are my beloved child nothing can snatch you out of my my hand I know you intimately and love you completely my thoughts toward you outnumber the
grains of sand before a word is on your tongue I know it completely I Rejoice over you with singing I quiet you with my love I take great Delight in you when you pass through the waters I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers they will not sweep over you when you walk through the fire you will not be burned the Flames will not set you Ablaze so do not fear for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I
will uphold you with my righteous right hand my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness keep seeking me with all your heart draw near to me and I will draw near to you as the deer pants for streams of water so let your soul pant for me let your roots grow down deep into my love abide in me and I will abide in you I am your shield and your very great reward I am your rock your Fortress and your deliverer I am your Good Shepherd you shall not want
I will supply all your needs according to my glorious riches in Christ Jesus trust in me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge me and I will make your path straight commit your way to me trust in me and I will do this I will make your righteousness shine like the dawn the justice of your cause like the Noonday Sun be strong and courageous do not be afraid or discouraged for I the Lord your God way am with you wherever you go I have plans to prosper
you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future for I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans for welfare and not for evil to give you a future and a hope call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you I am able
to do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine according to my power that is at work within you now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before my glorious presence without fault and with great joy to the only God our savior be glory Majesty power and authority through Jesus Christ Our Lord before all ages now and forever more leave that God will help you please subscribe to the channel my beloved child I have spoken the words to encourage your heart and strengthen your resolve meditate on them often
let them sink deep into your soul for they are not just empty platitudes or wishful thinking they are living and active sharper than any double-edged sword they are the very Words of Life When sin comes knocking at your door dressed in its most beguiling attire remember my warnings see it for what it truly is a deadly trap that seeks to destroy you resist the devil and he will flee from you and in those moments when Temptation feels overwhelming when your flesh is weak and your will is faltering cry out to me I am only a
prayer away I will come to your rescue I will provide a way of Escape I will Empower you to overcome for you are my treasured possession my beloved child I have called you by name you are mine I have engraved you on the palms of my hands I will never leave you nor forsake you my love for you is Everlasting go now in the strength of my might covered by my grace filled with my spirit walk in a manner worthy of your calling let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds
and glorify your father in Heaven and always remember I am with you always to the very end of the age nothing can separate you from my love amen
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