Master Your Mind with These 7 Powerful Mental Models | Vishen Lakhiani

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the idea that whatever you believe about the world becomes true for the world it is about what are your fundamental ideas about the world that you believe and are convinced are true if you change that that is the most important trigger for transformation what you believe about someone else will affect how they show up to you if you believe your partner is lazy he or she is more likely to be lazy if you believe something about your child they are more likely to reflect [Music] that yesterday there were two really big topics that I covered
with you guys and the one of those topics was the idea of growth mindset the idea of living with a deliberate intention to continuously grow and I mentioned of all the things that we cover in growth mindset The Fifth Element is the most important and that is crafting your identity this is something that I wish people would teach our children in schools the idea that whatever you believe about the world becomes true for the world do you remember that story with Sarah madani yesterday Sarah spoke about how a eating disorder that she had was healed
in a 1hour hypnotherapy session with Marissa Pier now what's going on in a situation like that is that hypnotherapy is going into your subconscious and making you believe something new about the world what you believe about the world often becomes what is true for the world in my book the Buddha and the badass I call this the act of identity shifting so what we're going to do here is I'm going to teach you how to self hypnotize yourself you're going to learn a protocol in this presentation to craft new identities for yourself related to health
or Wellness or experiencing life with ease and then you're going to learn how to implant those identities in your mind and the implantation process is so fast so quick so easy even though it sounds so disturbing when I say implantation process that you are going to see results really fast we're going to show you essentially how to master your mind now to understand this the first thing you got to understand is this concept so in my book The Code uh the Buddha and the badass I wrote this quote down the universe acts as a mirror
it reflects back to you what you are the miracle of this is that you can shift your identity and the world will obey the universe will not give you what you want but will reflect back to you who you are now let me explain further this idea came because around 2019 in may we were hosting a big mind Valley event in Portugal it's called aest and one of the speakers who was on stage then was this amazing man Reverend Michael bewit so we were having breakfast one morning just discussing how the day was going to
unfold and Michael bewit is the individual who has been in more documentary films than any other teacher of wisdom he was also in the movie The Secret so I said Michael it's been 20 years since that movie that's secret given everything you've learned right now would you teach anything differently and he said absolutely Vision I would teach that the law of attraction is incomplete in fact the law of attraction is actually probably not going to work for most people and bewit went on to say this the more important thing is the law of resonance the
universe will not give you what you want it will reflect back to you who you are what this means is that what you believe to be true about yourself will be reflected back to you by the universe now we're going to put this aside for a second and I'm going to go into how we grow and then we're going to come back to the law of resonance and you're going to see how this connects so we grow in terms of transformational theory through two things weow grow by shifting our models of reality so our models
of what we believe about the world so somebody who believes that the world is painful and tough will experience a world that's painful and tough you believe in a world of abundance you will experience abundance now if you think about your mind as a computer computers have hardware and software so this is one of the early Macintosh computers hardware and software your models of reality are like your Hardware your systems for living are like your software so what are systems for living it's your diet it's what you eat it's maybe your sleep ritual it is
what you learn culturally in terms of raising your child it's the exercise routine that you do it's your procedure for kickstarting your day when you get to work these are all systems that you learn many people focus on systems so we go to a gym we take yoga classes all of these are systems the systems however are the software of your your being we forget to look at the hardware the hardware is what actually causes to change so let me give you an example this is Jim quick so when Jim quick gets on stage and
he gives you a new model of reality when Jim quick says creativity is something you is not something you have it's something you do he's working on your Hardware he's giving you a new belief about creativity that is a model of reality when Marissa Pier hypnotizes someone she's implanting in them a new belief that is a hardware shift so just like in Old Computers you can take out a hard drive that maybe is too small and put in a more powerful hard drive you can take out beliefs that don't serve you and put in healthier
beliefs now let's talk about systems when Jim Qui does his quading thing that's a system it's a practice when you study yoga when you do 10x when you take up wildfit all of these are systems systems are habit but models of reality are beliefs so going back to the analogy of the computer what we are seeking to do is to continually upgrade your computer to go from an early Mac to a modern Mac but to do this it's not just about the software it's not about the apps you install the yoga class that you do
or the the um the diet that you take on it is about what are your fundamental ideas about the world that you believe and are convinced are true if you change that that is the most important trigger for transformation any of youone any of you guys heard of this book psycho cybernetics by Maxwell malz This Book was written in the 80s and uh my dad's in the audience this was one of the books that I found on my dad's bookshelf that completely changed my life so Maxwell maltz was a plastic surgeon and he found that
when he gave someone a nose job he changed even the slightest thing about their appearance that they are friends didn't notice so he would adjust something about a person's nose even their friends or their mother wouldn't notice but they would feel different and all of a sudden they would start getting promotions in their career all of a sudden they would start dating the person of their dreams what exactly was going on so Maxwell malz went on to say it's no exaggeration to say that every human being is hypnotized to some extent either by ideas he
has uncritically accepted from others or ideas he has repeated to himself and convinced himself to be true we all are hypnotized but we don't know we're hypnotized so here's another really fascinating study now this one was really intriguing how many of you hear slap on cologne or perfume when you go out okay great the people who raise their hands those of you who are not raising their hands sniff them see how good they smell like learn from them so the the rest of you smelly buggers might want to consider learning a new system spraying on
on cologne okay so spraying on cologne is a system but there's a interesting belief associated with that as well and it turns out that the belief is more powerful than the system so in this study they took men and they had men walk into a room and stand in front of a camera and just introduce themselves now these C these men who were introducing themselves in the camera they were being shown on video to women and women had to rate the men in order of attractiveness now they did one little twist there were certain Men
Who as they walked into the room they were asked they were given a really expensive cologne and they are saying spray this on this is so good look at this brand just spray this colog cologne on it'll make you feel good now it turns out that the man who had sprayed on the cologne on camera was shown were deemed to be more attractive by woman it's as if spraying on the cologne G them a new identity of attractiveness the a woman were watching this on a on a screen they could not smell the men but
the men felt different when they sprayed on cologne how many of you here feel different when you spray on cologne or perfume how many of you here feel different when you wear a suit this is why I wear suits I just found that I perform better when I'm training or in a business setting when I wear suits these little things change our beliefs even though someone may not be able to smell your cologne there are subtle things that you're doing different ly that caused them to deem you as more attractive the belief however the model
of reality is more powerful than the actual system which is the act of spraying on so anyone of you read the book sapiens by Yu Hariri Yu says the difference between Earth and animals is that human babies are like molten glass they can be molded and shaped into anything this is why a child can grow up to be a peacemaker or a warmonger a Buddhist or a Christian or a Muslim rich or poor we shape our little baby humans with beliefs from the time they are young and many of you are carrying the beliefs that
were implanted in you by your parents from as early as being in the womb so here's another crazy study fit Hotel mates so in this study the researchers were wondering why is it that so many Hotel mates in the United States are clinically obese and have really bad Health even though if you actually look at their job they are running up and downstairs they are flipping over mattresses they are vacuuming they're actually taking 10,000 steps a day so they created this fake research project they interviewed the maids and they were just the the hypothesis of
the project is that as far as the maids thought is that these researchers wanted to measure their health and well-being for insurance but at the end of asking these Maids questions the researcher said this WOW Matilda did you know that based on what you're telling me you are walking 10,000 steps a day and doctors say that is really good you must feel so healthy you are doing such great things for your body that's it now one month later they go back and they check the maids and their health biomarkers all the maids who were given
that statement were suddenly healthier you see these maids in their mind never saw vacuuming or walking upstairs or hurling or making a bed as exercise but when the researcher told them to see it as exercise all of a sudden their bodies responded so it turns out it's not even the exercise you do it's do you perceive what you do as exercise now this is not an excuse to say I'm going to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day and the act of chewing that sandwiches exercise there are limitations right but if you tell yourself
that as I walk as I Pace I I take calls from home as I pace and I'm on on my airpods in IMM in I am giving my body the exercise it needs your body will respond now it turns out that it doesn't your beliefs don't just affect you they will affect everyone around you remember that story of how men became more attractive even on camera when they spray on cologne same thing is true for a woman when she does her hair or when she puts something on but it your beliefs affect other people what
you Bel about someone else will affect how they show up to you if you believe your partner is lazy he is he or she is more likely to be lazy if you believe something about your child they are more likely to reflect that this is really weird 1968 pigmillion effect experiment so what happened is they lied to teachers they told teachers that Tom Ali and Sarah in their class were gifted students that they had aced this incredible exam on IQ and they told the teachers you are not allowed to teach to treat them any differently
you're not allowed to tell them that they are gifted just know that they are gifted at the end of the Academic Year Tom Ali and Sarah scored grades way higher than all of the other students something about the teacher expectation of the child actually influenced the child what does this tell you about how you see your kids even how you see your boyfriend and girlfriend how you expect someone to respond what you expect of people literally creates them your mind is Crea creating everything about the world around you every relationship around you is also being
created around by your mind in fact the people around you can be elevated by your mind or they can be pulled down that is how powerful your mind is so in the book Atomic habits the author James Clea shares another really fascinating psychological experiment how many of you here have trouble going to the gym raise your hand it's okay no one's judging we all have trouble including me right I was so busy this past weekend I missed two gym sessions but that's unusual usually I love going to the gym because I adopted this mental trick
from James clear so James said this there are three ways to create a desire a habit a movement the first is outcome outcome means you tell yourself I want to lose 5 kilg and he says that's okay some people are going to be motivated by that to go to the gym but outcome based desires not very effective there will be mornings when you will wake up and you'll go oh man it's so so cold outside and I didn't sleep well and Christina says I need to practice self-love so I'm going to love myself in bed
and keep myself warm that's outcome right not very effective then there's process process is you tell yourself I'm going to go to the gym two times a week practice the 10x protocol for precisely 20 minutes each it's better you're more likely to go to the gym gy but it's not the most effective the most effective is an identity an identity says James CLA is you tell yourself I have the body of an athlete and my body loves to work out if you Embrace that identity to the point where you start believing it you will never
miss a gym session you just can't because when you wake up in the morning as tired as you are you will feel this impulse that your body loves to work out it turns out identity ha in is the best way to install a habit so back to Michael beit the universe will not give you what you want rather it will reflect back to you what you are this is not just spiritual beliefs this is now proven in science as James CLA mentioned identity hacking is the best way to create any type of behavior so I
want to share with you seven identities that I believe we need to take on seven enhanced models of reality that if you walk out of this door today your entire life will change are you guys ready so the first one is this blissl blissl is the idea that you do better when you're happy so if you're having a stressful day and you're feeling a little bit sad don't pour yourself back into work do something to elevate happiness there's a lot of research right now that says that happiness fuels productivity salese sell 55% better when they're
happy doctors are % better at diagnosis when they're happy there's a remarkable a remarkable book on this called The Happiness Advantage blissl is the discipline that your bliss is the most important thing and I want to share with you a really interesting um series of lessons on Bliss aine let me read you this poem one of my favorite poems ever I was early thought to work as well as play my life has been one long happy holiday full of work full of play I dropped the worry on the way and God was good to me
every day this poem sounds like it was written by a 19-year-old it's super simplistic seems very innocent right life was been one long happy holiday really really your life has always been a happy holiday full of work and full of play this guy sounds like he's just not the most productive person you want to hire in your company never worried drop the worry along the way God was good to me every day seriously believing in God that's like so like 19th century but it turns out this PO was actually written by John de Rockefeller the
richest man who ever lived in the last 150 years richer even than Elon Musk he wrote this poem at 86 you see we think that hard work that hustle that the grind Is What It Takes successful joh Rockefeller didn't look at his words he had the right beliefs about reality work and play equally important drop the worry cuz God has your back the theory of the novent universe so what you believe about the world is going to gift you now this is a lesson I learned recently when I was interviewing Mustafa Salam who lives here
in Dubai so he is one of only 20 people in the world who has skied to the North and South Pole and climb all seven of the tallest mountains on the seven continents right Maria came very close but Muhammad salir is one of 20 who did that and I asked him you know when you're he's almost died so many times and I said when you're pushing yourself in these un comfortable situations in the sure cold and the agony of a blizzard what keeps you going and he said Bliss when I I I look at where
I am I look at the pain the the the fierceness of Nature and I just feel happiness in there I learned that from my Sufi training see happiness in everything you do and that's how I became one of only 20 people to accomplish this and by the way this man grew up in a refugee camp he worked 5 years washing dishes he's basically a dishwasher a Palestinian refugee dishwasher who got a job at a restaurant in London washing dishes for 5 years couldn't speak any English and today he's one of the world's greatest explorers blissl
now let's go on to the second idea immunity to overwhelm how many of you here experience stress or overwhelmed how many of you here understand that stress is bad for you and can kill you raise your hand okay so stress can kill you and stress is bad for you what if that belief is simply not true there's a pet a TED Talk by Kelly mcgonagal where she shares a really interesting set of research it turns out if you believe stress is going to kill you your body will experience negative health effects of stress but if
you believe stress is not going to hurt your body you do not experience any negative Health effect of stress stress is a complete mental construct that you are making up you can be [Applause] trained you can be trained to completely be immune to overwhelm you can be trained to elevate your stress response it's literally easier than you think someone like Elon Musk is the CEO of five companies and you think your job is stuff it turns out that how you talk to yourself will determine your body's response to stress I had a manager at mind
Valley and she every time somebody asked her asked her if they could arrange a meeting or something she would say you know guys I'm so busy she changed her self talk whether she'd say hey I'm fully optimized today look at my calendar I'm fully optimized but I can meet with you next week that simple change she told me changed her reaction to stress Kelly mcgonagal goes deeper in her Ted Talk watch the Ted Talk it is fascinating and if if you want to train your brain to become immune to stress there is a really powerful
meditation on mind Valley if you open up the Mind Valley app click on meditations type in hypnotic trans Bliss by Paul Mckenna this meditation has transformed the lives of so many people in my team Paul McKenna you got to listen to it 5 days in a row it's 23 minutes Paul McKenna rewires your brain stress response and uh it will change you hypnotic transpl okay now the third one is win-win relationships we we've been trained to believe that the world requires competitive competitiveness we've been trained to believe that if you break up with someone you
have to hate them because love is meant to be happily ever after and how dare they break that illusion so so much of our life is trained to be a battle between two people I don't believe that I have no competitors that I dread I have no relationships um ex- relationship that I am not really good friends with because I only believe in win-win relationships but this is a belief that you can take on as well I trained with a really brilliant Chinese master and one of the beliefs he says is the most important beliefs
that human beings can take on is the idea that all human connections are to be win-win you create Positive Vibes and generate great energy with everyone in your life now the fourth one is inspiration on demand any of you here studied the Sila method on M Valley that is one of the most effective Ive ways to be able to generate inspiration on demand you can also take Sonia Chet's new course six sense superpower but intuition is real and studies show that it correlates with your business performance CEOs who score well on intuition test according to
the newer College of Engineering actually have a higher rate of profitability in their companies all of us can tap into intuition but it's something that you can train your mind to do why not belief that you can Channel wisdom and inspiration on on demand the fifth is abundance oh this is the one that we have the most Hang-Ups with because we constantly hear that rich people are manipulated billionaires don't pay their taxes that to be rich means you're going to be an ass a a a-hole sorry I forgot I'm in Dubai so we hear this
all the time right and this actually keeps you poor there's nothing glorious about being poor you can be born in the slums of Dhaka and you still aspire to want to become a doctor or an engineer or a social media influencer nobody wants to be poor and there's nothing wrong with being gloriously fabulously incredibly rich either pay your taxes though so abundance really powerful belief six flow and ease what if life was just meant to flow in your favor Professor SRI marau in his mind Valley program The Quest for person Personal Mastery says that the
most important belief is that the Universe has my back it's called the belief of the balent universe remember that poem by Rockefeller and God was good to me every day that relates to this life flows as almost as if it's blessed by luck and synchronicity it almost feels as if you are held by a benevent universe now all of these beliefs I can tell you may be true for you or not true for you but the decision of it being true or not is not me it's not the world it's not your parents it is
what you have taken on to believe so you can literally flip the switch in your brain immediately but I'm going to teach you a way to make that switch more flip with greater ease that's coming up soon one of the things I learned from one of the spiritual teachers I I I I work with is this to tell myself every day I solve any problem that comes to me in a fun easy way I solve any problem that comes to me in a fun easy way rather than associating problem with stress I've started to associate
problem with wow how can I solve this in a fun easy way now the final belief is bending reality your true wants seem to come to you with ease life seems easier as as your supported by Ben novent Universe in Sanskrit there's a word called a which means the illusion of reality I believe we can shift that illusion I believe reality is a construct of our minds you don't have to take that on but know that many of the most brilliant people in the world believe that because they witness that this is an extract from
the book Steve Jobs by Walter Ison Ison was jobs biographer and this is what Ison wrote about Steve at the root of his reality Distortion was job's belief that the rules didn't apply to him he had some evidence for this in his childhood he had often been able to bend reality to his desires rebelliousness and willfulness were ingrained in his character he had the sense that he was special a Chosen One an enlightened one he thinks there are few people who are special people like Einstein and Gandhi and the gurus he met in India and
that he's one of them I believe Steve Jobs beliefs about himself and his ideas of reality were one of the reasons he was able to create such magical bels in terms of inventions the iPhone that many of you carry in your pocket came from this man's beliefs and there were arguments with Steve and other people in this company in one situation Steve's former boss said they they had a debate so Steve worked for Bushnell who was the founder of Atari and they had a debate on whether things in the world were determined or programmed if
we had perfect information we could predict people's actions but Steve felt the opposite that Outlook with his faith in his power of the will that Outlook accorded with his faith in the power of the will to bend reality from an early age Steve Jobs who had studied in India whose favorite book in the world was paramahansa yogananda's autobiography Yogi belief that reality was an Illusion by the way do you know that when Steve died there was only one book on his iPad according to isix it was autobiography of a yogi at his funeral everybody got
a gift bag with that book Bill Gates walked out with autobiograph of a yogi if you read that book that book is about the idea that the yogic mind can bend reality and everything we think is true in the world is nothing more than an illusion read that and maybe you'll start to understand how Steve probably the greatest inventor CEO of the last 100 years so remember this outside the rules of physics all other rules are illusions that you have chosen to believe you can smash the ones that no longer serve you are you guys
ready to now start smashing them so here's how to hypnotize yourself it has to do with the power of questions now this technique comes from this mind Valley teacher called uh Christy Marie Sheldon Christy Marie Sheldon is a Mystic uh she she goes into um her own spaces and she doesn't want to be reached on email or WhatsApp so it's harder for us to get us on stage but in 2015 I got her on stage and her program unlimited abundance is available for all of you on mine Valley membership it is an a remarkable program
that removes all your beliefs that hold you back from wealth so I recorded this video with christe one day and I forgot about it this was around January 2015 but I want you to pay attention to what she's saying because there's so much wisdom in this video it's just 2 minutes 50 seconds hey there this is christe Marie Sheldon thank you so much for joining this community and bringing your positivity enjoy helping others and today I thought I would share a quick tip that I use and uh I teach my clients and friends the same
technique so let me ask you this question how many of you have ever thought any of these questions have you ever thought how come I'm always broke or how can my life stink so much today or how did I get so many bills or how come I'm the only one that does anything around here or on a personal level maybe you've asked in yourself how come my friends or my maid or my family isn't around for me when I need them well can I share with you a secret those type of questions are stopping you
from getting what you desire they are blocks to your personal and Financial Freedom they are stripping away just literally deleting your manifestation Powers how well let me give you an example I want you to think for a moment of a Pink Elephant okay now what did you think when I asked that question you know obviously I told you to think of a pink elephant what popped into your head was Pink Elephant so when you ask the type of questions that I mentioned before like why am I broke or why does my life stink so much
today you're basically sticking your head into negative no win unhealthy lower vibration energy and the universe will only answer you back with all the reasons why you're broke or why you're stuck it will say to you hey here you go Stephanie or here you go John I will keep showing you all the reasons why your life stinks today and why you have so many bills so you're probably thinking why in the heck would the universe tort me like that well it's because you asked you asked for all the reasons why and the universe loved you
so much it responded to your requests and and it showed you so my tip for the day is to ask a lofty question what's a lofty question you're probably thinking well a lofty question is a question that skyrockets you it lifts you and it skyrockets the universe into positively manifesting your dream it's an action oriented question Ponder this type of question for a minute why do I have more money than I need or why do I have more than enough money to pay my bills save money and have some left over to have some fun
with that's a cool question can you see what would happen to your focus if you're thinking of ideas that generate more money than you need abundance and more than enough and that kind of energy is what's going to fall in your lap you see the universe loves you so much it will support you and answer your questions ask and it is given so try asking some lofty questions today and see what type of things you start to focus on try this lofty question on for size why is my life so amazing it exceeds All my
expectations or how about this lofty question what's the million dooll idea that I can manifest into my life today or how about this lofty question how can the universe give me more than enough help than I ever thought possible or how about this one what kind of person can I become that will Amaze the world okay that's my tip for the day have some fun share your lofty questions and what happened for you on this website and uh let us know what happened many blessings to you and thanks for sharing in this community so that
video was posted in the mind Valley YouTube channel in January 2015 right and and I I basically filmed that with my iPhone when I was visiting Christie but it didn't SN in it didn't register about one year later I remember I turned 40 and um I woke up that day I looked in the mirror and I realized I failed all of my health goals so this was January 2016 and somehow on that particular day I was just analyzing a YouTube channel and I see this video and I click play and I go wow this this
is kind of interesting let me try this so I composed these three lofty questions and in the morning when I was doing my six phase in Phase 4 I would repeat these three lofty questions to myself why do I have to fit muscular body of an athlete what does my body heal and rejuvenate itself as I sleep why is my body getting younger and younger every year now I've been going to the gym I'd hired a personal trainer I've been on diets for the last decade from 30 to 40 but I couldn't lose the excess
belly fat I couldn't like stop myself from getting a dad board I tried all of these different things nothing was working what I'm going to share next blew me away and this is why I'm so excited about lofty questions Within 3 weeks of repeating these questions to myself I met an event in Costa Rica and I bumped into Eric edms who offers to put me on his program called wildfit back then wfit was just something he did for his friends in 90 days my body transformed two months later I bump into Lorenzo Delano who is
the researcher in mind Valley who developed 10x and I had no idea that Lorenzo had this whole like bodybuilding philosophy and he ended up training me and 6 months from then my body changes again for a decade I was trying to just get healthy with no results when I started implanting these lofty questions not only did my body respond better but I started bumping into the right people and the right circumstance this is why I believe that our mind is not just affecting our body these questions are not just letting your body know that it
needs to heal I believe these questions will literally also influence the people who come into your life the conversations you have the books you discover now I don't know if this is is the brain's reticular activating system so it's making our brain more aware of patent recognition so I'm more alert when I see Eric Mees or it's manifesting we don't have to worry about that we don't have to understand how an iPhone Works to be able to use that iPhone this is what happened to my body in a relatively short amount of time my body
physically transformed I just did an age test called glycin age I'm 47 years old I have the body health of a 20-year old I have no illnesses no allergies no prescription medicine and all of you can do this as well Marissa demonstrated yesterday like we did not know that Sarah healed her eating disorder until just before going on stage Sarah told me Vision the most amazing thing happened today I ate potatoes and carbs for the first time and nothing happened I didn't have to vomit your bodies can respond dramatically to the identity that you have
chosen to take on diets don't work 1% of diets work 99% do not work because diets do not work on identity wfit does wfit is based on behavioral change Dynamics it's shifting your identity 10x is based on behavioral change Dynamics but these are examples of lofty questions you can create for yourself feel free to take a picture of that okay now let's go on further let's craft a lofty question for all of those seven fundamental identity beliefs are you guys ready now now before we do this let me explain why lofty questions work in the
early 80s Jose Silva as he was developing the Silva method already found that affirmations do not work if you tell yourself I only eat healthy foods there's a voice at the back of your head that's going to go no you don't you ate that pizza one week ago Fatso we always doubt ourselves right and if you're thinking I don't have that voice that's the voice now lofty questions overrides that voice because this humbleness that we have within us this this stubbornness this clinging to our own identity we're not disrupting that rather than say I only
eat healthy food we are asking a question why do I only eat healthy food why do I only eat healthy foods why do I only eat the foods which are nurturing and nourishing for my body and for some weird reason this causes it to sink into your subconscious more your subconscious goes the big boss is asking a question let me sort this out and then your subconscious somehow responds with that new identity so these are how this is how you want to do it first you want to choose your identity so I gave you seven
different identity models but there's many other models you can use remember this process from James Clear second prove it to yourself with small winds so you're not just going to create a lofty question why do I only eat healthy foods the next time you go to the buffet at the Dubai hotel you're staying at just add a tiny bit more vegetables to your plate right step three when you meditate you program your identity with lofty questions so here are some of the lofty questions for Bliss why am I surrounded by Bliss and happiness no matter
what you can write this down and you can repeat this to yourself the word no matter what is a Lisa Nichols phraseology you'll hear from Lisa Nichols today why am I surrounded by Bliss and happiness no matter what why am I able to do so much in so little time this lofty question probably added hours to my day why am I always surrounded by love and amazing people whom I'm deeply connected to why am I so brilliant so genius and so able to tap into source for instant inspiration you can replace the word source with
God or universe or whatever you resonate with abundance I love this one this came from Tony Robbins and his documentary I am not a guru I saw Tony stating this to himself in a mirror not as a lofty question but I rephrased it as a lofty question why am I so good at making keeping and multiplying money Tony's exact phrase was why do I have Avalanches of abundance falling down on me for all my dreams desires and intentions flow why does the universe always have my back or why do I solve all problems in a
fun and easy way and bending reality why do my dreams and goals come to me with such ease and speed the world will reflect back to you what you truly deeply believe you are your identity will create resonance with the world okay now what we're going to do is I want to feel free to take uh pictures of this okay so these are example lofty questions I want you're going to make a list of around seven or eight lofty questions I actually read 40 lofty questions to myself every single day if I forget them I
I have them on like my iPhone but I try try to memorize them but you don't have to memorize 40 you can memorize five or six or seven here are some example lofty questions for well-being okay take a picture and if you want these are example questions for creativity and inspiration again take a picture for abundance and power and keep your cameras up this is for love and connection so all of these are useful lofty questions that you can try okay now let's actually program this into you we're going to do this in 2 to
3 minutes okay so I want you to relax so you want to repeat the lofty question to yourself in a state of meditation when you're at the alpha or relax level of mind you are able to better program your subconscious now yes you can repeat this to yourself anytime but it's better when you're relaxed notice a hypnotist relaxes you so where are you relaxed maybe when you're sitting in front of a warm fire when you're Med meditating when you're in prayer to God when you are taking a shower all of these moments are Great Moments
to repeat lofty questions for now we're going to do it in a short meditative State close your eyes beautiful meditation music please I'm going to count from 10 to 1 on each descending number you are going to feel yourself relaxed and sink deeper and deeper into a level of meditation 10 9 8 deeper and deeper 7 6 deeper and deeper 5 4 3 2 one you're now in a deep relaxed State of Mind deeper than before I'm going to repeat seven lofty questions for yourself you don't have to do anything or visualize anything as you
hear my voice say these questions repeated in your voice for your mind why am I surrounded by Bliss and happiness no matter [Music] what why am I able to do so much in so little [Music] time why am I always surrounded by love and amazing people whom I'm deeply connected [Music] to why am I so brilliant so genius and so able to tap into source for instant [Music] inspiration why am I so good at making keeping and multiplying [Music] money why does the universe always have my back why do my dreams and goals come to
me with such ease and [Music] speed and you may now open your eyes Okay so those are just seven lofty questions that I love and I use you can choose to adopt those you can write your own you can literally program your body to heal and rejuvenate itself and reverse aging as you sleep you can program your body to lose weight you can program that only loving people enter your life whatever you believe about the world will literally influence the world around you and everything you experienced about the world in the past was in alignment
with your past beliefs can you see how simple this technique is it takes just a few minutes and you can embed this in your meditation if you do the phase six phas meditation it's in phase four so thank you guys I hope you enjoyed this session [Music]
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