3 Terrifying TRUE Night Drive Horror Stories (V2)

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Mr. Nightmare
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Video Transcript:
this is a second edition of night driving horror stories but before getting into them I want to talk about today's sponsor scentbird scentbird is a company I've talked about before it's a monthly cologne and perfume subscription service that lets you discover countless designer fragrances without committing to the giant expensive bottle senberg carries some of the finest fragrances like Gucci Prada and Versace and delivers them right to your door for just 17 a month you can explore over 600 designer fragrances with that number constantly growing you pick a cent you get the subscription and you receive
your fragrance it's that simple fragrance comes in its own unique colored bottles which are made to last you 30 days this month I received the fragrance called paws by good habit as well as reflection man and search both by amwage each bottle comes with its own card which explains what the fragrance smells like for example Paws has a scent that mixes the Aromas of Cedarwood Jasmine Pink Pepper and vanilla Blossom with users rating it as a refined casual scent additionally if you're not quite sure what scent you want you can always go on their website
and take their quiz which will tell you which scent is the best fragrance for you based on your lifestyle the quiz takes less than a minute and will give you personalized results based on what you're looking for if you're interested click the link in the description and use my coupon code nightmare for 55 off your first month Sunbird is available in the United States and Canada and for only a little over seven dollars for your first month you'll get a massive selection of fragrances [Music] I once had two job interviews in North Carolina I lived
in New York at the time I was taking the drive down there instead of flying to save money my at the time job sucked and the two jobs I was interviewing for could finally be a new start for me they were corporate office jobs with a lot of benefits and good salaries plus the weather would be much better than New York I was driving down there on a Thursday night I took off from work Friday because that's when the two interviews were since I had to work Thursday I had to hit the road as soon
as I was off work I stopped home first to grab my suitcase and other stuff I was bringing then I said goodbye to my family and set off it was a long eight plus hour drive ahead of me my ETA was into the early hours of the morning like 2 A.M I was heading to a Comfort Inn I drank like three cups of coffee my first few hours driving and for a while I was good but if you're already running on fumes no amount of coffee is going to keep you going I already didn't get
much sleep the night before because I was stressing over these interviews and after a long busy day at work the last thing I wanted to be doing was driving close to nine hours it was late at night now I had about two hours left in the drive there were very few other cars on the road this late at night on a week night I was starting to feel really sleepy now but I knew most of the drive was behind me suddenly on the side of the highway I saw a man in a suit standing there
not walking not moving he was facing my car and as I looked at him as I passed I saw his face turning to follow my car I said out loud what the [ __ ] it was truly bizarre I almost contemplated turning around and asking if he needed a ride he was just in the middle of the highway in a suit at like 12 30 at night I came up with stories in my head about what may have happened like maybe his girlfriend kicked him out of the car I did this to keep my mind
away because I felt like I was drifting away then something Beyond frightening happened it was only maybe 10 minutes after I had seen that man that I saw another man on the side of the road coming up also in a suit also just standing there what the hell was going on slowed down to pull to the side of the road and possibly ask if everything was okay and maybe offer a ride I don't know what I was thinking but either way when I was on the shoulder almost to a stop I looked in the rear
view mirror and then turned around completely and that man was gone as if he just disappeared I stepped on the gas and got back on the road I was losing it I needed to stop for another coffee I had about an hour and a half to go at this point I stopped at the first pit stop I could find and bought a medium coffee I drank a few sips but as I was sitting in the rest area gas station parking lot I spotted a man in a suit again standing under a light post same man
this time I got a clearer view of his face he looked like a middle-aged white man short dark brown hair clean-shaven and a neutral expression but it was the way he was once again facing my car that freaks me the [ __ ] out turned the car on and got out of there without looking back I wanted to complete this drive but the coffee wasn't doing it I felt like I was going to pass out behind the wheel I wasn't gonna make it so I pulled off the highway and parked in a random parking lot
I angled the seat all the way down and I attempted to go to sleep as tired as I was I couldn't help but be scared in this empty parking lot scared that if I opened my eyes I would see that man in the suit again I was drifting into a sleep when something made me wake up again and opened my eyes probably my mind playing tricks on me again I looked around the outside of my car scared I was gonna see him I looked out each window and then the front windshield and it was clear
then I looked in the rear view mirror and I felt my soul leave my body for a second because there I saw for a second a person in the back seat was the man in the suit again but I didn't look long enough because I opened the door screamed and fell backwards out of the car as I crawled back I kept screaming until I finally got up looked inside the car and saw nobody the back seat was empty as I came to my senses I realized my mind had been playing tricks on me all night
there is no man in a suit I'm just completely exhausted and need to sleep I got back in my car my heart racing honestly now though I was too awake to go to sleep I turned the car back on and finished my coffee and banged out the rest of the drive by the time I checked into the hotel and got to the room I fell into the bed and passed out right away the next day my first interview was at 11AM so I didn't get much sleep but I definitely felt somewhat recharged however the second
my interviewer walked out to greet me I froze up my interviewer looked identical to the image of that man in the suit I kept hallucinating the night before know the interviewer noticed me freeze up I could see it in his face I tried to recover from this but it set the tone for the rest of the interview and I was completely nervous and out of it I felt like I weren't a dream I left that interview with only an hour to get ready for my next one my next interviewer was a woman I did much
better with this one because I actually got the job I still work here and live in North Carolina now my old therapist told me that she thinks the stress of mentally preparing for the interviews mixed with the lack of sleep caused me to hallucinate the main cause of my fear and stress so I hallucinated a man in a suit because that's who I pictured would be interviewing me I feel like it doesn't sound too far-fetched but it doesn't change how downright horrific the whole ordeal was [Music] I was driving in Clearfield County Pennsylvania one night
to avoid traffic getting home it was probably a little past midnight at this point and the road was basically deserted just the way I like it I was listening to my usual podcast on the radio when a ding came from my car alerting me that I was low on fuel I put a pit stop into my maps app for the nearest gas station which was a little ways up the secluded Road about five minutes later I pulled into the gas station on the right the only parking lot for Miles as this road was basically nothing
but Woods on each side the gas station with some generic no-name gas station I pulled next to the pump and noticed a man filling up the tank of his old beater pickup truck he was looking at me as I walked past him and into the shop inside the shop I bought a coffee and paid cash for my gas when I came back outside I noticed the man at the pump getting into his pickup truck then driving away after a couple of minutes of filling up the tank I got back in my car and continued my
drive but not even a minute after leaving the station I noticed on the side of the road on the grass was that same pickup truck from the gas station it was just sitting next to the woods turned off interesting I kept driving looking in my rear view mirror to see if it would turn on nope I turned my podcast back on and continued my drive a few minutes passed though and I heard another ding come from my car my dashboard screen showed that one of my tires was very low I slowed down and started hearing
a wobbling sound I opened a window and knew right away I had a flat tire I pulled to the side of the road and went to investigate it was my rear driver side Tire it was flat I didn't think I hit anything I would have felt it the thought came to my head what if that guy at the gas station slashed it I took out my phone and was looking up the number for my roadside assistance company on Google I heard the sound of a car or truck engine a little down the road behind me
but oddly I didn't see any headlights it was just pitch black down there then the sound of the engine suddenly stopped and it was quiet again I went to my trunk to grab the SOS flashlight out of my toolbox my dad gave me one year as a Christmas present I grabbed the long light rod turned it on and aimed it down the road I saw the reflection of a truck's headlights pulled on the side of the road about 200 feet away looked like that pickup truck again I gasped and ran into the woods and ducked
behind a big bush and tree I took out my phone and called 9-1-1 I heard the sound of the truck down the road starting and this time the headlights were on I heard and saw through the bush the truck pull up next to my car and then after a short moment of silence a man yelled out you need some help I knew better than to answer 9-1-1 picked up and I whispered into the phone my location and that someone slashed my tire and that I think the person who did it was right here following me
the lady asked a bunch of standard questions asking me to describe the man and his truck I heard the truck door open and closed I told the lady over the phone that the man got out of his truck she told me to remain hidden in the woods if I thought he was a threat she asked if I could see if he was armed and that's when the call disconnected I had shitty cell reception here I waited hoping she would call me back I'm sure she was trying to but it wouldn't go through I heard the
sound of another passing car in the road it was slowing down then I heard talking it was the voice of another man I crept closer to the edge of the woods to get a view of the road I saw the man from the pickup truck standing next to this other stocked pickup truck in the middle of the road he was talking to a person in the truck I overheard the creepy man coming up with this fake explanation as to what was going on here at that moment I rushed into the road yelling help I don't
know him both the man in the truck and the man who followed me looked over to me said to the men in the truck that this man slapped my tire and followed me here the man in the truck's reaction was to look at the man with a disturbed look the creepy man tonight having done anything to my tires and claimed he's never seen me ever at the same time he hurried away to his pickup truck and started backing up until he cleared both of our vehicles then drove off the man in the other pickup truck
got out and examined my flat then offered me a ride into town I told him I had police officers on the way and sure enough within a few minutes a cop car with its lights on pulled up beside us the man vouched for me when I told him about the other man the police officer said he'd go down to the gas station and request to see the camera footage to see if it caught the pickup driver actually slashing my tire the officer took my info and he waited with me while I waited for the roadside
assistance company the tow truck driver gave me a ride to a shop where my dad picked me up I never heard from that police officer so I guess he didn't see anything in that video footage it's scary how close I was to probably being abducted though [Music] it was the most horrific haunting night of my life it still sends shivers down my spine I'm 28 years old and my boyfriend Todd lives in a different state for me we take turns visiting each other for the most part but I'll usually end up visiting him more often
because he has his own place and I still live with my sister as a roommate I was going up there for a week because it was winter break and I had off because I'm a teacher so I packed a lot I was taking up there my crappy 09 Hyundai Sonata that I bought for my sister up where Todd lives there was snow on the ground at this point so the more North I got the more careful I had to be driving as that car was not really built for driving in the snow it was on
the later side and unfortunately it was starting to snow really hard now there were blizzard warnings earlier but both Todd and I agreed it would be better to try and beat the blizzard tonight rather than come tomorrow when the roads are full of snow I started to accept the fact that I need to stay somewhere for the night as I was still too far away and the roads were getting bad after stopping for a quick sandwich and some coffee at a small Diner the waitress who I was conversing with told me there's no way I
should be on the roads right now she recommended a few hotels and motels in the area then after she walked away and I was left alone to finish up eating a guy sitting at the bar spun in his chair and said to me there's a motel right up the road from here I put the motel's name into my phone it said it was literally five minutes away he said it was nice and cheap too so I could just get a quick night's rest and get back on the road tomorrow he really seemed to overhear my
whole conversation with the waitress he was also just sitting there at the bar with a beer I'd never seen a person go to a diner just to drink I didn't even know diners really served alcohol but people up by Todd are a little weird to me at least because I grew up in the city the man introduced himself as Toby and I gave him a fake name saying I was Michelle the rest of my time there Toby was half facing me in a spinning bar stool and I wasn't really looking to keep talking to him
so I looked away out the window to the snow until the waitress gave me my check then I said goodbye to them both as I left in that half hour I spent in the diner the snow accumulated at least an inch I needed to get to that Motel ASAP I drove slow and was at the motel in a few minutes maybe 10. there were a couple cars in the lot he looked like a cheap motel which was all I needed I didn't want to waste money anyway I went to the front desk and asked for
a room for a night I think I paid around fifty dollars and the man at the desk handed me a key to one of the downstairs rooms I walked back outside to my car to get my stuff and bring it inside it was a tiny little room with tacky wallpaper a queen-sized bed and a red carpet it was fine for the night I tried to FaceTime Todd but there was no reception at all here the motel had Wi-Fi but the password was probably at the front desk so I put my shoes back on and hurried
outside through the cold snow to the front desk on my way there I noticed there was a new car in the parking lot I saw someone sitting inside of it but I didn't take the time to look at who it could have been because realistically who does that the man at the front desk emotionlessly pointed to the free Wi-Fi sign with the password and I typed it in it took a minute but I was connected I went back to my room in a hurry locked the door and FaceTime Todd even with Wi-Fi the connection was
so shitty I could see his face but it would freeze frame for like five seconds and his voice would cut as well I was able to at least communicate with him that I was safe in the motel we decided to just text instead because the FaceTime wasn't really working we were texting back and forth for a few minutes then I heard something come from the bathroom yeah I leaned forward and saw that the bathroom door was shut was it shut before I didn't remember I texted Todd that I heard something in the bathroom and I
started freaking out because I realized I ran to the front desk without locking the motel room door he asked if the door locks by itself I said I don't think so but now I also don't remember if I left the door cracked open or not he told me to get up and check the door to see if it locks by itself when it closes and to bring the key with me I got up put my shoes on and saw that the door had a traditional twisting lock that moved with the knob from the inside or
the key on the outside I opened the door looking to confirm this but I noticed instantly the extra set of footprints leading to my door Footprints LED from that car that I saw someone sitting in to my door and nobody was in that car anymore I felt like screaming but instead I closed the door to my room and ran to the front desk I cried to the man that there's an intruder in my room the front desk worker was not some huge jacked dude so I don't think he was wanting to go confronting someone he
told me to wait in here and he called someone I thought he was calling the police but instead he started speaking in some other language I think he was calling a friend or associate he hung up and told me again to just sit tight in here with him I was standing in a position where I could see out the glass down to my room and I let out a shriek when I saw the door to my room open and that man Toby from the diner walking to his car we lost eyes for a second before
he got in his car and backed out onto the unplowed roads disappearing slowly down the road the front desk workers associate or friend or whoever it was arrived a while later he was this big guy who didn't speak English I don't know what they were saying to each other but the front desk worker told me he would give me a different room free of charge to make me feel better I didn't feel better but I didn't have any other options of places to stay at this point I took the new key and the two men
helped me move my stuff into the new room Todd offered to come here but I told him not to it would be too long and too dangerous to drive in the dark in the snow the next morning the streets were somewhat plowed enough to get through the rest of the drive to Todd's looking back I don't like how that Motel worker probably didn't call the cops because he didn't want his Motel to get any negative attention I called that Diner to warn them about that man I have no trust in strangers anymore not after this
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