Get Ready for the Biggest Transformation of Your Life - Dr. Joe Dispenza Motivation

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Get Ready for the Biggest Transformation of Your Life - Dr. Joe Dispenza Motivation Are you ready f...
Video Transcript:
right now at this very moment your life is on the verge of an incredible transformation you're standing at the threshold of something amazing something that's going to change everything can you sense it that tingling feeling that spark of excitement that's your future calling saying hey it's time everything you've ever wanted is about to appear all at once now you might be thinking really all at once that sounds too good to be true but let me tell you it's not just possible it's happening right now now whether you believe it or not the universe doesn't need
your permission to bring good things into your life it's already in motion like a giant wave building up in the ocean ready to crash onto the shore of your reality but here's the catch you've got to be ready to catch that wave you need to be in the right place at the right time with the right mindset and that's what we're going to dive into today we're going to get you prepared for the most incredible moment of your life let's start with your thoughts your thoughts are like seeds you plant in the garden of your
mind what kind of seeds are you sewing are they seeds of Doubt fear and worry or Seeds of Hope excitement and possibility because whatever you plant is what's going to grow so right now I want you to start planting seeds of possibility I want you to think everything I desire is coming to me all at once say it out loud feel it deeply let it permeate every cell of your body when you truly believe it when you feel it with every part of your being that's when the magic starts to unfold now I'm not talking
about just sitting around and waiting for good things to fall into your lap no way this is about aligning your thoughts feelings and actions it's about getting into that perfect Zone where everything just clicks think of it this way have you ever had a day where everything seemed to go perfectly every Green Light running into an old friend you were just thinking about opportunities falling into your lap that's what we're talking about but on a much grander scale we're talking about your entire life lining up like that those perfect days don't happen by chance they
happen because you're in the right state of mind you're open positive and expectant that's the state we need to get you into now so how do we do that how do we get you into that ideal state where everything you want can flow into your life it starts with your morning from the moment you wake up you need to set the tone for your day don't grab your phone and start scrolling through social media don't immediately stress about all the things you need to do instead take a few moments to breathe deeply feel the air
filling your lungs feel your heartbeating and recognize the life flowing through you as you breathe start to visualize all the things you want coming into your life picture that dream job that perfect relationship that ideal body that Financial abundance see it all in Vivid detail and feel the emotions of having those things the joy the excitement the Gratitude now I want you to hold on to that feeling as you go about your day carry it with you like a glowing ball of light inside you let it influence every interaction every decision because when you're in
that state you'll start to notice op opportunities you might have missed before you'll attract people and situations that align with your desires but it's not just about feeling good it's about taking action from that place of positive expectation it's about making choices that align with the future you want if you want that dream job start acting like you already have it dress the part speak the part think the part if you want that perfect relationship treat yourself and others with the love and respect you expect from your ideal partner now I know this might sound
a bit odd you might be thinking but I don't have those things yet isn't this just pretending and my answer is absolutely but here's the key your brain doesn't know the difference between what's real and what you vividly imagine when you consistently think and feel as if you already have what you want your brain starts to rewire itself to match that reality think of it like this have you ever bought a new car and suddenly you see that model everywhere it's not that there are more of those cars it's that your brain is now tuned
to notice them the same happens when you focus on what you want you start seeing opportunities ideas and resources that have always been there but were overlooked so let's talk about keeping this momentum going throughout your day starting your morning right isn't enough you need to sustain that high energy and positive expectation all day long one powerful way to do this is through gratitude gratitude is like a magnet for miracles when you're grateful for what you have you open yourself up to receiving more so throughout your day take moments to appreciate the good things in
your life it could be something as simple as a great cup of coffee a kind word from a stranger or the warmth of the sun on your skin the more you practice gratitude the more you'll find to be thankful for another key practice is to watch your words the words you speak have immense power they're like spells you cast over your own life start speaking as if everything you want is already yours instead of saying I hope I get that job say I'm excited about my new job instead of saying I wish I had more
money say I'm grateful for the abundance flowing into my life your words shape your reality so choose them WI wisely let's address challenges because let's be honest life isn't always smooth there will be obstacles and setbacks but these challenges aren't here to stop you they're here to strengthen you to prepare you for the amazing things that are on the way when you face a challenge don't see it as a sign that things aren't working out see it as proof that you're growing that you're moving closer to your goals every obstacle is an opportunity to show
yourself and the universe that you're ready for what you want here's a powerful truth the bigger the challenge the bigger the Breakthrough that's coming so when you encounter a major obstacle get excited it means you're on the brink of something incredible it signals that the universe is about to bring something amazing your way it's like the darkness Just Before Dawn the darkest part of the Night Comes right before the sun rises so how do you handle these challenges with Grace with confidence and with the unwavering belief that everything is unfolding for your highest good when
things don't go as planned take a deep breath and remind yourself this is happening for me not to me this is setting me up for something even better then from a place of calm and confidence look for the lesson ask yourself what can I learn from this how is this making me stronger wiser and more prepared for the amazing things ahead every challenge you you face is molding you into the person who can handle the success that's coming now let's talk about your energy everything in the universe is energy including you and like attracts like
so if you want to draw amazing things into your life you need to become an energetic match for those things you need to elevate your vibration to align with what you desire how do you do that it starts with self-care eat foods that nourish and energize you move your body in ways that feel joyful get enough rest and surround yourself with positive people who uplift you do activities that bring you Joy and make you feel alive but it's not just about physical energy it's about your emotional and mental energy too be mindful of the thoughts
and feelings you entertain throughout the day are they mostly uplifting or draining are they aligned with your goals or pulling you away when you notice negative thoughts or feelings don't judge them or try to suppress them acknowledge them thank them for trying to protect you and then choose a more empowering thought remember you're not your thoughts or feelings you're the one who decides which thoughts and emotions to focus on start celebrating before you see the results too often we think we'll be happy when we get what we want but the truth is you need to
feel happy first and then you'll attract what you want so start celebrating now dance around your space pump your fist in the air shout yes at the top of your lungs feel the joy and excitement of having what you desire even before it manifests in your physical world now let's talk about action while all this mental and emotional work is essential it's not enough on its own you need to take inspired action to bring your desires to life but here's the key it needs to be inspired action not forced action what's the difference forced action
comes from a place of fear or lack it's when you're pushing and struggling trying to make things happen through sheer willpower inspired action on the other hand flows from a place of alignment it feels natural exciting even effortless so how do you know when to act listen to your intuition pay attention to those gut feelings those nudges from the universe when you get an idea that excites you act on it when you feel drawn to do something do it even if it doesn't seem directly related to your goals trust that it's part of a bigger
picture and here's something crucial don't worry about knowing all the steps to achieve your goal you don't need to see the whole staircase to take the first step just focus on the next right action the next inspired step trust that as you take that step the next one will reveal itself remember the universe loves speed when you get an inspired idea act on it quickly don't let doubt or fear talk you out of it the faster you act the faster you'll see results let's discuss patience because while it's true that everything you want is on
the verge of showing up all at once that all at once might not happen on your timeline the universe operates on its own schedule and that timing is always perfect so while you're waiting for your desires to manifest stay in a state of positive expectation keep doing the inner work keep taking inspired action and trust that everything is unfolding perfectly think of it like planting a garden you plant the seeds water them make sure they get sunlight but you don't dig them up every day to see if they're growing you trust in the process here's
a powerful truth the more patient and trusting you are the faster things will manifest it's like the saying a watched pot never boils when you're constant looking for results wondering when when when you're actually pushing your desires away but when you relax into knowing that it's already done that's when Miracles occur so how do you cultivate that patience and Trust by staying present in the Moment by finding joy and gratitude in your current circumstances even as you're excited about what's on the horizon focus on being the person who already has what you want rather rather
than fixating on the when and how of achieving it here's the exciting part because you're doing all this inner work aligning your thoughts feelings and actions with your desires you're actually rewiring your brain you're creating new neural Pathways new patterns of thinking and behaving you're literally reprogramming your brain to match the reality you want to create this is where the real magic happens when you change your brain you change your life your brain starts to filter information differently noticing opportunities that align with your goals it starts generating Creative Solutions and attracting people in circumstances that
resonate with your new vibration the best part is that this change can happen rapidly your brain is constantly evolving constantly adapting every thought you think every emotion you feel every action you take is shaping your brain when you consistently think feel and act in alignment with your desires you can create significant changes in a short time this is why everything you want is about to manifest all at once because once you reach that Tipping Point once your brain is fully aligned with your goals things can shift incredibly fast it's like a row of dominoes once
the first one Falls the rest follow in quick succession so how do you know when you're nearing that Tipping Point pay attention to the signs notice the synchronic ities the coincidences that seem to align notice how you're feeling more peaceful more excited more confident these are all signs that you're aligning with what you desire here's something really important don't overlook the small signs sometimes we're so focused on the big manifestation that we miss the smaller ones along the way but those small manifestations are proof that what you're doing is effective they're like breadcrumbs leading you
to the feast so celebrate those small winds did you find a parking spot right when you needed it celebrate did someone give you an unexpected compliment celebrate did you have a great idea out of nowhere celebrate the more you acknowledge and appreciate these small manifestations the more you'll notice them now let's talk about resistance as you're doing this incredible work aligning with your desires and raising your vibration you might start feeling some push back doubt fear or uncertainty might start creeping in this is completely normal and actually a positive sign why because resistance often shows
up just before a major breakthrough it's like your old patterns and ways of thinking are making one final stand before giving way to the new just like how the night is darkest right before the dawn so when you feel resistance don't let it dishearten you see it as a sign that you're on the right path about to break through to a new level instead of fighting the resistance or trying to suppress it lean into it feel it fully acknowledge it thank it for trying to protect you and then choose to move forward anyway remember courage
isn't the absence of fear it's feeling the fear and taking action despite it so feel the fear feel the doubt feel the uncertainty and then take that inspired action anyway because on the other side of that fear is everything you've ever wanted now let's address your environment while all this inner work is vital your outer environment also plays a significant role your surroundings are constantly sending you signals constantly affecting your thoughts and emotions so make sure your environment is supporting your desires not working against them look around is your space cluttered and chaotic or is
it tidy and organized are you surrounded by things that uplift and inspire you or by things that drag you down are the people in your life supportive of your dreams or are they constantly doubting and criticizing start making changes to your surroundings to support your new reality clear out the Clutter surround yourself with items that inspire you and remind you of your goals spend time with people who believe in you and lift you up create a space that feels like the future you're creating start living as if you already have what you want if you
want to be wealthy treat yourself to small luxuries if you want a loving relationship treat yourself yourself with love and kindness if you want a successful career start dressing and acting like the successful person you're becoming this isn't about pretending or faking it it's about aligning your present reality with your desired reality it's about closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be as you do this you'll start to notice amazing things happening you'll begin to feel more confident more deserving and you'll start attracting people and opportunities that match your new
way of being now let's talk about letting go this might seem counterintuitive but one of the most powerful things you can do to manifest your desires is to release your attachment to the outcome this doesn't mean you stop wanting what you want it means you trust that whether you get exactly what you've envisioned or something even better it's all working out perfectly when you're attached to a specific outcome you create resistance you're telling the universe it has to happen in one particular way but when you let go and trust you open yourself to possibilities you
might not have even considered you allow the universe to deliver what's truly best for you right now you're standing on the edge of something extraordinary In This Moment you're closer than ever to everything you've ever desired Can you feel it that tingling sensation that excitement bubbling up inside you that's your body telling you that everything you want is about to manifest all at once I know you might be thinking Yow how is that possible things don't just happen like that but let me assure you they absolutely can and they will if you're ready to open
your mind and embrace a new way of thinking think about it how many times have you heard stories of people whose lives changed in an instant the struggling artist who gets discovered overnight the entrepreneur whose business suddenly takes off the person who finds true love when they least expect it these aren't just fairy tales or lucky breaks they're examples of what can happen when you align your thoughts energy and actions with what you truly desire but here's the key it's not about sitting back and waiting for good things to come to you it's about actively
creating the conditions for amazing things to happen it's about rewiring your brain shifting your energy and stepping into a reality where everything you want is not just possible but inevitable let's talk about your brain for a moment you have billions of neurons up there constantly Making Connections forming patterns and shaping your reality every thought you think every belief you hold every emotion you feel all of it is creating Pathways in your brain these Pathways determine how you see the world how you respond to situations and ultimately what kind of life you create for yourself so
ask yourself what kind of Pathways have you been forming are they Pathways of limitation doubt I can't and it's not possible or are they Pathways of possibility confidence I can and anything is possible the great news is no matter what Pathways you've created in the past you have the power to change them your brain is incredibly adaptable constantly changing and evolving and you can harness this adaptability to create new neural pathways Pathways that lead to success happiness and everything you've ever dreamed of how do you do that it starts with your thoughts every time you
think a thought you're firing neurons in your brain the more you repeat a thought the stronger that neural pathway becomes it's like carving a path through a forest the more you walk that path the clearer and easier it becomes to follow if you want to create a life where everything you desire appears all at once you need to start thinking thoughts that align with that reality instead in of focusing on what you lack focus on abundance instead of dwelling on past failures visualize future successes instead of worrying about what could go wrong get excited about
what could go right but it's not just about positive thinking it's about feeling those positive thoughts in your body remember your body doesn't know the difference between a real experience and one that's vividly imagined when you truly feel the joy excitement and gratitude of having everything you want your body begins to change on a cellular level your heart rate changes your breathing shifts and the hormones and neurotransmitters flowing through your body adjust as your body transforms it sends signals back to your brain reinforcing those positive thoughts and emotions it's a beautiful feedback loop that can
completely change your life now I know some of you might be thinking I've tried positive thinking before and nothing changed here's the thing it's not enough to just think positive thoughts for a few minutes a day and then fall back into Old Habits you need to make it a consistent practice you need to live in that state of positivity of possibility of knowing that everything you want is just around the corner it's like working out you wouldn't expect to get fit by going to the gym once a week for 15 minutes right you need to
make it a regular part of your routine the same goes for rewiring your brain you need to consistently practice thinking and feeling in a new way until it becomes your default State here's where it gets really exciting when you start living in this new state this state of knowing that everything you want is about to appear you begin to notice opportunities you never saw before you start attracting people and situations that align with your desires you start taking inspired actions that move you closer to your goals it's not magic it's not some mystical secret it's
science it's understanding how how your brain works and using that knowledge to create the life you want but let's be clear this isn't about just sitting back and waiting for good things to happen it's about taking action from a place of possibility and expectation it's about stepping out of your comfort zone trying new things and being open to Opportunities you might have dismissed in the past think of it this way if you truly believe that everything you wanted was about to appear all at once how would you act would you stay in that job you
dislike or would you start looking for something better would you keep spending time with people who bring you down or would you seek out relationships that uplift and inspire you would you keep postponing your dreams or would you start taking steps to make them a reality when you start living as if everything you want is already on its way you naturally begin making choices that align with that reality you start showing up differently in the world and the world in turn starts responding to you differently now I'm not saying it's always easy changing ingrained patterns
of thought and behavior can be tough there will be days when your old habits try to resurface there will be times when doubt and fear creep in but that's okay it's part of the process the key is to keep returning to this new way of thinking and being each time you catch yourself slipping into Old patterns gently guide yourself back remind yourself that everything you want is about to appear all at once feel the excitement of that in your body let it energize and motivate you to keep going here's something really important don't get caught
up in how everything will appear too often we limit ourselves by trying to figure out exactly how our desires will manifest we think the only way I could get that much money is if I win the lottery or the only way I could find love is if I meet someone at work but when you do that you're restricting the universe saying this is the only way it can happen and you miss out on all the other amazing possibilities available to you instead focus on the end result feel what it would be like to have everything
you want let yourself experience the joy satisfaction and sense of fulfillment then let go of the how trust that if you keep aligning your thoughts feelings and actions with what you desire the how will take care of itself this is where many people get stuck they can visualize what they want they can even feel good about it for a little while but then they look at their current circumstances and think but how how could this possibly happen for me in that moment they snap back to their old reality they let their current circumstances dictate their
future instead of letting their vision of the future shape their present but what if you could hold on to that Vision that feeling of having everything you want even when your current reality doesn't match what if you could go through your day dealing with whatever challenges come up but still maintain that inner knowing that everything is about to change for the better that's the key that's the secret to making everything you want appear all at once it's about creating a new normal for yourself a normal where amazing things happening is just the way things are
a normal where opportunities and blessings flow to you effortlessly now I'm not saying you should ignore your current reality or pretend challenges don't exist that's not it at all what I'm saying is that you can acknowledge your current circumstances while simultaneously holding a vision of something better you you can deal with what's in front of you while still knowing that everything is about to change it's like being in a dark room and knowing that Sunrise is coming you don't ignore the darkness you navigate it as best you can but you also don't let the darkness
convince you that the Sun Won't rise you know it's coming and that knowledge gives you hope strength and the ability to keep moving forward so how do you create this new normal for yourself how do you maintain this state of knowing that everything you want is about to appear even when your current reality seems to contradict it it starts with your morning routine how do you start your day do you wake up and immediately worry about everything you need to do do you check your phone and get stressed out before you even get out of
bed or do you take a moment to set your intention for the day try this before you even open your eyes in the morning take a few deep breaths and feel your body lying comfortably in bed instead of a immediately diving into your to-do list take a moment to visualize everything you want appearing in your life see it clearly in your mind and feel the emotions of having it all let that feeling of Joy excitement and gratitude fill your entire body start your day from that place of possibility and expectation and let that be the
energy you carry with you throughout the day when challenges arise and they will don't let them shake your certainty instead see them as opportunities opportunities to stay in this new state of being to show the universe that you are committed to creating this new reality for yourself throughout your day take moments to reconnect with this feeling maybe it's during your lunch break while you're stuck in traffic or right before you go to bed at night use these moments to remind yourself that everything you want is on its way feel it in your body let it
energize and uplift you and here's something really powerful start looking for evidence that supports this new reality our brains are wired to seek evidence that confirms what we already believe if you believe life is hard and good things never happen to you your brain will find plenty of evidence to support that belief but if you start believing that everything you want is about to appear your brain will begin looking for evidence of that instead you'll start noticing the good things that happen no matter how small you'll begin to see opportunities where you once saw obstacles
you'll recognize how the universe is working to bring you everything you desire maybe someone compliments you unexpectedly maybe you find a Dollar on the ground or you have an uplifting conversation with a stranger these might seem like small moments but they are signs that your energy is Shifting they are indicators that you are aligning with a new reality where good things come to you easily and naturally acknowledge these signs celebrate them and let them strengthen your belief that everything you want is really about to appear all at once now let's talk about action because while
changing your thoughts and feelings is crucial it's not the whole picture you also need to take inspired action towards your goals but here's the thing when you're operating from this place of knowing that everything you want is about to appear the actions you take will feel different they won't be driven by desperation or fear they won't feel like a struggle or a fight against the world instead there'll be actions that feel good actions that excite you and actions that seem to bring you closer to your desires and because they feel good you'll be more likely
to keep doing them consistently this is where many people get stuck they think that reaching their goals has to be difficult that it has to involve sacrifice and struggle but what if it could be easy what if the path to everything you want could actually be enjoyable that's not to say there won't be challenges of course there will be but when you're in the state of knowing that everything is working out for you you'll approach those challenges differently instead of seeing them as obstacles you'll see them as stepping stones instead of feeling discouraged you'll feel
curious what can I learn from this how is this actually helping me get closer to what I want and here's something really important don't wait until everything is perfect to start enjoying your life don't postpone your happiness until you've achieved all your goals here's the truth there will always be more goals always more to achieve if you make your happiness dependent on reaching certain Milestones you'll always be chasing the next goal the next achievement and you'll never truly enjoy the present moment instead choose to be happy now choose to enjoy your life now when you
do you put yourself in a better position to achieve your goals you raise your vibration you become more attractive to the things you want and you create a life that's fulfilling in the journey not just in the destination remember everything you want is about to appear all at once but all at once doesn't mean you have to wait for some future moment when everything magically falls into place it means that right now in this moment you can choose to see your life with new eyes you can choose to feel the excitement and joy of knowing
that amazing things are on their way to you it's like when you're expecting a package in the mail you know it's coming even if it hasn't arrived yet and that knowledge changes how you feel you get excited every time you hear a truck on your street you eagerly check your mailbox you live in a state of happy anticipation that's how you want to live your life in a state of happy anticipation knowing that everything you want is on its way to you and just like with the package the more you live in that state of
expectation the more quickly it's likely to arrive now let's talk about resistance as you start living in this new way expecting amazing things to happen you might notice some push back it might come from your own mind in the form of doubts or fears it might come from people around you who are used to you being a certain way and feel uncomfortable when you start to change this resistance is normal it's actually a positive sign it means you're pushing against the boundaries of your old reality you're expanding into something new and just like when you
stretch a muscle there might be some discomfort at first but don't let that resistance stop you don't let it convince you to revert to your old patterns instead see it as an opportunity to practice staying in your new state of being when doubts arise acknowledge them but don't let them take over remind yourself why you're doing this remind yourself how it feels to know that everything you want is about to appear when it comes to the people around you remember you don't need anyone else's permission to change your life you don't need others to Believe
in Your Vision it's wonderful if they do but if they don't that's okay keep focusing on your own energy your own beliefs and your own actions as you start to change and as amazing things start happening in your life they'll see the results and who knows you might even inspire them to make positive changes in their own lives now let's talk about gratitude because gratitude is one of the most powerful tools you have for creating the life you want when you're grateful for what you have you open yourself up to receiving more it's like telling
the universe hey I appreciate this I'd love more of this please but here's the Key Practice gratitude not just for what you already have but also for what's coming remember everything you want is about to appear all at once so start feeling grateful for it now feel the Gratitude in your body for the amazing things that are on their way to you this might feel strange at first you might think how can I be grateful for something I don't have yet but remember your body doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's vividly imagined
when you feel genuine gratitude for your desires as if they've already manifested you change your energy you align yourself with a reality where those things exist and here's something really powerful start looking for things to be grateful for in your current circumstances even if they're not perfect because when you can find gratitude in any situation you put yourself in a much better position to create positive change maybe you're not where you want to be in your career yet but can you be grateful for the skills you're learning in your current job can you appreciate the
clarity this situation is giving you about what you really want maybe you haven't found your perfect relationship yet but can you be grateful for the love you have from friends and family can you be thankful for the opportunity to work on yourself and become the kind of person who will attract an amazing relationship when you practice gratitude in this way you shift your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant in your life as you do this you'll start to notice more and more things to be grateful for it's like tuning your radio to the frequency
of abundance and joy
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