3 Signs God is Pruning You (to Prepare you for MORE)

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Journey To God
Are you going through circumstances that have refused to change? You are a believer, but nothing see...
Video Transcript:
are you going through circumstances that have refused to change you are a Believer but nothing seems to work in your life you pray and fast but your story isn't changing at all beloved nothing is wrong with you you might be in your pruning season however you will misunderstand God's work if you don't know the signs we will all go through this process in our Christian Journey but to agree with God and not walk out of your glorious reward or miss out on what God is preparing for you you need to know the signs there ensure
you watch this video to the end as I will share three signs that confirm God is pruning you you will also learn why this process is essential to your next level and what God expects from you this season what are the things you will experience in this season and what are the things that will happen after this season you will get all your answers from this video before we continue please subscribe to this channel if you haven't brooming season is a stage where God cuts off excesses in a believer's life after salvation the new convert
receives Christ's life however he won't be able to express Christ's life because of the excesses within and around him so to establish and prepare you God be pruning you of old Lifestyles relationships and attitudes this can be very painful because you are familiar with this way of life remember the flesh cannot please God so God will need to take you through this rigorous journey into the fullness of Christ this exercise isn't limited to a new convert God can also take a dee rooted believer on a pruning exercise the main reason behind behind this is to
prepare him or her for more in Christ this won't be palatable because it involves walking on New Paths and trying new things on this path God will expose the strengths and weaknesses of the individual but in all you need to know that pruning doesn't equal punishment when God prunes us he's helping us he is shown us his love he wants to prepare you for more and remove everything that can stop you from bearing fruits you can liken God to a gardener who owns many grape Vines naturally the grap Vine will have long branches intertwined together
but not all of them are capable of bearing fruits this isn't a good situation for the vine if the gardener does not care for the vine it will yield fewer fruits why the unfruitful branches will deter the growth of the useful ones thus the gardener will decide decide to cut off the unyielding branches but that's not all the gardener will prune the fruitful branches why refusal to prune them will lead to excessive grape clusters so to get a satisfactory yield The Gardener prunes them this is how God deals with Believers John 1512 says I am
the True Vine and my father is the gardener he cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful this verse shows that the pruning process is not to destroy but for fruitfulness and multiplication he wishes to prune you so you can bear fruits he wants to prepare you for more and how will you identify this number one God will take you through a series of tests God God has a purpose in mind for every soul he has designed
a particular assignment for you however before you can fulfill this you must go through diverse tests and trials not that this isn't a Temptation God cannot tempt a man only the devil does that a Temptation aims to pull you down however the result of a test is to uplift you into your rightful position after passing the test one thing you need to always keep in mind is that the greater the calling the more intense the pruning and that means your tests will equally be massive God administers these tests to know if you will remain faithful
to him when the blessings come it's all part of the pruning process for instance God might test you with financial difficulties after all when you accept Christ he ought to open the windows of blessings upon you you but that's not the case with you instead things seem to go from bad to worse God is teaching you to depend on him he wants to prune off your trust in men he wants to cut off your self-sufficiency he wants you to rely on him and to pass such a test you must always ask God for all you
need don't go around looking for Alternatives God can also test you with simple inst instructions he might tell you to do something impossible or stupid this is part of the pruning process God instructed you to see how you will yield to his word you've been yielding to your flesh but his instructions will force you to yield to him this time if you obey you have overcome a level of your flesh's dominance over you and that's growth he can tell you to give out something valuable to you he would have noticed that this one thing is
the idol in your life he doesn't want this hence the need for pruning and when you overcome your desires by releasing that one thing he positions you rightly for greater things you will no longer be double-minded because all your heart is now on God God can also test you through a major change he can tell you to leave your comfort zone and begin the journey where he will show you you don't know the place but you only trust his Direction this is a test to know if you will obey God even when you do not
see anything during this pruning process you will learn to walk by faith not by might or sight so watch out for God's tests purpose is for you to cut off any hindrances to his plans for your life therefore ensure you do not struggle with obedience James 1 24 says consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face Trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything so be happy when God takes you
through tests and trials you are journeying into maturity number two your lifestyle will change when you become born again your spirit receives a spiritual change however the old lifestyle and ways of doing things remain in your soul that is why you sometimes discover that you fall into your old lifestyle this is because God has not completed the pruning process in your life for God to prepare you for more old things must die in your soul God needs to renew your life with his word old habits are difficult to change thus you do not expire to
go easy on you he has to employ the rigid way of pring and how will he do this he will begin to speak to your heart concerning these Lifestyles and when you are about to commit them again you either hear his voice or feel a throbbing pain in your heart this is God trying to prune off these habits he is trying to tell you that the new life you've received does not conform with what you want to do he will keep identifying with these Lifestyles because they do not align with where he's taking you so
when you begin to experience a change in your lifestyle the pruning process has affected you if you are the type that takes pleasure in arguments and fights God will begin to caution you you might struggle with this pruning for some time however the more he hits you and you begin to yield the more you will change you will suddenly discover that nothing angers you again you hardly reply to arguments even people around you will testify to this Divine transformation in you if you are the type that drinks a lot before meeting Jesus you will struggle
with this lifestyle for some time however God won't stop coming to you so if you drank all kinds of alcohol before now you will suddenly develop a deep hatred for it God will create a partition between you and the Habit this is God pruning you there are days you will feel like going back to it again however God's word will push you to do otherwise yeah it's painful but God is turning you into a new person 2 Timothy 2:21 says Those Who cleanse themselves from the latter will be in instruments for special purposes made holy
useful to the master and prepared to do any good work keep this verse in your heart when you allow God's pruning to purge you of all these things you will be ready for the Master's use you will become a vessel unto honor number three God will shift your priorities if there is anyone who went through rigorous pruning in the Scripture it is the Disciples of Jesus Christ God pruned these men in so many ways first they had to ditch their career and follow Jesus even though they didn't know where he was going they still followed
him they also forsook their family members they all had fathers and mothers however they didn't care about their welfare when they met Jesus the most dramatic were the sons of Zebedee James and John they were working for their father when Jesus met them the Bible says that they left the boat and their father can you imagine how the father would have felt but the sons had made up their minds and when Jesus was about to send them out alone for the first time his words with them showed that these men had grown their priorities have
changed from themselves to the things of the Kingdom what led to this change pring Jesus told them in Matthew 10:28 do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul rather be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and Body in hell this statement showed that the men had submitted their lives to the point of death they were not thinking of how to become successful in their professions again they were not scared of losing their lives the kingdom of God had become their only priority and they were ready
to die for it the same is true about you when God begins to prune you he will shed your desires and Ambitions remove carnal Pursuits from your life and shift your priorities from what you want to what he wants as the disciples served God their whole lives you will see the need to serve God the same way that's a sign that God is pruning you you only need to ensure that you do not fight God's work don't try to stop God from shifting your priorities many wish to follow Jesus but are not ready to forsake
their Ambitions they are not ready to jettison their dreams for his in other words they are rejecting pruning the ripple effect is that such Christians won't bear fruits like others they've limited the flow of God's life within them aside from these signs what else can you experience when God is pruning you it will look like the whole world has turned against you you must might face intense persecution from your family why God is working on your life you are tuning to God's frequency this won't be plausible in the enemy's ears he will do everything he
can to stop the process so he will begin to engineer certain oppositions against you don't feel bad this is part what you need to stand strong in God it's part of what will take you to where God has prepared for you as a disciple of Jesus prepare to face these persecutions this is fundamental to your faith so embrace all persecutions with joy God allowed it to strengthen you Joseph was a man who went through this form of pruning God had made it clear to him that he would become the head of his household however opposition
arose from his family his elder brother others stood against him and sold him into slavery through his enslavement God kept pruning him he was well prepared before God made him stand before pharaoh and when he saw his brothers he had compassion for them why God has pruned the seed of unforgiveness from his heart the same is true about you you will face diverse challenges and opposition know that God is using all these to prune you he's taking you to the next level of your life another thing you might see is that you will keep feeling
inadequate to do what God has called you to do when you feel like God is calling you to do more than you can afford this isn't the time to shy back God only wants you to know that he's interested in your fruits and preparing you for them also remember that God does not call the qualified instead he makes qualified those he calls moreover he said he would use the basic things of this world to confound the wise take the Disciples of Jesus as an example how did a fisherman or tax collector become a mighty wielder
of God's power when the Holy Spirit descended upon them on the day of Pentecost people observed that they were all ignorant men but then they were doing extraordinary things that's because God has prepared them for that purpose there was a time when they also felt inadequate after Jesus death they all scattered Peter went back to his fishion however the spirit of Christ went to gather them and strengthened them today their lives serve as the foundation of Christianity that's because God pruned them he made them believe that even in their inadequacy he can use them for
his glory the same is true about you don't relegate yourself don't assume you can never do what God wants you to do that's a big lie let him prune away all your doubts and make you stand out like the Disciples of Jesus you might also begin to experience New Dimensions of spiritual attacks if God prepares you for a mighty assignment he will allow the devil to attack you that's because he wants to equip you for such batt also when you fight and overcome the attacks you can help others who might find themselves in the same
situation tomorrow you will tell them or use the strategies God has trained you with God knew a day would come when David would meet Goliath thus he ensured that nobody kept the sheep with David he trained him on how to use the Catapult to kill animals David single-handedly killed lions and bears when he appeared appeared before Saul these victories were his certificate fighting animals alone wasn't conducive however God pruned off fear and intimidation from his heart he faced Goliath with full confidence and the Giant died before the one whom God had prepared so don't feel
like God hates you when you face diverse challenges God is only preparing you to stand before a nation and declare that he can save you from attacks another event that will happen as God prunes you is that you will begin to desire the things of God more than that of the flesh the flesh cannot please God therefore as God takes away the old nature he replaces them with a hunger for his word and prayer you will begin to prioritize his presence more than anything else this is a sign that your life is gradually shaping into
what God wants it to be as you continue on this path you will discover that God will begin to open your eyes to what he wants you to do you'll begin to see Mighty Revelations and insight from the holy spirit this is a sign that God has pruned off all the excesses out of your life and at some point it might look like God isn't answering your prayers this can be very painful especially when you need his intervention urgently God is and punishing you he only wants you to accept his will for your life he
wants to prevent you from thinking you can turn him into a chatbot that produces answers once asked no God is Not Another chat he's your creator so when you pray and it looks like he doesn't answer he wants you to trust his timing if you can do this he will surprise you don't turn your eyes to other mediums try trust God he's only pruning off more excesses in your life he will answer your prayers during this time immerse yourself more in him practice gratitude sing his Praises daily let him see the change that he longs
to see in your life when you do this God will answer your prayer it shows that you have matured spiritually now that you know the signs and what you might experience while God prunes you you may wonder why God had to do the pruning in the first place can't he leave you to live the way you want to no pruning is essential because God needs to entrench his nature in you the nature of the Fallen Man Lies inside every man who has not received the Life of Christ but once you allow the light of God
to shine upon your heart the spirit of Christ comes to dwell with within you however the nature of the Fallen man won't give room to the holy spirit that easily this is where pruning comes in God begins to shed off the power of the Fallen man in your life Philippians 2213 says therefore my dear friends as you have always obeyed not only in my presence but now much more in my absence continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order
to fulfill his good purpose God's work in you is another word for pruning as he builds his nature in you you lose more of the Fallen man's desires this changes you and you begin to look like him God prunes you to cut off non- Christlike Characters 2 Corinthians 577 says therefore if anyone is in Christ the new creation has come the old has gone the new is here the new won't emerge suddenly it requires chiseling away the Dee rooted old it requires conscious efforts to act like Christ in all situations this is where the pruning
gets extremely essential God doesn't just change your nature to his he also builds the character of the Sun in you he opens your eyes to how you should act in all situations you won't do your bidding but Christ's bidding thus his spirit will have a free flow within you God also needs to prune you so that you can bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit the presence of the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit and a man signals his complete transformation it signals that pruning has affected the man's life however this won't happen in a
day the nine fruits will keep surfacing as God prunes the man remember the illustration of the grape vine the branches are all growing he cuts away the unfruitful branches and then prunes the fruitful ones he also cuts off some grape clusters you can call these grape clusters The Works of the flesh they are also fruits but their existence will thwart the needed fruits therefore God Cuts them off that's how God works in your life he cuts off the works of the Flesh and gives room for the fruits of the Holy Spirit to thrive what are
these fruits Galatians 52223 says but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace forbearance kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control against such things there is no law so God removes hatred and replaces it with love he cuts off Anger from your life and replaces it with peace as you continue to submerge yourself in his pruning you bear many fruits and become perfect before him this is what makes you a genuine believer God does not save you today and tells you to go and preach for him the next day no he works on your life
he cleans you and then prepares you for the task ahead that's the purpose of pruning at the end of the process God wants to look at you and declare that you are good and ready but then God won't be able to fulfill these purposes in you if you are not ready to do what he expects of you this season so what does God expect from you God expects you to submit yourself many Christians struggle with God yeah they've accepted Jesus however they only want the goodies they don't want the discipline part of it when God
works on them they avoid him when the going gets tough and quickly return to their old Lifestyles they can't endure the little persecutions they can't control themselves when the Holy Spirit bits them to this attitude isn't favorable to God's work in your life God needs your submission before he can work freely in you he needs your will to buy to his that is when he can bring out the best out of you if the Porter wants to create a jug out of clay he mixes the clay and starts working but if the clay refuses to
form the poral would have no choice but to move it aside that is what happens when you refuse to submit to pruning God will move you aside when he tries to bend you and you refuse to yield he moves to another fellow don't let God move you aside submit to pruning you need to cooperate with God so that he can carefully remove all the excesses in your life you need to accept your faulty nature and let him transform you you need to be patient many Christians want to jump from the alter call to the pulpit
they don't want to wait for their time they are in a hurry to leave the season of preparation you shouldn't do this you must allow God to complete his work in your life yes after receiving the Life of Christ you will feel an intense urge to preach but wait direct that urge into prayers why God needs to prepare your heart for the challenges of working for him he needs to prepare you for the emotional torture and persecutions that you might face along the way and when you carefully allow him to work he will equip you
with the necessary tools that you need to work for him then then he can confidently send you into the vineyard you may not be aware but rest is part of God's pruning you need lessons on waiting this is how God teaches you self-control he might tell you not to go out such a command will come when you feel the intense urge to move out he might tell you not to talk this is God teaching you how to wait upon him he is teaching you how to draw strength in silence if you yield to him you
become a changed person now that you know what to do while God prunes you you must know the dangers of prematurely leaving the pruning process so what are the dangers first such a Christian will not produce any good fruit you can only produce the fruits of the Holy Spirit when you submit to the pruning but when you reject it you can't be productive in God and according to John 15 2 God cuts out every branch that does not bear fruits he has no patience for such Souls when he cuts you off you cease to grow
it's a terrible situation you won't be able to enjoy the fullness of God again also leaving the pruning process prematurely leads to an unstable faith in God since you didn't allow God to finish his work in your life you become as unstable as water confusion sets in your heart you didn't allow him to finish the destruction of the Flesh in you thus they began to grow again and dominate you this throws you in the middle you don't want to leave God because you know you can't do without him yet your flesh also Whispers to you
you then begin to struggle between two options you can't face God squarely or want to walk with the flesh in a nutshell you become as unstable as water eventually the flesh will take over because you've rejected God's work this will lead to living in the flesh the Bible has made it clear that the flesh cannot please God also the way of the flesh ends in death that means leaving the pruning process can cause a man to lose an eternal Dwelling Place With God he won't enjoy what God has prepared for the Saints this is true
because staying in the pruning process makes you more like God but when you walk away you lose his nature mind you you can't be neutral leaving God means you've crossed to the other side of the road you've automatically handed the wheel of your life to the devil of course the Holy Spirit cannot dwell in such a soul again when this happens the soul stops receiving Divine guidance this is a pitiable state because devil takes the seat permanently he leads the soul into the wrong things and if God doesn't have mercy such a soul might lose
his salvation and finally if you walk away from the pruning process you might lose his grace upon your life God's grace contains everything you need to live a fulfilling life the only prerequisite to this grace is for God to work on your life he needs to prune you then he releases his grace upon you at the point of graduation his grace contains all your physical and spiritual blessings your wealth and gift are all under his grace however a man would lose everything if he didn't submit to pruning God wants to work on your life don't
leave the pruning stage prematurely God has placed a premium on your soul he loves you so he wants to prune you to the max what are the benefits of walking through the pruning process what will you gain when you allow God to complete his work on you first you will grow spiritually food alone doesn't make a healthy child discipline and Corrections are vital in grooming the child into a respectful and mature person that is what pring does to you it is painful but you grow into a fully mature Man in Christ no one will call
you a babe because you've patiently absorbed all God wants you to receive you will note this maturity in the way you handle issues instead of getting angry you approach the situation with patience you love even the unlovable this is the work of God in your life he has moved you from an ordinary Christian to a mature Man in Christ do you want to enjoy this status then stay in the room of pruning also you will have the spiritual confidence to approach God for anything since you've allowed God to move through you he will happily Grant
your requests why you are now part of his own since you've submitted everything to him he won't withhold anything good from you even if you tell him to create what he has never created before God would do it why you've shown yourself worthy of him so he will give you anything you ask in his name because you've respected him when God wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah he said he couldn't hide his plans from Abraham do you know what that means Abraham had walked with God to a point where God made him his friend Abraham
allowed God to prune him so God gave him a chance to negotiate his decision how will a mortar change God's plan simple the mortar had submitted himself even though God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah we know he wouldn't have done that if he had seen what Abraham negotiated with him in the land if you wish to enjoy the same privilege let God prune you another benefit is that no power of evil will overcome you once you've allowed God to start and complete the pruning process in your life you become a Terrior to the kingdom of darkness
they won't be able to be near you because you now carry God's nature you have become a completely transformed person no matter how they try to attack you nothing will affect you that's because you have given God a seat in your life so his angels are all around you they won't allow any dark thing to come near you because you've allowed God to prune you you will fulfill his Pur purpose for your life you can't live a meaningless life anymore when God prunes you he is the one that will give your life meaning so if
you want to become all God has destined for you don't shun his work know that everything he does for you is for your good he's working in your interest no obstacle will scare you on the Journey of purpose why God has prepared you for them all so you will only ride above them moreover the holy spirit will guide you have you ever toured a country what can you say about the guide excellent why because he or she directed you properly he told you where to go and what to do you didn't enter a danger zone
because your guide was with you that's the role of the holy spirit in your life he guides your footsteps he cautions you when you are about to take a wrong step he helps you in times of need he provides solutions to all of your problems you can access all these because you've allowed God to work on your life another benefit of Allowing God to prune you is that he will release his grace upon you people of the world thrive on efforts they believe that all they need can come through their strength thus they struggle physically
and financially they keep working daily but have little to show for it and even when they become wealthy the enemy would still attack their prosperity why they lack one thing the grace of Christ this is what you will enjoy when you let God prove you he will place his hands upon everything that is yours you will keep prospering and nothing will hinder your progress and then then he will bless you with all good things of life you will lack nothing why God will provide all your needs according to his riches and Glory all the Bible
characters that allowed God to work on them lacked nothing God provided all that they needed after Joseph's pruning process he received three honors in one day he became a prime minister had a house and married the same day God blessed Abraham Beyond his expectations the Disciples of Jesus didn't lack anything throughout their lifetime why they've allowed God to prune them they've come to trust God for everything and he didn't fail them so let this be at the back of your mind you will enjoy all the goodies of life when you let God prune you also
you will enjoy eternity with God in heaven who are the people that will reign with Christ they are spotless and holy and how can you be spotless and holy through pruning that means the benefit of pruning isn't tied to your Earthly reality it transcends into the celestial realm God will welcome you home because you've done his will on Earth you've endured all the trials and tests you've overcome all the terrible circumstances so you deserve a warm welcome this will be your portion as you let God prune you now lastly you become a model for other
Christians when you carefully go through the refining fire you can confidently stand before others and declare that the pruning process is not forever others will see you and emulate God's nature in you they will mention you when mentioning genuine Christians God has also trained you through diverse attacks from the enemy so when you see a fellow going through what you've overcome you can easily extend help to the individual in conclusion Rejoice that God is taking you through the pruning process and if you are not there yet prepare your mind because every Christian will go through
this season God has a purposeful plan for your life the best place you can be is in his arms do all all that God tells you to do during your pruning process everything will work out for your good let us pray heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for showing me the signs of the pruning process and for not leaving me alone now I understand that you love me your pruning is not punishment it is for me to arrive at the place you've destined for me Lord I ask for Mercy there are times
that I struggle with you I didn't understand what you were trying to do therefore I refused your work and failed your tests please forgive me I promise to do as you command from now on therefore I submit myself to the pruning process take charge of my body Soul and Spirit do to me as you wish direct me as you please I don't have a will of M mind again let your will come to pass in my life I accept the trials that will come my way I accept the persecutions and attacks from Evil forces I
know they are part of what will make me a strong man in Christ please equip me in all areas I hold none back from you again take all of me direct my footsteps Lord I pray that you prepare me for my assignment I have a passion for saving Souls I want to see your will coming to pass in people's lives however I don't wish to rush the process I will wait patiently until you tell me to go please equip me with all that I will need bless me with the wisdom knowledge and understanding I must
not make rash and silly decisions I pray that you destroy The Works of the old man in my life help me to deal with the flesh help me to see my faults and make necessary corrections I know you have saved me however let the work of Salvation reflect In My Soul Chase away the spirit of lust malice and anger from me I must not lie nor live in falsehood again when I am about to make a mistake let your Holy Spirit caution me I must come into the fullness of Christ build Christ like characters in
my soul while you prune away the flesh replace it with peace love joy and all the fruits of the spirit make my body your Dwelling Place I must be your temple my life must speak of your glory the enemy must not have a portion in me deal with pride and dishonesty replace them with the spirit of honesty and truth I pray that you strengthen my faith during this pruning process help me stay committed to you despite my challenges and tribulations even when you do not answer my prayers I choose to trust you I am sure
you are building a better version of me I will try out any other Alternatives I will stay committed to what you want you are my Gardener May make me a better branch in Christ I now ask that you fill me with your holy spirit let him release the strength that I need to finish the pruning process leaving has terrible consequences and I don't even want to fall victim to them therefore let your Holy Spirit keep my feet rooted and firm finally there are benefits for those who endure and pass the pruning process I declare that
I will pass the pruning process and enjoy these benefits I will fulfill your purpose for me I receive the grace of Jesus Christ in all my Endeavors you will bless me in all ramifications I will not lose anything good I will reign with Christ at the end thank you Jesus because I know you have answered my prayers in Jesus's name I have prayed amen if this video has imparted you kindly hit the like button don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more soul-lifting messages see you in the next one
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