Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Full S-Pen Tips, Tricks & Features (That No One Will Show You)

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In this video, we will do a full tutorial for the S-Pen for Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. This is a comp...
Video Transcript:
hey guys so here from saki te in today's video I'm going to be sharing every single Spen tip trick and feature including hidden features on your Samsung Galaxy s24 Ultra now the Spen is a powerful tool with multi-dimensional functionality and of course I'm going to show you guys everything this is going to be a long in-depth video all right so basically there's four dimensions to the Spen functionality the very first Dimension is the most basic one it is the fact that you can control the screen screen with the Spen or if you launch a notepad
you can start taking notes with some really nice clear detail and if you want you can also draw and sketch masterpieces if you have the skill and patience to do it that's one but we also have other dimensions so one dimension is when you press this button it brings up the air command this menu is full of amazing features to boost productivity so in part one we're going to be talking about that the next thing is if you go to your settings and if you scroll down to Advanced features and if you go to Spen
you are going to see we have a whole bunch of Spen settings this is the second dimension of Spen functionality all these Spen settings make the Spen work for you and of course I'm going to show you guys every single one of these features from top to bottom in detail and exactly what they do and the final dimension of the Spen is this option right here which we are going to look towards the end of the video these are known as the air actions they allow you to control your device your s24 Ultra with the
Asen from a distance because it is a bluetooth enabled Aspen so you can control your device and certain applications with the Aspen we'll look at all that stuff so first what I'm going to do is I'm going to start with the Air Command menu there's a lot of nuances to this menu let's dive in okay so once you bring up the air command menu the very first thing that you want want to do is you want to go to your settings right here so tap on settings and that's going to take you to the Spen
settings but we want to concentrate particularly on this Air Command area so tap on it and you have a couple options first and foremost you can pick a standard menu or you can pick a compact menu some people might prefer something like this you can see now it is nice and compact without taking the whole screen again I can tap on the settings go inside let me just stick with this one for now but the biggest thing here is going to be the shortcuts area so when you tap on these shortcuts area you are able
to add a bunch of shortcuts to your Air Command menu now this area on the side is the same stuff that appears when you press the button right here you bring the sbang close to the screen don't touch the screen press the button it brings up the air command menu these options can be modified so let me show you what I'm talking about if I go into Air Command and go to shortcuts I can remove all of them by tapping this bar here so tap tap tap tap tap tap now you can see my air
command is empty now before you start adding stuff to the air command from this side remember these are nine S Pen specific features and these are just apps installed on your phone so you can actually have applications and Spen features in the Air Command menu as an example I can have the calculator app the calendar application and I can have the note application or the smart select now when I go outside and if I tap the button you can see I have four of those items you can mix and match but because we are talking
about the S Pen I am going to remove all the apps you can do that later but what I'm going to do is I'm going to add all the Spen features and we're going to go over some of these guys the ones that are important I'm not going to do Bixby Vision I'm going to do magnify I'm going to do write on calendar these two are not that important they're just a bunch of apps but these are very useful let's talk about those one by one so now when I tap on the button right here
first thing is create a note when you click that you get the note application popup you can move this around by using the blue bar or tap the bar and just expand it and then you can start taking your notes you know choose a pen whatever you want to do let me just show you one example here let's pick a different pen make it a little thicker so that's a pen okay and then you can save these and once you save these notes they go into your Samsung Notes application which is going to show up
right here okay that's the one I just did earlier so that's just a create note option that's the first option if you tap on view all notes that will also take you into the Samsung Notes application where you can view all the notes you have taken so that's great and then if I tap this button again this one is one of my favorites so smart select when you tap on it allows you to select anywhere on the area and save that as a screenshot in addition to additional options like pinning that copying it extracting the
text from a selected image if I tap on this it will extract all the text from here and I can add it to a note or copy it or I can save it as a screenshot if I want to share the screenshot I tap on the share button and I can share that with with anybody okay if I want to resize it I can use this one or I can basically just save this and that's going to get saved into my gallery so under Gallery I can access the area I just carved out with the
Aspen okay you can use this anywhere if I'm in the play store or any application and if I want to take a quick screenshot of a certain area and I can even change the shape so I can make it Circle and I can save this area I can tap on Save and we're good to go again that goes into the gallery so that's a smart select option it's very useful to share certain areas on your screen with other people the next one is even better so if I tap on the button I can tap on
screen right that takes a screenshot of the screen and then I can quickly take notes okay so if I'm sharing something with somebody I can you know Circle certain areas highlight them point at them use my pen to pick up different pens as you can see let's do red okay so I can put a Focus right here here and then I can share this by tapping the share button with other people or again after I do the sketching I can save it to the gallery so for example if I was in the map application and
I just zoomed in at something let's say I want to highlight something here to send to a friend I can tap this tap on screen right and then I can say we are going to be in this building right here and then I can share this with somebody so they know exactly where I am just an example you can also go to more detail if you keep zooming in on the map you can pinpoint exactly or sketch exactly where you want and then share that the next feature is the translation feature so if I bring
up the Spen let me just X this out let's say you're on a website and maybe it is not English or maybe you want to translate something tap the button tap on translate okay pick a source language I'm going to say English in my case and then pick a target language let's just say French okay now you have this bar on the top that you can use if you want to change all these settings okay but now if I bring the sbang close to a word it's going to translate that word into French additionally if
I tap on this button here I can actually select the entire paragraph as you can see so this paragraph has been translated to French okay again tap this button right here here to go from just one word to a full paragraph So if I bring it right here boom okay and one more thing with this one again you don't have to touch the screen just bring it close to the word and look at this by default it selects three lines 1 2 3 so if you want to expand that you can use these cursors to
bring it here so now you can translate the entire area that you want to translate again here's the English here's the French so that's the translation feature you can use in any application you can also minimize it keep it on the side or you can just X out when you're done the next feature is if you tap on this guy okay you can magnify so again you get a window and first you can pick the magnification level so let's just say 250% now when I hover the Spang close to anything on the screen it's going
to magnify that area in case I want to inspect something a little bit closer again you can change the magnification to up to 300 so look at this bigger or you can do 150 which is a little bit smaller so that's the magnifier under Spen settings when you're done X and it closes that option the next thing that's amazing is if you tap this you can tap on write on calendar that's going to launch the calendar application and then what you can do is you can zoom in anywhere on the screen and you can start
writing uh on the screen so for example if you have something going on on the fourth you can actually scribble it down instead of typing it with the keyboard and the great thing is let me just bring this again here let's change the color make it thicker let's go like this okay so the good thing is when I save this it gets saved in my calendar application so those scribbles don't go anywhere they remain on the calendar and if you do launch the calendar application just like this you you can always tap this button right
here to activate the scribble on the calendar feature okay just so you know but I like to activate it right from here tap and then you can start writing the best part is though you can zoom in up to 400% to put some nice detail okay birthday maybe dinner whatever fantastic feature and those are the seven amazing features in Air Command under shortcut now that you know what all those features do you can select the ones you want just add them here plus you can add other items like applications to give you an example you
can add up to 10 shortcuts so with the Air Command menu you can have a maximum of 10 shortcuts let's go inside back in Air Command and you can also enable show Air Command icon so if I tap on this one there is going to be an icon on the screen I can just move around oops just grab and move okay the thing with this icon is you don't have to press on the button anymore you can just tap the icon and that is going to bring the air command okay I don't like it to
be honest but you have the option you can put it anywhere you want on the screen or if you don't want it drag it down remove it but that's the icon I'm going to turn that off for now and go down and then Open Air Command with the pen button so again you can do this obviously or if you don't want it you can disable it okay so you don't have to have the air command you can just disable it if you don't want it fantastic that is the Air Command that was the first major
category let's now talk about all these other options and again we will come back to air actions towards the end of the video so scroll down let's continue at all these other options all right so let's talk about the air view now this is has to be enabled so by default it is enabled so basically the first thing is you can see it says previews and pointer now if I were to do pointer only you can see as I bring the Asen close to the screen there's a little pointer that floats on the screen follows
the tip of the Aspen okay by the way you don't have to touch the screen it just appears as you get closer okay and then the other option is you can only do previews if that's what you want but let's just keep them both enabled let me go to my gallery basically what the previews are if you are in any application and you have these segments like this you can hover over these and get air previews of the full photo so let me hover over this and look at this I even have the delete button
right here and as I hover over the delete button it tells me what that is that is an air preview okay so let me show you one more thing air preview on this one tap on delete it actually allows me to take actions from my air preview I can also do it on videos it's going to actually play the video and I can share the video or delete the video and I'm not even touching the screen but I can touch it to delete something as you saw airror previews also work in other areas so one
more example if I bring up the compact air command and if I scroll over these items I can get previews okay and that's one of the reasons I like the compact one because even if I hover over it I can still know exactly what that is so these are air previews you can activate or deactivate some people don't like it and then we have the Spen to text option this is a great little option anywhere you have a text area you can start writing on it as an example if I go to my finder all
I do is tap and you're going to see a little scribble icon and you can start writing in there o when you do it the very first time it is going to give you a quick tutorial let's go back here and let me just start writing so let's say I was searching for an application I can start writing G and that converts that into text I even get the smiley option and the keyboard option and the space option and the delete option the reason I get these guys is because I can also do this in
a text message so here's a text message and here's a writing area you can see the icon show up as I bring it closer if I tap right here I can now start writing in the text message so I can say hi how are you and you can see I write very dirty but it still conver convers it very perfectly okay you can keep doing that right here every time you tap here you can start writing as you can see okay whatever of course that doesn't make any sense there but just as an example and
you can again delete add Smileys or just bring up the keyboard if you just want to use a keyboard if you don't want the keyboard tap it again it's going to disappear fantastic option you can use this anywhere even if I'm right here I can bring it up here and I can start writing www as you can see dot whatever you want WR anywhere where there's a text fi all right next up let's look at the screenoff memo so enable this and let's say you're on the go and the phone is turned off but you
want to take a quick note without having to log into your phone all you do is press the button double tap and that is going to activate the screen off memo and you can take some quick notes okay whatever you want to do you can do it right here you can change a thicker pen or or a thinner pen and you can pick four Colors Let's go with this one as you can see you got the Eraser to delete and you can add new pages oops go back to the pen as you can see and
then tap on Save and that's going to save that note into your Samsung Notes application which is going to be right here the one I just did okay fantastic option the next one is under the settings quick notes now this one you can use without the screen being turned off so again if I press and hold double tap so if I press and hold double tap it's going to bring up the note now the good thing with this one is I can write then I can tap here I can minimize I can have it on
the corner right here I can look at other stuff and let's say an idea kicks in I bring this back up add additional note tap it again minimize it what ever okay when you're done you X out of it and then that's going to get saved again into your Samsung Notes application which is right here fantastic let's move on to the next tactic then we have more Spen settings okay so we have the Spen unlock feature we have allow multiple sens so if you purchase additional sens you can do multiple sens maybe keep one in
here and maybe you have one in your pouch just to carry with you you it's going to be up to you but you can use multiple sens now this one here keep Spen connected is very important make sure it is enabled because it has to do with the air actions we're going to be talking about in a second so go back here more Asen settings this one here is fantastic so make sure this is enabled I think it is enabled by default so if you leave the S Pen on the table and you grab the
phone and you walk away without the S Pen you are going to get alerted that you are leaving the S Pen behind go back and get it cuz this thing can be very expensive I think it's like 30 40 bucks so you don't want to lose it also it gives you a little hint telling you when it was last removed and what time it was removed just in case you did walk away at least you can pinpoint where you removed it at what date and what time maybe it was a coffee shop you can try
track it down like that that's that and then you can enable sounds and vibration so when you're write on the screen or when you pull the Aspen out from the hole in here do you want feedback that's the sounds and vibrations when you write on the display you're going to get these nice writing sounds you can disable those they might even save you some battery but not a huge deal I just enable them cuz I like feedback and this option right here when you enable this option okay you have to put your PIN number for
for the first time and basically what it allows you to do is it allows you to unlock your phone by clicking the Spen button so if I unlock it now I mean if I lock my phone I can press the button here and it's going to unlock it when you unlock it for the first time it's going to ask for your fingerprints now it's registered now let me go out again watch this click and it goes right in it's unlocked I'm inside so you'd have to set this up to use it it's a nice feature
if you understand how it works all right so that is the end of the part two that's all done now we can talk about air actions amazing feature make sure it is enabled and make sure the Spen is connected to the phone you can see I have the connection symbol right here that 100% means the Spen is fully charged it's a Bluetooth device and it's 100% charged it charges as you put it inside here automatically you don't have to do anything about it every time you put this back it fully charges so with air actions
basically what it allows you to do is control your device with the Spen so give you a quick example scroll down and here's the press and hold the pen button option if I tap this I can do any one of these things so if I tap on home look at this if I press and hold it's going to go home I can set the S Pen to do that or if I tap this again I can say create a note now when I press and hold it it launches the note and I can start writing
okay or if I go back here I can say press and hold to launch the camera now what it's going to do is it's going to launch the camera as you can see there we go fantastic okay but that's not everything the biggest thing is if you scroll down you can also control specific apps using the Spen so for example the camera if I tap it tells me exactly what it does so look at this I'm going to press and hold launch the camera then I can press it again and it's going to take a
photo as you just saw you didn't see it because it's all black but let's go back here so I can make you actually see it let's go to the photo mode I'm going to press the button look at this it's taking a photo it's taking a nighttime photo again because it's blocked if I go to video I can press the button and it's going to start recording a video as you can see fantastic if I press it again it stops recording so that's the air actions to control the camera I can do the same with
the gallery internet voice recorder whatever so if I choose this I can tap once to record so let's go to my voice recorder and let me tap the button as I tap it it starts to record a voice memo and I can also stop it by tapping it fantastic guys if you're out there you can use this to record people uh their voices if you're having an interview or whatever or if I go to my gallery again let's just go to the gallery application right here here's a photo I can press the button it'll go
to the next photo press the button next photo double tap goes back double tap goes back fantastic and then of course I can also use this to control music players so look at this if I have a music player I can single press to play pause double press to go to the next track let's try that as well so I'm in YouTube music I'm going just going to tap on this one as an example let's just tap on play look at this tap it's going to pause it tap it again it's going to play it
this is all happening remote control with remote control Bluetooth then I can do it across the room I don't have to be this close so again pause double tap and it's going to go to the next track okay so all that stuff you can come and see from Air actions menu right here uh you can tap on these apps to see what it does for each specific app and scroll the all the way to the bottom to modify the camera and the media options from here fantastic guys now that brings us to the end of
this video we talked about the three different dimensions Air Command all Spen settings air actions any questions comments or concerns drop them down below let me know for now guys have a fantastic day
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