How To Be A Man - The Deep Core Of Being Masculine

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How To Be A Man - Understand what it takes to be masculine on a very deep level. The Ultimate Life ...
Video Transcript:
hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this video I'm going to tell you how to be a man okay let's talk about how to make you into a man how to be a man I love this topic I'm so excited about this topic I've been waiting to talk about this and I want to shoot more videos just about what it takes to be masculine also what it takes to be feminine and the interaction between the two I just love studying female and male psychology is so fascinating to me ever since I got into
pickup and I really started to dig my way out of a deep hole that I dug myself into through my whole life where I had no success with relationships more sex basically I committed to digging myself out of that hole committed to studying a lot of material about the dynamics and what it takes to attract the opposite sex how that actually works not just the myths not just the popular cultural stereotypes but actually how it works and practicing it in the field talking to thousands and thousands of women it's ridiculous the the amount of development
that I got from that personally has been amazing it's been one of the most rewarding things that I've done and I think one of the best things for my own masculinity because I learned so much about what takes to be a man and there are actually very very clear principles of what it means to be masculine and when you become more in touch with your masculinity as a guy it's amazing you start to feel like you're really yourself you start to feel authentic the way you you know you want to feel you stop feeling shy
and insecure and and you stop being a [ __ ] and you start actually taking the bull by the horns and it feels amazing this is what your life as a man should be so if you haven't yet tapped into this if you're still young if you're going through high school or college especially wow and like if you're kind of in your early 20s or mid 20s this is the perfect opportunity for you to really tap into masculinity this is such an amazing idea all right so what does it really mean to be a man
and if you really want to know a lot of this information I take from David data's excellent book way of the superior man where he goes really deep some like super deep amazing ideas about masculinity he's he's really the Guru on that he's the expert so I learned a lot of information from him but also a lot of this stuff comes from my own experience looking at guys who are really really successful with women who are really attractive to women and analyzing them and picking them apart my own mind and studying them and then taking
on those characteristics myself and then testing it out and saying how the women in my life have been reacting to it wow there's some really powerful ideas here so what does it mean to be a man well my man is 100% authentic you have to be very honest as a man you have to be real you have to have nothing to hide you have to be totally open be open you have to be open about all your problems all your all your insecurities all your foils you have to be very open about it you can't
hide stuff it can't be in a relationship hiding stuff hiding skeletons it can't be in a conversation trying to not rub somebody the wrong way trying to be too polite no a real man is authentic he's not afraid to express himself in fact that's what he's doing his whole life his whole life is about self-expression that's what makes him a man that's what he loves this is what he enjoys to do this is what masculine energy is it's about unleashing into the world feminine energy is about receiving and being and being kind of being going
with the flow masculine energy is about enforcing yourself on the world and we're going to get into that little bit deeper in a few minutes here towards the end of this video so it's about having nothing to hide it's also about being you might say icy icy or otherwise emotionally stable unreactive grounded a man is grounded right he is the man he knows what his values are he knows what his principles are and he lives by principles he has things that are important to him things that he will never sacrifice for the sake of a
quick little you know reward here a quick little reward here a quick little hit of pleasure he's got principles that he's living by he he values he values maybe honesty or he values creativity or values truth there's something in there that is grounding him it's making them solid he's not wishy-washy he's not jumping up and down he's not always afraid and anxious and worrying what people think about him that's how a woman behaves that's not how a man behaves and a woman that's the most repellent thing to a woman is if you start to behave
like a woman if you are reactive if you are indecisive if you are not icy she is not going to be attracted to you not if she's very feminine a very feminine woman is going to want a very masculine man who's completely rounded because what he does is he grounds her and he allows her to be girly he allows her to be emotional and her emotions can't penetrate into him it's like it's like he's a pillar and no matter what the wind does you know a hurricane can come by and this pillar this concrete pillar
is just like grounded a thousand feet into the earth and it's not moving it's not budging nothing's going to move it that's what a real man is to do that you have to develop a really strong sense of identity that's why women will always be attracted to the men who have the strongest connection with who they really are who really understand their identity that's why we even are attracted to more older men because older men they're more mature and they have a deeper sense of identity and younger man they haven't really discovered who they are
yet and so women tend to go for the ones that have and those just naturally tell you a little bit older that's why women generally like to date in in the you know guys who are like five or ten years older than they are that's how that can be explained so another thing that a really real man is is that he's happy by himself he doesn't need women he doesn't need the approval of anybody he can be happy just how he is he constructs an awesome life for him and he's very independent he's stable and
then if if a woman comes into his life great and if he's got friends that come into his life great but he doesn't need them he's not dependent on them he's in fact completely outcome independent he doesn't need anything to go his way he doesn't need a woman to be in his life if a woman is in his life he might be happy with her and if she decides to leave he's totally happy with that too he's not attached to her he doesn't cling to her that's what a masculine man does because he's confident he
knows who he is he's happy in himself why would he need a woman to be there why would he need some particular person his life he wouldn't he wouldn't need that he's really grounding his identity okay the next point is and this is my favorite is that a real man is really in tune with his sexuality you have to really get over this idea that sex is wrong evil shameful dirty it's complete nonsense when you become a real man you you you view sex as completely normal completely healthy in fact beautiful in fact something that
is your gift to give to the world and you are completely open with your sexuality you are not afraid to talk about sex you aren't afraid to have amazing sex you're not afraid to talk dirty to a girl I'm real man does that because it pleases him not because he's trying to show off or he's trying to be dirty but because that's who he is he's masculine and he wants to [ __ ] the girl and he wants to [ __ ] the world now I don't say this facetiously or to be flippant I actually
mean that he wants to [ __ ] the world this is what masculinity is that it's very core as a man you want to [ __ ] the world now let me explain what this is because as you do one thing you do everything and if you are not [ __ ] the world then you actually are not [ __ ] your girl and actually see this with men is that they don't know how to [ __ ] their girl properly to do this you have to understand what this means for a man he gets
his deepest pleasure from giving himself to the world he gives he releases his energy right and this can be this is mirrored in sex is that the man gives himself he is the one who's doing the penetrating and he is the one who is injecting the world with a seed now this is clear how this applies in sex that's very literal but it actually also applies in the real world in life outside the bedroom and it's actually even more important here because what this means to [ __ ] the world is that you're penetrating the
world with your personality this means you're penetrating the world with your authentic self with who you are when you do that you can't be shy you can't be timid you can't be fearful right and this means that to penetrate the world that means you're sharing your gifts your life is about giving your life is about creating it's about doing doing what's authentic to you not caring about what anybody thinks about you not letting any obstacle get in your way this is how a real man behaves and when he's out there and he's doing it in
the real world then he can really do it in the bedroom too in the real world you should be penetrating into it right and that's literally how it feels I don't know maybe you felt this if you've accomplished something great at work or you've created some sort of project something creative maybe you like you wrote a book or you you wrote some sort of awesome report you created a website where you can post some awesome piece of music as a man when you do that you feel like yeah like that's that's it like right I
[ __ ] the world I penetrated the world literally and I like I gave it my seed that is my seed that I inseminated into the world it was something that wasn't there and now I gave I gave that life as a man we can't have a child directly we can have a child through the woman but we don't actually give birth to a child so for us the creative process is even more important than it is for a woman because for a woman she can identify with the creative process of actually creating a baby
a man can't do that so for him his purpose in life his mission his fulfillment comes from creating in the world that's why men are tinker's that's why we're engineers that's why we love to go out there and build stuff and do stuff and we like to create stuff physically but we also like to create intellectual stuff right we like to analyze and we'd like to synthesize that information that's what you should be doing if you're not doing this then you're not tapping into your full masculinity and really you're unsatisfied in life at the very
deep level so what a man has is he has a life purpose the life purpose stuff that I talked about so passionately in all my videos well this is especially important for you if you are a man I think it's important for women to and they have to reconcile how the masculine energies with life purpose fit in with their feminine energies there's more of a challenge there but with men it's completely clear you need to be so focused on your life purpose your life purpose needs to be priority number one the woman in your life
is not priority number one never make your woman priority number one if you do she will leave you because she'll sense that your priority is her and she doesn't like that what she likes is she likes that you have a purpose you have a sense of direction and she's tagging along and she's there for the riot and she's supporting you as the girl in your life but she is not your purpose so your purpose should be something outside of her your purpose should be your work your career what are you doing what's the impact you're
having on the world how are you penetrating the world because if you can penetrate the world if you can go out there you can kill it in your career then when you coming back into the bedroom you can kill it there and that's what's going to make her happy and she's going to be happy that you're out there and doing stuff that's good for the world too so it really it just it all comes together really really nicely this is the essence of it life purpose sense of direction this is the essence of masculinity and
to have a life purpose is going to all these ideas or they're all dovetailing because to have a life purpose to be on track with it to be really killing it in your career you're gonna have to be very confident you're going to have to start to throw away all those fears that you have all those anxieties all those girly qualities about you that are making you a [ __ ] that's not allowing you to go out there and bust through the obstacles in the real world when you throw those away you cast those aside
and you also tap into who you really are and because you're on your life purpose you have identified it so you've done some work on your personality you know who you are you're grounded now you're icy right and now you can be that pillar you can be that pillar you know who you are so you can be authentic you can be authentic in your conversations you don't need anyone to be in your life and that's extremely attractive to the opposite sex you're going to get so many women when you can create your life to to
embody everything and I'm telling you here some of this stuff is kind of abstract but also not I mean you can see how you can start to develop this up it's going to take you some time if you have been a [ __ ] your whole life if you have not developed life purpose if you don't know who you are if you are shy if you're introverted if you don't know how to have a conversation if you don't know how to have amazing ridiculous sex if you don't know how to penetrate the world then you
this is probably new free it's probably a bit of a shock and you're like wow I'm I'm far away don't get discouraged you might be far away right now especially if you're young it's kind of normal right it takes a guy really some time to develop this I would say that the man's the man's mission or what the man is doing from his early 20s to his late 30s is he's discovering his identity he's discovering who he really is and what he wants to do in the world how he wants to penetrate the world and
when he finally discovers that and he gets on board then he becomes a real man and then women flock to him right you might think that well I'm 20 years old I should already have that figured out no not really I think most most guys it takes them longer takes them longer to figure it out just because you're a man physically does not make you a man psychologically does not make you truly masculine you can be a physical man but you can still be a boy inside you can be immature you could not know who
you are you can be living somebody else's values you can be shaky you can be fearful you can be anxious you can be emotional you can get angry all the time in fact a lot of guys do do that you can not know how to have sex you can be working some stupid lame job and not have anything that you're really creating it's powerful in your life and it takes a guy about 10 years starting from his 20s to really develop it I really encourage you to to take this very seriously enjoy be very conscious
about how you go about putting yourself together as man when you do this Wow so much is going to happen for you the biggest things are going to feel fulfilled not only you're doing this to be attractive to the opposite sex really you're doing it for yourself a man doesn't do anything for anybody else but himself you're doing this because you love being masculine it feels amazing when you tap into this Wow it's [ __ ] awesome so I really encourage you to to take all this information to heart and start finding ways to apply
it here a couple of things that I'm going to give you that are going to practically drill this into your mind things that you can do to become more of a man number one have sex with lots of girls I think this is mandatory for men this is how we are biologically wired even though society does not like to admit this girls don't like us to talk about it we want to be monogamous and this and that would be in a relationship and get married look the bottom line is is that a man is like
the lion in the pride this is the way nature set it up I'm sorry to break it to you girls and guys but this is how it is you can talk about marriages and all this all you want and I think there's nothing wrong with marriage you're something wrong with monogamous relationships but as a man especially a young man you need to go out there and you need to explore the field you have sex with lots of girls this is what makes you a man this is how you learn about sexuality this is how you
learn about being I see this is how you learn about being unreactive this is how you learn to tolerate all the emotions that women are throwing at you it's how you learn to flirt how you learn to be confident there's so much stuff that you learn by being with women and the more of them you can be with the better that doesn't mean you have to be [ __ ] your whole life but it does mean that it's good right it's much better to go out there and have sex with 20 or 30 girls then
have sex with two of them if you have sex with two girls your whole life you're going to be a [ __ ] I can pretty much guarantee it it's gonna be hard for you to really be masculine if you go out and have sex with 30 or 100 girls it's almost gonna be possible for you not to be masculine you're just gonna have to learn to even to accomplish that you're gonna have to already build your masculinity so much so you have to go out there and do that just do it stop making excuses
and stop saying that as baddest or evil or something's wrong with it it's not wrong this is this is what it takes to become a man women are attracted to this even though they don't like to admit it they always want to say well I want the guy to be just my guy fine but in the end they're attracted to a guy who is icy unreactive emotionally stable who's authentic and real and confident extremely sexual extremely open how do you think a guy guess like that you think a guy is born like that [ __
] no to be that way you need to go out there and explore the world you need to [ __ ] a lot of women now I get that way and the fact is that women will always have sex with a guy who has the sex with most women the more women you get it's like a snowball effect you just have more and more sex with women and then becomes easier and easier to have sex with more women because you get so grounded that women just are magnetically drawn to you it's it's obnoxious it's frankly
obnoxious some of the things that I have seen in the field from some of the people I've seen it's in fact it can be so obnoxious it can be so effective that the person could actually stop to develop himself and he just becomes he becomes so attractive with women that it's almost like he he gets all the validation he wants and he stops growing as a true man he really stays immature but he becomes so attractive it's obnoxious so go out and explore the field a little bit so your royal oats as they say okay
next is I want you to have a strong career and a strong sense of purpose in your life if you don't know what your life purpose is man I would say that's even more important discover what your life purpose is have that nailed down I don't care what it takes if it takes you 10 years to figure it out figure it out if it takes you hours and hours of work and money and toil and traveling the world do it find out what your life purpose is commit to it and stay on track and never
fall off because as soon as you fall off you lose your masculinity you lose your power you lose way too much it's not worth it your life purpose is priority number one women are not priority number one they're priority number 3 or 5 or 10 not 1 okay and the third thing that I'm going to give you is I want you to start working out of your comfort zone as a man you cannot be surrounding yourself in a bubble of comfort you have to be out there doing new stuff that means if you're not comfortable
going to the gym start going to the gym if you're not comfortable eating Korean food go eat Korean food if you're not comfortable traveling overseas go travel overseas to some dangerous country if you're not comfortable chatting up a girl in a club go to a club and chat up more girls if you're not comfortable reading a book go read a book you know do the things that are pushing your comfort zone that are scaring you because what they're going to do is they're going to they're going to expand your tolerance level they're going to grow
you as a human being personal growth I mean a woman can do this too and she'll get personal growth everybody gets personal growth by pushing their comfort zone but for a man this is especially important because you can't be fearful it can't be fearful you have to be confident and confidence is something that you ultimately develop over the long run by exploring exploring life it can't be just limited to this one little domain in life open yourself up more try more stuff explore travel work different jobs you know have a diversity of friends study different
material have different types of girlfriends so that you can learn from them all then you become a real man and then you can kind of narrow down and say okay I want to do this but at the beginning you got to kind of explore so those are the the key points about how to become a man this is Wow if I had this information just two years ago it would have transformed my life so I had to go and discover this thing the really hard way so I'm distilling a lot of golden nuggets for you
guys so if you don't take action on this stuff I'm going to be upset all right so leaving your comments down below it's probably going to be a little bit of a controversial video but everything I said to you guys here is very very very true so if you find yourself resisting it or saying no that's not true that's not right I urge you to be open-minded trust this stuff is right you know that there's that this is right it just sounds too right it sounds too right even though society's telling you it's wrong it
sounds too right it's because it's true it's been proven by too many men this has been proven by too many men to be doubted so go out there to play all right so please also be besides leaving your comments like this and share this and then go ahead and check out actualise that'll work subscribe to our newsletter because I release new content every week videos articles other other releases that I'm going to be doing amazing content about how to well a lot of the information share with you will help you become a man without directly
telling you that it's going to do that it will a lot of information I share with you is about your life purpose about being passionate about being more confident about pushing your comfort zone about living an extraordinary life well when you do that that is very much in line with building your masculinity - all right so check that out sign up you get some awesome bonuses for signing up you get a free video series that's exclusive to my subscribers and you also get two hours of live coaching that you have a chance to win with
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