[Music] I live on Long Island New York when I was a kid our block used to throw a yearly black party I had a few friends on the block that were in my grade Mike and Danny we would always hang out together at these block parties my neighbors would go all out there would be tables of baked goods catered food some neighbors even had tables of alcohol out of course we were like 13 no one was gonna let us drink at that age it was a Saturday and people were setting up for the block party
early in the day the street was already closed off it didn't really pick up until around 3:00 the three of us invited some other friends to come and most of the day we were just messing around on the blow-up attractions or just eating people's baked goods eventually some of our other friends left and it got dark but the party wouldn't end until late at night Danny and I started joking about how I could beat him at MLB and while Mike and one of our other friends named Steve were somewhere else on the block Danny and
I decided to take a break from the block party and play each other in MLB about an hour later we went back outside to look for Mike and Steve he ran into Steve who said Mike went into his house like forever ago and didn't come out so we walked through the block party down to Mike's house and saw his parents who told us he went inside we saw his bedroom light was on and he was standing at his window we started waving at him to come down it didn't seem like he even noticed us though
screaming over the blasting music would be kind of useless so instead I said let's just go inside his house we walked over to the stoop and tried the door but it was locked so we went around back to try the back door this one was actually unlocked so we let ourselves in to find Mike and tell him to come back outside naturally we went right up the stairs towards his room his door was cracked open and naturally I went to push it open expecting him to be in there instead there was this tall man standing
by the window looking outside his hands resting on the windowsill I backed up away from the door frightened but more so confused I knew Mike's family and I had no idea who this guy was I backed away from the door and signaled for the other two to be quiet I told them to go downstairs and has quite a voice as I could we didn't know if that was one of Mike's relatives or not but either way it was rude of us to barge into Mike's house like that and we didn't want any relatives we didn't
know to catch us we left and went outside back to Mike's parents to ask who the man inside at the window was they looked up at the window of their son's bedroom and Mike's mom let out a short scream followed by his dad running towards the house to unlock the front door we watched as the man standing at the window turned and disappeared as we stood there waiting in anticipation a crowd started to form and it became a scene as people were asking what was going on five minutes later Mike and his dad came outside
to the crowd he had already called the cops Mike was apparently hiding in his closet after he saw a random man from his room walking up the stairs the block party was shut down early and the cops pulled up Rieff Lee they searched the house with Mike's dad but couldn't find a man anywhere I remember going home that night scared shitless and I could only imagine at the time how scared Mike must have been I woke up in the middle of the night and my mouth was really dry so I went downstairs to get some
ice water as they shut the fridge I noticed something through the curtain in the kitchen there's a light on the side of the house above the kitchen window that stays on all night and it was exposing some shadow that wasn't usually they're shaped like a person and you better than to lift that curtain I went straight to my parents room and woke my dad up who heard about the event that took place earlier down the street he came down to look when we got to the kitchen the shadow outside the window was gone which confirmed
it was a person my dad went outside to run around the property real quick finding no one I don't know if he fully took me seriously and believed I saw a shadow because for some reason he didn't want to call the cops I like to think I'm pretty sure that was the same man outside the window that night what were the chances there could be such a coincidence that seemed night I slept with one eye open that night [Music] something very traumatizing happened to me when I was a very little kid I was like five
or six a nearby street was having a block party which is basically just where a block is closed off to traffic and all the neighbors on the street chip in for food and activities my older brother who was like 11 or 12 took me with him to this block party it was a weekend so when her parents were a little more lenient with the curfew my brother apparently had some friends on this block and he met up with them with me following behind him I remember him introducing me to some of his friends but I
was a really shy kid so I didn't really say much to them most of the night was a blur because it was just so long ago but somehow I got separated from my brother at such a young age I remember panicking that I was lost I was looking around to everywhere for my brother eventually I bumped into some tall old man and he knelt down and asked me something along the lines of where was my family and he said he didn't recognize me from the street I told him I was there with my brother but
I lost him he started acting all concerned and told me to come with them to his house so he could call my parents I was naive and I followed him ignoring the words of any parents don't talk to strangers he led me through the crowd as I held his hand and we got to his house once inside he looked at me and smiled and asked if I wanted any snacks I nodded my head shyly he went to his pantry and grabbed a bag of chips then he told me to follow him upstairs he led me
to a small bedroom upstairs and told me to sit on the bed as he pulled up a chair in front of me and just sat down he told me to eat the chips but I didn't I nervously asked him to call my parents and I believe he said he would in a moment I honestly can't remember whatever a creepy stuff he may have said but he eventually made his way off the chair and onto the bed next to me making no signs of trying to make the phone call to my parents he put his arm
around my shoulders and that's when the doorbell rang and it was the most relieving sound I could have imagined he looked at me and told me to wait there of course when the old man got downstairs and opened the front door I ran downstairs seeking the aid of whoever was at the door and it happened to be my brother and his friends and a couple adults my brother was told by someone that I was seen entering the old man's house earlier my brother and the adults questioned the old man and I mostly asking me why
he brought me into his house I gave my best six-year-old detailed description I could it probably was enough for everyone to realize what might have been about to go down one of the adults brought my brother and I to her house where she called my parents and then the police my mom and dad were over in a heartbeat and the cops followed shortly as my mom and dad before writing this what I said that got the cops to arrest the old man and it was simply that I said the old man lied about calling my
parents and started touching me I didn't ask my parents anything else because quite frankly I don't like talking or thinking about it too much I'm just grateful things worked out the way they did because I'm sure they were about to go very south [Music] my blog had a block party in 2017 it was the first and only one ever to date our blocks it's right in front of a small section of woods so woods connect my and some of my neighbors yards during the block party some of us started getting bored because it was mostly
catered to the younger kids of the block but there was this one creepy shady guy walking around the block he had some big can like thing in his hands and he kept spouting gibberish to people eventually he came up to my friends and I and started saying the most random [ __ ] it honestly wasn't even coherent we just walked away assuming he was on drugs pretty soon after five of my neighbors and I were down to play a game of manhunt with the field of play ranging from one house across the block party to
the woods behind the houses across the street I was on Jess and Kenny's team we started in my backyard the rule was we all had to hide in different places so I told them I'd hide in the woods and try to sneak my way around the houses through the woods and I suggest two different hiding spots for them I waited in the woods for a while expecting to see someone from the other team enter my backyard eventually one of them snuck into the yard and that's when I thought it was safe to start migrating as
I moved along I started noticing some pain like marks on a bunch of trees they appeared to be big red X's and in that immediate area just about every big tree had an axe painted on it I heard screaming from the yard in front of me meaning someone from the other team was chasing Kenny so I ducked down and held position for a few as I was idle in that position I started hearing footsteps deeper in the woods and I heard his spraying like sound but the noise stopped before I could even turn around I
realized there was someone standing over there deeper in the woods the lights from the nearby houses was just enough to see him he was looking at me apparently he stopped what he was doing when he spotted me he started walking over to me and I realized when he got closer that it was that creepy crazy seeming dude from earlier suddenly that Ken and his hand made sense when he was like ten feet away he started speaking he kept saying x marks the spot x marks the spot I told him to [ __ ] off as
I turned and ran back to my backyard no one was back there anymore so I ran to find my friends in the Block Party and told them the game was off and explained what I just witnessed so all six of us together marched back to the woods behind my backyard and we started looking for him he was nowhere to be found but I did show my friends all the red X's he sprayed on the trees I showed it to my dad later in the night when the block party was over he told me there's nothing
we could really do about it and to just get a good night's rest that night I had a bad dream it was about that creepy man from the woods in this dream he would just keep chasing me through the woods as I heard his creepy voice saying x marks the spot then I would hear him spraying his can of spray paint and that's when I woke up in my pitch-black room I looked at the clock and it was only like 1 or 2 in the morning that on the other side of my window right above
my bed there was someone talking my whole body jumped I looked out the window and there was a big red X painted right in the center of it and behind that was the crazy man with the cab though muffled I heard him saying x marks the spot over and over and he stood there looking down at me in my bed then he started hitting my window with his elbow clearly trying to break it I ran to get my dad he was a huge burly dude he looked out my window and saw the nutjob still hitting
the glass which had yet to crack surprisingly my dad started yelling taunts at the man like he better be ready for an ass beating then my dad ran out of the room for the front door I think it worked and scaring that whack-job off because he stopped what he was doing and ran away when my dad got to my window I pointed him in the right direction and he ran off down the block he was gone for a while he didn't come back for like ten minutes he couldn't find the guy but judging by the
size of that crazy man I know my dad could have pummeled him to the ground and I wish I saw it happen the story doesn't end there however the reason I decided to tell the story now in 2019 is because just a few days ago there was a big red X drawn on our front door as well as a bunch of trees in the woods in our back yard two nights ago I even heard footsteps passing my bedroom window at some hot hour in the night we don't have cameras but my dad is thinking about
installing some now if anything else happens I will update [Music]