FREE 1.5 Hour Copywriting Masterclass | Client Outreach

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right welcome in this video I'm going to give you a complete and utter master class in Outreach specified to allow you to get as many as many copyrighting clients as possible in as quick a Time possible and not just [ __ ] clients but clients that pay you thousands and thousands of dollars every single month okay this is going to be a super long video because the last one did well and people liked it so I'm doing another [ __ ] free masterclass it's going to be at least an hour long and it's going to
piss every single person off that sells this information cuz I'm just going to give away every secret tip trick [ __ ] nendo in the book for free okay so I'm telling you now stay around for the next couple of hours cuz this is going to be killer okay one Red Bull it's almost finished I'm going [ __ ] get another one in a minute but nonetheless it's going to be good right [Music] editor now the goal in this master class is to do a few things okay now this is going to be Outreach based
only it's not about learning copy or getting [ __ ] sales calls I've made videos about that this is going to be specifically about Outreach I get a lot of [ __ ] questions about Outreach Outreach how do I get more clients what do I do what do I say how do I retain them how do I get paid more Tom teach me teach me Tom you don't make a video about [ __ ] Outreach shut the [ __ ] up okay this is going to be the only Outreach video you need at least for
the next year okay not to mention the stuff inside here isn't anywhere else I haven't learned this from someone I figured this out on my own okay this is through my own trial and error you are not going to find this anywhere else in the internet which is why I can confidently say it's going to be one of the best [ __ ] videos you watch when it comes to learning Outreach the clients you're going to get and the speed you're going to get them from watching this is going to be unparalleled okay cuz I
have got a I have got a method and an Outreach script and a way of getting clients which genuinely has made me I mean you'll find out but like just an astronomical amount of money okay in the time it usually takes people bro I've cracked the code okay so [ __ ] pay attention right the goal in this master class is to do a few things one is to teach you what Outreach is cuz some of you are new to this game that's all right I'm going to [ __ ] teach you from head to
toe what what Outreach is and why you need it and why it's important secondly why most methods in this industry are bad there's a lot of malaky on the internet there's a lot of [ __ ] online there's a lot of outdated stuff as well you know there's no there's no point [ __ ] trying to do something that's outdated because it's not going to work nowadays people they're tuned to your [ __ ] Outreach so you need the new stuff which is why I'm going to tell you why most most of the methods are
bad and I'm also going to teach you the methods which are good I'm going to teach you how to find clients okay so I'm not only going to teach you the [ __ ] best ways to get in touch with them I'm going to tell you to find them I've got numerous methods for that I'm going to tell you the script to [ __ ] send to these clients word for word you can copy it I'm going to teach you how to retain those clients so they [ __ ] like you and then I'm going
to teach you how to get clients from those clients which is in the position I'm in So eventually by the end of this you're going to Lear know how to get clients and then get those clients to get you more clients so you have a [ __ ] Harem of clients and they just [ __ ] come in endlessly like a brole NeverEnding business of just clients okay and I'm going to reveal the single best Outreach method in the universe I'm coining it don't give a [ __ ] you can take me to [ __
] Court don't give a [ __ ] the things I'm about to teach in this free Master Class are like the the knowledge needed to walk on [ __ ] water okay shit's cracked all right the people I've Tau this to within 3 months are making 6 7 8 n Grand 15 years old okay so I'm telling you it's [ __ ] proof age proof efficient and effective and you can use it within the next day and hopefully get a client [ __ ] within 24 hours okay it's cracked right now before we get going
a few things things first and foremost I want to make you very aware of who I am I know some of you have seen me some of you haven't so let me just give you a [ __ ] credential breakdown I signed my first ever client on the 5th of February 2023 which is about 15 14 months ago you'll see it on the screen here here it is b b bang sent a Twitter DM to a dude got my first ever climent £27 which if you've never done this before may seem like a lot of
money it isn't okay I know slave labor child Cobalt mine [ __ ] is making more than that okay this was pathetic but this was my first climent I got paid 207 British pound which at the time if the conversion is right was $250 over the moon working a shitload I've made a video on that worst CL I ever had but that's how it started okay so a year ago is when I began so all the knowledge I'm about to give you and all the credentials I'm about to show you and all the [ __
] information I'm about to reveal to you has occurred in the span of a year so I'm not chatting [ __ ] when I say that you can do this quickly okay it's not going to take half a decade okay it's not going to take [ __ ] e on you can do this within a year right so my first client £27 and then after I signed my first client a few months later I got more clients and eventually things got better so I went from £27 a month and then this client paid me 3,000
I think it was 3,000 3,500 which was about £ 3,130 and then it got better from there and I made 16 Grand a month I was having three or four or five clients then and then it got better in February I made 24 Grand doing this and then in April last month [ __ ] kill a month okay he made 50 Grand okay now that was with six clients and one of them was on on a revenue share and he just had a [ __ ] insane month cuz we killed it and so I made
an absolute [ __ ] ton which is why I now have a new quote which is yearly incomes monthly because I'm telling you now okay it's [ __ ] crazy and that's the progression you're going to be able to see okay and the reason I was able to do this wasn't because I was necessarily getting the highest paying clients or [ __ ] the best copywriter none of that I mean I'm good but I'm not the best it's because I was able to get clients at such a rate that I could just stack up a
shitload all at the same time and I could also reach out to the higher paying clients okay I'm going to teach you a method which allows you to reach out to some of the most influential people in the world and the largest corporations in the world because this [ __ ] [ __ ] works okay clients will pay you at least four grand at least a month okay and if you stack them up and you work quickly you can just [ __ ] I mean the amount of money you're going to make is going to
be crazy okay so that's just to show you what you can do with this all right it's not that [ __ ] crazy now obviously that allows you to do things money more money more opportunities more fun I had a good life I'm blurring these women's faces out for their own privacy but like you can just have a good life okay so you make more money you can go do [ __ ] Life's good chicks want to [ __ ] you whatever whatever so pay attention because if you listen to me this will be you
all right now for the sake of my your your loved ones your ancestors [ __ ] sake pay attention focus get a [ __ ] notepad cuz I'm only going to be saying this once go over this video a couple of times if you need to some of you won't that's okay you can you can skip through it like a [ __ ] that's fine you're going to [ __ ] miss loads of [ __ ] for those of you that are actually attentive get a [ __ ] notepad write everything I say down I'm
not going to [ __ ] put everything on the screen you're going to have to actually listen to me cuz I'm going to say things that aren't on the [ __ ] presentation write [ __ ] down okay cuz if you don't write it down you're not going to listen to me okay and you're going to forget [ __ ] that's a conspiracy I have but I [ __ ] I genuinely believe it right so notepad Okay pen No pencils [ __ ] that [ __ ] get a [ __ ] pen okay now first
things first what is Outreach now oh my balls oh [ __ ] hell you don't you sit down wrong [ __ ] Anyway by the way that's not fart someone said that in the comments oh you're farting bro it's the [ __ ] chair shut the [ __ ] up okay what is Outreach okay so Outreach in the simplest form is reaching out to other people and pitching them a service okay so if you're [ __ ] I don't know knocking on doors and you're a [ __ ] painter you go knock on doors and
Pitch people your service hi I saw your house the paintwork is [ __ ] I'm a painter I want to try and paint in your house will you pay me okay that's as simple as it gets in copywriting which I'm going to teach you Outreach is basically sending messages to people saying to them that Hey listen I'm a copywriter I'm going to right copy for you to help you make more money will you pay me blah blah blah blah blah okay so that's the basic premise of it a lot of people get that confused I
don't know why it's like [ __ ] so [ __ ] simple but whatever it's just reaching out to people and offering them a service okay now typically it's to strangers because you don't know many people let's be honest how many people do you know that have businesses that you can actually get paid from basically none so typically it's strangers okay now that's completely normal that's not weird okay I know you think it's weird talking to people that you don't know in business that is literally 101 okay reaching out to people giving them an offer
seeing if they want it repeating the cycle 100 times until one of them wants it bang they'll pay you okay that's very normal okay so that's what Outreach is it's just hi I can do this do you want it no hi I can do this do you want it no hi I can do this do you want it yes bang get paid okay now why is this important if you're starting I know some of you aren't but some of you're are new to the game so if you're starting Outreach is going to be the most
important thing okay there's a few ways you can get clients you can get it through referrals you can get it through word of mouth and you can get inbound leads like I do but that takes a [ __ ] while okay so you are going to be getting clients specifically and mainly through Outreach okay that's the way to go that's how I started that's how everyone [ __ ] starts you're a nobody to begin with and the only way you're going to get some credentials get some portfolio and get some clients under your [ __
] belt is if you go around sending loads of Outreach okay it took me a year to get to this point now I'm at the point where clients just hit me up and I say yes or no depending if I want to okay they're just like oh can you work for me no I've got too many things to do especially if you're a woman oh can you Rite for my [ __ ] makeup business No [ __ ] I'm not [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] right So eventually you can get
to the point where you'll get inbound leads but it starts by doing a shitload of [ __ ] Outreach getting loads of clients and then getting those clients to give you clients okay but it's important you know that if you're going to start doing this and you're going to get really good in the beginning you start doing cold Outreach okay when you reach out to people you do the work okay you go to them and then eventually when you're good they'll come to you okay now this is the typical progression a lot of people [
__ ] this up now this is the key when it comes to outreach okay I'm I'm going to get to the point as quickly as I can here there's no fluff right Outreach is a progressive system okay like anything it's all progression okay you start somewhere to try and get somewhere else and in between the place you are and the place you want to go you need to get through certain steps right that's the exact same thing as Outreach when you're trying to get clients it's not just go from A to B okay you need
to get from a to P so you need to go a b c d e f g h i j k l m o p okay now the way it works with Outreach and getting clients as a copywriter is as follows you Outreach to a prospect and a prospect is essentially someone that isn't a client but could potentially be a client so client is someone that pays you Prospect is someone that might become a client okay so you Outreach to a prospect you Prospect might become a lead the lead becomes a client the client then
pays you for the work you do for them and then the client if you do as I say will get you more clients okay it's all about progression you don't just [ __ ] pitch someone and they start paying you okay you need to go through this process it's like if you're dating a girl she goes from a stranger you go on a date she she goes from a fling you meet her a few times she goes to a situationship you [ __ ] her a little bit and then she goes to the wood are
we whatever that means and then eventually you make a decision if she's the best one on the table you go okay bang you're my girlfriend you're exclusive and then you get married and then she's the mother of your kids okay it's all progression okay you start somewhere and you progressively get more intent you progressively get more investment out of them okay it's not just Outreach and bang you get a client okay you need to turn them into things you need to transform them one at a time okay from Prospect to lead to to client to
client that pays you to client that gets you to get paid from other clients okay it's a skill the skill in itself isn't getting the clients it's getting the clients to give you clients that's the real game okay so that's what I'm going to teach you but that's how it works okay so write that down oh I Outreach to prospects the prospect becomes a lead the lead becomes a client and then the client will pay me when you're outreaching you're not outreaching to clients you're outreaching to potential clients which are called prospects okay and your
goal is to turn that Prospect into a lead and that lead into a client cuz then the client will pay you okay the prospect won't pay you the prospect will tell you to [ __ ] off and your goal is to tell them to not tell you to [ __ ] off and to tell you hey I want to pay you okay so that's the progression all right now I'm going to need new one of those you're going to be doing cold Outreach so I spoke about how Outreach is essentially reaching out to someone simple
as that cold Outreach is reaching out to someone you don't know right so if I reach out to my uncle who runs a business technically I'm outreaching to him but I know him right so he's warm Outreach if I'm reaching out to I can't say that that's so that's that's awful if I'm reaching out to someone I don't know that's cold Outreach okay so warm Outreach is someone you know cold Outreach is someone you don't know right simple as that and again like I said not weird my DMs are full of [ __ ] Outreach
okay business owners' DMS are full of [ __ ] Outreach influencers DMS are full of [ __ ] Outreach okay you do Outreach every day you don't even realize it those girls you [ __ ] hit up on DM oh my God you're so cute you react to her story that's technically an Outreach okay she's never going to respond to you but technically you're outreaching okay you're trying to get her attention you're trying to get something out of her you [ __ ] perverts you're trying to get something out of her okay you're outreaching you're
reaching out for the titties but you're not going to get them right you're reaching out for the money you're reaching out to get the [ __ ] client to pay you okay you're reaching out cold cuz you're not sure if they're going to like it or not usually if it's a warm client okay yeah let's see what we can do but if it's a cold [ __ ] cold lead you don't know okay but you're still outreaching so that's a cold Outreach and that's what you're going to be doing okay that's how I started that's
how everyone [ __ ] starts don't think you can just jump to warm Outreach or jump to getting inbound leads you have to do cold Outreach okay now before I tell you the ways to get clients I'm going to sit here and expel all the ways to not get clients cuz there's a few and I guarantee in fact I'm borderline [ __ ] positive all of you have tried at least one and that's that's okay because I've tried them too okay there's some [ __ ] ways and there's some good ways if I don't tell
you the bad ways you might do them by accident okay it's better the path you know than the path you don't know CU if you don't know the path you might end up in the wrong place anyway okay so let me tell you the ways to not [ __ ] Outreach and the ways to not get clients cuz I said again there's lot of [ __ ] online okay there's ways to do this okay so I want to tell you what not to [ __ ] do so you don't accidentally do it by you know
misinformation right so the first way to not get clients is Fiverr or upwork now these websites I haven't been on them for a very very long time but basically what they are is they are places that Freelancers basically what you and me do free fre Lancers go to try and get clients and the reason they go to these websites is cuz these websites are specifically designed to give you money right so it's just people that need the the the job it's kind of like hotlines you know like you go on a hotline specifically for a
girl to talk dirty in your ear while you wank okay you go to this website because you know that people need your service right and so you you go on this website it'll have load of listings hi I need a copywriter for my website hi I need a copywriter to write my emails hi I need a copyrighted to do this blah blah blah blah blah and you're like oh my God this is brilliant holy [ __ ] there's so many opportunities there's so many people that want to work with me there's so many [ __
] you know places that I can get paid it isn't that simple okay and the reason isn't that simple because a most of them are [ __ ] B they're basically all low pay I think the highest you're going to get paid on one of these websites is like maybe a grand and that's not even a month that's like a grand for one job dollars not even pounds [ __ ] pathetic money three or C most importantly you are fighting third worlders okay I've ranted about third worlds all [ __ ] day sometimes but let
me just go into it again these websites are not nationalistic okay it's not just Americans and people from the UK it's people from [ __ ] Morocco and Libya okay they hop on these websites they make killer accounts [ __ ] absolute I got to give it to them [ __ ] smooth accounts they'll have some fake profile picture of a white dude okay even though they're like darker than the night and they'll make these profiles and they'll start outreaching to people and they'll start bidding for jobs the same as you but the difference is
because they live in the third world they can get paid a third the price and happily live so what you're doing is you're competing for the same jobs as these people but when the guy says oh okay brilliant it's $250 I'll pay you but this guy from you know Kazakhstan this guy from [ __ ] Nigeria this guy from [ __ ] [ __ ] knows where will do it for 100 so can you beat that offer and because you live in the western world and a loaf of bread cost [ __ ] £15 you
have to say no okay so no that's bollocks I have standards I need to eat I can't be living off this amount of money [ __ ] off and they'll just give it to [ __ ] I don't know auni or whatever the [ __ ] right so you're just not going to win right so you're F you're fighting third worlders okay all Al the clients are usually Pricks okay they have this big ego because they have all the leverage right if you're going to them they can decide if they pick you it's like going
to any job going to interviews I've never had an interview job before but it's m you're going to an interview and they're saying right tell me why you're good and why I should pick you and you need to perform like a dancing monkey and say oh it's I'm good because of this and you should pick me for this reason blah blah blah blah blah and then they go okay brilliant [ __ ] off I'll talk to you in a minute see if you're good the next guy comes in dances like a monkey [ __ ]
off dances like a monkey [ __ ] off Dances Like a monkey they have all the leverage right and they go okay this monkey dances the best but this monkey dances half as well and he's willing to get paid less so I'll I'll pick this monkey cuz he's the best for both worlds [ __ ] those other monkeys you can get [ __ ] okay and you've wasted all your time cuz they have all the leverage okay not to mention it's pay to win okay these websites may seem like a really great time but even
for the third worlders they're kind of a pain in in the ass and that's cuz if you want to reach out to people that are listing jobs hey write my website to even message them in the first place you need to pay for like tokens to [ __ ] reach out to them so if you're broke and you're trying to make money which some of you are that's fine you think yeah let me go to a place where there's loads of jobs but if you have no money you can't pitch to the people that are
listing the jobs to write for them so if a dude has loads of money he can get unlimited [ __ ] tokens and Pitch to all the jobs and you only have like 10 tokens that's like four jobs you can pitch to four chances to get a job for low pay against a third worlder and a dude that probably has a th000 tokens and can just out bid a lot of the time a lot of the time this is how it works on these [ __ ] websites you can have the slickest profile be the
most qualified speak the best have the best pitch but if some dude gives more tokens say he gives 15 and you only give seven the client will see that and think okay well this guy's giving me more tokens and I'm pretty sure they get renumerated from those tokens they'll say okay I'll give it I'll give this job and it'll bump you higher up the website it's completely [ __ ] corrupt okay it's pay to win the websites are [ __ ] okay I know some people online will say yeah but if you have the right
profile and and you strategically do this and and you you you watch loads of ads to get loads of tokens you can do it uh uh uh you can you can you can do it right I'm telling you now from firstand experience I make more than those [ __ ] [ __ ] I've never ever got a client from this [ __ ] [ __ ] ever I've tried it okay I made a slick website I've made a slick slick bio got a couple of people interested and then they were like oh yeah no sorry
[ __ ] you know some dude decided to just get paid less I was like well [ __ ] okay oh but have fun like yeah yeah good luck [ __ ] off like you can't compete okay these websites are [ __ ] never use them okay secondly on top of five an upwork is LinkedIn why the [ __ ] is this cell tape on the ceiling anyway LinkedIn now again I have very adverse opinions on LinkedIn and that isn't necessarily because it's a bad website it's because it's a [ __ ] awful website okay
let me break it down to you this is how LinkedIn Works firstly it is genuinely a [ __ ] circle jerk and by that I mean it is the most fake website on the planet if you have LinkedIn you'll know this already but let me try and describe what LinkedIn is LinkedIn is this place that aspiring professionals go to big up other aspiring professionals while at the back of their mind wanting each and every aspiring professional to [ __ ] never make anything of themselves okay so what what happens is you'll make a LinkedIn account
make your professional whatever whatever start commenting because that's what they say on the YouTube video Start commenting on people's posts hi great post hi we should connect hi do you live in London hi we should do we should meet for coffee uh uh uh and all people are doing you'll get messages like this I get them all the [ __ ] time I just tell people to [ __ ] [ __ ] off but you get them all the time and what they're doing is they are just trying to build their connections okay build their
Network and that isn't because they care about you it's because that you might know someone or know something that can benefit their life and so what they'll do is they'll go onto your profile or go onto one of your posts leave some aspirational verbal [ __ ] like oh my God Tom that's the best thing ever wow you're so clever we should connect in the hope that I message them back and then can potentially give them something which boosts their career it's [ __ ] everyone on there is either a snake a wanker or a
circle jerk freak they're all in it for themselves and they all have this masquerade over their faces they come across as these really nice people that want to give you everything and give you opportunities when realistically all they're doing it's just begging for opportunities and they're out for themselves okay so LinkedIn from that perspective alone is Bor it's like Twitter but [ __ ] for divorced moms okay it's [ __ ] it's awful never ever go on LinkedIn okay it's [ __ ] [ __ ] okay secondly the people and the jobs on LinkedIn for
the most part are going to be fulltime and full paying jobs so I'm a freelancer and what that means is I work on a contract basis so you don't actually like logistically employ me you just write a I don't even need a contract contract I just [ __ ] speak on camera yeah pay me this and I'll work you basically just speak on on you know on your on your word and say that you're work for them and they'll pay you okay but the jobs on LinkedIn n out of 10 times is you're going to
work for us you're going to do 40 hours work a week you're going to get paid 1,800 British pound a month and that's all you're going to get paid and maybe after a year you'll get two grand and it's it's like a job a job job okay I'm a freelancer it takes me 20 minutes to write an email three times a week they get paid two grand in LinkedIn it's have a contract most of the time you need to go in a lot of them are hybrid stay at home some days go in the next
day you have to [ __ ] work with these people too okay which is why [ __ ] there's not many freelance gigs on LinkedIn most of the time it's full-time work and they actually ensure you do full-time like you'll be writing six websites a day like it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] okay the the return on investment just isn't worth it okay so just [ __ ] that second L sorry thirdly it's also again pay to win cuz guess what even if you want to pitch these [ __ ] solo hole [
__ ] you need to [ __ ] pay extra on premium so if you want to message someone you want to do a c Outreach on LinkedIn you can't just message them like a DM on Instagram or an email you have to pay to get like I don't know like ttin like [ __ ] premium [ __ ] LinkedIn gold LinkedIn so that you could actually message these people and it's like 100 it's not even cheap it's like 200 quid a year so you have to pay to do that so that you can message them
so again if you're watching this and you're broke which you probably are and you want to start outreaching on LinkedIn and you don't have any money to get premium LinkedIn there's some accounts that you just can't [ __ ] Outreach to so you're [ __ ] the guy next to you can he'll Outreach them and he might get the client but you can't because it's pay to win okay and fourthly it is actually gay genuinely and actually everyone in there is either a divorced mom they're in the closet and they're about to come out or
they're just a a hedonistic [ __ ] or a false professional or a wannabe Finance bro that just it's full of cancer honest everyone on there you go through your [ __ ] LinkedIn timeline it's just [ __ ] some gay post [ __ ] someone giving someone a [ __ ] verbal [ __ ] hey let's connect hey some [ __ ] hey some [ __ ] they posted from another people steal [ __ ] all the time they steal some [ __ ] from another website post it on the it's bollocks okay never
use LinkedIn okay thirdly the way you should not get clients and this one is so [ __ ] obvious but I'm going to say it anyway job boards now a job board is basically where they post listings for jobs and then you again can apply okay so instead of going to upwork and seeing them you can it's kind of like it's kind of like Fiverr I'll be honest it's kind of like Fiverr but you'll basically go to the job board and pitch and say Hey I want to work here's my CV blah blah blah blah
blah and they'll say Okay brilliant you can come or no you can't you're too [ __ ] whatever and yeah the reason I don't like these is because one they're low pay again like LinkedIn and like Fiverr two full-time contract again loads of work and three again no leverage you have none you're pitching and they pick between a thousand people in fact on LinkedIn there are job boards and if you pitch to a LinkedIn job board you can see how many other people have pitched and a lot of the time it's like 50 to 100
50 to 100 other people at the same time on the same day pitching for the same job that's paying them ,700 a month okay the chances of you getting that client are nonon [ __ ] unipotent okay you're not going to get it okay it's basically impossible so again job boards a [ __ ] don't do that now [ __ ] the way you're going to get clients is two ways the first way is on Instagram and the second way is on email now the only reason I'm telling you these is because these are the
ones I've used and in my own professional opinion I cannot tell you to do something I haven't already done so you going to be using Instagram and email now the reason for that is because they are by far the [ __ ] easiest they're also the cheapest I'm going to give an absolutely holistic number of reasons but those are the two okay it's only email and only Instagram okay they're the best they're the absolute dogs bollocks okay now who are you reaching out to you are reaching out to the following businesses like General corporations and
influencers like [ __ ] Fitness influencers and [ __ ] like girls that work for gym shark and stick their belly in their leggings and then tell you to buy their [ __ ] clothes or some [ __ ] right with large followings online like hundreds of thousands of followers cuz a lot of the time they have affiliate links and programs and [ __ ] supplements and all that crap and you're right for them okay but businesses and influencers nothing else okay you can sometimes work for a few others but on the whole it's either
going to be a business like a general corporation like that makes tables or lighters or [ __ ] lights or some [ __ ] or influencers depressed gym girls fitness influencers teachers online Sports coaches stuff like that okay now here's how you're going to start getting clients on Instagram okay step one why am I spitting everywhere what the [ __ ] step one you need to make sure before you even pitch someone on Instagram that you don't look like a complete [ __ ] weirdo okay and the only way you're going to be able to
do that is by having a decent page now that isn't difficult okay I know some of you are completely Anon from the from the real world and you're a complete [ __ ] n when it comes to interactions and like speaking to people and having any social interaction with the world but it isn't that difficult to actually get a good Instagram okay plenty of pictures six will do profile picture of your of your actual face not some [ __ ] anime or or your leg or your hand or some [ __ ] weird [ __
] your actual face okay I know mine doesn't have my face whatever I've got RI dabs doesn't matter at least 200 followers just if you if you have less than that it's going to be a struggle at least have 200 and then like a public profile and the reason you want a public profile is so that the people actually see who you are okay and the re it's going to make sense I'm telling you the way I do Outreach is a testament to the fact that these things are in place okay I'm telling you the
[ __ ] way I do Outreach it's so important you have all these things in place if you don't have any of these things in place it's going to be extremely difficult okay so make sure your Instagram is public it shows your face you have a couple of followers and it looks like you are a normal person okay that's my Instagram go check it out okay it's just me doing cool [ __ ] going places I'm a normal person I'm not a [ __ ] weirdo you can trust me with your money okay that's all
it needs to say all right now once your profile is up to up to scratch okay it shouldn't take too long maybe if you're a complete basement dweller pause this video get your [ __ ] together come back after that's done this is how you get clients okay go on to the search bar right so on the search bar you can see the screen you just go to the search bar on Instagram type in [ __ ] like I've said here Fitness coach but it could be anything [ __ ] Fitness coach paint professional I
don't know butt plug enthusiast anything right type something in type something in once you've typed something in it will come up with loads of people which are in that industry okay usually influencers sometimes businesses but mainly influencers Okay click on a random influencer so go in the search bar click on a random influencer I just clicked on Buster okay so click on Buster once you've clicked on Buster you'll be able to see his profile okay now this is important you are going to follow them I don't know why I need to say this follow them
cuz if you're reaching out to someone they want to know you care and one of the ways you show you care is by [ __ ] following them so follow them like a few of their pictures okay this is all going to make sense pay attention like a few of their pictures like some of their stories comment on one of their pictures react to their stories whatever make yourself known okay that's the key you just need to show them that you're now in their sphere they want they want to see your profile picture in their
notifications okay do that okay and the reason for that is because it makes it less cold okay you remember how we talking about cold Outreach and warm Outreach this makes it less cold I do this with every single [ __ ] client I reach out to any Prospect I'll follow them I'll like a couple of their pictures I'll comment on some of them I'll react to one of their stories whatever okay I'll make myself known who gives a [ __ ] if they don't reach back boom unfollow them who gives a [ __ ] right
don't worry about following them and thinking oh I'm following so many people just relax okay you already follow a ton of [ __ ] chicks anyway way a ton of people that don't give a [ __ ] if you live or die at least follow someone that might actually change your life cuz they'll pay you okay so follow them like a few of their pictures all right now there is a script I'm going to give you but before I give you a script that actually works and I'm telling you the [ __ ] gold I
want to give you some scripts which you might have used or heard which are [ __ ] okay and they don't work anymore cuz I've tried them all and I've seen people try and use them and they're dog wank and it's it's past the times okay now the first script that people use a lot of the time is the straight to the point script okay so people will tell you to reach out so you reach out to them you send them a DM and it goes something along the lines of hey guys I can help
you make more money or hey guys do you need any help with your copy or hey guys I'm an email genius I can help you okay first message bang here it is hi what's your name don't care I can help you make money okay now on paper and when I say it that sounds like a good idea cuz it sounds like really confident to someone that gets DMS okay I'm telling you now we are sick and [ __ ] tired of that [ __ ] okay because the world of Outreach has evolved people know when
you're being pitched people know when they're about to get sold something people know when other people want their money it's not a game anymore it's like a [ __ ] second nature it's like oh I wake up in the morning and the sky is blue not in London but I wake up in the morning and the sky is [ __ ] vomit gray and oh I wake up and obviously there's some [ __ ] pitching me something it's just second nature nowadays okay so maybe 2 years ago this would have worked yeah two years ago
you send them a [ __ ] pitch and it's like bang confident I can make you money and they'll be like really yeah I can make you money okay well I'll respond to this guy nowadays it's too [ __ ] burnt okay what are you doing with email [ __ ] off it doesn't doesn't work anymore okay you got to try something else all right but that's the first one people do all the time and I'm telling you now it doesn't [ __ ] work anymore secondly leading with value now this one seems like a
good idea you basically send them a DM and the first DM you send them is like a piece of value they can use immediately okay so for example it would be I don't know if you're pitching copyrighting boom you send them an email immediately or a DM instantly and the first thing you send them is a Google doc that they can use to [ __ ] I don't know put into their business like you write an entire Google doc you write something for them you put something together for them if you're a video editor you
edit one of their videos you send it to them straight away bang it's loads of value it'll be different from the other Outreach they get they'll think wow no one's ever done this for me I barely know this guy and he's already sent this to me what an absolutely lovely human being I should really work with him it doesn't work that way okay and the reason for that is because again people do this all the time okay I get people sending me edits of my YouTube videos at least once a day some dude will send
me an edit hey here's this for you let's talk irregardless of the fact that you usually it's [ __ ] that's if I even see it okay and the fact of the matter is a lot of the people that you send this to aren't going to see it which makes it a complete [ __ ] waste of time and time's money you can't just be sending [ __ ] 3H hour each a day if it take if you're writing value for each person and you're sending three or four or five a day that's not enough
okay and a lot of the time because they get so many DMS they're not even going to [ __ ] see it okay which is a complete waste of time you've written all this you've done all this for them thinking yeah they're really going to like it what if they never see it you [ __ ] idiot okay it's like you know the example I give is never never buy your first date plane tickets you know what I mean like you meet a girl for the first time you don't just take her to [ __
] Heath throw and take her on holiday right what if she's a prick okay like like you can't invest that heavily from the beginning okay you need to make sure that a they even see you B they know that you know you know your [ __ ] C they're actually good a good person to work with and D it's worth your time okay if you just lead with value and you put all this investment in straight away you're setting yourself up for [ __ ] disaster okay it's going to waste a lot of [ __
] time okay now this has worked for me like a couple of times when you just write some copy for them and you [ __ ] shoot it over yeah sometimes it will work maybe one in 50 but if you're writing 50 emails like it takes weeks bro okay like it's it's not worth it okay there's a better way right so don't do that now now the reason I say this is because if it's too upfront they're going to disqualify you instantly like I just said people are too adapt to the game nowadays it's hi
I'm going to pitch you this hi like yeah I'm sure I'm sure you can help me oh really you want to help me make more money okay mister how can you make how can you help me make more money oh well basically I'll do something for you and you just give me loads of money and then hopefully you make some too that's what they're thinking they're not really thinking oh yeah I can make you loads of money they're just trying to get money out of you okay 99% of pictures are hey you're going to pay
me but I'm going to convince you why okay but they come across as this masquerade [ __ ] false narrative [ __ ] Tom I can edit your videos and clip them up and put them on Instagram and then and then and then you can get more cor sales and it'll be really good for you and you'll make loads of money and I say okay yeah that's brilliant okay brilliant okay what are we going to do I'll do this and this and this okay yeah let's get on sales gool wow okay we got a call
okay it's brilliant they making PowerPoint awesome yeah wow we can do all this yeah awesome okay let's go yeah okay so Tom that'll be two grand a month and I'll get 20% of everything you earn okay so like we've been through the process now I've seen it too many times business owners have seen it too many times that revolutionary pitch that revolutionary idea that revolutionary [ __ ] thing that you've got that can help them make loads of money we all know it's a pitch we all know that you're just trying to get us get
our money we all know okay it's too [ __ ] cliche right and so we'll see it in our DMS you know some dude will see oh you're pitch and hi I can make loads of money he'll just ignore it he'll just delete it he doesn't give a [ __ ] right so you can't be too up front Okay it's like oh I know you DM girls or day weirdo but oh yeah hi yeah you're beautiful like you don't just say I want to [ __ ] you like you're too up front you you're giving
your intention away too [ __ ] quickly obviously you want a [ __ ] her but you can't just say that from the [ __ ] get-go okay it's progression okay which I'm going to get in into in a second but you can't just out the gate give your intention okay because we've seen the game too long all right now someone messaging me what's the plan you know you trying to make a date with someone and they're just difficult what's the plan tell I ask when you're free tell me when you're free and then I'll
tell you the plan whatever now the key with Outreach is this actually on I don't have a coffee because the kettle's gone which is [ __ ] depressing last box too right the key without reach is progression okay now people [ __ ] this up elusively the reason my Outreach is so [ __ ] good and the reason I'm able to get such insane results and the reason I can give that information to people and they can see such insane results is because of what I'm about to tell you okay now the script is one
thing but that's only part of the puzzle okay pay the [ __ ] attention did I just say they key I'm so [ __ ] dyslexic anyway the key without reach is progression so your goal with Outreach is not to get paid okay get that [ __ ] out of your [ __ ] head it's not just send a message and get [ __ ] stripe up and running and get a [ __ ] bank transfer that isn't how it works okay there's steps okay remember what I said you need to get from a to
P you don't just jump there you need to go through a b c d f g h i p okay so this is how it goes one you send a message so you find them on Instagram like I showed you and then you send them a message like I'm about to tell you with the script I'm about to [ __ ] give you so pay attention you send them a message and the goal of that is to get out of their requests cuz when you send someone a cold DM you fall into their requests okay
now the first step is to get out of their requests and into their inbox okay and the reason for that is because when you get out of their requests you can then send them as many messages as you want and you are no longer a [ __ ] muncher in their requests you're an important person in their actual actual inbox so okay so you send a message goal one get out the requests boom you get out the requests and you're in the inbox now now you're in their DMS okay they can see what they get
a notification when you [ __ ] send them a message now okay that's step one step two get a reply from them okay so you're out the request and if you're going to get out the request you're probably going to have to get a reply from them okay get a reply from them I don't give a [ __ ] what it is okay even if they tell you to [ __ ] off which if you use the script I'm about to tell you is disastrously UNL that doesn't make any sense that's an oxy [ __
] highly unlikely it's just not going to happen Okay so get a reply it can be anything okay just get a reply okay cuz then you've gone from a [ __ ] Monch in the request to someone in their inbox to someone they now speak to Okay what do we say progression then when you get a reply from them you try and get them on a sales call okay then when you get them on a sales call you then get paid okay did you see the progression there you're a [ __ ] mun I'm not
a [ __ ] muncher you're a [ __ ] muncher [ __ ] muncher you send them a DM bang lands in their requests okay because you say you do what I say you go from their requests into their inbox because they the the message I send is really really good they get from their requests into the inbox from the inbox you get a reply from a reply you get on a sales go from the sales go you get paid and from paid you get a client from client you get more clients bam okay then
you get to my [ __ ] stage it's all about progression whenever you're doing this you're thinking okay how can the next thing I do get me higher up the ladder the top of the ladder is the [ __ ] money okay but you're down here you are in [ __ ] munter request territory okay you need to get up the ladder step by step by step by step by step by step by I know I keep going back to girls but it's so [ __ ] prevalent if you're trying to [ __ ] her
okay you don't just hi let's [ __ ] okay hi how are you bang get out request bang DMS bang me bang speak bang date bang drink bang kiss break the physical contact barrier get back to hers then [ __ ] okay there's progression you need to go all the way up okay and so whenever you're doing Outreach think to yourself am I increasing the likelihood of progressing here cuz if I'm not I'm doing something wrong okay and this is it this is the [ __ ] progression look at the screen take a picture write
it down go over it again this is what I use I'm thinking how can I get out the requests how can I get a reply how can I get a sales Co and then how can I get paid that's the progression okay now this is [ __ ] important the reason this Outreach is so powerful is because it follows a strategic path okay so follow it sequentially don't be a smart ass I know you think you're just going to be able to [ __ ] bypass it or some [ __ ] I'm telling you now
I've tried everything every little Nuance or every little change or every little hack or shortcut Mario Kart style you think you can pull I [ __ ] tried them all it's not possible okay so just [ __ ] follow this sequentially okay it's important it's the most efficient way I've seen all right also if this has helped so far like the video maybe subscribe means a lot right find them on Instagram once you found them on Instagram you're going to send them this [ __ ] script and the script goes as follows it is a
person personalized compliment plus how they helped your life stay with me okay so I'll give you an example I'm going to give you an example later on I'm going to show you [ __ ] screenshots but let me give you an example I reach out to Red Bull now most people when they reach out to Red Bull will say hi Red Bull I'm an email copywriter are you doing anything with email I can really help you make more money I'm a professional of this blah blah blah blah blah they'll see that their request and think
[ __ ] off and get a million of those a day you're a [ __ ] I don't want to do anything with you die but they don't give a [ __ ] right just [ __ ] just leave me alone right that's what most people do what you're doing is you're coming from a personal standpoint now that's a professional standpoint hi I can make loads of money you don't want to do that okay you want to come across as as personal and friendly as possible like a fan like a like a really intrigued follower
okay and this is how you do it you send a personalized compliment and then you say how they helped your life the perfect example I can give is as follows you find one of these influencers one of these [ __ ] Fitness [ __ ] find one right maybe they have a video okay find one of their pieces of content where he does bench press and he teaches you how to lock your elbows in and arch your back properly and secure your glutes or whatever and he teaches you how to bench press properly you know
what you do you send him a message and you say hello name whatever their [ __ ] name is hello name just saw your video about how to improve bench press it really helped me a lot I just hit a PR this morning keep up the great content I love what you do rewind the video go over that again okay in that specific order because what you're doing is and what you're saying to them and the position you're coming from is you are saying you are a concerned fan that really likes their work and you're
just appreciating what they do and you want to know something because this happens to me all the [ __ ] time we reply to those DMS in fact we only reply to those DMS and you want to know why one cuz they have no agenda they're not asking for money okay they're not pretending that they are interested in us and realistically we know we're going to [ __ ] pay them it's not that and they're stroking our ego if you haven't seen my networking video go [ __ ] watch it I speak about this but
we're stroking their ego and people like that and so you know what we'll do we'll go through our DMS business owners do this go through our DMS hi I can help you do this hi have you tried this hi can you pay me hi can we do this hi can we do this hi saw your video about this absolutely loved it it helped me change my life in this area keep up the great work I love what you're doing have a good day oh that's wholesome okay I'll respond to him cuz cuz that's nice yeah
okay here you go man I appreciate it thanks a lot thanks a lot you have progressed you have gone from the requests what did I say progression you have gone from the requests into their DMS and you've got a reply and that's why this is so powerful because stage one is getting a reply and the best way to get a response out of someone is to send them a personalized compliment don't pitch them you're not doing that and the reason for that is because for all they [ __ ] know you are simply a fan
that likes their content okay they've helped you it was a good piece of content amalgamate the two send them a message hi I love your content it help me do this have a great day you're just a fan you're just a follower you're just someone that admires them okay you're just sending your thoughts to them hoping they see it and you know what they do they respond and unknowingly take you from their shitty requests with all the other [ __ ] munchers into their DMS all the [ __ ] big Ballers okay it's like going
from the hooker streets to the cir towa bottle up ass [ __ ] circus shows okay if you live in London you'll know okay like you've gone completely from nowhere to the [ __ ] highest echelons of [ __ ] people around you okay you are in the club now in their [ __ ] inbox okay now once they reply and a lot of the time they're going to say the exact same thing you send a personalized compliment blah blah blah blah blah I'm telling you this is so [ __ ] powerful seriously you send
them a personalized compliment bang cool a lot of the time basically every single time they're going to say thanks a lot means a lot or thank you I appreciate it or cheers thumbs up or some something like that okay now this is this is as this is so [ __ ] good I'm I'm so [ __ ] clever I swear I'm I'm literally if lit I'm not kidding like this is what want to suck my own dick territory I am that [ __ ] good this is this [ __ ] clean listen up once they
send a reply okay you're going to send them a Google doc now I've spoken about this you're going to send them a Google doc which is value but you aren't going to be sending it like most people which are pitching them the way you're going to be sending it is from a place of thanks okay so this is how it goes all right pay attention you say you make a Google doc explaining what they need fixing so you go through their business maybe they have an email list maybe their welcome emails wank most are you
go through their welcome email you rewrite it okay you rewrite their welcome email or you rewrite I don't know one of their captions or their website or something you just go through their business deliberately and find something they need okay you write something in a Google doc super easy okay and once you've written it you know what you do you send it to them and then you send a message and you say to say thanks thought I put this together for you not sure if you need it but I hope this helps now the reason
this is so [ __ ] good is because a you're coming across as a fan B it's not coming across as professional and C you are showing your skills inadvertently okay so instead of this [ __ ] just pitching being hey I can help you do this blah blah blah blah blah they know that they just want their money me on the other hand hi you really helped me it means a lot keep up the great content no worries haaha and then I say to say thank you to say thank you an act of generosity
for what you did for me I've decided to do something for you and I've sent you this you helped me improve my bench press to say thank you cuz it does mean a lot I've written this for you I don't know if you need it I don't know if you want it but I do this professionally this is just what I do I went through your business just to say thanks cuz you did help me here you go have this I cannot put into word this is like stealth bomber [ __ ] this goes so
under their [ __ ] radar I cannot put into words okay because they don't think they're being pitched it doesn't feel like a pitch it feels like they did something for you and you are just doing something back which just so happens to be something that they can pay you for okay so a lot of people are just pitching saying give me money give me money give me money give me money I'm pitching saying to say thank you to say thank you for what you did for me here's something in return okay now the reason
this works so [ __ ] well is because unlike the traditional where you give value if you give value up front it doesn't make any sense okay I get this all the time right it doesn't come across very authentic okay if you're a stranger I don't know you okay and you reach out to a stranger or you reach out to me and give me an edit for no [ __ ] reason you give me an edit or you tell me something I can use in my business why I don't know you who the [ __
] are you why would you help me it just comes across as a bit meoo like like why I haven't done anything for you okay I probably have cuz I give good content but like why like I don't know who you are like what what's in it for you okay that's what I always think that that's what they think what's in it for them okay and so if you're giving free value it just doesn't make any sense it's like okay yeah but what do you want you obviously want something it's weird okay you don't just
walk down the street and someone gives you 50 Quid oh hey hey is 50 Quid why you just feel like it you just just take it the [ __ ] like that doesn't make any sense right but if I trip over and someone helps me up and and then I give him 50 Quid it makes more sense cuz he helped me and because he helped me I'm more inclined to help him okay now it's because of re prosity I wrote it down some whatever sound like a [ __ ] [ __ ] but that's why
okay it's because you're coming from a place of thank you you did this for me I'm doing this for you okay which is Supernatural it's super normal that doesn't raise any red FL they're genuinely thinking you know what I did help him oh and he did do this for me okay that's kind it's more natural it makes sense okay that's business 101 I do something for you and you do something for me I don't just give you something for no [ __ ] reason okay that's why it makes sense and that's why it's so [
__ ] powerful okay now look at the screen okay like I said 9 out of 10 times I'll super appreciate it blah blah blah blah blah this is a client I signed okay okay so yeah why this works super personal lowers their sales God they don't see it coming makes [ __ ] sense cuz they give something to you so you give something to them and it follows the law of reciprocity reciprocity yeah the law of reciprocity states that if I do something for you you are more inclined to do something for me and that's
just human [ __ ] nature okay you know what some you know what it is you know what someone does something nice for you out of a whim okay maybe like an actual friend like someone does something nice for you they buy you a drink if you drink and you're in the UK you'll know this someone gets the first round you get the next round they get the next round you get the next round it's reciprocity we just do things for people that do things for us okay which why it's why it makes sense so
when you pitch them they're thinking this isn't weird this is just the natural way of things I did something for him so he's doing something for me okay now the reason this is so [ __ ] killer is because even the biggest accounts will see your compliment and respond to them because they don't feel like they're being pitched they just feel like you're giving a genuine compliment they just feel like you're a very very loving fan that's actually reaching out and saying how much [ __ ] like their [ __ ] and I'll prove to
you that even the biggest accounts will [ __ ] respond to you because I'm telling you I think I've got it here yeah so this [ __ ] account okay I signed this guy I'm still working with him I signed him middle of January yeah so about four months ago now he has 2 and a half million followers I know when people come to me and they say oh Tom what's the ratio of people I should reach out to like how many followers should they have and I say as big as it [ __ ]
gets doesn't matter okay and I say yeah but they'll never see it and I'll say they will if they [ __ ] use this Outreach if you use this [ __ ] Outreach they'll see it okay not only will they see it they're going to be inclined to respond to it cuz one it's a compliment and two it doesn't come across a salesy they'll always respond to those you're a fan they don't think you're going to sell them anything you're just a fan you're just some random guy that saw his content and it helped him
and then he's sending you a message okay you're a fan simple as that they'll respond to those okay so you look at the screen now I'm blocking this guy's name out cuz he is famous famous famous like you you would know him so I don't want to like I'm a pretty Brash person so if I'm linked to him it might hurt his brand I make loads of gay jokes I'm very outlandish I don't want to [ __ ] his reputation so I'm just going to [ __ ] put this here okay but I'm blocking his
name out as you can see I said hey name I doubt you will see this but I recently got into a relationship with a girl from a very upper class background your content has helped a lot allowing me to fit in a bit more keep keep up the great work love your content was I in a high class relationship no it's bollocks but it was a compliment and I told him how it changed my life or helped my life okay and as you can imagine the same day the same day 2 and a half million
followers he saw this and he responded the same [ __ ] day glad I can help Tom first time I've helped a guy with a heterosexual relationship okay so he's I'm not going to say what he does but he responded okay now what I then said was the following ha appreciated to say thank you I've put something together for you I hope it helps now what I put together for him was an email a welcome email why did I put a welcome email together cuz I went on his [ __ ] website and he didn't
have a [ __ ] email list this is so easy okay I went on his [ __ ] website didn't have an email list oh by the way name I put this together for you hope it helps I sent it over okay now obviously he liked it obviously cuz I'm [ __ ] amazing at writing he was like Tom you're hilarious would you like a coffee so we can chat more are you in London okay I didn't even have to pitch him I didn't even have to [ __ ] get out of sales call I
didn't even have to [ __ ] try and sell him the Outreach alone was so good that and the writing so learn to write subscribe the writing was good enough that he realized and he could see I was a good person and I actually liked his [ __ ] was good enough I didn't even I didn't even have to try and sell him okay he was like this is great awesome thank you that means a lot reciprocity are you free can we get coffee now we lived in London long story short yeah we got coffee
met him went to Soho House got coffee spoke to him Charmed the Everlasting [ __ ] out of him again watch my networking video handled it like a boss signed him there and then bang still working with him to this day okay he pays me a lot of [ __ ] money all right this guy's Rich okay millionaire okay but that's why it's working so well it was just so under the radar and so authentic and so complimentary and I'm I'm like like a fan I'm a fan that can just help you out oops oh
yeah by the way I can also help you do this do you want it maybe it's better than saying hi give me money I'm a copywriter okay that shit's old don't use that and I'm telling you now if people who the [ __ ] uh if you let me know when you're free so if you're tomor if you're free tomorrow um let me know but if you're free Wednesday let me know and then when when you let me know when you're free uh I'll let you know the plan cuz I've got things to do in
the evening I've got work but yeah let me know what was I saying [ __ ] [ __ ] women what was I saying yeah so yeah it was so authentic right which is why I was allowed to get in that position in the first place okay instead of just saying oh I'm an email copywriter uh uhuh doesn't give a [ __ ] about that okay I'm telling you you can literally just go onto someone's page find a piece of content which is going to help you in someone it doesn't even need to help you
it doesn't even need to you could just [ __ ] lie you can just say something which is going to potentially help your life and say hey name saw this video which helped or blah blah blah blah blah it really helped keep up the good content love what you do take care goodbye or something and they'll get back to you cuz it seems like a genuine compliment it's so under the [ __ ] radar I know I keep saying it again and again and again but it's that broken it's that [ __ ] good okay
just like yeah Tom hilarious bang went to coffee for him signed in okay now some more examples I'm not going to block these ones out cuz they ain't as famous also I stopped working with the one on the right oh wait no I stopped working with the one on the left too so yeah I've stopped working with both these guys for whatever reason but yeah this is how it works again look at the screen bang send a compliment whatever blah blah blah blah blah helped me a lot keep up the good work bang on the
right now the one on the right I don't have cuz I deleted the chat [ __ ] annoying but I sent the same I literally sent these guys are both fragrance like influencers I sent them the same [ __ ] DM maybe a couple of tweaks both go back to me he's got 74,000 followers he's got 200 okay compliment personalized compliments send personalized compliments why cuz that's the first step to get out of the [ __ ] requests stage one get out of the request stage two get reply stage three get sales call stage four
get paid okay and the best way you're going to get a stage one is to send a compliment cuz they're most likely to respond to that okay also from a subconscious point of view what we need to realize is that when people are doing this when people are responding to you if he's responding to me any of these guys responding to me on a subconscious level even if they don't realize it on a subconscious level they are telling themselves I am important and the reason I'm important is because out of all the [ __ ]
DMS they get they decided to respond to mine which is time investment and we are very careful about where we put our time and so even if they don't realize it if they're willing to [ __ ] speak to me they're telling themselves subconsciously well he must be kind of important cuz I'm willing to DM him out the other all the other [ __ ] munchers okay oh [ __ ] you know your arms are just too big it's [ __ ] whatever okay now you do that you send a compliment bang you just T
you chat some [ __ ] in the DMS and then you send them a [ __ ] calendly link and you get them on a call okay super super simple now that's DM okay now email the exact same goes for email with a couple of tweaks okay so pay attention again there's a few ways you have to go about this progression okay like DMS Etc there's progression for email so I said there's progression for for DM and getting out the requests and going blah blah blah blah blah there's also progression for the [ __ ]
emails okay again this isn't any different all life is is progression okay if you want to get somewhere you need to go at it step at a step at a time you don't just jump all the way up the [ __ ] ladder that's impossible one at a time one at a time one at a time one at a time okay so step one find the clients I'm going to teach you how step two find the decision maker ideally in the business step three send a [ __ ] email I'll give you a script also
a killer [ __ ] script step four repeat okay so the way you're going to find clients with email is on this website I've spoken about this and absolute [ __ ] ton if you don't know this website by now oh you just must be a [ __ ] [ __ ] cuz I've spoken about it all the time so this is Apollo okay now Apollo is a website it's basically a directory so it's basically a place where loads of businesses go to list their information and you can get in contact with them etc etc
so go to Apollo write this down go to okay make an account once you've made an account which is free okay everything I'm giving you is better than FIV and all that [ __ ] cuz one you can reach out to them and two it's [ __ ] free okay it's free make an account for free once you've made an account in the top left hand corner there will be a search bar now type in some random bollocks okay I don't care what it is I do golf I'm a golfer right so type in
golf right golf or I don't know what are you into [ __ ] origami like you're probably into some weird [ __ ] so just type that in okay the probably the weird of the better some Niche [ __ ] crap I don't know like holographic drawings and [ __ ] some bollocks right so just type that in okay type in that press search what will come up is every single business linked to that term or to that industry okay look at that 115,000 of the [ __ ] right and what you can do is
you can click on their [ __ ] link go to their website and find the email of that person okay now because YouTube's a [ __ ] if I tell you how to get people's emails online I get [ __ ] like thrown about a ton of violations and so I can't say it on here but there is a tool you can use to get the information of these people on these websites you go to the website you can use a tool to get the email of the owner of that business and they'll just give
it to you and you can email them okay but I can't give it to you on here cuz I'll get [ __ ] three strikes at once so if you want to find out what that tool is send me a DM on Instagram chat send chat I'll send up an automation you send me a DM chat and I'll send you the tool okay and it's just a tool you can use you can download it on Chrome it's super [ __ ] simple and you can find the email address of the owner of any [ __
] business on any website okay so if you want it just send me a DM okay that's the the first way the second way is called Kickstarter now Kickstarter is beautiful and the reason for that is because Kickstarter is a website where people go to get funding for their new businesses the key thing there being new and the reason that's the key thing is because if they're new they probably don't have a copywriter probably okay now some of them do that's fine but a lot of them don't okay so if I'm trying to find a
new [ __ ] client a lot of the time I'll go here because these businesses are going to this website to try and get funding to get the business going they need funding to even begin so I doubt they're thinking about having a marketing Specialist or an email copywriter are they no so you have no competition it's not like these [ __ ] free websites Fiverr and you know you're competing with Abdul none of that bollocks you're competing with businesses that don't even have a [ __ ] copyrighter okay and a lot of the time
they have loads of funding okay so this is one of found right so you go on Kickstarter it's free you don't even need to make an account go on Kickstarter go on one of the products there'll be products everywhere okay it's like PornHub of products it's [ __ ] everything okay just click on one of them right click on one of them and once you click on it there'll be a little tab where you can it'll say like contact or some [ __ ] press that and it will come up with who the [ __
] owner is who the CEO is whatever blah blah blah blah blah and it will also say get in contact now I I think I tried to press this but it didn't come up but you can press that and that will give you their email you can get the email for free of the CEO of the company that hasn't even started the company which likely doesn't have a copywriter okay this is a [ __ ] gold mine okay it's just loads of businesses which are trying to get started which have no copywriter so no competition
and you can just get their email for free bro if you haven't subscribed already please do cuz I'm [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm giving away some [ __ ] gold right now okay so boom find the dude's email and then you can send him a message in fact I think you can send them a message you can send the CEO a message in the [ __ ] website so here's what I do you send them a message in the website bang and then you find their email and you send them an email as
well using the script I'm about to [ __ ] give you okay this won't work specifically for Kickstarter but this will work if you use it roughly okay killer okay and there's [ __ ] thousands of products thousands of new businesses all are going to need copywriters okay thirdly way that you can use email to get clients YouTube now this one's probably more known cuz I know a lot of people do this but you can still do this okay there's [ __ ] millions of YouTubers so you can definitely try this okay this is more
like influencer style so you know those chicks that sell meal prep programs and [ __ ] Fitness influencer ball bollocks and all that this is that but on YouTube okay so you go to a random Youtube channel you can do this now not now you're watching me [ __ ] stay where you are [ __ ] but after this open a new tab go on YouTube click a random YouTuber go onto their about page and a lot of the time in their about page they will advertise their email address so that sponsors can reach out
to them blah blah blah blah blah and that's good because if a sponsor can reach out to them it means you can reach out to them so you go on there look I've shown it here there's Channel details this is help Bank Simon squibs [ __ ] business billionaire not bad go on his thing pitch him say hey Simon blah blah blah blah blah whatever whatever but you can find his email just by going on his about page saying you're not a robot and then [ __ ] sending him sending him an email his email
will just come up right now I'm going to address this before you run into it cuz you are going to run into it you can only do 10 of these a day okay so YouTube has a limit on the number of emails you can find a day the way around that is to make more than one Gmail account so if you have numerous YouTube channels YouTube numerous Google accounts you can do this infinitely okay so I have like three or four so I can send I can find about 40 emails a day so if you
only have one you can only find one so sorry you can only find 10 so if you have four YouTube accounts you can find 40 emails a day okay and you can go as niche as you want I'm serious there are YouTubers for everything okay okay decoration YouTubers Tech YouTubers funny YouTubers handsome YouTubers charismatic YouTubers Finance YouTubers interior YouTubers there's loads of [ __ ] right so you can you can find them you can find them everywhere right you just type in [ __ ] I don't know energy drink YouTuber or [ __ ] scooter
YouTuber or literally [ __ ] anything okay and the YouTube will come up and you say hey blah blah blah blah blah get their email go through their YouTube channel don't be a [ __ ] idiot go through their YouTube channel see what they actually want see what they actually need do they have an email list no okay why not are their scripts good news flash [ __ ] basically everyone besides me scripts every every single word on YouTube and you want to know something cuz I know someone in Serbia that does this he's making
bank doing this oh [ __ ] my Mac's about to die he makes Bank doing this he just writes scripts he writes 1 to 2,000 word scripts and gets paid [ __ ] bank okay the channel has thousand thousand and thousands of subscribers and they'll just pay him to write the scripts cuz it's a monotonous [ __ ] task and they don't want to [ __ ] do it okay but they'll do it so you can pitch them hey I'll write scripts for you hey I'll write your email list hey I'll help you write your
offer whatever okay for thousands and thousands of YouTubers okay there's loads charge this right so that's how you find emails okay I've given you three [ __ ] ways three you would never send me a message say talk I can't find any [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up okay I've given you three three methods with the combine probably 100 million different opportunities right there really a testament to who succeeds if you don't succeed after all the things I've given you so far you are a lazy [ __ ] piece of [ __
] there's so many opportunities I've given you literally everything you need to find clients okay don't hit me with that [ __ ] oh Tom I can't find any clients it's been one day and I've been sending Outreach and I'm a [ __ ] wanker and I probably suck myself to sleep shut the [ __ ] up you're gay all right now once you found the client how long we've been doing this 1 hour 13 not bad then once you found the client you're going to shoot them over an email okay now the email is
going to go as following write this the [ __ ] down hey guys or name or the brand whatever it [ __ ] is I just bought your insert product so whatever they [ __ ] sell for my insert person I'll explain that in a second and insert benefit happened just wanted to say I love what you're doing and keep up with great work so again a compliment very under the radar nothing nuts okay you're not pitching them cuz cold emails are outdated everyone's getting cold email pictures every [ __ ] day okay all they
do is get cold Outreach cold email pictures Okay so this again under the radar you are not trying to sell them something you are a fan or a follower or a c customer that likes their [ __ ] that's all okay so you're going to say so to give the example hi so if you're reaching out to me don't do this I'll [ __ ] block you hi Tom I just bought your what do I sell I just [ __ ] I don't know I I bought what the [ __ ] do I sell I
sell some I bought your mentorship hi Tom I bought your mentorship for my this doesn't work [ __ ] it we're run with it hi Tom I just bought your mentorship for Nan and she's become a really successful copywriter obviously just wanted to say I love what you're doing keep up the great work okay so someone reaches out to them and they say they got their Grandma my mentorship granny's making bank now Granny's sitting there in the reclin seat getting [ __ ] paid right typing away with her arthritis one finger at a time recline
recline reclin reclin bang making more money than you still okay cuz you [ __ ] worked with me that's how [ __ ] good I am I can turn a [ __ ] into a [ __ ] money printer okay she'll be in the exclusive vegetable aisle okay where the [ __ ] expensive [ __ ] goes okay but that's what you do okay you say hello name or their brand and then you say you just bought one of their products now do you have to buy it no have I ever bought it no okay
but you just say you bought one of their products okay so I bought hi Red Bull just bought your jewry flavored drink for my business partner because he really likes them and it gives us loads of and we're now making loads of money okay just wanted to say I love what you're doing keep up the great work again it's a very personalized compliment and you're telling them how it benefited your life does that come across salesy to you do I look like someone that wants your [ __ ] money no and you want to know
why that's a good thing because it lowers their sales guard and if it lowers their sales guard they're more likely to respond and what's a response progression investment on their end time investment they're subconsciously telling themselves well I sent an email back to this guy so he must be important which means if I then send him another email which will be a Google doc doing the same [ __ ] thing I did on DM he's more likely to take it seriously especially because of the reciproc whatever the [ __ ] reciprocity law of nature the
reciprocity law it's going to make sense okay so again it's the same as DM you send them a compliment okay they get a response you you you you get you get a response from them and then you send them a Google doc something they need okay maybe I need scripts obviously not I can speak but say I needed scripts hey Tom I wrote a script for a video you might want to use here you go let me know if it helps don't know if you want it but it might help cuz I do this professionally
and I just wanted to say thank you because my nan is now [ __ ] in the penthouse suite of the elderly home all of her friends are really jealous okay they're like oh my God Sylvia how did you make all this money and she'll be like oh well Tom Starck [ __ ] hooked me up you know like she's happy right which is why I gave you this [ __ ] script okay it makes sense right okay now here are some tips now I've been over this before but I'm going to reiterate it because
some of you still don't [ __ ] do it tip number one buy a domain I'm not going to teach you how you can YouTube this yourself buy a domain say how do I buy a domain go on YouTube buy a [ __ ] domain and the reason for that is cuz they'll just take you more seriously okay an example this isn't my email but as an example it could be Tom stoic all right so Tom stoic instead of Tom stoic and the reason for that is because it just takes they just
take you more seriously okay they're more likely to respond to you who the [ __ ] is this a chick it's a chick odds on if she sends me a voice note I'm playing that [ __ ] out loud don't give a [ __ ] okay so bu domain second L don't spam okay because if you spam it's going to a get put into their spam folder so don't send them too many emails send them one and then get a response and then send the Google Doc but secondly it's better to do quality over quantity
now a lot of people tell me this Tom should I just [ __ ] get a lead scraper and send a th000 email all the same email and send it out to a million [ __ ] people no don't do that the the times have moved on that doesn't work anymore maybe in 2015 it would have worked okay people are too Savvy nowadays business owners know when a cold email's coming through and they know if it's for them and they know if it's personal and they know if it's for other people I get emails sometimes
or DMS and I know some [ __ ] I shouldn't say that [ __ ] it some prick has sent it to 20 other people like BR I'm not going to respond to you I don't feel special you need to make them feel special okay so don't spam quality over quantity okay that doesn't mean do like [ __ ] three okay that means do loads of quality okay so it's better to do loads of quality then loads of [ __ ] [ __ ] Outreach but that's still not as bad as doing like low quality
okay so just do loads of quality oh but that's a lot of work don't be gay okay [ __ ] over it I made 50 Grand last month doing this at 300 in my bank account last year I'm sure if I can do it and I can't [ __ ] spell and I was expelled from school and I had nothing going for me in life I can do it you can [ __ ] do it don't make any [ __ ] excuses okay and I didn't have me you have me I'm Giving You Everything okay
no [ __ ] excuses this is going to be a Testament of the resolve to the [ __ ] that actually want it tell a lot of you are just like here for the fun here because it's fun and you're like watching me cool whatever okay but some of you are actually going to use this information okay now there's a few reasons you won't succeed but the number one reason is because you simply don't do enough outrage and I get this question a lot Tom how much houry should I do Tom how much houry should
I do I am never going to tell someone a number so if you say to me Tom should I do 10 Outreach a day Tom should I do 100 Outreach I'm not going to tell you I am not going to say because if I say a number you are going to develop an affinity towards that number and that's either going to make you extremely complacent and lazy or you're going to feel perpetually [ __ ] if you don't hit that number okay so what I say to people is do as much as you can just
do as much as you can okay again it's going to be a testament to your resolve on how much you actually want it are you actually sitting down in all your free time sending Outreach so you've been over this video you know the principles you're using genuinely the best [ __ ] Outreach method in the world by the way some prick from now on Mark date it what's the dat today 14th of May if someone ever makes a [ __ ] Outreach video and they and they talk about the compliment method no they stole it
cuz I didn't [ __ ] learn this from anyone I developed this [ __ ] okay so if anyone [ __ ] says it they better tag me okay and if not say Tom sto is coming for your [ __ ] throat okay it's my [ __ ] okay that's why I'm giving it to people I'm telling you now if you're not doing this all day in your free time you just don't want enough okay I get a lot of people tell me like yeah I've been doing this many a day and it's still not
working and I'm still not getting outreaches I'm still getting replies and I'm like what do you want me to say what do you think I'm going to say imagine you're me okay and I say to you hi Tom yeah I'm not sending out enough I'm sending loads of Outreach but I'm not getting any responses I'm not getting any clients what should I do what response is there besides I don't know [ __ ] face do more Outreach it's certainly not going to be do less Outreach is it so what the [ __ ] do you
expect me to say so always do more if you're ever unsure do more that rhymed I'm a lyrical Miracle generical Dex sterical criminal swimming through a swimming pool okay but the point is you just need to do more okay I'm telling you man a year ago when I was doing this I would I'd work with my dad I was a plaster I'd work with my dad i' get up at 6:00 a.m. he he'd wake me up I work with my dad I go to the toilet I'd have to hold my breath cuz he just done
a massive [ __ ] [ __ ] you know your dad's [ __ ] it's like stinks the whole [ __ ] Street out i' literally go for a piss walk downstairs and clothes I'd barely [ __ ] washed we' go in the car it'd be cold as [ __ ] in Winter we I'd have to crawl in under some car some ladder cuz he was a plasterer crawl in the car scrunch down bend my neck have [ __ ] neck pain for a week go to the [ __ ] house we were doing do
Plastering all day for about 10 hours eat B maybe once sometimes never come back at like 8:00 p.m. and I would do Outreach until 12:00 that night I would just sit down I didn't have any friends I didn't watch Tik Tok I didn't watch YouTube I would sit down at my bed I didn't even have a desk sit down at my single bed and just [ __ ] send Outreach I was either looking for clients or I was sending [ __ ] Outreach and that's all I did and I was working [ __ ] 10
hours a day I wasn't getting paid 60 quid I'm kind of glad though cuz that was the motivation I needed to [ __ ] sit down in my bed and just not I was like Gargamel bro just here this you come in any day of the week oh this was me cranky elbow [ __ ] [ __ ] salive all over my [ __ ] keyboard I was just I didn't give a [ __ ] bro that's how you have to be okay so the number one reason you are not getting clients is because you're
just not doing enough I'm not going to sugar coat it okay if you come to me and you say oh I'm not getting enough I'm going to tell you you know what good cuz what you want want to know something everything I've just told you has made you my competitor I'm still trying to get clients now it's a lot easier for me to get clients cuz clients give me my clients okay but I am giving you I am giving you the ammunition to to be my competition if I can do that and still get more
clients than you you have no excuse none you don't have any so okay unless maybe you have no hands even then you could probably hire someone to do it you probably have someone that type for you okay I'm I'm not I'm I'm one of those people that just refuses to [ __ ] accept excuses sometimes the people that come the people that come to me and say yeah it's not working I'm almost like good Tom I'm losing motivation good like [ __ ] off I don't you know what please lose motivation faster actually do me
a favor stop all together cuz you are my competition and you're someone else's competition and if someone comes to you especially me and they say oh I'm losing motiv how do I keep motivating myself I'll say please don't please please lose motivation because if you lose motivation the chances of you signing a client goes to zero and you know what I might sign that client that's money for me and no money for you so the ones of you that watch this and you think it's difficult right now I might stop it's going to be like
[ __ ] music to someone else's ears because one of you is going to be watching this it's you yes you know think I'm talking to someone else and I'm talking to you [ __ ] someone else is going to watch this and think I am going to get that client because that [ __ ] decided to give up and just think if you're quitting it could have been your money and it's going in someone else's pocket so always do more Outreach again I just made a video on how to change your entire life in
a year go [ __ ] watch it okay rule one develop an ego okay you just got to [ __ ] take Life by the bollocks okay so important okay do more [ __ ] Outreach right to put in perspective I'm not telling you a number I'm not telling you a number but to put it into perspective I send 40 emails a day for 35 days straight before I got my first client okay 40 a day 35 days straight at least 40 a day okay that's well over a thousand I sent a thousand [ __
] emails before I got one you want to know the ironic part I didn't even get the [ __ ] client on email I got it on a Twitter DM okay but that process developed a lot of resilience and discipline in me so now I'm able to do [ __ ] okay so even if you're not getting clients just tell yourself you know what I'm not getting any clients but just the byproduct of doing something like this is going to be good for me cuz I'm building discipline determination and resilience okay so I did a
fuckload okay not to mention I was doing a fuckload doing all the wrong things my pitch was so bad I was sending the wrong [ __ ] things I was finding the wrong clients I was getting doing the wrong Outreach everything you could do wrong I was doing and I still [ __ ] did it and I still [ __ ] got a client everything I've just taught you isn't just optimized the the the Outreach method I've given you I'm not kidding if you send 100 DMS you will get 40 responses if you do it
properly if you actually do it properly you'll get a 40% response rate that is like going up to 100 girls and [ __ ] 80 of them is literally unheard of it's basically impossible I'm telling you now I did everything wrong and I still managed to pull it off so if you do everything right which I've given you for free you have no [ __ ] excuse I don't want to sound like a dick but I'm telling you some of you just need to [ __ ] get you need to get yelled at okay sitting
there with your [ __ ] laptop probably had a wank today didn't you [ __ ] loser okay now once you've got a [Applause] client you have [ __ ] 3 seconds to celebrate after that get the [ __ ] on with it okay some of you may know I got my first client I started [ __ ] air humping the [ __ ] out of the universe cool right it was good once you get your first client celebrate for 3 seconds now after you've done celebrating the goal is to go from getting one client
to getting more clients but not only that is to get that client to give you more clients okay now there's ways to do this now like I said how to get clients through clients AKA my stage I haven't outreached in 3 months and that's because all my clients just tell me people they know and they give me more work it is possible gentlemen I know it sounds ridiculous I have more clients than I know what to [ __ ] do with I'll get pitched I'm on YouTube too businesses will reach out to me hi can
you write a copy for us maybe how much you going to pay me I'll pay you two and a half Grand nope too cheap I'm at that level now okay so you can get to that level right but this is how you do it right number one do good work and when I say good work I genuinely mean go up and [ __ ] Beyond okay I made a video on this I think it was I can't remember which one but I made a video where it's talking about under promise and overd deliver always okay
and do good work and work [ __ ] hard right cuz it's important because if you do good good hard work they're going to like you okay and if they like you they're more likely to do things for you like give you more clients okay now only when this is important write this down CU this is people [ __ ] this up only when oh my God who the [ __ ] only when things are going well do you then ask them to get another client okay now this is how it works so you get
client you do good work for them really good work you show up on time you do more than you're asked you're quick you do Speedy work you don't [ __ ] around you get the good results you're nice you're polite all the good things right you do all that once things are going well maybe you have a good month maybe you get a load of sales maybe they're really happy they give you a compliment whatever you then say do you know anyone that may also benefit from from my help so they send you a compliment
or they say yeah we're having a great month this is awesome you say awesome killing it by the way do you potentially know anyone that might also benefit from my help very very chill not [ __ ] give me a client now [ __ ] base it's yo bro we've had a sick month you know anyone else that might benefit from this try do it on a call too cuz it's it's it's harder for them to coward out if you're on a call so hey I want to I want to catch up yeah let's do
a catchup call Brilliant awesome blah blah blah blah blah business is good whatever whatever whatever before we go do you know anyone else that might potentially benefit from my help and if they're on call a lot of the time if things are going well and they like you they will just say yeah I probably know a couple of guys let me reach out to them and see and this is easier than you think because if you do the good work this is the easy part and and the reason for that is because people are selfish
and if you do good work for one person they're going to want to tell their friend friends about you cuz if you do good work for them they're going to feel good and it's going to make them look good so I have a business partner max if you work for me you edit my videos and you do good work I will tell Max about you and I'll want to cuz I know you do good work or better yet maybe there's someone in my my network someone that's makes loads of money and I want to get
a better relationship with him and I know he's trying to do YouTube I'll say bad example cuz I don't have an editor but whatever I'll say hey ma'am I know you're starting YouTube I have a killer editor that you can use don't worry about it I'm going to sort you an editor out okay help him right he's going to be like cool shoot him over I send you over you're my editor and you do good work I'm going to send you over okay he's going to be like holy [ __ ] man you're right this
guy's sick and that's good for me okay so it's good for you because you've got another client but it's good for me because now that guy I wanted to network with thinks I'm the [ __ ] cuz I gave him something that's useful to him he's going to be like man this guy's so good he's on time he's cheap he's [ __ ] optimized he knows a [ __ ] how do you find this guy [ __ ] hell you know everyone how do you [ __ ] find wow [ __ ] hell man Jesus
if I need anything from you I'm want to come to you bro do you know anything do do you know anyone else let's go get coffee let's go get dinner let me speak to you it's good for me he's going to think I'm a higher person I've got more caliber because you did good work for him and I recommended you now this is very transverse if we did the same thing and you did [ __ ] work he'd be like yeah bro that guy's kind of [ __ ] yeah sorry I'm not going to use
him and even though I didn't do anything wrong it's going to compound and it's going to rebound on to me and even though you [ __ ] up in his eyes he's going to think lower of me cuz I gave him a [ __ ] recommendation so if you do good work your clients are going to want to give you more clients I'm telling you I get this all the time I'll have a client and they'll just say oh yeah I'm recommending you to someone because I know you'll do good work for him I'll be
like okay and he'll be like yeah don't [ __ ] this up smiley face cuz he knows he knows if I do good work for this guy I'm definitely going to get them in better stick and that's going to be good for him okay they have like WhatsApp group oh my God like at [ __ ] 1:00 a.m. oh my God your editor is so good where'd you find him he be like yeah see they'll like you for that right so that's important okay so yeah do good work they'll recommend you because they want to
okay ask when things are going well but ultimately just do good work okay now that is basically everything okay I have literally taught you the single best way to get clients in 2024 on DM and on email I want to put this very meticulously this method feels like I've cracked the Enigma code when I figured this out I gatee kept it okay it doesn't really benefit me anymore cuz I get clients basically on demand but this felt like I just found the [ __ ] map to the Lost gold in Pirates of Caribbean okay I
was getting more responses than I [ __ ] knew how to handle I was sending 50 DMS going to sleep and waking up with 20 responses and I was all all I was doing was just writing Google Docs like it was insane okay it's [ __ ] crazy right so this is cracked absolutely in utterly cracks okay now the ones of you that use this have a good life cuz you will the ones of you that don't whatever okay now that's all good on everything you can do this on your own okay now obviously I've
taken this to a Monumental level okay you're not going to make as much as I am doing this okay I am [ __ ] exceptional okay I've gone from $250 a month to 25 Grand a month in the span of a year which is a 100 times my income in the span of 12 months and then two months later I doubled it okay I'm on a different [ __ ] plane right so you're not going to get to that level but if you want to get close and you want to work with me you can
now I am only opening up I think at the moment I have two spots okay this isn't going to be for everyone I'm not going to [ __ ] sit here and sales you I'm not going to pitch the [ __ ] out of you but if you've watched this and you want to work with me one andone send me a DM on Instagram say stoic and we can work together okay before you even go no this isn't going to be free and it is going to cost money and when I say money I'm talking
at least $1,000 that's fine okay some of you can't afford that it's not going to be for you but for those of you that genuinely want to [ __ ] rocket scale to 15 grand a month and work with me one-onone you can send me a DM on Instagram say stoic and I'll know you came from this video and we can sort out a way and we'll see if we're compatible to work together and potentially start working together okay but other than that everything in this video you just have no excuses now okay I've G
what the first master class alone was [ __ ] killer this on top don't ask me how to get clients this is how I get clients I'm not gatekeeping [ __ ] I guarantee T I've already pissed off a super big competitor in this industry some of you will know who he is I'm pretty sure he banned my Tik Tok this might just be the tip of the [ __ ] Iceberg okay the things I've just taught you you won't believe until you go and use them so please go and use them okay cuz they
are [ __ ] killer and once you start getting loads of responses and you start getting loads of clients and you start [ __ ] just killing it in the game I hope you remember that it was from this video okay because I'm not your friend but it's nice to see people do well you know when they come from my stuff so just get after it okay and like I said if you want to work with me oneon-one there's not many spaces and it's going to cost at least I'm not saying this to be a
dick I'm just saying this to save everyone's [ __ ] time at least $1,000 you can work on me oneon-one and we can figure out something and we can work together but other than that you have everything you need now everything thing okay so get the [ __ ] after it females what do you [ __ ] [Music] want we're still rolling but whatever right oh Jesus I'm not going to sleep tonight [ __ ] Jesus
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