Manifest anything you want. You are a black hole.

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The Soul's Playground
You can manifest anything effortlessly when you do this. Manifest your destiny. Law of Assumption | ...
Video Transcript:
hey guys welcome back to my YouTube channel um if you're here and you're watching this video um all I can say is this video will change your life I mean I hope that it blows your mind which I mean quite literally it could if you understand at the end of this video but this is basically the explanation of the entire universe of manifestation not just manifestation but how you're even here what you are what we are and it's like the most simple explanation so at least to me after doing a ton of research and learning
about all these Concepts it can be explained in more complicated terms but this is the simplest way I can describe it to you and I really hope that this video changes your life the way that it just changed mine all right so when you were born on this Earth You Were essentially born backwards you could say so you are the universe just know that first off you are quite literally the enti entire universe you are everything that you see everything okay all of it and when you're born on this Earth though you were born to
believe that you are literally nothing I know that sounds very sad but this life is almost like a game of rediscovering who you are okay so when you're born on this Earth you can think of yourself as you are a black hole you quite literally are a black hole and the black hole has this large end over here and then it has the small end right here the large end is the end where if you were to observe it this is just my example of someone observing a black hole from the outside if they saw
someone right here it would look like that person is like Frozen in time basically it would look like nothing is happening no one's moving everything's just staying still even though this person could be moving slightly that's really what it looks like to you an outside Observer okay essentially it's looking like nothing is changing in your reality so this is often what happens first off in life when you are wondering why your life isn't changing and nothing's happening it's because you're quite literally on one of these Loops here and you're not going anywhere you're just going
in a circle and you're staying in the same spot over and over so that's what happens when your life isn't really changing but also when you're first born okay you are like right here at the very end of this black hole and what this means if you were at the very end of the black hole when you're first born it means that there's like nothing in front of you here like everything is just black there's nothing in front of you you have no memories you have no future because your memories create your future everything exists
behind you not in front of you so when you're born you're right here the end of the black hole okay all this stuff is behind you your future is already it's just behind you because creation is finished everything exists behind you the only reason you don't remember things when you're younger is because you haven't started to formulate desires you haven't started to make decisions yet in your life there's nothing in front of you because this part here creates your future your past creates your future okay it's all the same thing everything is behind you because
technically when you're born everything is your past because you are literally the universe everything is your past okay so your past creates your future essentially you're just creating your whole experience the entire time you're here so the reason you have no memories when you're younger is because there's nothing in front of you here everything's behind you and you're basically feeling like you're Frozen in time because you're not going anywhere like you literally have nothing going on behind those eyes when you're first born there's nothing going on in front of you at least like you have
no future but you have everything behind you once again but then as you start to move through your life what starts to happen is you make decisions and you make choices and then eventually you know you have your imagination where you start to think of things that you like and you start to want things or desire things and these wants and desires what happens is every time you make a decision in your life every time you want something you you have it happen in your reality basically what you're doing is you're starting to move like
this way along this black hole okay think of it like there's these lines that you're moving on you're jumping every single time like you're just moving you're moving you're moving okay and what's happening when you're doing this first off you have to be in the present moment for this portal to open for this portal to open for this opening to exist right here you have to be in the present moment this is why I've drawn it um backwards and this way because when you are closed when you are in your mind and you are thinking
of the past or the future what's happening is you are flipping around this portal and you're putting your past or future like in front of you like you're thinking of it like it's right here and all you're doing is just closing the portal when you do that because the past and future are behind you so you're trying to put what's behind you in front of you and it just doesn't work like that so all you do when you think of the past or the future and you focus on it and you're focused getting stressed about
the past or the future you're closing the portal to progress you forward because that's what this portal is for is to progress you forward so you don't want to do that so instead this is the way that it should always look it should always look like the opening is where your face is which makes sense like the face of the black hole and you got the tail behind you in the background and what this feels like also is that like literally your face is the black hole as you experience things they fall behind you like
that song with Rihanna she says turn your face towards the sun let the Shadows Fall behind you that's that's exactly what's happening this black hole sucks up the things that you do not want in your experience anymore the sort of garbage the trash of your experience basically if you make a decision the old version of yourself gets sucked into here okay and this is exactly what happens during the Big Bang is that this old version of you you collapse it basically in imagination as I've talked about in other videos the particle and the wave When
You observe something in the mind you basically turn that wave into a particle for a second and then you release it when you stop observing it and it collapses and you can think of it like closing the portal for this one and now what happens is this one is sucked in to the new version of you basically it's sucked into a black hole behind you and then there's this big crunch that HS that happens because this version of you is getting sucked in it's going to this point of Singularity where everything exists and then now
what happens is every time that you observe a thought in your imagination you create this Wormhole for a quick second and this is again what happens when the universe was created is like there was this Wormhole for one quick second and then that bounces back the new version of you okay basically the new version of you comes out of that comes out of this Wormhole that was created and this is the big bounce which happens in The Big Bang as well so it's like old version of you goes in to this small point and then
they send out the new version of you that replaces that old version and this happens constantly and you don't know it because it happens in like a millisecond it is so quick that you would not notice it but your entire universe is replaced every time that you are making a decision every time that you do something it's replacing it with this newer version but the thing is you're just replacing it with a part of yourself like everything is you all the time but the faster that you progress forward in life like the more often okay
the more often that you do this you stay present because again I said you have to be present for this portal to be open for the black hole to be able to suck up the garbage because again if you're if you're closed off if you're thinking in the past and the future and you're not being present then this is going to be closed and all the garbage stuff is going to build up out here the stuff you don't like you're going to stay stuck on this Continuum okay that's not good you don't want to stay
stuck um so as you stay present you keep this portal or oh my God you keep this portal open you do this more and more often and it gets closer to the point of Singularity so what happens is you as you move throughout your life again we said you're born backwards so you started here and there was nothing in front of you but now as you move along you start putting stuff in front of you now you have a future because you're putting things in front of you you're putting things in front of you you're
putting things in front of you that's where you're doing As you move along here and then the more you move along here the more of reality you expand because as you move this way towards the point of Singularity you expand Consciousness this circle right here when you were born is the same Circle that's way down here and it's tiny it's just now what you're doing is you are creating this reality outwards you're pushing it outwards now so all the stuff that was down here you're just pushing it out here basically so that you can see
it so when you were born you couldn't see it because it was behind you but now what you're doing is you're putting in front of you So eventually if you were to get to the point of being right here at the point of Singularity you would see the entire existence of the universe in front of you you would see everything all of it like they say everything everywhere all at once that is what you would see because this would be your point of view this is where you'd be looking and this is why I have
a higher level of Consciousness like I am operating in a very high level of Consciousness because I must be somewhere along here like towards the smaller part because my reality things happen very very fast because what happens is when you move down here is that again you're moving through the same world think of it like Earth but you're condensing Earth down more and more basically so what happens when you do this is that everything that seems so Out Of Reach to you now becomes much closer to you and this is how you manifest faster because
you're making the the circle smaller you're making the circle smaller and smaller and smaller so that you don't have to do so much to get somewhere now everything becomes easier and easier and easier and you move through so-called time faster you experience life faster because you can experience more and more in less so-called time okay like you experience more in less time than other people because you are EXP expanding more and more of Consciousness and when you do this you move yourself down here to this part and then eventually you would just flow through reality
so quickly it would be so easy for you to get anything that you wanted because what's happening is you always get the things that you want like you the moment you observed something you created that Wormhole and it happened but the only reason you don't see it yet is because you're existing somewhere further up here okay and often times what you do is you're closing portal so it can't come out and you can't create new versions of yourself because you're so focused on the past or the future which don't even exist like they're behind you
so when you close this thing right here when you close this end you can't manifest that new future that you want because you're so focused on it and you're putting it in the future you're imagining it in the future or in the past or whatever you're thinking about your past or thinking about your future you're going to close the portal so if you keep this portal open if you just stay present and take action actions whatever actions you want literally it doesn't even matter you could do anything as long as you're doing it in the
present moment and I told people a really great way to do this is just start doing Simple tasks like doing things you could do things you haven't done before like go for a walk outside say I'm going to go for a walk and then literally just go for a walk do what you say you're going to do but it doesn't have to be complicated it can be the simplest thing it's I'm going to go get my hair done or something like and then go get your hair done it's that simple to move forward and like
just make decisions and it does doesn't matter what decision you make this is why people say just make a decision because another decision is making no decision at all and the reason this is so important is that any decision will expand Consciousness for you any decision it doesn't matter which one you're making it will expand Consciousness and by the way I want to also say that this is infinite the Consciousness that you can expand it's infinite it could go on and on and on forever so even though this point looks very small it could keep
getting smaller and smaller and smaller like there's no no end to it really there's no end to how much Consciousness or the universe you could expand in your lifetime but again the faster you move through your life like the faster you make decisions the faster you will experience more of this and the cool thing about this is that you can do the simplest tasks in the world and you will expand your Consciousness and then now all the things you do really want become easier and easier for you to attain so literally the small things about
being the present moment that we all ignore is is the the key to getting everything that we've ever wanted is just doing little things and then I also want to explain what happens when you keep closing this portal here because essentially again this black hole needs to stay open to constantly take up all the things that you don't want in your experience because that is what it's here for if you don't keep this portal open and you're so stuck in the past or the future constantly and you're overthinking you're stressed whatever what's going to happen
is that eventually you are going to get pulled into the black hole yourself like if you're not creating new things in front of you what happens is like you start falling backwards so like let's say you know you're not creating any new experiences ever like you're literally just staying like eventually let's say you get to like around here or something and then you just like stop creating new experiences for yourself you get stuck in life then what happens is you essentially start trapping the weight of all of your experience in this one Circle so like
right here you start trapping all of these things that you're Desiring in this circle you're staying stuck but you're Desiring things you start to go like this and this starts to get denser and denser and denser because you just keep collapsing realities within your reality so it's like think of a reality a universe that is trying to contain a bunch of other universes that you keep collapsing inside of it eventually it becomes like this big mass and what happens to things that are heavier in this black hole is that eventually you yourself could get sucked
up into the black hole because you want to stay light you want to continue to move lighter and lighter like I said you want to get towards the small end but you want to do that on your own accord if you do that by increasing the mass of yourself you're going to get sucked in which again is not necessarily a bad thing you're not going to die or anything it's just your physical body will no longer exist anymore you will no longer exist on this Earth because you're creating all of this pressure inside of yourself
which exists and comes out as disease it comes out as you know like people having uh mental health issues all this sort of stuff and they feel like they're spinning their wheels not going anywhere their life is never changing but you know I'm manifesting trying but then they're so focused on the past or the future and they just keep creating all these realities inside of thems until it can't contain it anymore it's like an implodes on itself and again and then people pass away but again they don't really go anywhere they're still existing it's just
they're now part of Consciousness again they're just becoming one with Consciousness again but this is why it's so important to keep moving forward and even if you have done this before where you've kind of created this mass for yourself just know that it is reversible too if you start now Now by changing things um your higher self can clean things up for you it can start to make things better like essentially you open this portal it might take longer for you to go through all the cleaning of it and you might also find in your
life when you're going through this they it's kind of like the dark KN of the Soul which is kind of funny because it's sort of like this big Mass you created um what happens you might spend a lot of time sort of feeling um you know could be emotional or you're feeling very tired or something like this and it's because you you're using a bunch of energy like it's taking a lot of you to just keep bringing all of this stuff in and dealing with it and you don't have to do this yourself too that's
the thing like you can help it along by speaking things out that are frustrating you or things you don't like like you can speak it out in the present moment when you're grounded um but it's not really necessary as long as you are not attaching to your thoughts like you're being like I said just be present literally just feel what you're doing in the current moment be here now like don't stress over the past or future and I know that's easier said than done but just anytime you find yourself sort of attaching to the past
or the future just sort of pull yourself back just sort of remind yourself okay this is where I am right now like bring yourself back that's all you have to do um and with your your thoughts like think of them like clouds just moving in and out because that's all they are they're getting sucked in this black hole and the things you like we we'll bounce back out that's the thing you don't have to worry about things getting lost because nothing's ever lost and any anything you like will bounce back out as a new version
of you anything you don't like will get sucked in and stay there that's what happens when you surrender to your experience that's why people talk about surrender all the time but this is really how reality works so essentially you are the universe and the Big Bang is just something that happens over and over and over we just think that it started at a certain point and it's really funny there was a video that said it started 13.8 billion years ago and that just makes me laugh because those are two numbers that come up a lot
when I'm doing learning about this stuff number eight is like the infinity symbol meaning it never ends um and then also the number 13 was really significant to me because 13 is like your past present and future and then when you replace it what happens is it's like you take one you add one but you get rid of one so it's like you're get getting rid of your current version of yourself and then you're replacing it with a new one so plus one yeah the these are just significant numbers to me so I just thought
that was really funny but yeah the Universe um has no start really or end because the start and the end would be the same thing so that's about it it's infinite and you're constantly creating you're not even creating new versions of yourself you're really just experiencing different parts of yourself and as you move along this Continuum too it's like you start to let go you stop holding on to things so much anymore because you realize it's okay to let go of things you realize it's okay not to hold on to things because they're always going
to come back to you because your past is just things that you've fully let go of that are no longer in your experience that are there and then your future it's just things that you have already intended for like they are on their way to you that's the thing you just feel like they're moving slower because again it's just dependent on where you are on here but as you have said Advance the reality by just making decisions literally any decisions that's like the part I just think is so funny is that we worry so much
about what decisions we make and how we're going to get to where we want to go you literally just have to make any decision and then all you're doing is speeding up the rate at which things manifest because there is no cause and effect so once you speed up enough you'll be able to manifest anything very fast that's why people who focus on you know SP or manifesting this specific thing like there's no point because you have to speed up Consciousness to manifest anything in the exact same way you literally need to just speed up
your the rate at which you're moving through So-Cal time like the the amount of things you're experiencing in a period of time if you do that you'll be able to manifest anything it's not about one thing or the other it doesn't matter the thing doesn't matter it's just a label that you're attaching to Consciousness so anyways hopefully this explains it I know I said that this was sort of simple but I guess it's more complicated sounding when I speak it out loud it always is that way everything makes sense in my my head so well
and then I put it on paper and I think that's the funny part is with these videos I said it to someone on the comment like it's just so hard to describe the universe and when I say I don't know in videos or you know I ramble or whatever like you guys say some of the comments you know you just may me more confused and that is because the universe itself is like a big Paradox okay like everything there's everything and nothing you know your past creates your future your future creates your past we all
exist at this point of Singularity there's everything equals everything else there's no we're just one circle like it's really just a circle that's all it is and a circle never ends and also when you try to describe the universe out loud when you describe the things that you're hearing like all these Concepts in my head when I try to describe them out here it's almost doing them an injustice by describing them in words you almost have to just experience it for yourself to be able to understand I wish I've said this in comments I wish
so badly that I could give someone my vision for a day so you could see the way that I experience reality because I constantly have people question you know they're like can you manifest something for me on camera or I try to explain it but there's no way to explain what I experience it is there's no way like I just can't put it into words in a way that sounds right to me like that describes the impact of it I guess because the way I see reality is it's so it's just so not real in
the way that I used to think of it it's not um I can just all you can do is take my word for it all you can do is trust me on that more than anything and that is the whole basis of the universe is Faith it's not about knowing sometimes it's just about trusting and that is like the best I can give you because it's so hard for me to explain my entire experience it reflects me and everything every object is me like everything is me every person is me um things are repeated back
to me instantly um I can see how I'm moving through time sometimes like I can see when time is faster or slower in a way conversations are almost like repeated stories in different ways the conversations people have are never about the thing they think they're actually talking about they're always describing their higher self in a way when they're speaking everything is just so different when you get to this point and I always feel weird talking about it because I don't want to sound like you know I'm above someone or something because I'm not we're experiencing
the same reality it's just different stages of the same consciousness of the same universe but it really is hard to connect with people that are not in this state and they try to undermine your ideas or you know and again this is just judgment on myself anyways like this is just me reflected outwardly so it doesn't even matter at this point I don't really care about a whole lot in the way that it used to um it's just different it's very hard to just exist in normal reality now once you start to understand things so
all I can say is I know everyone's in a rush to expand and like manifest everything and move so fast in their life but all I can say is be okay with slowing down too because I feel like I moved very fast and at first it was great but then now it's like it's hard to watch a movie or listen to a song anymore or do anything really because I see through it in a way and again this is where words it's hard to describe but it's like everyone is speaking in these higher Concepts and
it's not like just normal words anymore it's not just a normal movie or a normal song it's like I see myself in it and and everything that even seems unrelated is related yeah if you ever wondered if the universe is connected if you ever wondered if everything relates to everything else then yes and everything that you experience in your reality is in a reflection of of you like everything every object every the way your toilet paper roll fell that day or whatever like the randomst things are sorry I just laughed at that example um everything
the way your your pet acts towards you you know the way that someone crosses the road the way that and yeah and then you get to this point where you see it and you just see everything and you just yeah and again I don't see everything I mean I see some of it because again I'm not there's no end to this there's no end to expansion but anyways I don't know I felt like adding this rambly part onto the end of this video because I like to ramble and um yeah that's pretty much it let
me know what you guys think of this concept um I'm pretty sure I'm very confident in this at this point this video might still be confusing I'm sure I'll kind of get a better way of explaining it eventually because it's still early to me like the way that I'm trying to put it into words right now it makes sense in my head but trying to explain it out loud again is difficult so just let me know if you're confused about parts of it and I'll try to make more videos on these topics but this is
like the gist of it like the the key if you want to know the key to everything is just live in the present moment and make decisions what it is that you imagined or observed it's already on its way to you it's not going anywhere it's not forgotten about it's just taking time to get there based on where you are on this Continuum and if you want to get to it faster then start making decisions in your life start doing more things and that can also be in the mind it could be learning things it
could be just yeah learning new Concepts you never learned reading new book it's anything anything you've never done before like just go start doing it or just taking steps in your life taking steps forward that is how you get to your desires more quickly is by just moving forward in your life in any way and it doesn't matter that's the cool thing it doesn't matter what you do and it doesn't even matter if you fail either because you'll be corrected as long as you're living in the present that's the cool part is that you'll be
corrected no matter what like you'll be made sure to be on the right path always so you cannot fail you literally cannot fail so trust in that okay anyways I'm going to finally end this video thank you so much again and I'll see you guys in the next one okay bye
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