hello lovely students and welcome to your pronunciation training session today I am very excited to help you pronounce 100 everyday words in my modern received pronunciation accent now I'm not just going to read a list of words to you to make this really fun productive and efficient for you I've divided the words into 10 categories each focusing on a specific specific feature of my accent or British everyday vocabulary I promise you that by the end of this pronunciation training session you will notice a marked difference in your pronunciation here is the plan step one I'll
model each word for you first slowly and then faster repeat after me to practice and then step two we'll practice the words together in full sentences when I say together I mean that I'd like you to speak along with me at the same time why well this technique often called shadowing will help you to build fluency practice your English Rhythm and gain confidence in your beautifully accurate pronunciation it's a winwin win it'll also help you to notice how someone words change slightly when they're connected to other words I also want to remind you that you
do not have to copy my accent to speak beautiful clear English the modern RP accent is just one example of British pronunciation this lesson is going to help you understand its key features while refining your own style and finding your own unique voice it is no secret that English pronunciation can be hard it can be really difficult to know where your strengths and weaknesses are and what steps you need to take to improve for this exact reason I have created an indepth free emphasis on free pronunciation level test it's totally online totally free it includes
45 questions which will take you through from beginner to Advanced once you complete the test I will send your result to you via EMA email it's a fantastic way for you to discover just how clear and accurate your pronunciation is and identify any areas that would benefit from a bit of work how can I take this test I hear you ask well I've put the link in the description box and you can also scan that QR code there once you've completed the test you'll get an email with your results okay let's get started we're going
to focus first on one key feature of my and many other British accents I don't pronounce the letter r at the end of a word or before consonant sounds so the letters e at the end of words usually sound like uh uh this sound is called the schah sound and it's the most common sound in English in most American accents these letters would sound more like er can you hear the difference uh uh let's practice with 10 common words with uh or e at the end remember to repeat after me I'll go slow first then
fast one weather weather two shower shower three shoer Shopper four driver driver five loger logger six Nat Nat seven quieter quieter eight whisper whisper nine deliver deliver and 10 offer offer how did you find that here's something interesting I do usually pronounce the letter R when it comes before a vowel sound listen and compare the weather was awful the weather is awful did you hear the difference there let's practice some of these words in full sentences Shadow me I'll mark where I pronounced the r sound to help you the weather was awful so the Shopper
asked the taxi driver to take her to the pub for a logger while she was having a n on the phone the room suddenly grew quieter and some people began to whisper about the heavy snow shower that was forecast pause and Replay that if you want to practice again the next sound we will focus on is in the final word of our last list offer offer o o so pull your tongue to the back of your mouth open the jaw slightly and round the lips o o in many North American accents this short o sounds
more like a long o or a or o r so if you want to speak with modern RP keep this sound as a short burst o o offer here are 10 everyday words with this sound repeat after me often often remember you can also say often October October opportunity opportunity what want want stop stop clock clock knowledge knowledge hospital hospital impossible impossible and apology apology let's practice practice the sound in some full sentences Shadow me now in October she had the opportunity to fix the broken clock but said it was impossible without the right knowledge
instead she stopped and offered her apologies rewind and Replay that if you'd like to practice again if not let's move on to our next sound which is super super British can you get guess what it is it's the glottal stop we make this sound by quickly closing the throat and then releasing the air it's like a tiny light cough it often replaces the T sound in the middle and at the end of a word but it can also appear in place of some other consonant sounds too we can represent this sound with this symbol now
the use of the glottal stop is really irregular I don't tend to use it in the middle of words this is more a feature of other accents but there are a few where I do use it let's practice 10 glottal words repeat these words after me but but about about football football Scotland Scotland hot hot backpack backpack seat belt seat belt unfortunately unfortunately flight flight and might might now in most of these words I would only use the glossal stop in fast informal speech let's practice with a short text now Shadow me unfortunately the flight
was hot but I might make it to the football game I actually inserted another glottal stop there in it I might make it again I just just want to reiterate this is very relaxed casual speech with my friends there is so much more to say about the glottal stop and when we use it in modern RP let me know if you'd like another video on that I could go into a lot of detail now let's look at y as in yes in British English we often insert a soft Y sound before the ooh vowel sound
in words like newu many speakers from North America and other British dialects drop this yes sound so mu sounds more like new we can hear another important difference when the sounds T and Y appear together as they can combine to make a CH sound so Tuesday becomes Tuesday Tuesday similarly when D and Y combine they can become J as in junee let's practice some daily words with u CH and repeat after me the tube the tube stupid stupid student student J Je juty Duty news news enthusiastic enthusiastic assume assume costume costume and attitude attitude and
now Shadow me as I say some of these words in full sentence the enthusiastic student waited for the next tube feeling a bit stupid in his Halloween costume he'd heard on the news of possible delays due to upgrade works but felt a duty to keep a positive attitude now let's look at another sound which changes a lot depending on the region you're from it's it's O as in home if you want to pronounce this sound like I do start with the schah sound uh uh the one we practiced at the beginning of the lesson then
smoothly Glide to an uh sound as in good uh o o when I make the o sound I often round my lip slightly at the end o o home let's practice o in 10 common words we have snow snow hope hope gross gross photo photo two there alone alone suppose suppose remote remote Shad Shadow borrow borrow and although although Shadow me now although she usually enjoyed working remotely I suppose the winter shadows and snow made her feel more alone okay we're halfway through our 100 Words and next we're going to practice the a sound as
in car now I use this sound a lot but it's less common in the north of England and North America and that's because many words which have the r sound and aren't spelled with the letter R can be pronounced with a short a as in apple instead for example plant plant do you know which one you tend to use let's practice 10 words that I pronounce with the long a sound but you might often hear with the short a sound we have task task laugh laugh after after nasty nasty charm chance chance answer answer example
example Advantage Advantage master master contrast contrast ready to Shadow me it was not by chance that they mastered the task quickly she laughed in contrast it was mastered after carefully examining answers and examples let's move on to the next section shortening a word by dropping a syllable is common in many accents but here are 10 words that the Brits would tend to shorten which many North Americans might not repeat after me ordinary ordinary PRS preps restaurant restaurant library library secretary secretary secondary secondary police police medicine medicine cemetry cemetry and category category now note I'm not
saying that we always shorten these words I'm saying that we sometimes do especially in fast speech call the police call the police I could say either now because it's more common to drop syllables in full sentences when speaking very fast I'm going to read the next text a little bit faster to practice see if you can Shadow me you might need to rewind and try a couple of times the library is between the secondary school and the police station opposite the Indian restaurant perhaps they'll have a section on ordinary medicine okay our next section gets
really tricky we're going to focus on some of the most commonly mispronounced words again I'm going to model these in my modern RP accent first we have half half receipt receipt biscuit biscuit colleague colleague Wednesday Wednesday suit suit q q crisps crisps village Village and draw draw just one syllable there let's practice in a mini text Shadow me now I found the receipt for the suit biscuits and crisps I bought in the village in a drawer in the kitchen I went with a colleague to return them all on Wednesday but we had to wait in
a massive queue for half an hour okay for our penultimate category let's have a go at some words which we often shorten when chatting to friends and family we have holes holes footy footy copper copper Lou Lou prey prey Telly Telly Brey Brey yi yi Agro Agro and defo Deo now they are pretty slang do you want to try in some full sentences Shadow me I love watching the footy on the Telly with a copper my uni mates think I'm boring but they defo love it too and we're going to finish today's lesson with 10
words that can sound very different in my British accent and North American English for this final category I've enlisted the help of one of my fabulous teachers Joel who speaks English with a general American accent he speaks beautifully I always try to get Joel to record things for our courses so I'll say the word first and then you'll hear Joel's very different pronunciation we have rout route vase V privacy privacy data data vitamin vitamin Leisure Leisure yogurt yogurt Premier Premiere hostile hostile and inquiry inquiry okay Shad me now on route to the film Premiere we
discovered that our data had been shared and our privacy intruded upon the inquiry concluded it was a hostile act shall we hear Joel route to the film Premiere we discovered that our data had been shared and our privacy intruded upon the inquiry concluded it was a hostile act fantastic okay that brings us to the end of today's lesson were there any big surprises for you which were your favorite and least favorite words to pronounce let me know in the comments also if you're really interested in improving your pronunciation and want to know where you are
with your current level don't forget about my new free online pronunciation level test the link is in the description box and you can scan the QR code there I really hope you enjoyed today's lesson I'll see you in the next one [Music] [Music] m