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I believe that this is the season that God is calling his people to step into greater Realms of Faith because it's by faith that we receive and become all that God desires it's by faith that we pull from the Heavenly realm and transform the Earthly realm it's by faith that we walk according to the will of God it's by by faith that we move in demonstrations of power it's by faith that we pick up our assignments that God has ordained for us specifically and I believe that as your faith increases so will your impact I
believe that as your faith increases so will the effect of the anointing on your life as your faith increases so will the potency of the spiritual gifts that God has imparted to you Hebrews 11 I'm going to read verses 1-10 the Bible says now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of Things Not Seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were made of things which to appear by faith Abel offered
unto God a more excellent sacrifice then came by which she obtained witness that he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaketh by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him by faith Noah being warned of
God of things not seen as yet moved with fear prepared an arc to the saving of his house by the which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which was by Faith by faith Abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whether he went by faith he sojourned in the land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in Tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob the Hees with him of the same promise for he looked for
a city which hath foundations whose Builder and maker is God now when we look at this particular portion of Hebrews it's important to remember the context this is describing some of the Patriarchs of the faith looking forward to the promise of Salvation And by faith receiving of the same salvation that you and I partake of today so this is talking about the fact that their faith was also placed in the work of the Cross even though they didn't have the full picture we think they looked forward to the Cross people ask all the time how
are they saved in the Old Testament well in the New Testament days we look back to the Cross by faith and are saved in the Old Testament days they look forward to the Cross by faith and are saved but either way all generations of all time from All Points of History together look to the Cross by faith to receive of it so here of course the scripture is clearly describing the way in which they were saved that by faith they looked forward to that sacrifice they look forward to this New Covenant but the takeaway principles
regarding Faith still apply in every sense to the believer yes context matters but what also matters are the principles of truth that can be gleaned the scripture does not use lies to tell a truth so then every point that builds to the overall idea can ultimately contribute to our understanding of God so then as we read yes we understand that this is speaking of the Patriarchs looking forward to the Cross but as we read we also see certain things about faith that hold true in every context in every part of life for every believer now
Faith as we see is a deeply rooted persuasion the scripture declares that faith is the substance of things hoped for some would say Brother David that was talking about the Patriarchs when they're looking forward to the Cross yes but it's still true it's still principle that applies to all believers something we learned of Faith while learning that the Patriarchs look forward to the promise is that faith is the substance faith is not Wishful it's substantive faith is not just a glimmer of hope it is a deep knowing of the promises of God by faith we
receive God's free gift of Salvation you can read that in Ephesians chap 2: 8-10 by faith in some instances we receive healing as we see in Mark 5:34 I say in some instances because we know that when Jesus raised gyrus his daughter the girl was dead and she didn't have any faith if she was dead so who had faith for her it was the faith of another and Jesus healed the man lower to the roof the scripture says seeing their faith so in some instan says it is the faith of the individual wanting their healing
as we see in Mark 34 by faith according to Hebrews 11:6 which we just read by faith we please God that's what pleases him that's what brings him Joy when we step in line with his will by trusting his word to take him at his word to say I trust your character I trust your nature therefore I choose to step out on what you've promised now the scripture describes various types of Faith first of all we see saving faith and this faith is for salvation this is the faith that has been given to everyone in
this room who's received Christ everyone who's watching anyone who is a born- again believer has received the saving Faith Romans 4:3 let me show it to you for the scripture tells us Abraham believed God and God counted him as righteous because of his faith now this is an entirely different message but you can tell whether or not you believe a true gospel a simple test is to see if you can preach that message to any people group at any time in any circumstance and it still apply and so we see that salvation by faith applies
to all people everywhere at all times no matter their circumstance by the way here's a side hint you know you're believing a Works based gospel if you live in the constant fear of losing your salvation that's a whole different message for a whole different time but but some people preach a Works based gospel some people preach a sin permitting gospel and that gospel declares you can do whatever you want live however you want and there'll be no consequences because ultimately God has paid the price that's not the gospel either some people preach what we call
a Prosperity Gospel health wealth and happiness 100% of the time try telling that to the church Martyrs they have joy even in the midst of that but to promise that everything will always go 100% the way you want it and to promise that God is like your genie meeting all your needs and desires well that's not true either this doesn't mean God doesn't bless us but that's not the gospel either the gospel is a gospel of faith and we see this in the scripture we read it in Ephesians 28-10 we see it in Romans 4:3
that Abraham believed God counted him as righteousness righteous because of that Faith he he gave to him that righteousness because of his faith he simply believed and received this gift and it is in that believing that we are transformed and it's in that transformation that we receive new desires so anyone who asks are you saying then that if it's only by faith that we can go on living however we want to live not at all because anyone who truly believes will be truly transformed and anyone who is truly transformed will resist sin and desire to
live holy so that's saving Faith number two we see the gift of faith 1 Corinthians CH 12 veres 7-9 says this but the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit with all for to one is given by the spirit the word of wisdom to another the word of knowledge by The Same Spirit to another Faith by The Same Spirit to another Gifts of healing by The Same Spirit now when you look at 1 Corinthians CH 12 especially in verse 7 it becomes pretty obvious that the spiritual gifts were not given to
us for show but for service not for status but for service so then each spiritual gift 1 Corinthians 12:7 says was given to you why that you might serve others so that means every gift listed in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 is going to benefit someone else so then when we read of the gift of faith we can't say that the gift of faith is when my faith is strengthened rather the gift of faith is others centered the gift of faith is the spirit inspired Grace to cultivate faith in others that's a powerful spiritual gift I
Believe Miss Coleman operated in that gift now people say she operated in the gift of healing I believe maybe she did but what you actually saw in her Ministry wasn't necessarily the gift of healing in operation it was the gift of faith never once did you really see her laying hands on the sick simply she would Point them to Jesus and in doing so Faith was inspired to where by the time the service was coming to an end people were being healed all over the room not having had anybody lay hands on them that's the
gift of faith in operation next we see the measure of faith and this is the one I really want to focus on tonight so I'm going to read a few more scriptures regarding this one as opposed to the other ones so saving faith is for salvation the gift of faith is for stirring number three The Measure of Faith this one is for serving Romans 12 you need to see this Romans 12 3-8 for by the grace given to me I say that everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to
think but to think with sober judgment each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned now here in verse three we see at least it very heavily implied that each believer has been given a different Measure of Faith now remember this is not saving faith we all have saving Faith this is not the gift of faith some Believers don't have the gift of faith because not all the gifts belong to all the Believers they all belong to the Holy Spirit and he gives them as he Wills but every single one of us have
been given this Measure of Faith and this Measure of Faith differs from person to person which is why the scripture says that you not think of yourself more highly than you ought to think but to think with sober judgment each implying a difference for each each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned verse four for as in one body we have many members and the members do not not all have the same function so we though many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another having gifts that differ according
watch this now having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us let us use them if prophecy in proportion to our faith if service in our serving the one who teaches in his teaching the one who exhorts in his exhortation the one who contributes in generosity the one who leads with Zeal the one who does acts of Mercy with cheerfulness so here we see that really the measure of faith is that which God has distributed to each and every believer it lends to you a deep conviction on inner knowing a holy persuasion about
God about what God has spoken and the boldness to act upon his promises this faith is for fulfilling your assignment this grace that the scripture talks about is that Measure of Faith and the measure of faith God has given to you is for the Fulfillment of your assignment this gift of faith this Measure of Faith I should say is the grace is the gift that empowers all other gifts gifts faith is that function is that spiritual force that empowers everything that you do for God this is for the fulfilling of your assignment and it can
be increased now sadly most Believers will never maximize the full potential of their faith because they're afraid and if a Believer is afraid it's because he or she has not fully realized the power of a promise from God think about what is in the power of a promise from God what's the difference between faith and foolishness I'll get calls from people sometimes say okay I sense that God is telling me to do this I sense that God is telling me to go here and I don't want to do anything foolish but I also don't want
to disobey God anybody been in this predicament do you remember what Peter told the Lord when the winds and the waves were tossing them back and forth in their boat and he saw Jesus off in the distance and Jesus comes walking the other disciples were afraid Peter recognizes him after he speaks aloud that it's him he announces himself and then what does Peter say he says if that's you call me and I'll come to you now I thought this was interesting because my mind naturally I like to analyze it from different perspectives my mind thought
what if it wasn't Jesus and he called him and he sank but you see what he was saying is if that's you then if you say I can walk on water I'll be able to do it if that's you calling for me amidst the wind and the waves if that's really you Lord in this situation if that's really you beckoning me to step out of the boat and into my trust for you then when I step out I won't sink he knew the power of his word and it was after the Lord had spoken that
suddenly that water became a pathway it was after the Lord had spoken that suddenly this liquid became a solid at least that's how we think it happened so the only difference between faith and foolishness is whether or not God has spoken and if God has spoken it's time time to step out think about how you cash your checks from your employer you're demonstrating Faith by doing that you know because you're willing to take the risk of that check bouncing and for some reason you having to pay a fee think about the scam in that oh
you got scammed there's a fee for that someone's check to you bounced we're going to have to charge you for that but that's a demonstration of faith when you cash that check think about how fast your cars go you really put a lot of faith in those tires don't you I mean think about that 65 miles an hour in many cases some of you going much faster than that in Texas the speed limit in many places is 80 yeah so I'm always in the slow lane 65 80 M an hour speeding along the way and
you just trust that at any moment those tires will not burst that's Faith you eat food at some local restaurants that's Faith you don't know what they're doing back there you don't know how they're operating you go in you take a seat you order the food you just trust that they're doing it properly even then you say well I saw the letter on the window well then you trust the government to tell you where to eat but your faith is being placed somewhere the water that you drink you trust that it's clean why because you're
putting your faith in a system you're putting your faith in people you're putting your faith in experts you're putting your faith in Engineers what does it mean to put your faith in God really A promise is only as good as the one who makes it a promise is only as reliable as the character of the one who's declared that promise and God has made promise after promise in his word and spoken to your heart directly By His Holy Spirit and time and time again we shrink back in fear not trusting in what God has said
all the while trusting in the systems that people have made how many times did Jesus become frustrated and say you of little faith when Peter sank he said you have so little faith I thought he just walked on water and he still told them you have little faith this word has such power that caused all things to come into existence this word has such power that it holds together Time and Eternity this word has such power that when it's spoken demons begin to tremble this word has such power that even when Hypocrites preach it it
has power this word has such power that Martyrs stake their lives on it this word has such power that governments could not overthrow it this word has such power that culture cannot cancel it this word has such power that doubters cannot take away from its potency this word has such power yet we often shrink back in fear instead of stepping out of our boats and onto the promises of God why do you realize it's not just something we say but nothing is impossible when you put your hope in God I think we forget this sometimes
and this is why the Holy Spirit put me on this assignment to speak this message to you I believe that the church is so full of power that if we simply realize the fullness of that power we would see such transformation that we would be astounded I believe that as a whole and individuals as well are experiencing an assault from the enemy like never before to make them frightened for their future do you feel hopeless do you feel frustrated with where you are do you wonder if things will change has it been so long now
that you're beginning to allow doubt to create been saying if it was going to happen it would have happened by now has the enemy begun to plant seeds of doubt in your heart causing you to waver on the Promises of God if so this message is for you tonight even if you've just become discouraged and weary and tired I'm here to remind you that nothing is impossible when you put your faith in God I think of the children of Israel in Exodus chapter 14 standing up the G up against the edge of the Red Sea
the armies of Egypt pursuing behind them they saw a sea God saw a pathway and in that situation when Terror filled their hearts and complaint began to be upon their mouths God simply breathed and caused that sea to split open God is still the God who makes a way where there seems to be no way I think of the children of Israel walking around the walls of Jericho and Joshua chapter 6 marching around their inheritance hoping believing in the promises of God why were they doing it what a silly thing that if you walk around
the walls they'll fall that if you shout really loud that the Fortress will crumble what a notion what a thought and they had armies but God said I want to use that army they could have used Angelic host but God says I'm not going to use Angelic hosts why because I believe God wanted to show them that it wasn't in their power but in his and as they begin to walk around the first day they're looking at the wall and nothing is happening the scripture doesn't record that the first day the wall began to crack
the scripture doesn't say that as they walked around the wall that first day that suddenly the walls began to tremble at the foundation begin to crumble no it simply says that they walked around and there was nothing in the natural that looked like it was making any impact there was nothing in the natural that would indicate to them that what they were doing was actually working what if at that moment that first day at the end of the day they're exhausted and tired from having marched they looked and they saw that nothing was happening and
they said oh just forget it how many Believers sto believing just before the miracle came so they March and it wasn't until we know on that final day when they released those shouts that the walls came crumbling down why was it that it worked it was simply by faith I think about how Abraham we read of it in Hebrews chap 11 left certainty and comfort to a place that he knew nothing of God said go not exactly telling him where and Abraham just went how many of us would pack everything up quit our jobs sell
our homes round up the kids and say okay we're driving and then they say where are we going you say I don't know God hasn't told me yet hasn't we haven't quite found that destination but we're just going to start driving in what direction I don't know maybe God will correct us as we go but he left certainty he left comfort and he stepped out onto the word of God and it was there and only there that he experienced the mirac miracle that was The Birth of a Nation and through that Nation God would show
his Covenant to humanity that's Faith stepping out into the uncertain we just read of how Peter in Matthew 14 stepped out of the boat and Into the Storm stepped out of the boat and into what he thought was instability how many times are we afraid to step out and go after Jesus because we think we will sink how many times do we believe the lives of of the enemy that tell us if you take that step everything's going to fail if you go after it it won't work if you try it it will be stopped
and we believe those lies because we're looking at the sea we're looking at the waves instead of at Jesus and he steps out of that boat say what you will about him looking at the water later but he had the boldness to step out of the boat initially I'd rather step out of the boat sink and say I tried than be someone who stood on the boat so he begins to step out and he sees I can't even imagine what that must have been like when he goes to step out and he thought that his
foot might sink but as His Eyes Are Fixed On Jesus suddenly he feels something becoming strong under him suddenly something begins to uphold him I'll tell you this right now Peter wasn't walking on the water he was walking on the word he was walking with faith on what Jesus had said when he said come he chose to trust in Jesus and what he declared I think of David in 1st Samuel 17 now I know it's popular to say we're not David Jesus is we all get that people that's in Vogue right now and it sounds
so intellectual but do you realize that we are in Christ and David is a perfect example of how the Holy Spirit empowers us to stand against Giants yes it was a story about Christ yes ultimately Christ is hidden in all of these historical writings of the Old Testament but there are still principles to be seen and King David goes up against a giant in the Name of Christ in the name of the one true God and he takes down this giant by faith who would have done such a thing stepping out into what everyone told
him was crazy he didn't listen to the naysayers sometimes we do when God commands you to do something there will always be people who tell you you're crazy there will always be people who tell you it's not going to work and I think about Noah we read of him in Hebrews he was building an ark it had never rained it was because of him that Humanity was preserved of Daniel in the Lion's Den instead of Destruction it became a turning point I think of Joseph in Genesis chapter 41 who used the wisdom of God to
translate dreams that ultimately produced prosperity in the midst of the famine these are people of Faith now these days the world World collectively is going crazy you can say amen that's okay let's just call it for what it is church they're losing their minds people are so afraid today afraid afraid afraid fear fear fear you have a media that is propagating fear the world says you have to work hard to survive in difficult times but God's word says that you can be victorious especially in difficult times do you realize that in seasons of difficulty that's
God's people's time to shine in seasons of difficulty when everyone else is losing their peace we're rooted in Christ we're rooted in faith we stand boldly in the promises of God knowing that not only does he protect he provides Promises of God are yes and amen God and his promises are trustworthy people say I'll believe it when I see it faith says you'll see it when you believe it faith is how your spirit sees faith is how your spirit knows faith is not a wish it's a substance you see fear expects the worst possible outcome
whereas Faith expects a miracle fear freezes Faith moves fear looks to survive Faith seizes opportunities you know in this season everyone's talking about Calamity and to some degree I think that the intensification has nothing to do with the actual intensification of events but rather the intensification of our focus on them think about the Advent of social media and how now you can just consume information at a rate you never could before so everything that happens the fear is Multiplied and that fear is infectious fear is the real virus people of God fear and the media
announces things the collapse of the economy the rise of inflation the decline of currency people become worried why is your faith in that system my faith is not in the United States economy my faith is not in the world economy my faith is in the word of [Applause] God fear asks what if Faith boldly declares even if and it's in the midst of those struggles when everyone else is losing their composure we as the people of God learn to not limit him do you realize that believing God is the equivalent of stepping into his ability
how do you put on God's ability you surrender how do you find yourself in God's strength it's by your weakness faith is the means by which we reach into the Heavenly and affect the Earthly and I think it's time we break out of this we are so limited in our thinking and if you're limited in your thinking you'll be limited in your prayers if you're praying according to your ability you're not praying you're wishing and worrying it's only when you begin to pray in God's ability that you begin to see the fullness of his power
unfold in your life I'm so tired of praying little prayers I'm so tired of the fear do you realize that there will always be something to be afraid of that's a fact think back far enough they were telling you it was terrorism and then it was the virus now they can't play that anymore on us so what are they reaching for economic fear now I'm not making a political statement who's to say what's exaggerated who's to say what's real there's truths and lies all mixed in there my point is no matter what is happening we
know what the word says if God promised it it's going to come to pass if God promised it it's going to come to pass it's time that we step into that supernal faith when you come to the edge of what you know to the finish of your understanding you can't see any further there's nothing else there that's visible to you you're looking at it and you can't see a way through maybe a promise that God made to you a that God made to you he gave to you and you think there's no possible way this
could work I don't see how it's going to come to pass it's when you come to the edge of that place everything you've known to do all that you can attempt in your own power believed believed believed prayed prayed prayed enemy assaulting you with lies frustrated in your present fearful for the future there's only one way to go that is to take the step of faith faith is that step into the unknown because though the circumstances may be uncertain his promises are sure though the systems of our world might be unstable God's character is consistent
I don't know about you but I'm done with fear I refuse to allow it to infect any part of my mind my home I shut the conversations down not that I'm denying reality but sometimes people have conversation that are informational and other times they have conversations that are hysterical they come to you did you hear did you hear did you hear now if you're informing me okay we need to be aware of certain things stop spreading it around like that virus stop spreading fear stop consuming it look to the word more than you look to
the news there's always going to be a bad report the sky will always be falling in their book because it means this money look to the scriptures not to your social media feeds what does God say this season though it doesn't look like it is the season a fulfilled promise hear me now people of God those of you watching online here in this place hear me now this season is the season of fulfilled promises there are opportunities to be seized and the enemy would love nothing more and to get God's people to shrink back in
fear I'll say this as a testimony and please hear my heart don't don't hear someone bragging because I I have nothing to brag about I'm testifying of what God has done with his ministry do you know that our ministry has not only not been affected by any of the things that have happened since late 2019 all the way to now not only has it not been negatively impacted this ministry has grown exponentially even when the world says it should have been [Applause] shrinking you know what people want they want Faith people want hope I look
I I understand warning and preparing and all of that and using wisdom I I'm right there with you so don't hear what I'm not saying but I am so sick of the Doom and Gloom perspective perspective it's not God's perspective do you think God ever looks at anything from the perspective of defeat he looks with victory that victory is yours people of God what God promised you will come to pass lift your hands and say it say it will come to pass that's the fact church that you there's no getting around it if God promised
it it will come to pass you just have to have the faith to seize it if God's word declared it culture can't cancel it if God's word declared it your enemies cannot delay it if God's word declared it big Tech can't censor it no one can stop what's coming for you we're talking about the word that framed the heavens and the Earth we're talking about the word that caused galaxies to fly into existence we're talking about the word that holds together the molecular structure of time and space we're talking about the word that still echo
Echoes throughout the cosmos declaring the goodness of God that certain for sure undeniable Unstoppable word who can stop God no one and when you step into Faith you step into his ability it's his his not mine it's his how many of you right now you're sensing that stirring that inspiration from the Holy Spirit just raise your hand if that's you that's the Holy Spirit I can't do that that's his work so stop believing the lies of the enemy stop looking at the news and going oh my goodness well I guess I'll prepare for the worst
use wisdom prepare sure but then go see some opportunities look for the opportunities and have the faith to seize them now is the time lift your hands pray in the Holy Ghost come on out loud boldly boldly boldly boldly some of you as you prayed loudly and boldly you're going to break off that mindset of fear come on time to get bold time to get bold break off that mindset of fear you watching online write in the comment section I'm done with fear write it in the comment section Lord we trust in your promises father
We Trust in your word Lord we give you the glory and the honor we give you the glory and the honor Jesus now pray this loudly and boldly hands lifted say in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I resist the devil I resist the devil I reject fear I reject fear I choose IO come on say it boldly I choose I choose to believe to believe God God and his word and his word I choose I choose faith faith I see I speak with eyes of Faith with eyes of faith I speak
I speak with words of Faith with words of faith in the name of Jesus name Jesus now what I want you to do you're going to do some spiritual warfare right now I want you to stand to your feet all across this room and I want you to begin to pray against the attacks of the enemy I want you to begin to pray that the Lord himself would begin to strengthen you it's time to break off that fear lift your hands begin praying now now now go you online do the same thing do the same
there's something stirring right here right now right here right now Jesus we honor [Music] you we choose faith faith faith Fai faith in the matchless name of Jesus faith faith faith Jesus we honor [Music] you and the things of Earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace everything please Turn Your Eyes Upon J Turn Your Eyes Upon Jes lift your hands and focus on him his Jes you are the center of focus and the things of Earth and the things of Earth will grow strange T in the of his glory
and praise one more time declare it in this house tonight Turn Your Eyes of [Music] Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things h will grow strangely dear in the light of his glory and you're not going down you're going up you're not going down you're going up the promises of God are yes and amen the promises of God are yes and amen thank you Lord that your word is [Music] true fear has lost its power fear has lost its power the presence of Jesus is here please be seated reverently I'm going to
minister to the sick in just a moment as well as those who need to be set free from bondage the unbeliever from demonic influence and the form of possession and then the believer in the form of strongholds let me make this very clear before I take this offering your healing is not tied to your giving I have to say this because I think that we who are in The Healing Ministry have a responsibility because you know in certain instances I would say certain decades I should say of the church the church's history this is not
to slight anyone look every generation makes their mistakes and I think that in some sense and I I say this with all honor and respect to those who've gone before us because thank God for their lives but I think there have been some unhealthy emphasis some unhealthy emphasis placed on on on on this idea of sewing for a healing that's just not in the Bible nor is is there anything in Scripture that indicates you have to sow to be delivered or set free you know even if if all you have is a penny to your
name Jesus will heal you and deliver you and you can keep the penny too so as I take this offering please don't be under the wrong impression people don't give to be healed people don't give to be delivered we give because we believe in the work of the ministry we want to see it advance and expand and and and we love the gospel we love Jesus that's it but you don't give for a healing Miracle now the Bible clearly lays out for us principles of wisdom and stewardship and it's an absolute fact that the Bible
teaches that generosity is rewarded by God with an increase in resources now this is not to to try to um in any way play on the greed of human nature but that's just a fact and we must keep even that in its proper perspective for the scripture declares that we're not given these things to consume it upon our own lust we're given it to help others so there are certain things that are true and slightly true and then there are things that are untrue and it's important to keep it all in proper perspective so as
I take this offering tonight just ple please be relieved of that pressure be relieved of that of that pressure to give for a healing that's just not in the Bible so you're believing for your Miracle I'll pray for you for free okay there's no there's no need but but we're going to talk about giving and where its place actually is and as Ishmael stays with me let's go to Matthew chapter 6 I'm going to show you something and I read something in this portion of scripture just a few weeks ago that really astonished me because
I hadn't seen it before and that's not because it wasn't there it's just one of those things you know you read it again and again and then sometimes things just stand out to you I want to go to Matthew chapter 6 please turn there we as Believers have a responsibility to give that is something that every believer should do is give to the gospel financially because that is a test of the heart Jesus said where your treasure is there where your heartbe also and sometimes I am aware that that some people struggle with that I
know I did there was a season in my life where I tried to justify with my excuses so I'm right there with you I I know what that's like to be suspicious and to kind of cling to things but I'm going to challenge you tonight to allow the Holy Spirit to soften your heart for the sake of his kingdom to understand that when we talk about money it's partially spiritual that there's nothing inherently evil about money in fact I believe that biblical Prosperity is when your needs are met and you have enough left over to
take care of every everybody else around you that's biblical prosperity and I do believe God wants to prosper his people now people ask me David do you believe the Prosperity Gospel I say I certainly don't believe the poverty [Music] gospel if Prosperity is so wicked tell me why Heaven is so full of it why are there streets of gold why was Abraham blessed why was well you say New Testament well Joseph of ARA was counted as a disciple of Christ and he was a very wealthy man again all things in their proper place so so
so there's three types of givers one there are most of you this is 99% of you you're going to give no matter what I say just we could just pass the buckets it's in then there's those who are kind of on the fence they're a little worried about some of the things maybe they've heard in the news and they're they're tightening things up and they don't want to release and they just need a little bit of encouragement and then there's the believer who just you know they're the ones who comment online sermon was great until
you talked about money but I understand even that because even in that all joking aside even there there's probably some hurt there and some growth that needs to take place and we have Grace for all of that amen now go to Matthew chapter 6 I want to show you something Matthew 6 read verses 19- 21 and then we're going to skip down to verse 24 this is important those of you watching online I want you to stay with me we're going to be ministering to the sick in just a moment but stay with me this
is important too this is another form of worship don't store up Treasures here on Earth or moths eat them and rust destroys them and where thieves break in and steal store your Treasures in Heaven where moths and rust cannot destroy and thieves do not break in and steal wherever your treasure is there the desires of your heart will be also how do you store up Treasures in Heaven well the scripture tells us in Timothy when Paul writes Timothy just after he says the love of money is the root of all evil the love of money
he says Tell those who are rich to store up spiritual treasure for themselves by using their riches for good which is the advancement of the Kingdom now watch this this is verse 24 this is so key no one can serve two masters for you will hate one and love the other you will be devoted to one and despise the other you cannot serve God and be enslaved save to money that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life whether you have enough food and drink or clothes to wear isn't life more than
food and your body more than clothing look at the birds they don't plant or harvest or store food in barns for the your heavenly father feeds them and aren't you far more valuable to him than they are can all your worries add a single moment to your life why why worry about your clothing look at the lies of the field and how they grow they don't work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are and if God cares so wonderfully for wild flowers that are here
today and thrown in the fire tomorrow he will certainly care for you and then Jesus asked something that I think some of us would have found offensive if we were there he says why do you have so little faith I wouldn't even know how to answer that I said I don't know Lord please tell me why do I have so little faith so don't worry about these things saying what will we eat what will we drink what will we wear these things listen to this dominate the thoughts of the unbelievers but your heavenly father already
knows all your needs seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously he will give you everything you need now here's what's interesting in verse 24 Jesus says no one can serve two masters and we all emphatically say Amen to that amen you can't serve two masters amen you can't serve God and Mamon yet sometimes I think that we're not so honest with ourselves I know I'm not always honest with myself that's why I need the Holy Spirit to sometimes rebuke me he's he's very loving but he does rebuke that sometimes doesn't he
and here the Bible says no one can serve two masters you hate one love the other you'll be devoted to one despise the other we've all known this you cannot serve God and be enslaved to money we've read this before but watch this I read something in verse 25 and it stunned me he says that is why I tell you that is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life and then it dawned on on me that worry is the worship of Mammon whenever you stress over the bills and I got deeply convicted
I know this doesn't sound kind but but really start to think about it it'll make sense when you worry over your finances you're holding a worship service for Mammon I was so convinced when I read that I'm telling you I said oh Lord forgive me forgive me forgive me cuz I thought you know yeah I have faith in God but also worry sometimes he says no I told you not to worry period And if you worry this what he told me if you worry you're lacking Faith oh I was so convicted and you know when
I first got married I promise you Jess didn't marry me for money she married married an evangelist who sometimes was preaching and sometimes wasn't abl and I of course I worked at the time when we first were married I I worked odd jobs I would ghost write books I used to be a ghost writer so there are some Christian books you've read that I'm not legally allowed to tell you that I actually wrote ghost riter not like it's a ghost riter you know like like ghost writing I called myself a Holy Ghost Writer meaning I
would sit with them I would take interview them and then I would take their messages and put it on the page for them and there's books you've like I said there's books you've probably read that I wrote and the contract says it's theirs I gave it to them that's what it means to be so I would do that and then I would you know there was just all these different Avenues of finances that I had to use and so my my income was so inconsistent up and down and up and down and some months it
was Feast other months it was famine and you had to take from the good months to cover the okay months and then the okay months to cover the bad months and my wife supported me through it all because she knew we were building something and now thank God there's lots of stability and and and God has blessed us financially and I don't say that again in a point of bracking I'm saying that as a testimony I'm standing here as a testimony but I'll tell you why today Jess and I do not worry about money it's
the last thing I think about I don't have to think about it it's it's out of the way now and I can just focus on what I need to do and I recall a time people of God I recall a Time time when I would have to sit down with my Jessica go over the finances and we would have to decide what bills to pay when because we would always tithe first and give our offering you say well tithing is Old Testament no no no tithing predates the law tithing is not a matter of law
it's a matter of honor and even if you don't believe in tithing take the New Testament then they sold their houses so so so we we would sit down and we'd pray and and and and every month I don't know how I don't know how every month there was always enough and then enough to bless others too we never stopped doing that and I'm standing here to tell you that as a testimony I can declare that God takes care of those whom he loves his provision is for all believers giver and non-g Giver please hear
me his provision is for all believers giver and non-g giver but his Prosperity is for those who Steward well what they've been given there's a difference there Jesus said the lies don't toil they don't work for it they just get it you as a child of God you will always be provided for and here's what I realized about the people of God here's what I realized about you and you watching the people of God I don't care what the world says you are the most generous most kindhearted jesus-loving Soul loving people I'm not saying that
to flatter you this is what I've learned the church is the most generous group in the world period and here's the reality if if one of you won the lotto I promise you we'd be getting a call and our studio project would be 100% funded by the you shouldn't be playing the lotto but if you did I don't know theologically do you tithe off of something you're not supposed to be doing I don't know that's a fact if some if somebody here came into big money I already know we would have it taken care of
because you're generous like that but I find that we often start to struggle with our generosity not because we don't believe the gospel not because we don't want to win souls not because we don't believe in the ministry I mean I'm telling you there there are kingdom funders here there' be dozens of Ministries that would be blessed for you to come into wealth and you know that you pray that God bless me and all here's where we struggle is when we start to believe that lie of the enemy that grips our heart and fear and
we start to believe that if I give them this I won't have enough if I do what the holy spirit says to do I'm going to experience lack and I came here tonight to speak against that lie of the enemy you don't give to be blessed you give because you know you're already blessed and once you are free from the fear that God won't take care of you once you come to truly trust and believe no matter what he is going to take care of me I don't care what the economist say I don't care
what the news says I don't care what your neighbors are saying I don't care what your conspiracy theory friend says about the collapse of society this is going to happen God is going to take care of you he's going to take care of you and so once you know that once you're convinced of that that frees you to do what the Holy Spirit tells you to do now I'm going to ask the ushers to come they're going to come with envelopes all the way to the front you watching online too I'm asking you to give
too you online we heavily rely upon the online viewer and I'm just going to say this did you know that if it wasn't for the online Giver we couldn't do these events because the cost is great to do these I'm going to ask them to take a stack and pass it down everyone together is what helps to fund these these events now I'm asking you to give by envelope the faster way David Hernandez ministries.com donate give a one-time gift you can also become a monthly supporter now for those of you are who are here in
this room room those of you here in this room right now if you become a monthly partner you'll be hearing from us those of you actually watching online too you can use that same link you you sign up for a monthly gift um you're going to get an email that welcomes you you get to be a part of the zoom calls and so forth and you'll get other emails that kind of tell about some of the partnership benefits but we give because we love Jesus and and I'm telling you your support matters right now we
have so many things going on we have events that we want to do around the world we have um the the studio project which is almost funded guys we are almost fully funded for that studio project we just need the people of God to hear from the Holy Spirit and do something lavish for the Lord that's what it takes everybody doing what the holy spirit says whatever he speaks you give it and trust that he's going to make up for it those of you filling out the envelope make sure that you put your name address
um and phone number so that we can put you in a contact system so you can see where your support is going as well as receive your tax receipts at the end of the year those you online um just what you do digitally is enough um that's enough information for us through the email and so forth it's all on the form just fill out the form and we'll have all the information we need if you're writing a check make it payable to David Hernandez Ministries and I'm really asking many of you here tonight as you
give to please also keep in mind the Studio we have just about I want to say just about a month to finish up that funding now there are places we can pull those resources from but I would rather not because if we pull those resources from other places we may have to not do some events we may have to wait a while before we can do an event several months and this is something that we just don't want to do because I believe in stewarding everything properly and and making sure that everything is done decently
in order we ought to take care of of God's resources but I'm asking you if if you've been praying about it now is the time to begin to give because that project needs to be funded within the next month most of it has come in we're just waiting for that last final percentage to come in so that we can finish that up and be on our way and it'll be a new season of expansion keep that in mind keep in mind the live streams the media the content that we do all around the world and
as you're filling that out I'm going to pray for you you're in this place place I want to truly believe that God is going to give you breakthrough in your finances now I know that sometimes we kind of go through the motions and just pray we are not just praying we are asking God to increase your resources not for you to consume it but for you to fund the kingdom your home Church the projects you see around the world with orphanages and feeding projects that's why God increases us how many want that he'll meet your
need and then enough left over to bless others lift your hands let's believe for it father in the name of Jesus you are so good Lord you are so good and father we ask you to begin to open the windows of heaven and I pray father that you begin to pour out blessings upon your people I come against the attacks of the enemy on their finances I come against the attack attacks of the enemy against their businesses I come against the attacks of the enemy against their minds and I pray Lord perfect peace and I
ask you Lord to increase their resources according to your word Lord knowing that as we're good stewards you bring increase and I pray Lord you would make them people who fund the kingdom in the mighty name of Jesus we pray
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