7 Allegations Against P. Diddy's Sons Christian and Justin Combs

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P. Diddy isn't the only one facing some pretty serious allegations. His sons, Justin and Christian C...
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the hits just keep on coming against P didy with a string of new civil lawsuits filed against the embattled music icon just this week but Diddy isn't the only one who's facing some major allegations two of his sons Justin and Christian Coles are both Nam dropped in several civil suits that L Diddy as a defendant and the accusations against them are pretty serious ranging from drugging victims and sexually assaulting them to apparent involvement in a shooting we're breaking down all the allegations against both sons and speaking with former Federal prosecutor Nema Romani about whether they
could face criminal charges I'm Sierra Gillespie and this is lawn crime news the allegations against 54-year-old Shawn Diddy comes have dominated headlines for more than a month and he spent most of that time at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn held on some pretty severe federal charges just last month he was indicted by a grand jury on charges of racketeering conspiracy sex trafficking by force fraud or coercion and transportation to engage in prostitution by now you're familiar with the allegations against Diddy from gun and drug trafficking to running a yearslong sex trafficking scheme there's honestly
too many allegations against him to list According to some reports there are thousands of people who say they were assaulted by Diddy All That Remains to be seen but we do know there are more than a dozen civil suits already filed against him with more than a hundred new suits expected to follow the pattern throughout all these lawsuits is eerily similar Diddy and his team would allegedly drug or Spike the drinks of victims before Diddy and sometimes others sexually assaulted them there are also allegations that Diddy forced these victims to have sex with prostitutes as
he touched himself he called these situations freak offs and oftentimes he recorded them here's where some of the allegations against his son Justin comes come in so all this takes us back to February when Rodney Jones also known as the producer lilrod filed civil suit against Diddy in his lengthy lawsuit lilrod straight Nam drops Justin Colmes describing him as someone who solicits prostitutes underaged girls and sex workers there's actually a picture of Justin Colmes with an allegedly underage girl shown in the lawsuit now in this specific instance Lil Rod alleges at least one underage girl
came to Diddy's home for a listening party a sex worker was also apparently solicited and a freak off ensued as an aside this is the same night that Lil Rod alleges Diddy forced him to take a laced shot he started to feel lightheaded and then woke up at 4:00 in the morning naked next to a sex worker it's important to note Justin Colmes is listed as a defendant on this case because according to lilrod he facilitated Diddy's alleged Rico Enterprise and at times participated okay I know you're multitasking when you're watching our videos but if
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on the screen and use our promo code LC news to get an extra 25 cents back on every gallon on your first tank of gas Lil Rod's civil suit points to more accusations against Justin combes 2o for his involvement in an alleged shooting coverup according to court documents it happened on September 12th 2022 outside Diddy's chalice Studios Lil rod says Diddy his son Justin and Justin's friend who went by G were all there when things got heated lilrod says he heard multiple gunshots ring out and later found G on the bathroom floor in the fetal
position lilrod says he was bleeding out of his hip and leg a lilrod says he was applying pressure to G's wounds and then asked the crowd to call an ambulance at that point both Diddy and Justin Colmes disappeared to another part of the studio Diddy then gave strict instructions to inform the police that he had nothing to do with the shooting he also forced Mr Jones to lie to the police by telling them that g was shot standing outside the studio by a drive by a salent so that specific allegation involves Diddy son Justin but
another allegation and entirely separate civil lawsuit involves his other son Christian or King Combs Grace Omar K alleges that Christian combes sexually assaulted her on a yacht in December 2022 and she says it was facilitated by Diddy Diddy had rented the yacht around Christmas time and Omar K says it was a revolving door of high-profile celebrities and sex workers who were often passed out on the ship's deck the lawsuit says there were liquor bottles all over and it was difficult to distinguish which ones were laced with drugs Omar alleges that on December 28th 2022 while
working as a yacht deckhand she was sexually assaulted by a heavily intoxicated Christian Comes Who physically assaulted her and allegedly forced her to perform oral sex on him since these suits were filed both Justin and Christian comes were seen in federal court at their father's appearance just last week but could they too face charges here's where we bring in former Federal prosecutor Nimo Romani so talking about P didy I know we're talking about the crazy amount of allegations against him that are pretty shocking just unto themselves but then there's also two of his children whose
names have come up a bit throughout some of these civil lawsuits we've seen headlines both Justin and Christian combes just to start right off the bat what are you thinking about that the inclusion of both of Diddy sons and the accusations against those two I think that if we're talking about additional charges and additional defendants those are probably two of the more likely and Christian of course was the subject of a civil lawsuit where there was a sexual assault allegation naming him directly so I think if we're going to cast a bit of a wider
net people are talking about family members other celebrities maybe some employees like Christina aora but I think the most likely would be those two sons why do you think it's the most likely about those two just because of the recordings the allegations against him what are you thinking I think so I think obviously they're just civil allegations and those cases are going to be put on hold while the criminal case plays out but you know there is some smoke there and obviously you know there's a presumption of innocence and there's a lower standard in the
civil case but you have someone who's been named directly as someone who participated in a sexual assault and everything else has been rumors and speculation but here you at least have one verified complaint and you know what's interesting about this situation it's the sexual assault civil allegation um filed by Grace Omar K this is against Chris comes as you're referring to it and Diddy is a codefendant in this case because she says he facilitated it it was on a yacht that Diddy had rented but it was Christian the one who allegedly sexually assaulted her I
mean so how does all of that relate the fact that we have Diddy who's also part of this but it's mostly on Christian in this instance yeah in this particular instance like you said it did take place on a yacht she was someone who was working at the time and you know little Rod was there apparently and obviously he's a plaintiff and a civil lawsuit himself but you know whenever you are a plaintiff in a civil case you obviously want to go after someone with the ability to pay that's what we call a deep pocket
so even though Diddy might not have personally participated in this alleged incident you really want to rrap a man as a codefendant because obviously his ability to pay any judgment is going to be very different than Christian or Justin or any of the other of the seven children do you think that Grace om Marque the plaintiff in this yacht criminal or civil lawsuit rather do you think that the feds would reach out to her and ask her about her experience perhaps I do and this is why apparently and obviously I haven't heard him she has
recordings of this in audio recordings and we know how powerful video evidence is we've talked about it with Cassie Ventura and how that really maybe even shift the direction of this case entirely because of course comes denied everything until CNN got a hold of that video in May and we talking about a lawsuit that was filed in April I believe and again I don't know if it's true but the allegations are that much of this was recorded in there audio recordings and if so and she's saying no and Christian is moving forward anyway then you
have attempted sexual assault talking about audio and video recordings that's what's huge in this case I mean we heard a lot about it from Cassie and her lawsuit then of course Lil rod and now confirmed in the Federal indictment that the feds are saying yep we've got some and that's what led to this indictment and his charges but what's interesting is that in Lil Rod's lawsuit he actually has photos like screenshots of a recording of Justin Colmes and he says it's allegedly with a sex worker do you think that part is incriminating too that the
feds may be looking at that reporting I do and during comes' initial appearance before the new judge submania there was some discussion of this and Christian and Justin were in court as well supporting their father but the feds were talking about the 96 different electronic devices They seized and the terabytes and terabytes of data now some of it might not be relevant but some of it may be very much on point because going back to Cassie's original allegation Colmes reportedly recorded many of these sex acts it might have been for his sexual pleasure it might
have been to maintain control over their participants but whether it's a voluntary recording whether it's a hotel security camera whether it's something that little you know took and a still video or recording or whether it's something that you know a civil plain if a victim of sexual assault you know I try not to name them even though she did out herself in the complaint took without the knowledge of Christian or others it's all very very powerful because often times when you're dealing with sexual assault and sexual abuse these are things that happen behind closed doors
right could be at a home could be at a hotel in this case could be on a yacht and usually there aren't a whole lot of witnesses to it so you will have a he said she said type situation in many many cases well a recording can really change that narrative because again it could really corroborate the story of one side or the other in regards to Justin specifically and these alleged recordings audio all of that so that's in relation to Lil Rod's lawsuit he's actually a codefendant listed quite a few times throughout this and
in addition to him sitting next to this alleged prostitute we have that photo there's also allegations that he actually partook in these freak offs and potentially drugged women this is something Lil Rod is saying how would the Fez go about proving something like that I know that's the pattern we've seen across a lot of these civil suits that women allege Diddy for instance drugged them but now Lil Rod's also pointing the finger at J in Colm saying he drugged some of these women how would the feds then go to look further into that yeah L
Rod's lawsuit is interesting in that there are many defendants we talked about Christina ham right some of the allegations that came out in Ro lawsuit was Christina of course being uh comes' right-hand woman she allegedly had the fny pack with the drugs that were provided to the sex workers there are the allegations directly against Justin as well so whenever you're proving something like this obviously you're going to rely on the testimony of witnesses you know it could be independent witness because the sex workers even though they're participants in a sex act they won't necessarily be
charged or I don't think they're going to be defendants in the lawsuit if the allegation is that they were forced to perform these sex acts and it wasn't just a commercial transaction so you can rely on that testimony obviously a little Rod himself but you know he's a plain if so his testimony may be bias may be true but it's certainly something that you would want more of if you are a prosecutor and then you look to video and you look to other types of evidence might be text messages something that corroborates what uh Lil
Rod has said and of course if you have someone like koram who flips that would be very very helpful for prosecutors because we know that former employees they usually have a lot of information and they can be leveraged uh in a criminal case or even a civil one to cooperate to save themselves I want to talk more about that the flipping of all this because right now Diddy is the only one who has been charged federally in relation to this scheme this alleged scheme but as you pointed out there are other people who have been
identified as participants in all this Christina corm obviously is the main one along with the Colmes Enterprise or Empire whatever you want to call it she has not yet been charged but I'm pretty sure as you've told me in the past probably this interview and many others the feds are going to be talking to Christino Quorum and it would be in her best interest likely to cooperate with them but what about Justin and Christian I mean they're so close to Diddy they're his sons and they have accusations against them they could as you said face
these charges in the future what do you think do you think that they would flip I think it's a lot less likely that Justin and Christian would flip you know I've seen children testify against their parents we've seen it on Law and crime many times and obviously it makes for great drama in courtroom uh theatrics but I think in a case like this it's going to be less likely they really uh owe everything to their father right he's obviously someone with significant financial means he's someone that's going to pay for their lawyers and protect them
I think it would be pretty surprising to see a flip like that of course anything's possible but but I think it's less likely given that there are people that really don't have that familial tide they don't have their legacy they don't have potentially hundreds of millions of dollars to lose if they end up uh turning sideways on their parents so it's obviously a possibility I think it's highly unlikely especially what we saw during that first hearing you know the the children all being in court directly supporting comes him waving and blowing kisses to them I
think a flip is unlikely with respect to Justin and Christian yeah what do you make of that obviously they're supporting their father as you've discussed they were actually in the courtroom supporting him as you said blowing kisses all of that but then there's also headlines photos videos of Christian Colmes who's been out partying after all this people are obviously clamoring at any sort of Diddy news but do these two have to kind of keep in mind that the focus is going to be on them they are being watched I mean in relation to what their
dad was doing but also their allegations against them I mean is this something they should be keeping in mind mind their Public Image I do SRA and it's not just about the courtroom we've talked about the court of public opinion in a case like this and you know the jurors are Ordinary People and everyone knows who sha Diddy Colmes is and you know if there's this sort of uh very high-profile criminal trial happening in May or sometime in 2025 and the perception is that the family doesn't take this seriously they're partying they're drinking you know
it really plays into some of the allegations that this was just a party lifestyle and these individuals thought that they were Above the Law now again I'm not saying that jurors don't follow the instructions and the law and they're really supposed to decide the case solely based on the facts and evidence in the case but we've seen a time in time again you know it could be Johnny Depp it could be Michael Jackson you know whenever you have someone who's high profile and the narrative the public perception the pr uh really machine goes in one
way it can really help shape the opinions in the courtroom as well so we've talked about these sexual assault allegations that are against both Justin and Christian but there's another incident that's pointed out in Lil Rod's civil suit and this is in regards to Justin I just want to touch on this one quick that apparently there was a shooting at one of Diddy's recording studios years ago and that Justin and Diddy apparently covered this up somebody was obviously shot and injured in this incident there were reports on it but not in relation to either of
those two is this something that the feds would pursue I mean I know that the main part of the case is these sexual assault allegations but could they head down that road toward attempted murder with a gunshot wound potentially and I've gotten this question a lot with respect to obviously uh the killing of Tupac both in 1996 and the attempted murder in 1994 and a lot of people I'm sure watching believe that comes you know had something to do with that I think it's challenging because then you start going in a very different direction a
rabbit hole you're charging something that may be more difficult to prove you know involving shooting you don't necessarily have the victim who's there testifying and you know what I've seen from us attorney Damen Williams and not just this case and others as well for instance how he's handling the New York mayor Eric Adams case he is really keeping the surgical he's keeping the charges narrow that's why we're not seeing a kitchen seek approach and sometimes we see that from prosecutors you know for instance in the Young Thug YSL case everyone is being charged right lots
of different defendants lots of different Charges going spending over years I don't think that's something that we're going to see here I can't see that this prosecutor is going to charge things that aren't very easy to prove because of then you start creating potential doubt even though these are very serious allegations obviously murder attempted murder we're talking about Tupac probably being the greatest rapper of our lifetime you know I don't think this is something that we're going to see added to the charges in this case because I think this specific prosecutor wants to keep things
very narrow and very surgical so unclear about all this whether any charges if and when they could be added but if we're talking about the defense now switching to their side of things I'm sure obviously they're talking to Diddy but I'm wondering about their conversations with Christian and Justin do you think that the defense attorneys their team would be reaching out to both of them to talk and kind of bulk up Diddy's side of the case sure I'm sure that uh anyone who's a witness whether it's a family member or someone else who is there
really needs a lawyer because they may get subpoena they may have to testify a trial or before the grand jury now of course everyone has the right to remain silent and they can invoke if there's any criminal liability But ultimately everyone's going to need their own lawyers because there's a potential conflict obviously you know comes and Christian they have financial means they're going to have their own lawyers but I mean no question whether it's a family member whether it's a celebrity whether it's someone who was a witness just happened to be there um there's the
possibility that they're contacted by law enforcement HSI and other federal agents so they shove a lawyer and they need to make a decision whether they're going to remain silent cooperate or do something else and now it's important to note that all three of these people we're talking about today Diddy Justin comes Christian combes have denied all of these allegations against them so that's important to talk about but also we do still have that civil suit specifically against Christian Combs here but where does all of that land now that we have Diddy who's been indicted federally
he's facing these charges but the civil suits are they now kind of taking a back seat that's absolutely right SI what's going to happen is they're going to be stayed to the extent that Diddy is a defendant because we know that there is a right to remain silent in a criminal case obviously civil lawsuit you don't have that same right but you can potentially say something in a civil case that can be a problem in a criminal case we saw that with Bill Cosby of course he was accused of sexual assault in the civil case
he made statements and those were used against him in the criminal prosecution so often times when you have civil and criminal cases at the same time the civil case will be stayed or put on hold while the criminal process plays out that's what I expect to happen here Diddy is pleaded not guilty to all the charges against him and after his arrest his attorney markn released a statement reading in part quote sha Diddy Colmes is a music icon self made entrepreneur Loving Family Man and proven philanthropist who spent the last 30 years building an empire
adoring his children and working to uplift the black community he is an imperfect person but is not criminal to his credit Mr comes has been nothing but Cooperative with the investigation please reserve your judgment until you have all the facts these are the acts of an innocent man with nothing to hide and he looks forward to clearing his name in court right now Diddy's federal trial is scheduled for May of 2025 but ahead of that he's due back in court on on December 18th for lawn crime I'm SRA gaspie
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