Do THIS To Accomplish Your Goals in 2025

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Iman Gadzhi
Episode 3 of Digital Sovereignty is LIVE. Watch it here: Sign up to th...
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[Music] people thinking that I'm special or different in any way trust me that's not the case the only difference between you and me probably is that I will take what's considered the risk lock yourself in a room switch off everything and start visualizing start asking yourself what is the life you want [Music] you know as I sit here in this estate in the countryside of the United Kingdom I can't help but laugh and think how the hell did I end up here because the truth is I wasn't supposed to be here living this type of
life you see Society has programmed to run a certain way all of the infrastructure the cities the laws the jobs the hierarchy everything that Society what it is all of it was built that way intentionally to have certain people performing certain jobs to have certain people be more important than others I mean just think about it for every captain in an army you need thousands of soldiers you need lots of people at the bottom so you can have a few at the top Society was built in a way that allows certain people to become successful
while gatekeeping success from everyone else and I say that because by all measures that you can take I was not supposed to be one of those successful ones I was born in a small village in dagistan in Russia and coming from a place like that there's not much you can do to be be successful so there's just been so many of these crazy moments in my life where I ask myself how does one go from living in a small village in dagistan to becoming one of the most successful self-made young men in the world because
based on the way the society is structured by all measures I should be one of those people working low-level jobs and making minimum wage bear in mind I have absolutely zero degrees or qualifications whatsoever I dropped out of school a few months into high school starting and that's what Society had planned for me but yet here I am having achieved more at 24 that most people at the top of that pyramid will achieve in their entire lifetime which means that there is a crack in the code that somewhere the code through which society runs is
broken and there's a way to hack your way out of the system and I'm living proof of that in fact there are four codes that I've used to do that I call them the sovereignty codes and today I will give you the four sovereignty codes so you can become a sovereign man and achieve the trifecta of sovereignty and that is financial sovereignty geographical sovereignty and sovereignty of time so let's jump straight into it this is the first and one of the most misunderstood sovereignty codes of them all I mean let just think about it in
order for you to achieve the success and freedom that most people don't have it is fair to assume that you need to have some sort of knowledge that most people don't have if you need to get to where 99% of people don't get well then you need to have the knowledge that 99% of people don't have if you want to become a sovereign man you need to acquire knowledge to take you there and you need to develop your Sovereign mind just like you develop your body in the gym now there is a big misunderstanding when
it comes to acquiring knowledge it's not any type of knowledge that will take you to the top in fact majority of the knowledge won't take you anywhere because there are fundamentally two different types of knowledge you have conceptual knowledge and then you have empirical knowledge conceptual knowledge is the one that you acquire at school by spending 5 years of your life in University if you study something like business entrepreneurship or economics in college there's no doubt that you will acquire a lot of knowledge and that will be a painstakingly hard process to acquire it now
all this knowledge you acquire through formal education is a form of conceptual knowledge that is information that has been studied for decades and has a conceptual backbone behind it that ties it together through principles that are backed by Theory the problem with that is 99% of conceptual knowledge is not applicable in the real world so what ends up happening to most people who do end up going to college as a means of acquiring knowledge is that after 5 years of pain and suffering to learn what was sold to them as the ultimate way of getting
into a highly successful career they end up with an immense amount of knowledge that they have no idea how to use or apply in real life they know how to write a business plan but they don't know how to actually start a business they know all the theories and Concepts about product Market fit but they don't know how to create a product that the market actually wants that is always the end result of having only conceptual knowledge so when I say that you need to acquire knowledge that the people around you don't possess I'm not
talking about conceptual knowledge because you wouldn't be able to apply it in real life so it wouldn't take you any further than the people around you in the first place what I am talking about is empirical knowledge that is what truly creates The Sovereign mind if you take the Renaissance for example by the way which was an incredible transition in history from Old World to New World you know what fueled the Renaissance what were the ingredients in that explosive development of that era it was the Deep admiration that The Sovereign Renaissance men had for the
even greater Sovereign men that came before them the Greeks the Romans the Arabs the byzantines The Sovereign Renaissance men study deeply the achievements the philosophy the world view but also the architecture the engineering the business practices all of these different domains quite simply they looked back into the most successful people the world has seen to date and they started to reverse engineer the fundamentals that led to their greatness and by doing that the Renaissance men were able to embrace such knowledge in their own work and apply it to real life and you know who else
did that the founding fathers of the US The Sovereign men that led the American Revolution they looked back at the achievement philosophies and governance systems of earlier civilizations to inform their own work and their knowledge was based on enlightenment philosophy and the legal traditions of Europe John Lock's work on natural rights government by consent and the right of revolution had a profound effect on the Declaration of Independence as well as the US Constitution the work of Adam Smith on free markets competition and the role of government in the economy influenced the founding father's views on
economic policy and you had the decentralized political structure of the Dutch Republic with its emphasis on local governance and individual liberties that served as a model for the founding fathers in the design of the federal system and then you had the structure and governance of the Roman Republic with its checks and balances informed the founding father's ideas about the separation of Powers as well as the creation of a balanced government and that my friend is empirical knowledge empirical knowledge is about taking things that worked in practice before and learning from them learning from testing things
in the real world without feeling the necessity to prove it through theoretical Concepts the most successful people I know today have tons of empirical knowledge that is a set of information that they learned in the real world by testing things in their businesses or careers have you ever seen those videos on YouTube where people go around asking millionaires what their best advice for the 18-year-old version of themselves was when they were starting their careers do you notice that their answers are pretty much unanimously the same which is work a lot try a lot of different
things or don't go to college and get a job instead what they are really trying to say here is acquire empirical knowledge because they know that that is what makes someone successful that is what creates a sovereign mind and they know that the way to acquire empirical knowledge and develop a sovereign mind is not by sitting down in some business class in University listening to a 67-year-old teacher who's never run a business in his entire life speak about how to write a business plan so from now on I want you to always remember if you're
putting a lot of effort into learning conceptual stuff that has no application in the real world you're not actually learning at best that's just some mental masturbation at worst you are completely wasting your valuable time that could be applied into learning things that will actually take you somewhere in life and The Sovereign men already knew that back in the 14th century that's why they didn't spend time in classes here's how they approach learning instead and I suggest you do the same they would send send researchers to travel throughout Europe scouting monasteries courts and libraries for
lost or overlooked texts from Kings Architects inventors and philosophers from the Roman Empire the Greeks the Arabs the byzantines and even the Indians and they would then deeply research such findings to absorb their knowledge and implement it into their own work and that is how they went from having this type of art during the Dark Ages to having full-blown 5 m tall statues carved by hand from a stone of marble that portrayed realism and movement characteristics which were unknown during the Middle Ages and that to this day are still some of the most beautiful works
of art that have ever been created and by the way that's also how The Sovereign men that led the American Revolution created one of the longest lasting Sovereign Nation in the modern times and essentially what they were doing was rather simple they would find successful people who possessed a lot of empirical knowledge and they would study the sh out of them so that way they could acquire that same knowledge and apply it in their own work and that is exactly what I recommend that you do find someone who is successful and you aspire to be
like and care carefully study all of their stuff from top to bottom try to figure out how they do things how they structure and run their businesses how they approach work how they think about the world and what are their methods then go ahead and apply what you learned in your own life and your own career that is the only way to truly achieve a sovereign mind learning from the people that already did it before you and then once you successfully apply what they taught you making an effort to improve and take their work one
step further and that's how I learned and how I developed my sovereign mind and for the thing that I didn't have anyone to teach me I would just try things out in the real world I put them to practice and I figured out if they worked or not no one taught me how to close clients so I developed my own way to do it no one taught me how to charge more from the same clients so I developed my own strategy to do so we're the experts that all the you know agencies in the world
come to learn from and you know uh one of the one of our favorite things is to make fun of agencies that charge our percentage of AD spend because here's the issue right if if an agency ever charges you percentage of AD spent or percentage of Revenue just leave the meeting because here's the issue okay our incentives need to be align right so we we should only get paid when we actually Clos this clan on a 2,800 a month plus 5% return on ad spend so at this stage in my agency I get most of
I say probably 70 80% of our overall agency revenue from performance fees so you can see right here I made some notes during uh the actual call I don't know how well that shows up so basically this company did uh they've been around uh for around 6 7 months they did £2.5 million in the first uh 6 seven months uh February it's SP 55k gen they spend 108k and now they're at a point where they're spending around 5,000 L A Day 5 6,000 l a day so I'm just going to try and show you that
top B right there as you can see the goal is with them uh in in 6 months is to be spending 500k a month and bringing in around 1.3 billion pound a month so i' be around 800,000 a month uh a return on ad spend and then you also saw right below that we charging 2,800 plus 5% return on ad spend I'll go ahead and pop up that base retainer you'll notice that it's something above like the like 3,300 bases 2800 lb plus it's a brish clan so we charge that on top anyways with this
clan we estimate first month we'll make them probably around like 100 to 100K return on xense that's a 5,000 to 10,000 kind of within that bracket 5,000 to 10,000 lb performance fee on top of the 2800 lb and as things go as planned or able to hit their Benchmark that they wanted um in 6 months in 6 to 12 months which is 800k a month return on ad spend that would be a 40,000 a month performance the point is that is a formula for success and it has been ever since the 14th century so just
apply it now the second trait you need to become a top 1% man who gets to play Life by his own rules is the right environment and that's one of the traits people never really give enough attention to and is also the reason why so many fail in their own Endeavors have you ever noticed that whenever very important people who change the course of the World when they emerge they never do things on their own and what I mean by that it's never one revolutionary or one scientist or one inventor that carries an era by
himself whenever the world experiences an era of fast development and big change in sovereignty there is always a bunch of people creating and discovering a bunch of different things at the same time just like the American Revolution there wasn't one person that was responsible for it there was George Washington Alexander Hamilton Benjamin Franklin John Adams Thomas Jefferson and you can also notice that there's usually hubs where all of these people congregate and where majority of the new inventions and discoveries happen just like today the most famous movies all come from Hollywood the most successful apps
all come from Silicon Valley and back in the Renaissance majority of the famous inventions and arts of work all came from Florence and that's because men have a community nature it is in our nature to congregate together with people who think alike and have the same objectives as us the sum of what a group of men can achieve together is exponentially greater than the sum of what these same men could ever achieve by working on their own and there's a very very specific reason for that I'm sure that you have all heard of the saying
that you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with and the reason for that is actually not because you share the same World uses them or anything like that the reason is that us as human we never operate at our maximum capacity we can operate at maximum capacity for maybe a few days or maybe a few weeks but we're not built to always be operating at 100% that's not sustainable so what happens is over the long term we always operate at our minimum hygiene standards you see there's a threshold
within you of what you consider to be your max performance so you have your max performance level and then you also have your minimum hygiene standards and no matter how hard you try you will always default back to your minimum hygiene standards always but there's a twisted secret here our minimum hygiene standards they're not fixed they're adaptable they can move and more importantly your hygiene standards are very dependent on the hygiene standards of the people around you so what that means is that when you surround yourself with people who have high hygiene standards yours will
automatically go up as a result I mean just think about it imagine you've been slacking off right so you hav't going to the gym that much lately and you haven't really been putting too much effort into the side hustle or the business that you want to start now imagine you move into a house with 10 people who all go to the gym first thing in the morning every single day training as hard as it gets then when they get back home they work for 8 hours straight on their business nonstop I can guarantee you that
in a matter of no time you are going to be consistently hitting the gym and putting 8 hours a day into your business as well and there are two main reasons for that the first it is going to be so much easier to do it when you have other people doing the same thing as you because they're going to have your back and also going to inspire you to be like them and that is the shallow reason the second and most important reason is that one of the hardest things to do as a strong man
is to develop the discipline of doing the things that need to be done every single day whether you feel like it or you don't the thing is when you are alone it is very easy to come up with excuses because no one is watching you no one's looking at you and you don't have to justify it to anyone except for yourself now when you're with a group of 10 other people who are doing the things that need to be done every single day you are going to feel ashamed to be the only one not doing
the same so even when you don't feel like doing it you're going to do it either way just because you don't want to be the only person in the group not putting in the work you are essentially hacking discipline and taking it out of the equation remember we always operate at our minimum hygiene standard that means you never put all of your effort into becoming the best version of yourself but you will do everything in your control to avoid looking like a failure to the people around you whose opinions you care about because not doing
so would break your minimum hygiene standard so by doing that you have essentially turned discipline into into a minimum hygiene standard and that's why when you try to isolate yourself and Achieve goals alone you never actually get that far now when you see everyone around you winning you will not want to be the only one left behind so you're going to put in the work to be on the same level as them so whatever you want to achieve you need to find a group of people who are working on the same goal and surround yourself
with them and that is how you make success inevitable now here's the real beauty of this just a few decades ago that would probably require you moving overseas to a completely different part of the world luckily that's not the case anymore you can now take advantage of the digital world to find a community of like-minded individuals who share the exact same goals and challenges as you and by the way that's the reason I created my first agency program back in the day I realized that by going at this thing alone I would only get so
far so I decided to surround myself with other young agency owners and by the way that decision was a big Tipping Point in my career I launched my first agency program over 5 years ago and since then I released four different and updated versions of this program it all started with sixf figure SMA then agency incubator then agency Navigator and now the most recent version I launched in 2024 agency accelerator and the important thing was that with every single one of those the amount of agency owners in my community grew exponentially I mean think about
how much fire it put under my ass seeing posts like this every single day in our community people closing two three five new clients a week adding two5 $10,000 worth of retainers to their agency's bottom line every single week and more important than the results seeing people put the work in every single day to get such results it was simply impossible for me to not level up inside of the community even though 5 years ago it was the community that I started if they were doing it I simply had to do it too because I
am the one leading the way so I had to be in front there was no space for excuses only for execution and that is my second tip for you to become the man that you aspire to become which is find a community of like-minded individuals working towards the same goal as you and surround yourself with [Music] them now during the first episode of digital sovereignty I mentioned that a sovereign man has to possess three characteristics Financial sovereignty geographical sovereignty and sovereignty of time and when it comes to financial sovereignty there are countless careers that can
provide you with that there's actually a lot of ways to be financially affluent but if you were to judge by this criteria alone well then being a lawyer a doctor an engineer a developer even an actor or an athlete would all be valid options the problem is when we get to the second criteria which is geographical sovereignty you see even though all of these are highly prestigious careers they are all different paths that actually lead to the same destination which is being a subordinate being stuck in the old world at the end of the day
it doesn't matter how much money you make or how sought after and revered your career is I want you to live an incredible life a life of freedom and what's the point of having all that money if you are trapped to a city or one location you want an ultimate example of that take a football player they have all the money in the world but for 11 months out of the year they are subordinate to their clubs they're not allowed to travel whenever they want they can't simply say you know what today I'm working from
home like we get to do in this new digital sovereignty World as a sovereign man they can't decide to Simply take Monday off to enjoy a nice lunch with their family to be honest they can't even eat what they want most of the time because they have to eat the food that's available from their training center and if they feel like eating something different they need to ask for permission from their coach their staff their agent the directors and I know being a footballer is a dream for many people and if that's your passion I'm
not taking that away from you but that is the ultimate level of subordination at the end of the day what separates a sovereign man from a subordinate money power no a sovereign man chooses a subordinate obeys he follows instruction so at the end of the day during an entire year a pro footballer may have over a little over a month where they can actually do what they want and even then they need to be careful with what they eat and with their exercise routine so that way they don't get too out of shape for the
preseason so no wonder most of them are happy to retire by 35 do you see the problem is unlike us they don't have a business that can run without them so if they stop working their income goes down to zero which is exactly the problem I mentioned back on episode one that I personally faced when I was 17 and that really made me realize that if my income is linked to my time I would always be a subordinate and some of these problems also have a lot to do with our last criteria sovereignty of time
this is the biggest trap of them all especially when you pursue a high-paying career you see there's a very common scenario that happens with doctors lawyers or any high-income career when they start making good money when they see how much they get paid for a few hours of work their natural instinct is to think I get paid extremely well for the hour of my work so I'm going to put a lot of hours now while I'm still young and fully energized so that way I can slow down and enjoy later in my life big mistake
because here's what actually happens these people start putting in 12 to 16 hour work days 6 to 7 7 days a week and they are making a killing granted they're making money good money now where things start to go sideways is when they increase their living standards just as fast as their income grows they start acquiring a bunch of expensive liabilities such as big houses and fancy cars which they can indeed afford as long as they keep working as they currently do however their living standards never go down because it's extremely hard to lower your
standards especially once you're already used to it so here's the bottom line they end up working slave likee hours their entire career just to pay for some fancy stuff that they can't even enjoy because they don't have the time to do so and at the end of the day when they lay down in bed after a long day of work thinking about how bad they just want a simple walk by the beach knowing that they could easily afford it but can't actually even do it because of their lack of time and geographical sovereignty that is
when they look to the side and see us Sovereign men enjoying life on our own terms and you know what the funny thing is we could be making half a quarter or even 10% of what they're making and still be living a better life and they would still be jealous of us so is their life what you really want think about how miserable a must to have all the money you want be able to afford to travel to the most expensive places but never be able to actually do it because you don't have the most
important resource of them all time so what's the solution then well there's only one and that is to find work that is to find a career a business that checks the three criteria we have and there's only one type of work that checks all three of those boxes and that is running a digital business and this event is called digital sovereignty for a reason and the good news is it is easier than ever to start working in the digital world you see most people think you need Millions to set yourself free which is completely false
as long as you have a business that is location independent as in it's not restricted to one location and you can run it from anywhere in the world second a business that pays you enough for you to quit your job and allows you to afford all of your expenses and still have disposable income to invest in assets afterward and third and finally can be easily outsourced that is what I call a sovereign business that is all it takes to achieve true sovereignty and really it's not that difficult there's also one other important point to be
made here this trait is called business it's not a job because as we just saw a job cannot provide you with the three types of Freedom that you need and it's also not Investments most people think they're going to get rich by catching the perfect time investment or by investing in some crypto or whatever it is listen Investments never made anyone Rich Investments don't make poor people Rich Investments make rich people wealthy but you need to be rich in the first place that is the honest truth of it the only way to get rich unless
you want to be rich at 60 or 70 in which case if that's the life you want I think we're on different pages I think honestly just click away from this video because my goal from day one was always make money yes but money wasn't actually the number one priority for me my number one priority was live a good life and it's hard to live the life of your dreams and live a good life when you're in your 60s that's just the truth of it so if you want to live a good life now the
only way to get rich is through work and then you reinvest the money that that work generates you and you become wealthy so if you want to have the money to then take advantage of the investment opportunities of a lifetime that are approaching us you better have a business with high profit margins that puts those profits in your pockets so that way you can use them to fuel your Investments which which will then create generational wealth for you so when it comes to digital businesses you have a few options to choose from you basically have
three categories you have service based businesses you have digital product based businesses and you have physical product based businesses now in order to choose the best one for you there's one concept that you need to understand and this concept is leverage running a business is nothing more than using leverage to generate a return and there's different types of Leverage you can use you can use money as leverage you can use time as leverage and you can use expertise as leverage now if you have a lot of time a good amount of money and a lot
of expertise to use as leverage the best business for you would be a digital product based business that is developing a software a mobile app or maybe an info product that's because this sort of business allows you to leverage the three of them they usually require a lot of time and money to develop and find product Market fit dealing with marketing and leading a development team requires a ton of experience and that's actually a good thing in case you possess all of those attributes because it means the barrier of Entry is quite high so competition
is lower and you can actually sell these types of companies for multiples that's much higher than you would sell an online store for example now if you have a lot of money and a lot of experience but you don't really have a lot of spare time the best option for you would be a physical product based business and by that I mean e-commerce and that's because since you are selling a physical product apart from the initial creation of that product or let's say you're white labeling it or doing branded Drop Shipping once you get through
that initial hump now you have the product so you don't really need to spend much more time on product development which is different than digital products for example digital products there's always the coaching the support improving the product updating it in accordance to what's happening in the market and through your money and your experience you can fairly easily scale a store to the big bucks now I see a lot of beginners trying to start here which is not ideal why because you don't have the money or the experience needed to make enough with it you
see in order for you to make $10,000 a month profit with an online store for example you would have to sell anywhere from 500 to ,000 units a month which is not an easy task by any means knowing that the margins in this industry are usually not high plus then you have to deal with all other aspects involved in running an e-commerce store such as inventory distribution Logistics finding and dealing with suppliers building a costeffective supp supply chain those are all tasks that require a lot of expertise it's basically a recipe for disaster and most
importantly as a beginner you want to avoid getting into any type of business that requires you burning through money to get it off the ground and that is because usually as a beginner you don't have any money to start with nor experience the only thing you have is time so here's where most people would then go okay so I need to find a business where I can leverage my time and that my friend is how you fall into a trap of getting into a business that is essentially trading your time for money exactly as I
did when I first started my content agency and as we both know if you're trading your time for money you are a subordinate so what should you do instead well let's be smart here instead of using our time and expertise let's start a business that allows us to leverage other people's time and expertise this way we don't even need to have the expertise in the first place and we are still able to achieve sovereignty of time now how does that sound well that's exactly what I did when I transitioned from a Content creation agency to
an advertising agency I've said it so many times and I'll continue to stand by it social media marketing it brings so many opportunities when I make 20 25,000 a month from social media marketing that's mine that's profit that is my money to keep right that's my money to keep yes I have certain things that I Outsource for but once again that's just cuz I don't want to do it myself that's a service that I didn't disclose on episode one and the reason I chose this service was very simple you see for me personally with content
Creation in order for me to generate double the results for my clients and thus double how much I was getting paid I would usually have to double the amount of content that I was producing with paid advertising that's not the case the work to generate $10,000 in return for your clients and 100,000 with a campaign on Facebook is virtually the same the difference is for the 10,000 that we're bringing them as a return the campaigns are running with let's say a budget of $100 a day while with a $100,000 a month that we're making them
they were running with a budget of $1,000 a day and you know what the difference in work was for creating both these campaigns zero none and that is the reason I can make so much money with only a handful of clients and one contractor working full-time in my agency I'm doing roughly $45,000 a month and that is from Seven clients and just me and one employee spits out 45k a month in profit just from Seven clients you know that operationally that's like a super lean [ __ ] machine because in order for me to double
the results I was generating a client and thus double how much my agency was getting paid all it would take was two clicks in the Facebook ads dashboard in order to change the budget from $100 to $1,000 now back then paid advertising was pretty much the only type of service that allowed you to do that to double your client's results without actually having to double the deliverables but listen I'll be honest the market has changed a lot and that is exactly why now is the best time to get into this new world and start your
Sovereign business today there's a variety of different services that allow you to provide your clients better results and thus get paid more without you having to put more work in services like paid advertising as I was saying email marketing social media management building long form via cells even having a Content creation agency that works with businesses to build up their short form accounts AKA their Tik Tok their Instagram reals stuff like that so having a Content creation agency wasn't actually the issue that wasn't the mistake I made it was the way that I ran the
agency that was the mistake where I was trading my time from money you could have a Content creation agency and still not trade your time for money now when I say these things you might sit here and go wait what how can you get a client more results without having to put in more work with stuff like social media management or copywriting or email marketing because surely if you want to get more results with email for example you would need to write more emails correct well I mean yes and no you would need more emails
yes you would need more social media posts yes but you don't need to create more you see things have changed a lot from the time in which I first started my agency the work it takes takes to create one email and 10 emails is the same why because one of the biggest most game-changing revolutions that has ever happened since the invention of the internet AI artificial intelligence we have gotten to a point now where it's possible to get AI to write regular copy like weekly emails or web pages to the same level as a world-class
copywriter and I'm going to show you how to do that in practice in episode three now what I need you to understand is that with AI you only need to do the work once because the most important aspect of AI is writing the promt promps that create the copy for you and with the same prompt you can create one email or you can create 10 emails the work is exactly the same and if you don't think that's possible not only is it possible I know for a fact that the best performing video sales letter on
Google in 2023 in the entire South American Market was 80% written with AI and again writing an entire vssl is the highest level of complexity you can get to when it comes to Service delivery and copyrighting when we're delivering simple weekly emails AI can take care of that for you no problem again I'm going to show you how to do that in practice in episode 3 now going back to where I was before the real secret here is finding something that you can sell recurrently meaning something that you can sell once and then get paid
every single month for it and you can do that with all of the services I just mentioned by the way the beauty of a service based businesses is that you don't need to be selling 500 units a month to make a full-time income with it in fact it only requires two to three sales to already be able to quit your job or drop out of uni the key with service based businesses is that they don't require any startup inv to get up and running because you are the product so in case everything goes wrong the
worst thing that will ever happen is you getting a no when talking to a prospective client and I know that might still sound terrifying for a few of you but trust me you get used to it in no time flat and that is a 100 times better than having to burn through hundreds of dollars a day trying to make things work which is the case for 90% of software businesses or even some e-commerce stores for example what you need to understand is that those businesses are not built to generate profit in fact they are built
to generate as little profit as possible so that you can always reinvest 100% of the money you make so that way you can scale to multiple eight and N figures as fast as possible and then sell the business most of the time their Founders already have an abundance of cash and they are looking for a business where they can use that cash as leverage for exponential growth now if you don't have that kind of cash that is not a game that makes sense for you to play just yet and by the way that's exactly what
I did first with my education company and with my software businesses if you take Floy for example which is my main software company I launched that business almost 3 years ago this is going to be interesting for 3 hours just if there's anything at all that might potentially you can see like some email I'm going to try to move this like a little further back but yeah oh my God man this is just going to go on for like an hour basically now all of our free Tri customers are finally getting build and this is
just going to keep going on and on and on oh man it's bumping oh it's cool catch anyway oh my God I got any [ __ ] let's do it fail one anyway and you know how much cash I've taken out of it so far absolutely zero because that is a business that is built to sell not to generate cash flow in fact this will be my next big move and I can't speak on it yet but I will publicly disclose exactly what that big move is for the first time ever during episode 3 on
Friday but for now what I need you to understand is that my agency was the business that generated me the cash and experience to then get into more advanced business models where I can use my money as leverage and I've been telling people this for half a decade now cash flow business and then you use that money and experience to build businesses that have Enterprise Value my agency is doing roughly around £37,000 a month which is roughly around like $50,000 a month at the moment my agency is quite literally the only reason that I'm profitable
at the moment everything that's coming out of the education company grow that is all going back into six staff customer support team ads um ridiculous softwares improving the product a new custom portal that very expensive so that's the funny thing is um you know my education company it's not even profitable at the moment in fact we're losing a bit of money because of it so yeah it's definitely not going to be like that the entire year definitely like it's going to scale right up um I guess that's a that's that's a funny thing
the funny thing is my agency is actually my cash business my agency is my cash flow business and my agency is basically the things that pays for the nice things that I want in life a lot of time I feel quite jaded um because a lot of time I look at my agency and just how simple it is and how streamlined it is and how profitable it is you know the funny thing is my agency this year has made more profit than my education business even though the education business revenues are way higher that is
the game it has always been the game and it will always be the game unless you want to bring on investors day one and once again be a subordinate be a slave to them and not only that but right now the demand for online marketing services for businesses is growing exponentially fast and the amount of people to deliver such Services doesn't grow nearly as quickly and there is an enormous Gap to be filled and let me Illustrated for you right now just in the us alone there are around 33 million small businesses and pretty much
all of them need online marketing Services listen as I mentioned already I run the leading online education platform for agency owners right now we have about 25,000 paying members at the time of recording this now let's say the whole agcy Space is five times larger than that which is a big stretch by the way because we've been doing this a long time and we have been the leading experts in this for a very long time so anyways that'll be about 125,000 agencies to service around 30 million small businesses just in the US and keep in
mind the majority of our students have cents worldwide but that would still equate to 240 clients per agency just in the US for you to make a good living with this you need about 2 to five clients which pay on average around $2,000 a month for you to make big money you need from 10 to 20 clients and that means that there's still 220 clients left out there to be serviced just from your share of the market not to count everyone else's 220 clients too and again it's actually super simple to deliver these services to
clients now you can go one of two routes you can either learn yourself how to deliver the services which would take about a month or two or you can hire a contractor who is already experiened in delivering such services and get them to deliver it for you while still keeping 70 to 80% of the profit now inside agency accelerator I teach you exactly how to do that and the reason that's beautiful is because that creates an Arbitrage play you don't even need to have money to Outsource the services because you never have to pay anything
out of pocket which means there's literally no risk on your end whatsoever and I call this contractor Arbitrage and in my opinion there's no better way to get started in the digital space than this starting an agency is the only option that doesn't require money to get started and it's actually realistic to go from zero to full-time income within 2 to 3 months of work and by the way I'm not saying that you will go from zero to full-time income in 3 months but I'll be honest I've seen thousands of people do it starting with
zero business experience putting in the necessary effort day in and day out and then within 3 months enjoying the three forms of freedom of a sovereign Man Financial sovereignty geographical sovereignty and sovereignty of time so just think about the fact that in a matter of months you could be enjoying more freedom than most doctors lawyers and Engineers from your city and be the one who has the business and lifestyle that all of those same law ERS doctors and bankers wish they had when they went to bed at night so if you want this to be
your reality starting a sovereign business is the thing that will have the most impact in your life by far my agency truly has made me the man I am today you know for me it's not so much that I'm at a point where my agency is making me $60 to $70,000 a month profit for me it genuinely is like who I've become in the [Music] [Applause] making look at this point you already understand that importance of the Sovereign business in fact if you're watching this I'm sure you already knew the importance of starting a business
before and you are probably even convinced about starting one now maybe you didn't know which business that was but you knew you wanted to start something now have you ever stopped to ask yourself what makes a business is it the product is it the people what makes Google Google what makes apple apple look many will say that what makes a business is its people but let's think about it from a very fundamental perspective if you take apple who would be the most important person in that business St Steve Jobs well Steve Jobs is not there
anymore and apple is doing better than it's ever done so it's not actually the people neither is it the product I mean take Google there's nothing particularly special about Google there are many different search engines out there just as good same thing with Gmail there's many other options but yet Google is still by far the biggest one so what is the answer look when you search on Google all that happens on the back end is a process is running when Google serves you with an ad that's a process running when the algorithm recommends you a
video that is a proc process even if you go back to the product example you need to create a product and in order to do that effectively you need to have a process you know people they don't just appear to work for you you need to find them and for that there's a hiring process so at the end of the day all a business is is a collection of processes processes that you repeat over and over and that alone may look simple but when you put them together then you create a winning business and the
better those processes are the better the business becomes so let's take it back to the agency example if you broke down every single activity I did in my agency that turned it into a successful business every single one of those activities can be distilled down to a process getting clients that is a process a very simple one actually you don't need a ton of followers you don't need to be a master of sales you don't need to be an expert at the service you deliver you don't even need a website you just need a repeatable
step-by-step process that you can perform over and over which will always generate the same results so for the last 3 months I have not had a website in the last 45 days I've doubled my retainers from my agency so this month we'll hit around 5055 came now 2 days ago at the time of recording this I actually signed a £4,000 a month Clan and a 7800 a month Clan and I did that all without a website and the reason I was able to accomplish all of that was because I had a repeatable process to follow
then we look at getting paid that's a process it's funny on my story I posted the other day I had a £ 32,000 um a stripe payment come in is from a clan that I charged for 2-day training so one of our existing Clans flew in from America my stripe fee for that I think was like almost ,000 and you know tons of people you know cuz I post the actual screenshot so you could see you know how much was deducted did and tons of people were like dude like I can't believe you're pay like
,000 you know in feed to stripe when they could have just bankwire you and to me that's totally worth it you know to me it's fine paying you know anywhere from 1.4 to 2.9% depending on you know where they are in the world I'm totally cool paying that because that brings up the likeliness of me signing a clan exponentially that honestly I I just couldn't care less about the fee what I'm going to do right now is I'm actually going to uh build them as you can see right here so you can see 5% Raz
performance fee first month 8,160 you can see I'm going to press pay automatically and then I'm going to show you my guys' iPhone and then I'm going to get Tristan to um I'm going to get Tristan to blur it out as best as he can so send let's hope their bank doesn't decline we get trist to blur out their name the reason I can get paid this much and I got paid that multiple times over and over is because I had a process to do so looking back in my agency coming up with performance-based billing
structures that is a process so you can see with this client they want to get to 500k to a million per month in revenue and the month prior to starting to work with us they spent 60k and brought back in 200k so that was kind of The Benchmark of what they were accomplishing and you can see another deal right here which is a couple days later another e-commerce business that want to spend 500k want Ember back in 1.3 million a month and you can see where we actually end up hitching them right there which is
2,800 a month plus 5% profit on anything we make them from the ad so in that case that would have been 1.3 million minus 500,000 that's a spread of 800,000 so if we actually hit our goal in that case our performance fee is 40 grand for the month if you look at onboarding high paying clients that is a process I am currently on boarding a new client and I thought I'd show you guys something that's pretty cool so on boarding a client called oring uh we've been in talks for like 2 months now so it's
like this little piece of tech right here uh it's pretty dope they did like 10 million in the last 10 months um in Revenue so they're like a big big client and they have a lot going on right now um they're signing this week it's £ 7,800 a month that's a retainer with them uh just Facebook ads and within the first uh within 90 days we want to get to 100K a month in ad spend so it's going to be fun if you look at delivering your services and getting world- class results for your clients
that is a process I've got ordering so in the last 30 days we did quarter million profit for them literally spent like 7 and5 Grand brought back 266 grand um and that first month we just did retargeting only building a team that does all of that work for you that is a process just do the onboarding call with this clan so I'll give you a 60c recap of how that went uh first kind of generic question is right now where is the majority of your traffic coming from uh it would be from Instagram uh number
one and then it would be from Facebook Google and then Snapchat okay all paid yeah all paid uh we don't we don't have any you know massive uh like organic stuff it's all it's majority paid I say 80% of it once your interview is done can you send a loom to um and just go over um what our return on like how much we spend uh basically our performance Fe for last month if you can bring that down yeah for sure we spent 2, 78,000 crowns and made back 4,757 th000 crowns that's 2.7 million crowns
roughly ensuring that clients stay with you that's another process uh I'll drop that message just here obviously at the end of the day we always show the client the loom anyways the final total and they actually paid us in dollars so we ended up receiving in pounds uh was $99,900 uh so we received £7,000 I'm still in my bank account and and I'll go ahead and throw up the screenshot confirmation on slack and I'll also show you guys right now so as you can see they sent $99,900 and end up receiving £7,000 so there was
a little bit of transfer fees taken so it wasn't quite a five figur of performance fee for this month but between the $9,900 performance between in the first month plus our billable with them which is just a you know small $2,200 retainer that comes out to $111,000 billable in the first month with this client communicating with your clients and your team that is another process slack is how I communicate with my team is how I communicate with my clients I can show you an example right here this is uh this is one of our old
clients uh Cameron fous who's for trading um yeah you can just see a couple of our clients on the side there um as always I'm I'm pretty much an open book I try to be as transparent as possible so I guess I don't really mind you seeing some of our our clients that we work with and we work with so channels I have tons and tons of channels uh older clients that we no longer work with the thing I'm trying to make clear here the bottom line of this is every single aspect of running a
successful business boils down to having a process and if you don't have a successful business yet it is because you don't have a collection of proven processes it's that simple on the other hand if you were to have this collection of processes you would have a successful agency meaning the difference between you and me is not that I'm smarter than you or that I worked harder than you the only difference is that I have the processes and you don't and I was so lucky to realize that very early on so what I did is I
perfected these processes over my 6 years of running an agency iteration after iteration some of these processes I've refined over 300 times I mean just think about how many clients I onboarded how many sales calls I had how many checking calls I had with clients that I attended each one of those was an opportunity for refinement then I documented every single one of those processes each step of them in meticulous detail because once you document them they become repeatable so then I took my software Floy you may have heard of it before it's a software
that helps agencies run their entire operations and what I did was I created a flow for every single process in my agency one by one in excruciating detail and I started to collect those processes and build a slabber of every single process you need to run your own Agency for any task I needed to execute on my agency I could just plug and play that exact process need to onboard a client run the client onboarding process from Floy need to build a new landing page run the page building process from Floy need to set up
invoicing for a new client simple just run the invoice in process from Floy if you get to the bottom of the question what is a business this is it this structure is my business if someone were to steal this it would almost be as if they were stealing my entire business and that is just how important this is that is my sovereign structure and if you want to have a successful business you need to start building your own library of processes one by one you create a process you test it out you document it and
you improve it and then you repeat this process until that process runs flawlessly and it may take time for me it took me over 6 years to collect all of those processes but once you have them you have a fail prooof machine you have a sovereign structure and that is the only way to create a business that stands the test of time and provides you with financial geographical and time sovereignty for an entire lifetime so listen some men don't have to play it by the rules but you have to earn that right and these four
sovereignty codes that I just taught you are a cheat code to earn that right but if you want to become a sovereign man and achieve the trifecta of sovereignty you have no option but to apply every single one of them in your own life but that is easier said than done and I am very aware of that and that is precisely why I prepared episode three of digital sovereignty especially for you today I've shown you the codes to become a sovereign man but in the next episode I want to do two things the first is
I'm going to show you what the path to applying these codes to your life looks like in practice practice with real life examples of people who did it and then I want to give you the codes [Music] [Music]
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